Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (The Movie)

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(Note: Subtitles provided by a community member in French, and translated to english) (Note : Subtitles in parentheses mean a translation of a language other than English.) CAP BONAVISTA - JUNE 1715 Hold on tight ! CAP BONAVISTA - JUNE 1715 He's on us! Anyone see it? To your parts! Ready! Fire! Fire! Fire! - The powder ! - She's going to jump! Put out that fire! Get in there, you dirty dog! Is it dangerous? - Edward. - Mmh? Is being a privateer dangerous? That's why they pay so well. Why not sail with the Royal Navy…? You will get a good balance, - surrounded by men of honor ...! - To hell with the Royal Navy. For every shilling I earn, the commander takes six hundred. - That's not how I'll make a fortune. - We don't need a fortune. It's not a question of need, Caroline. I just want to be able to eat my fill. I want a solid roof over my head ... I want a decent life. How long will you be gone with these privateers? A year, I would say. Two, at most. Okay. No more than two years. Promise me. Ha ha ha ha ha ...! Did you like it too? Havana ... I have to go to Havana. Well, I just have to build another ship for us. I can pay you. Gold, isn't that what all pirates want? A thousand escudos. - I'm listening to you. - Are you going to help me, yes or no? And you got all that gold on you, of course? Miserable pirate dogs. Ha ha ha ha ha! I'll get you, you dirty eel! Come on, my friend! We started off on bad bases! Havana is over a hundred leagues away! Do you plan to go there on foot? We could help each other for that! Keep your distance ! This mistake will be your last…! “(Monsieur) Duncan Walpole, I accept your generous offer and look forward to your coming. If you have the information we want, we will reward you amply. Your face is certainly unknown to me, but I think I can recognize the outfit who made your brotherhood so infamous. Therefore, rush to Havana. I assure you that you will be received there like a brother. Your very humble servant, Governor Laureano Torres y Ayala. ” Mr. Walpole, will touch your reward. This schooner will do just fine. The commodore has left for Kingston. We have orders to requisition the ship of this big imbalance to follow it. P ... Sorry ... Kingston? No no, we are going to Havana. I am just a simple merchant. Silence, sale pirate ! You will be hanged for what you did here! Sir, I did not take part in this attack. My crew and I anchored here for water and food supplies. Hold! Stop them! Give me one reason not to slit your head. Take my sugar! I… I will pay you! Anything you want! Heaven be praised, sir. You saved me. All my thanks. This is yours ? It's my ship, yes. But ... here is his poor captain. - And I don't know anything about navigation. - I'll fly it myself, don't worry. You do not intend to run away on board, say…? I am Duncan. - What's your name, my friend? - Stede. Stede Bonnet. Well, Monsieur Bonnet, may this stay between us ... but I am on a secret mission for His Majesty, God watches over him, and I must reach Havana as soon as possible. Ah, you see me relieved, sir. Havana is also my destination, - our destinies bring us together…! - It's luck, my friend. Oh, you reassure me, sir. When I saw you, I thought I was dealing with a pirate. - Ah yes ? - Yes ! You have a ... rather unusual gait. Quick and easy, if I may. You scared me…! More... all things considered, I think this day turned out pretty well, didn't it? - You are a born sailor, Duncan. - I have already had the opportunity to prove myself at the bar. For two years, among the privateers. God of Holy Heaven! Your life exudes adventure, my friend! So many adventures! That's wonderful…! It is true that I have seen my share of strange things. Excellent work ! We are on the right path. Ok, very slowly ... Welcome back ! Wow, you did a good job! I'll check your brain for damage, okay ...? I need you to move your head and look at those lights, right here. Look up. Its good. Below. Well, everything is ok! You can get up. So, welcome to the Sample 17 project. Before you start, you're gonna need this. Here. Testing, testing… 1, 2, 3 ... Hi, hello! Its good ? It works ? Come on, let's take a tour. Your file says you've researched genetic memories before, but not a lot, which is surprising. In any case, you are gifted! Your data flows are very stable. Awesome, eh? This building has been around for about six months, but the Abstergo Entertainment studio was created long before that, in 2010. Maybe you saw Liberation? It was the first title to employ Animus technology. It was just the tip of the iceberg. Soon we will be launching Animus servers for the whole world. The player will have a passive experience, of course. Traced versions of history, but only the most exciting parts. And we think we've found the perfect subject for our first virtual feature film: the pirates of the West Indies! You're going to work on this. It's just gonna take a minute, okay? Thank you, Nancy. Have a good day. - It's good, everything is ready! - Magnificent, thanks. Ah, here's the boss. Olivier Garneau, our creative director. I will introduce you. - Hello ! - Hi Mélanie. - Things are going well ? - Good thanks ! Do you know our new recruit? - She started today. - Well no. Hello ! Which project ? Sample 17. The Kenway line. Haytham ? Connor...? - Edward, the pirate. - Aah! Aaaargh…! Hardi, matelot! Ha ha ha ha…! That's great. Welcome aboard. Mélanie, can we talk to your office for a minute? Just give me time to set it up and I'll meet you in ... five minutes? Its good ! Nice to meet you. So. This is the floor of Sample 17. We explore the genetic memories of a very generous donor: Desmond Miles. We extract all the wonders of his DNA. And we hope that one day we can use our findings to shape fantastic experiences. This pair of legs is John, our little computer genius. - He makes the final adjustments for you. - I don't adjust, I calibrate. Sorry, he's calibrating. So, here we are! Your own workstation, your Animus. It's all up to you, so make yourself comfortable and find us some great streaks. If you need advice or info, the Animus is full of very specific tutorials. So you will have no worries. I'll come back to see you later. Happy piracy! Ah! The Havana Frenzy! I admit having already savored it, and I will not forget it! HAVANA, CUBA - JULY 1715 - Do you see someone you know? - No no no. I just want to be friendly. I don't want to be - again taken for a pirate. - You are right. A thug like you must know how to be careful. When you think that Spain and England were at war two more years ago ... And today, I trade with Spaniards as with old friends. - Is that not okay, Duncan? - No it's nothing. Nothing important. Do you know a place to rest? I'd take a nap. Or a siesta, I should say. I have to ... I have to go to a ... a tavern, to meet some merchants. - I can take you there. - Okay, let's go. Take your time, I'll stay there. It's weird to see a Welshman in the middle of Metic country. I am English. I'm chomping at the bit - while waiting for the next war. - Good old George is very lucky that a skin like you defends it. Hey! Hey, you ! I've seen your face before. You're in cahoots with those pirates of Nassau. Shut up or I'll fill it with lead. You understood ? Ha ha ha…! Edward, is that it? - Dirty junk…! - Hey, I warned him. (Make way!) (The soldiers are coming!) (Run away !) - You ... You're not going to leave? - We'll meet Again ! (English dog!) Sorry to be gone so quickly. I was taken for someone else. They had a heavy hand. Ah, what a bad luck ... I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I was just trying to keep the Spaniards from seeing me. Oh, that's three times nothing. Unfortunately, these soldiers confiscated my sugar, as well as your papers. Damn it ! And where did they go? I have no idea, much to my regret. I think these gentlemen know it, but my Spanish is (very bad), so I… Better that I abstain. Shit ! Come on, we'll follow them. I need to get my cards back. What about my sugar? And what would I do with your sugar? We'll see what happens. Do you mind if I follow you, Duncan? Not until you shut up and no one sees you. Bonnet ! I think I'm starting to take the fold. Silence ! I'm afraid they've spotted us! Stay behind…! Oh, maybe we should go our separate ways to cheat on them ...! Best idea you've ever had ... How long is this hanging going to take? I don't intend to wait all day. It will be over soon, sir. And as soon as Captain Mendoza hangs him, he will pay you your money. I hope he doesn't plan to pay me in real money. I want goods. Tobacco, rum, sugar ... (Yes, yes!) We grabbed a nice amount of sugar last night from a fat Englishman. An English ? (Yes), good quality Barbadian sugar. We store it in the castillo. Its owner caused a brawl last night. He fled, giving up his sugar. It will do. Will I have to accompany him to the castillo? No sir. I think Captain Mendoza will have it delivered to you. You will see. Lord...! And that big bully is Captain Mendoza? No sir. This is El Tiburón, Governor Torres' henchman. You know what to do. Sorry for your sugar. I did what I could. Oh, it's without consequences. Uh, I have ... enough cargo to make the most of this trip. Are you going to stay here for a long time? A few weeks, probably. Then I return to Barbados, to the boredom of domestic life. Don't resign yourself to boredom. Go to Nassau. Live according to your desires! I've heard that Nassau is a real pirate's nest. - A most sordid place. - Not sordid. Released. Oh my God. What an adventure that would be. But no, no ... I am a husband and a father, I have responsibilities. Life is more than fun, Duncan. Hey, uh, Bonnet. My name is Edward, actually. Duncan is not my real name. Ah... A secret name for your little visit to the governor. The governor, yes. I think I made him wait long enough. Hello sir ! I assume, I believe, that you are Duncan Walpole? - Indeed, yes. - That's what I thought. Woodes Rogers. - Nice to meet you. - Likewise. I'm afraid my wife will make a very poor physiognomist. Excuse me ? My wife. You met her a few years ago at Baron Percy's masked ball. Ah! Absolutely... She found you "devilishly attractive". A simple lie to stir up my jealousy. Ha ha ha ha ha…! Julien! Our guest of honor has arrived, Mr. Duncan Walpole. Ah... Julien du Casse. I hope that your conversion to our Order is most sincere. I don't really like Assassins, but I still prefer them to liars. I have no intention of disappointing you. A little exercise, Duncan? Our host is not ready to receive us. I should introduce you to one of my friends, Julien. James Puckle, he's up to something amazing. Magnificent ! Duncan, where are your wrist blades ...? I have never seen an Assassin so ill-equipped. Ah ... Destroyed, I'm afraid. I couldn't fix them. Haha. Make your choice. Where did you find them? I did not find them. I took them. These are memories. Grand Master Torres ...! Mr. Duncan Walpole has arrived. (Yes...) I've been waiting for you for a week. My apologies, Governor. My ship was stormed by pirates and then sent to the bottom. I only arrived yesterday. It is unfortunate. Forgive my distrust, but were you able to protect from these pirates the items you promised me? Ah, yes sir. Here is. (Unbelievable...) Assassins have more resources than I imagined, but ... not enough to deter us. It's good to finally meet you, Duncan. You are more than welcome. Come on, Gentlemen. We have much to discuss. Finally reunited. Between gentlemen of the old continent ... England, France, Spain ... All nationals of so sadly corrupt empires. But you are Templars now. The real secret lawmakers of this world. Please reach out. Never forget our goal: guide lost souls to peace and serenity. Guide the lost desires towards reason and tranquility. Guide the lost minds towards wisdom and lucidity. By the Light of the Father of Wisdom, let our work begin. Several decades ago, the Council commissioned me to discover in the heart of these islands a forgotten place that our Precursors called the Observatory. Look... Contemplate these images and engrave them in your memory. They tell a story as old as it is crucial. I have been researching this Observatory for over twenty years now ... because this place shelters a tool of immeasurable power. It is a kind of armillary sphere. A device that would allow us to locate and monitor EVERY man and woman on Earth, wherever they are. Imagine what it means to have such a power. Thanks to this device, no one will have any more secrets. No more lies, no more deceptions. More than justice. In its purest form. This is the promise of this Observatory. And our duty is to seize it. Are we able to locate it? We will be soon. Because we have the man who is capable of it. A man named Roberts, once called a Sage. It has been forty-five years since no one has seen a true Sage. Are you sure this man is genuine? Everything leads us to believe it. The Assassins will come for him. Without a doubt. But ... thanks to Duncan and the information he gave us, the Assassins will soon cease to be a problem for us. Everything will be cleared up tomorrow, gentlemen, when you meet the Sage. In the meantime, let's drink. We will find the Observatory, together. Before his power, kings will fall, the clergy will falter and the whole world will rush to join our cause. Hello, Duncan. Come this way. Edward ! Hello, Edward! I found a buyer for the rest of my sugar! An excellent deal, I am delighted! He called you Edward. Oh, the merchant brought me here. As a precaution, I gave it a false name. Ah. Very good ! We'll see you again, Bonnet! Later...! You're on time, Duncan. This way. Here it is. A man the Templars and Assassins sought for over ten years. I understand your name is Roberts. It's just ? You recognize this, I think. According to old legends, the blood of a Sage is required to enter the Observatory. We have the key. It remains to be seen where he is. Perhaps Mr. Roberts will provide us with this clarification. Take him to my residence. Stop it! You are agile, I recognize it! - Well done, bootlicker. - Shut up. We're going to take him to prison, Grandmaster. Double the guard. Well...! The least we can say is that the day will have been hectic! (Yes.) Caught in the trap of our enemies, we were not cautious. I would have liked to stay for the rest of the operations, but I must take advantage of these winds and make my way to England. I understand, Captain. May the sea be indulgent to you. With luck, I'll be back in governor's dress. With the blessing of my idiot king, moreover ...! (Goodbye !) As for you, Mr. Walpole, here is the first installment of a long-term investment. (Thank you.) Thank you. I would like you to be present for the interrogation tomorrow. Come around noon. Well sir. All this for a pittance! A thousand reales for those damn cards! What does it do...? One hundred pounds, not one more! Who can hope to get rich in a world in the pay of a miserable miser like Torres ...? Have you ever ... Have you ever worked on a plantation? Do you know what I'm thinking? I would like to see this Observatory which the governor constantly talks about. He said it was some kind of machine that could follow people and know where they are. Ah ha ... A grotesque idea. Imagine my life if my wife had such an advantage. And you, imagine the value of such a thing. If I find the right buyer, I'll be the richest pirate ... Privateers from the Caribbean. I'll see you later, Bonnet. There is a Sage I have to talk to, in private. (That's enough !) What's your real name, rascal? It's, uh ... Captain Go to hell. Nothing but a poor peasant. Where is the Sage? Are you the one who freed him? I have nothing to do with it ... but that wouldn't have displeased me. Take him to the port. Send him to Seville with the Treasury fleet. Wait! I gave you - all your treasures, right? - Yes indeed. But you stole Duncan Walpole from us. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ...! What a dismal spectacle ...! This drunkard is a finished man, Caroline! Unable to live on land and even less at sea! If he goes to the Caribbean, you will suffer ...! Dad... Dad ! Come on, honey. Stand up. That wretched old man ... He's wrong about me! - I hope so. - Do you believe me, at least? Can't you imagine me… on the deck of a huge ship that proudly enters the port? And I will be a respected man ... Thousands of duplicates will fall from my pockets ... like raindrops, I'm sure. (Your supper. Eat, and quickly.) You are hungry ? Where he wanted a brick. - Come on, get what you need. - It won't be long. There is no shortage of prisoners on these ships. Free them and believe me, they will come with us. So, is this our plan? Free everyone you see and steal a fast ship? Aye. There is a brig in this fleet, I will find it. - My generosity pays off: you will sail with me. - I will follow you to Hell, my friend! All aboard, guys! Save your songs for Neptune, wine bags! The storm is coming on us! You can believe it! You there, weigh anchor! The others, half at the foremast, and the other on the mainmast! We're going to put this hurricane behind us! He sank, Captain! Get down! A waterspout! Be careful, Captain! Ho ho ho! By the Devil! We did it ! What a mess, my God! By God, we escaped from the jawbone of Neptune. I am Edward. - Thank you for your help, my friend. - Adéwalé. Have you ever been to Nassau, Adéwalé? Not yet. Look at this, he really suffered martyrdom? I think I'll keep it. All in the back, guys! We bring it home! I made my choice, Adé. I'll call him the Jackdaw. A cunning bird that I have loved since I was a child in Swansea. A dark little creature, right? Didn't it bother you that I said that this brig was mine? It's the kind of awkwardness I've learned to tolerate, being around people with such… clear character. That is true. None of these men would want you as a captain. So what place could compensate for such ... lack of clarity? I will be quartermaster, nothing less. Very good. And as a quartermaster, do you have any advice for your young captain? Better to weigh anchor. The crew is eager to return to civilization. You won't find civilization in Nassau, but it's the perfect place to have a good time. NASSAU, BAHAMAS - SEPTEMBER 1715 Go ahead, you dirt dog! Tell me you're stopping me…! TELL ME ! You know them ? Get out of the way, boyo! Go back to your master! Aye. We were privateers together, until the end of the war. I find you on the ground. Good God ! What a joy to see this little face again! Approach and drink with us…! Hi guys…! Salut, Kenway. Who is he…? Adéwalé. The quartermaster of the Jackdaw. "Jackdaw"...? Did you name your beautiful brig after a pile of shabby feathers ...? Adé, these gentlemen are the pillars of our new confederation. Ed Thatch, Ben Hornigold, James Kidd. - And you let him carry a gun? - Calm down, Ben. Adé saved my life. And he will help me recruit men - for my crew. - Well, the arms, that's not what's missing here. But be careful. A contingent of the king's sailors landed two weeks ago, and since then they strut as if the city belonged to them. Okay. I'll see who I can find. Send the men you find to the Jackdaw. I'll put them to work. Thank you, Adé! Captain Kenway, come quickly! The soldiers have captured a man and are about to hang him! This pirate shed the blood of many enemies ... So I imagine that you will run to - waters rich in spoils? - Have you ever heard of the Observatory? Aye. It's an old legend, like El Dorado or the Fountain of Youth. What did you hear ? That it would be a temple or a tomb, and a treasure would be hidden there. That's it, look. Ohoh, bon sang ... You prefer fairy tales to gold now, - that's it ? - It's worth more than gold, Thatch. Ten thousand times more than what can be found on a Spanish ship. Stealing from the king to give to the poor, that's how we earn our pittance here. It is not a fortune. It is a pipe dream. Hello, Kenway. It's a pretty little boat that you have there. I feel you are a little envious, Hornigold. Is it jealousy? Because it is bigger than yours? No, it's because of that Jamaican tobacco. I still prefer Spanish. So like that, you found yourself a nice little brig. Good. But I'll have to teach you how to use it and storm like a real pirate. Thatch, - we'll meet you in the old fishing village. - Aye! Fire! Fire! (Hello to you, sir!) I am Captain Hornigold, and this is my crew. Like you, we are sailors, but our designs are very different from yours. Because we mean to strip you of everything you have. But no harm will be done to all those who know how to be docile. Is that clear ? (Don't kill me, sir! I have a family, please!) Do any of you speak English? (English?) A little…! Tell your friends we want the cargo. And that no one will be hurt as long as they stay motionless like sandbanks. You understood ? - Please repeat? - Oh, goddamn ... Lock them in the hold and take whatever you can lift. It has been a good day. Let's continue like this and Nassau will be the first city where men and women can live. as God willed, free and carefree. Here is the recipe. A few drops of blood, sweat, and a piece of cloth. We do not display our colors here, we are delighted by their absence. This black flag only signals your allegiance to one thing: man's natural freedoms. This one is yours. Be proud of it. - I will be. - Give me back the document I lent you. If this republic is to survive, we will need - as many cannons as gold. - That means we're going to attack the navy. Only the one in the colors of Philippe, no question of offending our monarch. Are you ready for this, Kenway? This one will not let it go without a fight. Do you guys think you take this brig? Make yourself heard! AYE ! This is what I like to hear. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! You impress me, Kenway! - You have a real gift for this kind of work! - When you like it, it's not work…! Ha ha ..! That's it. But I won't always do that, guys. Just enough to earn enough to buy me land and a little influence at home. Lord, you are rambling, my young friend! You still dream of that petticoat washed up in England when you could have all the women in the world right here! Ah, you are aiming too high for me, gentlemen. And to think that I thought I was in the company of scoundrels…! To our pirate republic, guys! We are prosperous, and free, and out of reach of kings, clergy, and debt collectors…! No less than five hundred men have already sworn their allegiance to the brethren on the Nassau coast. - We have nothing to complain about. - That is true. Except that our defenses are too fragile. If the king wanted to attack the city, he would defeat us. That's why we have to find the Observatory. If these Templars were right, - we will be unbeatable. - You'll buckle up, Kenway. It's just a tale of good women. I'm talking about real defenses. Take a galleon, place all its cannons on the same side ... It would make a nice welcoming committee in our little port. It won't be easy to steal a galleon from the Spaniards. - Do you have one in mind? - Yes my friend. Wait till you see it. A galleon is like a turtle. Big… and slow. He's heading for this island. I know the place. A natural stronghold where a French captain called Du Casse is hiding. Julien du Casse? The Templar? That's the name, I didn't know it had a title. I know this man. If he sees my ship, he will remember seeing it in Havana, and he will wonder who is in charge. - I can't risk it. - And I don't want to lose this galleon. Wait a bit. We could wait until nightfall and climb aboard. Gentlemen! The custom of our brotherhood tells us not to rush headlong on the order of a single enlightened one, but rather to trust our… collective madness. The object of our desires is a beautiful square-rigged galleon, it will be a great asset to defend Nassau. So, I suggest that we vote ... Anyone who wants to rush into this cove to take this ship ... - stamp their feet and shout "Aye"! - Aye! Let those who oppose it… let us know! Never has the King's Council been so unanimous. Hurry up, muchachos…! Faster ! Do you remember the gift you gave me? - It works wonderfully. - Son of a bitch! As sharp as a musket ball, but surely barely smarter. I'm sorry for that, my friend ... But I won't risk telling your Templar friends that I'm still alive and well. I pity you, buccaneer ... After everything you have seen, after what we have shown you of our Order, you ... you still prefer the life of a aimless, soulless thief. What is that...? Is your ambition limited to vulgar grappling? Are you unable to understand the magnitude of our task? All the empires of this Earth, abolished! An open world, free from parasites like you! May the hell you find be the fruit of your carelessness. The cove is ours! Hey ! I saw you logging out, so I stopped by to give you something. A small welcome gift. We offer prizes to reward our best employees. And that's good, because in terms of bonuses, there's nothing planned here. I think I must have received eleven. Oh…! Hello ? Of course I will pass it on. Well, looks like Olivier would like to meet you. It's awesome ! Hello? Hi ? Testing, testing… Does this thing work? This is John from IT. We have already met. I was the one who calibrated your Animus. I'm kind of the… Scotty of Abstergo Enterprise. I take care of all the technical side. Do you have a minute or ...? Ah ... and shit. The tracker says you're going to Olivier's office. Arh…! Well. I'll call you when you're done, I have a favor for you. Well ... well, unless you really insist that I give up, I'm not going to endanger our flagship project. Edward Kenway is the ... But that's… that's what Hollywood made its big debut with, right? With pirate movies! Douglas Fairbanks, Errol Flynn… And now we have access to the authentic stuff! Yes Yes. Absolutely. We will talk about all this again at the shareholders' meeting. Okay. I, too, can't wait to see you. See you soon, Laeticia. Hi Hi ! Thanks for coming, I know you're busy. I took a look at your data, I admit it's heavy. Normally, with that, we should be able to reach the family audience. Maybe Edward should have a James Bond voice, or something. That of a ladies' man. A beautiful city, isn't it? Well, the main reason I made you come is this Observatory thing. It has been mentioned several times in your pictures. I would like you to try to locate this group of memories. Quickly, if possible. As far as I'm concerned, it's not important. I couldn't care less, even ... But it has been several days that the great people of Abstergo have been asking me for them over and over again. So follow whatever leads you find, and with luck ... Oh, I have a call. I have to take it. You keep me posted, have a nice day. Hi, it's John again. Do you have a second? Cool. I add a small mark on your plan. So this is it. This morning, one of your colleges went on vacation forgetting to send me the video file she promised me. Since I hate pretty much everyone on your floor, I was hoping you could help me. Can you get the file from her computer and give it to the courier when she comes by? It's very easy. You go to his Animus, you connect and you transfer the file. Quiet. And please don't hang around. Otherwise I'll find a reason to hate you. A locked door? It's not a problem. This is one of the benefits of my level 1 clearance. Now you have it, too. Do not abuse it. Connect, I'll guide you. “December 23, 2012. Fisher Case Sample Collection Unit Team Leader Report Regarding Subject 17, Desmond Miles. Subject was deceased and left unattended. The time of death was estimated to be zero hours seven minutes, with conditions favorable for recovery of DNA samples. The interference identified in the crypt caused some concern, but thanks to the talent of the team, we were able to recover actionable data. I retrieved Subject's backpack and extracted a number of them objects of interest for detailed analysis. Subject presented with burns on his right hand, which were quite intense. to cause bone fusion, indicating a form of spontaneous combustion. Honestly, we've never seen anything like it before. The head, neck and torso were in good condition. I have personally selected the agents responsible for recovering body fluids: blood and saliva. We then proceeded with the physical extraction and the collection of several samples. Analysis and sequencing of the data is already underway and is going remarkably well. Thanks to the Cloud database and samples collected by Abstergo, the inheritance of Subject 17 can continue to be exploited under the name Sample 17. ” You are doing much better than I thought you would. Now go back down quickly to the reception. By the way ... The file you got ... I don't advise you to watch it. You can, of course ... but it's not very pleasant. So once you pass it on, pretend nothing happened. Okay ? Otherwise, you'll go to bed with zero morale. Okay, the steed should be waiting for you downstairs. She's been there for a while. Hey, just because you just learned how to hack your coworkers' computers doesn't mean you have the right to do so. Well ... Not every day, okay? No, seriously, it's illegal, so don't play dumb. Hey, look who's here. You haven't forgotten us, after all. You're just very rude, poor Rebecca has been hanging out for half an hour. Hey, the British, shut up. Pay no attention. He strained the coffee too much. So how do we do it? Data transfer ? Great ! It should do it. We'll send you the receipt. See you next time. See you, Shaun. Yeah, hi. Oh, and look elsewhere for free coffee! Arrogant. This girl is awesome, isn't she? Hey. - Where are you going ? At the market ? - No I... My parents asked me to come back and live with them… and I accepted. What do you mean by "live with them"? You live here with me. I'm sorry, Edward, but my dad is right. You had good wages when you worked on the farm. Why can't you just settle for that? - Of me ? - Good wages? This work was both theft and slavery! - You want to be married to a peasant all your life? - Okay, Edward. Okay… If you leave now, Caroline, you will never profit from my success. Caroline…! CAROLINE ! GREAT INAGUA – MARS 1716 Kidd... GREAT INAGUA – MARS 1716 Get up, Kenway. GREAT INAGUA – MARS 1716 Thatch is there? He left this morning on the galleon. He is convinced that we will find how to make good use of this old cove. Aye, we'll do something with it, in time. We could hide a fleet there, if we wanted. And with good will, we could all come and settle there. My wife might even be convinced. Are you married, really…? In the sight of God, I am. She left a long time ago. It doesn't matter. Tell no one about it. Most of these hackers have no respect for those who pledge allegiance to something other than rum and looting. On my honor. You are leaving already ? I think this is the place for you, Edward. Much more than this outfit. Oh, please… We're pirates, Kidd. We take without asking, we do as we wish… This is our only code…! But that doesn't suit you. You are not that person. Who am I, in this case ...? It's hard to say, my friend. All I know is you like to take risks. As for the Observatory…? I think you know a lot more than what you said in Nassau. Did you feel that, then? Meet me at twenty degrees, three minutes north latitude, off the coast of Yucatán. In a few weeks, I'll have something to show you. - What do you have in mind? - I will be happy to fly in the feathers of those damn Englishmen. And if we can rob them, I'm not gonna complain. You sound like a real Welshman, Adé. - Ha…! And you, what do you want to do? - Master Kidd hinted at a take he dies want to show me, towards Tulum. It's rather far from here, on the Yucatán Peninsula. - And he will share with us? - I don't know too much ... But this Kidd has a knack for causing me problems of conscience. I'd better go see him right away. As long as we harvest our harvest of catch along the way, the crew will understand. I'll head for Tulum. Over there ! To starboard! - Man'o'war, sir! - Fire! Spanish flag! He is alone, sir! Fire! (An impostor wearing a traitor's outfit… Can we fall lower than that?) Damn it, Kidd! Look where you took me…! Are these monks responsible for guarding the treasure you promised me? I told you I had something to show you, but I never said it would be easy. Now let's open this door, let me show you what's inside. We're going to hit something. I feel it... Captain Kenway? Where's the Assassin, Duncan Walpole ...? Dead and buried, after trying to kill me. We don't care if he died. But it was in his name that you carried out his ultimate betrayal. Why ? Enrich myself, as always. Are these words meant to console me? You killed our Havana brothers and sisters! He has Sense, Mentor. James tells me you dealt with the Templars of Cuba. Have you seen the man they call the Sage? Aye. Would you recognize his face if you saw him again? I think yes. I have to be sure. Not a word. One. You dragged me into this dirty business without telling me, Kidd! Who was that mad bastard over there? Ah Tabai, an Assassin. My Mentor. So, are you all members of a weird cult? We are Assassins and we live by a creed, yes. But it does not compel us to act or to submit. Only to wisdom. Tell me everything, I'm dying to know. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." This is the only certainty that this world offers. "Everything is allowed" ? I like it, I admit. Free to think as I want, to do what I want. You can repeat these words, but ... Ah ! - The path is blocked. - It must be a door, I think. Aye. And there must be some way to open it. - Some sort of hidden mechanism… - Like a capstan? Mmh. These blocks up there try to move them. You the Templars have been stalking for all this time, eh? We were the ones who tracked them down until you came to ruin everything. They were afraid of us ... But they have the advantage now. The door mechanism must be damaged. We will find another way. Follow me ! Saute ! - This treasure must be worth it. - A treasure. Yes. Whatever is at the end of this path, it's worth it. It will depend on you. - What do you mean ? - What you are about to discover risks doing to you head spin. I hope you will withstand the shock. I know how to take care of myself. So this is it ...? The great treasure your Mentor wanted me to see ...? It doesn't sound like the man they call the Sage, sorry to say. Take your pain patiently. We still have a riddle to solve. These statues look like the ones we have seen before. It fits…! Let me help you, will you? Good God, he's the Sage. But this thing must be hundreds of years old. Moreover. Are you sure it's him? Aye. These eyes are inimitable. Did the Templars tell you why they wanted the Sage? They put a few drops of his blood in a glass cube. Like this one ? Aye. They also wanted to question him about the Observatory, but he escaped. Ah... We can leave. Silence. The statue in the temple ... - Was that the man you saw in Havana? - His spitting image, yes. It seems that another Sage has been found, and the race to the Observatory begins again. Is that why we whisper…? It's YOUR done, Captain Kenway. The maps you sold to the Templars led them right to us. And now the agents of two empires know the location of our bases. Leave it to me, Mentor. They also have Edward's crew at their mercy. I don't know what value he places on their lives. Take this. You will not attract attention and you will kill less. It was a slave owner who brought in these soldiers. Laurens Prins in person. Thank you very much my brother. Who is it over there? Do you see this miserable scoundrel? He is a Dutch slave ship named Laurens Prins. He now lives like a king in Jamaica. We've been tracking this carrion for years. Hell, we almost had him…! By God, you are a bunch of happy kids. - Your heads are really painful to see. - Captain Kenway ... - You have many talents. - Ah thank you, my friend. It comes naturally. But you're rude and arrogant, and you parade in a uniform you don't deserve. "Everything is allowed". Isn't that your motto? I absolve you of your mistakes in Havana and everywhere else, but you are not welcome here. Sorry, my friend. This is not what I wanted. So this is the new Libertalia…? NASSAU, BAHAMAS - JANUARY 1717 She also smells bad than all the roadsteads that I have looted lately. Oh…! What is this look? Have you fallen in love? Your outfit seduces me. You are welcome to Nassau, gentlemen. Those who contribute will always be well received. "Who are contributing"? What's this…? A damn monastery…? Hmm ... We understood that in Nassau, - people did what they liked. - As long as they don't prevent others to do the same, yes. Captain Thatch…! In the flesh. And what makes us this magnificent fleece ...? Why hoist the black flag when a black beard does the trick? What the hell are you two doing so far north ? They say the governor of Cuba is expected to receive a large shipment of gold from a neighboring fort. In the meantime, this gold is there, yearning for us. Governor Torres himself…? It looks promising. Welcome to Nassau, Captain Vane. Monsieur Rackham. Now, where ... Where can a man find a woman ...? So... What are you going to do with your share of the gold we're going to take from Governor Torres ...? Return to Africa? Parading like a king? I can't go where I've never set foot. I was born in Trinidad, a slave from my first breath. Ah... But wouldn't you feel ... more at home there? How could you feel more at home in Paris? Well seen. With this skin and this voice, where could I go in this world, and feel comfortable…? This country here is my best chance. This country called the Jackdaw, where I know the names of all the inhabitants, where they know mine, and where we work together. Not always out of love, but to keep our country afloat. I understand, yes. Let's go then. For the people of Jackdaw! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! I greet you, your excellency. I'm not surprised to find you here. I know your face, pirate. But you had a false name the last time we met. Ah yes, I remember… Mr. Duncan Walpole. I still regret it. So ... What does a Grand Master of the Templars do so far from his castillo? - I'd rather not say anything. - And I'd rather not cut your lips and you swallow them. Two years ago, we offered a reward to anyone who found the Sage. Someone claims to have it today. This gold is his ransom. Who found it…? A slave ship named Laurens Prins. He lives in Kingston. We like this story, Torres. And we'll help you finish it. But we'll fix it our way ... thanks to you, and your gold. This is what we are going to do. Torres will go to Prins with part of the ransom and he will tell him that the rest is not far away. As soon as we see the Sage, you will bring the rest of the ransom, make the exchange and go. - I'll be right next door to watch. - No, Kenway. This time, you're all alone, and you will lose the trust of the crew. It disgusts me that you haggle with that damn slave trader. Think about it, my friend ...! Once we have the Sage, we will all be rich! Not if Master Kidd intercepts him first ... Kidd ? Good God...! He came to kill him. Edward? What the hell are you doing here ...?! These men will lead me to the Sage. Can you wait for him to arrive? Is the Sage here? Aye. And Prins will show us the way. Okay, that's okay ... Couldn't you help yourself, Kenway? To stick your nose in things you can't understand? You make me nervous, Kidd. Keep your blades inside. We have to be on an equal footing, see ...? I don't trust the Templars any more than they trust me. - It's time. - No...! Not until you've seen the Sage. We won't be disturbed here. I want to see the money. This is only part of the ransom. The rest is not far from here. It bothers me very much to trade a member of my race for profit, Mr. Torres. So tell me ... What did that Roberts do to upset you? Could this be a form of Protestant piety that I am not used to? - Maybe another day. - What? Next time, make sure we don't follow you ...! Set it up! - You made me miss my shot, Kenway! - For a better cause! You missed your chance. I'll take care of Prins! Kidd, don't! Jim, stop! Not this time, Kenway! Come on, my friend! We must act together! You had your chance! Hold back your blade, Kidd! Attends ! Jim, stop! You mangy dog! Get your dirty paws off me! I can't let you kill these men, Kidd ...! Not until I find the Sage. I've been stalking this pig for a week now, following it everywhere! And there, I find not one, but TWO of my targets, and you just ruin everything! Patience, my friend ...! Their hour will come. When I find the Sage, you will help me kill Prins. Including ? Wouldn't you have preferred a pub? I came to Kingston to hunt down a target. Getting drunk is not a priority. We should help each other out, you know. It is after Laurens Prins that you have it, and I, its prisoner. We also have some after the Sage, Edward. Avoid upsetting us. May the best win. Guards patrol the grounds from one end to the other. I believe they are using these bells to sound the alarm. You see ? We'll have to take care of it before we go too far. There are far too many of them, discretion will not be enough, so ... I will do what I can to divert their attention, and you will just have to eliminate them. Ready ? Your name is not James, is it…? It depends on the days. Come on, come on ...! Stop! Not a gesture anymore! Please, I was shot! I need help...! Good God, Thomson, look at her. She is injured. Seriously, sir. - I'm wrong ... - Very good! in point…! Take my arm, little one. Be blessed. Why are you staring at me with that vulture look? Do you want to see an old man suffer? You have caused a lot of suffering yourself, Mr Prins. Retribution, I guess. Your collection of cutthroats and your precious philosophy ... You live in this world ... - but will never control it. - You misunderstand my goal, old man. It is only gold that interests me. Ha ha ha ...! I was like you, my friend…! I was like you ... Over here, Kenway! I found your man! I remember you. - The Templar of Havana. - I'm not a Templar, it was a trick! We came to save your carcass from that slave ship. Save me ? I work for Monsieur Prins! You think this man is your employer, but he intended to sell you to the Templars. You can't trust anybody, it seems. ROBERTS ! We have to get out, Kenway! Classes ! See you on the other side! - Have you lost your man again? - Aye. Roberts is a fox hostile to any sign of cuteness. I obviously lost two men today. So... What's your real name, my pretty…? Mary Read, for my mother. As well as my real friends. But if you reveal this name to anyone, you will say goodbye to what makes you a man. NASSAU, BAHAMAS - JANUARY 1718 Another ? NASSAU, BAHAMAS - JANUARY 1718 - A rum flip this time. - And where do you want me to find fresh eggs in this damn town? It's nothing but piss and bugs. Aye, we're trying to change that. Beautiful Lady, what's your name? "Anne", when they are fasting. "Drag" when they are steep. - But never "Lady". - Well, dear Anne, I ... A bunch of lies! You hear me ? It's just a bunch of lies! It's a ruse to soften us before attacking Nassau ...! - You'll see, you can believe me. - It's not a trick, Vane. I learned it from even a fat Bermuda captain. There is a pardon that is offered to any pirate who wants it. Cunning or not, I have no doubt that the British will return to Nassau. Heavily armed, no doubt. We need a plan. Walk with us, Kenway. All this does not bode well. In the absence of any idea worthy of the name, it is better to be forgotten. Neither piracy, nor violence. Don't do anything to annoy the king. The king's digestion is the least of my concerns, Ben. You'll change your mind when he sends his soldiers to clean up this island of all the pirates who inhabit it ...! Look around you…! Would you die for this cesspool? Aye ! This is our republic! Our idea! A free land in the hands of free men, remember? Maybe she's not pretty to see. But Nassau still deserves to be fought for, right ...? I would not know how to say it. When I look at the fruit of our years of labor, I only see sickness ... idleness ... stupidity. To hear you speak, this place isn't that different from London, is it? Thatch is right. If we face it, we are not doing so badly here. There is sun, rum and something to have a good time until you are thirsty. Aye, Nassau might be more attractive from a distance, but when you see it up close, it's just a disease that gnaws at the stomach. The disease can be cured, Ben. You just need to have the right medicine. But corpses cannot be revived…! I can't believe words like that come out of your mouth! Why not accept forgiveness now, and be done with it ...? Calm down, both of you. If we stay united, everyone will find what they are looking for. We must get these remedies to solve our problem, but without attracting the attention of the English. I'm willing to bet the nearest doctor is in Havana. But I do not intend to set foot there. The Spanish fleet which sank two years ago must have had remedies. Well preserved in glass vials. You'll need a diver's bell if you want to go that deep. Aye. It will be easy to get some for gold and merchandise. It's a plan that works for me. Let's find remedies without causing trouble. D'accord, Thatch ? Alright, yes. I'll meet you at the wrecks as soon as you're ready, Kenway. May the Devil have my soul, Thatch! What a lovely frigate. Thirty-two cannons, right? After forty, I count more. You've become ambitious, I see. So ... Did you find any remedies in the area? Unfortunately, there is nothing good here. But I know that there are still some beautiful wrecks that have not been visited than by crabs and coral. I'll take a look. Edward ? Edward, is that you? By Heaven, the West Indies are really small ...! Hello, Bonnet! It's a surprise to see you here. I got to know Mister Thatch about a month ago and he agreed to take me under his wing to face the sea. But I'll have to embolden myself before I become a true pirate. Well good luck to you, then ...! Blackbeard has shaped the best of us. Ahoy ! So ? I found a crate hidden under a school of sharks. Alas, the elixir it contained is ... totally spoiled. By the seven plagues ... Are we going to have to steal these remedies? Remember forgiveness, Thatch. - It will be necessary to act with finesse. - Said Hornigold! A pirate now too proud to consider himself as such. Ah, he prefers caution to cannons. Caution is worth nothing without charisma! When you look like a moron, only morons obey. But if you look like the Devil ... everyone submits. And this Devil, is it you ...? For an audience, aye. Everything is a spectacle. Give your prey something to fear ... A hellish thing ... out of a nightmare ... and men will fall to their knees, pleading for their Lord, before anything else! Oh my God. - Striking. - Of course it is. If you find a discreet way to acquire remedies, let me know right away. Otherwise, I'll make it my business. But what happened here? Have you been attacked? They did not have the opportunity. It was Blackbeard who struck the first. He opened fire - on an English man'o'war, that carrion! - Why did he do that ? He's still looking for those damn cures. But if you want my opinion, he's gone mad. - I'll bring him back. - Leave him...! He looked for it, after all. Come on, let's go! Damn it...! - It goes beyond the limits. - These cases of remedies should not be so hard to find. I didn't think about that. It's Thatch and Hornigold ... They've gone mad. - Isn't that your impression? - If yes. But they both have hearts. Both want the best for the people of Nassau. But is this our best solution ...? Save a city that is worthless ...? We are not made to govern. We take, we spend, we lead the high life ... We do what we want. - What solution would you suggest ...? - What is needed is wealth and power. Not politics. If we find the Observatory, we will have enough to pay for all of England. And maybe ... we'll crush all these kings and emperors - like vulgar peasants. - Lots of great speeches, Captain. But is it for your crew that you sail, - or for you? - I want the best for these men, Adé. I swear. But that… I don't like it. I feel like I'm running around, not living my life. - Adé! Look over there ! - It's him, Captain! The Queen Anne's Revenge! - And he looks in bad shape. - No time for a vote, Thatch is in danger. The crew will understand. All to the maneuver! We're heading for Hell! - Thatch is overwhelmed. I go ashore. - I keep the Jackdaw. Your pretty studies hadn't prepared you for this kind of fuss, eh, Monsieur Bonnet? Oh, far from it, no. Well, remember, actions have more to teach us than reading! Remember it...! You awakened all the demons in Hell, Thatch! In the service of a noble cause! Hope you talk about the remedies! Aye! There is a galleon nearby. And if we hurry to settle accounts with these lobsters, we can catch up with him. Oh no ! I need help here! Edward, please! Hold on, Bonnet! Keep your arms in the air and your back to the sea! Subtlety isn't your strong suit, eh, Thatch? Legends do not feed on indulgence ...! Let's go back on board, and quickly! This time he will not escape! Oh, I can't take it anymore! You will find your Jackdaw when we see more clearly! - Right now I need a man at the helm. - Give your orders! We broke it, guys! Send them to Hell! Find the captain and finish him off. May my soul be damned if I quarter you! Stop ! I'm not a man used to murder, Captain. If you had deigned to take quarter, - you wouldn't be bleeding. - You're going to taste the musket, puncture. They'll hang you and dry in the sun, like those Boston scoundrels. The king offered his forgiveness. Captain, we searched the hold. It's miserable, but the remedies we found all come from "Charles-Towne", that's for sure. Thank you, Mr Hands. We will never be able to supply Nassau with strength and luck. We should go to Charles-Towne for the rest. Hello...! Uh ... are we victorious? I'm afraid I'm not built to endure the rigors of a gentleman's life. Meet me at Charles-Towne. In a month, starting today. Eh oh, Bonnet ! - You finally have your own pavilion! - Yes ! Yes ... Blackbeard gave me leave, alas. I'll have to fend for myself. - Well, that's great! - Yes, it's for the best, I think. I will undoubtedly have feats to tell when we meet again ...! Edward...! Your unwavering friendship is the greatest treasure I have found on these seas. Much more than gold, silver and rum. I ... I cherish the courage you have inspired in me this year. Thank you my friend ! And may fortune never cease to smile on you! We don't love you back home? Are you forgotten by your wives, your families and your compatriots? So how do you explain your government's complete disinterest in your lives? Hostages for remedies! It was my only request! And yet ... Six days... pure ... whore... of silence. So I have to deduce ... that you are Charles-Towne's outcasts, and that I would do even better to use your guts as bait and make glue of your bones! By Christ! It's my luck. Either I kill you ... or I bend you to my service. It is a decision that I will take with difficulty, but without any remorse. - Ahoy, Edward. - Damn, what are you doing? - Any Charles-Towne can see this farce. - That's the idea. Out of reach, but clearly visible. So where are the remedies ...? We sent a group ashore to negotiate with the governor. It's been a week. Since then, not a word. I take care of it. Give me a day. There is movement there. Are they soldiers? Aye, and they look in a hurry. I suggest that we follow them ... in case they prepare a surprise for us. Hopefully the river remains as wide. This ship is built for the ocean, not those damn bayous ...! - They're leaving, Captain ...! - So I'll have to continue alone. - I'll come back, with the remedies. - Okay. - It's your turn to row. - Are you kidding me ? I rowed the last time. Aye, and you bet your oar turn at the card game. I thought they were doing it for gold. Or rum, at least. No, nothing but remedies to cure the diseases which abound in their vessels. Syphilis and scurvy, no doubt. These pirate ships must be real floating coffins. - Hey ! Is that you, Ryder? - In person. So, hurry. You are expected. And you know that ... Oh Lord! He caught it! He caught it! I told you ! Row, for God's sake! Come on, row! I told you there was something, right? - Oh my God ... - Don't hang around here! My apologies, sir. There was an accident with First Class Simon. A crocodile, sir! I don't care about your accidents. What's the news from the port, soldier? Speak. Nothing new, sir. They are still there, but obviously have not yet killed or tortured a prisoner, - that we can say. Perhaps the time has come to ... - To surrender? I have been entrusted with the charge of the city and I do not intend to give in to the demands of a pirate, - whatever its reputation. - Yes, sir. As long as I have the key to the store, no one will touch these remedies. May pestilence and calamity take them. Poor asshole. What? The Pirates ! I see their ship! The Pirates ! Fall back! At the manor! Stop it! An intruder ! Help ! Do something, bunch of incompetents! My God, my God, save me ...! And strike down those demons ...! Ah! Blackbeard made you the best offer a man has ever received from a pirate. You can curse his methods, but he only wanted the remedies. And he's going to have them. You would have done better to accept, boy. He's back, Captain! - What's the catch? - Two crates, and something to prepare additional doses. Ah ... Very well thought out, kid. These days it is rare. Do you hear, Mr. Wraggs? My young friend, who comes back loaded of presents, just saved your gaunt neck! Won't you thank him…? Mmh mmh! We should get out of these waters, Thatch. The governor is going to bring in other soldiers. No, go ahead, you. I have a ... business to settle up north. You're leaving, aren't you ...? Are you abandoning us ...? - What about Nassau? - Listen, kid ... I am wrapping up my fourth decade. What if I don't find no way to make the fifth a serene and peaceful journey, I prefer to sink in front of the gates of Hell than to consider myself captain for another year. Come on, we'll see each other again, kid. In this world ... or the one below. Hi, do you have a minute? I am going up. I think Olivier wants us to prepare a trailer from the footage you recorded these last weeks. Take your time, I'll meet you at the elevator. This way ! You're ready ? He's waiting for us. I just watched some of your footage. It's incredible ! Blackbeard was really nuts. And we all found it so eye-catching that we imagined a trailer focused on him. Where he might be drinking rum, talking with pirates, telling a story ... Then we go on to a shot where he jumps on his boat and… Sorry, his ship, not "boat". But… He is activated in all directions, he jumps, he fights like a real demon. Of course, you will have to modify the original images a bit to make it look good, but it could be awesome…! I get chills just thinking about it. Sorry. - Hello how are you ? I hope we're not late. - No, you can enter ... Hi Mélanie, I saw you arrive just now. I have to see you for a few minutes all alone. I have Laetitia on the phone, we are discussing the Kenway project. Oh yes. Of course ! Sorry for that, I'll contact you as soon as we're ready. It shouldn't be long. Hello? Hello…? Do you have a second? Yes of course... Go to the marker indicated on your map. I have another job for you. I would like to link all the cameras in the building to a centralized surveillance system, but most of them are not calibrated correctly. Another locked door. No problem. There you have it, you now have level 2 accreditation. Not bad for your first month at the office. I'm updating your communicator. It works ! ... and if we need information about the Assassins, the Templars, the Observatory or whatever that interests us, Olivier, you will provide them to us. Point bar. Haha. I understand correctly, Laetitia. I'm sorry if it turns out badly. We're not trying to slow down research here. But we don't have the resources to accelerate the pace. Finding this balance is YOUR priority. Your entertainment products are only used to fund more useful and more ambitious work. This is how the world turns, mmh? Dirty money builds hospitals. You understand ? We are one hundred percent with you, Laetitia. Our best member works on it full time, but it's not going to happen overnight. They are talking about you! Good. Thank you both. I can't wait to see what you send us. Until then, we'll see you at the shareholders' meeting, Olivier. Heard, see you soon. Bye. Holy shit! It's too early for her to put that kind of pressure on us. One. So… what is next? We do what the lady asked us to do. We focus on the Observatory. Assassins, Templars ... It's delirium. I am curious about this assembly. What would you say to go take a walk in Olivier's office to see if you can find his diary ...? Oh, what…? Do you dislike the idea? Maybe you'd prefer them to find out what you've already done, you dirty pirate? I'VE GOT YOU. Ha ha… What I mean is I don't want to ruin your life. So ... do as I tell you. Now go to the window. You can't show up in Olivier's office through the front door, so I opened another way for you. Climb on it. Did you know that Abstergo was run by Templars? Eeeh yes. Sounds crazy, I know. But we staged the arrival of the first man on the Moon! So anything is possible. Well. Either you go through this door, or you throw yourself from the terrace, it's up to you. Oh, well done. Find the computer, do it quickly. We're looking for information on the shareholders' meeting, it's worth a bunch of money. Ah, hurray…! He's our old friend. Hi, I just got a call to take some data transfer. Ah? I thought you came to see me. Yeah, that's the perks of the job. Let's see. Mmh ... A conference in Chicago…? Owl. Thank you very much, we stay in touch Ciao, Rebecca! Write me ! That's it, Hastings. I have a terrible feeling. You will be hurt there. - I can't take it. - I'll be careful, I promise. And when I am installed, my pockets full of gold, I will send for you. I swear. Caroline, come home! Do not hurt yourself ! I can't promise to come, Edward. If you get involved in this ... crazy adventure, I ... - I can't promise you anything. - Don't abandon me, Caroline…! I'll never make it without you ... NASSAU, BAHAMAS - JULY 1718 Are we trying to give shape to his feelings? Just a letter to my wife. I think she spent the time taking care of herself. Oh, you're a hard hearted, you should be moved. Or harden the parts where it's soft, ha ha ha…! And how is it that you like these parts so much, Mr. Rackham ...? You would like to know my secrets, right? Oh, aye. Give me a little hint ... Or a big one, if you know how to be righteous. Open your hand. Oh ! Who fired? Maybe these ships coming into port. Good God. Well, hang me high and short. Old George finally got tired of our playfulness. Who is the Lenten face…? This is Captain Woodes Rogers. And I don't really want him to see me. We want to parley with the men who have proclaimed themselves governors of this island! Charles Vane, Ben Hornigold, and Ed Thatch. Please come closer, please. It's about royal forgiveness, I think. But what does Hornigold do? Pffff, coward… Poor! What are you up to ...? Thank you for that warm welcome, Captain Hornigold. I expected a more delicate first contact. Don't confuse decorum with deference, Governor. I am impatient to hear what you have to say, but with an uncertain mind. Very good. This is more than I expected from a pirate. But I guarantee that everyone who listens to me will be treated well. Wait a little longer, Governor Rogers. These bandits will soon show you their true nature. Calm down, Commodore Chamberlaine. I promised Captain Hornigold that we will be fair. It won't bring you any good…! Men of his caliber blithely defile the reputation of His Majesty in the four corners of the New World. The king wants us to eradicate them, not to cajole them. - Is this the main square? - Which comes closest. Unbelievable. She's as dirty as a kennel. Captain Hornigold, call your men, please. Rackham, Vane ! The governor is coming to see you ...! Bring back Burgess and Cockram too! Our only goal is to deal with the masters of this community. Everyone else can return to their occupations as soon as possible! Get out, come on! Ouste! Commodore Chamberlaine, see that all the merchants are grouped together, masons and carpenters from the surrounding area, starting this afternoon. This fortress is in dire need of repairs. We should confiscate the weapons, Governor. Make these pirates understand that we do not joke with the king's emissaries. I don't mean to stir up animosity, commodore. Whatever we are well equipped, they are clearly outnumbered. Persuasion remains unquestionably our most effective weapon. Bullshit, governor. We should sink all ships that do not approach the royal flag. Another behavior would testify to a culpable weakness. Silence, commodore! It is I who the king appointed governor, and as such, I alone have the right to decide. Have I been clear, sir? Aye, sir. Your orders are crystal clear. ... hereby promising and declaring, that any and all of the hackers who will submit before September 5 of the year of grace 1718 by one of our secretaries from Great Britain or Ireland, or before some governor or deputy governor of some of our plantations beyond the seas. All the pirates submitting thus, or who deliver themselves as explained previously, will enjoy our gracious forgiveness. I hope you will let prudence guide you, Gentlemen, and that you will be able to accept the king's forgiveness as soon as possible. Because as long as you refuse, each of you will remain confined to Nassau. I'm sorry ... but in the absence of a public trial, this pardon is your best advantage. The governor is being far too polite, you bunch of dogs. The choice presented is simple: accept royal protection, or we'll raze this city down to these foundations before we hang you high and short. Enough, Commodore Chamberlaine. We are messengers, not torturers. Not yet. Oh, thank you, sir! God bless you…! Luck still opens its arms to us, guys. We should accept this forgiveness and save what remains of our dignity. Bullshit ! Rather the gallows than to surrender to this shit! Think, Vane ...! We had an exceptional opportunity, a chance to start from scratch to form a government, formed and led by visionaries. But in two years, we ruined everything. I will never make such a mistake again. He tells the truth. And you refuse to hear it. Farewell, band of wooden-headed drunkards ...! - See you at the gallows. - You are all dead men! Bastards! I need to drink. Look at them, those traitors. When I think of how many times I've had to put up with the great tunes of that Hornigold scum, that makes me sick. Well, you are a man of principle, Captain Hornigold. A man to whom I think I can entrust my best ideas. Patience, and we'll survive this, Charles. Without losing face. What assurance. Do you seem to have your idea on what to do? Nassau is over, that's obvious. We have to get out of here tonight, we'll meet at my camp. It's okay with me. What are you planning ...? The English landed their equipment there, you know? If we steal enough powder and pitch from them, we can load them into a ship before sending it to the blockade vessels, to smash them to bits. Aye... We'll take Rackham's ship, he never knew how to use it. - I have a clear conscience. - Good. You're going to get the powder, and I'll take care of the pitch. - Come on guys. Enough dragged! - It's that damn hemp ...! Lieutenant ! Chut ...! - Aye, sir! - The commodore fears that a revolt will break out. We have orders to sink every damn pirate ship that anchors in this harbor. Tonight. Despite the governor's demands, sir? It's an order, soldier. You will take a position on the galleon and wait for the - Commodore's instructions. Is that clear ? - Aye, sir! What carrion from the lower world ... Someone should go and slaughter this commodore - before he can transmit his orders. - You think ? We're stuck here, otherwise. Alright, I'll kill him. Rum drove you crazy ...! I'm not gonna help you kill the commodore. Not one of the king's men! We're not going to try our luck. Go ahead, I'm not moving from here. The governor has granted us a pardon, commodore. So isn't a man's word worth anything today ...? Does syphilis cause doubt in your mind? Why bother to save such scoundrels ...? You are parasites who live on the backs of honest people! - Just like King George, seen from that angle. - Keep your place, peasant! You may have taken my life away, but you're wrong if you think yours will be better ... Do you still have something to add? Without that pagan Governor Rogers, I would have hanged you from your own masts. Bunch of larvae ... All as much as you are ...! - The commodore is dead. Are we ready? - Almost. We have a problem with the galleon, because of two dozen ... For God Sake…! You choose to smoke here, you moron ?! You're sitting on enough powder to smash New Providence to pieces! Let go of me, boy! I have suffered enough ...! As I said, a squad of lobsters settled on our galleon. We'll have to dislodge them before using the cannons against the blockade. The English have spotted us, look! Get ready, they're coming! Fire! Fire! We passed! Avoid the fleet and we'll be out of danger! Everything is fine, eh Kenway? Magic is natural with us. It's not yet won. It'll keep them busy. Ha ha ha ...! Burn you bunch of dogs! Stick your forgiveness to your ass, governor! As if they just took a take ... GREAT INAGUA - OCTOBER 1718 Ahoy, Kidd. - You missed a great outbreak. - Aye. Too bad for Nassau. And Blackbeard left the ship. Oh, we'll take care of Thatch. Vane and gone to see him and I will join him soon. Is that all that's left of your democratic experience ...? Aye. We do what we like here. And we do it by taking our time. For God's sake, Edward ... Is it really just the smell of gold that tickles your nose? Hey, what's up with you? Reality, my friend. Reality. Don't get caught up in the wake of this decadent rat. Oh ! I survived longer than most of my peers ...! You cowardly abandoned us, Thatch. He prefers to stay here, he says. Let him die. And that all those who will follow this mangy dog ​​into oblivion end up hanged ...! I curse this rot. I know you came to take me home, Kenway. Your loyalty honors you. But after what happened in Nassau ... I feel like I'm done. I don't share your opinion, my friend. But I won't blame you for seeing things in the face. - Are you still looking for this Sage? - Aye. A month ago, while taking a take, I learned that a man named Roberts worked on a slave ship, the Princess. - You could look that way. - The Princess ... Thanks, Thatch. Name of a dog, you're not going to stand there like a herring ...! We're celebrating my retirement! Ha ha ha ha ...! Uncork my breakfast! Save us a few bottles, eh? Hello ? Guys ? Lieutenant? You are there ? - What? - Stay here. Shoot anything that moves. There was a deserter among them and he remembered my look. I slit his throat before he could say a word. Has anyone seen you? I do not think so. But I think Kenway suspects something. There is not much that escapes him. - Tell me about the beach. - A beautiful assembly of soldiers, too drunk to stand up. This is what makes our business. Tell me a little bit about Edward Teach. What kind of man is he? It's Thatch, sir. At least, that's the name he answers. But he is completely crazy, there is no more demented than him. - Be specific, stop talking nonsense. - Yes, sir. He likes the drink, but not just any. When he takes a rum flip, he adds a good dose of gunpowder on top. - Did I hear correctly ...? Is he DRINKING gunpowder? - Aye, sir. For the gallery. And last week he gathered around twenty sailors from his crew and he locked us in the hold as he burned sulfur and other disgusting minerals. We just sat there like in one of the pits of Hell. - Great Gods ...! But why is that? - He likes to put his crew to the test. See how tough his men are. But no one is as tough as him. I really thought I left my life there. Miserable savages. Don't be afraid, soldier. We will be done with them. Come on, it's time. Quick, send the signal. And remember that day forever. Hell ... Where the hell is Kenway? Remember that day, guys! It is today that the king's elite are sent to his tomb! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! I won't die today, you dirty dogs! Come to me ! Are you standing up to them, boy? Are you going to make it out alive? Kenway ! Here ! In a world without gold, we could have been heroes! THATCH ! May the Devil take me ...! Where's the Jackdaw? What about Thatch, Captain? Did he get away with it? Captain? He drinks in the company of the Devil. So Thatch got bled. Piss off. There were too many of them. I couldn't do anything. We must admit that he knew how to fight. But his heart was divided. It's hard to give up the life you've loved. Aye. My dumb dad spent his life bragging that he was going to buy his own ship. "I'll take a privateer contract, Charlie. Your old father will be captain!" He drowned in whiskey without ever leaving shore. So, Kenway ... I've thought about your little business. This ... Observatory, which you keep talking about. How do you know there is ...? We need to find a slave ship called the Princess. On board is a man named Roberts, he will take us there. All these slave traders work for the Royal African Company. Take one of their ships, we'll find out more. - What's our heading, Captain? - We're looking for a slave ship. One of those who work for the Royal African Company. You don't intend to start - in human trafficking, eh? - No ! Good God, Adé…! You know me better than that ...! We're looking for information, that's all. I'm trying to find where - wets the Princess when she is not sailing. - The Princess ... - A slave ship? - Aye. Blackbeard told me that we had a good chance of finding the Sage on board. Don't sink that ship, Kenway! - There are hundreds of innocent people on board! - I know I know. - They got scared, Captain! The slave ship is on the run! - Poor wretch! I will bring us closer ...! - Cursed be that Vane! It sends lined on lined! - He's going to sink it if he continues like this. We must approach. - Vane is adrift! - I'll bring us closer. Everybody aboard ! And in speed! We can get out! Hunt these rots, Kenway ...! I will kill those who sunk my ship! Keep calm, my friend. Remember why we are here. Let's go ! Find the captain! Come get me a little, maggots brains! Gunpowder and iron have more grip than screams and insults, Vane! I have enough of all that! Just find the Captain! This captain claims - that the Princess regularly transits through Kingston. - Very good. This is where we are heading. You have torn my sails and my rig to pieces, you scoundrels. You owe me a share. Bon sang, Vane! - Oh, Charles! You are just a heartless demon…! - Don't fuck me, Jack. Oh, but pissing you off is my calling… Charles. Guys ! See, guys and I chatted while you were losing your time, and they thought I'd make a better captain than a pack of mad dogs. I swear you'll end up castrated, you dirty traitor! This one, I should get ... ten pounds in Kingston. But with drunks of your caliber, I'd rather take no chances. - You'll regret this day, Rackham. - I already regret almost all of them. Tie them up! Let them be abandoned. I'm going to gut you, Jack Rackham! I'm gonna split you open, I'm gonna pull all your guts out and - make lute strings out of them! - Stop screaming, damn it, Vane! - It gets us nowhere! - Oh well, the formidable Edward Kenway has spoken ...! But tell us a little, Captain, what way out of this inconvenience. And above all tell us by what genius you intend to drive a boat without sails and rudder! SHUT YOUR MOUTH ! Do not move ! I'll take this pretty little crop. You miserable. This island has no shortage of food if you take the trouble to look for it. But I'm looking, stooge. And I just found it. No ! Don't try to follow me, do you hear? Don't try to find me! Poor fool ... I told you not to follow me! Good God ! You're losing your mind, old man ...! It is only fair compensation! Me, I found muskets and grenades! Listen, Vane! - We could hunt with these weapons! - Ha ha…! Excellent idea ! I'll make you disappear! Are you still up? Here ! Ha ha ha ha ha…! It was you and your stupid fairy tales that got us in this mess, Kenway! Curse me if I let you convince me! If you keep going, I'm gonna have to kill you, Vane! Well, try it, vermin! I am waiting for you ! Only one of us will leave this island alive! Because I refuse to navigate in a world rotten by your dirty face! I'll send you to Hell! You'll end up in small pieces, Kenway! You can't escape, Kenway! I'll make you disappear! I will make you the skin! You're a dirty gallows game, Vane! Wimp...! You are unable to do what it takes to go to the end ... Damn pirate. So this is my reward for believing in the goodness of men? For thinking the worst bilge rat like you could start thinking, at least once in his life! Maybe ... Hornigold was right. Maybe the world needs men of ambition, to keep people like you from leading us to chaos. Haha...! Or maybe... that you don't have enough guts to live without regrets. Haha... Don't wait for me at the gates of Hell, Charles. I'm not going to join you there. GREAT INAGUA – MAI 1719 ... steal a beautiful schooner all alone like this? What a demon, Captain. And you weren't afraid to take my brig away from this parasite. Once again, thank you. It didn't take more than two months for this mangy dog ​​to come back the tail between the legs in Nassau. He chose forgiveness immediately. I had no choice, guys ...! This Rogers has been hitting on me from the start! Swallow your tongue, Rackham. And now ? Still at the head of your damn fortune? Aye. And I am getting closer. I heard that the Sage was sailing from Kingston on a ship called the Princess. Make better use of your ambition, Kenway. Find the Sage with US. I have no fondness for you and your mystique ... Mary. I want to taste the good life. An easy life. Decent people don't have it easy, Edward. It is by dreaming of such an existence that we hurt ourselves the most. Come on, Rackham. Say goodbye to this place. What's the news, Adé? This profiteer works for the Royal African Company. Repeat what you told me. Haven't seen the Princess for at least eight weeks. In my opinion, he should be home shortly. What else ? I thought that bugger was with the men who asked me lots of questions about the Princess this morning, - So I told him that ... - Who are you talking about? An arrogant sailor dressed in rags. And a rich man with a scar right there. Where did they go? They settled near here, I believe. I've had enough of your ghost hunt, Edward. - And the crew too. - Do not be discouraged, my friend. We reach the goal. Did you alert the men? - We are run out of time. - Aye, two men will be waiting for us at the crossroads. - Very good. - If I may, sir, to what must the blood samples we collect ...? Torres tells me the Observatory needs blood - to function properly. - What do you mean, sir? If we want the Observatory to ... spy on King George, for that we need a drop of royal blood. In other words, a sample of a man's blood allows us to know his activities. Does that mean Torres intends to spy on me? - Because I just gave him my blood. - Just like me, Captain Hornigold. As well as all the Templars. Think of it as a kind of ... insurance. - Grand Master ! Welcome ! - (Good evening.) What did you learn? The Princess fell into the hands of pirates six weeks ago. And according to our information, Sage Roberts was still on board. Very good. We are reaching our goal. And what steps have we taken to snatch the Princess from these pirates? Captain Hornigold has dispatched his best men to capture the Sage. Mmh ... And where is the Sage now? Do we know? - In Africa, your excellence. - In Africa ? My God, the winds that lead there - are hardly favorable. - That's right, Grand Master. I should have gone there myself. One of my slave ships could have make this crossing at good speed. A slave ship? Captain, I asked you to stop these - damn practices at the earliest. - I can hardly see the difference between enslaving some men and enslave them all. Isn't our goal to direct the course of civilization? A enslaved body incites the mind to revolt. But ... enslave the mind and the body will follow, naturally. Without the slightest hitch. That is well said, Grand Master. - Uh ... call me back. Where are we looking in Africa? - In Principle, sir. A small island. We sent two of our best men: Burgess and Cockram. Strong competent privateers with fast ships. Edward Kenway ! Imagine my surprise when I saw your Jackdaw moored in the port ...! Did you learn everything you wanted to know? Will you try to subtract this poor Sage in our grip? The plague be upon you, traitor! You sold us without remorse! Because I found a better way. The Templars know order, discipline, stability. But these qualities have never appeared on your register. Goodbye, old friend! You were a soldier once! When you were fighting for a real cause. For a cause that goes beyond your person. "Where are we going, Captain?" - In Principe, quartermaster. We set sail for the coasts of Africa. - I'll go get Roberts. - Not lagging, I feel that men don't like this place. Captain Kenway ... Another tragic situation, Roberts ... I hope we can change that one day. - Stop following me and your wish will be fulfilled. - All this leads nowhere. You know I'm a man of my word. Our Captain Howell has just been killed in an ambush by the Portuguese. This mule head. I had told him not to go ashore. It was organized ... by Templars Burgess and Cockram. The same men who forcibly took you to Havana. Ah... I now see that no one shies away from the attention of the Templars ... is not it? I guess it's high time to fight back. - I like that idea. - And I know how to do it. But these men, Burgess and Cockram ... They can't leave the island, if they know I escaped. They won't leave. Count on it. Take what you can wear. We won't wait for anyone! Come on, hurry up a bit, or we'll leave without you! You got us good, Kenway. You finally showed your true face. But why ? - To satisfy his dirty pride. - You got between me and my catch. It often turns out to be fatal. Ha ha ... Ha ha ha ... 'An arrogant jerk, as Hornigold said. - This Templar carrion is nothing to me. - None of you. - And you, you're even worse, Kenway! It was the Templars who welcomed us when everything collapsed! Not our king. Not our country ... The Templar Knights. The Templars are our family. Where is yours ...? For you should know that I have plunged my hands in troubled waters, and that by withdrawing them, I understood that it was better to be a captain than a simple sailor! Oh, my friend ... I am flattered by so much stubbornness. I have to find the Observatory. They say you're the only one who knows where he is. We haven't lied to you. Despite the disdain that your greed inspires in me, I perceive in you a unique touch of genius. - I'm Bartholomew Roberts. - Edward. I have no secrets to reveal to you. But if you give me your help, two months from now, when we are in the Leeward Islands, you will have your answers. I promise it. MISTERIOSA - SEPTEMBER 1719 This is fun. With scurvy, the remedy is more pleasant than the cause ... but when a whore leaves you a memory that you have to treat with quicksilver, it is always more pleasant to catch the evil than to cure it. Is something gnawing at you ...? Ah ... Every man dreams of living by a code or a creed, right ...? Except that with their backs to the wall, most follow their instincts rather than the rules that govern them. But what is the attraction of a creed if it does not impose the same actions on all? Maybe he gives the feeling ... of belonging to something. What do you think ? I think there is a sheep in every man. And that an old wolf like me deserves every ounce of blood he draws. Sail to this place. Only take men you can trust. Ah, Captain Kenway. Shall we take your ship for the upcoming trip, or mine? - I would like to know more before deciding. - Ah, it's a very modest operation ... This fountain of information has just revealed to me that a certain galleon contains the treasure I covet. For his sake, I hope he's telling the truth. Is your plan safe? He is. This good captain will provide us with a Portuguese flag which will allow us to approach our target. It's a very simple idea ... if you follow my orders to the letter. - The Jackdaw, then. - Excellent. I have a hard time figuring out where you're from, Roberts. - Are you from the west? - Exactly, yes. - A small town called Casnewydd-Bach. - Never heard of it. Aye, like a lot of people ... A sign should be hung at its limit: "Welcome to Casnewydd-Bach, the village you have just left." Haha... - I'm from Swansea. - Oh, a real capital, by comparison. This is the object of our desires, Captain. Do you see this ship? This ruse requires its flag. If I can take over their pavilion without being noticed ... I will. You have my blessing. (... needs a new mast.) (Men went ashore to find a suitable tree.) (Out of a total of forty-two ships, I would say more than two-thirds are merchants.) (Ah, a significant number! You must be afraid of pirates, then?) (Yes, sir. Hence our precautions. There are so many pirates that this fleet needs good protection.) - Do you have the pavilion? - Aye. We are already sporting it. It will do well. I will stay at a distance. Slow and discreet. Aye. This stolen flag will not protect us from too insistent glances. Check it out, Captain. These poor devils - took the same path as us. - We are much better than them, Adé. I wonder how many sailors said these words before they died. Our treasure must be on board this galleon. Why don't you take it directly to save us time? Aye, that's what I was thinking. I can bring the Jackdaw closer, but these lookouts are going to be a problem for us. Well seen. I'll take care of it. (But what the hell is going on here?) Ha ha ha ha ha ... We have been spotted ... They will have taken the time. To your places ! Parry the cannons! Everyone to the task! We're waiting for your orders, Captain! Let us see how that beast roars! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Here is my take ...! Ah, the Templars haven't been idle, I see ... The blood of Laurens Prins. Now useless. Woodes Rogers, Ben Hornigold ... until Torres himself. In small quantities, - kept for a specific purpose. - You'll take me to the Observatory, Roberts. - I need to know what it is. - Why do that, eh? Do you plan to sell it under my nose? Or work with me to increase our earnings? - Everything, as long as it serves my interests. - This is so ridiculous. May life be as happy as it is short, that is my motto. This is all the optimism that inhabits me. All right, Captain Kenway. I grant you your wish. Do you feel that, Adé? - The best reward will soon be ours. - I can only feel the wind beating my ears, Captain. Come on, my friend. When we hold this treasure, we will be rich for life. All of us. Ten times more. If you say so. Ahoy, Roberts! We drop anchor and find ourselves ashore ...! You've been followed, Captain Kenway. Since when ? I wonder. It's Hornigold! Let this traitor be burned and flayed. Take care of your old friend now, Captain, before I regret trusting you. Captain, take the time to think carefully about what you're going to do. What are you complaining about, Adé? It's Ben Hornigold, come to kill us! Aye, and this traitor must die. But after ? Are you sure you deserve this Observatory more than him or his Templars? No, I'm not sure and I don't care! - But if you have a better idea, go ahead, I'll listen to you. - Forget that Roberts! Warn the Assassins, lead them here and let them protect this place. Aye, I'll bring them here ...! - If they're willing to pay me what's rightfully mine. - Pah ... This is Hornigold. We will approach. Fire! Fire! I will be back. I know this dog, and I know what he is capable of. As true as I am here, he won't let go! Don't let go, and be ready for anything! You had what it takes to become a man of conviction, but your heart is now that of a killer. - With just courage to cover up your mistakes. - A much better thing than you, Ben. The heart of a traitor, - who believes himself superior to his brothers ...! - Aye! And I have proven it, a hundred times! What have you done, since Nassau, if not to sow death in your wake ...? YOU ARE ALLYED WITH THE VERMIN THAT WE WERE THOUGHT TO HATE! Non ! These Templars are different, I wish you could see it ...! But if you blindly follow this path, you will discover that you are the last to follow him ... And that he leads ... to the gallows. Maybe. But the world is now one snake less. And that's enough, for me. - Is that pirate hunter dead? - Aye, from my hand. How come you alone can find what so many men are looking for? I was born with memories of this place. Memories from a whole different era, I think. As if... - As if I had already lived in another life. - I do not believe a word, you will speak clearly. Not today. After you, Captain. The road ahead is dangerous. This way. - Is that the Observatory? All that ? - Aye. An almost sacred place. All he needs is a drop of my blood. ... and the door will open for the first time in eighty thousand years. - Hell, Roberts! Have you gone mad ?! - Quite the contrary, Edward. These morons would have lost their minds seeing what was behind that door. But you ... I suspect you are much tougher than them. Now pick up this chest, and bring it here. Dirty and decrepit. My memories are very different. But after eighty millennia ... - Lies. It's impossible. - Take care of yourself, Captain. I must say that this new vocation inspires me. And you might find it amusing to learn that I have issued my own code of conduct. Your own creed, eh? To keep the peace, yes. Gambling is prohibited because it generates more conflict than camaraderie. Desertion during combat is prohibited. And I demand that all cannons and sabers be clean and ready for use at all times. - It's supposed to. - And punishable by death, if there is disobedience. - Look at this place ...! - Splendid, isn't it? Aye. Straight out of a fairy tale, or an ancient poem. There are many stories that speak of this place. Stories that have become rumors, then legends. The inescapable path leading all reality to fiction, before sinking into oblivion. - More vials of blood. - Yes. These cubes contain blood of a very ancient people. A race which, in its time, reached the heights. - The more you talk, my friend, the less I understand you. - I'm not surprised. But remember this: the blood in these vials is no longer of any value to anyone. Perhaps one day it will be different. But not in our time. Here we are. Place the safe there. What is this noise ? Ah yes. A security measure. Wait a minute. Here we are. So what is this place ...? It is a kind of large telescope, as used by sailors. A device that allows you to see over great distances. It's witchcraft ...! No. It's Mr. Jack Rackham. Somewhere in this world, right now. Nassau ... Is this happening right now? Can we see through his eyes? Aye. I don't know, Jim. I know absolutely nothing about navigation. - It's not a job for a woman. - Nonsense! I saw dozens of women furling webs and turning capstans. And will you teach me how to fight? With a big saber? And even to shoot with a pistol? All this and more. But you have to want it. And that you apply yourself. You don't have to think about failure if you want to be successful. Hey! Dude ! You are courting my wife! Beat your paws, or I'll cut you up ...! Go sleep somewhere else, Rackham. And think twice before you call me "boy". Oh oh ! That's true...? Dude ? What funny people. Let's try another one. Governor Woodes Rogers. It's a bold idea, but I'm going to have to think about it carefully. All you need to do is invite the House of Commons to show loyalty. An oath, a gesture, a little ritual to take a few drops of blood fingertip. Nothing more. The ministers will probably oppose it, but it should be easy enough to convince the Lords. They have a pronounced taste for pageantry and ceremonies. Exactly. Tell them it's a sign of support for the king, in the face of all those Jacobite rebels. Yes of course. Ah, those Templars ... The crucial element is blood. You have to take a little from each. We owe it to ourselves to be ready when we find the Observatory. Heard. A valuable tool, isn't it? - Witchcraft, that's what it is. - Oh no! Each mechanism that drives this device is all that there is more concrete. Ancient, certainly, but no more supernatural than strange. We will be the masters of the oceans, with that. Oh, what ambition ... My code doesn't say anything about loyalty, boy ...! You played your part, but our alliance is coming to an end! You're a dead man, Roberts! ROBERTS ! Oh ... Your Jackdaw left the nest, Edward, huh? This is the beauty of democracy. The multitude always wins. Aye, you could come with me, but ... with a spirit as fiery as yours, I'm afraid you will burn us all to ashes. Fortunately, I know that the king's price on your head is very generous. And I ... intend to go get it. Have you ... Have you ever been to Jamaican jails, my friend? Tell me...? Health...? How are you...? If you feel anxious, it will pass. This is Midazolam. I'm sorry for that, but ... we had so many security issues that drastic measures had to be taken. And ... Olivier has disappeared. He left for Chicago two days ago but ... no one has seen him since. I know it may seem excessive to you, but the info we have give us certain obligations to shareholders. Don't worry, you'll get compensation when we find the hacker. In the meantime, get some rest, okay? And if your heart tells you ... try to get more images? You do an incredible job. I can't wait to show you what we got out of your footage. See you soon. Ha ha ha ha ha ...! So… they put you in the bunker. Awesome. All these little Templars take no risk. I think we better erase all the compromising info they have on you. Did you hear that? Ha ha! I think I just upgraded your clearance to level 3! Now go to the security room and use the cameras to observe the door to the server room. Unfortunately, Melanie is there right now, so wait that I get her out before disembarking. I would clean these servers well myself, but as a IT manager, I would be suspected. Better that it be someone they've already locked up. All right, listen. I'll go into the server room. As soon as you see us go out, it's your turn to play. ... your presence here is not necessary, Miss Lemay. My team will take care of the investigation. But you're going to need more staff, John. We don't even know when these hackers acted. - We could waste weeks with all of this. - One, at most. It stays too long. I can't block my team for a whole week. Legally, you can. We have their agreement. Even if they surely haven't read their contracts. Yes of course. I just don't like the idea. What is the next step ? My team is processing the data right now. We're going to start sorting them out tonight. Word of scout. I'll buy you a cup of coffee, okay? It's okay, I got rid of it at the coffee stand. Find the server containing the network logs. Since I have the details of all your little hacks, you just have to find it based on dates and convert that data into harmless stuff. It's not more complicated than that. Ha ha ha! Here we are...! Magnificent. I'll update your communicator. A little program that I concocted especially for the occasion. And There you go. I think it worked ...! Try it. I can feel your presence, figure. I can smell, but I cannot touch. The signal is still too weak, and I'm too thin. And dispersed. Like the fog of parasites roaming the waves and the networks, the nervous system of the world. Can you hear it? Perhaps the temple was opened too early. But it wasn't by choice. The cataclysm removed all uncertainty. Ah ... Blessed be poor Desmond, who gave his life so that you, the fruits of our labor, may you live. And succeed in your mission in us. In me. But the timing is precarious. My strengths are inadequate for the investment of an organic host. Much remains to be done, samples to collect, artefacts to find before my will triumphs. What is happening ? TELL ME ! Allow me to be reborn, my children. My instruments. Give me the strength to guide you to your goal. Talk to me ! No no no ! Something is wrong ! Brothel! She should be there! At the moment ! Installed in your fucking head! Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! Why did she spare you? Why are you still HERE ?! The charges, sir, please repeat them. PORT ROYAL, JAMAICA - APRIL 1720 PORT ROYAL, JAMAICA - APRIL 1720 defendants, Mary Read and Anne Bonny, have, using methods contrary to the law and amounting to piracy, fought and captured seven fishing boats. In addition, the court argues that the defendants traveled the high seas and attacked, bombed and captured two merchant schooners, by threatening their captains and crews to harm their lives. Edward James Kenway. Born of a dubious union in Swansea ... to an English father and a Welsh mother. Married at eighteen to Miss Caroline Scott, now separated. She is a very beautiful woman, I am told. But most miserable these days. If you touch her, you cowards, I ... What a surprise to find you here, rotting away in a Jamaican prison. It was rumored that you had joined the pirate Roberts. If you know where the Observatory is, speak without delay and you will come out of this hole immediately. Rogers may still contain these English dogs for a while, but a dire fate awaits you if you refuse to cooperate ... ... You, Mary Read and Anne Bonny, will be escorted to the location where you were taken and then, from there, you will be taken to the place of execution, where you will each be hanged by the neck until death takes hold of you. - Dirty rat! - May God, in his infinite mercy, have pity on your miserable souls. We are pregnant! - Did you all hear that? - But what the hell did she say? They plead their entrails, my lord. Aye! You don't hang a woman with a baby, is that right? Silence ! Silence ! If what you claim is true, we will stay your execution, but only until the end of your term. So, I'll just have to be pregnant the next time someone picks me up ...! Take them! FOUR MONTHS LATER ... What's your name, parasite? Kenmore? Conway? FOUR MONTHS LATER ... It's Walpole, isn't it? It's Walpole, isn't it? Walpole? Where do you get that from? Don't get me wrong. I come for Anne and Mary, and I don't ask for anything in return. But if you lend me a hand, I swear to help you get out of here. I need weapons. I was told you knew how to use that. We must act quickly. Maybe he has friends watching him. Or money, like Stede Bonnet from Barbados. No, no, they hanged him too. Really ? Aye. Boiling and screaming, he succumbed to the gallows. You've never really been a friend, Jack Rackham. No more than you were a good sailor. But you were strange, full of life ... And you made me laugh more than once. It's enough for me to be sad to see you like this. I hope you enjoy peace among the dead. ♪ To the health of the king, may peace last ♪ ♪ At the end of conflicts, prosperity ♪ ♪ Let's drink, my friend, because life is in us ♪ ♪ Once death comes, we do not drink our drunk any more ♪ ♪ And the one whose health one day comes ♪ ♪ Dark among the dead ♪ Hi, Vane. I heard they brought you here. I didn't know you had sunk so low. Good luck, old man. I wish we had left good friends. Mary! Mary, it's me, Edward ...! - Edward? Who is this guy? - Have no fear, Anne. It is a friend. - How's Mary? - She is sick. - What about her child? - They took her. I don't know where. I know you are in terrible pain. But we must remain discreet. Can you walk? Lean on me, Mary. Come on. I can not...! Search every cell! That's good, keep going! You're going to make it ...! Stopped. Stop Please... I won't give up on you, hold on! It is useless. There is no one here ! I'm not leaving you here. No way. Put me down, Edward ... - I would only be a burden. Go away. - It wasn't supposed to be like that ...! Damn it. You should have been the one to live. I did my duty. And you ? If you came with me, I would. Mary...! I'll be with you, Kenway ... always. Disperse yourself! Search all the cells! What happened to Mary? What does she have ? Is she dead ...? Oh no ... Oh, Lord! What are you going to do now...? Nothing make sense anymore. You didn't deserve it, but ... it looks good on you. Good luck to you, Edward Kenway. Again ? Another bottle. Show your money first. It suits you ? In all your years here, all you have been able to do is nothing compared to what I have accomplished. Because you're a good man, Edward, you see. And kindness ... is your scourge. This is my take, Roberts ...! Give it back to me! Remember my creed, boy. May life be as happy as it is short. The world has nothing else to offer. So take whatever you want, and die before the others make you crazy! - Give me that...! - That's good, boy. Take it...! I'll show you, dirty dog. I'm going to... Calm down, young puppy. And go back to your kennel. You don't have enough guts to measure up to my madness. Roberts ! Welcome aboard, Kenway! The captures, the plunder and the adventure await us. That tempts you ? Out of my way, Ben! We drink to freedom, guys! Long live the gentlemen of fortune and women of petty virtue! To a world where thieves have nothing to envy of all the kings who trample on us! We, gentlemen of fortune, enjoy great satisfaction, pleasure and ease, freedom and power ... How could a man of reason refuse such a life? For you should know that I have plunged my hands in troubled waters, and that by withdrawing them, I understood that it was better to be a captain than a simple sailor! - No more than two years! You promised me! - You're gone ! When I needed you the most! But you had me! Why don't you come home? - Am I not making you happy? - I'm almost there, Caroline! You're welcome ! I have to get there! - Everything you do is motivated by spite, Edward? - It's not spite that drives me, Mary! - It is courage! - The courage to do what? - All those who mattered in your life are gone! - Go all to the Devil! - I can do it! - You're a bully! You destroy everything when you could build. Become someone, be proud of what you do. - LEAVE ME JUST IN PEACE! - You have to change, Edward! You must change your life before it's too late! Captain Kenway! You look like a piece of pudding. Good God ! My head is mushy. Standing...! You got me in trouble, Adé. After you left me alone with Roberts I should be mad to see you here again. But honestly, that makes me really happy. Me too my brother. And you see, your Jackdaw is still in one piece. So shall we set sail? - You go away ? - Aye, Edward. Count more on me to follow you. - Adé, listen ... - When your heart and your mind are ready, go see the Assassins. I think you will understand. Good God, Adé! What happened here? It's your work, Edward. What you started six years ago is not over yet. I'm not a very decent friend, am I ...? Is that what you're here for? To fight alongside such a thirsty for wealth and fame is a thankless task, Edward. And I came to understand that the Assassins - and their credo - offered a more honorable path. Have I been unfair? Non. For years I have traveled the seas taking what I liked, without ever worrying about the harm I was doing. And today I'm ... rich, I'm famous, but I haven't learned anything since I left. And when I turn to look at how far I've come ... there is none of those I loved standing by my side. You have to draw a line from the past, Captain Kenway. Mary... Before she died, she asked me to do her honor. To right the wrong I have done. Can you help me ? Mary loved you very much, Edward. What she saw in you gave her hope - that you could one day join us. - Aye. She told me. - And what do you think of our credo? - It's hard to say. Because if nothing is true, how to believe in anything ...? And if anything goes ... why not obey his wishes? Why, indeed? Perhaps this idea is only the beginning of wisdom, not its culmination. I see the man I met a long time ago has come a long way. - So what do you think? - It takes a little practice. The second attack this month. I should have moved this village a long time ago. I am the one and only responsible. But I will fight by your side now. It will take more than a few feats of arms to become an Assassin, Edward. One thing at a time, my friend. One ...! Towards the beach! You have the strength and the spirit. And once again, we are grateful to you, Edward. - You're welcome here. - I thank you. I'll rest for a while before I leave, if you don't mind. And her child ...? She is a strong woman, but not invincible. Edward... I'm sorry about what happened to you. If I had stayed in jail, they would have taken it from me anyway. But he would still be alive. Maybe it's God trying to make me understand that I'm not ready to be a mother. - When you see my life ... I swear, I drink, I fight ... - You're a fighter, aye. In prison, I heard about the adventures of the formidable Anne Bonny and Mary Read, facing the Royal Navy together. Alone against all. That is true. And we would have won that day if Jack and his men hadn't got drunk. Edward... Is there no one left now? Mary, Rackham, Thatch... All the others. I miss them so much, even though they were rude ... Do you feel that, too? Like an inner void ... And... And it gnaws at my heart ... endlessly. COW ISLAND - MAY 1721 I know perfectly well my targets. - But how do you find them? - We have eyes and ears in every city. Visit our offices, the Assassins who occupy them will help you. That settles the case of Torres and Rogers ... But Bartholomew Roberts knows he has to avoid the cities. - It'll take me months to find him. - Or years. But you are a man of talent and resource, Captain Kenway. I think you will find it. And if you feel lost, you can always call on your quartermaster. Quartermaster! What is the course we are on? West, Captain. If it's still Kingston that we're going. That's right, Miss Bonny. Give your orders. Lift the anchor! And cast off the low sails, guys! We're heading to Jamaica! - So, do you like screaming so loud? - I have already screamed louder, - on much tougher men. - When you served at the Old Avery, right? Among other things, yes. And I sailed for a while with Mary and Rackham, remember? Of course. Mary acted as captain while Jack got drunk. Did Mary ... Has she ever told you who the father of her child is? He was a young guy. He was on board during our last crossing. The poor man was killed by our side. He was the only one still sober enough to stand up. There is so much I don't know about her. I considered her a friend, but was I in return too? She valued you more than anyone else, Edward. You can be sure. Good. It's good to know that. - Captain Kenway. - Do you have something for me? We know the whereabouts of Templar Woodes Rogers. He's attending a small political meeting, so do it quietly. It is said that King George decided to recall him to London. Aye. He is unhappy with his progress in Nassau. There are still a lot of pirates lurking there, from what I've heard. You're going to have to dress up to blend in with this stilted reception. I suggest you target diplomat Ruggiero Ferraro. We've been watching him for a long time. Including. - Can you send this to England for me? - Aye. A ship leaves tomorrow. Caroline Scott Kenway. Hawkin's Lane. À Bristol. We will leave when I am well prepared. (Good!) I'm ready, let's go. Idiots. You are all fools. How can you Englishmen master the world? Is beyond me. Ah! Praise be to God for foreign wines. (Hello.) Forgive my late arrival. I am Ruggiero Ferraro. Aye, Mr. Ferraro. There is no problem. Ladies and Gentlemen, a toast to my brief term as Governor of the Bahamas! Under my authority, no less than three hundred pirates have chosen the king's forgiveness and pledged allegiance to the crown! And yet, despite my brilliant successes, His Majesty saw fit to sanction me! And to call me back to England. May God watch over this viper ...! So, hurray! Hooray for the ungrateful and ignorant idiots who rule the world without understanding anything! Hooray ...! - And how is Mrs. Rogers, these days? - I've no idea and I don't intend to care. It's been five years since we separated, and our lives are all the better for it. - Forgive my curiosity, Governor. - I might be more frank later, when I have lost the rest of my sanity. You yourself were a privateer. How can you have so little respect for those who keep on - fight to find a place in this world? - You will never be able to understand what motivates me, moron! You have spent your whole miserable life demolishing the most precious foundations of our civilization. It's quite the opposite. I have seen the Observatory, and I know its power. - You would use it to spy, pervert and sabotage… - Yes. But to serve the noblest cause. To ensure justice. And bring out the truth at all costs. No man on Earth deserves such power. - But you let that outlaw Roberts use it ... - No. I'll take it back. And if you tell me where he is, I'll stop him. Here, at the end of a blade, I finally find a friend in you ...! In Principe, pirate vermin. Our best sources ... mention Principe. It's over. And now ? Go get your things ready, we're heading for Africa. Captain! This one is still stirring! - Who did that ? - It was a big ship. The Royal Fortune. Roberts. He didn't do a quarter. This devil knows what to kill. The Captain is on board! Give the whole canvas, on the way! - Edward! Top bars on the horizon! - The English pavilion! Spanish ships, Captain! We're going to go through hell if we don't hurry. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Are we going to sink his ship, Captain? We have every chance of getting there! No. I have to retrieve the device on board. I'll have to tackle it. To your parts! This cannon fodder is reaching out to you ...! Hell, Edward Kenway ...! How to remain impassive in front of all the attention that you give me! May the best of us both sing each other's praises! Ah ... A happy and short life, as promised. I've always been right. As for you, Edward? - Did you find the peace you were looking for ...? - I don't have as much ambition. What is peace if it is only a confused moment between two wars? Hoho! You are a real stoic ...! Maybe I was wrong about you. She probably would have found you to her liking, in the end. - It ? Who are you talking about ? - Oh ... of the one biding her time. At the tomb. I hoped to find her, to see her again. Open the temple door and hear him say my name again. Aita ... - Speak clearly, my friend. - I was not born at the right time, - like so many others before. - Where's the device, Roberts? Ah ...! Destroy this body, Edward. The Templars ... if they find me ... Ah! Captain Kenway! Guess I'm the first friendly face you've seen since you've been in town? - Havana is on high alert because of me? - Hm, aye. Torres thinks someone launched after him. He's not wrong. Oh, morbid, that thing. Is that really what I think ...? Aye. Looked. Thanks to the governor's blood, we can see through his eyes. It's ... It's near the church ...! Keep it safe. Just in case. I'll be at the office. Good luck. (Sir, excuse me, but ... why do we have to go there?) (Most of the fleet has already been sent ...) (Are you going to disobey a direct order, soldier?) It's over, Torres. Hell ...! Shall we do it again, then? I can't hurt him like that…! If you had the strength to speak, my friend, I would be curious to hear the sound of your voice. Long ago, you humiliated me. I learned a big lesson and got better. Know, before you take your last breath, that you helped a bandit become a warrior. Leave this quickly and find peace, in eternal rest. I heard that Torres left town. Who did you track down? This vial bore his name, but contained the blood of his second. Where did he go ? He went west this morning along the coast. - The Observatory. - Do you want to follow him? Go tell Ah Tabai. We finally got our man. Who is this Torres? And what did he do to deserve you to kill him? He's a Templar, like Rogers and Hornigold. Their one and only goal is to use the Observatory to enslave people, have power, and control everything. The violence he spreads around him will be subtle, but excruciating. It will destroy everything, without leaving its mark. Do you understand ? As if someone, during a great drought, had a huge barrel of water, but did not give anyone a drink. He can kill without having blood on his hands. Aye, that's it. Make him hide. Lord. The air is fresh, don't you think? Mmh ... Strange, I thought we would see soldiers. Maybe they are gone? No, they are there. In the heart of the jungle. Soldiers, right there! What does ? Good God, look at this ...! Bodies as far as the eye can see ...! They came with all the strength they had. Holy mother of God ... is this where we're supposed to go? Aye. - Keep watch here, no one should follow me. - I'm ready to kill a thousand times more. (My legs! Aaah, my legs!) - (Come on, get moving!) - (I can't! My legs won't budge!) (Leave him! We're gonna die if we stay here!) (Did you hear? Get up! Otherwise, I'll leave you here!) - (If you want to die ...) - (Pity! Don't let me p ...) (We triggered something ...!) (He's here, kill him!) We could have worked together, Edward. We could have taken power together, and brought those decadent empires to their knees! There is so much potential in you ... So many things you still have to accomplish. I can tell you the truth. Mysteries that go beyond anything you could have imagined ...! Captain Kenway. As tenacious as a leech. - Will this murder make you happy? - I only see a job done, Torres. - Like you would have done with me. - As WE would have done, I think. You no longer have family, friends, or future. You have lost more than us. Yes maybe. But killing you mends all the wrongs I've ever done. You really think ? You would like to see the human race reunited in a pretty little prison, soulless and heartless, to better control it and deprive it of all passion. So yes. After everything I've seen and learned over the past few years, I think so. You stand up for your convictions with faith. You have changed... Torres has triggered something! - Are we safe? - If we put the device back in place, I think so ...! What do you call this place? The Madness of Captain Kenway! (Don't worry, it's over. Go back to sleep.) We're going to seal this place and throw away the key. Until a new Sage appears, this door will remain locked. The last time I was here there were vials full of blood old ancestors, according to Roberts. But ... they are gone. So it's up to us to find them. Before the Templars knew about it. - You would be useful to our cause. - I know but... I must first repair the damage I have caused in my home. It happened last week. Come on, stand in there! I don't think we had the chance to be introduced ... At least not at that time. Ha ha ha ha ha. I wish I could explain the situation to you, but we don't have much time. In short, you have seen my beloved Juno. And within a minute, I thought she would come and occupy your pretty little body. But everything got out of hand. And now she's gone. Disappeared. Oh, she was beautiful once. She was of the race of those wonderful and sublime creatures. Those who are going have shaped. Did you know that? You were just instruments between their fingers. This is what you have always been! This is what you will always be. One day soon, I hope. Cause the world will never be so ready for his return. Connected. Ready for the final judgment. Oh oh ... Here they come. The Templar Knights. Or maybe the Assassins this time. Idiots, all of them. I want you ! She wanted me to be there to greet her. It was through his experiences that I was able to be reborn as one of ... these things. Stay on the ground! - On the back ! Now ! - He's armed! Guide me into limbo, my beloved! I am your instrument! Put down your gun! Let her go ! Drop your gun! - That's it, it's good ...! Examine it! - He's bleeding out! - Go see the victim. - Are you OK ? Do you hear me ? Eh? Talk to me ! It will be fine ? You got away with it. Thank God. I hope you're okay. You look, anyway. You can get up ? Good ! Try to walk a bit. A doctor came by. He said we didn't have to worry. The syringe dose was far from lethal, so no worries. I'm so sorry for all of this. And for everything else. Everything blamed you, absolutely everything ... but John was the culprit. We found some, things, on his computer ... If you need anything, you ask us. You did a remarkable job. Oh, by the way ... The trailer is over. Do you want to see her? You well deserved it. In a world ... where pirates rule the seas ... These men will discover ... that nothing is sacred, and that all roads lead ... with rum ... looting ... and to women ...! Hello, jolies month ...! This summer, Abstergo Entertainment is taking you aboard for the adventure of a lifetime ... So, sharpen your sabers, shine your hooks and embark with the "Devils of the Caribbean"! A virtual experience coming soon. GREAT INAGUA - OCTOBER 1722 So, gentlemen. What do you say about this place? It will be perfect for us. But in the long run, we need to expand our operations. We must live and work among those we protect, as Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad once advised us. Well, until then, you are at home here. Edward. Captain Woodes Rogers survived. He took the road back to England, covered with shame and debt, - but just as dangerous. - I will finish what I started on my return. You have my word. Good evening, Anne. Edward. I will be leaving for London in the next few months. I would be really happy if you came with me. England is the last place an Irish woman would go. Are you going to stay with the Assassins? No, I don't share their convictions deep down. And you ? When the time comes, aye. When my mind is calm and my business is settled. Ship in sight! He's approaching the creek! You are a good man, Edward. And if life gives you the opportunity to find your place somewhere, you will make a good father one day. ♪ All the money I had in my pocket ♪ ♪ I spent it on my loved ones ♪ ♪ And the pains that I caused ♪ ♪ It was only me that they suffered ♪ ♪ And everything I did for lack of wit ♪ ♪ Since my memory is suspicious ♪ ♪ So before you go, drink with me ♪ ♪ Good night, may you find joy ♪ ♪ All the comrades I have known ♪ ♪ All regret seeing me come ♪ ♪ And all the men I've loved ♪ ♪ Want me to stay by their side ♪ ♪ But as fate chose me ♪ ♪ Alone to go, far from my friends ♪ ♪ Without tears I go, and I declaim ♪ ♪ Good night, may you find the flame ♪ ♪ Good night, may you find the flame. ♪ - Father, have you always known how to pilot a boat? - The Jackdaw is a ship, Jenny. Not a boat. But have you always known? Non. No, I found out after I left Bristol. After having abandoned Mother? Well, I haven't given up on your ... Finally, I didn't leave without saying goodbye. It was an arrangement, you know, between your mother and me. She said you abandoned her. She said you wanted to sail your boat and make money in the New World. I've always wanted to sail, it's true. But not for fun. So that we can live better. To take care of her ... and you. Not from me. Mother said you didn't know I existed. She said you only write once a year and she never knew where you were. It is true and I am sorry. If I had known earlier ... I might have come home ... I hope so, anyway. Well… You must have been very busy. Me, that's what I believe. I was, but ... that shouldn't have stopped me. - Can I steer your boat? - A boat ? I don't see a boat here. And you ? Ah ... I meant "ship". But honestly, I don't see the difference. Ah, it's very simple, Jenny: a ship can carry a boat, but a ship cannot carry a ship. So, big or small, they're just ships, apart from my tiny little boat. The one I take in my bath. Ha ha ha ha ha…! It's a way of looking at it. Is it difficult for you to talk about Caroline, Jenny ...? Of your mother...? Mmh ... no. She has been dead for several years. I miss her, but it's okay. Did she suffer? I do not know. I do not believe. She was very happy for a while. Then, not really. I didn't see her much after that. And then ... she left. Is ... I am sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there. It does not matter. You are here now. And we go on an adventure! A modest adventure, I hope. I've lived enough of it for a lifetime. - Do you think we'll see a whale? - Yes ! Chances are! Mmh ... What about pirates? Am I going to see pirates? No ... That would surprise me, however. Oh. Too bad. I would have loved to see one so much. I'll tell you something, Jenny. As soon as those winds ease a bit, I'll let you bar the Jackdaw. - A little trip to the bar before dark. - Yeah! Ha ha ha ha ... Miss Jennifer Kenway. - Let me introduce myself ... - Jennifer Scott, please. - I'm sorry, I ... I ... - My daughter ... was raised by her mother, Caroline, until she left us a few years ago. - Jenny always preferred her name to mine. - Ah. Forgive my ignorance. I will do it. She is less certain. Father, help me ...! This little rascal, on the other hand, IS a Kenway. - What's the matter, Haytham? - I don't see the scene! Let's go. - It's better ? - Yes, but won't you tire? Hey, I'm not that old! But if I get tired, then we'll run from this stuffy place and we'll go have a chocolate with your mother. - That would please you ? - Oh yes, a lot! Well. Hush, now. Subtitles FR / FR Subtitles: VNero14
Channel: Andy Gilleand
Views: 2,105,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed, Black Flag, AC4, ACIV, Assassin's Creed 4, Game Movie, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Cutscenes, Pirates, Edward Kenway, Kenway Saga, Blackbeard, Video Game, AC Black Flag, Shanties, Valhalla, Darby McDevitt, Stede Bonnet, Trailer, Review, No Commentary, Let's Play, Cinematic, Story, Havana, Man O' War, Nassau, Parkour, Hidden Blade, Stealth, Brotherhood, PS4, 1080p, E3, Ending, Parting Glass, Mary Read, James Kidd, Open World, Treasure, Caribbean
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 255min 59sec (15359 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2014
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