Assassin's Creed: Origins All Cutscenes Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are damaged - see well I thought rejects was supposed to protect the Faro I imagine no file you see this I can read my own man next [Music] we find you we will find you in your sleep sleep I never sleep I just worked in the shadows and I will tell you all everyone I see you have made new friends they were setting up an ambush it's a good thing I came to work on you in months it's been nearly a year my friend time out to practice in fira everyone defers to the soldiers on pain of death or worse I've killed one of the masks once the arrow oh come it's been a long road you need rest no no rest but until all the mask wants guts like baking in the Sun what I have missed you ah there you are boy let us go how have you been holding up since I left yeah it has been difficult back without you the villagers look to me to keep order but the soldiers have set up a galaxy they rule over all the garrison and see one told me once the entire region kept under heel I do my best to keep the villagers out of trouble I could use your help I'll do what they can but do not forget I have my own justice to pursue I knew I could count on you sorry what happened here the garrison soldiers are brutal if they suspect the village as lying to them they burn his neighborhood and worse well welcome home back see what has mr. [Music] all you wrap your fat your boots your children urges are dreamed of life no one in the head could make a move without being questioned threatened taxed or beaten we all have learned to obey and keep our heads down you see how it is that's not attract attention [Music] are you going to go to your house nothing there for me tell me about the Ibis Matt unum Oh is he here he is the plague on you asus as you can see the soldiers have become more brutal Cynthia right before they got drunk and fought with the villages now that Medina moon is here discipline vicious all the more reason to kill him do not take him like no coos return to the heart rest my friend it has been a difficult day I have no interest in rest I'm not prepare for this madness Maria Maria I am worried about you oh you know me it should be wedded look at you cuts contusions I'm fine sit sit sit I figured it you haven't changed and aya I've always patched you two up made excuses to your parents times have changed but you I can [Music] you slumbering Osiris I thought you would never wake up I'll be a passion me up and I just I'll let you sleep you need to be alert to tangle with me to New Moon in fact my friend a new book see if you like it excited no one gets out of the house alive Absalom we're just here to talk no my crew Jack's been killed your friend the Magi may have been involved come out if you wish to clear his name that does it thank you bye I told you these neck I did it do not care I cannot believe that girl it is sad come upstairs I will show you all the major duties our Siva all the problems are sewer I hear I try to help everyone but it is more than I can do so you're telling me you do not have the powers of a god but the real problem is that man you want to kill a Jew naman the people who were hopeful when he first arrived surely things would improve we soon learned the truth actually I fear for the safety of your family priest I will move them to a more secure area that is the man you're up against I will find him and kill him the gentleman is a lot more powerful than he looks and he is surrounded by the finest soldiers I do not care you'll be killed you need to get tougher if you want to marry that spindly [ __ ] for sure you need better armor I can make that myself weapons are more difficult the soldiers took everything in the village I will talk to the blacksmith's yes any pair can certainly make something for you or send you can help you find what you need sindelle sin was alive no couth coming sinner old girl it's fine form Rabia has nested to help I'm a spanker the people are desperate for your help back they'll help you if you help them I understand [Music] yo you have returned to write your from I dye my work unfinished so close so very close to a sharing in the perpetual rule of the strong and by to virtue give us the power because what is one boy what is one boy you you hey okay hey well I can try this way I'll get to 16 and there's nothing scary well you know what I'd rather go hunt with my papa you always get to scape hey hey let's go on a real hunt huh what are we hunting the Oracle wants the pelt of an ibex tag for the ceremony you wanna stand next to the Pharaoh won't you buy it you're the Magi when I'm Magi I'll stand next to the Pharaoh you'll never be Magi who scared that's not true shut up enough you to the side is so hot on my feet sometimes they light on fire it makes you faster I want my feet to light on fire [Music] oh he's up ahead can I come your mother's waiting for you all right the herd is around here we don't want just any stag we want the pack leader which one is he big giant horns quiet now do what I do we will take this to the Oracle before it gets done one day I want to shoot an arrow through the Sun you got your arrow will have to become sinew imagine all my arrows are sinners then I'll be able to hunt anything you said you would like to see the Pharaoh up close yeah what if you stand with me by his side can I do that as my son in the future Magi yes what does a major really the first Magi was a protector of the Pharaoh but now it means you must protect all the people of Egypt not just protect them but work for their well-being oh I'm so excited to be Magi one day you know all the secrets of C WA what if I never go up to be a Magi of course you will you are my son but I got scared I tried to be brave but sometimes it's hard all done let's go this way when I was about your age sometimes I got scared too your grandfather was a well-known Magi and he wanted me to bring honor to the family when I succeeded him one day he took me up this way at the top he said something to me single word it changed me I got over my fear I knew I could do anything I needed to I will tell you once we are there what what did your father say jump [Music] don't think so long jump yes papa trust me God I do I will jump in come back you're not ready I can do a Papa I can't shut up you filthy little [ __ ] that's stranger I said shut up run home to your mother Chancellor will be fine I will take care of it magic back go now we'll just do what I say please [Music] Magi fire I'm indeed major here who summons me sheath your weapon and follow me make a sound and you're dead what took you so long didn't want to be seen sir it is of great importance that we gain access to the vault the temple priests stubbornly refuse enough delay come forward make sure see that no one comes in go ahead try it your way Levi so know that your son has something to explain to you with the Ibis show him there all we believe we need this to enter the vault this is a waste of fire a boy is frightened it's all right as measure you must have some to Optio legend that explains and will be discovered quickly talk to your son if the vault isn't open when we return you'll never see him again I can get it you know that we're going to photos this foolish waste of time kena I don't know we must go I will cut the heart from the ball he will never know the afterlife the snake takes that as your answer ha Gilligan [Music] we thought you were there could not even save the onside you know what by ekadasa-bhava Tino maybe hidden one greet you the lord of the Duat awaits [Music] [Music] well done my friend our hero returns in brought joy to Siva I should get to Alexandria I need to see I don't mean too much of a hurry humor will always need its magic but you are the protector here now I'm always pleased to help come see me when you are certain you are ready to go we will drink beers to a friendship I must leave see WA there are others to whom I must deliver justice especially the one known as the snake how will you find these men aya has been tracking them in Alexandria I must find her she said she would be visiting her cousin at the great library great library and she said if you are coming to tell you one word therapies therapist be God that Greeks and Egyptians share of course I see and bike do something about that beard goodbye my friend oh [ __ ] Leila you need to refill in cyclosporine stat Leila wakey-wakey don't make me come down there Leila Leila come on back Leila are you with me habibti told you not to call me that thing is the fastest way to get your attention and piss you off I'm paying attention okay you need to take a break the Animus is rejecting you I'm fine yes but your kidneys aren't go at more cyclosporine before they shut down yes nurse Giri that's medical officer Gary to you so how did it go my mods are holding subjects memories are perfectly clear if this doesn't convince upstair go to give me a place on the Animus project nothing will I amazing what are you have in there his name is bike of sila the death of his son turned him into a killer thank you have interests up star go it don't start you know they're not gonna be happy with how you handle this assignment they know I don't work by the book well this time you lit the book on fire and then stomped on it anyway none of this will matter if you're comatose now go get that cyclosporine got this like this morning to CC should do it don't forget the alcohol wipe I wish I was there to help you do a good job looking after me even from the hotel and I know how you like your aircon going back in this is so badass be careful [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright therapist know what what is Serapis I wrote a tragic comic pastoral epic centered on him goodbye I guess I as he have to see you she said I am sorry my good fellow you appear to be drunk this library is for serious scholars or she's in height America verbs say this way please I am is cousin follows yes Bono's nice to meet you in person tell me what is happening with aya are you being so discreet Janabi sent his men on a house-to-house search often they drag people into the street and torture them for information typical of the system we cannot use a monster the feel lucky tie of Alexander he is ravaging the city to find her and where she no I have a very powerful friend Apollodorus no doubt you have heard of him I have not you will in any case he made a hiding-place available to aya after she ran into trouble but what happened you do not answer me it is a mess of political intrigue she will explain all the fear I missed you never again should we spend months apart and we only have each other without homework let us be together us to each to each I have news you are scarred by justice I bludgeoned by du Naaman with this I hate that we have to do these things but I am grateful that you did if I am honest I took pleasure in it I've missed your touch I have missed touching you I killed as well acting I hunted him down and discovered a mask in his room when he returned I forced him to wear it then I thrust this knife for his Iceland's ire but I was careless another of the masked ones tracked me to my home he was even more difficult we have one more then we will be done look at this I took it from actel Apollodorus tells me tis a papyrus from the Royal Council which means the snake is an autonomous Court how does this Apollodorus know these things he has informants everywhere because of his work with Cleopatra Cleopatra she's been declared a criminal by her treacherous brother yes she plans to take back this room she wants this snake dead as much as we do and she trusts me she gave me this to slit his throat it's an ancient blade that killed the tyrant Xerxes a weapon of justice ingenious I will go to the palace and discover who uses the seal of this neck and I will use this you'll find plenty of information in Devoran scribes office he spends his time at the bathhouse go search the palace while he's away and you I cannot leave here as long as Ganados walks the streets he's determined to kill me in addition to the snake I will see what I can learn at the skin adios and silence him discover who this snake is and show him the face of death I'll meet you the banner and you have killed both the snake and gain adios my heart aches until I see you again as does mine my love [Music] vanquished by a gang of ruffians ax silences gifts schools of my life why have you left your mother's side now there's no need to attack a man from behind we're not numbering in four to one you told us to secure every advantage possible over attained there's four hide well for the wondrous docks your path ahead your brood is delivered safely home thank you friend and what did that fool want with you some visitors having purchased religious objects are angry when our village has no more debt cuts to sell them doughnut a merchant I am often the means by which the aggrieved snuff their anger this matter needs a firm hand why have you dragged me into the land of the dead you sought to kill my wife your heart of our wife is a mother's wastefully and one too I did my duty as a falaka time and for this you have taken my life is your vengeance about all our magic be warned the villagers will hunt you down and exact revenge may the hidden one walk beside you the lord of the Duat awaits official purpose its just belongs to the royal scribe himself a few dollars false bottom letter esteemed ibis the Pharaoh remains compliant and is our puppet in all things after with caution in sealer the murder of the Heron was but the first told from a magazine in Alexandria have also been killed however the situation is under control canard iosys actively questioned in the bubbles we commend your efforts ibis long life it's dumb to the seal of the snake snake is your daughter's the royal scribe [Music] [Music] [Music] die and be done with it may the gods curse what cause of you to kill me it was you who murdered my son before my eyes you are a fool at the temple this era that forsaken [ __ ] oh I had nothing to do with this it's too late for your lives Anubis awaits this worth DeLoss to sleddy snake at last snake the snake will never die son of up--it in order to do it [Music] my dearest this Nick Ganados are dead it was you daughters he died flailing in the baths I wish I had been there [Music] [Music] my wife my wife [Music] d hey I was wondering if I should pull you out your adrenaline a BP are elevated and it's affecting your heart rate and hormonally markings serotonin and oxytocin in particular what happened in there is here host aiya my ex-wife I could feel here nearby you can feel her pretty sure that's the bleeding effect along with my ex memories here you're also experiencing his emotions no you dork I think she's actually in this cave as spouses usually shared the same tool a second mummy we should really report to Abstergo maybe after I find aya I'm gonna call it in if you don't Deanna no if you do there well get no credit they'll cut me out like always okay there what is it the bleeding effect is leading me to aya oh great more fuel for your super hero complex she's down there my turn for a leap of faith leap of what you're in no condition to do any leaping come forth by day and I will guide you home who are you talking to my ex mummy real chatterbox that one who's right she's here you can almost taste the blood okay you're making less and less sense Lila we need to report not yet not yet so bad I'm going back in why I took a DNA sample for Maya I want to see your memories look I get that you're excited but the more risks we take the worse things could go for us it's my dream on the line here let me do this my way adding is DNA to the chamber it'll take time to sequence you won't be able to stick with your memories right away Laila something else you should know since you're mixing gene sequences in an uncontrolled manner the transition between memories will likely be unpredictable I'm comfortable with unpredictability yeah well I'm worried you always are you I told you the Animas hasn't finished interpreting is DNA yet fine fine what is it the snake what if he was not the last of course he was the last they are all dead justice is done if there's any question Apollodorus will know he knows all where will I find this man who know so much he is with Cleopatra but find his man first near the Hippodrome Hey I'll tell fanos that granados is dead and meet you later I'm byuk aya sent me to speak to Apollodorus Shh I'm sure you can appreciate that my master takes precautions concerning those he meets I have a question only he can answer I will tell him you seek his counsel and that I recommend you wait for tonight if he sees fit to meet you you'll be found near the lighthouse then until then the Hippodrome is commemorating one of its greatest racers plenty of drinking and festivities along with the races themselves of course if that appeals [Music] Apollodorus do that are you here to kill me or to be my friend friend by Kashiwa then your help please URI as measure huh any other survivors only the Masters they took him prisoner and it's throwing one of the scroll that must decide it master Musti should have destroyed it Cleopatra owes you much can you get to a healer by yourself I've killed you Doris well done he was the snick yes not the man bike there is much you have yet to understand man to man I need an answer I must take the measure of you first rescue Damascus and recover the scroll and then I will know if you're the man that ayah claims you to be where is this Damascus he should be on the dogs in Kanak was horrible I can't risk that someone reached the scroll he carries Apollodorus sent me to help you give me the scroll scroll I do not have any scroll your job was to carry it I hid it on our ship I did not want it to fall into the wrong hands where is the ship at the bottom of the lake they sank it very well I will get it Apollodorus is waiting for you at the lighthouse I will tell him to find you near the sunken ship here is your precious papyrus well done by a key I see you are a capable man someone I may be able to trust the scroll was meant for the Roman general Pompey in an effort to sway Rome to Cleopatra sigh she will be grateful to you for keeping the communication secret she is at my estate we're headed there now how does ir fit into all this her cousin fanos informed me that she was a driven woman stalking deadly prey it so happened that I also had reason to bring down this prey when ayah was successful I stepped in to protect her we are graceful and we are grateful that you have eliminated you Doris he was an odious individual I should tell you that in addition to you Doris I put an end to the falaqa tie of Alexandria Gennaro's annales I am very glad he is dead but it will cause serious problems for you the Falla keys are a tightly bound group and murderous they will certainly come after you so be it can I ask why you wanted your daughter's dead as you know if your batteries brother Ptolemy is too young and pliable to be a strong leader we believe you doris was the force behind ptolemy responsible for so many of Egypt's Green enjoys the life of high society I'm pleased that is bringing some sober substance to cleopatra's social circle she is an extraordinary woman your wife I know back before I can disclose all secrets Cleopatra must meet and approve of you she can be particular let me give you some advice when you approach the Queen bend your knee in deference speak only in reply yours is not to question but to answer do not be distracted by the festivities she has a large entourage and they like to amuse themselves sometimes to access speak clearly in measured tones and above all do not meet her gaze ready I cannot wait this way where is my opium I will sleep with anyone as long as they agree to be executed in the morning like some TVs he was well satisfied with his bargain who is this twosome fellow in may hotel egg NAB Shivan my queen this is well it is a generous offer but I have already pledged my life to this woman I have chosen well come we have much to discuss celebrate my friends you are meant to kneel ah washer empty meat ayah and byuk they put an early end to you Doris delightful you are joining our efforts then we do not know what your efforts are you Doris was a member of the order of ancients they are responsible for my exile they told me from my throne and why should I care about them the snake has many heads those heads make up the order the snake is the man who killed my son he's not so simple what are they talking about I don't know they must know something the order of ancients seeks to control all Egypt Ptolemy is but their puppet [Music] we have informants in each region they have been unable to touch the order across Egypt mysterious forces work against us for instance here in the nile delta the endless sands swallow up all villages yet a malignant human force moves with them that force is one of the order of ancients called this scarab and over here in most sacred giza a shadowy figure called a hyena controls all that occurs what is certain is that giza is the land of death and loss and then there's Memphis all is cast in my land even the sacred APIs bull himself one godly lizard has worked a sort of diabolical power so this snake is the order of ancients yes you Doris was known as the hippo you were right my love he was not the last one all of these are when the order wanted something as in sewer it does not hesitate to crush all in its path firstly well now fire it is the most oppressive region in all of Egypt where the crocodile wields cruel power the denizens live in constant fear that is the fate that awaits all Egypt if we fail to stop the order we need decisive action it is time for assassinations [Music] we still have not found the man who killed him our son shed will weep with joy when we clear them up of those few guests you are my Magi now protector of the true Pharaoh of Egypt so it shall be tonight we drink celebrate make love tomorrow we master brewer O'Keeffe I have no time speak to one of my overseers if you must you misunderstand I'm a Magi Apollodorus sent me Apollodorus of course he sent me for the Scarab the shadow that are concise please that is an even name to speak aloud Apollodorus knows that people are suffering in my position many confide in me trade is strangled the soldiers run rampant and the weight of Ptolemies taxation crushes the breath from us come with me let us retire where we have a roof overhead there are many terrible stories about this kerim I am sure Apollodorus told you hey listen mutilation disappearances and folk buried in the desert and left to die a horrendous fate trapped in the shimmering sand your mind and body pounded by the remorseless Sun waiting for the final release into the do atom but these are only stories there are real villains in size but the Scarab if he exists it is not safe to speak of him the last man who asked questions about the Scarab was beaten to death with his tongue cut out Cousy or Koopa father-in-law to the most powerful and in the region the Hakka that boy ma is his grandson tired of winning I'm looking for your grandfather do you know where he went no he left on the road to camp eros he should have been home by now I'll see if I can find him along the road [Music] grandfather are you all right is he hurt panda bruised dusty soldiers do not take kindly to him but he will be alright where is your father car you must be cookies he's away on his bread walk mother grandpa is hurt so just mistook him for a beggar again [Music] we were searching for this cut up I hope he can help me and in return I can protect your family it looks like this Gaurav is summoning warriors to the city of Metropolis or the city swallowed by the desert it is father's destiny to rebait it we're going to join himself right mother did you go tell him I can't wait to see him of course I will go on master takaka my name is byuk from Siwon I am indeed stocker grand planner of Sighs and steward of Metropolis I Ahmet your family your wife sent me here she said you might know about the one called the Scarab this is not the place to speak for who knows who may overhear our words come inside in our Lancia your son is very proud of your work he misses you you'll be here soon I dream of my son and his sons following in my steps the world is made by great men dreaming big what do you dream of Mike I do not have the luxury of dreams just finding the Scarab scatter preys upon the weak there's no threat to me how you're not afraid of the Scarab taka seems after what he did to your father-in-law what happens to poor Cooper tears me whatever my life's work whatsoever I did to bring that down upon beg the gods masataka they're attacking the ruins again mark come fight with me [Music] byuk you fell upon them like so vex did bike ride with us these desert dogs have crossed me for the last time with your fierce iron I know we can end their threat I understand your thirst for blood taka but these bandits are not my concern tell me about this scarab before you right it's not not the badge of a magic eye that you wear these rivers are a threat to the good and innocent people of Metropolis come with me pike and once we have returned these curls to the desert they so love then I will tell you the story you want to hear all right I will join your course for today my thanks to you buy it before you arrive I thought my dream was doomed to die you gave me the strength to hunt down this Rivas who were they blood free but followers of segment the Lady of slaughter there was nothing more than chaos some who are they connected to discover no they think themselves Lions but they are no more than carrion eaters and now they will feed the scavengers I will bring this priest back to the city meet me at my house we will dine and I will tell you what you need to know I'm glad you made it safely my heart yes the gods blessed our passage and so much Sun enough sand to fill a lifetime that is why we need so many to help us with our great work and what do you promise them darker parcel of land with a house to call their own they must only help reclaim it from the desert that is all just dig up your house it is no simple task we must all pitch in to honor the gods no his vision is a truth it is good to honor your father co-op the savior of the populace hmm let us have some honey dates now and are you all right now but you won well [Music] [Music] God's be a sandal oh yeah where are you my love Claymore I'm failing you please don't hate me soon I will walk the utter darkness with the hidden one leading me into the field of its [Music] we cannot stand by and let Egypt fall to our enemies [Music] it has been so long back too long these stars brought me the stars will take me to female yearns for you bank remember your roots see where is your home I know good work [Music] because smile upon you stripped of armor weapons and coin where to begin now to hurry before the windy raises the tracks they should have stayed in the shadows the lady of slaughter this place was dedicated to segments then I thought Lata police was home to Horace the top Elise was sacrificed to the gods by the ancients so the rest of the Nile to be granted to the realm of men these priests made an invocation for protection to the one before whom evil trembles in drinking their concoction they gave their lives as well as their City to sacrament in their eyes Tarkas project will be sacrilegious so this is how a dream dies I could have built something to last an age and Gooper could have sung stories of your accomplishment there are things I regret we all made them for higher powers we are all in thrall to greater forces there is no escape in the order of ancients this victory will bring you no brief it is not peace that I seek it is not for my soul as I walk this path the order of ancients will remember me as the bringer of waters and the Builder of cities well the desert will blow in and scatter the dream of the topless like dust [Music] take care of him try to make him understand if you can you have brought blood and death to my house you are blind but now you must open your eyes your husband was the Scarab he did this your father was tortured and scarred by this man as were so many others no it is up to you to raise your boy into the light out of the blood and shadows of his father's legacy I'm sorry my son is DNA has finished sequencing you can sync with our memories now they're pretty fragmented but you should be able to dip in for a little while hahahaha just like the Battle of Salamis captain I have you trapped comes to mystical ease and that is the game foxy that's why are we delivering all this treasure we could retire to lesbos with this amount of gold but you doesn't rat if that stress doesn't make it to Pompeii this ship won't either Krum to Hades to deliver it if we have to enough back to work you slack la cours de meses my trusted shield boy get to it we've been hired to bribe Pompey to save a queen and you win a kingdom the usual available as mercenaries [Music] straight mass up-tempo scaredy now rocks and rubble ahead I'm not blind I see the scariest third voyage no ready you bark like a commander I enjoy watching spittle get caught in your bait folks eat us let's not be thrown into the sea that's no death for such a hero it's me a real hero could swim to save himself I see them I'll not be stuck to a scuffle for nothing now you're just trying to impress stairs on the horizon there those colors are not from Rome but messes this foxy Queen tonight isn't ptolemies ships sent by the order of ancients no doubt what babies do they have with Pompey Pompey's armies will give Cleopatra the throat they mean to prevent the Alliance before it happens we must hurry besides peace the air is already soaked smoke they cease will steam near that on camera we should keep our Pistons we don't want to burn is that meth Donna she hasn't burst for hundreds of years wouldn't surprise me if she'd been writing ourselves let's show these traitors they trust their own peril civil war in Egypt and a mercenary trireme comes to my aid in the midst of war with Caesar I find it odd who in Hades are you well we could have let you die from bears Magnus greetings and friendship from queen Cleopatra vo Patra offers go to win my favor once I have one round is that what friendship means to your queen whose face graces that coin do Roman women receive the same honor an alliance with Cleopatra is a union of true power she wants more than an ally she seeks a king a valuable friendship indeed a great my fleet will soon be ready for Egypt you welcome to Moretz where's traveller well what do you think junk be off then ah I haven't finished are you blind I have nothing left to show you but you've much to tell me about the hyena funny as it turns out what happens to be the most expensive thing I'm offering funny indeed delivery upon payment now what can you tell me the ena is not her real name [Laughter] easy easy a poor attempt at humor I'm afraid where can I find her her name is Holly said a favor some customers of mine took my horse after a dispute their comp lies in a quarry just south of here take my mind retrieve my horse and I'll give you what you came for how you found yourself in Apollodorus company escapes me you failed to mention it was in the possession of bandits slipped my mind hmm stronger than mine I thought you said it was yours you've done good by me my friend then you deliver as promised my word is my word one more thing to ask of you um did your games all right the hyena lives in a cavern just over those hills day and night she roams the desert collecting silica brushes tear drops of the Gods what has happened to those who have interfered his best left unsaid if I find you've led me on another few tough chase it won't be my words that hit your ears a thousand promises I have no reason to defy you mercy thank you Magi the hina where's she I do not know I am I'm the only one left she took the others away our circle took them where she I know it peace friend you are free I will deal with Holly said hyenas Alice that must be inside you who dares to enter here with silence has befallen her imagine I was treaded many dunes to find you and if you must Heine but this to not protect you I demand that you stop here turn back now and I will excuse this intrusion see WA was an adhesion foolish man I am a set Assessor of matter the gun we are not you what sort of mischief is she entertaining be good I'll Cyrus cannot be disturb this trapdoor what is it protecting Hayden now wait for what and asleep go no further or I will drench these arid names with your blood what is this place a tomb beneath the tomb is this way you hide hyena what husam badness happened here and that offerings to Osiris protector of the Dead what goose and madness happened here at that the sarcophagus is decorated with goddesses of the mother strange symbols are marked all over it what gruesome madness happened here hmm Alisa drew these symbols here was she trying to figure out their meaning what still warm and the ceremonial knife this was a sacrifice I think I know what doc Dee's highly set was after here al-assad was doing a ritual she began by calling to a cyrus with these offerings she used the knife to sacrifice her captives she collected their blood for some dark purpose she was attempting to learn these strange symbols she must have found them in this room when she knew the symbols she carved them here and ended the ritual with one final prayer over the sarcophagus al-assad must be trying to bring someone back to life but just who is buried down here child my child you lost your child I haven't her rested temporary you have intervened on her reawakening and yet you aligned yourself to the order there is this tool listen my name does not merit your lips you who read this on it huh I am a good mother now I will show you what happens to those who desecrate my daughter's phone do I walk among the dead now I just end you defiled the dead and enable the people who killed my son all on a selfish with no I gathered this silica for them it powered the magic stone of those who came before you saw it didn't you these symbols only needed to be learned it is not meant for us it makes no difference now I wanted to protect my daughter in life and death I have done Knight Osiris please brand me reunion she walks alone in the field of reeds [Music] [Music] perhaps we forgot some part of the ritual I will vomit if I hear more have no doubt of this if our child dies I died no my lord has do not speak like that I must go to the CEA's house leave me be i priest I I'm sorry and I have come to seek the lizard Oh the lizard one reflection for Memphis the city withers in the darkness of a cus disease pestilence the poisoned stink of the air the Epis goal second nearly unto death gods have abandoned us people look to me for guidance but I am as real as - because such as even my own house my wife time hoteth has miscarried three times this year she's the child again but if she loses the fog I will look into the Stars my wife's seer can help his houses to the southwest Dakota responsible I will kneel beside you as they strike us down grow Oh light come forth Oh light my child oh you have come at last who is this man he is the deliverer many years I have waited for him what quick help me dream my child away from death let us proceed with a ritual bring me the cauldron I am the master of secret things the form of the soul but rests in the heavens I am servant to the great [Music] Sophie's reveal yourself here today an answer me without falsehood let your eyes be open devoid of moisture come forth from the stream surface let their eyes be opened let your eyes opened mountains of sand what is this godforsaken place is someone there what is that some kind of tool I must keep moving or be swallowed by the desert that is the Soul Eater oh you don't keep us who guard your portals who swallows souls and who gulped down the corpses of the dead what a journey I have made the things I have seen I am but one of you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No you Anubis lot of the debt that presidents pull poison me poison you will not devour my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] will you teach me to one look papa I'm the great hunter Orion [Music] you you they are returned safe from him who would close their eyes in darkness my child leaves praise to the gods what do you see your enemy and hers are the same refused the temple food he who prepares it poisons your womb with flesh of the Dead go and slay the poisoner and lift Memphis out of evil praise to him who will deliver us all aya I love are you well better for seeing your face there's a strangeness in your eyes what afflicts you dreams of our Sun by action the high priests wife has been poisoned SIA claims that our poisoner is our enemy the lizard I believe so the APIs bull is also at the point of death let's go to the temple we can speak more of your dreams only way where should we begin check the gods enclosure I'll speak to the priestesses uh of course give me the dung heap job the best way out is through [ __ ] bits are my father's had died because of this hey do you feed the APIs bull No then girl priestesses take care of all of that do you know where his father's kept in that building over by the stairs but they shot it up last week when the bull got sick my thanks the Bulls sickness could come from his food but it is too soon to say I need more evidence food for the bull the rest is likely stored inside the shed each bits if the APIs bull was fed with these that would explain his sickness and the necklace here one of the twin priestesses wore something like it let us see if the other is missing a weight from around her neck greetings and like thoughts one priestess is missing her necklace how long have you served in this temple two months ever since the new bull was chosen I am a servant of the queen who wishes very much to see a test drive can you tell me of your daily habits every day is the same we wake for morning prayers and then we feed the God we bless his grain a man pass out his water and cleaned the way he spilled do any of his caretakers look suspicious why yes the young farmer I've always thought the farmer who brings his grain had an evil look maybe you should question him question him no I will find this father and I will deliver to him the Justice of my blade wait won't you speak with him first no need the denunciation of those sworn to the twin goddesses is enough he has sinned against the God he must die my sister spoke too quickly the man could be innocent this is a subtle way of poisoning an animal my sisters this is surely an accident one maybe well not the butcher our brother bandits ripped him away from us as we walked in the market they force us to poison the God they told us they were gonna eat our brother two crocodiles unless we have not slept through the night since I'm so sorry we had no choice we never something's wrong these are no curses the order is surely behind this I prefer to spare my sister's the ugliest details of my story of course the man who ordered my abduction is a priest of Anubis at the great temple a priest in pressure enters circle how can I find him he wears a blue scarf and has a terrible cough the lizard he is marked are you hurt did they mistreat you they kept me tied up fed me little butt crusts of bread fit for bagans so this is the lizard walk and so I must stand my hands with another priests blood the orders everywhere to protect Egypt I would kill a thousand priests you and I have pledged to violence now and always [Music] shall we race like we did in C WA yeah only if you are ready to lose bold words I will see you back them up seems I have come out on top it seems you have yeah we all have weaknesses yes and yours is winning graciously this is what the Queen is about to speak let's go and listen [ __ ] [ __ ] you as they were the gods curse our land withholding the rivers floods but as the Living Goddess ascends the throne the waters will rise again through me Memphis shines as rubies set in gold through me Egypt triumphs [Music] [Music] [Music] I cannot lose them they must know my voice is that of the goddess my queen the APIs world persists in ailing we have found the cause of his sickness he was poisoned who did this the twin priestesses have them boiled to death inside a bronze bull goddess know they were co-hosts the brother was kidnapped by a priest of Anubis with a blue scarf and a cough attempting but he is amongst my closest advisors those living in one shadow are the least worthy of trust I've even had tempers against me your wife and child were threatened by him but now they are safe we can overcome this the priests of Anubis will be conducting rites in the great temple look for their mosques my blade will serve as well as his No oh yeah that's me I care not who kills the priest let it be done before we had to her a Klien in the north wait turn on the Father breathe strength into your arm lizard the police to cast Memphis I serve their ways of old kills old Egypt asks a heavy price innocence mutilated children ripped from the womb the high priest named abused his name was Makkah before you arrived the masses are the cattle of the Gods driven by the herdsmen swiftly you are one of them buyer you wanna cow it is will the drives me not fear oh yes and who passes the whip over your back Oh demands that you stay in your car with my death I have my part now face yours my queen they acted only to leave the threats on their brother's life Gus's will trouble you no more patek what could have driven him to such madness Memphis is yours again ours [Music] these dark matter settled we can finally prepare for the festival of babies may demons feast on her hippies car and may those guilty of famous death soon follow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is agony to leave you but I must go on alone Eyre I will stand by my duty where will your duty take you not to set the see a flame I walk on your water I hope we will hunt together again soon until then let us take this night as ours you every morning of my childhood my father and I spoke the prayer of the Magi a promise to those in need I am a Magi I am a feather in the Eagles wing a living dagger plunged from the sky into the heart of chaos I am a truth unknown a scabbard and field a son of the Nile and a defender of the people you cannot kill me for I walk among the dead come forth by day I will guide you home my son should have learnt this prayer for me gods thank you it how to pray send you know but I must find him I need his help to find the crocodile will you help me atif rice took a trade they ship to Lake Morris it has a large statue on board and is marked by a symbol the crocodile has hired mercenaries to find him then I must hurry get somewhere safe be well so now they send the son of Egypt against me it has been a long time since I spilled so much blood I was sent by kala Doris we share a common interest who are you and what do you want there I'm buyer Kashiwa and I seek information on the crocodile they phantom that has brought phayam to its knees what could you want with him he belongs to a group that is destroying Egypt I intend to hunt every last one of them down by a cup see WA you don't know what you are up against crocodile has transformed not only the land but the people those who do not cower in fear are made to work for him and you have no idea who the crocodile is I stole a ledger from a Greek magistrate I suspect of corruption it should reveal the identity of this crocodile we may be able to bring down the whole organization where's the ledger now I gave it to my wife Hannah to hide as long as the Ptolemies think it's with me my family is safe that is why I have to stay on the move okay this hotel hey note you are a friend to be trusted it is for my daughter Sadia once you're the ledger find me at the docks south of you an area Knut yes hotel present me I am here to help and I have your daughter's doll great I was awaiting word from my man thank you come eat and we can talk oh I love my new doll bhaiyyaji i will name her is it and she will be the protector of all fire you ever since hotter face got to hold a battle engine biome has been on edge soldiers with torches patrol every night and this arms kitchen was practically raised to the ground they had left shoddier and me alone at least otto frisch has made sure of that where's the ledger now i instructed our most loyal servant to hide it in alligator they can search the place as many times as they want they will never find it can you take me there I have been summoned to the lighthouse for another of their routine investigations that may not be safe the Ptolemaic authorities seem to be working with the crocodile it happens every few days don't worry they wouldn't dare touch someone in an official position shoddy show by the way to our home you can see my house from that roof follow me you are not afraid of heights are you little little one I will follow [Music] where did you learn to climb like that that looks like fun I come up here a lot everything looks so beautiful the people should be happy but they are not don't worry your mother and father will look after them where is your house see it yes and soldiers Thank You Shadia you should go back to your mother now it might get dangerous nothing bad will ever happen to me yes I can fight you know she will protect me God's shoddy I wrote this she has the ledger and I sent her back to our mother I have to find him out before the soldiers get to her Oh Sonia what have you done little one you cannot play games with the crocodile have you seen helmet is she here the soldiers just came and took her to the lighthouse young Hodja - I not argued with them but they would not listen something is wrong isn't it this has never happened before get one - ha - please hurry download this hello - a deer at the lighthouse I need to get there now Shadia [Music] [Music] [Music] it is over the crocodile has won the ledger lost my daughter Nadia he has taken everything from us he will pay for this and all those who serve Him none of that will bring Charlotte back no but at least you'll have the comfort of revenge we both will I hope so I will do anything I can to help your brother has he not been able to tell you anything only that there were other men with the soldiers large imposing warriors one red-haired bandits soldiers I believe they were gladiators from the arena in Krakow de la police seems this his monster uses fighters to do his bidding I will find this monster friend he will die Sobek is sick mr. Tross is angry the image of sobic shows me god's will i shall heal sobic continue to worship are you the owner here yes I am the owner Felix Moralez who are you another rough knock on no name seeking fame I only want entry to the arena I heard you have got a fighter worth watching with red hair ah you mean the Gallic brothers you heard right but let me save you some time camel boy you cannot afford it now piss off before you scare away someone who can sir this man wears a Magi badge no matter what I do not even care can you fight you look the part like a vicious mangy dog I have already got an Egyptian a huntress from sea wa who's worth three of you she frequents the obelisk in the East End if you want an impromptu beating it is the only way inside this arena fight in the streets and the gladiator can bring you in so the garlic brothers are involved in shoddiest murder but why they doing the crocodiles bidding I need to get inside and learn more the arena owner mentioned a c-1 gladiator to the east at an obelisk I wonder if I know her she was a small place I should go and see [Music] bike [Music] my friend my brother [ __ ] it's good to see you what are you doing in fire you this was a good place to to prosper but I never expected to find you here gets [Music] can you believe it I am a gladiator [Music] come let us talk and drink I'm telling you by ik I am so close to my dream if only I was given the chance I know I could become champion I mean wealth luxury Fame what more could a woman want that's why I came to fire him to make a new life for myself and bury the past but I was turned away from the arena doors so you have finally given up trying to put it well to rights good such things are impossible Felix is slow to trust outside us but do not worry with my backing will soon be fighting side by side first we drink and in the morning we can go to the arena for the proper introductions it's good to have you here old friend I want this man to be my partner as it happens the iberian was torn apart by lions yesterday I may have an opening and if cancer vouches for you you will need a title if you're going to team up at all how about the c1 warriors I think the guardians of Syria would be more fitting is that memorable enough for you I have heard worse come inside these were combatants wait their turn on the Sun what you smell is sweat blood and not a little off if you are predisposed to [ __ ] in your armor this is where to do it there is no Pharaoh or dog in the arena to protect you measure this is where he will probably die try to do it with drama it pleases the crowd on the off chance you live you will be rewarded with glory and faith ends another chance to die such is the short but luminous life of a gladiator all right who do we have there is Callisto's kalisto's a former soldier of Ptolemy who claims to know how to handle his sword Horus he was my best fighter once but aged ruins us all he is not much more than a bedpan now he trained the novices is that armor from ptolemies army most of the fighters cannot afford their own armor in any case it is soon ruined the army does not miss a few suits here and there and it adds to the authenticity speaking of authenticity in the arena you use the weapons I give you there are no exceptions you already know cancer who is glowing about suspect recommendation brought you here by ik crocodile openness welcomes another champion or another bag of blood and [ __ ] I want to see if you can fight and who better to test him than the one who recommended him what do you say ready to draw sword old Magi let's see if you have improved these are the scraps that feel exposed to throw our way they make a poor meal my brother I'm going to slice off your balls and feed them to you [Music] our main obstacle to glory the Gallic brothers I know who they are are you well my friend you seem distracted don't worry you will lose your nerves after the first fight I'm fine but you have not yet told me how you came to be here now that is a story I was taken as a slave during ptolemies time in c1 a sick beast named septimius and his clan were going to use me but I managed to get a sword and make my escape I traveled here where Felix took me in and trained me but enough about the past I can't tell you how happy I am to share this good fortune with you soon the crowd will worship you almost as much as they worship me yes yes let us split the Sun in two with our swords oh you are primed indeed let Felix know when you are ready for our first match the sooner we start the sooner we are champions and not their fiat you are Horace are you not Felix told me you are the trainer here that by choice Gaelic brothers hurt me my head would have killed me Felix did not stop them what can you tell me about them you don't want to fight them they are strong and fast and they like killing for them it's fun sport [Applause] who knows how far they can go heading you to toast others as one of my best ideas the travel looks I told you we were destined for greatness Felix greatness for the boreholes easy easy damsel dust mine you have a long way to go it is a good start but you are not contended you do not get to the garlic brother the shit's painless whoa to be honest I hope I am really beautifully godson he's not you to just concentrate on the next round or annoying me I am adding lions this time they are days you are them to find me when you're ready what cancer says is true any of the gladiators' could be working for the crocodile there might be evidence here the jobs the Gallic brothers did maybe even the identity of their patron so you are feeling good planning your right to the top trust me what we do it's not Noble we are mercenaries that's all mercenaries so it's for hire by the wealthy in yes so you heard my advice refuse the offers it's a slippery dude I have seen good men die just fight and go home don't do the contracts we are on our way old friend after all this time I might finally get my shot at big Alec brothers and it's thanks to you yeah I would like nothing more what about these other contracts you mentioned Dahlia oh they're righteous buyer is willing to dirty his hands times have changed any as suppose it is hard to be a Magi all the time you will have to ask Felix about those quietly the best way to reach the crocodile is to be the garlic brothers as if I needed more reason to sleep with lots of shadows killers Felix I've heard some gladiators are chosen for extra work you heard wrong and if there was an arrangement you would have much more to do to earn your way in your job you upstart odd noble is to fight that is it you earn your gold in the pit or you do not earn it the nut is what I will do we are ready finally they are asking about you - at the arena and sorry put on a good show and we all profits [Applause] the guardians of c1r Napoleon once again who the garlic brothers the next is that Callisto's what happened I warned him he took a bad job just another blunt instrument for them to break against their enemies do you know who hired him no Felix won't tell you that's how this works some guy some get rich and everyone keeps quiet where's cancer her talents were required elsewhere today you are going to have to win this one alone you will be fine another errand like the one that killed Callisto's what your throne sword meat what happened to calestous was unfortunate but he knew the risks fighters who asked too many questions do not survive it is a dangerous job accidents happen I am only keen to prove myself then win this match you will get your chance against the brothers beat them and you will be noticed [Music] [Music] I am sorry I left you to fight alone but I hear you did me proud Felix and gods on a drop what's it for I'll tell you everything in good time brother just know that our future has never looked brighter [Music] or chance to seize a mental challenge Felix awaits you have done well for a country Konrad your time has come the crowd is bored with Villa thovex in the au vehicles is throwing opponents with ease I am counting on you to make this entertain one more thing do not kill anyone I want my top four fighters alive for he matches I have given the goals the same order all right we will not kill them but no promises about pain and humiliation this is it buying our big moment they will build monuments and scroll our names across temples after this we will be adorn rich so your turn to fight the brothers I I won't say good luck you won't get any but listen to me they are too strong together that's how they beat me separate separate them fight one one at a time and maybe you live Thank You Horace but don't worry I am NOT dying today there are worse things than dying be careful height position good oh it's the garlic [Applause] [Applause] the garlic brothers were defeated who killed at uncle junior that is the list is out like we have the many terrible things with the murder of the child is not one of them all hail the new champions she was trapped in the gun take her to felon he came to do the garden I hit would she would around the child took her book her order is all tied to her ankles and pushed her in the water there was nothing we could do [Applause] this is the real reason you came to me isn't it to uncover this patron this crocodile byuk why didn't you confide in me I would have helped you you're a muscle just like then I couldn't take the chance what fate awaits the Fallen will it be life hayek death why if you have to go [Music] ah the glorious Magi has returned you caused quite the furor you surprised me not bad for a stand scratcher I like entrepreneurs free spirits money makers you love to fight I love to make money together we can do both I will find the fights you win them we both get rich or I get rich you get what I give if you want more Challenge head to Cyrene I mentioned your name to the arena owner then you are welcome so it was Berenike she is the crocodile she is the one who killed Sonia she is the one who has brought ruin to so many she calls herself the sponsor of fiims prosperity and culture and our influence is felt throughout the region her wealth comes from interstate north of the city Katka sutra granary the largest in all of Egypt she's arranged a symposium with others of influence in fiim every night she retires to her villa where she courts their favor with bribes and silvered words the nut is where I will find her thank you for everything my friend what will you do now I will retire to our family villa I need a drink Kenneth and I must mourn in peace farewell byuk once you have done what you must you would be glad to see you again murdered by one of you Giardia who Sonya she was a child to drought like all of your kind who fail to see what greatness lies in store for Egypt that's what you tell yourself you do not remember those who killed she was a child of guilt and what a face here not was a stubborn rock that ledger would have met the end to all our hopes he destroyed families I did what had to be done I will destroy everything is done for but anything and I will destroy all others like you but for now all that matters is that you killed Sonia you remember Oh they're here so okay listen I know you I know you'll find a way out of this [ __ ] you a stucco if you're listening to this you work for Abstergo and I'm dead do me a favor and make sure Sofia working here isn't a my dream was to work on the Animus project i waited 12 years we didn't got me nowhere so I built an animus that lets me access anyone's memories even ancestors not my own I even witnessed the origins of the assassins artifacts tombs that were supposed to be stuff of legends I found them by killing me you've lost all this knowledge I understand why you thought I had to die but did you have to kill my best friend let's see I should have listened to you this is how she is now there is something that might help in C WA we have a ritual to mark a loved one's passing would you mind go ahead the ritual requires something I will return shortly I should leave them to grieve I need a feather for the ritual there are marshlands nearby we'll find birds there you'll do what you're told you lazy [ __ ] if you need more grain grow more it's not my problem captain cannot know we can't I know you are not extorting grain from this farmer because you know that would be violating several Egyptian laws as officials of fire we both know it don't we I will see you soon official you my husband we must shake off our creeper we cannot let others suffer too not when we can stop it you were a fighter once it is time to fight again you see yourself the corruption there is no one to protect the people why did we not just kill that Egyptian cow the commander has got something special planned for her I know her type proud and the fire think she's untouchable see how proud she is remove her time we'll come back tonight got her quiet what do you think you live they'd marked a note for death death found them fast I envy them well it had to be done these soldiers do not seem to understand anything else there's more the captain was under orders I found this insignia on him do you know it yes this is not good it is from fort Bubastis to the east run by another melaka who thinks himself untouchable hey no it was right people will continue to suffer unless we act byuk I am sorry to ask this we need your help you have it there's something I must do faster I will return soon Sadia my Lotus no other will suffer as you did I swear it by my little tadpole swim forever free [Music] this place was a beginning for me and an end for rojak the arrow marked both of those things after I stabbed that bastard things went dark I came back to myself Rajat was dead what Jack's body should have been left to rot he has been laid to rest with respect but someone who wanted him to enter the door prepared whoever buried him also left this Haran mummy to honor road jack with his gods damned namesake in the afterlife they then returned here to pay respect to an object if these candles are any indication no matter what I know route Jack's heart was found lucky that bastard suffers in the afterlife no matter what was done here I will be judged one day but I do not regret my actions the feather will always be lighter than my heart Romans did you why you check I loved him he promised me a better love you [ __ ] from me no I see your rejects mistress well your [ __ ] love I killed my son I feel nothing for you what a shame such a pretty girl there's no room for pretty in our war death drives us to do things we regret she tricked us both your men the pile of dead gets bigger we will treat the survivors no time to fetch another healer it is done you had help the farmers staged a protest to distract the soldiers they were fearless the rebels also did their part you've inspired them back in truth they are in all of you our farms will be well protected they love their crazy see one they won't let another crocodile plague the farm again your people are free now it is a good start ot press it is time to live up to your name and my duty as a husband Sadia liked you immediately you know you always have a home here if you need it ah look who has returned biopsy was perfect that you have met us in Eritrean city of wine women whatever imagine I like you desire and deserve the Queen byuk you arrived at an opportune time Cleopatra I'm still looking for the man who killed my son the order is neutralized was my hunt for me or for you I have two more names we order can't be and how many more names after that as many as it takes I wish to bring my son to the afterlife where he belongs not I like you Cleopatra but the royal matters that seduced my wife do not sway me so what does the badge mean to you have you forgotten this badge means more to you than it does to me this is not one man we are fighting nothing ends simply aya has understood that you have a new reality I am your Pharaoh you are Magi to all of Egypt follow me we have a gift speaking of Magi any news of aya is still defending we are expecting Pompey and his fleet any day now do unite against the order and change the land I did see a lot of my hunts that sickens me our land is being oppressed greatly I realized we cannot let the order rise again yes by the two new names the Jekyll and the Scorpion are within my brothers in a circle we believe they are the ones behind the attempt on my life an attempt on your life by your brothers be lucky it's hard to tell a Gabon yani one of septimius warriors they form a militia mm strong I had hoped to ally with them with septimius the Roman Logan you lose them yes the dream of who posits himself is truly Egyptian and yet sends a man to murder me not very Egyptian if you ask me I have feels he is working for the order and has a proxy here named Venator perhaps he is the masked one that forced my son's death upon me Oh security account there is your gift is in the order of angels like Septimus found him snooping around the villa we think he knows who killed your son [ __ ] giving is my job enough for you I will press him for more information I suggest you visit the brothel in town yes go dig through this Dion I see in town and unearth the plot against us Lutz lipstick and scented oils while women of the street here and Roman regalia but seems Veneto wants his men to mix well wine casks this doesn't smell like wine no oil in wine casks enough oil to burn down the whole city I fear the queen was right when Otto is plotting alright but I need more information something is missing My gods a crafty plan one of the men is posing as a woman must be to infiltrate the palace housing his wine merchants they will dock and set a fire to cause a panic with an archer ready to pick up the Queen in the confusion somewhere hi Veneto more than just one of septimius dogs you have your own puppets within the order I have to find them before they strike smell of the sea high seas have taken me for some time but now I'm Yours hey old man Oh are you injured just a flesh wound I am fine nothing hurts anymore my mind is a riot all I have is that I am pushed further one more attempt to snuff me out my queen rest and reminder do not need rest this Civil War is no closer to ending I need a [ __ ] throne my throne rots in the hands of my brother instruct Foxit us to prepare ship we had to meet Pompey my last resort you two go ahead and tell him we're coming he asked my queen my if we don't get to pompeii fast except emir smite septimius has beat us funny how all great men are reduced to food for maggots this is a cemetery for our ambitions no no it coming where is Caesar he has arrived in Alexandria he is heavily guarded so there's bring me to him I will get to Caesar if I have to drag myself through the sewers of the palace it is rare that our cargo is a goddess I apologize we have no kings or queens on our ship only gods and goddesses so you should fit right here all strange and terrible things are welcome I'm worried that my quarters are not as comfortable as your palace comforts we despise them my loyal shield boy are you fit I am in all of this goddess we must do her well I can't believe she's on our ship Hey don't be fooled by appearances she needs us more than we need her Raya she is the real goddess they're in the distance I already showing by it the best places to make lava enough folks it is time to make war brothers at sea today we carry a precious cargo queen Cleopatra great lady imperfection she of the surge and being with so many other cultural titles my breath father's just to think of it now if you direct your attention to the fall you'll notice we have some friends bearing down upon us emissaries of a little narrow how kind of them to come fun let us welcome them shall we warmly with a ball of flaming these three might see anything what he is back when I sail I am these Sicilians stories I was a higher power than two they were planning an inland region it was my first and only people into the life of his County I'm prefer having a charade Jesus only assert can be hard to come by it speaks we are any great this year [Music] their sticks but not divorce means something else hold foxy does look there can be water who ships down damn Ptolemy general Roman dolphins my bad [Music] let's not celebrate to round the old man we're a float in the sea with a cargo with a thousand ships I wanted Cleopatra survived and marked those flowers looked expensive oh we're done love is not a Kira not dead yet get on to the read book you default to hide your escape I will take care of this destiny is a [ __ ] sometimes aya enjoy the calm water I will stay in this [Music] [Music] first battle we will argon want soggy [Music] we cannot afford to spill any Roman blood cannot traipse into the palace armed to the teeth so we disarmed an armed or not they will recognize her for once perhaps a Queen's entrance is unnecessary act natural we are meant to preside these grounds remember that is our queen all right on phone who are we let me do the talking non pass here without escort or a royal seal I am in no mark Evelio police these are my falaka type we bring gifts from our local merchants let them pass with an escort follow me this way our Imperator appreciates the hospitality have you received a warm welcome our Pharaohs always provide we will not celebrate enter an alliance is sealed your Vizier and your king have given us fine accommodations here in the palace however I cannot guarantee my Imperator will hold court with you we understand you are a good legionary we will be patient do you think we could take them all of course we have better odds than them are we there yet yes listen arey at ease we are with the great Pharaoh Ptolemy xiii his invoice from the east with gifts for your Imperator carry on it an offering would you like me to help you carry your carpet no sorry it is very sacred must be handled by the falaqa time they understand the merchandise step aside Legionnaires official business for the Pharaoh who are you you look like a Hippodrome racer I am you should see me race the c1 warrior continue this way yes Ranieri at your disposition tires Pompey was bound to be killed soon Pompeii was your enemy season he was my friend first you are right Ptolemy now let us discuss our lives what is this forgive lord Caesar we bring a gift from our fellow Cleopatra sorry this is no gift these are my sister's friends it is a trap place of an invoice Cleopatra sends a rug I wonder how you all entered my palace God kill thee strength my wretched brother he's at the wine go to vinegar and My Kingdom to pieces great lady your audacity is equaled only by your beauty Flavius please I can offer you what my brother failed at with me marriage a true marriage that is if you allied with my sister I will kill every last Roman in Alexandria enough of the big words little brother out all you will need to be sent for when our Congress is concluded I wish to hear both ptolemies side of the story Patino's a Septimus gone we missed them you will have your vengeance soon this is Cleopatra's time to officially become queen if she is crowned queen we will be able to add form it in crush the network tomorrow our queen will have turned flattery into progress we'll reconvene tomorrow at the gardens you proved your worth 10 for today you truly are great mages you you ayuh dear one thank you for coming all is well with great Caesar good my queen soon you will be on your throne yes yes I'm asked ask you a favor though the tomb I fear Lord Caesar should have the honor to bear witness to the author of our kingdom Alexander the Great you want to impress your new love I see the tomb is sealed no it is but by an act of Gaia not a royal decree an earthquake in the early days of my father's reign has blocked the door do you know our metropolis well enough to suggest an alternate means of entry the underground you would enter from below well I would find a way into these systems and canals below work backwards and find a way to clear passage into the tomb that would solve our problem but it seems idealistic fortune favors those who ignore her I'll examine the area around the tomb and figure this out excellent rejoice this is a tighter squeezed in the case west of Seawatch we were smaller in those days the tool incredible I hope you will provide me with a similar sarcophagus whatever you want my love it is said that his sarcophagus is full of honey helps preserve the car promise me you will bury me with my blade so I can protect myself in the field of reeds promise these markings along the bottom they speak of c1 the vault and a scepter that Alexander holds our moon stands in a field of trees where a marked sphere meets acceptor man to King came to God a marked sphere what did you do the orb I gave you I gave it to Apollodorus he loves those things we should let the others in I'm going to keep looking around these paintings on the wall you Rex immortalis the staff he is holding the markings ever since I was a boy I've idolized this man he is similar to you I wept at the base of his statue in Roma 30 he was a God with an empire stretching across the known world if I'd done with my father long decades here on earth it darby did you faint together we can do more than Alexander did how long before the Queen stops impressing Caesar and starts impressing us our needs are hers as well she'll deliver my Caesar our mistress had been captured at the southern garrison of Alexandria soldiers have reported a hostile environment captured this ptolemies diplomacy i will send my guard Greek soldiers will pass more freely through the city than Romans let us settle this matter my queen Flavius come look we found the great king we need to alert Caesar what's happened to you Septimus they're preparing a siege of the harbor they want to take the palace not betray Caesar how many more heads must I chop off before Caesar understands this is futile a change of plans the lion says we must march on the Pharos and trap the Queen well where you have loyal men Caesar septimius plans on trapping you in the palace you have no time as I foresaw war now this they want fire let us burn the whole damn Harbor and if we change the barrels light the rest of the fleet will know what to do we will join them by chariot salvo lord Caesar I will make the order my queen you should accompany me into battle as these soldiers rip each other apart I shall stay on my throne I am queen until a sword plunges through my heart and even then my blood will stay on my throne good then I stay my life is yours to do with as you will now the most crucial part of the plan put this into the brassiere of the Pharaohs she will accompany me through the city now let's have a crane ayah if you find my brother Guinness toy you but I smell war we will put our queen on the throne you are the only queen while the other front give me the powder Cesar thinks a woman cannot do this job proofs is wrong my life how in Zeus name did you kill my cat - ptolemies men are breaking through our line no wait until I see the signal can't believe you trusted a woman to do something of such importance how are free to receive their orders patience Caesar dice cast come go to the battlefield Magi come on the retreat when the men have bloated eyes all have found themselves dead by her blade [Music] don't fight there will be songs of us back now we must join the sips we will be heroes sought in mind [Music] [Music] the line runs three stadia according to our specula torres Patino's leads the charge keep the soldiers distracted Cesar I will handle Patino's and Victoria your role in that insane order comes to an end Patino's face your judgement they went too far in Seema I knew it day but I just wanted peace for Egypt your peace leaves many wanted this is inevitable a good rule always does my apologies by Acacio my fee is covered it seems now may I go to my glory there is no glory left Egypt [Music] the damned Yuna is no more good the specula Torres found Septimus he is in the village beyond I will distract his men while you capture him we must know what he plans you would think your spies would already know they have their limits but they claim IR as the scent of that puppet King so they also have their uses then Ptolemy is already caught I will finish the rest ah The Fool finally comes you will see your God soon did you miss me stop fire hisses woman he will deal with him under our laws [Music] [Music] [Music] the Pharaoh is dead [Music] everything for which we have worked for so long is now ours we have defeated our enemies only I can lead a gypped into a new era of prosperity [Applause] who's done with septum you clowns we are banned from the palace I do not begrudge the venom in your eyes but listen for a mother speak quickly we will find yourself at the wrong end of my blade your services are no longer needed Cleopatra has granted you gold I am sorry I am sorry we gave her everything we gave her that damn crown and she stands next to him and where is justice for us septimius was supposed to be judged by Rome Caesar protecting the order there are compromises to make a queen of Cleopatra the man who killed our son is your ally we are going to do whatever it takes to kill him you realize no Caesar blames you for the death of Ptolemy I forgot my egg I cannot change this be damned what Cesar thinks it is with Cleopatra that amended by the time I am I will is this for us until then I beg you be careful not everything is as it seems with all my words I have nothing to say now Cleopatra has been poisoned by room and we buy her stretcher it's order is stronger now they have wrong I was wrong I am responsible when my boy died I fought back with rage and anger but this only made them stronger we are all different but we fought together to put Cleopatra on his throne now this was a mistake my friends but at least it brought us together now our enemies are hidden behind crowns working in the shadows of kings and queens who are the ones that walk in the shadows for the people we are something has come of all of this and it starts right now we must continue to fight and defend the free will of the people and no matter how small our Brotherhood is the only hope and our Kingdom needs no crowns but we believe in our values our Creed and unify us and I promise but for all the songs of Egypt I will be the father I was not that day in sewer to be Brotherhood you were right I trusted the wrong goddess there's a question that yet Linda's Septimus he took Alexander stuff why indeed Ian flavia's are too much interest in Alexander stone we start there [Music] you will live fool Flavius was behind it all I'm sorry Flavio's killed your son they were here they took the ore from me they've got to see what sewer back I have your people are in danger now [Music] fare thee well Apollodorus to the house of Hades [Applause] [Music] you completely silent the animals to some sort of plague has hit the village that Viper Flavius did this who created this the gods themselves here's the story of mankind back back this is helpful life is done here in the desert path closest friend we must rush to stop Flavius no we cannot leave him here it is there's a proper farewell I saw what happened it was horrible the Roman leaders entered the temple but Septim years and Flavius the objects they carried opened it as if by a god hand it's an I tried to stop them they render they entered the boat have Bluefire seem to imagine I'd let you know of it the entire village lost his reason and fell to the ground like dogs they have destroyed you must put an end to this byuk I you have the prayers of the entire village to support you let us bring Hepzibah to his rest then you will seek justice let the embalmers come we pray Anubis accept this ornament in place of his heart such that Hepzibah may walk free in the field of reeds observe our old friend and miss our talks EPSA fire drinking beer see what needs you at super EPSA fur I could use your help now silly EPSA fur are you now my friend walking in the field of reeds EPSA fur old friend I miss our talks EPSA fur and drinking beer Ballack Hepzibah would have wanted you to have this the weapon he prized above all others I am honored [Music] some villagers captured a Roman soldier and questioned him Flavius is headed for Cyrene and septimius for Alexandria I will kill Flavius there's a farm at the border of Cyrene someone there may have seen Flavius passed through as for me I will cut out the heart of septimius I feel as though wherever we go tragedy follows perhaps we should come to terms it is hard I don't want to let go but every time I think of you I think of him and everything we lost me too so for now we kill farewell I am [Music] I am NOT your enemy [Music] I am sorry it is just he was such a gentle soul who once had me treat the wounded dog he had caught in a snare why would he do this I have seen this before in C WA I'm looking for the Soul Eater responsible Flavius the proconsul that sack of rancid God [ __ ] murdered my son raised my village and our marches through your land with the light of a moon rock come let us search the farm look for survivors I'm by a Kashiwa Dracula over this land gone mad in it are you alright what happened here red cloaks and that mix up with a lion's head took anyone who could work farmhands my son g'day everyone then duck eyes as a river I wanted to throw stones to shoo him off something golden right in his clothes headed up crewing as they fell before him somebody enhance others bite those dearest to them against nature everyone crying screaming running dying how did you ask no one sees pulling it an old woman's hospital Oded eyes but I saw them didn't cry out bit my tongue till I choked on the blood the men who did this we will find them Peter hurry girl Raven flew north to the home of the Hun trees overhead where groups cooking bring karta back to me I will try Flavius also robbed me of my boy let us bring near next to my cart when you arrive inside really look for my friendly Oakley's I would trust him with my life and yours as a magistrate he hears petitioners in the Agora give him this I hope this heals the madness in this land I pray you get the justice you seek by Eck why would they take Nannette son caddy the Citadel cast a long shadow over Cyrenaica there are rumors that general Agrippa and Flavius are preparing for war against Egypt do you doubt their ambition no they won't stop until I stop them I will bring in a net to my clinic in Bala gray south of the temple of asclepius though that place has troubles enough I will find you if I can came back from Bulgaria with a kook up his arse demanded my taxes for the year they burned my farm when I refused and your short it was Landers men my wife said no good would come of defying him I hate it when she's right Lander will pay you have my word your word Dee at least will not so my scores fields bring my goals back to life I am done with you and this land your world and how has our most venerated magistrate extorted you Egyptian rocks Allah said you could help me I am byuk is your right as well as anyone can be with flavia's desecrates in your land I followed that [ __ ] murderous trail all the way from C WA show the rumors true as are his preparations for war one moral pressure Egypt will never be stable again invasions upon invasions Flavius will make of a tip one giant tomb he rules from the Acropolis but is crawling with Romans I pray the dice fall in your favour byuk I must deal with his lapdog the magistrate Leander SiC me out again if you would be a friend of paling thank you the Oakley's it is time for my son to enter the field of reeds do you think I can't feel you skulking in the shadows byuk of Siwan I have followed your path of murder and madness all the way from my homeland and now you an answer for my son's death Roman no Egyptian now you will bow before your God he was a child Flavius my child now that's the one thing I do not regret in my life I will never give you peace your son's death made the order bow to me Caesar even I had Rome it gave me an empire of a thousand suns each one greater than the larger come on finish me you coward waste of time yeah do it again God died it's alright forever not forever I will be waiting for you in the Philippines [Music] [Music] by it has been too long Flavius is dead I have gone to [ __ ] to get our son out of the dort him was at peace may he walked in the field of reeds I had to run to Rome you still entertain fully with these ambitions I have many mistakes you have made mistakes aiya you waste your energy ah you are the famous Magi Thanos never ceases to speak of your exploits I have assembled a group this is Brutus and gaseous our Roman brothers we're going to cut these battles down from across the seas Julius Caesar the order is no longer an Egyptian problem only does Cleopatra still rule there is no rule in Egypt plunged into the will of various tyrant our queen has abandoned us for Rome nothing has changed here Memphis is overrun by the order I am we need our victories are multiplied our born not so we could never have been everything has told us our love isn't you all right something bigger has called us but her love lives in the door what only now we are letting go let the gods decide [Music] gods are dead we must sacrifice our personal lives for the greater good all this darkness was for a reason I was wrong to be so reckless in public without killing we must work in the shadows Egypt has fallen Greece bolster and rob will fall - all will fall to the crib yet no one will know when we assassinate we assassinate only those who deserve it the few sick souls who try to control us but they will never know who we are cold calculated poets of the Kidman this [Music] I am not the father I'm not a husband I'm not a Magi [Music] I am a heated one the hidden ones sharpener blades we what was left was for us [Music] see you often a new kid Louis is finished [Music] I should've listened to you those don't need to be your last words does the name William miles ring a bell assassin then you know who I am we the assassins have been watching you it's unusual for an Abstergo employee to take an interest in the country's revolution you're not wrong there we know about your work with the animus pounding what you Indiana were up 2d they played you didn't they Sofia Rick and made you so many promises enough we're not talking about her sure plenty of other subjects to cover on our ride to Alexandria Donna Simone going anywhere with you well let's look at your options you can come with me or you can stay here and do the dance of death again and again until you make a mistake they only need you to make what there's no going back to your old life Leon I never planned to but you'd finally be able to work on the Animus project our version of it and with us you'd always have the freedom to do things your way fine let's do this that doesn't mean I'm on your side good enough is that what foxy does a gift no it's a relic I don't want to talk about Adam Estes isn't that by X let me have it I'll give it to foxy does myself he loves these things how about that I'm in no mood for compromise today we passed the Opelousas in the correct morning strong wind you'll be standing in the rooms for them in today's time it's over between you and I again I can feel no decision is easy you are a chosen one and now you are free like me so begins a new day hey you slackers for not the rest today we sail together what port are you taking us - that is a town called an tiem I'd like to try lots of men should sail in and out of there should be safe for you from there it's a half day's ride to Rome it is only a matter of days before Caesar will offer fish early become a tyrant the people love you Caesar you're a god [Music] the Senate will not bow series at Parliament of clucking hands [Music] nothing had to like this [Music] damn you neva my son's hot for your life was revenge everything you hoped you and the magi shall drench the sheets with your sweat tonight stuff with the order i served then and your beloved egypt and i'll be rewarded in the afterlife an eternity of drinking and whoring with my brothers the only thing that works for you is oblivion for your name your order and their rotting corpses that you've got manana I bet devour your fetid heart [Music] I ask only this that you join with me in building a new Rome a Rome with you as king that seizes me we want to Rome that offers justice peace and land to all its citizens not just the privileged few you are just as privileged as I I am NOT dictator for life [Music] you took my child the tyrant is dead you are free now you do I know you you strikes from the shadows the same fate will come to holder spots in the end it is impossible not to become what else believe you are and I or the job there is a new Creed now Rome is eternal she will never fall to you or your kind freedom is not given Caesar it is taken [Music] requiescat in batches Caesar [Music] do you know what you've done Caesarion would have sat on the throne of Rome listen to the cries in the streets they call you a dead silence [ __ ] I am still your queen you are queen of liars and snakes I fought for you for five years our people worshipped you Apollodorus died for you for Egypt Egypt I am Egypt then be the ruler our people deserve well nothing will save you from my blade across your throat you are the last of the Pharaohs byuk Caesar has been assassinated Septimus is also dead I have founded a bureau in the middle of Rome yet no one knows of our existence like a moon we are the hidden ones I believe in you the irony of freedom we are free of each other yet it brings me no happiness we must move forward remain in our tempest of blood poetry despite it all we dance and they die from darkness we have come and in darkness we shall stay humans are not meant to last forever but this Creed will the Creed is the only immortal thing in the world go home you're free I don't want to go home by myself I'm scared should we take him to the bureau No I'll take you home let's nothing grieve you beyond measure for your life is short and time will claim its toll but I am no longer who I was I have renounced all love I once had [Music] I have renounced aiya I have killed aya I am now the hidden one known as amulet [Music] you [Music] your victorious party [Music] [Music]
Channel: lzuniy
Views: 25,243,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed: Origins, Assassin's Creed: Origins All Cutscenes, Assassin's Creed: Origins All Cutscenes Movie, assassin's creed origins all cutscenes, assassin's creed origins cutscene movie, assassin's creed origins game movie, assassin's creed origins full movie, assassin's creed origins movie, assassin's creed full movie, assassin's creed origins cinematic, assassin's creed origins cinematic trailer, assassin's creed movie
Id: e_oF1BMEX-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 48sec (13008 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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