ASMR You're in Among Us

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This video is sponsored by GFuel! You can go to today and use code "GIBI" for 30% off! Now, it's 30% off for just this weekend so make sure that you do it sooner rather than later. I'm going to show you my little GFuel stash today because they always send me the new flavors which I freaking love, but as you can see it really builds up over time as Ben and I are the only ones that live in my house so, if you would like some GFuel, uh, hit me up. GFuel comes in over 40 flavors! It comes in little individual stick packs which I really like. You can tell I'm low on these because they are super convenient. They come in bigger tub sizes which is perfect for your favorite flavors! One of my personal favorites is the French Vanilla Iced Coffee. I actually make it with milk instead of water. But all you do is put in a few scoops of the powder into one of the really cute shaker cups. I always recommend adding ice as well, shake it up and bam! It also comes in energy crystals, sort of like candy that you can eat, and it has caffeine in it if you just need a little boost. Really easy to carry with you on the go. And it also comes in cans! So literally whatever you prefer, GFuel has it. Again, so so many flavors to choose from. Zero calories, loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. If you would like to give it a try, please go to, and use code "GIBI". That's, use code "GIBI" for 30% off! Thank you so much GFuel! And thank YOU so much for watching! *typing on keyboard* Oh! You scared me! You can't just stand in the doorway like that. Um... come in. I'm just finishing a task. You look lost. Are you new? Well I'd hope so, if you're just wandering around like this. Could look pretty suspicious, ya know? Alright come here. Lemme help you. Do you have some tasks to do? All of them? Okay, let me see. Let me see, c'mon. Hand that to me. Huh... Hmm... Okay, these aren't too bad at all.   This first one here, we just have to swipe your card. Easy as that! So uh, here. Do you have your ID card on you? Lemme see. Very nice! Looks just like you. Oh, that's a nice picture actually. I forgot to smile in mine. You can tell, you know? But, they won't let me change it till next year. Okay, so you just take your card, and it's really easy. All you need to do is just... *Bad read. Try again.* Little too fast there. One second... *Bad read. Try again.* Bad read.  *Bad read. Try again.* Bad read... *Bad read. Try again.* Too fast?! How much slower do they want me to do this?! Okay, you know what? We'll do this one later.  We'll start with some, some easier tasks first. Uh, put that one away for a while. You know what? I only have a few tasks left, so you could just help me, and then I can help you!   And then, we'll be fine because we'll be together, we have an alibi. Safety in numbers, buddy system.   Okay so here, uh, let me check my list. Oh! I've gotta upload some data. Have you seen a little USB stick around here anywhere?  Probably in one of my pockets...  Aha! Here it is. All I have to do is upload this very important data. Oh yeah. Oh I, I have no idea what's on it, no. But I'm sure it's very important if they asked me to do it. So, okay, let's just find.... there we go. Okay, that's uploading. The only problem is that this takes forever. Yeah, literally so long so, just gotta stay on your guard while this one's going. So um, have you seen anyone around the ship? Hmm... oh yeah? You know, I'm actually kinda suspicious of Matty. Yeah. Uh he's just acting kind of weird, you know? Going in and out, staring at people. Uhh I probably will try to, you know, get him off this ship next time we all meet up. You saw him go into a vent?! Why didn't you say so earlier?!  Okay, um, this is almost done uploading, uh, we're gonna have to press the button. We have to call an emergency meeting if you saw Matty go into a vent. Only the bad guys can do that. Okay, come on. 3, 2.... Done! Okay, uh, hand me that button, hand me that button! Gibi: .... just told me that Matty went into a vent! Frivvi: Is that true? Gibi: Mm-hm Matty: Wait, what's a vent? Busy B: Okay, vote him out. Shanny: Yeah, get him outta here. Gibi: Good work, good work, good work. Phew! I am so glad you told me. That was really close! I mean the longer you let him run around this ship, the more people he would have just, slaughtered in his path. And that's disturbing. Yeah. They're not clean kills either. No no. They're just... *dying noises* Anyway, we should finish our tasks here. Um, okay, let me check my list. Okay. You can watch me do some wiring! Yeah this one's an easy one. And like I said, I'm a veteran. So... let's see, just gotta open this door here. That's a lotta wires... Black wire, okay... We got a red wire, obviously. We have a really long blue wire. Not really sure what we'll be doing with that. Yellow wire. Um, I think I'm supposed to connect... let's see, blue wire here. We've got this, that needs to just get untangled a bit here. They're all, you know, of course, they didn't lay the wires out all nice across from each other, no no.  You've gotta mix 'em up! I've got this blue wire, and this blue wire, and we're just gonna connect 'em! No I, I didn't get a degree in this, why? Mmm, probably can use these little zip ties here, that's smart.  Keep those together. Just put that in there. There we go! That looks safe and sound, very snug. Okay, three more to go. Uh, red wire. I see that one next. Got a red wire here. and I'm just gonna take this. Okay, I'm just gonna connect these two, and that way the ship will be in a tip top shape. And we can get out of here. You know, everyone just wants to go home, you know? Okay, just gonna tie that together there, okay, just like that that seems pretty good. Got a little zip tie here, gotta use a red zip tie, gotta use a red zip tie. Um, because it's red wire. If you don't use a red zip tie it might not work. Okay, so tie that together. Looking pretty good don't you think? Just let that hang there, and uh, black wire here. I think this one just needs to, maybe like this little tubey thing we can just That seems pretty good! I've got another little tubey thing, just put that in there. Okay, I think we're getting somewhere. Zip tie moment, we're just gonna zip tie that to the other side. Okay. Task complete! See, I told you I was great at this! You know, it takes some, some finesse, a little bit of experience but, someday you might be as good as me. I think we're actually gonna be okay, you know? We're doing really well,  um, hopefully just, you know, if, if nothing else goes wrong, we'll be able to do my one more task and then we can go do your tasks as well!  Oop! The lights went out. Stay close to me, I'm gonna find my flashlight. *off screen murder* Okay, so, don't make any sudden movements. You need to stay near me. Closer... closer. Okay. I'm gonna go open that door right here. There we go. Now we have to fix these switches. So I'm just gonna, okay,  okay, no, stop, stop I already pressed that one! Stop it! It's gonna go a lot faster if you just let me do it. Just let me do it! Okay, okay, uh, alright, one more. Just don- stop pressing them! It's a little bit, okay, here, one more. That was close. You see any dead bodies around? I think we're good. Alright, as I was saying, I only have one more task left. Gotta refuel the engines, uhhh, do you see a nice... oh, here it is! This canister here. Empty. We just gotta refill this, take it down probably to the lower engines, and then uh, all my tasks will be complete! And I'll be able to help you with yours. Okay, I'm just gonna get this cap off here. And we're gonna fill her up. Okay, that, that sounds pretty full. Okay, just gonna carefully put this back on, and now you and I  can make our way over to the lower engines. Frivvi: I just found the body right outside electrical. Frivvi: It has to be Gibi. Rose: *gasp* Gibi! Shanny: I was over in shields with Daddy B. Busy B: Yep, I can confirm. Gibi: Wait wait wait, no no no no. It's not me, um, I, I've been here with ____ the entire time. Gibi: Wait, back me up. Wait! Hey! Back me up! You've been with me the whole time why aren't you... Gibi: Don't tell me... *gasp* Gibi: I tried to do the card swipe for you, it's... was that a fake task? Was that a fake task? Gibi: Hello?? I was with you the whole time, don't let them do this to me! Don't! No! Please! yeah voted   Frivvi: It's Gibi. Shanny: Yeah I voted Gibi. Busy B: Same. Rose: If it's not Gibi, we can vote Frivvi out next round. Gibi: It's not me! Frivvi: Fair enough. Gibi: You're throwing! You are murdering an innocent per- Frivvi: Oops!
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 6,100,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kydyXOYFV64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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