ASMR Doctor's Checkup (Everything is Wrong with You)

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Hello hello!    Welcome in to the clinic. I heard that you are not feeling too well. But you're a new patient, aren't you? Yeah, you are. I don't recognize you. So let me be the first to welcome you in! Hopefully you have an uneventful time here with us, and we can get you sorted. I will need to get some information from you, if that's okay? Yes, this is my medical certificate. Some people like to see it. I did study abroad in China. So if you'd like to take a look at that, I'll just leave that there. But I am going to need your information. It would be wrong for me to just start you know, testing and diagnosing and doing medical things with you without knowing who you are. That could be detrimental to my business practices. So can I please get your name? Okay How do you spell that? Okay, I got that right. And what is the date? Very good. Uh, what is your serial number? And what is your symptom? Okay. Oh, I see. Well, we can just do a whole very thorough routine checkup on you, and we'll just see what we find. You know? Okay, now there's a little spot here for diagnostic results but, I can't really fill that out yet, that's kind of the point. But that's it! That's all the questions on this form. Yeah. Super easy. Okay. So, let me go ahead and lay out a new, clean cover for our table here. And I'm going to start laying out my tools. As you can see, our working time is from 9am to 12am,  and then 14pm to 17pm. Yeah. Yep, we work from 9am to midnight, and then we work some more. I'm here all the time. But yeah, just wanted to let you know our hours in case you ever need anything.   Just you know, don't come at 8am I guess. We won't be up. So, I'm just gonna start laying out our tools and things we might need. Okay, now did you say that you were complaining of it toothache at all? Yes, we do dentistry here as well. I think it's a little bit redundant to go all the way to a different doctor just to look inside your mouth, so we do that here too. We'll be able to take a look at your teeth. Okay. And have you had any pain anywhere else? Okay, I see. Okay. And did you already get an x-ray with us? I just pulled out this x-ray and I'm wondering if this one's yours. Oh you did? Okay, okay so I'm supposed to look at this. Yeah. That would make sense okay. Well I'll take a look at your x-ray. Okay, got our stethoscope here. I have an extra stethoscope here, you know, just in case. Can't have too many stethoscopes. Got our dental tools here. And I'm just gonna take your vitals first. We're gonna just check a few things. Tell me a little bit about yourself, while I'm setting up everything. I see. Okay, and what do you do for work? Very nice! What about for fun on the weekends? Very cool, very cool. Yep, now I work here every day and on the weekends as well. Yessiree. And um, are you married? Do you have kids? Pets? Gotcha. Oh that's nice. Yeah I have a cat named Terry. So sweet. Yeah I haven't seen her in about a year but you know, she does her own thing and I do mine. I don't really like when people or animals like, hold me back you know? Okay, I think that is everything I will need to check you out here. Okay, when's the last time you got any booster shots or vaccines or anything of that nature? Okay, we are going to give you the flu shot today, among some other things. Yes we are. Okay, so let's check your your vitals. I'm gonna wash my hands. Okay. And, I'm gonna check your heart rate here. This is my favorite stethoscope. This one's like,   kind of just more for show it's not really that good of a stethoscope. Okay, just gonna put that there, and I'm gonna take this, and I'm gonna listen to your heart. So go ahead and just breathe in... and out. And in... and out. Okay, other side. Breathe in... and out.  Okay, your heart is horrible. It's awful. We need to get you on medication asap. Like you probably should have been on medication this whole time. No wonder. Yeah, where's my pen? Okay, I'm gonna write you a prescription. But I'm gonna give you some pills for that now. So here are your hearts pills. Here's enough for 3 days. You wanna take it in the morning with food. You have to take this or your heart will literally just explode one day. You're gonna be on this for a while. Um, thank god you came in. I'll put this aside. This is your new heart medication. But let's continue on with our   full comprehensive exam because, if that was just, you know, Stop 1... We're gonna keep going. Let's check your blood pressure next. Um, okay, here's my blood pressure cuff here. And I'm gonna wrap this around your arm. and then I'm going to take this and it's going to get a little bit tight here and we're just going to... Oh I need my stethoscope. Okay. Sorry, it was a long shift. Okay let's do that again. I was like "why can't I hear anything?" Okay, let's try that again. Oh my god! Your blood pressure is so high. Yeah, your blood pressure is really high. What is your diet like? Are you stressed in your life?  Yeah no no no no no no that's like, insanely high like, terribly high, I'm gonna write you a prescription for that. We gotta get that in check. I am worried about you. Okay, this is gonna be your high blood pressure medication. Now this is only enough for one day because you're gonna wanna take one now,  and you're gonna wanna take one at night. Morning and night. Okay?   Um, so you're gonna need to go the pharmacy like, immediately and get more of these because you gotta keep that blood pressure down, your blood pressure is so high. Okay, I'll put that with your heart medication. Alright, let's check your temperature here. So I have this little thermometer, and I'm gonna put this underneath your tongue. Okay... so you just open wide like that. And just hold for a minute. Okay... Your temperature is really low.  Yeah no, you want to be like 37 degrees Celsius. You're 36 degrees Celsius, that's a little bit low. I don't really like that for you. No... no, that's not very good. No... Okay, you know what? Let me try again with a different thermometer. I've got this thermometer as well. Um, I'm gonna put this one under your armpit. We're gonna get a different reading here. Lift up your arm and put it there. Hold it there, hold it there. Okay, oh that's even worse. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and write that in your charts. I'm not really sure how you're sitting here talking to me right now but that's okay. You are a fighter, aren't you? We do have uh... another way we can check your temperatur- It's fine, I think two ways is enough. We probably confirmed that you have a very low temperature right now. We should probably fix that. Okay um, let's check your reflexes. I have this tiny little mallet hammer, and I'm just going to, this is really easy you don't have to do a thing, I'm gonna tap on your arm and it should just make a little pop. Okay, ready? Am I hitting the right spot? Okay... okay you don't have any reflexes on that arm, that's fine, you know... Let's check the other arm. Ready? Let's check the legs. Just here in your knee, just keep your keep your leg relaxed. Okay... I'm not really sure what's going on here. I might need to consult somebody really quick. You just uh, stay put for a second I need to just... Yeah, I am like a little bit nervous about your, your nerves. There might be some damage here. Okay... okay... okay. Yeah, I'm worried about a lot of things right now. You could have anemia, diabetes, you could have a severe vitamin deficiency. I'm just gonna write you a prescription for all three of those things. Actually need another page. Okay, I'm gonna need you to take these pills every day. Yes you're gonna need to take the whole pack. So there's  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 One pack of these every day without food, so you might want to take these before you take your heart medication. Just take all of these at once and don't skip any days ever. Okay, um, yeah the side effects are not great no, they're not, but you know what? You need to take it. Under my professional guidance. Yeah, you need that. Okay, turn the page here. Clip that back into my clipboard. Let's move on shall we?   Now, I didn't really get to look at your x-ray so let's take a look at that now shall we? Okay, so it looks as if this is an x-ray of your leg, ankle and foot. Is this your leg, ankle and foot? It is? Well I'm sorry to say that this is extremely abnormal. There is something severely wrong with this image. Your bones are not even... they're not connecting where they're supposed to connect.   The width and length of the bones are extremely abnormal. Your cartilage is non-existent and it seems as if there were many, many breaks and fractures that did not heal well over the years at all. Um, how are you walking? How are you walking right now? I'm a little bit, impressed I almost want to say. Okay um, well I'm gonna need to give you some steroid injections into your foot if we don't want to have to amputate this foot tomorrow. This is a mess. Like can you see that? There, can you see this? Okay, um, okay. Let me get this. We have two steroid injections here. Now, one's gonna go   into the top part of your ankle, then one's gonna go into the back part of your ankle. Um, I don't want this to be painful for you although to be honest,   I guarantee that the nerves in your leg, foot and ankle are completely severed already so um... But I'm going to put this topical ointment on it first. This will numb the area just to give you some peace of mind but again... These steroid injections, you won't even feel them so I'm gonna take this and um,  I just want you to prop your foot right here on this stool for me. Okay Alright, so that will set in in a moment. And then we are going to need to do the steroid injections, and I'll give you a little wrap around your foot. You need to be in a wheelchair. Definitely. At least six weeks, and then you need to come back and see me in like two weeks so we can check up on you. Okay, so when I take these little tweezers right here and I touch your ankle, do you feel that? I didn't think so. How about that? That? That? Okay. Um, so we're just gonna take this little steroid injection and just... There you go. Other steroid injection. Just... Done, okay. That should hopefully help. And then we're gonna wrap your foot. Like so. Need a little clamp here. Just rip that off. There we go. Okay. That should feel nice and snug. Okay, go ahead and put your foot back down. I'll  move the stool back over, like so. Okay. You're doing fine. You're doing great. Um, while we're at it, let's do your flu shot because, to be honest with you, you cannot afford to catch the flu. No, you can't. Um, if you're nervous, I do have little bun bun here, and you can hold her while we give you the injection. So she can sit right there and um, let me just... again I can use this little topical here, to put on your arm so you don't feel it as much. Like that. And then I have our antiseptic here. Also goes your arm there. And then while that dries, just gonna get this ready. And it's just gonna be over in 1, 2, 3... Okay, all done. Um, and I'll go ahead and mark you down that you got your flu shot. Have you ever gotten the flu shot before?   Okay. Alright. And have you ever had any adverse, adverse reactions to it?   You have? Why didn't you tell me that before I shot it into your arm...? Okay, um... Okay, that's fine. we just need another antiseptic here then, a little cream, just to stop the swelling. Oh my gosh, you're already swelling up! Okay That's fine, you know... What's a little swelling and blistering compared to the full-blown flu? You're doing great. Are you okay? Alright um, we'll give you a little band-aid here. Do you have a color preference? I see green, pink, orange, yellow and blue. You want blue? Yeah that will hide, this blue, this will hide the the oozing. Okay. And we're just gonna stick that right on your arm here. There you go. Now, I really want to and take a look in your ears, eyes, and then we're going to take a look at your teeth, okay? Okay, we're gonna start with your ears. I'm gonna go ahead and get my glasses on. And we're going to take a little peaky peak inside your ears and let me see here... Oh my god! That is a lot of earwax, inflammation. Are you having pain in your ears as well? Let me look at the other side here. Okay, it's almost even worse on this side, okay. Alright um, we're gonna need to remove that. We're gonna need to remove that earwax. That is probably really, really affecting your overall well-being. Um, can you even hear what I'm saying right now? It sounds like I'm whispering? Okay yeah, we're gonna go ahead and clean that out. I have this pick, scraper, scrapy-scrape tool so I just need you to sit here as still as you can, and we're gonna start trying to... Okay, I'm gonna go inside your ear canal now, and start scraping. Let me wash this off. Okay. And let's do the other side. Again, just sort of hold still as well as you can, and then I'm gonna go inside the ear canal here. Okay, is that any better? Like a little bit but not much? Okay. I'm gonna have to send you home with some drops I think. Yeah, you're gonna need something um,   to dissolve that. You're gonna need something to dissolve that for sure. Okay um, I'm gonna send you home with this. You just take the cap off, a couple drops in your ears every night, okay? Otherwise that will become impacted and it could severely damage your hearing for the rest of your life. So I'm gonna send you home with that as well. Now um, dare I look at your eyes? Okay, go ahead and look at me. Look up. Over. Down. Over. Look at me. And now look up. Over. Down. Over. Blink a few times. Your eyes are fine. Your eyes are fine! Your eyes are fine. Absolutely. You can't see out of one of them? Okay um... I'm gonna have to send you to an ophthalmologist. There is one in this building. You should really get that checked out. Yeah you probably should have maybe gone there before today. Okay. But we will get you sorted on everything else here.  Let's take a look at your teeth. Yeah, like I said, I don't like to waste time sending you to a dentist when we could just do it right here in-house. Um, so I'm gonna go ahead and take my tools here. I have this little mirror and a little pick. And what I'm going to do is just take a look at your teeth. So go ahead and open your mouth. Okay... Okay... Say "Ahhhh" Okay. Okay, alright. Um, let me show you something. Okay, here is here is a human mouth here. Okay? Here's our little diagram here, and if you look at the teeth, do you notice anything wrong with any of these teeth? Yeah this one is like, a little grey, right? And this one's a little grey. Yeah, this is what all of your teeth look like. Every single one. We want them all to be this white, healthy, clean um... We're gonna need to do at least one extraction today and we'll have to schedule you for the rest. The rest aren't as pressing but I do see in the back um, and what we're gonna do is just, we take our pliers here,  and we take the tooth out from the root so you're gonna have like, a hole in your gums. But this tooth is not gonna be good and we can replace it with a better tooth. Yeah, so let me show you. We have these better teeth here and we can replace your teeth with these synthetic teeth which are just as good, maybe even better. Certainly better than what you have now. Okay, so before we do that, I am going to do a little floss and a little brush here. So let's brush first. And I'm gonna get my little toothpaste. Now this is heavy duty toothpaste. And I just want you to open up and we're going to brush in circles all the way around. The back. Above. And the front. Okay, now go ahead and rinse and spit, there's a sink to the side of you. And I'm gonna get the floss pick. And when you're ready just go ahead and open up and I'm going to Okay. You might want to rinse again. I'm gonna go ahead and put on a mask for this. Okay. Once again we're going to use our numbing cream here, and this is going to go um, just go ahead inside your mouth like that, and then wait a couple seconds for that, it'll numb up really quick. And we'll give you a tiny shot of Novocaine just so you can't feel anything. The cream that I just gave you there, you won't feel this, and then with this, you won't feel   the tooth extraction. Yeah. Just wait a couple of seconds. Yep, that has to come out asap. Yep, that's... once again, I'm glad you came in. Okay, go ahead and open your mouth. I'm just going to give you a little shot... Okay, like that. And that should numb up. I'm going to need to use my mirror. And then we have this little plier tool that will grab your tooth really easily and pull it out. Then we'll be able to insert the new tooth here. Yep, that's how dentistry works. So go ahead and open up. And I'm just going to give that a little wiggle... and... Got it. Okay okay okay okay okay... And then we are going to get the new tooth here, and this is going to go right in that spot. Okay. Easy as 123. My work here is done. How are you feeling? Okay, I'm gonna need you to go home. Um, don't forget any of your pills. I'm gonna go ahead and call in a prescription for these, these and these. I'm gonna need to see you back here uh, probably like next week. Again, our hours are right here on the card. Yeah, come in anytime. Um, but we're definitely gonna need to do a little bit of a follow-up. I am quite concerned for you, and your health so... Do you have insurance? You have... Okay, you know what? I will take it, I'll take it. Why don't you go home and rest up, and our nurse will give you a call, okay? Okay, it was so nice to meet you! Yeah, go and take a little nap, drink some water. Yeah, okay. Alright, feel better! We'll see you soon! Bye bye now! Bye! Jesus Chr-..
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 7,772,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gibi, asmr
Id: Kv1OiVSc1w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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