Method World First Players SHOCKED By Asmongold First Day Of MYTHIC The Eternal Palace Raid

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you know dude I hate to tell you this but you got a lot of world-first Raiders in here watching you fail method Potter's in here too all these high-end people are watching you fail at rate leaving holy [ __ ] you're all terrible is there any method people in chat and you want to come give tips let me know they need it real bad look at his face clean his face today is the day that we will go in to mythic eternal palace and we're gonna do our best to kill as many bosses as we can today I stand before you in front of the hardest boss that you've probably ever gone up against many of you are not part of guilds which is why you were here today we're gonna do our best we're gonna try as hard as we can and we're gonna drive to complete at least three bosses in this mythic grade this is one of the biggest risks I've ever taken one of the hardest things I've ever done and I can guarantee you it will be for you as well pay attention know the mechanics do what you need to do and let's get ourselves the best [ __ ] loot in the goddamn game if people are having trouble we've already place you if we have to we want to help you and we want to make this happen main thing that you need to understand is that your health is your own responsibility if your health is going down quit it everybody take a second I want you to open up the adventure guide right now familiarize yourself with the fights because I have to take a piss I'll be right back I'm ready who's not ready ragdoll let's go dude let's go dude let's go dude let's go dude let's go dude ragdoll fix here it's great I'll [ __ ] right now we're waiting on you to jump over come here come on there you go bring him back jump over him okay he's back yeah I thought so all right we brought him back let's go he's been revived keep your health up do not die that's your main job is to not die if you can do that everything will be fine it took waste these anyway go go pop you're on poll obviously okay crushing reverb good job keep everybody up have to move out with that okay you're gonna so well okay you're not gonna so well all right I'm gonna rally just for them remember if you have five stacks clear stacks you got five reposition the boss reposition the boss come on moving out of that explosion okay that was a really good first pull it looks like this is basically over we can do it we can kill this boss run back run back run back we can kill this boss like I I know for a fact we can kill this boss i wasn't sure i was based off of our first poll but i'm certain that we can kill it now okay let me ready check and we're gonna pull after this I have a secret weapon we're going to use all right this is I might have to implement this but I don't want I don't want to have to but if if it if it must happen it will happen keep it up she's 50% 50% focus up keep it up guys keep it up stay alive just stay alive everybody just simply stay alive at this point we can still do it use your user use your things I can't I'm gonna die here I'm dead I'm dead okay I'm gonna give these out to people I'm giving you guys vantaa strokes I'm gonna give one out to all the healers and then we're gonna give them to our best DPS this is the poll that we get are under 30% let's go Niner percent focus come on boys let's go you want this good loot earn it let's go and keep going keep going we've only got four people dead that's nothing we can keep going okay good job I think we need more advances runes alrighty I'm gonna ready check and we're gonna do this again Pontus run on first boss I know keep yourselves up we're taking it all the way they're [ __ ] enraged boys let's go practice practice remember keep those resets happening keep it up Go Go kill it kill it battle rise me if you can't go back go back we go into that with three more people alive we kill the boss I bought everybody bounces furnace we're gonna make this happen I don't care if it cost money keep going keep going Reza tank in two minutes red stank in two minutes it's fine just keep going keep it up we're doing great don't let this demoralize you we're dead let me go ahead and pull this up and show you guys how it's supposed to work all right okay damaged this is damaged so you're gonna be like this this is the damage curve of the fight all right these are the overwhelming assaults these are reverbs that's overwhelming assault again so you know whenever you want to clear your stacks right here right here and sometimes if everybody's full health right there as well do you know whenever you don't want to clear your stacks right there that's a bad time to clear your stacks because other people are gonna get hit so here's the boss for overwhelming this is the boss and those with the spikes you start right here you go out to right here he's happy because he knows he's gonna get loot because he's doing the fight right these go these go out to here right so let's say they go out to here and out to there more erase this one now you go back over to here you understand that's how to handle overwhelming reverberation it's just that simple okay so let's say you you are right here give it a debuff under you you walk over the three of you all have the debuff together so what this is gonna do is this is going to allow you to disperse the damage amongst three players so that means if you see somebody with the debuff they're like this and they're pointing they're looking at that way they're like oh no I've got to walk over to the guy at the depot and then they walk over there and they're happy together because nobody's dead okay understand that's how it works if you have the debuff and it's the thing that's like this it's like that okay so you get use you have to get to other people all right it's just that simple here's what you need to do within immunity so you have the debuff you go by yourself and you go like this that's the immunity and that's the diva you're so happy right now because you're a paladin you're orphan you're actually not going to get kicked out of the raid that's you orphan right there because you're gonna use the bubble this time and not die to the diva okay all right focus up focus up we're gonna have the things go out you're ready for the things there's a barrage we've lost half of our damage just wipe it just wipe it why dude you heard this guilt called the club camel I think they might be able to help you out there well Harlan kel'thuzad we should look to him for a carry on like a different character maybe you can get the mount be good actually it's dire times keep it up do not let any resin Rezo on Rizzo razzo Han right now reso Han right now stay alive quick in and be quick in and be come on version again we're going to seize this now should be able to survive that damage stay alive you better not be don't even think about [ __ ] panicking don't even think about [ __ ] babies always everybody that pay attention this is where you do the mechanics perfectly you don't make any [ __ ] mistakes this is when it counts this is when it matters rat you're not dying your alley keep it up 7% it's not over yet it's not over yet pay attention I'm gonna just take this it actually no I didn't somehow I didn't take that hit go go kill her kill her kill her spread out and kill her spread out and kill her three million health two million great job great [ __ ] job great job keep it up run back run back again run back again alrighty guys listen that was a great poll I think you guys did amazing and honestly that was [ __ ] incredible you can see this now that you can complete this raid I want you to use every [ __ ] buff you have on this fight get your flask get your food buffs get your runes you know that it's possible now I'm trying to figure out how we should handle this I really don't know our damage is really good like we're gonna be fine on damage the only issue is really just staying alive I mean like guys I want to say right now like I mean we are like inches away from killing this boss like we're so close to killing the boss please focus up pay attention and let's get this right okay like we're doing amazing and all we need to do is have one good poll where the right people get the right debuffs okay and some of the new people are coming in are apparently very good players so let's hope that's the case and we will do our absolute [ __ ] best to make sure this happens okay yeah so yeah guys if we if we beat this boss this basically this a license to get loot why all we need to do is beat this boss and we killed the other two bosses it's that [ __ ] easy I have spent over a hundred thousand gold on this raid okay 100,000 gold on this one rate this one boss we're gonna kill it okay okay we're doing fine so far - wipe wipe it [ __ ] wipe it I swear to [ __ ] god guys I'm literally I'm gonna start recording these attempts guys every single time a player dies clip it clip it every [ __ ] time somebody dies we're gonna go back and we're gonna look at it every [ __ ] time dude get flex mage in here flex mage I'd love to clip it every [ __ ] time I'm gonna look in and see exactly who [ __ ] up it's a [ __ ] circus in here pathetic do the boss tell you this but you got a lot of world-first Raiders in here watching you fail method Potter's in here - all these high-end people are watching you fail at greatly if somebody [ __ ] dies I'm sick of people dying had enough of it motivating is dead again clip it oh no give me the clip motivating dog I want to see it I want to I want to see the clip no don't roast I do ice I want to see [ __ ] up don't do it to him you don't have to do it to him where's the clip item item come on he didn't stack the soap motivating why did you dye two times in the same fight come on guys pay attention please I've got one final room BRB I go change my essence no no don't change your [ __ ] essence we're here everybody is here yeah use a tome here give him a tome and he'll change it buddy up overwhelming Barasch get everybody healed up come on don't die don't die don't die don't die on me keep it up get over to healed up resurrect doll good job you're doing it before I even called it it's smart big damage guys we can still do this right just guys keep yourselves alive use your own personal heals if you need to it's over do it again we need another hero tub shark left wait laughs yeah I have a feeling that we probably won't notice though let's get another it's gettin of the here oh my gosh I kind of want to get I kind of want to replace motivating you like one come on come on over all data across every single pole he's one of the lowest dps of the entire thing why don't you instead of breaking him down and saying you better go [ __ ] up you piss it won't you build them up say come on make you can do this come on you're the raid leader you got a [ __ ] motivate your team man you're responsible for all these people this isn't Little League like they should know that they're going into a mythic raid all right kick them we'll do our best we're doing pretty well so far this is your best yeah Oh yeah where this this is our best this is in this is it no wonder there are no [ __ ] high high end Alliance Raiders man holy [ __ ] you're all terrible is there any method people in chat and you want to come give tips let me know they need it real bad look at his face leave his face gotta get more people it's [ __ ] [ __ ] Von Teese rooms where are you oh [ __ ] I'm giving you a voluntary [ __ ] user don't got space get a [ __ ] inventory I'm just sitting on the first boss do it again guys listen we've been here for probably three hours we've killed zero bosses that's fine we're gonna keep doing this until we get it you can do this keep it together let's go feeling myself a little bit nobody else dies buggers let's do it come on boys ragdoll you got too many stacks again okay get on the ball rag doll come on No More Deaths frosty don't rats frosty rest chippy oh no rest Chimpy rest chippy art rest chippy no I've got a rest coming up really soon we're fine guys we're fine everything's fine okay we're doing great we're doing great keep it up you've got it guys you got it this is the kill so solo tank oh [ __ ] do solo tank it's not a big deal just solo tank keep it up keep it up you've got it on chat believes in you good burn down the boss guy died in the in roofing melee but hey motivating didn't [ __ ] up dude rogue killed on how do you get over 6x rip OH ragdoll the reason why ragdolls getting over 6x every pole because he's playing like [ __ ] he's not doing a mechanics crash that's why there's no secret it's obvious everybody knows why it's completely obvious these soaks are still going wrong imagine this imagine spending four hours on one boss and still failing in normal mode mechanic like don't don't rat paladin's get a buff whenever somebody dies yeah they should be doing like a lot of date a lot of damage let me see well auras it's called retribution right yeah it's up literally 15% of you've got retribution up higher than any of your other [ __ ] CDs like you've got read up about as much time since if you had a binging RAF wowie wow you're [ __ ] you're you're popping off at 20,000 the hell are you thinking man even I do better wake the [ __ ] up you've got that sword give me that sword I'll give you my shitty walk oh my god with cash calling you way to go you what brother ready checking right now come on son come on son Octavius if you need some help Darth Elise is in the chat man he can help you out do you like he's decent let's go he's an okay player sorry this is embarrassing yes it is everything is fine nobody is dead pretend like nobody's died it's a fresh start yep fresh start motivating steady again our deuce dead again [ __ ] white [ __ ] white [ __ ] like [ __ ] white Oh tragic devastating you guys really the bottom [ __ ] damage every pole just white we can't do it without many people that like we already know that penguins gonna leave after this pool if he leaves I don't think the heroes are gonna be able to keep up even if we get another healer so unless you have a really good pole here and we can convince him to stay like this is this might be the last one so keep that in mind don't say that 14 stacks on rag doll no it's no way you got 14 stacks it's no way so no way he got four stacks I don't believe it he did I saw the chat spamming 1314 there's having well W he sucks ragdoll ragdoll is there a reason why you're taking almost as much damage as the tanks oh my why what is the what what is your problem with clearing your stats because I want to understand like don't tell me like you'll do it better next time I want to know why you haven't been doing it better all these other times what is it about this mechanic that you're not understanding because I want to make sure we get to the bottom of this because we're about to do our last poll look at his healing done this is all himself yeah oh my god what about the last part come on dude Penguins back is about to break I'm telling you if I can you explain right now ragdoll just a minute I want to make sure that we really understand this ragdoll why why have you been getting 13 why'd you get 14 stacks last Pole why did you get 14 stacks what is he saying nothing so far why have you been getting I ate three overflows in a row so you got 10 stacks on your own is that right why did you get 10 stacks do you really think that excuse was gonna work yep I mean really do you really think that was gonna work this is cyberbullying man compost if you send me another message I'm gonna report you for spamming and put you on ignore don't send me another stupid [ __ ] message about how I should invite you you're annoying two of them were on me but I was trying to run green with isos I honestly don't know what's worth worse rag doll your spelling and grammar or your mechanics because they're both [ __ ] terrible stop playing like [ __ ] warn the [ __ ] mechanics you've been here for four [ __ ] hours and you still can't figure out a baseline normal mode mechanic this is pathetic Warren had a [ __ ] play you are holding yourself back from the best gear in the game because you don't want to [ __ ] learn how to do the mechanics and do your [ __ ] job stop healing yourself and maybe you won't have to do it maybe you know how this don't take a million stacks then you won't have to do it again what is your problem rag doll that's my problem let's go just dude just make sure that he hears the dings that's it everyone's ready free pot pretty far let's go reset call out incoming call outs incoming I might have to use my if I bring in another resto druid to replace ragdoll well everybody stay this guy you guys be willing to take another another Pole we just need to see if if our shaman is if penguin is able to come and do it again it's a white guy should stop to stop it's over you can reset stacks I know that this is insane I don't understand like a few more sure okay thank you for coming ragdoll but zone out chat I have some chapter ragdoll boys do he didn't do this job he didn't know what he was - he did it he did wonderfully underperformed yeah I mean look dude you don't know what's going on in that guy's life man maybe he's having about what's not I know it's not yeah I do know what's going on getting too many stacks doing mechanics wrong and not knowing how to spell anything that's what I know is going on in his life and it's not looking good you know what I summon this guy over how you spell some things man yeah at least I'm clearing my stacks this is [ __ ] song all right neshama is willing to stay for a few more polls lucky you lucky me I you know I have to say man you know you get on your stream in front of tens of thousands of people almost every day so you like it's nothing to you but these people I mean some they're trying to perform man they're trying to do the best they can in front of all these people I'm sure they're nervous they're sweating their hands are sweaty their knees are shaking I'm telling you it's it's an experience man it's it's tough it's I'm sure they are nervous I'm nervous too I get nervous regularly and you know what I deal with it because that's the only thing that you can do like there's no excuse like I don't care if they're nervous or not I mean if you can't plant or pressure I I have problems playing under pressure too but we have to do this like in one way or another I mean I it doesn't matter what what the problem is there is a unified goal that we need to reach and whatever we do has to take us towards that goal it doesn't matter what's fair it doesn't matter what's right it doesn't matter what's good it matters what works and that's the only thing that I care about I have one goal and that is to succeed I don't care about anything else besides that let's go wipe it frosting frosting frosting why'd you do it why'd you do it don't you [ __ ] up again okay let's try it again try it again let's go again why not why not okay guys go ahead and get your food buffs and get everything ready it's time for us to pull the boss again now really don't runners be ready oh that must be you like whenever you ran away from me with the debuff [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] do it right this time okay let's go I'm gonna ready check other people are going to leave this is probably gonna be our last poll guys pretty pot make sure we get this done okay like stop being [ __ ] garbage just get it let it get it done this is the last [ __ ] poll let's go last chance final shot let's go oh we're going oh we're going now this is the poll man this is where it takes everybody let's go keep massive great damage so far guys great damage keep it up we're going all the way for this one okay it doesn't matter what happens this is the last poll people don't believe [ __ ] boss man let's go you won't right guys do it right overwhelming okay clear stacks if you need to okay make sure to soak that it should not have been in the raid we can recover from that though don't worry okay just stay out just recover guys just keep it up keep going keep going don't give up man don't give up don't give up you got this there's only eight people that don't work don't worry about it you can still kill the boss man let's go baby let's do that damage let's go Octavius Octavius you are the retribution man you got to bring the pain dog come on son let's do it let's go drop your stacks soak the blue soak the green soak ice watch out for the spikes taunt it talked it off it looks like this one's gonna be a wife that's how it is sometimes that's how it be I want you dumb [ __ ] to listen to me we're calling it for today no but you're not off the hook because we're gonna come back here probably tomorrow and we're gonna keep going I didn't spend 60,000 gold on Vantaa shrooms to end this over after four hours we're coming back and we're gonna get it done i screenshot at the raid I will priority invite the people that were here yesterday again tomorrow we're gonna kill this boss whether you like it or not yep about the same time yep same time as we started today maybe a bit earlier I will not give up I want to kill these bosses this week I'm not gonna let you guys derail that now today I was pretty reasonable I was I was very reasonable what'd you [ __ ] rage at your raid for like three hours in what way is that reasonable because I didn't kick them out and trust me like that I wasn't even mad today the guy I was not even mad tomorrow if we come in here and we have this same clown ass garbage happen again I'm gonna be kicking people out fastest [ __ ] okay like some of you guys should not have been in the raid past the first hour but you sat there and you [ __ ] around for three listen you everybody in this raid can do it like this [ __ ] like just farm some mythic plus get some better gear and let's do it right like next week sorry tomorrow's gonna be fine just learn what to do and everything is going to be okay [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 398,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold bfa, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold eternal palace, asmongold method, method the eternal palace, method world first, world first eternal palace, method world first eternal palace, method world first azshara, asmongold azshara, asmongold mythic, asmongold mythic raid, eternal palace mythic, method players, asmongold world first, mythic raid, wow mythic raid, asmongold raid, method mythic, mythic, method, day 1, asmongold day 1
Id: jccT1QUU8I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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