Asmongold STUNNED by a Level 36 KILLING Level 60s

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crying his level is actually a 36 warrior well he does have whirlwind axe man I would have trouble with that guy look at this guy doesn't even know what the hell's going on he just ignores the level 36 so he's channeling I'm assuming this is no much death ray right what what 1986 holy [ __ ] and then he uses a sapper charge on himself what is this thing that's stealing ticking the image to him this 312 well what is this because this obviously has something to do with it no much death right wait so the death rate deals damage to you is that is how it works it does Wow the Ray cost life to charges I actually didn't know that [Music] mr. just got [ __ ] deleted okay I don't even know what to say look at it they don't even know what the hell they're doing he's charging it again oh we didn't quite kill him we didn't quite kill him oh but he used so he has concussion blow to keep them stunned in place uh-oh there's a warlock right here he doesn't know what to do he's under estimating his of his enemy here the world walk is like okay yeah whatever he's having fun with it he's like oh the Warriors just trying to have a little bit of fun he's a warrior you know he'll learn what he did wrong so he popped his shield there and I and the guy's stunned so he can't do anything about it it's like he was sitting there afk he was actually just stunned I'm pretty sure if I got killed by a level 36 I'd want to delete my character well I guess I would have just gotten deleted so it's about the same thing like this guy's one-shotting someone at level 30 [ __ ] six this is insane okay channeling it all we resisted that's not good and then concussive blow is there and the guy's just gonna spam execute and kill him [Music] it's another warrior okay alright he's running away he knows what's gonna happen he's running away from level [ __ ] 36 hey [ __ ] that [ __ ] I don't want to deal with that he actually doesn't have to run away you can get rid of the the goblin helmet with it's an incapacitates oh you can actually just get rid of it very easily oh okay so there's the stun and again he channels it and and then there's the stun on top of it right there and the guy can't even do anything about it because he's just stunned by a concussive blow and he can't dodge her parry it because he was first stunned by the okay all right this guy has res sickness to be fair okay that's why the dots aren't doing any damage okay okay it's taking him down why do I need bone rivers edge man I feel like I don't even need this weapon anymore like all I need to do is get this item imagine imagine engaging in combat with a level 36 and losing see that guy doesn't even know what the [ __ ] going on so again just charges it up puts his shield on holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude that guy doesn't even know what the [ __ ] is going on he charges to him and he's gonna kill him right here yeah I'm pretty sure all these guys as you saw was really insane even at this level yeah I'm gonna quickly go through how to perform it okay I will make a more detailed an updated version later once I reach level 60 okay so we start off by obtaining rage with blood rage and rage potion then you'll do a whirlwind outwit combo into the Goblin rocket helm CC okay this will give you time to share a death ray once it finished casting you stun the enemy into a lower damage sabotage bomb dispenser auto it and during the whole stun duration you have to do one more auto it whirlwind as well as finish the enemy off it executes I tried to fit slam into rotation but at the low level it's more effective to wait for swing timer oh my god there was important town you have to reach is the concussive blow this is this is your tree mr. Mohn level 36 I won't be able to reach the fibers in increasing trees imagine if this level 36 one tips outs dueling tournament honestly man he probably could have he probably could have did Nikita uses the following called a rocket helm yeah look down snow much hard whole combo will do a lot of damage to you you have enormous death ray as well as the bomb Spencer the macro what is a bomb dispenser just something I want to look at was the bomb dispenser goblin bomb dispenser creates a mobile way oh [ __ ] I sorry I double point creates a mobile bomb that charges the nearest enemy and explodes oh it's a 30 minute CD holy [ __ ] that's a long time I'm not sure if that's worth it the macros that you started following one macro is granting you rage okay then you have the government rocket hell macro featuring whirlwind and auto it and then you had a definite Channel the important part here is that is stopping your swing timer because if you do this you can instantly auto it right off to the channel then the last macro is for the stun intercept short and bomb dispenser so that was all this video I hope you guys enjoyed it and stay tuned for more I think this is the best one right here yeah like watch this one right here this guy be George Ragnar the guy just got me he just got deleted [Music] he just got [ __ ] doing it like I mean this side doing my character that was me I wouldn't even know what happened like honestly I bet half of the people in this clip put in a [ __ ] ticket because they thought to themselves they're like you know what there's no way this shit's real like this has got to be some kind of [ __ ] one way or another like there's no way it's even possible this could happen I don't [ __ ] understand man once is ridiculous I also made one critic raise you one shot macros yeah I can see that man this guy's a god this is [ __ ] insane man he's all 30:36 he's killing 60s mad we'll get this right here goblin rocket helmet combos in this video I'm gonna showcase how to reel in the same combo you can do with it goblin rocket helmets this trick montage at 3:15 okay let's watch you better be playing disturbed here okay [Music] Apolo ism [Music] it just got Nome yeah exactly oh wait that guy's got my gear that's my guy I don't like this video oh no he just he takes him to half elf in one hit man in one [ __ ] hit and that's 1/32 like going to Berserker and get up [Music] [Music] ah so all he has to do is get off a poly and then he just he just doesn't the solidus he just does it and he can wait here as long as he wants all right there's arcane power and then he immediately sons so they don't have a chance to react to this [Music] oh no oh no oh he's trying to bait him into attacking him dude oh now he's trying all right Matt and you want this let's go sorry sheep iam here and this is through his shield - he's not even waiting for the shield to go away stun them 77% hey if it's not all this guy's got a lot of health uh-oh he's gonna have to cast two spells wait wait the dude got stunned again what son is this how did he get stunned again the fire spell oh oh wait the Goblin mortar stuns really I didn't know that uh actually I didn't know that at all okay Wow Thames just [ __ ] dead iron grenade yeah the impact right holy [ __ ] man this is crazy I don't even know what to say do it it's the talent yeah I guess so I feel like if I was one of these people in the video do you think these people ever get messages they're like hey man I saw you getting killed by a level 30 so you want to come to MC you know it seems like kind of awkward you know what I mean yeah I saw you uh yeah are you the guy that got killed by the level 30 are you dad dude that got beat by level 30 is was that you dude oh man what up you just saw that video hey what's going on man look at that and then the bombs just walking over to him it's gonna kill him anyway oh it's another warrior I don't like watching the warrior once yeah I don't like watching this polymorpha him right there not on Berserker stance Wow just one [ __ ] hit it's a naked level 60 men and the guy can't even play the game this dude's got more stunts than a [ __ ] rogue I feel like engineering is like playing two classes at the same time like I mean that's basically what it's like hooey this guy's gonna kill him here I don't know why we're showing this clip you're always gonna poly him okay I see that way just to let him know what's going on ooh not good when he blinked the shot damn that guy's serious okay so he's gonna sheep him all the way up to full health this guy is probably like oh what a stupid [ __ ] maids dude what a dumbass piece of [ __ ] and then he gets hit by that he's like wait what the [ __ ] wait what the hell so what the hell's going on what the [ __ ] is this Oh what and then I can guarantee you like this dude it feels so [ __ ] stupid he's like aw dude it's that other guy it's our guy man if it was just me and him I don't want that would have never happened why is that other guy that [ __ ] got him how much was that like I'm gonna look at that again yeah 1000 pyroblast hits him for 1,700 holy [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] but the dudes afraid he won't come out he knows what's going to happen that's the life of a warrior by the way I want you guys see this running away from a level 16 naked mage this is what it's like being a warrior whoa-oh-oh-oh he actually went into berserks mode that's not good oh no oh no wait he's gonna he's gonna go into and in the Berserker is they are in the defensive no wait he's in berserk smoke [ __ ] like berserker rage wait did he use it I didn't even notice we did he actually just used it at the beginning now a museum [Music] I am so sick of my class being played by complete [ __ ] idiots I am so tired of it man like every single day this is what happens by every soon that is it's pure denial I would not accept it yeah I I would not accept this I would put in a ticket I would be like blizzard I don't know what happened but something's wrong and you need to look at this look at this the guy just gets [ __ ] deleted dude he just gets fined and to think the funny thing about it is it wasn't even close like it's all I think I even had a chance okay [Music] hope I make it tutorial for how to play a warrior yeah I probably will I should do that and the guy like they have no time even to respond yeah they've can't even respond to the attacks Wow [Music] Wow holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude [Music] [Music] I I don't even know what to say I I straight up do not even know what to say about this it's so [ __ ] ridiculously good this guy's asking his friend if he can test the damage combo on him it doesn't even matter the guy's gonna do it on horde - this is [ __ ] ridiculous man where the channel points I don't know how I tried to activate him last night I couldn't figure out how to do it yeah I don't know how to do it all what the [ __ ] man like the damage that some people can do in this game with like engineering is actually ridiculous like it really really is straight-up [ __ ] ridiculous and I don't even know what to say man like I getting dusted by a naked gnome ouch you kill the guilty of mine priceless he shot this is what I was saying the guy who got smoked by a naked gnome like this dude's gonna have to reroll to another server like imagine being horde like this guy probably rather playing heartseeker is horde then continue playing this character most recent video yeah we watched the most recent video man that's it how's the whole 30 where you're not missing a tax though that's what confuses me because basically there's a number of like there's AG a combat table and the way the combat table works is that you can't dodge or parry an attack if you're stunned and so because the warrior had them and concussive blow and that means that all of his attacks were going to hit basically or they couldn't get dodged your parried now in PvP your chance to hit your target is increased right because you have a different it's like if you're hitting level 60 mob like let's say your level 30 versus like your level 30 versus like level 60 player and a level 60 mob you're gonna be able to land more hits on the level 60 player then the level 60 mob and also you have to remember remember that there probably were times where I missed his attacks and you know what he cut those out yeah he cut he cut those out so you didn't get to see those watch Captain Graham's new video I'm pretty sure I saw the captain Graham's thing III don't
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 47,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, asmongold watches, world of warcraft, classic wow, vanilla wow, classic wow oneshot, classic wow warrior, classic wow pvp, asmongold pvp, asmongold classic wow pvp, asmongold classic pvp, asmongold world pvp, asmongold one shot, level 36 vs level 60, wow classic combo, wow classic one shot
Id: HwTwzDQ1Wcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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