A͏s͏mongold Reacts to SAVIX "Retribution Paladin Update" | Shadowlands

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okay shadowhands oh no an update about rep paladins oh no dude oh it's so sad isn't it it's so sad dude okay oh got him they're doing way better now look at that jesus holy [ __ ] wow [Music] bro this dude's popping off this so literal god 15 and two remember this video holy [ __ ] asks for defensive against casters and mobility well blizzard almost listened and instead gave us a ridiculous amount of damage yeah so what you just saw there yeah is how reds are now that's the best thing is like blizzard's not really getting any feedback i think blizzard does watch the videos you have like one of the blizzard devs and he sees like a video of savix one-shotting somebody and he's like man rhett's op what the [ __ ] i'm gonna nerf this [ __ ] right now and then they immediately nerf it and that's what happens like written feedback yeah right they're not going to read it like who knows what's happening concerned because they're a little bit it's just too long i'll turn it down and we're very close to the release date of the new expansion yeah there we go okay that's the rest go out like this uh-huh we're sure gonna get nerfed yeah also there's one more thing that bothers me is we don't get the things we ask for in the beta such as mobility and divine protection we're for sure not gonna get it when it hits live no there's no way so we need to ask for things in the beta right now because the damage tuning that's easy for blizzard to fix that's gonna get in the front of the big deal and i don't want the red paladin class to be a dumpster tear again man what do you mean dumpster t or warriors or seventeens as well [ __ ] you savix man what up is this what i've got to deal with is this my is this my my future here i've got to deal with my class like so so rep paladins get buffed and now i've got to be at the bottom i'm going to be a bottom [ __ ] ass to be a dumpster tear again yeah it's something to worry about if you're considering remaining reds they might look good now but this might be a bait or they just nerf the damage and it's game over yep anyways i'll talk more about this in depth in another video with other paladins and in this video i'm playing the knight fake covenant oh i'm sorry to embrace the first i'm very sorry and this is probably my favorite covenant so far you have a blink you could also tell it into it where it stuns the target for five seconds so this is so weird everything is beautiful so nasty just gotta accept it anyways enough of me talking in this video you will see me playing my red i haven't played it in a while and first time playing with the knife a covenant so i'm a little awkward with it at first i'll see what i end up getting very very used to it and i'll upload more video on red palettes all right here we go anyways i don't know about the toxic and um okay setting up for big damn hodging him so he just stuns him find a reckoning executive sentence wing is up popping so he just pops like everything he's dead ladies and gentlemen what the [ __ ] final reckoning execution sentence the biggest damage ladies this is [ __ ] man look at that damage he just this is insane [Music] can warriors do this i bet they can't find a reckoning he just hits every cd he's gonna hit him through thorns he doesn't care it doesn't matter i'm the biggest dance boys look at that so much arranged attack is doing not much damage what bro that's more than a chaos bolt he's hitting him for more than a [ __ ] chaos bolt are you kidding me this is insane final verdict execution sentence that was a hunter i didn't do anything oh my god i feel him coming here i'm running this way the [ __ ] is this man i'm reading him like a book gentlemen there he is i'm gonna kite this this is damn okay so he's gotta run away i lost what is this wait the mage has almost killed him already the mage has already almost killed him oh my god popping wings getting this oh my god what the heck i'm not even here dude this mage is destroying him oh my god so like i'm gonna win so what do warriors do do they just die [Music] oh he goes into cat form okay that's good they just die stun is alter time though so i'm just gonna you know oh my god this is so this is the big deal this is so bad man other times over okay i'm gonna mount up because i need mobility i don't know what the hell this guy's doing he's going to try to kill this man okay here we go warriors are good the reflect is nasty i don't know if that's going to be enough though all right great look at that holy [ __ ] man [Music] until the guy gets close to him like you know what's gonna happen right there's gonna be like you know what's gonna happen in this video there will be like a [ __ ] three second window that savix hits the mage and the mage just gets deleted i i guarantee you that's what's gonna [ __ ] happen illegal man all right get ready watch it's gonna happen brothers and sisters he's just getting demolished by like an iceland holy [ __ ] sorry to experiment bfa the damage does seem like a little bit better where like the damage is actually in the abilities and not like procs and [ __ ] i would say that oh here we go here we go boys oh my god so much damage but he also i'm gonna kill three it doesn't matter he full heals and savage is still gonna kill him uh oh no he's not he's not gonna kill him oh god i love this route it's like 10 hours or something man yeah i love being rooted where i can't move my character it's really fun it's a great game this song's a this is a good [ __ ] song wait what oh [ __ ] oh he's gonna get him right here dude 80 percent permaslow yeah it's just not fun to play man it's [ __ ] annoying can warriors do this it seems as though they cannot it's unfortunate flash of white is so good yeah dude flash of light heals for so much like he can heal himself up to full yeah i'm afraid though i'm just gonna bing bing bong holy [ __ ] man and he's just dead got my execution sentence on him wait is he just gonna die from execution sentence he's dead get him out of here little trash i'm gonna t-bag him today actually that was kind of toxic i'm sorry okay let's get this we're gonna get this guy right here wow the dark magician well played yeah apparently uh this is insane man like when like the thing is that i always see these videos but i never see good videos like this about warriors like it's always about like oh yeah it's a pound and then he's doing powered and things talking about it you know no but it's never warriors like i'm gonna look right now we're gonna see how good warriors are in arena in shadow lands i need to bubble in like one second oh he's dead he's just one shot that's it are you ready i got a classic warrior curry experience yeah there are plenty of warrior videos just watch classic sometimes that's what i do wait this guy's walking and casting oh that's cute oh this guy's a gladiator justice and like i don't know what blizzard's [ __ ] obsession now is with like 80 percent slows like who the [ __ ] wants to be slowed by 80 percent and 80 slow holy [ __ ] he just runs him down and he's got everything there oh it's a cut ahead that means that he got kited and he messed something up wait what oh his health just got deleted he just lost all of his health oh my god the pollution squishy at the moment i get this guy oh it's not destro what do you expect this is insane man this is crazy man light slow should be removed completely i i don't agree with that yeah i don't agree with that at all i i feel like uh oh my gosh i don't know like it's kind of like the the game with slows and like cc please please so it doesn't matter like he just kills him with bubble on doesn't wait doesn't bubble make you do 50 less damage i'm pretty sure it does right bubble makes you do fifty percent less damage no not anymore okay never mind then gonna wait it out i thought it did they added that like the wrath stunning holy [ __ ] wow wow i've gotta all right we we've gotta we've gotta see is there any is there like a warrior we've gotta see what warriors look like okay because it's like warriors have to be like crazy good man is warrior good in shadow ants let's see here dude to death perry where's the one shot those dude born hodge over there condemned to death yes i don't know how i feel about this to death i don't know how i feel like 400 wait i'm hitting for 400. meanwhile these other guys look at this dancing oh he does i'm heading for this is [ __ ] man one sec like warriors should hit for at least 10k in shadow ants like with like a mortal strike that's a 10k shadowlands mortal strike hundred percent man arms were shadow and beta preview yeah it's like i don't even know what they're good shadowlands warrior was broken that's two months ago so it's probably not broken anymore i i don't know man he had 6k non-crit i saw a 7k i don't know man like the thing is like i i suck at pvp okay like everybody knows that i suck at pvp so i need to have a class that's op like i i need an op class in order to like balance out me not being good at the game and so like that's got to be the old 10k star surges warlock is waiting for you well that's the thing is like i now that glide mounts are account wide i am genuinely just considering playing whatever class is flavor of the month and just saying [ __ ] it like i'm just going to gear out whatever i need and i'm just going to play that because it's the best thing yeah who cares i don't want the penalty i'll just be like a uh you know a [ __ ] flavor of the month andy and uh yeah why not like warriors being good at pvp is like the most important thing for me and if warriors are not good in pvp that's what i i really care about uh that's the only thing that i really give a [ __ ] about [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 197,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold pvp, asmongold savix, savix wow, mcconnell wow, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell pvp, mcconnell paladin, savix paladin, savix mcconnell, mcconnell retribution, savix shadowlands, wow shadowlands, asmongold shadowlands, shadowlands pvp, shadowlands update, savix update, shadowlands savix update, shadowlands nerf, shadowlands buff, asmongold reroll
Id: ydQO8YnD7Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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