Asmongold Reacts To Blizzard SHAMELESS MOVE: Pocketing Blizzcon Prize Pool Money - Bellular News

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I like the [ __ ] smile on his face you know look at that [ __ ] smile Isaac yeah I got you 500 grand [ __ ] [ __ ] he knows it too yeah he knows this look at a [ __ ] face did he knew he knew he was gonna do this [ __ ] blizzard just keep on feeling blunder to PR blunder with a trial agility and less grace and today they've done it again and this isn't a massive story in a geopolitical scale but it is a severe violation of good faith it's not a matter that I do believe is deplorable deplorable deplore industry reports and Wow for somebody who started off as a World War Craft youtuber this sure has been a fun few weeks and not a story it's not stopping as Blizzard have recently drawn the ire of a wide segment of the world Warcraft eSports community out of myself for their handling of the AWC and MDI prize pools they essentially mislead people into dropping cash on supporting a prize pool only to reveal that Blizzard themselves are not contributing to the prize pool well lady miss the most important part they're not contributing to the prize pool because they already got enough money from the people that were buying it thinking that they would be helping boys 'red contribute to the prize pool that's the best part it's it it's like they're basically punishing the [ __ ] players because the viewers and the people they spent too much money it's crazy dude in this video you'll actually see how some of their wording absolutely backfires in a damning way okay so the AWC in the MDI R was too big eSports competitions are the arena World Championship is the PvP components and then the mythic dungeon Invitational is the PvE component that's where teams race each other through the game's near-infinite had difficulty scaling dungeons now both of these events have many different stages throughout the year probably to of course culminate in a massive showdown at Blizzcon which is of course in just a few days now this should be the pinnacle of the non rating competitive world Warcraft scene parts out well what's happened here well really just thoroughness in the works okay so the start of the year pleasure to announce that they would sell in-game toys through the store and the total fee wanted everybody would go towards the tournament prize pills now this is a very common practice in gaming it's one that valve do with dota and it's one that riot sort of do with League of Legends now here's how Blizzard worded it and dunno the wording here because it's extremely important for a limited time 25% of the proceeds will contribute towards the year's final LAN event prize pool for the AWC and the MDI with a guaranteed minimum prize pool 90,000 USD 250 thousand USD for each event your I [ __ ] thought that that meant that boy xored was guaranteeing five hundred thousand dollars well it's vague on purpose it is specific I can guarantee you here's the worst part about this is that Buzzard [ __ ] did this knowing that people would mislead themselves they never said anything about not having to fill it out because of a minimum amount they never said anything about that they didn't say that in her other follow-up post they never said that at all they intentionally mislead people a hundred [ __ ] percent this was a hundred percent intentional this was not a all well people just read what they wanted to hear or whatever no everybody that read that thought the same [ __ ] thing legally yeah they're in the clear but ethically [ __ ] that no [ __ ] that dude no no no no no no no our support will help take the wowie Sports prize pool to the next level okay so Blizzard said the minimum prize pool would be 500k now in line with audience expectations from say dota players would have expected that this meant the Blizzard would put in 500k themselves and the then fan purchases would bolster that too gave us a bigger prize pool now know that the wording here is ambiguous and it doesn't knit release say that but still the point here is the 25% of the earnings would go to the prize pool and you'll see how that technically is and isn't the case like check it technically is but sort of morally isn't now note here the blizzard basically would have had to have had 500k ready to go committed to this in order to make that statement originally so the update this story is that was announced that the final prize pool would be six hundred and sixty K and many people fought this bout half a mil from blizzard and 160 km the player contributions yeah but no and this is the bombshell cloud narrative players Chan and snots confirmed oh wait there's somebody else that said this I didn't even know there was a second tweet blizzard did not contribute a single cent to a WC and M di prize pools this year's they pulled their own base contribution of 500k whenever they released how well the crowdfunding did I wonder how many people who bought the toys would have done it if they had known this animals that's chainable so you know him oh that's just like I such an i didn't know who channels okay dude the war rocks are coming in hot Matt then can I think I put up with this [ __ ] okay yeah yeah fi thank you very much to the the five good subs man I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you thank you very much it's my percent of earnings why are they mad because it was intentionally misleading and what actually happens and no their information here it comes directly from Blizzard it's what Blizzard said to them during a meeting with the teams pre Blizzcon the 660 K prize pool is 100% money from Blizzard selling the toys its money from the player purchases nothing from that price pool is from Blizzard when we are sad there will be a minimum prize pool of 500k what they actually meant is that they would cover any gap in player funding so if the 25% of toy revenue came to 300 K they quit mean 200 K yeah in order to bring it up to the half a million mark here's the thing though that's just not normal practice within gaming even though valves the International ends up with crowdfunded prize pools in act I'd have $32,000 but [ __ ] they put in 1.6 mill they put that money in themselves so valve is doing is like they put in more money to the [ __ ] prize pool that then boys 'red and it's a free game it's a free game no the one point it's basic so you look at this guy's come on like a brace prizepool contributed principle each of these four [ __ ] letters or four four names is obviously what these four numbers correlate to obviously so base prize pool is one point six mil I just holy [ __ ] man he says 34 million altogether well yeah I said there I said thousand and seven million but you guys know what I'm saying it's a free [ __ ] game dota is a free game and somehow Valve can put together more money than Blizzard three times as much over three times as much excess of thirty four million dollars valve always like they contribute their one point six million dollar baseline price so what that means here is that what Blizzard did is just incredibly Scooby and downright misleading they were going against standard practice so they should have worded that clearly they could have but absolutely chose not to indeed there now that's a good point they did go against the standard [ __ ] practice and I'm gonna tell you guys why that [ __ ] matters is because I defended this [ __ ] I said you know what they can charge seven they can take seventy five percent of the profits because that's what valve and dota do I was like you know what this is an industry standard so they're following the industry standard although I think it's low this is what they normally do and then they turn around and they do this [ __ ] then they do this [ __ ] a minimum prize pool of 500k now given that the last year prize pool for one of the tournaments was 280 K and that they were now running to the 500 K did make sense it seems pretty darn clear if that was the base prize pool of the event so did the 25 percent of revenue go towards that wait wait wait one second here so the prize pool was 280 K and that was also the MDI prize pool right from last year was 280 K yes so they're guaranteed amount from the prize pool was no matter what going to be less money that they spent last didn't they spent last year mm-hmm but they didn't think people would realize that because you'd have to put two numbers together correct not good hmm man what a company I love blizzard base prizepool of the event so did the 25% of revenue go towards that larger prize bill well I mean yes and no it went towards blizzard not paying the 500k they said would be the minimum prize pool now that entirely goes against the spirit of such of such a system and it does really yeah just came to the shock of many people who purchase the eSports toys I mean even just for comparison the AWC last year had a 280k prize pool from Bliss this year blizzard put in zero and had their fans do it instead although misleading fans into thin making money hopping up Vietnam and they made money I mean this is how they ended up wording it your support will help take Wow eSports prize pool to the next the of course you know what the word help players did not help the prize pool they fund it and were the prize pool yes they absolutely were just playing into the aspirational angle knowing that large eSports prize pools validate an audience's involvement in bar games and be honest I'm flabbergasted adjust how downright horrible this is from Blizzard what a spectacle it is of their players truly aren't even willing to contribute to the prize pool of their own games largest LAN what and then they also on top of that don't even [ __ ] have all the games played on the stage like boys are just oh yeah that's right hey maybe some people didn't hear tell them what snot told you so I don't know exactly do you remember better than I do like I can kind of give my explanation but ok so basically there are gonna be games that are gonna be played at Blizzcon but the games won't be streamed or broadcasted at all they're gonna play them in some [ __ ] backroom and nobody can get knocked out there in these games but in order for like different point systems etc they're actually gonna have the different teams play championship games behind the [ __ ] scenes because they don't want to actually put them on the stage for whatever reason I don't know why it doesn't it doesn't make any bathroom go down to the basement a do-it-yourself flapper through the wild region champions in the basement yeah that's right belongs because you only get ten give yours already let's see how the let's find that out actually was it as twin does twins work now let's see is okay twins does work wait ninja I felt like this probably this is a little bit outdated alright Warcraft let's see if this is even gonna happen okay average viewers let's see what their viewership for this is so was this the arena tournament here September 8th and 7th yeah was this the arena this is MDI ok what's this one here was six thousand viewers oh wait no since this is like twenty five thousand I feel like that this show Oh what was this August thirtieth they do reruns as well I don't think reruns count on here anyway let's see so I feel like you're in the tournaments they don't do they don't do well okay like let's get that out of the way right now they do not do well but I feel like they do well enough for boys 'red to want to invest at least some money into them okay Magne competitors bring your own computers too well yeah i mean i think that'll be next year yeah they'll make the competitors bring their own computers and you know what they should make the competitors play for the prize pool too you know they ought to put in like each one of us put it in a thousand bucks in order to compete so while then is the Blizzard Starcraft 2 war chest yeah actually very upfront about how it works it's completely honest it says that the first 200k from the pass will be added on top of the events 500k prize pool with additional money going towards production costs that's crystal clear very much unlike what they did with World of Warcraft they totally sold this as like wow Z Sports efforts being on the rise and that they were giving players a chance to propel the prize pool too new heights yet all they did was use that passion to cut their own costs the thing is though they donate two million dollars in reality all an fancy wording they're purposefully vague misleading announcement does allow them to get away with this though I've got wonder if a reading of the word help kind of invalidates that point or that defense now when there's a guaranteed craft channel I told the audience there that I thought this was basically just an attempt to sneak in more cosmetic microtransactions to the game young people said no that's wrong and it was a way to support the eSports but seeing how almost all of that was profit because it was actually offsetting blizzards investment in their own tourneys prize pool I think it's pretty darn clear what it actually was I'd also like to bring up the value proposition here take Valve's dota battle pass right they put an incredible amount of work into that it I mean it really is quite engaging it's full of rewards their stuff to do there's even player cards unique mechanics that are tied into the tournament it's pretty much the best battle pass experience in existence so you can see why 25% of the earnings from that has led to their thirty five million dollar prize pool for 2019 now compared to what Valve offer blizzards offering is just pathetic being less of a poor nation though I wouldn't be simulated they started selling the in-game toys I mean really what was kind of renowned for having expensive macro transactions after all there's a crowd of it lul and dota are free-to-play games world of warcraft is not it's got a box price and $15 per on subscription fee and I still [ __ ] defended that [ __ ] I still [ __ ] defended that [ __ ] I said you know what it doesn't matter it doesn't make a difference I'm gonna say you know what Blizzard they're at least trying they're at least doing something that's better for the community even though it's not ideal it's better than most other things and now we have this [ __ ] [ __ ] i I can't believe it man I cannot [ __ ] believe it I feel like I've been made of been made a clown you have why they've made a clown out of me because I promoted this I said this was a good idea I bought the toys myself and now they do this [ __ ] refunded I'm not gonna refund it because I think Blizzard here's the thing oh we found thing or two the five good subs boys er listen it's not too late to do the right thing oh they're not going to they don't give a [ __ ] like when are you gonna like when you're gonna accept this when are you going to understand they don't give a [ __ ] about you or what you think they should do or this or that or how they should run the biz okay they don't give a [ __ ] dude okay well then maybe they'll listen to this this item was bought with the good will and good faith of the community you made two million dollars off of this item even if you give this 500k away even if you get away you made two million dollars how many people do you think you're gonna buy it next time probably more than twenty five percent less I can guarantee you guys I won't buy it again I will encourage other people not to buy it again and you will lose money blizzard you will lose money by doing this in the long run this is peak quarterly capitalism they don't give a [ __ ] about what happens in q1 2020 because they only are thinking about q4 2019 I just think a little bit more long term guys you're selling yourself short you're selling the community out and you're selling your players way too [ __ ] short people who played the game for 10 years man they've been part of the community for 10 [ __ ] years you don't pay them a goddamn thing they stream your game they promote your game they play every new patch they play every new expansion and they're doing it for a McDonald's slave wage you can afford to give them five hundred grand and if this is the last tournament that you guys ever do then give them a good [ __ ] send-off and give them the money anyway if you're gonna get rid of a WC if you're gonna get rid of MDI then fine but give it a good [ __ ] send-off do the 1.16 mill let's do the right thing boy sir please it's shameful and that does make it an insanely profitable game one that's also deeply monetized through its macro transactions so it really is scummy and there's not much more in this video in terms of analysis right yeah Blizzard just did something incredibly scummy something misleading and something that I mean especially as compared to say how they runs their own Starcraft 2 stuff or how the rest of the industry works just reals look bad and it's important to call this behavior out especially for me as my largest channel is World of Warcraft so it's extremely important that I'm actually fair and reasonable there and you know I've got to wonder like what's the wow he sports budget trend maybe with the company-wide cost-cutting and this is their response to it I think it was something like that right ultimately I don't really think there's any excuse for how they've handled this not how they have not been clear with players especially as contrasted to how they were very clear with Starcraft 2 and how I mean they use the word help help the prize pool help also wait so they were clear with Starcraft 2 they were very very defined on the way that they wanted to do it there I okay yeah this is exactly how it's gonna be and now it's the same company it's the same company that did the Starcraft 2 implies that it's you and them whereas actually it was just you there you go that is another example of Wizard being an incredibly scummy and disappointing company one that is clearly trying to shed the goodwill that they managed to accrue over the decades of making quality games I mean they sure are doing a masterclass in bad PR it's not a wait that's this video let me know what you think about this topic down below thank you very much for watching and with that I will see you next time it's not too [ __ ] late like they can just put the money back in and say listen you know we originally planned on doing it this way but because so many of our consumers thought that it was this other way in order to preserve the integrity and trust of our community we're going to add in a $500,000 anyway they can turn so this is that this is the 200 this is the 300 this is the 500 IQ is that they literally take something that they took away from you this is what they doing wow that are like people get [ __ ] excited whenever they add something back into the game that they took away so they can say like yeah we weren't gonna do the prize pool everybody's mad and then they give the prize pool back something they should have done at the beginning but now people are like wow I can't believe how great Blizzard is for doing something that they already should have done it's it's right there it's so easy hey dude let's get blizzard and discord I would love to J if you're watching I know you're probably busy cuz you guys gonna do that thing in California but if you've got like 10 minutes actually probably got a half hour because I wanted to ask you about a few other things but yeah if you've got a little bit of time yeah yeah watch they won't have a mic that's gonna be yeah yeah they want to know they're gonna say it dude you ever know they're not watching yeah I just I'm so disappointed in this man I really am sir I'm afraid you've gone mad with power of course I have Haggar tried going mad without power it's boring no one listens to you where's that from that's really [ __ ] good I like that a lot whoever's been calling the shots attacked ablaze it really needs to get fired as soon as possible boys are essentially crowd fun to the tournament prize pool so they wouldn't have to do it themselves The Simpsons really okay that's crazy how do you plan to recur from all this bad PR boys will broadcast the slaughter of puppies in Christmas Day activations sold yeah I guess so uh if I went to Boise can I bring along a wooden milking stool as a present for Jay Alan Brack I don't think that like I don't agree with blaming everything on jail and Brack because this stupid [ __ ] was happening before he was even the president well III don't think that it's his fault at all they honestly I think he is probably doing bolt bullied around and pushed around by the activision execs and the board of directors no dude I don't you dude how much you read the reddit threads Activision has nothing to do with blizzards direction right now okay it's all Blizzard it's it's everything put the blame all on Blizzard well you're not Lilly Activision it's the Board of Directors that is comprised primarily of people that are from Activision and then also Bobby Kotick who is the CEO who is from Activision it's not necessarily because of Activision but it's because of the people that used to work there and are in charge like I well I'm gonna tell you this right now what I have it on extremely good authority that a lot of what's happening right now yeah cuz of the merger with Activision all this [ __ ] you're seeing right now it's yeah it's pretty much Activision wait that's look I'm not gonna reveal my sources okay I don't do that [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 81,822
Rating: 4.791544 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, blizzcon drama, blizzcon controversy, blizzcon prize pool, asmongold drama, blizzcon arena, arena championship, asmongold blizzcon, blizzcon 2019 drama, wow blizzcon, wow arena, mdi prize pool, wow prize pool, blizzcon 2019 controversy, asmongold bellular, bellular, bellular news, bellular blizzcon, mdi
Id: uC4Tfb9BDLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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