Asmongold Raids Ulduar HARD MODE in Classic WoW

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let's get a work boy it's 10 man yep it's 10 man we're gonna do all the hard modes today all right let's go Verizon access paying the ass but if we can't kill it then we don't kill it right I mean it's not really that big of a deal uh like that I mean there's a good chance that like we could actually struggle with XT like do like five attempts on it and say like ah you know like I don't think we have the damage for this and like we're just gonna go to the next one like I I don't want to waste all day doing deconstructor hard mode it's it's not worth it destroy the bunkers and they'll be forced to fall back destroy all the towers that way uh we don't have to worry about the ads keeping us in combat even the ones that are kind of out of the way I know it sounds stupid but um uh that's what I want to do because I think it's going to be the best solution hit him with that high right watch that watch that watch that watch it hit him watch it and then boom there it is that's how a good player plays the game right there most people don't know that's possible you were put out last night mode yeah no it's just we have people um like as it's funny for a while but like then it gets to not be funny you know what I mean yeah yeah like it's like it's funny if somebody dies and we still kill the boss but it's not funny if the same person dies and we can't kill the boss because of that you know that that part's not funny it's just [ __ ] annoying so uh just uh go ahead and throw yourselves up whenever it's time to shut down flame Leviathan probably like uh 20 Stacks or something and uh you know destroyed the turrets run back to the um to your thing and uh that's about it seems pretty simple to me are you watching manners before you started all right um let's go ahead and just destroy these oh wait these aren't even the the summoning Towers okay all right all right clear all this [ __ ] out of the way if we don't if we have to I'm gonna pull one of the big boys not both of them this is a pretty easy boss guys so uh we pretty much just go in there blow his ass up and that's about it I'm just gonna kill this uh this big boy here foreign all right actually I'll just go and do the the heel there it is get the big boy everybody on the big boy let's go get on that big boy all right if you don't know what to do let me know I'll kick you out this is a no games raid this is serious let's get it done everybody's here everybody's ready uh just uh keep knocking down pyrite I think I know what to do not pick up barrels right yeah yeah exactly just don't pick up barrels and then complain whenever we die I'm starting it all right in a few moments we'll be dropping into greater beat his ass here we go he's shooting that door unless you're shooting the other one all right get ready he's gonna be here any minute just wait for him he's coming you ready take this [ __ ] seriously guys come on foreign any minute he could arrive if he chooses to there he is there he is engage time minus 30 seconds to re-evaluation acquiring Target Brian's board online acquiring fire the [ __ ] is fried get them pyrites there it is there it is modified current Target red metal zero acquiring new Target which pathetic trash can is in the other demolisher I'm just curious no reason in particular foreign keep it up boys keep it up we got him oh go ahead and do the shutdown probably soon thank you big advice good job good job hey that's going to take it over the edge thank you thank you so much that was smart for you to put that corruption on him thank you foreign good job I'm proud of you guys that was really good my favorite part was whenever the other Demolisher died you guys tell me we're gonna wipe in this this rate came out 15 years ago got frozen we got beat down by planks freak accident it definitely was an accident but you know what else it was so now Zone the [ __ ] out he's on the [ __ ] out time minus 30 seconds actually no no no no it shouldn't matter never mind never mind never mind you shouldn't have to kill reset he'll reset the moment he goes through his uh uh his like despawn Zone Target level acquiring new Target I died from dying so um who cares that's whatever uh guys regarding mistakes they can't happen you understand you get it where's the stuff where's our tanks okay we're good all right be shooting down those pie uh those uh blue ones those pyrites everybody move in there should be nobody who's not moved in right now how long does it take you guys to do to do one thing Democrats took our tanks typical foreign all right listen up stop [ __ ] up everyone's ready all right whenever I see your pyrite go off boy I'll shoot mine start whenever you're ready thank you so here's Fury online if you're thinking about getting hit quit [ __ ] thinking about that [ __ ] be good Inferno online otherwise foreign think about that think about it with your brain be God I know it's not easy nobody should be losing any health done this one I did I [ __ ] mine up I got a stack mine again just killing the house be good thank you be good episode acquiring two Targets threat assessment routine modified current Target Red Devil zero acquiring new targets why why is why why are y'all dead you need to launch people onto the boss all right I think that's probably true we're gonna have to do that how many people do we need to launch on to the boss and to the people that we need to launch need to be ranged or not one or two needs to be two range dots your big DPS needs to go who here thinks that they can kill the uh uh kill the towers on flame Leviathan who here thinks that they can do it I can just do it at 10 stacks I'm already passenger in a demo yeah that's fine go ahead do that blocky so who's uh who's your demo driver Roy so Roy uh he's gonna load himself and whenever he does you want to hit that throw passenger thing and like aim at flame Leviathan it shoots him and then he shoots down those Towers right it's pretty easy and uh then just after he does that make sure to fly or not fly but like Drive near flame Leviathan so uh you can get picked up also blocky don't load yourself until after you refill the pyrite of the demolisher we feel Pirates and I'll throw you yeah but he has to load himself you can't throw him without his consent all right let's go everyone's ready let's go boy it's on you 30 seconds to read evaluation don't you lose that don't you lose that test sack began Target Florence Hammer online acquiring targets thank God foreign I'm always glad whenever it goes on me because that way I know it's done properly I think I'm gonna get hit no never mind thank you oh there it is good job you got one of them get the other one he put up cocky we got restart reminder keep it up this is gonna be the kale guys with that uh oh there it is now I didn't know where the Demolisher was I found it because I found the demolisher it got demolished new Target I'll see if I can I'll see if I do this can you do a shutout again in like maybe uh like five Stacks blocking God damn I really I I went mentally AFK again I'll try I'll try I'll try one job no I've had a there are days where like my brain is just uh it doesn't work let's see if I still do this we know we can do it my parts yeah I just uh I don't know really what to say like it's like I just uh it's like I I it's like lag uh yeah sometimes I just have a just a skill mental AFK getting better and better yeah yeah I mean I guess let's go it's live showing no it's just like I just I forget what I'm doing like I was at the grocery store today I couldn't even remember a list of like three things I forgot the list like five times I had to go back down the same aisle three times okay get the [ __ ] back let's do it again everyone's ready boy it's on you big dick in a boy come on big dick thank God it's on me time minus 30 seconds to reevaluation foreign get them out of my life get them Birds shoot them Birds let's go don't drop your Stacks this time like let's just get this out of the way I wanna I wanna do this [ __ ] again Target starboys come on how do I take so much damage like I don't even understand oh I got hit by the how do I get hit by a tank it should be fine I I honestly don't know how that happened Target oh yeah I do yeah I do know how I walked by him it's an AOE attack y'all lost it again just doc just die just die guys just die just die is this a joke foreign Who's Laughing Now interrupts guys how y'all dying wait y'all saw how like I walked in front of the guy and I immediately was like oh I know what I did wrong I might I might thinking in my head like oh what was it that caused the mistake to happen why am I not hearing from you guys why you die why why do I have to ask what is this [ __ ] oh is this uh Simon Says get a clue what is this we playing charades oh what am I am oh I know who I am I'm wrecked I'm blocky I'm Lloyd get the [ __ ] back let's do it again until you guys get your head out of your ass and [ __ ] get this done who's the first boss all right move in I'm gonna give a little more power on this side as me and shoot those [ __ ] then there it is everyone's ready Roy it's on you um thank you Siri online a firing Target don't you load that stuff get that big boy foreign you see this movement come at me [ __ ] see what happens hit me see what happens that's what I thought interrupted interrupt them today be good yep it's lit foreign I want you to shoot up all cocky in there all right I got bad movement right now bad planning bad part of life it's just everything bad about it what I'm doing don't you shoot him up if he's not full be good job good job there ain't nobody dead is it oh wreck we gotta place your Raids Again oh that's a that's a minus bro he takes extra damage in his face you lose the stacks that's like you lose two stacks you heard of Two Chains and my mistake all we have is two mistakes foreign that's really bad we got a boost wiping coming no no that's secure because that number one it went on me so like obviously uh you know there won't be any mistakes that happen but uh oh man that's a bit of a situation here okay there it is why get the [ __ ] out of there well I want why aren't you in your vehicle why aren't you in your vehicle oh I know why because your vehicle's dead that makes sense I'm really hoping he's gonna re-fixate somebody else I'm really hoping that interrupt interrupt interrupt let's go I still kill his ass use the Boost to get through they think they're gonna get me but they're not foreign play the game boys play the game good job good job Fox good job not grabbing it there it is good job easiest game in my life all right it's all for nothing let's keep going tried to do damage at the end oh okay this might be maybe a good idea see that's that's how it's done right there let's go [ __ ] nobody gives a [ __ ] about this garbage can take your animal gear off oh yeah yeah thanks I almost forgot that I'm debating whether we even should try to do uh the other guy XT on hard mode like whether it's worth it or not where y'all at Taco I think we do a couple we see how it goes and that's it that's that's what I think we do I think we do we do a small little handful and that's it and we can't do that I think we can do XC let's try it out we're gonna need to Corey to go dpso but don't do it now uh actually decorate I want you to actually yeah why don't you just do DPS and uh we'll do razor scale right now actually we're away oh no no no Maybe not maybe not Maybe not maybe not uh let's do uh let's do ignis first remember we got to separate these guys We Ready who's not ready don't bang your head off it's really hard it's not hard how can how can how can a boss be hard if that's three mechanics grab bomb light bomb Sparks that's it that's the whole mechanics I'm gonna play it with this spec too where I can cleave down the Sparks Sparks have aggro by the way so it's just it's an easy boss you just have to beat the boss let's go roll this [ __ ] off during trash I don't know I want to waste my time on this [ __ ] let's go foreign foreign for this one uh we're just going to kill it I don't give a [ __ ] about the speed kill or not it doesn't matter I will do the uh I'll do the ads tutorial you can do the boss foreign I'll just pull the other one what are we doing we're trying to we're trying to go slow we're trying to go fast let's go I'm about to be going fast over to the graveyard y'all don't heal me foreign I'm glad we killed one of them all right infusion hit rating melee crit um that's for uh for DPS how much health do you have 600 okay all right let's do this as like a rough test to see like kind of where we're gonna be out on XT for uh for your information has about twice as much as this XT hard mode there it is thank you for this one all right Corey it's on you just pull whenever you're ready is it 5000 on uh on tin man as well I want to show like 4K okay remember we're going to use this to test our DPS all right shoulders of the iron Crucible the Nature's will be done foreign burn in the makers fire as Fox I will burn away your impurities arise soldiers of the iron Crucible get the yes I love these hit boxes man I will burn away your impurities foreign Crucible the makers will be done I will burn away your impurities he eating me fire notice oh he's not in the fire that makes sense like I stupidly thought that being in the fire meant that you're the NPC was inside of the fire but that's not how it works does somebody kill this this killer all right that wasn't too bad okay that's a big gun I don't think I want it though drape of fuming anger nope don't want that but core you go DPS no one died so hey it's Ignus on normal mode it's not even a hard mode boss it's a joke nothing impressive about that kill shoulders check they're on they're on I got shoulder I still have them on under four minutes yeah um it's going to be tight guys I'm gonna be honest it's going to be real tight like y'all want to give me that I'll take it but it's like I mean it's really I'm going to use that mainly for flame Leviathan I'm gonna be honest all right somebody wants that let me know all right changing rooms no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go do it go do it go do it get a summoning Stone dot ass let's go so with it boss uh we're gonna pop hero as soon as it comes down the first time uh we're gonna have one tank me one tank to rule them all right let's go hey there see you later also since tympanic tantrum on xdd Constructor does a percentage of somebody's Health rather than a flat Baseline number I will be using battle shout instead of commanding foreign keep that in mind get out of the fire why here actually yeah yeah let's just put on Battle shot man [ __ ] this [ __ ] yeah I don't need help nobody does let's just big dick it is it still melee no it's not so then rack will get bonus from that too let's go oh there it is I'll just sold them myself hit it let's go quickly she won't remain grounded okay I got Rend on our guys in Soca halfway foreign boss one second fuse off Shield one stack High I should maybe not I'll wait all the one who gets me well definitely absolutely stack height it's fun it doesn't matter good job portal loot at oh nothing all right let's go is there anything I could have used out of that nothing looking for this uh this ring here that's the Boss by the way in case y'all didn't know let's go do this side let's do it foreign foreign just kill these saw boys I'll get him in a minute all right y'all dumbos know what to do right we're gonna pull them over to the uh this side here all right let's talk about it number one you get out of the raid with the light bomb everybody stack on like kind of like in the middle of the boss and just like if you have light bomb move over to the left everybody else move over to the right if it's a melee so that way you like maximize up time number one number two Gravity Bomb gather the raid number three why spark misdirect to me wreck if you can tricks it to me I'll taunt it as well we don't pop hero until the boss actually goes into hard mode if we can't break the heart we don't deserve the loot and to be honestly it's just gonna waste a lot of time because we're not going to kill it so uh that's about it like a pop Army right uh no don't pop it don't pop it till the end Hero on heart no no we can't we can't uh I haven't seen a single YouTube video of a group heroing on heart and it working let's go right get out of the way you don't have to be that far away man don't you read it read your leave up next time okay all right do us all a favor read the read the game it doesn't have to be that far away man like that's way too far away like we lose so much damage if you run that far away all right get ready get ready shut up just direct these things to me kill these ads foreign out we all doing dying we all doing dying what's this wasn't we all doing dying I don't understand what happened let's find out deaths Callisto no heels in seven seconds that's what happened death slowly no heels in seven seconds that's what happened why didn't y'all heal did y'all forget about that don't worry about the ads Focus only on Boss DPS I'll kill the ads colossal forts let's go do it again what about bombs oh no no no ignore the big ads is what I mean misdirect the big ads to me and uh kill them also uh no that's actually mainly yet I'm gonna pull him closer to that one next time you want me to sit on a lust whenever heart dies you just pop it once it does uh yeah just pop hero whenever uh the heart dies let's just keep it keep it simple remember we don't need to do big we don't need to big dick em until uh until after that so like only do the absolute minimum that you have to to the heart to break it because the real challenge happens after that let's go where's the Buffs the saving CDs for here yeah yeah most popular as soon as we got out of the place everyone's ready let's go foreign all the way out food resources you know he's going to do the thing after this rainbow how you have Mana the hard mode hasn't even started you stressing me out thank you I'm ready to play no no now y'all forgot about the life Sparks all right let's go I'm just direct life Sparks to me just don't let anybody die we're not even remotely close I'm quitting it we're not going to do this one anymore we're not even remotely close healers can't keep up my Master's finder Heroes now a quitter no it I just I know we're not going to be able to do it like it's not going to happen like uh we're behind on damage like Callisto uh blocky doing [ __ ] damage um like we had three minutes left to win rage he had nine million Health like we just wasn't going to happen Milwaukee swap heels oh yeah you know how many people uh three heal this no one do a little damage because I'm trying to help on healing okay so like healing sucks like I mean what do you want me to say why healing sucks it's too low like that's just the way the numbers are like I it's I'm not saying the healers are bad like I'm just saying like this is just this is the reality of the of the situation is that we're not going to kill it like that's it it's not gonna happen okay how you doing I'm chilling you the drill here yeah maybe um it's hard no I don't feel hard to go out yeah yeah sorry I didn't really expect that we killed this one probably try and kill it next week if you guys can get your head out your ass but we'll see what happens that's how it is foreign legendary and we good yeah how y'all feel about one tank on uh iron Council like we won tank it I don't know if I can do it all right let's go I'm gonna waste any more time let's get this done this time yeah no why not why can't I do it uh I take uh I take the explosion I think I could like I'm not wrong okay thank you pop hero uh after the second heart I forgot how long this [ __ ] lasted stop stop stop oh tired I'll rest for just a moment after this heart face popular all right pop hero kill the scrap Bots yes you have to all right kill the heart kill the heart kill the heart kill the heart and kills the boss foreign easy it's a joke the hormone's a joke too you just have to do more damage and healing then it's easy that's the only thing people don't understand every boss in the game is easy if you do everything right all right let's go I want to waste time I don't know if I can take these heads or not I'm gonna watch my health foreign good job boys we're going to work now this is all we wanted to do just let me play the game oops foreign y'all don't move up I'll move up when I move you don't move thank you probably just uh maybe do more yellow too I'm trying to decide because I'm thinking like since Dakota is already DPS spec I'm thinking like how many people do we really need to uh uh how many bosses we really need to have like multiple tanks for I'm not sure I shouldn't have done that should have saved my shield block to this piece of [ __ ] but it is what it is those interrupts out so whenever I think this boss is like I'm not it's like I'm not even taking anything these guys they're supposed to do a lot of damage or some [ __ ] I don't know not many uh all right so for coal gone we're gonna kill him killed right on first the one on the left that's named right arm you guys understand what to do uh we also just a a we down the ads I'm not we don't need two tanks for this [ __ ] let's go well that's crazy they had this I forgot they even had that all right uh at uh four stacks of that rainbow I want you to drop me not right now though stack High we're gonna have to do some [ __ ] why y'all taking damage damn what the [ __ ] is going on thank you stack High remember bought me on Three Stacks I'll click it off it's not going to be a big deal don't worry about it I will squeeze the life from you oh it didn't even go on I blocked it we're good just a scratch what are y'all doing what y'all doing y'all having fun Lobster tutorial oh what do I need off this boss we'll drop what's in a loot what's in a loot oh why get oh I got the new sword damn I'm gonna go repair real quick I don't really give a [ __ ] about that weapon to be honest light Decor if you want that like maybe we have conversation about like it's all right but like it's not it's not going to change my life okay let's move down here I already have your ax all right all right let's let's go move down here uh we're gonna pull uh pull these gusts kill this one first I actually just kill him evenly I pulled foreign you see that movement that's Gladiator level awareness we're gonna pull the boss too get ready foreign foreign foreign watch out stuck we're gonna have the danger cat fear incoming interrupt good job blocky don't worry good job hey hey yo guys actually like an ironic good job with that uh with that movement stun me into [ __ ] voice Zone yeah that's the way it goes fear and coming interrupts let's kill the boss they should be in front whenever she does the thing stack damn chill out let's go do a whole deer foreign she's overreacting of course she is we're gonna move up let's get this done come on might as well just pull these guys too foreign except for whenever y'all all stack up and get Frozen at the same time that's not really as good of a job but you know hey it is what it is right foreign get this dick boy I feel like we're going through this quick women bad yeah true Man true brother so true somebody's yelling at your Twitch channeling I mean I think we're doing really well like I'm happy um so like what do you guys think about oh dear hard mode I feel like we need to do hold your hard mode because he has a weapon I want let's do it yeah it's supposed to be easy it is easy there's no way your team has a damage no no we had the damage for uh even XT I think that honestly if we could have survived until uh the thing we probably could have killed xtd Constructor with our damn uh it was our healing that's lacking and also like people not been maxing the mechanics pull this dude back maybe don't be all spread out maybe like getting like a circle around them or some [ __ ] right it'll be tight tank swaps you got it what tank swaps do I need to do for her dear I feel like we don't need tank swaps yeah there's there's no tank swap that's why I said we're going to go to him I need one tank for our mouth yeah I'm honestly feeling like I can one I Consulting Freya I just worry about the damage like uh like my incoming damage like I might not have the the survivability for it no shot why what part of it's hard we got XC down no we couldn't kill her it's disappointing of course but sometimes that's life sorry I should have had that faster that's true tux doesn't have the stamina buff up that's crazy all right so um anyway we'll do uh actually I need to have health for this Frozen blows just a lot of that we gotta kill this guy in two minutes y'all understand two minutes I'm gonna let you guys know it's really important we kill this boss you want to know why because he drops an item I need like I need this boss you guys understand like we're not we're not skipping this one we're gonna wipe all night I'm getting my loot I don't need the lights all right what do you want us uh lust after the first um after the first uh ice thing that comes down what do you guys think because like at that point everybody's gonna be like we'll be cooking and I'm actually yeah I will go I'll try it with battle shell that way we have more damage yeah yeah let's do that also break out the Mage first I think the Mage is the gnome over here let's go I'm pulling you will suffer for this dress keep moving find shelter foreign keep moving welcome to why I'll die keep moving keep moving it's a white we're about uh 30 off pathetic foreign because he stood inside of a of a void Zone he shouldn't have stood inside of that's what killed him icicle more like I suckle tux rename your character to sucks you get hit by that again run back it's pathetic how y'all dying I think we should one heal it maybe I mean tux ain't doing anything anyway talks you got an EPS back he says yeah Rainer how you feel about solo healing oh dear let's do it all right this will be the second attempt your soul healing what y'all doing wasting time get back here come on not happening no I'll be fine I'm going to shoot all the Frozen blows at the beginning it's not going to be an issue nobody else is going to take any damage I'm also going to respect I'm going to play this spec instead for more survivability okay yeah we do we do deep prop for this real consumes yep yep you're ready uh Rainer I'm gonna give you uh vigilance because if you die we're all the this is a two-minute fight we just do it in a minute and a half everyone's ready five four three two one you will suffer for this trespass foreign do the numbers doc get that spread white consume you wipe keep moving keep moving welcome to keep moving dot owl welcome to endless what does the white pillars of light do what do they do what do they do what do they do dot what do they do what do they do Don what is it dot owl what do they do foreign foreign a piece of [ __ ] oh yeah let's walk back's [ __ ] brutal it's annoying but it would have been done by now I was just I was molding at him I wouldn't be malding at him if he was playing the game correctly but he wasn't just fine I was I I didn't call White because blocky died I call the white because Dada was slow on the uh on the storm cloud spread and that's so much damage it's way more damage than blocky being dead that's why I called it oh I got wild magic whoops I drank one oh you ate a potion that's fine reflask if you need to all right don't forget second part yeah you do first pot you know what's after first pot second pot five four three two one go you will suffer for this trespass keep moving play like you're a winner let's go primer get get that in there keep moving get that in there get that in there keep moving it's fine not gonna do another one fine shelter pop your own or after this push it send it send it send it we're way ahead we're way ahead Max damage thank you give me the mace give me the mace with the shield give me both items give just get I don't I don't even want to sit I don't even want to see what I got oh yeah whoa last which one drop was it the The Shield or the nice yes bro yes I got the [ __ ] mace there it is hey yo Dakota do you want the uh sword that's why I didn't want to trade it to you yeah that's why that's why I held it that's you yes bro holy [ __ ] look at that big dick big dick oh wow let's go do thorum I'm trying to think oh uh that that uh ring I I could take that if if you don't want it but like his armor is like not super good but I would take it I guess me yeah by the way like you guys will literally killed it you guys did great uh for thorum uh we're gonna have decoria tank the tunnel I'm gonna tank the uh Arena Decorah I don't really even think that uh I don't even know if you need to tank the whole time like I think you could just be in DPS spec and I could tank all of the all of the last phase he reduces my defense level but um I'll be fine it'll be all right maybe I use like one of these Guardian things yeah it should actually be no big deal let me go ahead I'm gonna do this I'm gonna just set myself up in a situation where I have a lot of Defense this guy is a defense a high defense situation that way my probability of receiving a crushing blow is lower I probably should should change my spec maybe I should respect well let's just get this done shower respect oops these four can remember killing the same time watch out for the word bro shut up I will lose a lot of crit but I'll gain a lot of weapon damage and also armor penetration which is low value but this is going to be my best mace until I get the mace off of 25-man hard mode foreign just Bop these off me or not all right rep Revenge spec no it'll still be really good and um actually oh I don't have my May skill level though um yeah I'm on my main skill so I I can't use the weapon yet I forgot all about that it doesn't matter okay so I have that uh what are you guys think should I use Scarab at the placement yeah I'm gonna use it put that on there let's see what else do I have for higher defense get just go ahead and get ready guys 63. 51. 47. it's my highest defense on there since 56. defense uh what was this oh it's Dodge Ram Perry okay so it's not even defense at all okay the defense Runner should be fine yeah I if it becomes an issue I can always use defensive Elixir too oh we need 540 yeah but like um uh this is to offset thorum's debuff so I can solo tank thorum you see what I'm saying to Cory I don't even know if you need to be tank spec on tin man I think you could actually just go DPS and DPS tank it so much let's meet me in blood for this I have Abominations might improve do whatever you think is best 2x buffer raid I mean that's a lot like that's big that's big good why don't we just go and do it just [ __ ] send it I'm gonna rain check real quick down the sky so he's gonna enchant my uh enchant my mace thank you man plus four hit rating maybe I should try to meet that requirement okay where am I going uh let's just have everybody except for um [ __ ] uh me and how about me and blocky why don't we handle the arena everybody else except for uh tux why don't you stay in the arena too it's gonna be me blocky and Tucks in the arena everybody else just go ahead and go down the tunnel I can solo it it'll be easy five four three two one watch them wipe in the tunnel foreign on that first mini boss guys in the mountains I don't know if I need that my Lord why else would these Invaders have come into your site we got three man the whole thing they must be stopped foreign do not hold back destroy them foreign shouldn't be here but it's whatever wanted to help maybe you shouldn't stand on that foreign I will trust you myself Lord Thorin I will bring your foes a frigid death long [ __ ] remember rain spread out defensive okay so I'm not even remotely focused on our defensive thing we got hero yeah defensive foreign defensive I'm not gonna reposition defense Fox if we can foreign defensive defensive foreign my wife and now it falls to you that's the one that we got realistically there's nothing I really could have got out of that boss I will lend you my Aid as I am able able you must prevail all right uh we only got one shoulder right so I I don't get the shoulder actually I don't really need it I'll just get 25 men next week Okay so let me go ahead and uh change all this I I so basically what I did there is I put on all of my plus defense gear and then I rotated equipping all of it at the same time so and then inside of my cooldowns with like Scarab of displacement displacement and stuff so I can minimize the amount of crushing blows he would do to me while I had unbalancing strike on me and I figured that if I did that I would be able to survive long enough firefighter fight firefighter time not quite we got we gotta do Freya freya's pretty easy so for this uh we just don't kill the big boys it's pretty easy uh anybody doesn't know how this fight works just let me know this is the same as the uh she does like a root people used to uh you'll say to use the river for last phase seeds let's go move up what are we doing what are we doing let's go I'll try decorate said 45 oh I forgot the Corey as a whole rig are we skipping assembly y'all want to do it if y'all want to do assembly we go do it I kind of need it all right let's go do it let's go do assembly go back Shadow walkway I'll still take it hard mode yeah yeah we just just Beat It I I don't know if I'll be able to by the way like I I actually feel like I might not be able to actually yeah decoria why don't you um yeah why don't you tank Mogan actually no you tank uh [ __ ] what's his name uh steel breaker and then yeah yeah you tank steel breaker and then I will deal with mulge and then we'll have like probably fox or whoever that has aggro on the bit on the little one uh also do you special do with it so basically in the last phase like this how it works right it's like so in the last phase he does this big buff on you it makes you really really really big it makes you do a ton of damage but whenever the debuff expires you die and you explode and you kill anybody around you on top of that it also does damage oh sorry it also heals the boss so you're gonna have to tank first so I can have mortal strike up while you move off the boss so I can reduce the healing that the boss does from 40 percent down to 20 percent so what we're gonna do is we're gonna kill Brew deer then we're gonna kill the other guy and then we're gonna sorry we're gonna kill uh mulgimes second we're gonna wait for Mogan to drop a rune then as soon as the Rune gets dropped we kill mulgim we stop DPS on him at five percent ten percent something like that then listen then we kill him then we just deep ticked steel breaker we will plan on one tank swap and 10 minutes before the tank dies maybe he does all right let's go foreign good job do we do a broom deer yes uh small the big uh broom deer first the reason we have to do broom deer first is because we need mogan's Rune buff so we can kill steel breaker with it uh then we do Mall guy and I'm gonna be tanking mulgim uh decoria tank steel breaker uh I I can even yeah yeah let's just do that that seems simple enough okay uh who doesn't know what the [ __ ] I just think steel knew you no don't take it near me it's irrelevant where you tank it foreign is going to need like instant uh [ __ ] uh you know what I mean interrupture yeah you guys do interrupts I'll take care of mole guy all right let's go remember brundier first and uh then Room Master I tank Rune Master decoria tank steel breaker nobody thinks uh mulgim uh we just have people killing it all right let's go come on you will not defeat the Assembly of iron so easily yeah how much inch spec uh again for this fight there's like no reason for me to have this back foreign steel breaker out of that Corey there's gonna be a lot of damage on you that's why the the um the cleanse seems to happen instantaneously Rainer like it has to happen like literally instantaneously good cleanse and if you don't do that I can always dispel it with shield shield slam I'm gonna just I'm gonna pull him over here because I should be helping you guys good job foreign good interrupt okay he's gonna do that green [ __ ] foreign yeah so you didn't dispel fast enough again ah that's the thing that I told you about uh Rainer that was my bad out of range yeah it's really hard that's why it's it's best to have a paladin tank for this because they can dispel themselves it's crazy how hard it is though right but like we don't want to have it like we can have him use CDs at the beginning but like we don't want to have him using it at that point because like he's gonna need that for the last phase also um I forgot about static disruption static disruption how many people need to be out of melee range on Tin Man foreign so we're gonna have two people that are out of range uh we'll probably have uh Raynor why don't you be out of range so you can Beacon yourself and um uh in in the last phase and spam heal yourself and dot how about Rainer and Dot you too because like he's gonna have a little bit of passive healing as well seems like the best idea let's see healing done yeah dot is probably going to be the best one uh Pally needs to melee oh he does okay um how about paladins and melee tucks is out and also dot so tucks and docks are tucks and Dot are out of range and then paladins and melee Raynor just make sure you have your beacon on Tux in the last phase and that's it you two are going to be taking an ability that's called Static disruption and the what that does it makes you take 75 percent more uh [ __ ] a lightning damage or no nature damage and steel Breakers Aura makes him deal damage to everybody so what does that mean that means that we don't want to have that be a thing so do you understand Beacon talks and spam he also doesn't High well you might not have to Beacon I'm like I don't want to micro you like just decide whether you should Beacon him or not on your own however uh Hunter aspect yes um wreck can you put on aspect of the um aspect of the aspects aspect of nature damage also next time let's have a soul Stone on decoria and not me because I won't die but decoria will okay this is the easiest hard mode in the game it's actually called in the easy mode even though it's a hard mode uh what what is it can you link me your aspect aspect of the Dragon Hawk that's the wrong one can you link me the uh the nature aspect I want I just want you to I want you to do it okay so you know what you're doing okay good just make sure to put that on in the last phase okay you don't have to do it right now I just wanted to make sure that you knew what the button was okay ass pegged no no no no no no no no no no guys and I'm gonna have mole guy next to broom deer just so I can help you guys on interrupts five but no damage on mulgim three two one whether the world's danger snaps for the world's greatest hits yes dude thank you let's get these interrupts Out Boys run yeah I will move out for this I was thinking about sitting in it but no Rainer nice try uh swipe not not white boy Rainer let me guess uh you died then decoria didn't get the spell yeah okay who's that just die dead how'd you get cc'd what'd you get cc'd by e um if you know that that's gonna happen to you you can Bubble at that point because like basically we failed the last phase and we do it wrong it will be an insta wipe there's no CC yes there is overload sea Sedum but like what he's saying is like he he [ __ ] up by standing too close to overload so he was cc'd but like if the stun hadn't happened then he probably would have still dispelled them so like he made one mistake that caused another mistake does that make sense like he could have also used human trinket to get out of it and he also could have used his bubble but he wasn't paying attention wasn't at all kicking that's because these people are pretty good like I I like if somebody is good at the game and they're trying uh I I don't get mad at them I only get mad at people whenever they uh whenever they're just stupid we'll be waiting on let's go over there why is he true Professor Donna not being a sad boy well people don't act like that only [ __ ] act like that only [ __ ] cry about getting called out in Reds let's go I'm actually gonna just do no no that's a damaged fight we're gonna stick with battle shot I'm actually gonna do oh I should have done vigilance on you Decorium that's my fault foreign DK anti-magic shells still exist uh does it work on Fusion punch I don't know but I don't want them to use it right now because like there should never be a time where that needs to be a decision and also like he should be doing that like to Cory you want to use a cooldown like at the end I'm not talking about now but like at the end of the fight you want to use a cooldown on every Fusion punch during the last phase but only then let me know whenever you're ready oh man look at that wow that's a good looking nice we'll see what uh decorio let me know whenever you're ready my brother was flying I'm finally back oh it's fine uh just pull whenever you're ready to Corey whether the world's greatest gnats or the world's greatest heroes yeah still only important why am I sucking senders on a ball for not killing oh he's doing it run good job on those two spells every position in my bed foreign remember he gonna do that green [ __ ] everybody run away get out thank you remember dot owl and Tux you all got to stay out can somebody type that to uh dot owl actually I can do it all right this should be good push boss push boss and get ready don't move the boss the don't move steel breaker actually move them towards the room a little bit pop hero hero hero hero hero hero hero he needs to be he needs to be like Melee can hit him from the room top hero everything okay let's go big dick on boss we have 49 seconds to kill him foreign kill him before uh before this overhauling power goes away kill him burn them down don't run out to court you good job um give me uh I I want the cloak and then also gimme uh give me the data disc Council give me the data disc done that's why I had to move out at the end fight by the way okay let's do this can't believe my brother couldn't do this yeah the [ __ ] was easy right nature resistance that I'm actually up here for this fight yeah we did really well on that last phase that was great a good job guys I told you all like we could easily [ __ ] have done XT well no no that's what that's what bonus damage our mind between can I get that and to give me that no no that's different because like the thing is Shield it's Shield block rating like nobody else needs that it's it's like by default my item uh like I'm I'm not even prying anything and the truth is like who's gonna be here for old war me I'm gonna be here for all the war so I should get it is I it actually makes sense archive them data disc bring the archive and data disk to Archive them uh data console okay the celestial Planetarium locate the celestial planetarium that's that's out that's alcohol here it is again norgan's key let's see what's going on challenge CPS to take block here chats for a bunch of [ __ ] don't know what's going on trust me like whenever I loot myself an item I never make a bad decision to loot myself an item it's always a good call to do that uh let's see is there anything I needed no uh yeah we actually got the only thing I could have used was this uh this cloak uh defense 34 Shield block and expertise I I'll probably I'll use I'll I'll have the quote guy what's my best clock again 85. and one second one to the spell let me stop casting the rice hot Fusion punch good that's the right decision you made the right call thank you for freyja I'm gonna go uh I'm gonna go uh I'm gonna go uh [ __ ] uh Revenge spec and I'm gonna take the ads uh decoria why don't you deal with the boss and it is what it is by the way guys Freya is the easiest boss in the game so I know some people might be worried about it don't be as I've just said it is the easiest boss in the game so for sure yeah it's easy I gotta go back do I not Starfall this boss you shouldn't need to not with three ancients well that makes it even easier what are the hard Parts about three ancients there's not any hard parts so uh you get rooted and there's like a beam don't grief black hole explosions or tank trying to pick up living consolation with Starfall Callisto who told you that if a tank can't hold aggro on a living constellation off your Starfall kick him out of the raid get a real tank that's on Wowhead yeah well this is real life it's locked figures see what information yeah oh there it is we should we should have seen now we we should have [ __ ] killed her deer after this I'll get the sigils let's get the other three angels could you be a little less confounded machine doing I'll go on week one would probably be too hard for us anyway to be honest like if we're struggling on deconstructor we're probably gonna struggle on Avalon too especially because we don't have a block tank like block tanks are a lot stronger than uh [ __ ] dks on algalon because of just like their passive mitigation and I'll go on the duel boss not really great our comp but we'll figure something out it's a lot of DPS yeah I I know no I would have done it if I had thought of it I just didn't think of it other two forms that yeah yeah yeah I forgot about I forgot we killed thorn got a block Shaman too yeah there you go did you get a [ __ ] deer yeah I did we actually uh we dumpstered Hodor that [ __ ] was easy let me actually screenshot the red group so I don't forget go over there I actually like Freya uh hard mode because it means I have to do less trash so yeah um Freya hard mode she does like some stuff so just don't worry about it let's go sorry it's just the way these mobs move is annoying before supposed to interrupt that just interrupt that next one all right let's go over here just just follow me stay with me don't pull the big voice obviously snack with a guy Pepsi is delicious man I heard they use aborted baby fetuses and Pepsi my mom told me that one time that's why I'm pro-choice let's go up here get these guys this is going great guys we'll pull we'll summon Fox after this it's a job someone Fox what's this [ __ ] drop foreign we need these boots these are my best boots if I get those boots big day all right we're all here let's go foreign foreign these apart but that's not going to happen who wants to deal with rooting the uh uh the the explodey boys we all think why you keep losing threat uh because my AOE damage on that pack is lowered because the guardian Lasher makes the smaller ads take less damage so I can't generate threat on anything except for the main app that's why let's go you need a Shockwave near 50 run out move can push back no uh the reason I'm not going to do that is because we don't have uh we'd have to have Fox put on wounding poison and I can use Mortal strike on Freya in the last phase to make us do more damage so I'm not going to do that also my spread like cleave damage is just too high to offset only having Shockwave for one thing uh the mobs like it's also like hard to actually group them together it's just it's just not going to happen foreign so yeah you all know what to do right like [ __ ] break out that [ __ ] and uh [ __ ] don't be into things um I mean like kill the trees like kill the mobs like what do you all like not like what it what else you need to know like who needs to know anything else are you all ready let's go oops um let's put oh no I can't kill the trees yep get on the muscle yeah yeah of course that's right check when you want lost I'll call for it no I'm not on Paul blocky you're being cocky again I'll call for lust I'll let you know let me take a two minute break after this boss or buy on water yeah yeah we can do it after this pull if we wipe foreign assist me foreign that's how I interrupt damn y'all really like sucking dick huh good job don't ever do don't ever do it that slow again it's going to be a wipe spread out so that [ __ ] doesn't hit all of us like y'all gotta do better job better job at killing Those ads next time kill that kill that tree you foreign I might just do a little bit one of these don't oh that's not good get them trees good job foreign side if I had uh vigilance I would be able to taunt do it slow do it slow good that was my challenging I can't do that one again children assist him at the same time y'all were killing them last time at different times that's the wrong one it doesn't have to be like instantaneously but it just needs to be close good kill that [ __ ] tree and kill that [ __ ] tree get that [ __ ] tree down okay I'm gonna just do battle shot up on this [ __ ] we got a big boy and we got lashers ideally we have lashers Savage requires Aid stay away from everybody else it shall overtake you play this and we win play this and we went don't [ __ ] this up if you thinking about [ __ ] it up you better not all right I've got two more let me try and get that one all right chill chill all right get ready I'll try to move out for you guys all right I'll keep mortal strike up on her don't worry about it all right pop hero pop hero pop hero remember don't cast get ready to move whenever she does the scenes also speed kill uh speed kill roots I don't know if you can Freedom them or not I remember this fight used to be hard back in the day that was like a long time ago oops tree Mr tree good we got more let's see I got mortal strike up on her too which helps out a lot what y'all doing is hold on me dissiping go give me all the loot I I that's a joke it is a joke y'all can ask her uh like two minutes oh we we got this we got this we didn't get the uh I was hoping we get the sword for decoria but that didn't happen [ __ ] game absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] game dog [ __ ] game wow okay oh I need to get our sigil a magical iron Council are you all gone tonight it's fun doesn't matter I don't think we'll be able to kill algon to be honest uh we have weak heels okay heels are not bad but like it's just they're not good enough to do algalon I need to improve but no you get just get more gear foreign oh [ __ ] no we can't go spark just uh wait a second there's trash here yeah I know of crushing Whispers that's a big one oh that's a big one look at that nice that's a big nice memorand is like oh my God if I get these boots crazy good um yeah that's the only thing I really would want but I'm not going to take this from somebody else yogg is like uh I mean like The Courier could get that mace uh I mean I anything is is going to be good because like I mean all these items are like high eye level oh yeah I need this I need to shrink it this group won't do firefighter firefighters easy firefighter um there's like no mechanics you just don't stand in the fire like if you can fight the fire then you can beat firefighter let's go uh well actually no no no before AFK let's give it a minute I'd like to do yog 25 man because like I really want to get these shoulders look at those shoulders this is my best that's my biss okay huge absolutely massive I need them it's these boots these are my best in slot boots right here hmm balancer oh oh I could get this I didn't even know there were other pieces of sets of gear oh wow damn I didn't even read any of this [ __ ] I guess I need more loot okay so which one's a bit different okay okay I already have this so like I have one piece of this already this is a Boe I'll just buy this we just need to do 25-man hard modes it's not hard like it's just like some people don't know how to play the game like different too yeah I know is that your Lakes rainer's not here let's go so why would we need two tanks for firefighter you don't yeah that's what I thought foreign do that I'll probably die here it doesn't matter just kite back let me get in the tank foreign let's do it kill me up you only need to DK caught the assault Bots I could do on 25 do you still need to kite the assault bots on Tin Man or can you tank them just tank them all right I'll try it out big dick big dick damage look at that massive I'll just get another one don't give a [ __ ] okay Norma didn't get DBS yeah run back guys run back a little bit faster just run back trust me so yeah uh I think basically for firefighter I will solo tank it let's hopefully try to push in the first phase to where I don't get two of the uh of the big uh the big plasma blasts actually I feel like for sure I will I'll use Last Stand For the first one and then I'll use do we have any external cooldowns that I can get like uh what externals do we even have want me on holy yeah yeah I think so uh but like be half and half like plasma yeah like what other externals do we have I'm trying to think paints up do you have paints up let's see yeah he does uh give me paints up on the first one paint up and then I'll I'll Shield wall the second sack Rainer can you link me your sack ruin the sword no no don't worry about it right now Dakota if you're gonna try to like respect and [ __ ] because like uh yeah I I wouldn't change a whole lot right now hand a sack all right okay so um all right we got we got two externals uh those paints up so reduce your aggro some five percent that should be fine I can use Divine sack too no say that for phase two when do you want it uh whenever he does Plasma Blast to kill the bombs this trashy that's annoying but it's whatever we're all for the bootstrap isn't it funny how like the the boss that we wiped the most to was flame Leviathan isn't that sad two sacks as normal yeah did you get hold of your speed kill yeah yeah we got all of them let's see where we're at for old wine radar our fighter right there do that do this probably should have got this one probably get the mount next week oh you can still get black produce right now then take it out people use their own character not the tank yeah it's also like um people might not know what to do that's what it is our difficulties still split like wrath uh yeah but you can only do one you can only do uh the hard mode or the normal mode my Leviathan isn't hard just takes time to learn what you're supposed to do yeah get up here dick boys let's go all right all board we zooming yeah the announce it's going to stand to the end of Wrath the black Proto the only reason it had any Prestige is because it didn't like that Mountain's gonna be like a uh like a [ __ ] bronze strike I mean it already is but still back in the day whenever we got it we were the only Guild that had it and nobody got it and like I would Flex on that with people for like the entire rest of the expansion because like I had it they didn't okay Grandpa let's get you but shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] [ __ ] off tell me actually only for damage in half tank for gear Bruiser nah just go full damage to Korea just just don't worry about it the only thing I'm going to need you to do is maybe soaking the bombs in the uh the third phase other than that I'm gonna pretty much do everything else I'm gonna get my food buff real quick and then we'll start and make get this out my room also uh Dot thinking of Boston phase three so make sure that you aggro him and uh fire resist totem and Firewater here why would we need fire resist firefighter is not about taking fire damage it's about not taking fire damage you guys understand so if you're taking fire damage you've already lost so talks I want you to uh pop pain suppression on me whenever he does the first one of the things okay now in dump I'll give it a shot it's easy to spam [ __ ] you just yeah spam steering pain all right first one of the things yeah yeah like that the Cannon's gonna get red before he doesn't know all right boy let's get to work five four three two one there it is initiated this area how will we finish testing with the self-destruct mechanism back there we kind of [ __ ] up on the fire guns we got we gotta not let that happen on the next pull it's fine just let's just learn right now all right this is it it's crazy damage right yeah we got we gotta stay away from it run out it's fine all right so like yeah we got to make sure that uh the fire like we all stay at the front until the fire goes out okay just die did I receive pain suppression there I'm pretty sure I didn't so you guys almost had that no no did I get it or not no my bad oh it's fine almost yeah no it's fine I'm not worried about it there's a lot that goes on in this fight that people might not really understand so it'll take some time for people to remember like what to do deaths let's see so yeah I got ticked three times I feel like with movement and everything I don't know just trying to think because it's just it's so much damage like I only got melee for [ __ ] like 6K it's just Plasma Blast so yeah don't run in until he does the fire I haven't done this for a while so uh it'll take me a bit triplets take America compare the boss yeah uh every every raid in WoW would be objectively better if you respawn in front of the boss just wiped on there's literally no value that having to run back to the the boss provides it's just bad okay let's get this done it's not yeah it's just there's no value it's just stupid all right I'm gonna get ready and pull everybody stay back there until the fire pops off okay self-destruct sequence initiating this area will self-destructure how will we finish testing with the self-destruct method try to kite the fire like get next to the fire and uh it'll chase the nearest person kind of and so try to get next to it so that way it doesn't get in the my way good job run out foreign will self-destruct in nine minutes good job run out good job clear it up just stay just stay away stay away from The Middle all right we gotta go really hard you understand really hard this is actually a phase we might use heroism in I I don't want to say for sure though great job on avoiding and moving usually people don't do either one of those correctly ready let's get to work remember he's gonna do uh a thing that dispels the fire in my way let's go be on the other side with that bomb like Max melee range on the other side get away from that fascinating I think they call that a clean kill see I told you guys to do that you didn't do it that's why you're dead what's your step highly effective against flesh what's your status y'all gonna watch out for this yeah it's a big knockback did you guys see kind of how it works though right what's your stereo destruct in seven minutes fascinating I think they call that a clean kill I don't think we should do hero in phase two what do you guys think I feel like phase two is probably a better idea for hero Mary range makes it easy to dodge yeah but we could have everybody in melee range it's just like it would require so much movement and also the rocket strikes would be in melee too like I'm fine if we wanted to do that by the way I'm totally okay if we want to have everybody in melee range too much firing melee no because he Auto dispels the fire wait for first Frost bomb yeah yeah let's wait for first frostbomb then everybody moving to melee and just avoid the [ __ ] rocket area I think let's try that and uh just be spread out around the boss so that way you can move more I think this might be a bad idea to be honest but like I think it might be a cleaner solution than trying to like then trying to like bait all the fire we three-haled that fight since it made phase two easier do we have somebody that can swap to heels like I'm not saying we're going to do it but like do we have that also like if we do that the problem is that I can't okay blocky that that's good to know uh the problem is like if if we do three heals that also means that we are probably going to get the third Plasma Blast and that will kill me like I don't I don't think I can survive that so like I'd have to like I I I'd have to die and then Soul Stone okay let's get right into it yeah pop hero in phase two one's offline nah it's a it's a bug he's here I'm gonna pull self-destruct sequence initiated this area will self-destructure go and do something like that didn't you see the sign that said do not push this button how will we finish testing with the self-destruct mechanism and foreign watch this foreign run out all right remember be spread out around the room Marvel marvelous results damn this [ __ ] sounds like an airplane you're ready this area will self-destruct in eight minutes behold the vx001 anti-personnel all right don't get got watch out watch out for the big boy y'all y'all keep messing that up you want to not mess it up fascinating I think they call that a clean to do watch your step keep moving fascinating I think they call that a clean kill this area what's your step seven minutes it's going really well good job guys uh let's go ahead and wipe it yeah Napalm like Loy in the future you should just block Napalm what's yours also Heat Wave um what's the radius of heat wave what was what's the radius of Heatwave infinite no it's not there's no way it's it's infinite Heatwave hits everyone I'm pretty sure I don't think it does like people aren't getting it 80 oh wait okay so does it or does it not damage going out absurd yeah most of it's not intent no so that shouldn't shouldn't be happening so don't worry about that it's everyone I mean then why weren't some people getting the debuff okay well we'll use fire resistance Aura and also like why don't we try to play something where like for example look blocky can you easily swap to three heels to to be the 30 or just so we can see what it's like yeah let's try it out okay all right and just DPS in the first phase like I need you guys to like do big damage in the first phase that way we don't get the third uh Plasma Blast which will kill us because I've got Last Stand uh Shield wall and I won't have anything for the third one five by four piece I'd be able to use Shield block for it but we didn't kill yogg [ __ ] game 80 yards according to the wiki okay that's fine three bosses left yeah but they all have hard modes so Saddle Up I'm gonna go start it block we never get your food buff and like you're full I'll just go ahead and start remember standing back I remember people used to stay back there to just like get even even more room Soul Stone on someone anyone nobody nobody for now this area will self-destruct actually put it on me Dot said do not push this button how will we finish testing with the self-destruct mechanism active uh the fire didn't spawn sorry that was really stupid of me I don't know what the [ __ ] that was let's not worry about it just keep going you run out just keep going let's play it out area will self-destruct in nine minutes run out I'm gonna need massive heels here just like spam every heel on me you guys did your best batteries me bet just batteries me batteries me Heroes on CD foreign for some reason I thought I got Soul Stone I just just play this out play this out play this out because like really like my I I don't do anything in this face four minutes CD oh that's whatever don't worry about it the VX 001 and this one will take a while yeah everybody gets it up Fox you got it you gotta pay attention to those balls man you got to get on the ball what's your step you'll get off the but you got to get on the ball with getting off the ball oh that a clean kill okay so basically uh what's your step keep moving this area let's also make sure that we have you know we got frost resistant Aura for this like that's probably not helping us a lot right now you know so like maybe we get something different besides that um yeah yeah yeah I think the same thing right and so fire Aura and fire totem do they stack I thought they didn't stack I'll be right back they don't say yeah yeah don't even worry about it but we could we could have a thing where like blocky could do fire totem and then maybe uh Raynor could do uh conquer I don't know self-destruct sequence initiated didn't you see the sign that said do not push this button how will we finish testing with the self-destruct mechanism actor hold on the last run out this area will self-destruct in nine minutes fought talks to death get his ass up run out get his ass up don't you take that and get blown up wonderful positively marvelous results 0.9 barely a debt moving right along really good job guys we don't get hit by them blue balls behold the VX 001 you don't need to do crazy damage guys you just need to be damaged where them balls at over here good other side the other side get into the airsoft why I was so dumb with this I don't understand so what's your step we got half that we're gonna have to have a conversation apparently this is a this is this this just keeps happening what's your step keep moving this is insane I think they call that a clean skill watch your step all right what's up let's let's have a conversation about moving because this is attempt number four people make the same [ __ ] mistake let's talk about the positives first number one great job in phase one we did it we killed it before the third one great job amazing job let's talk about the [ __ ] ups or should I call them tuck-ups tux you gotta heal yourself you got hit by a bomb I never saw a blue ball because I was too zoomed in to see it I zoomed all the way out and now I know the GTFO why is it that everybody Play Everybody Plays Scott what is this a [ __ ] fps to you why don't why every day I hear there's like I'm too zoomed in Zoom the [ __ ] out like what are you doing yeah it talks you got hit by two months well you got hit by enough mines and then also you got killed by uh [ __ ] nothing you just need to heal yourself no that's not true you stood in the fire it's called firefighter not fire dick eater you don't stand in a [ __ ] fire sounds like an excuse no the thing is like it's only an excuse if there's like well I don't know I mean the only times I take an excuse seriously is if it's something that the player can't solve does that make sense so like if somebody says some [ __ ] and it's like oh well like it wasn't my fault like what he's saying is like that's why it happened like I'm I'm okay with reasons I don't like excuses because it's his autonomy to have zoomed in it was a bad decision but he still chose to do that so it's his fault so that's how I see it all right I'm gonna go start it should maximumed out all the time just just look at where the ball is she here's one thing keep in mind I will never make a mistakes if you're having trouble you just be where I'm at and then it'll never be an issue battle wrestler run out bombs stay on the fire stand the fire die talks what are you doing well he didn't get healed um well we should have blocked that well if you get Napalm again just block it off to be fair he only received one heal there's no excuse for that talks what are you having what are you doing man you just got killed by two melee attacks you got killed by the mines in one attempt and then now this attempt you got killed by shock Nova what's going on healing I mean it doesn't matter talks was dead like I don't care about healing meter I'm trying to get their side for heels was a bad placement just do the same thing we did on like you have to keep in mind talks like we have three heels right now so like you don't need to like it's not just you and Raynor it's blocky too blocky's not doing a lot of healing block he should have done more healing at that time but that's one thing that's going on just don't take damage yeah that's basically what it is I fire awarded what was enough I'll just blocked when I can yeah just insta block it and like you could even hold block and like only block at the last second if you think you're gonna die but like that's up to you that's like uh you know player discretion situation down to 14 feet so let's make them count let's let's just get this done like can we please just get this boss done we've been here for like [ __ ] 10 minutes how many wipes is six wipes like what are we doing I'm gonna pull self-destruct Secrets what's the [ __ ] up guys how will we finish testing with the self-destruct mechanism active foreign run out area will self-destruct in night why there it is run out be to the back of the room kite this fire to the back of the room perfect marvelous results all Integrity 98.9 barely moving right along all right don't go in till it's time to go in let's go great pop hero it's big [ __ ] time do not [ __ ] up hero pop hero pop hero over there this is a joke man how do you guys keep making decisions he's going to charge up that's whenever we recover what's your step that was a mistake you shouldn't I think she didn't know what to do keep going we still got two heels what's your seven minutes note to self Canon highly effective against flesh note to self Cannon highly effective against flesh what's your step were you normal yeah I don't want to do normal yet I'd rather just uh I'd rather just come back tomorrow this is the easiest boss guys we've wiped on it for over an hour Rainer can you give me uh foreign out blocky don't get cocky let's go heal yourself foreign blocky were well that you guys [ __ ] up battle res blocking run out that's really bad uh we can we can heal this it's not a big deal though just forget that would you guys forget about the game come on wake up be spread out a lot more that way we don't take too many hits from the barrage The Barrage has just been [ __ ] us man you might want to take ever a fire truck I think any good stacks that's over there see how I move out of that because I know that it's going to be exploding watch your step take notes Rainer technology that's what you weren't supposed to do it blocky you thought I wouldn't notice that you armed into the fire I did notice I noticed that you did that I saw it happen what's your step again it's a white yeah except I didn't die the fire well isn't that worse okay no because rapid burst is unavoidable honking into it isn't unavoidable also you honked into it uh yeah you pretty much just got insta-killed you should have been anking with like spamming a hellstone or something if you're gonna do that uh God why is this happening like I I foreign it's like nobody has any spatial awareness at all talk to me it's like Melee why would you stand in in front of the range whenever the boss is shooting in your direction because so the boss turns based off of a player okay so like for example the boss has 10 different directions that it can turn and each one of those directions is at a specific player so what that means is that if you are all standing in one group and all the ranged are behind you the boss will 100 percent turn all the way around and start shooting the range like it it's just like I I what the [ __ ] guys just made a mistake he might have lagged like it doesn't matter he run out it's obviously a mistake yappy and software you guys sit on top of each other you spread napalm area will self-destruct in nine minutes thank you run out wonderful positively marvelous results how integrity at 98.9 barely in debt right Allah okay let's do it this area will self-destruct in eight minutes it's pretty much fire capture I'm gonna go ahead and just stack Saunders so you want to be in a different area see how we were standing there and he didn't hit anybody get away from that guys come on yapi's gonna get hit by that that's so bad that's why I gave him commanding though what's your step watch your step keep moving Crystal come on man heal yourself destruct in seven minutes do you guys want to do this or not die die so blocky can you just [ __ ] do it yeah I know you suck at Resto but we don't want to get anybody else it's gonna take [ __ ] forever if we have an easy replacement for blocking you guys can let me know but I bet we [ __ ] don't I can swap heels what the [ __ ] is that going to do Callisto then you're gonna suck dick at heels instead of instead of Blocky like what's the point of that like we've already got it multiple times we've gotten the phase phase four with nine people alive there is no reason we can't get back there you got people getting hit by the [ __ ] blue circle here here's a little bit of a [ __ ] tip if you don't see it okay think about it like this all right okay here's the [ __ ] room no no no here's the [ __ ] room all right this is the room and this is your character all right and you have a field of view uh let's see we'll do field of view as red um a field of view like this so logically If You Don't See the bomb that means it's behind you do you understand because if the bomb is theoretically right here you can't say it because it's [ __ ] behind you so whenever you you see the bomb going out you see the timer happening for the bomb and where's the bomb you know where the bomb is by process of elimination it's behind you I I wish I could tank the bomb to I really do but you guys are beating me to it please please please please let's get this done we have two more bosses after this if you guys want to do the hard modes for that stop [ __ ] this up I don't have time to do this all night man let's go self-destruct Ure how will we finish testing with the self-destruct mechanism active foreign foreign run out wonderful positively marvelous results 0.9 barely moving right along this area for yourself as Thai Personnel assault cannot you might want to take Ella foreign what's your step you know he's going to be spinning up watch your step keep moving foreign it's my fault I just wasn't paying attention description all right let's just totally zoned out all right everybody group up efforts have yielded some fantastic data now where did I put oh no there it is okay let's just kill this so we can move on to the next bosses please let's just kill this remember I'm getting all the ads we're fire capped okay it's 100 focused let's go foreign will self-destruct in five minutes foreign [ __ ] pull it down good good this is the kill all right everybody move out of this fire reposition in a place where we're not gonna have to fire reposition kill the ads kill these ads let's go remember uh the first one is like just please just [ __ ] let's let's get this right I want these boots remember it's gonna be the wind up first what's your step we're moving on he's gonna stay here what's your step keep moving we're gonna have to move out after this what's your standout okay remember they all three have to die at the same time watch your step just keep it nice and slow he's gonna do another barrage soon just be aware of that run out shock lost what's your step watch your step keep moving get out of that run out kill these at the same time same time boys let's go same time kill him kill him kill him kill kill kill kill the top nice give me the boots where's the loot it would appear that I made a slight miscalculation I allowed my mind to be corrupted by that fiend in the prison overriding my primary directive all systems seem to be functional now clear ly let's go to vesics we'll get it next week no way memorandum can kill us 24 times in a row true all right let's get this done so how do you guys feel like feel about doing General vesics on hard mode you guys feel like winners or not it's easy yeah I think it's easy too like I don't really give a [ __ ] I'm gonna be honest like nothing he drops I need like uh I I don't care about this I don't care about I don't care about any of this like this is the best cloak but uh that's for DPS and if you want best if you want best DPS you re-roll let's go bulgerthar that's 25 man uh shattered walkway guys let's go uh Fox and Callisto um that's the wrong place you're not supposed to be there on our mode yeah we did it's not that bad like that last phase is hard but it's manageable it's manageable as long as everybody pays attention and does their job foreign all right I'm gonna run back just kind of so I was cool too I I didn't disarm there I I forgot if disarm made them immune or sorry if disarm cancel Bladestorm or not apparently it does not do I have my shoulders no I I would have to do 25 man yog for my shoulders I don't think we can do 25 manyog like I'm gonna just be honest 408 is super easy on 25 man no it's not because you have to have 25 people I mean like if we can get a group I I want to do it because it it drops my shoulders but that's it and we got these bracers great all right move up let's go see a new ultimate weapons in Final Fantasy no I haven't let's go I I'm I'm I'm mad dude I'm so mad it took that long I really think we should have done that better but like the best part is that now like every week it gets a lot easier because every single week we we get more gear uh like everybody knows the knows the fight better uh like everybody has more Health like people have more experience with it so like that was the hardest kill that we'll ever have to do foreign thank you all right let's go foreign Jesus Christ let's go come on can we please [ __ ] stop talking about this useless [ __ ] Boe come on can we please like just do get through this everybody come on so everybody stop right here let's rebuff everybody rebuff get your food buff guys let's go back on board now now just stay DPS foreign foreign all right for uh for this fight it's gonna be pretty rough on the healers this is mainly a healing fight if you take any damage from Shadow crash it's basically over what we're going to do is we're going to slowly burn down the boss and then whenever the uh it's like a dark animist or some [ __ ] thing that comes out we have to pop all CDs and Burn It Down yeah you can't kill any of the clouds eventually the clouds group up and they spawn an ad and then we burn down the ad and then we kill the boss it's really not that hard it's just that healers lose a lot of Mana don't stand next to each other no also Fox can you uh can you put on wounding poison I think I think I'm gonna have to be in deep prop for this because like five percent more Dr over the course of this fight it's going to be like way less healing that they're gonna have to do oh God I'm just going to interrupt this myself they really need to change this hurricane the [ __ ] hurts your eyes to look at oh this fight sucks as a banner user yeah it does he doesn't have that much health he's got eight million health so it's a pretty fast fight just get him down to 10 Health then the Animus spawns oh by the way the Animus uh uh casts a buff and the buff makes it to where the more stacks of it you get the more Shadow damage deals to you so like it's like a shadow damage um like vulnerability buff right so that means that if you're if you're [ __ ] up after that you can easily die and what I mean by [ __ ] up I mean like uh getting hit by Shadow crashes or anything like that it just can't happen because like pretty much everything does Shadow damage okay it has to be flawless I mean it doesn't have to be but it just has to be pretty close like this this hard mode like back in the day was considered one of the easier ones thank you this one's great good job guys really good movement and control on these hats like really good job like you know restraint on not attacking whenever I was pulling good really good job hardest part is your management yeah I'm debating whether I think that we'll need a third healer or not it depends on really what our damage is so we got another one uh go ahead and uh I don't know I mean did we I mean do you just give that one to Rainer like I don't know who else would need another one though out here why does this boss randomly drop aggro or this ad randomly drop aggro I don't understand that there's no reason for that to happen foreign yeah it just doesn't make any sense man all right one more pack random chance so it's I I hate it whenever NPCs lose aggro and D aggro I feel like there's never a point where that's actually fun to deal with it's always just like really [ __ ] annoying foreign maybe there's a couple of exceptions I haven't thought of but like in a general sense it's just like the most annoying mechanic to deal with like North and uh and NAX and stuff like that all right foreign look at that knockback good job blocking holy [ __ ] okay so is there anybody who's confused we don't clear we cannot kill any of the green uh the green boys that's it that's the only thing you have to worry about don't kill any of the green things eventually they all uh they all like come together and they become like this really big mob and then we have to kill the big mob I'm also going to respect we're gonna go deep prop for this fight just because I need as much damage as possible um also we need to make sure we have interrupts on lock so Fox me and decoria need to be on top of that all the time Soul Stone who uh let's have a soul Stone on Raynor uh yeah probably Rainer or yopi one or the other on top of what kicks yeah on top of kicks flaskia I'll put on my flask to mind the pure Warrior no we didn't actually I don't even see it I think only miners can see it or something like that I don't remember okay nana will be tight yeah Mana will be very tight all right I'm sure I'm gonna see windshear at the end of the cast blocky all right here we go yappy let me know whenever you're ready okay all right let's do this guys oh get your piece to get your feast all right let's go interrupt one oh here we go interrupt two interrupt three the Animus spawns in two minutes by the way interrupt too of course interrupt three interrupt one batter as software this battery has software let's go interrupt too interrupt three interrupt one interrupt t foreign interrupt one 38 seconds interrupt 2 foreign I don't know how I just took so much damage I have no idea interrupt one I had the shield wall by the time all right I am Unstoppable interrupts through yours so um interrupt one mortality man I don't know I don't know if we can do this yeah I mean like it's no it's not the healers because the healers are uh like sorry it's not DPS DPS like we didn't even get to the point where DPS was hard the new South Stone there's no reason to at that point the fight was over oh I'm not really going to use a an ability if it's not going to change the outcome of a fight so look at overhealing done that's not so bad it might look like that but it's all because of his Judgment of light yeah that that's not how it works guys our boys got hit by like three Shadow crashes that's not good uh foreign I don't know if that's enough uh like I I don't know I don't think that's gonna work I'm also going to put on this uh this trinket for more avoidance um honestly I don't think we can kill this I don't know my deep fry yeah I am don't go Shield block heavy it's Dodge and Parry heavy it's ass I mean like yeah I could change a few pieces of gear I guess let's go ahead and do that I mean why not we'll go ahead and we'll uh we'll equip this ring instead oh I can't I just lose too much defense man yeah I could maybe get rid of this one but this one's about it's about the same uh yeah we'll do a couple more attempts and we'll see how things go if things aren't going well want me to go Resto I mean if you go Resto here's the thing is we're going to be losing a million damage on the boss I I think if you go Resto we're gonna for sure go to the Anna get to the Animus but I think also we're for sure never gonna kill it and we're never gonna kill the boss that's what my problem is Nick yeah I I could I could use um I could use this but it's like not really that much better I don't know man foreign ER yeah uh plenty of mantle after the raid the Healer to swap the tank healing I feel like one of the problems also is like Warrior is like Warrior just takes a lot of damage too like if I I think if I was a paladin that would be easier for me too which I mean like that kind of sucks maybe not I don't know Okay so well let's get this done I'm debating whether I should just use the greatness card and just say [ __ ] this foreign everyone's ready yeah uh software watch your threat man your destruction interrupt one interrupt two interrupt three it's already down one million keep it up guys we're doing great you guys are gonna pull threat off me man don't go ape dick man interrupt to you thank you black blood of Lord salad interrupts through me I am please don't pull aggro guys interrupt one please please watch your aggro please guys please interrupt t interrupt three about a minute and a half big dick the damage let's go interrupt one we also are going to still need to do interrupts on the boss whenever the Animus is out interrupt t black blood of your sound courses through me I help interrupt true sorry this is bad movement for me I wasn't really paying attention to the timer interrupt one interrupt two foreign keep it up we're doing great interrupt one black blood of your sound interrupt me Unstoppable interrupt three someone get next let's go one more slow down on deep slow down interrupt one stop just Auto attack oh just Auto attack and interrupt stop stop walking stop interrupt t all right I'm ready to pop hero no you're ready to pop here you're ready to pop here Unstoppable keep my hands mortality you and thought you said I'm good Survivor how much health was the Animus at 80 percent 1.2 mil that's lower than 80. that's probably like 60 percent because it was 1.98 total um foreign how much the boss yield um the boss didn't heal that much at all yeah that didn't really happen just do magic damage uh the Animus does but it's very minimal magic damage I would say give me damage amp yeah give me amplify Magic like the Animus does does do Shadow damage but like at that point we've got a Spam heel just three heal it I feel like if we three heal it um we won't have the damage yeah we lose a million damage basically I don't know foreign that's true all right Callisto do you want to go Resto morning is minus 600k no that's not true uh AKA Fox the reason why it's why your damage is low is because you have a 20 reduction of haste and because of that haste reduction that's why your damage is so low you know symbols just just individual buff we'll do two more attempts and if we're not going to make progress on this uh we'll go ahead and just kill it there's part of me that thinks that Callisto should stay DPS but blocky should do uh should do heels but I I just feel like I feel like blocky is doing too much damage for us to just tell him to stop doing damage hunt respect into am shot let me see or Zam shot where the [ __ ] is aim shot it's right here oh no he's not okay I mean like Fox if we're still having trouble with damage I can swap over to uh like maybe it's not worth it for Fox to use wounding poison Fox why don't you use instant poison and let's just see how much he heals because he's probably only healing a very small amount like the total like healing done like I don't know like the boss like uh damage taken by Mark of the faceless is 93k and so like if you think you can do 93k more damage then it's better for you to have instant poison look at my damage breakdown yeah let's see uh Fox melee wound poison versus deadly poison all right all right let's go ahead and have you do your normal poisons then all right and we need uh what do we need uh commanding all right guys let's get this done we're gonna pull oh wait wait wait sorry sorry I ate my my food buff I'm gonna pull as soon as I'm done with this it's plus 900k healing not 93k it's a ten to one I don't know man enemy healing done oh yeah all right uh I'll go I'll play my other spec and we'll see if we can do it with me keeping mortal Strike Up uh if I'm taking too much damage then we won't but let's try this like I I don't know I don't know what the right option is I have no idea okay let's go interrupt one foreign all right I'm gonna go back to the other spec yeah let's just go back to the other spec let's do exactly let's do exactly what we did before Fox used the poisons that you used before let's I'm sorry we're trying different things it it seems like what we just tried doesn't work I don't know oh [ __ ] donzer wants to respect I think they lose maybe 100 DPS but they gain the Rogue gains way more I think I probably will use an armor pot on this that'd be a good idea I mean there's no reason not to I mean like armor pod is like half of this so like I'm at 61 I take this off I'm at 50 so like armor pots like five percent Dr that's really good yeah I mean ideally it would be the hunter that was doing uh the Respec and we could uh we could summon them I just don't want you to re like if you're going to respect we'll give it at least three more attempts okay yeah if you want to respect arbolist and and you can have aim Shop but you have to keep it up on the boss all the time okay you want me to go now yeah yeah go now uh I'll be right back and we'll just get it summoned down let's go we're doing it this man has his talents your destruction with Herald a new age are in some directory interrupt one oh Jesus interruptive see how much damage this is really reducing interrupt three you guys are [ __ ] pulling aggro again come on interrupt one interrupt two okay interrupts through me please don't pull aggro interrupt one interrupt two should you get those interrupts guys interrupt three foreign one minute please don't pull [ __ ] please don't [ __ ] pull aggro please don't [ __ ] coaggro interrupt three join me interrupt one all right spawning in 24 seconds remember we need to keep interrupting them interrupt three interrupt one of course he's through me I dodged his attack while he was enraged holy crap interrupt too interrupt three interrupt one interrupt two ABC don't begin here we go it's gonna spawn all right you're ready on that Shield wall let's go pop hero pop hero burn them down kill this and the fight's over software come on man kill this boss take it home all you guys you cannot get hit by a shadow crash a shadow crash will one shot you okay interrupt t use anything you got you were standing in something you shouldn't have been in battle resin if you if you can if you can somebody get next interrupt one okay General vezix healed for for 3.4 million interrupt three interrupt once you know how much healthy has he has a 3.4 million so if he didn't heal he'd be dead that's not really how it works but like it's close this point where the ad spawned and I think someone Giga healed them well um arbolus you're gonna need to keep aim shot up on the boss all the time even during the ad Druid didn't heal you at all uh yeah he did all right how do people die deaths Fox can you cloak that off can you cloak off Mark of the faceless I don't even know the Eternal Sun guides us County or not appreciate you can't okay I thought I could well if you thought you could and you couldn't that means you weren't able to so you guys see like let's just take a look right damage taken Shadow crash yoppy 49 000 damage on Shadow crash that's too much damage you got the mark and melee ran into you no that's not what it was like I don't know why this happens just don't get hit by it what are we doing just look up yeah just look up ask your Hunter why he's using rank 1 skills Arboles what rank is your aim shot you don't have a rank one aim shot do you arbelist is going to need to summon back into the raid come on come on let's just let's just get it let's let's just let's just get this done guys I want to talk about it I don't want to get upset about it he didn't hit accept no what don't worry about it let's just [ __ ] let's just [ __ ] move on we're gonna summon him it's gonna take him literally two seconds it doesn't even matter it does not matter guys we gotta talk a little bit about um I think I'm gonna put on the mark of norgannon just for more damage like I lose Health but I don't think that really matters I think we got to use this we got to talk a little bit about uh not getting hit by Shadow crash don't get hit by it you guys understand is there anybody who doesn't understand those are best spent on healing to people getting hit by Shadow crash nah bro Callisto you shouldn't be healing [ __ ] like anybody getting hit by because it'd just never be getting hit by it the boss healed up way too much arbois you understand that you need to keep aim shot on the boss during the uh during the ad right like aim shot needs to be up 100 of the time yeah I'll use it full CD okay good because like that he he healed for a lot of damage and if he didn't do that we could be on yog a and that would be really cool right yeah let's get it done I think that we just proved that we can clear this I was worried at the beginning I'm not we killed the Animus and it was easy all we need to do is execute the mechanics and do a little bit more damage I'm gonna do a pull talk actually like I mean I don't know how much damage I can really do like I feel like I'm constantly losing aggro arbelist are you able to misdirect me more like I I don't know I I I'm just I'm just getting [ __ ] man please please guys please let's just get this done I'm begging you knock on M shot it could have been a focus Target that's fine your destruction interrupt one interrupt two interrupt three interrupt one interrupt too you're gonna be a little bit more careful with this I'm sure he gets done interrupt one let's get to work boys let's go big dick big dick interrupt too interrupt three interrupt one interrupt too run away of course he's through me interrupt one big dick boys let's go big numbers interrupt too interrupt three interrupt one foreign you ready boy we're gonna have to do big numbers let's get this done interrupt three we got one more vapor and then uh then it's gonna be time to one interrupt two interrupt three the shit's about to spawn you ready big dicks let's go a shield wall got a rose Rainier where are you going interrupt one run away interrupt you all right interrupt three interrupt one why do you guys get hit by the mechanic I don't understand I thought I said not to get hit by Shadow crash why are you getting hit by it I I thought that's one I couldn't find Rainer he got launched into a pillar oh oh okay I understand now that makes sense that was my fault I spaced out at the end yeah I mean I did I did tell them to move out of Shadow crashes I I did say that I said that because it needed to happen unfortunately it did not guys in the situation of the Shadow crash you need to move in a direction where it will not hit you is there anybody who is unclear about how Shadow crashes work anyone at all no great that means nobody is going to get hit on this next attempt range needs to try to not be anywhere close to the boss why the [ __ ] would any range be close to the boss do I have to play everybody's character again like I'm gonna sit here I'm gonna micro you guys because you can't figure out where to stand this is [ __ ] embarrassing all you guys had to do is just [ __ ] move you don't move guess what happens you die that's what happens check if they remembered to equip their shoulders all of my gear is equipped people will be close to the boss because of black pools blocky where did the black pools come from can't you guys just look at the boss okay you guys just like if you're like let's say you're like right here and you're hitting them can't you just like be like this and then you see it it's like coming you're like oh can't you why can't you do that like I I don't see why you can't do that I'm so confused man it just doesn't make any sense to me I think I'm gonna do battle shout too the [ __ ] is decorating why would you give Dakota a blessing of mine everyone is ready let's go Italian is a Blackpool near the boss ran shouldn't be [ __ ] near it because the shadow crash hits instantly with might over Kings Fox do you see what buff you have the the buff called battle Shout why not both let's go never mind yeah let's go to the new age interrupt one oops interrupt two interrupt three interrupt one get that next interrupt boys let's go I know it's hard I know it's hard to hit that button but you gotta do it interrupt two he's about to do the thing you know what this thing is thank you interrupt one interrupt two I haven't even used this I'm so dumb interrupt three I wish you could just turn heroic strike on and it would just stay on for every attack interrupt one interrupt 2. run away interrupt three I know that healed him I know it did I thought it was worth it maybe it wasn't interrupt one interrupt two interrupt three interrupt one the black blood of your salad of course he's through me interrupt too interrupt three interrupt one interrupt two interrupt three interrupt one count all right don't [ __ ] this up boys exact blood of your sorrow of course he's through me I am Unstoppable interrupt too all right well we've got half his health to do so let's just [ __ ] get this done let's just know it's probably gonna be a white but like because he's got too much health we'll see what we can do interrupt one see I'm not getting healed because they're all out of Mana interrupt two 2.7 million even in a best case scenario he still wouldn't have been dead interrupt three I don't know if we can do this like I I I feel like we can't do this how's DPS so well I don't know did a memer on and not this how because memeron isn't a DPS check I I think honestly I think we just do normal mode guys foreign DPS is fine all right let's give it one more good attempt guys we're going to give it one one more 100 attempt if we don't get it we're gonna do it on normal we're gonna get this done Callisto no you should not swap back to DPS I'd be conserving Mana too much uh blast the boss until they're at 40 Mana no uh the we're not losing because the healers aren't dpsing people are still getting hit by Shadow crash are you [ __ ] kidding me that's not really that bad I mean it's bad but it's not that bad needs to use seal of wisdom and attack boss for full Mana in 10 seconds can he do that use seal of wisdom and just Mana restore is that even true people say he can't why how are people how are people yes to knowing this like it's even what the [ __ ] like why why how do you it doesn't work no Mana recovery effects okay well then he can't do it who the [ __ ] said to do that Renner can you link me lay on hands it's a 20 minute cooldown okay I know if it was 10 or something like that I have no idea but if you're going to use that at all you want to use it whenever the ads up you can de-i someone innervate them while having a soul Stone on Paladin so he comes back with Mana as well now I remember back in the day they fixed that to where if you died you'd get resurrected with the Mana that you started with like is that true so like if you kill some if somebody dies in a fight and then they get Resurrected I can die and get rebirth I get 6K Mana back you can die for Mana God I just I I how is [ __ ] man I wish I just knew this myself because apparently I all right uh Raynor and decorio let's just get this done I just I don't even know what's true and what's real or anything to choreo let me know whenever you're ready good all right let's do this the new age current salary interrupt one interrupt two big damage guys let's go interrupt three keep that aim shot up on the boss all the [ __ ] time Shadow crash software come on interrupt team all right don't pull aggro interrupt one interrupt two interrupt three interrupt one interrupt two yeah it was pretty bad all right out Unstoppable interrupt three interrupt one interrupt two big dick damage guys come on interrupt three damage is better this time interrupt too interrupt three tonight interrupt one interrupt two 15 seconds let's get ready and do it interrupt three foreign interrupt three let's just kill it just kill the boss just kill the boss interrupt somebody kill the quad let's kill the boss interrupt two interrupt three kill the vapers you guys can kill the vapors like we ruined the hard mode of course he's through me interrupt one interrupt two um I'll go turn on all the keepers let's just get this kill and get this over with by the way uh arbolist you're not supposed to hit the saronite vapors man uh you tabbed over and you killed it and that's what uh that's why we're not doing hard mode once the Druid not using life bloom uh huh I don't know why your servant because life Bloom is bad it's not really worth without Mana regen that's what he says yeah he says it's not worth it without Mana region explosive probably cleave the ad uh no uh it was an auto attack you see you have Auto and aim shot it's not just explosives lend me your strength Grant my mortal allies the power of thunder lifeboom gives Mana back when you get a clear casting prop guys I I don't play Druid the veil of winter will protect you champions I have no idea what he should have done let's watch out some yeah I don't know what what the truth is or not okay are you guys ready okay move in let's go the time to strike at the head of the Beast will soon be upon us Focus your anger and hatred on his minions yes yes show them no mercy give no pause to your attacks foreign yes yes show them no mercy give no pause to your attacks foreign and rage guide your blows can restrict the other abdomen let hatred and rage guide your Blues the lucid dream s a thousand pieces on your own hate Target you tremble Mortals before the coming of the end get away from people with Melody of the Mind suffocate upon your own hate get ready to go into the brain room get ready go on your own hate foreign tremble Mortals before the coming of the end that terrible glow should that be suffocate upon your own hate come kill it boy can you go down the next one instead of me shouldn't be maybe me going down in these get out tremble Mortals before the coming of the end suffocate upon your own hate this will consume you target you line gather suffocate upon your own hate run away tremble Mortals before the coming of the end arbolus can you stand in a green pool so you don't get mind controlled if you go to zero you get mind controlled foreign tremble Mortals before the coming of the end suffocate upon your own hate why do we not de-cursed accordia get ready for brain portals suffocate upon your own hate Target you foreign there we go let's go I know that your end comes soon could get behind get behind yogg stack up behind yawg let's go around thank you finally we decided to use heroism foreign doesn't want that accident I'll take that ax Perry you want that just take it not for you oh yeah yeah I'll take it foreign it's on normal mode that two-hander no I don't give a [ __ ] about the two-hander I mean I'll take it if nobody wants it sure but it's only then yeah all right cool we got two weapons out of that yeah we'll do the dungeon oh my God I'm so mad oh [ __ ]
Channel: Asmongold Gaming
Views: 330,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asmongold classic wow wotlk, asmongold classic, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wrath of the lich king vods, classic wrath, classic wow, classic wrath of the lich king, asmongold classic wow vod, wow classic, vod, asmongold vod, classic wotlk, asmongold classic wotlk vod, classic wow wrath of the lich king, classic wow level 80, full vod, gus, mcconnell wow, asmongold gus, asmongold raid, ulduar, asmongold ulduar, ulduar raid, asmongold raid ulduar, ulduar hard mode
Id: W4Tzhflasbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 321min 14sec (19274 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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