Which Class in WoW is the Most Fun to Play? (2023 Edition)

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which is the most fun class in World of Warcraft dragonflight as a new or returning player choosing the best class can be tough because there's so many options to choose from nowadays after all I know there's probably a lot of you guys out there scratching your heads asking yourselves the question which class in wow is the most fun to play right now and also how would I even determine such a thing well I have good news for you wear a traveler what I have done in my free time is I have created a fun four point test to help determine the most enjoyable class for you based on your unique likes and reasons for playing the game I call it the fpft the four point fun test check this out what I have here are all the classes in World of Warcraft laid out before your hungry eyes and what we're gonna do is subject them to these series of little tests to see which of them truly Reigns Supreme as the most enjoyable to play in this expansion the first test will judge these classes based on a variety of play Styles the second how well they fit into the current game story the third will be a test of reputation and the final test the ultimate test well we're gonna reveal that one with the end of this video so let's put our contestants to the challenge shall we with the first test that they must undergo and that is simply this test number one our first test is relatively simple if you're going to play World of Warcraft you definitely are going to need a variety of choices to choose from in terms of play style so for this section we're going to eliminate each class in front of you that cannot fulfill at least two roles in a dungeon or a raid that would be tanking healing or DPS that way if you were to get bored of one type of play style you can always just switch to another one because the best class certainly can't just be locked behind one way of playing the game right so that said let's go over our class contestants and say goodbye to the following so sorry Rogues warlocks hunters and mages but all of you guys are off the list you all might be cool in your own unique ways and Mage you might have won the last class test video I made but right now you guys just are not up to par for the fpft sorry fellas also bonus points to Druids monks and paladins too these guys can fulfill three roles tanking healing and DPS so if you get bored of let's say that second roll you can always choose a third one now for our second test if you're gonna have the maximum amount of enjoyment playing a class it of course needs to fit into the storyline of the current expansion somehow otherwise you're going to end up like a death knight in midst of Pandaria wondering how the heck did your character even get here and why the heck should they even care about what's going on so which classes currently fit into the lore of dragonflight well I would say the following the first would be the warrior because Beowulf is the prince of all Warriors and he's a dragon slayer so being a warrior in this expansion it fits beautifully Druids isera the green dragonflight the emerald dream anyone come on Druids definitely fit in priests because the expedition to the dragon Isles is gonna need healers right come on is what priests are known for shamans Elementals out of control Primal dragons sounds like a job for a shotman right Shaman's finally getting some love evoker because come on smokers or dragons and it's the dragon Isles all right of course they fit some of the classes that we've already eliminated certainly fit within this expansion but unfortunately they're already off the board so with our expansion fitting classes now known we gotta eliminate the following number one sorry death Knights but it's an expansion about dragons and Rogue Elementals it's not really your thing demon Hunters you guys most certainly don't fit in this expansion really these guys have not fit in anywhere since Legion monks as much as I'd like to say that maybe a lot of monks would travel to the island to have a drink with some dragons uh kind of a stretch so we're not gonna have monks on the list here and lastly paladins I love paladins but unfortunately there's no violators of the light when it comes to the dragon Isles there's certainly room for maybe some Paladin Healing when it comes to the expedition to a new land but kind of like the monk it's a little bit of a stretch so if there was some Undead walking around I'd keep the paladins but unfortunately there's not so oh well things are certainly heating up though let me tell you what I can already smell the rage in the comments section and this video ain't even edited yet but let's not get us but let's not let ourselves stop here we've got five classes remaining test number three now if you're gonna have fun playing as a class you need to of course be playing a class that everybody loves and enjoys right a fan favorite type of class if you would so that said what we're gonna do is we're gonna eliminate any class that swell not so beloved by the community for one reason or another we don't want to play a class that if you decide to play One You're Gonna Be mocked for doing so in any way shape or form instead you want to find yourself warmly welcomed into any group you join so unfortunately we're gonna get rid of the following classes number one shamans I'm sorry shamans but your entire class is pretty much a meme since classic wow I love shamans but unfortunately we're always underperforming we're always complaining on the forums blizzard is always giving us the short end of the stick we have not been cool since classic wow I said it and also evokers I'm sorry evokers but no matter how much you try to escape that furry slash scaly stereotype you're never gonna do it trust me I'm a death knight I play a death knight and I still to this day am called an edge Lord and a cringe Factory so sorry guys but shamans and evokers you guys are off the list as for our three remaining contestants you can't really complain about either of them Warriors are beloved tanks and Jim Bros and real life priests they're the most beloved healers in the game and Druid players they always tend to be extremely good at World of Warcraft due to how versatile their class is and they can also fulfill any role needed in a group so we've narrowed it down to three my friends three classes remain but only one class can be the best only one can be the most fun class to play in dragonflight and we're gonna find out which of these three it is thanks to the final test test number four there is only one way to break the tie between these three classes only one way to determine which of them is the most fun to play as which of them is the best and that is simply of these three which would win in a honky tonk bar fight in the American South and guys that's clearly obvious the priest would get his ass kicked repeatedly he probably wouldn't be in the bar because he's too holy for that sort of thing the point is he'd get his ass kicked even despite his attempts to heal himself the Druid he would transform into a bear and get himself shot by every redneck hunter in the vicinity and the warrior despite enduring cuts and bruises he would likely be so drunk on Woodford Reserve and so enraged by the fact that that steamy night elf babe in the corner stood him up for playing the overcompensating wiener class [Music] oh that's kind of small yikes that he would end up beating the living crap out of every person in that bar all before kindly paying his Tab and tipping the bartender generously so yeah guys that's pretty much it that settles it the war the warrior is objectively the best and most fun class to play in World of Warcraft dragonflight sorry other classes but maybe someday you guys can be as cool Chad and awesome as the Beloved Warrior or you ah
Channel: Nixxiom
Views: 145,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, WoW Dragonflight, Dragonflight, world of warcraft dragonflight, world of warcraft 2022, nixxiom, wow best class, wow most fun class, dragonflight best class, nixxiom dragonflight, top 10 best classes to play in wow, most fun class to play in wow, world of warcraft best class, which class in wow is the best, most fun wow class, best world of warcraft, world of warcraft 2023, wow 2023
Id: Z1PJgiEXhws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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