#AskZBrush: “Can you show how to make a Tire using ZModeler?”

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you this is Joseph trust to another episode of ask ZBrush so we did questions sensei and asking can you show how to make a tire using zmodeler so the question isn't quite your normal asset ZBrush question but since it's a pretty fast process I'm gonna go ahead and just do a quick demo here on how to make a tire using the zmodeler brush inside of ZBrush here so to start off I just to have ZBrush loaded up and I have a polymesh3d star here in the viewport I'm gonna navigate over to the tool palette over here I'm gonna select this cylinder 3d object now the cylinder 3d object is what I'm gonna use to base my initial start of the tire off so I turn the floor grid on here I'm gonna gate to the initialize panel here I'm going to do a line to X so my tire is going like so inside a ZBrush I'm gonna make sure I have my horizontal divide set to 30 to usually end up using numbers that are divisible by 8 so 8 16 32 that's usually the numbers I use for cylindrical objects and I'm gonna turn my V divide all the way down to the lowest setting which is 3 and then I'm going to do an inner radius here just get a start of a tire here so I'm just gonna change us a little bit just to give me something like this this is going to be my starter shape for my tire creation so after I'm happy with this I'm gonna come over here to the top of the tool palette here I'm just gonna click make polymesh3d and now I have my tire like so so there are a few things I'm gonna use when creating this tire one thing I'm ended up using a lot is only the geometry tab here and modify topology there's this mirror and weld option so I'm to go ahead and mirror and weld and X here now I have a nice center line on my tire here now the next thing I want to do is switch to the zmodeler brush so I'm gonna hit B on my keyboard and I'm gonna hit Z and then I'll locate the zmodeler brush or press M and now I have the zmodeler brush selected so modeling a tire inside of ZBrush here with the zmodeler brush the real only trick to doing it is turning on symmetry so if I come up to the transform tab here I'm going to activate symmetry and I'm gonna have turn on like so and I'm going to click this radial symmetry option here and I'm gonna set this to 16 so I want it to be half roughly of the segments that are going all around Tyre so since I set this to 32 in the initialize tab and inside it's a 16 here and now if you can see when I hover across my model like so I'm gonna be able to cue mesh using this radial symmetry so this is going to allow me to come through and generate this tire really quick just using the zmodeler brush thing see I'm already coming through and there we go we got like even just a start tread so I can make a paddle boat really quick here so that's pretty much the only real trick to making a tire with the Zeeman brush just make sure you have radial symmetry on so the next processes are all pretty standard I'm gonna toggle a lot of the symmetry on and off with X here on my keyboard and I'm just gonna use some of the basic functions here so the main function that we use is this insert edgeloop which is a default setting for zmodeler brush I'm just going to come through and establish some edge loops here and you'll notice I'm only working on one side of the tire so I'm working on the left side of the tire here so at any time if I wanted to go to the other side let's come over here and click mirror and weld and it's gonna give me the same on the other side so this allows me the functionality of using that radial symmetry and also using mirror and weld to get it happen to the other side of the mesh there so I'm just cutting in some loops and I'm gonna hold alt with this insert edgeloop to remove some loops and this is gonna start giving me that smooth tire shape and some of these areas so we're like the wheel will would be through here and I'm just coming through in just establishing some edges so nothing too crazy you can also come through and apply new polygroups to these areas which is handy when using me cue mesh brush I'm gonna hover over an edge here press spacebar change this to poly group and then I come through and give different polygroups to these different areas and this is gonna allow me to now come through with that Q measure us there and use options like polygroup all this is gonna allow me to use that q mesh area there and just affect the entire polygroup so I'm just gonna come through and just keep using this insert single edge loop and these options here just add some different elements here so nothing too crazy so new polygroup and keep meshing it out Maggie I'm starting it this little shape of some sort of wheel here and then add some stuff here and then maybe cut some insert edges through here so after you have your kind of basis of your tire here so something that's like so we now can start talking about the tray so for the tread option what I'm gonna do for this let me turn back on that radial symmetry I'm gonna go back into the cube mesh change my target back to a single poly and I'm just going to pull up some tread here so that we got some tread like so and then maybe pull it up here as well so I have this kind of tread pattern here now if I mirror this over the other side and end up with a tire looks like this but this probably isn't what you want so what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab part of the model here and mask it and then I'm gonna apply a rotation modifier in the deformation panel which is gonna give me that nice twist so I'm gonna come through and grab just the middle radius here first we'll show you this example and then I'm going to flip the mask by just holding ctrl and clicking off the model now let me go to the deformation panel here and go to the rotate here and change this to X and now I'm gonna rotate and now you can see I'm getting that too kind of Tyre effect there like so so I can change my masking and mask just that middle portion and then do that rotating again and now you can see I'm getting this kind of tread pattern and I'll take the model and using the move transpose line hit the white circle to Center it to my mesh hold shift to drag it out to the side here and then I'm gonna grab the inner circle on the extent and then hold shift and I'll shrink that tire in like so so now I have something like this right so interesting little things you can do with the zmodeler brush and just this rotation to get a different entire effect there so my intersection of my tire part needs to bulge out a little bit too so I'm gonna mask that again and I'm gonna come over here to the deformation and I'm just going to adjust the size which is now gonna give me a bulge like that and I can mask these lines and do the same thing and just start getting my tire to look a little round like so now when things fun thing about this using the zmodeler brush is that any timing come to the job she tap here and go to crease I'm gonna set this to say 45 and crease and then I go to the dynamic subdivision and turn that on and now you're gonna get a dynamic preview of your tire here so you'll see I have some edge pinching with the smooth subdivisions here so I need to add some creasing there so back to the zmodeler brush hovering over an edge set my target to edge loop complete then I come through and just tag those edges there I'm just gonna straighten those out and so now I have this kind of smooth tire effect now since I still have that radial symmetry option too and I have it set to half my diameter I can quickly come through and just tag different edges as well really fast and get those to retain those creasing that's going to give me a nice tire effect now once you have this kind of setup - and anytime you can also come in just modify this with the cumin attraction - if I want to make round holes or maybe even like start cue meshing this stuff here and now I'm getting a little different kind of happy accident tyre stuff going on here now I got some cool tread patterns like so and bring these up and then come the threads say insert some edge loops in here and then even queue mesh some of these guys out so you start seeing how you can just start playing with the zmodeler brush to get different tread patterns on your mesh they're so interesting little stuff there then for the wheel well you can just do the same thing so just coming across Poly's and dragging them out and start getting different inner radius stuff going on like so add more edge loops in here maybe do some tapering on these guys pay for that and then delete that edge and then add another Benj loop through here and maybe pull these out so using the connection and holding shift gonna give me a move action instead of a cue mesh option that's nice see I'm starting to get a more interesting tire shape when I'm all here I can control the creasing as well on these parts here so turn that dynamic on hovering over that edge again and then going to crease I'm doing edge on that increase these guys quick and retain these different values here and using that radial symmetry helps speed up this process quite a bit for just tagging edges and creasing stuff so I have a tire tread like so smooth some of these out so it's mostly just playing with the different options inside of the zmodeler brush and then using that radial symmetry and that's gonna allow you to generate some tire effects here so another thing if you want offset trends but last thing for this here let's undo this and now I'm gonna hide part of my model here so I'm just gonna hide that part there and then maybe I should we'll just hide in this part too and now I'm gonna go to modify topology I'm just gonna delete hidden so I'm only left with half of this tire here now I'm gonna go to the mirror and weld and simply click Marin weld which is going to now generate this effect so I have two halves of the tire and they're separated in the middle so now I have two halves and I want to do a kind of a cross tread so it tried that goes in diagonal or like bridges between the two so I'm simply just going to mask one of these sections out here go back to that deformation panel here go to this rotate option here and now I want to rotate this model in a degree where this side here will be connected to this side now so to do this I know that I have 32 segments going all the way across I know if I take 360 and divide that by 32 I get eleven point two five so I'm coming the rotate option here and just type in eleven point two five and hit enter so now I have rotated half the model here in eleven point two five degrees so now I'm going to clear my mask here and now the next thing I want to do is I want to bridge some Poly's through here so with that radial symmetry on I'm gonna hover over an edge go to bridge and make sure I have the target of edges I'm gonna simply click and click I'm just bridging the parts that are sticking out here like so so I end up with something like this and now I can hover over this open edge here and go back to bridge now do two holes and now I can select one of these holes and then select the other hole and it's gonna bridge across like so and I can do the same thing for this inner area here so just bridging those two sides like so and now I have something like this so now that I have this kind of set up like so I'm gonna shrink my tire against and dragging out transpose line hitting the white circle to make sure it goes in the middle and then dragging it in like so I'm gonna go back to the zmodeler brush hover over one of these edges and go back to insert and I'm just going to delete some of these guys here and now I'm going to turn back on that radial symmetry and just drag these out you can see now I'm getting this cross tire pattern here so now I have this kind of effect going on my mesh here now I can apply that same thing again where I mask out part of that intersection there go to this rotate and rotate this around like so and mask out the other edges do that same rotate again so now I have a tread pattern like this so all sorts of things you can do just the zmodeler brush a cylinder using this rotate option and information and radial symmetry that's basically the process I use to model tires inside of zebra shares so nothing too crazy just a lot of a lot of symmetry so I hope that helps if you have any other additional questions related to ZBrush pipelines or processes please use the hashtag ask ZBrush on Twitter happy zbrushing you
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 26,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush, 3D, askzbrush, sculpting, modeling, digital, art, design, creation, create, artwork, how to, tutorial, making of, Tires, Tire, ZModeler, Symmetry, radial, Brush, Mirror, Weld, Deformation, Rotate
Id: 9DDZUFr1eTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2016
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