#AskZBrush: “How can I go about wrapping a tube around a cylinder shape?”

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you this is Joseph trust and welcome back to another episode of ask ZBrush sarita question sensing asking how can I go about wrapping a tube around a cylinder shape so start off by just to have ZBrush loaded up and I just have a simple cylinder shape here loaded in this is just created from a primitive over here in the tool palette now the question is asking about taking a shape like this and then appending in another object and wrapping that other object around this shape so I'm go through a few processes in which you can do to achieve that effect so the first one I'm just gonna navigate over here to the tool palette and go to the sub tool area over here and then I'm just gonna click on this append button here and I'm just going to append in a cylinder 3d object so this is going to allow me to a pend a new sub tool which is now going to be this cylinder shape into my existing tool so I have my original cylinder shape and now a new cylinder that has been impended as a separate sub tool I've turned my floor here--he this is how my world is currently positioned so I'm just going to make sure I'm aligned in this view here I turn the floor off and I'm also going to disable perspective I'm gonna make sure I have that new cylinder that I appended selected I'm now going to navigate up at the top here and I click the move option here which is gonna give me the gizmo 3d with the gizmo 3d selected I'm gonna hover on this outer ring here and I click and drag I'm gonna hold down shift until it's rotated in negative 90 so I'm gonna have it rotated so it's now going horizontally around the model here next thing I want to do is I want to scale this out in the Y I'm gonna hover over this little rectangle shape here which should be scale Y and I click and drag on that just to scale this out some just something like that I'm gonna zoom out a little bit and I'm gonna use the middle square here which is scale X Y Z just scale that down a bit and I'm gonna move it down in the X until it's at the bottom of my cylinder shape so now I have this tube created and it's positioned directly under my initial cylinder so now that I have this tube created I now want to take this tube and I want to bend it around my cylinder shape so the first process I'm going to use is I'm going to use a deform er so if I have the gizmo 3d selected there is this gear icon and if you hover over this it will be labeled customized and if I click on this gear it's going to open up this menu here at the top of this menu of a bunch of different primitives that you can use to create different items inside ZBrush and then below this you have a large list of deformers so that a former I'm looking for here is this bend arc the former so I'm just gonna hover over that and then simply click and this will now activate that deform now if you rotate around your model when the deform er is active you're gonna see a series of cones and if you hover over any of these cones you're going to get a description of what each and one of these codes will do so the cone I'm looking for is the one that should be directly underneath the original cylinder shape here and if you hover over this cone it should say angle and then you'll have an equal sign and say zero so we just want to hover over that code and then we're going to hover over it and we're going to click and drag upwards and as you drag this upwards you're gonna notice that that cylinder shape is going to start to bend and we just want to drag it all the way up until the dialogue at the bottom there says negative 180 if i zoom out a little bit here you can now see I've taken that cylinder shape and it has now created this bend effect so it's basically taking that shape and now generated a ring out of it so now with this ring generated you can see it's a little bit off of the surface of my cylinder shape here so I need to adjust another parameter on this been dark deform so I'm gonna hover over this cone here and if you hover over this it should say radius equals zero and I just want to click and drag on this and this will allow me to scale the radius effect here and I can scale it down until it about bumps into that cylinder shape so right now my value here is about negative 0.41 I just want to scale that down a little bit so now I've taken that tube shape I've used the bend arc de former to bend it around that cylinder shape and I've also adjusted the radius to fit it closer to the original shape now after you have something like this we now need to go back into our gear customize menu here by just clicking this and now we're just gonna click the accept option here which is going to lock in this deformation now after we've accepted this we now just want to make sure this tube is now centered to the world like my existing cylinder shape so I'm first going to click this little icon here that will go to unmasked mesh Center and that's gonna go right to the direct center of the tube shape now I just need to take this tube and Center it to the world axis I'm gonna click this home icon here the little house and this will now recenter the gizmo to the center of the world so now this tube should now be bent around the cylinder shape there and will also be centered to the world so this is now matching that cylinder shape I originally created so that was the process of using the deform er which is the bend arc deformers that's the first way you can take a shape such as a tube and bend it around a cylinder object now if I undo this here just get back to my original cylinder shape there's another deform er that is pretty handy at bending objects in your scene so I'm gonna go back to the customize menu and open this up and this time I'm going to select the Bend curve deform ur here now when you activate this to former you're gonna get another set of cones that are gonna be generated and this little bounding box around your object and once again if you hover over these cones you can be able to see what the different cones will end up doing so we first want to find the access cone here and we just want to click and drag this until we get these little dots going to the extents of our tube shape as you can see as I change the axis value here the position of these dots is going to be modified so we want to make sure that the dots are at the ends of our tube the next thing we want to do is we want to locate the resolution option here and we want to click and drag on this and this is going to allow us to add more of these dots to our shape so you see as we change this resolution value here we're gonna be able to add or nots and now we can rotate to the front of our model here and now if we hover over any of these dots and click and drag remember it will start bending that shape so in company and start clicking on these and start deforming our tube shape and this can be deformed all around different surfaces on your model and you can manipulate these pretty freely so you can generate some interesting designs but just taking that tube and then bending it around different objects this also works great for cloth so if you want to wrap some stuff around a character or a different object in your scene and just go to this deformers palette and activate this is the former and then go through and start manipulating that mesh another handy option that this the former has is it also can be used with symmetry so if I hover over the cone here I should say symmetrical at the bottom and I can activate this and this will now allow me to work with this Bend option here in this symmetrical fashion so I can create different kind of hook shapes out of that object as its wrapping around that other mesh in your scene so really handy the former there now after you're happy with the deform er you just need to go back to this customize gear icon here open this up and now we just need to accept the changes that we did with that Bend curve and this will now return our mesh back to normal so that is a second option that you can use to bend a tube around a cylinder shape and you can access that by making sure you have the gizmo 3d visible then going to the gear customize menu here and choosing the Bend curve the former now one final way you can take an object and bend it around a cylinder is to use an insert mash curve brush so I'm just gonna come back to the sub tool palette over here and select my original cylinder shape and I'm gonna hide the eyeball icon here for the other objects I now just have that cylinder shape selected the next thing I want to do is I want to navigate to the brush menu over here and I'm just gonna click this and I want to locate an IMM curve brush so I'ma select this curve strap snap brush right here and this is now going to give me this brush now this brush will allow you to draw a curve on your mesh and wherever you draw this curve you're going to get a strap generated so if I come across cylinder here and click and drag you can see as I drag that curve out I'm going to get this strap generated across the surface of my model now you could take this and try to manipulate this to bend around the cylinder manually however there is a functionality you can do with any I am M curve brushes that allow you to draw a curve out on your model so they come across my mesh here and click and drag and as you're drawing it out if you hold down shift it's going to take that curve and wrap it around the mesh then once you release you're gonna see that it's going to take that I am M brush and it's going to wrap it all the way around my object so that process again let me just undo this here is first makes you have an object selected without subdivisions come over to the brush palette and select a curve brush so like this curve straps snap brush here come across your model click and drag and as you're dragging hold down shift and this will perform a loop around the object you currently have selected and then when you release that curve is going to be generated around that mesh now after you have generated this curve you can modify things like the intensity and then click on the curve again to update it and this will allow you to get a larger shape and also adjust your draw size here you can see now you've taken that object and generated it around that cylinder now once you're happy with the curve shape that has been generated you just need to make sure you delete the curve so I'm go to the stroke palette up at the top here and go to the curve functions option here and now we can click delete and now we have that tube now being wrapped around that cylinder now after we have this wrapped around the cylinder you probably want to separate this off to its own sub tool as well so we go back to the sub tool palette over here we can scroll down to the split options here and in here we can use the split unmasked points since anytime you generate an IMM curve brush on a model that part is going to be unmasked and everything else is going to be masked so you can now use the split unmasked points and this will now split the unmasked areas out into a new sub tool and now if we go back to our sub tool palette over here and select that ok activate solo to see this you can see I now have that cylinder shape itself so those are three methods in which you can take a cylinder object and wrap different objects around the surface of that model if you have any other questions related to ZBrush pipelines or processes please use the hashtag ask ZBrush on Twitter happy zbrushing
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 29,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush, 3D, askzbrush, sculpting, modeling, digital, art, design, creation, create, artwork, how to, tutorial, making of, wrap, wrapping, curve, imm, bend, deformers, deformer, arc, bend arc, bend curve, accept, gizmo, 3d, customize, cylinder, shape, bending, deforming
Id: YDHk7zvrk7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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