Asking Private Jet Billionaires How They Got Rich

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our dream is to get a tour of a private jet is there any way I can tell you this one would be when I'm 60. I'm gonna be a lot more rich I want to be a lot more handsome I'm gonna have a bigger plane I'm always curious how much money do I need to make to get my own jet but I'm like how much does a jet like this cost if rich people who fly these planes actually did something with their money we wouldn't have any problems we have done some insane stuff to get you the best millionaire advice on YouTube but nothing compares to what we are going to do next today my mission is to hitchhike on a Billionaire's private jet and find out what they do for a living and get advice for people like you and me real quick we're doing we're YouTubers trying to do a video about our dream is to get to get a tour of a private jet is there any way you think that's possible this is our Dream for the year cool question do you guys own one of the Jets we're YouTubers we were trying to see if we could check out one of the Jets like take a photo of it Miss um so we're trying to find out these who these private jet owners are you allowed to talk to us about this [Music] okay thanks all right so now we're at this is like the most elite uh private hangar in Austin so we're gonna go check it out inside we're in the private lobby we're just gonna basically wait for people to see if we can meet some private jet owners and talk to them excuse me you guys need to get out oh really yeah sorry all right well tried do you guys own one of the private jets or are you chartering one of them yeah so we just act these two guys that are sitting outside in a nice Mercedes young kids and they're like yeah our dad's showing up in a jet and I was like you think we can take some photos with the chat and he's like maybe like dude I'll take a maybe we have a popular YouTube channel that inspired young entrepreneurs okay and so we want to check out Jets and then meet you know talk to people who own it just like what they do to help inspire people in their own careers I don't mind you filming it what's it like to own a private jet or what's it like to have one so much work done I can see time the amount that I could if I was playing commercials today what kind of work y'all in you know like food business Food business like poultry or just all kinds of food so you guys like have you sell to like markets and stuff if someone's starting out in their career is that something you'd recommend to get in that kind of industry yeah I mean I think the food business is pretty bulletproof in terms of economy I think three businesses money in other words there's money in Money high tech yes sir and food business those businesses will always survive I'm always curious how much money do I need to make to get my own jet but I'm like a lot is that like 100 million no no but you know it's it's not cheap but it's it's like a tool yeah it's like a piece of an equipment that you manufacture with right it's because this thing cost you money or does it make money yes sir you go see enough customers closing up deals and I don't appreciate that can we check inside can we just get a quick look at what it looks like [Music] private jet life I'm about it playing flying commercials no more once I got access to check out the first jet I snooped around to see if there were any other private jet owners that would give me a tour start is that okay is it okay with you yeah yeah I have a piper Comanche and we're just trying to check out some of the different private jets is that okay if we check out inside yeah damn that's cool the closet bathroom what kind of stuff do you do for learning a few years ago retired for that as entrepreneur I've started three different businesses what were the companies you created first one was called Lone Star Overnight started an art company called people admin software that's a huge company starting our business called School admin I got asked what do you recommend for young entrepreneurs you've gotta just love taking huge risks I often hurt courage people be objective about what your skills are yes sir the whole the whole of her skills are and seek out a partner complimentary and then you just gotta have some tolerance of ambiguity you're never going to have enough information you're never going to search data keep working until you feel like you've got 100 of the data you need to make a decision you're going to be wrong 30 of the time or something unless you're making a call yeah as we built some momentum with responses that we were getting we decided to go back to where we first started and try our luck again how are you man we're YouTubers our dream is to get a tour of a private jet all right would you oh okay thank you brother next time maybe appreciate you sir oh is there any way is there like are you sure can we oh dude yeah no really that guy said yes come on come on come on come on he was really good looking and he's like nah man I don't think so and I was like bro you sure he's like all right come on bro this is insane before we go and check out this private jet here is a quick word from yours truly about the relaunch of our monthly 1K course I love making these videos for you guys it always reminds me that there are so many different ways to make money out there My Hope Is that stories like this inspire you to get your own business started so that you too can buy your own private jet and if you need help getting started in a business I want to help you so we just relaunched my course monthly how to make a thousand dollar a month business it'll help you choose your business idea strategy get your first customers scaling and support the course has helped thousands of people make their first thousand dollars a month and Beyond and it used to be 600 bucks and today we've made it only ten dollars there's no upseller subscriptions we want to make entrepreneurships accessible so if you wanted to get your business started or need some help check it out at YouTubers and they wanted to go tour the airplane okay dude this is sick do you know why he buy it why did you buy a jet he made a ton of money last year and um decided he needed a big airplane you know what kind of work he was doing or what kind of stuff he did to make all the money he was he was trading how much does a jet like this cost it's 33 34 million how is having this like change your lifestyle and time is energy and so it's this is a great multiplier were you always doing trading like all along or was something you got into more recently no I got I was in the Navy as a nuclear engineering and I got out and got into finance and then I fun to learn about money and I learned looking at my MBA and so I won the engineering side of things and the finance side of things so good in the power marketing I trade the most volatile markets in the world they're more involved on crypto they're more volatile than any commodity out there electricity is the number one most volatile in the world and they're the most reliably predictable because they follow the laws of physics which is a conundrum right the most predictable and the most volatile for someone young that aspires to have a jet like this like what would you recommend to them final Niche and crush it deliver more value than anybody else and how did you find yours just by trying to solve a problem and help help out as much as possible dude you made it like our month thank you guys so much thank you guys cheers as we were getting off the plane taking pictures and exchanging details we managed to make the impossible happen James the owner of the jet helped us fulfill our mission for the video which was the hitchhike on a private jet the greatest Friday ever we're going to Boston just an hour ago we were getting expelled from the private airport Lobby oh really and now somehow we've managed to convince a jet owner to fly with him to Boston how much the cost to run the plane for a year you were saying about a million bucks this flight to Boston like what does that cost seventeen thousand dollars do you have a venmo you like 100 bucks how do you think about your finances you said like some of the stuff like crypto hasn't done well like how I guess how have you thought about your money and spending it or like like doing this kind of trip I think of the economy and phases and what cycle I think they're in I think we're entering into a winter I think winter time is when strongest come out and survive the more that we take care of each other the more we can help each other that's what's truly going to create more value in our society so I want to be part of the solution how can I be part of a solution get healthy why I just turned 50 years old what's gonna who am I gonna be when I was when I turn 60 I can tell you who I'm going to be when I'm 60. I'm going to be a lot more rich I would be a lot more handsome might be a lot more powerful I want to be a lot more connected I'm going to have a lot more capacity to solve more problems I'm gonna have a bigger plane I'm gonna have more resources I'm going to employ more people and I'm going to fix new problems if rich people who fly these planes actually did something with their money with that mindset we wouldn't have any problems we just touched down in Boston completing our mission of hitchhiking on a private jet if you want to hear more about James's story stay tuned And subscribe to the channel as we'll be releasing the full interview but for now it was time to find a way home we just now are in freezing weather Boston we got on a guy named James private jet it costs around a hundred thousand dollars for him more or less to fly here to pick up one friend and it's interesting to learn about the rich and how they value their time what kind of things they do for work was it worth all the work which you'll have to hear the story to check it out but to be able to just have that ability as well as such a superpower what a wild adventure I think there's just a great lesson in there for anyone which is just if you have a chance to go on an adventure always take it if you don't watch the full interview I had with James and my flight from Austin to Boston check out this video
Channel: Noah Kagan
Views: 909,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hitchhiking, hitchhiking private jet, asking millionaires how they got rich, asking millionaires for advice, asking millionaires how to make money, private jet tour, private jet, noah kagan, how to make 1 million dollars, what do you do for a living
Id: coSLSCYhrBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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