Asking Lifetime Members What They Do for a Living

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why do you pay so much for a gym membership what's the most you've ever made in one month so if you were 20 years old right now what type of business would you start do you have any favorite books or podcasts what's the craziest way you've ever made money [Music] hey everyone so we're at Lifetime Fitness here in Laguna California today we're asking members what they do for a living now memberships here start at about 250 per month so it's definitely very very expensive and yeah I'm always curious what do people do for a living to be able to afford a gym membership like this we'll be asking questions about the profession how they invest their money entrepreneurship tips as well as a bunch of other fun questions that you guys won't want to miss so let's go [Music] okay so we got kicked out because we're not allowed to film here so we're going to do the interviews outside for you guys so what's your name Age and what you do John I'm 62 and I'm a vice president of a Fortune 100 company do you have any advice for people I want to get into law if you love what you do you'll be successful do you have any advice for discovering your passion you need to try a number of things I think you need to be open-minded and you need to talk with as many people as possible and experience as many things as possible and trust me you'll find your passion why do you pay so much for a gym membership this happens to be geographically desirable what's the most you've ever made in one month probably a quarter of a million dollars I'm guessing do you have any tips for saving money you have to take some risks so if you take some risks you're going to lose some money at some point you're going to lose money but then you learn from it and be entrepreneurial I wish I had been more entrepreneurial what's one thing you want to leave people with I talked to a friend the other day who knows a number of very very successful people the commonality and all these successful people is one they never disconnect 6 p.m Saturday they're always there for their business two they have a bias for Action I've been to so many meetings in the corporate world you go back and forth and put forth and back just do it if you just do it six out of 10 of them are successful you can't vacillate like Hamlet to be or not to be you just have to go forward and do it and those are the common denominators go out there and dream and Achieve and build and take risks but be sensible about it that's it thank you so much what's your name agent what you do Jason Charles I'm 60 years old I'm an entrepreneur co-founder of and oceanic media how did you get into that my fraternity brother registered in 95 and did nothing with it finally I said enough's enough time to do something out of this how do you guys monetize a website like that started off by creating a show called world of waves I produce that sold advertising in that create awareness of the website itself send traffic a to it just consistent persistence the only way we got it to stay alive and then do you have any advice for younger entrepreneurs that want to start a business yes figure out what type of business you'd like to do go get the experience by working for someone else and then when you feel you have enough say thank you ask you for a parachute if you can and go do it on your own so if you were 20 years old right now what type of business would you start personally I would start a business where the revenue potential is very high if you're going to put in that amount of work man you need to you might as well have a lot a big upside to that I would say Tech is probably where that is what's the best part about being an entrepreneur creating your own schedule and being reliant on your own efforts for the outcome for me it's hey if I fail my fault if I succeed my credit all right so we just got kicked out they're super nice about it we're gonna try and do a few more in the parking garage or somewhere the people we've talked to so far and Fire I'm Zach and 24 and I have a blockchain company and I model how did you get to blockchain how did you get into modeling got in with the UN for infrastructure overseas we started a company to build blockchain systems to take them off of Legacy systems what about modeling five years ago someone just approached me I did like a runaway show with Ralph Lauren and got signed by a couple different agencies and been doing ever since why do you pay so much for a gym membership I actually used to work here in college and I still work here once a week on Sundays for a free membership isn't networking here really good yeah no it's literally where I've made like all my connections of people that come here are all the big CEOs all the people who and good people too like really nice people a lot of the old heads of money that really want to make a difference in the world so do you have advice for aspiring entrepreneurs grind work as much as you can now while you're young ignore the distractions I feel like too many young men are too focused on girls so what's the trait that you have that makes you successful consistency you got to be consistent because most people start out they talk a lot and they try doing their ideas they try working on them but then they quit as soon as things get hard so it's just consistency so how are you able to stay consistent my surroundings who I'm with my friends what's your favorite book The Millionaire is code it's basically exactly what we're talking about just like consistency you know most people Society who stay middle class their habits that keep the middle class it's well over quick money you don't quick money doesn't exist what's the most you've ever made in one month probably 60. well actually no I think I made a little bit more once shorting what was that Luna Luna Terra when it crash okay so what do you think young entrepreneurs should do once they've reached a certain level of wealth invest in people because when you invest in people you have the greatest return you know when you invest in people to invest back in you and it feels a whole lot better than sitting in a you know Big Empty House by yourself and with no friends so yeah awesome thank you so much my name is Danny I'm 22 and I am a student what are you studying right now humanbiology at USC what do you hope to do with that degree I am hoping to go into medicine next year I'm going to be getting my masters also at USC and then I'll be applying for medical school what has been the best purchase you've made in the last year oh my gosh I got a silk pillowcase love it amazing purchase it was a hundred dollars but worth every single Cent you paid a hundred dollars just for a silk pillowcase like just the outside feeling at others it I work at a hospital like I volunteered there and I swear a smile can go such a long way it's so easy it doesn't even take two seconds just smile what's the craziest way you've ever made money you know I'm not gonna answer that one how about second craziest way I've put this girl's hair up in a ponytail at a frat party and she vendored me five bucks and I just did her hair I'm Steve 22 and I am a sales merchandiser for alcohol Distribution Company so what type of skills do you need to be successful at that job communication timeliness honesty Integrity stuff like that and why do you pay so much for a gym membership they have these bundled packages here so the first person pays a lot but every other person added to the account pays less what's the best thing about Lifetime Fitness the ease to working out there's not like a super big crowd in terms of like demand for a certain piece of equipment I mean we walked in it and it was this is like the coolest gym ever what's your favorite book right now in the Bible I learn about love what true love looks like and how to love others as best we can the same way tell me what your biggest mistake in life ever was thinking like the grass is greener on the other side but realizing that you know that doesn't really change the situation if you can't get right within yourself you're still going to have the same problems just in the new place and what's one big change you made this year that really made the year better trying my best to Value relationships instead of like the routine of the day like oh I need to get this done that done that done in those moments where you know your schedule could be interrupted it's okay because the person in front of you is more important right this has been the hardest episode we've filmed because we basically keep getting kicked out so we're hopefully find some more people what's your name Asian what do you do Yasmin and I'm 26 and I'm a program manager at NBC how did you get into that do you have any advice interned and work myself in college to try to figure it out and that worked a lot what's something that you would tell your younger self be yourself be true to who you are never feel like you have to fit in why do you pay so much for a gym because I think the biggest investment is for health everything else will leave you but your health is something you can never get back so in comparison to luxury items I come here every day so I get my money's worth out of it my name is John Philippe I'm 20 and I'm a pharmaceutical social media manager did you go to college I did not I started as a receptionist when I was 17 and I've been working there for three years now do you have any advice for people I want to get into social media you know you just got to start I had no idea what I was doing at first and then I got into a tick tock business manager it's a really simple course and you can go from there it just takes a lot of repetition for other business owners and entrepreneurs how can they use social media to take their business to the next level one thing I always advertise is making your brand look good having your own packaging having your own look to your yourself that's a huge thing of becoming a small business that people enjoy why do you go to Lifetime Fitness it's the idea of surround yourself with bigger Minds there are a lot of very very intelligent people that I've met that I've networked with at this gym and it helps me a lot to stay focused on what I want to do because there are so many people all older than me these older people they're very rude but they're very intelligent some of them are very nice human beings can you share one piece of advice that you learned from someone that you met here the obvious is stay focused keep your head down keep pushing always networking what's the purpose of life to make it a better place make others happier and leave the world with people knowing that you were a good person cool thank you so much my name is Emily I'm 25 and I'm a dancer how did you get into that I've been dancing my whole life since I was three just started because of my sisters and then I just continue do you have advice for people that want to make money from dance you have to have a passion for it just keep on pushing towards your passion don't give up and it's going to be your time eventually if you keep on working towards it how did you find your current agency auditions auditions and just knowing people just like with any industry it's about who you know so you have to make connections so why do you go to such an expensive gym it's very clean the equipment is top-notch I really enjoy it it's literally just a One-Stop shop for everything like I spend hours here so I don't mind spending a little bit more on the gym I know because I've spent a little bit more I'm more enticed to go and get my money's worth yeah what's the craziest thing you've ever done to make money I would say dance and nightclubs okay yeah it's a crazy industry how does that work I'm super intrigued like so I would do Go-Go dancing so I would be up on stage it's interesting like being sober seeing like that nightlife industry and dealing with some people it's it's a whole different world and I give props to people that are like bottle service girls and bartenders because I got out of that because it's just too much what's something that you would tell your younger self enjoy the process don't compare yourself to other people don't get down about where you are right now and where you thought you would be at that age just enjoy the process it will come to you if you keep on pursuing it do you have any favor books or podcasts yeah I love the skinny confidential it's a husband and wife talking they interview a ton of different people on so many different topics and it's just like a vast variety of like what they talk about so I yeah I get a little bit of everything from that so there you have it asking lifetime members what they do for a living as predicted we talk to a lot of really amazing people and I think that the lessons they shared were super insightful if you guys want to get some free stocks I'll leave links down to Weeble and Mumu definitely recommend getting those I also encourage you guys to sign up for hustle Club this is my free entrepreneurial newsletter that goes out once a week and it shows you how to become a better entrepreneur in three minutes or less and yeah I hope you guys got some value out of this video If you enjoyed it make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more content just like this I'm making ton of videos about personal finance entrepreneurship and investing thanks so much and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 272,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asking strangers, lifetime fitness, life time fitness, lifetime gym, life time gym, what do you do for a living, how to make money, how to be a millionaire, financial advice, how to invest, asking rich people, what to do for living, asking wealthy people, how much money do you make, tips to get rich, advice from rich people, street interviews, career ideas, expensive gym, asking equinox
Id: G-fiWlgzln8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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