Asking Tesla Owners What They Do For a Living

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why'd you buy a tesla how do you invest your money what's the craziest thing you've ever done to make money do you like elon musk do you have any advice for aspiring entrepreneurs what's your favorite thing about the tesla did you go to college of course do you think it was worth it my dad doesn't think so so what do you spend your money on how much money do you think you spend per month on post two three grand wow that's amazing hey guys so in today's video i'm gonna be asking tesla owners what they do for a living any advice they have for people that want to be successful as well as a bunch of other questions i know we're getting some absolute gems so make sure to watch the video until the end we're here at a supercharger in orange county and i'm super excited to see what people have to say let's go so what's your name agent what do you do my name is tony i'm 32 and i throw cannabis events in los angeles how much do you make around 250 to 300. do you have any advice for people that want to get into that find out what you love and work hard to monetize it because when you don't feel like you're working you can do it all the time and uh the way to get to the top money never sleeps why'd you buy a tesla i needed something that was spacious but i also wanted to be able to rip up and down the roads so what's your favorite thing about this car then i love the stock steering wheel i feel like you're a f1 driver did you go to college i did go to college i went to college at quinnipiac university do you have any advice for aspiring entrepreneurs just work hard don't try and cost evaluate how much time you're putting into it dump every second that you have time is the most valuable thing and just never give up and if you believe in the dream don't let anybody deter you from it what's your investing strategy then heavy into crypto i'm not gonna lie i got in decently early in the etherium did not get out during the dip but just kept everything doubled down bought more what's something that you wish you started doing earlier i wish i started investing earlier i think that people have this thought that you need tens of thousands of dollars to invest and it's not true you can get in slow take your time look for a five seven percent gains and just continue to do it and then once you have a lump sum get into real estate there's there's really nothing that flips faster than real estate it's the only thing that they're never making more of you need that what's the worst advice you've ever been told put your head down for five years and work hard why putting your head down is the thought of close out everything else and do this job and unless it's something that truly makes you happy unless it's something that you own you should always be looking at the full view of your life i wouldn't trade my 300k a year for 10 million a year if it was something that i hated if it was something that i had to be somewhere every day of the week that's not my definition of happiness so for me just being able to do what you want you seem like a people person how do you network and make new friends man i remember after i graduated college someone told me it's not the grades you make it's the hands you shake so never be afraid to talk to people never be afraid to go start a conversation the worst thing you're going to hear is no get away from me and that's totally fine you're never going to find everybody that wants to interact with you sometimes you're going to have to take rejection but not letting that rejection steer you down a path is really the key just being resilient and knowing that listen i might not meet the person that's going to change my life for some time but as long as you're putting yourself out there you miss 100 of the shots you don't take so i'm constantly shooting what's a daily activity that you do that everyone should do i take like 10 15 minutes a day and stretch at the very beginning of my day i think that's really big just to kind of relieve a little bit of stress breathe and then i think meditation just no music know anything and just think upon what's going on in your life think about what you want aspirations try and focus in on things i think that's really important and what's the purpose of life to experience things love hate the sun the rain different cultures different foods different people languages everything man the differences from culture to culture is what makes us beautiful so i think experiencing life in totalitaria is is big what was your first job picking up the carriages at like a ralph sarah vons or something like that how much do you make doing that i was probably making like 12 bucks an hour or something like that what'd you learn from that job that i will never work for somebody ever again everybody's different so what's for me might not be for you and what's for you what's for you might not be for me but yeah i just i just knew that someone telling me when to be there i felt like there was a lack of respect and respect is big with me i automatically give respect and i think i expect people to automatically return it unless there's you know something going on well this is a great first business that young people can start i think selling things online is really big e-commerce i see a lot of these rug companies popping up now too i think that's really cool just anything that you can do at your home that isn't going to take up a crazy amount of time and being creative being creative is really big you never know what's going to spark that new idea that could change your life my message is always just pursue what you love i don't think enough people in this world have a grasp on what what they're passionate about i think a lot of people know what they like what they don't like but for me finding something that i was passionate about i love bringing people together and i love networking so for me cannabis brought that to where i could bring people together i could get people involved in getting jobs and find people who are passionate about it like myself and bring them into a community in an industry that's emerging that honestly in the next 20 or 30 years will probably be one of the biggest in the country amazing thank you so much for your time man appreciate it thank you so much so what's your name age and what you do i'm andrew i'm 24 and i'm a product manager where do you work i work at a software startup called give with can you tell us how much money you make yeah i make 125 salary that's amazing do you have any tips for people that want to get into product management yeah i mean just grind right like a lot of it's just like taking action taking the time to go take some courses if you don't have that knowledge on you to me going on youtube watching all those youtubers there's chloe on youtube that does it really well and yeah just learning why'd you buy a tesla in 2017 my dad actually bought it for me but yeah we just wanted to go electric and our whole family's electric and it's great we love it yeah so what's your favorite part about the car for the car it's fast they don't really sell silvers anymore so it feels kind of nice driving around in a silver and yeah i love it and i wouldn't trade it for another car right now yeah do you have any advice for people that want to save more money message your 401k maxing it out your roth ira and then going down the buckets there's a lot of cool resources out there you look for deals uh going groupon you can go on really cheap dates using groupon using credit card points so i've really gotten to credit card points lately i'm about to book my flight to bali just using points and so yeah it's sick yeah are you flying business class uh hopefully yeah i got a lot of points and so we're looking at options right now thinking about february so my friends and i are planning that so you mentioned groupon what's the cheapest date you've ever been on cheapest dates free right you can go to the beach for free there's a lot of beaches around here and you can get on a sunset date pack some food make the food at home right and bring it do a little picnic some wine and it really doesn't cost that much to go on to go on a date yeah what's your biggest piece of advice for someone that wants to make a lot of money first educating yourself right either by school or by learning online and self-educating i'm going through my own little journey and and learning all the resources i can like watching you guys or learning some content on youtube udemy or youtube i want to start a lot of different side hustles and i took a lot of inspiration from you so i've started my own youtube channel myself because of you actually oh yeah and uh it's i took a little hiatus because i didn't know what to do with it but now i figured it's just a matter of like talking about yourself and your life and sharing your journey and that's basically what you're doing and i learned a lot from you and that's how i got to where i am yeah what's the craziest thing you've ever done to make money borderline gone broke investing into crypto i was in it since 2017 so i guess technically i didn't really lose money but i really believe in crypto and a lot of the stuff behind it did you go to college i did go to college i went to uc merced bobcats let's go was it worth it you know i originally wanted to major in business my dad was not so happy about being a business major and he's like you know maybe you should get a cs degree and then go technical and you can always do business later down the line i wanted to become a software engineer but figured out i hated coding and that's how i stumbled into product management what's the cheapest thing you've ever done i was with a friend he didn't really want to spend money we didn't want to go out to eat and all we had was like pasta and so it's just like pasta and salt because that gives you the most calorie per dollar for all these college students who are broke that's that's the way to go what's the dumbest thing you've ever bought probably my pc i shouldn't have bought a pc i used to play a lot of games back in the day and spent a lot of money on on computer parts when i probably shouldn't have and i don't really play games all too much anymore i probably should have spent it on some some more courses or some certifications instead or using it to start a drop shipping business or something what's something that you wish you'd started doing earlier i wish i started business earlier we can't complain about that now now i make my journey my passion to share that knowledge with other people right i think a lot of the times we get caught in this mentality like we're not qualified enough we don't know enough but the reality is there's a lot of people out there who may know a lot more than you but there's also a lot of people who don't know as nearly as much as you what's your name age and what you do my name is anthony 40 and i'm a uber driver how long have you been driving for uber i've been driving for six years so what made you want to get a tesla gas price is just too much and this made more sense to do it with the car where you're not paying for any gas you know so how much do you save like you think per day any time i put up at the gas tank probably about 30 to 40 dollars that's huge that's like a thousand dollars per month right do you have any advice for people that want to work for themselves do it i mean just make sure you have a game plan as far as what you want to do and excuse your game plan what's your favorite part about being an uber driver the flexibility i you know if i ever have something to do with my kids or something like that i can always just make time for my kids or if i ever just need to take some time off you don't go after asking your boss like hey i need some time off what's the most you've ever made from one uber ride i think i probably made like close to maybe like two maybe at least a ride that pays you like 200 do you any tips for uber drivers to make the most amount of money be selective about what rides you take that's the most the thing you don't i don't i wouldn't tell any driver just take any ride don't spend too much time trying to take rides that are you got to drive long distances to to to pick people up more than anything what's your biggest advice to save more money get a tesla did you go to college i went to a few years of college i didn't complete college there's a reason why you uh dropped out during that time i just wasn't motivated to go to school how do you invest your money over the last couple years i kind of got into stocks so stocks is a good way to i feel like it's way to invest your money i think the best thing to do is also do research do research in terms of like where you're investing your money what kind of stocks do you invest in tesla actually i do have a lot of tests i do have a do do have some stocks in tesla and i've done bitcoin tested bitcoin some of the bigger companies i don't really mess with like the penny stocks anything you wish you did earlier probably wish i would work for myself earlier try to figure out a niche and some type of business to work for myself earlier and probably wish i would have taken more chances thank you so much man i appreciate the time so what's your name agent what do you do wesley don i am 30 and i work at a hedge fund do you need advice for people that want to work for hedge fund just be aggressive really you know work on your fundamentals a lot and be very aggressive in networking because you know people have really helped me out in my career and it's only because i've gone out and put myself out there and reached out to people did you go to college i did go to college where'd you go uc irvine was it worth it i had a full ride so i didn't pay for it i mean i did make a lot of good friends in college which did help boost my network but in terms of how much academics itself helped me in building my fundamental skill set for being prepared in the workplace debatable what's the smart way that you save money my wife cooks a lot i don't go out to eat very often and like not going out to bars and you know just controlling it really do you have advice for people that want to make more money i think a lot of people who are trying to make more money fail to specialize and i don't think you know i think while it's very smart to diversify the methods in which you receive money and obviously that's like diversifying your investments when it comes to really building a skill set i think you should very much specialize in something because you don't want to be a guy who knows a little about a lot but you want to be that guy who's a subject matter expert at a certain thing what do you invest your money in everything really i mean across all asset classes equities uh real estate a small amount of crypto a lot of different things why'd you buy a tesla test drove this thing and watched it drive itself a little bit watched it connect to my phone watch the charging and just how thoughtful all of the features were inside the car i just knew i had to have it what was your first job i worked in a kitchen of a japanese restaurant how much did you make doing that 10 bucks an hour what'd you learn from working there one i learned to be good in the kitchen i learned to cook i've always had a passion for cooking just as sort of a hobby but the nature of the job of a line cook is relatively humble and you know you work long hours on your feet and it's strenuous and i worked for a japanese chef at the time who wasn't you know the nicest person and while he was callous at times i think the dedication to craft the attention to detail the minutia and rigor that you apply to you know getting better at working with your hands whether it's in the kitchen or not that was one thing that i picked up what's a daily habit you do that you think everyone should do i read at least a few hours a day reading is by far the quickest way to acquire knowledge to learn from other people's experiences to build your intellect and to just help you gain new perspectives so what's a book you think that all people that want to be entrepreneurs or want to be successful should be i think peter thiel's book is a good one from zero to one what's your investing strategy i typically like to call myself a value investor the two most important things i look out in an investment is one do i like the management team and two how much am i paying for it what's your favorite thing about the tesla not ever going to the gas station even the supercharging is like fine like it's not yeah the supercharging is fine i never really get range anxiety of course if you bought back in 2017 2016 2017 you have free super charging for life which which is pretty great you know when you're driving up the 405 and stuck in traffic autopilot's pretty great too thank you so much man appreciate your time so what's your name agent what do you do my name is alexander jesserum i'm 57 years old and i'm currently retired just moved to california oh where you coming from boston what'd you do before a house husband i took care of my kids my wife's a radiologist and i decided to stay at home and raise the kids okay how do you invest your money conservatively you know back when we were you know younger maybe 10 20 years ago we aggressively pursued whichever stocks we wanted to and now we're mostly in in etfs and mutuals so what's your favorite etfs right now i couldn't name them the same ones i told my kids to get that's all broad diversity like gopher large cap small cap it's good to have everything so you can weather the the downturns what's the piece of advice you tell your younger self spend more oh you have to live life you can't just save for the future you have to that's why the best thing about my wife ever up to me i'd spend nothing i'd hoard everything and then my kids get a bigger inheritance thank god you know we you know we go on vacations we plan for the future but we you have to get the plan for the future and enjoy what you have now what's the daily habit you do that you think everyone should do uh walk your dogs at least three times a day it keeps you active if you're a real dog owner you cannot be lazy what's the dumbest thing you've ever bought we got into one of these hedge funds which is paying like 20 and it was doing great when everything settled we lost due diligence yeah always do your research before you jump in why did you guys buy a tesla my uncle had one my dad got one my sister got one and uh i figured it was time for me to join the tide you have to have these access okay clean air vehicles how'd you get that sticker yeah you have to pay for it through through sacramento but you could drive by yourself i could i don't have to be with with someone else they're not gonna pull me over when i'm driving the highways how much does that cost to get twenty dollars through sacramento 22 yep if you have a clean air vehicle you get these stickers and that's it it gives you discounts and you get to go in the hov lane by yourself anybody who the tesla can get it anyone with a hydrogen vehicle or ultra low emission vehicles and it lasts through it's not twenty dollars a year it lasts through january of 2024 or something so that's really good wow did you go to college of course i also got my advanced degree phd molecular and cell biology do you think it was worth it my dad doesn't think so his thought was if you have a phd or an advanced degree you use it he said how could you have a degree and then decide to raise your kids and the question it's it's about how we live our lives today success does not have to be measured by by growth growth growth you know if you could just be happy with what you have yeah i have an advanced degree but never used it doesn't make a difference do you think college is necessary today no i don't i think college is overpriced but both my kids went to college and it's um well it ended up at 75 000 a year per child i have friends who who opted against that set their children up in trades one's an electrician want the plumber he saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and his fully grown adult children now they have abilities that are needed and necessary you know everyone needs a plumber everyone needs an electrician so no college is not necessary what's your name agent what do you do jeff 36 and i'm an in-home sales rep for a construction company here in southern california how much do you make between 125 and 175 depending on the year can you tell people more about like what you do i go into homes sit at their table but you got to treat people like you want your family to be treated because people can buy products anywhere they buy you they buy your company and your warranty pretty much so if you treat them the way you want people to treat your mother you'll succeed and we go into their house i go on the roof i measure pretty much become the expert show you how i can fix it show you a solution and if you want to finance it okay if cash that works too why'd you buy tesla because i live by the pier in huntington beach and drive on average 100 to 200 miles a day so this is my second supercharger stop today wow so that's why okay so you're saving a lot of money in gas i am roughly 500 bucks did you go to college i did went to lsu was it worth it absolutely but i did not finish so it obviously was not worth enough so today do you think people need to go to college to make a lot of money or absolutely do not think that everyone has their own niche you know some people like my girlfriend has a masters in business she makes some money she does because of her college degree me i make the money i do because of my personality so it all about who you and what makes you happy and what your calling is how do you invest your money oh boy i would not advise this but i live and breed the stock market and i day trade options wow so what's what's been the best trade you've ever made about a week ago on bed bath and beyond and yeah that's it and i'll leave that at that did you make a lot a good bit that's awesome what's the piece of advice you tell your younger self follow your instincts and take chances because you don't learn unless you fail what's something that you do every single day that everyone should do oh man i really don't do anything consistent every day but wake up and just try to be a better person than i was the day before what's the best thing you've ever bought my electric scooter what type of scooter is that it's i got it online i was like 1500 bucks but i'm a 36 year old child and that scooter helps me feel like i'm five years old again have fun with it you know you only live once and your money does not die with you what's the worst purchase you've ever made way overpriced it's actually went up in value five grand since i bought it two months ago but they're they're just way overvalued at the moment the company is definitely not a trillion dollar company and it's valued almost close to that are you a fan of elon musk i love him he's got brass you know what's that a lot of us don't he'll have 10 engineers working on something he'll go in there for 10 minutes and fix what geniuses couldn't figure out for months so what's your name agent what do you do i'm nikki and i'm a retired restaurant owner do you have any advice for someone that wants to you know own their own restaurant to never open up a restaurant why so hard and it's so much work and it's like 24 7. it's the most difficult business to operate in my opinion what are the normal margins on the restaurant they're extremely terrible maximum maximum 20 percent um usually between like 10 to 15. okay why'd you get a tesla because it drives itself and i'm not a very good driver so you're using the self-driving lot all the time do you have any advice for people that want to get into entrepreneurship yeah to follow your passion don't get into entrepreneurship just because you want to be a business owner because being a business owner is not all that like it seems and it's extremely hard it's a lot of tough work so you have to be really passionate about whatever it is that you start otherwise you're not going to want to pursue it entirely what lessons did you learn from your restaurant business employees are what makes your business they're the backbone to your business essentially so you have to make sure you treat them right and make sure everybody's happy what's something that you wish you started doing earlier um investing in real estate yes so do you currently invest in real estate now i do yes so why is real estate investment it's always going to be needed everyone's always going to need to rent out a place and even if you're not going to be renting it out for a career for like income you can always sell it whenever if you're ever down and out you know it's just a good asset to have what's a great way to save money putting a little bit away at a time you know like you're putting a chunk of either is if it's a paycheck or just on a weekly basis or putting it into what i usually do is i just put like a regular amount in like on a weekly basis into my stock portfolio and then just let that grow and just don't even look at it because um if i look at it then i'll want to start moving things around so you're more of like a long-term investor like do you like elon musk i love him because he's made the tesla and he seems like an incredibly smart guy so what's a daily habit you do that you think everyone should do meditate i meditate every day and i think that that's super important i think that cause i always do it in the mornings the first thing that i would do when i wake up just to kind of clear my head and kind of prepare myself for the day set some intentions for the day and so that i have like a very clear vision on what i want to do that day and make sure that i get everything done and just helps me be a little bit more organized and live my life more intense is there an app that you use for that um no i just kind of listen to guided meditations on youtube and stuff like this cool i think that's it yeah thank you so much so there you have it asking tesla owners what they do for a living i had a blast filming this video everyone we talked to was super kind and yeah i think we've got a ton of great gems and pieces of advice for you guys if you haven't already make sure to get your free stocks from weeble and moomoo i'm gonna leave those links down below in the description and yeah stay tuned because we're gonna be making a ton more videos just like this like subscribe we do a ton of content about personal finance investing and entrepreneurship and yeah i'll see you guys in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 929,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: street interviews, what do you do for a living, how to make money, career ideas, asking rich people, asking wealthy people, how much money do you make, entrepreneurs, self employed, advice from rich people, how to become rich, life advice, tips to get rich, how to people afford tesla, asking tesla owners, how do you afford tesla, tesla owners, tesla driver
Id: f6q-yj0Du2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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