Asking Coachella VIP's What They Do For a Living

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what advice would you give your younger self so how do you make money from your business what makes you happy can you break down some of your income sources how are you guys paying for this what's something that you change about yourself if you could how much you guys spend on this whole experience probably 15 grand total with flights outfits you know who are you most excited to see this weekend Oh I have no idea my boyfriend just dragged me over here I told him I was gonna follow him like a lost puppy yeah um what do you do for a living I do Modelo okay I drink tequila all right and then sometimes I'll do some real estate work on the side what's up you guys we're here at the Coachella Safari campgrounds where rooms like this cost anywhere from like nine to Thirty forty thousand dollars per stay I've always wondered who actually is able to afford renting something like this so we'll be going around asking my fellow neighbors what they do for a living and a bunch of other questions before I start I actually want to give you guys a quick room tour so this is the tent that we rented it cost eleven thousand dollars for a four night stay which sounds absolutely crazy but there are a lot of perks to it we have a pool two beds fridge table right here mirror air conditioner and besides that yeah it's a really simple room it's definitely not enslaved from the outside but I will say there's so many other perks that come with the Safari pass for example you get the guest artist pass and get shuttled around in golf carts which I think is the big perk and it also comes with free food free drinks and yeah you guys might have noticed there's no bathroom in this room the bathrooms are in a separate location it's not the most ideal situation but it's a cool experience and I'm super glad that I'm here now I'm going to take you guys actually through the Safari campgrounds because I feel like it's super super interesting I've never experienced anything like this yeah let's go as you guys can see there's a mix of like tents as well as these little house thingies those are the residences so those are fifteen thousand dollars for the four night stay those are the Yurts those are the most expensive ones I think those are like thirty or forty thousand dollars so yeah absolutely crazy over here is the main Safari like compound so that's where all the meals are when you get a safari tent like this it comes with a free 30-minute massage so I think those are where the massages are being done completely free okay so these are the showers it's a little small it's not too bad it's kind of like a shower on a cruise ship and yeah this one has four different showers and then they have two sinks here for you to like brush your teeth and do other stuff so shortly after doing that bathroom tour on our way back we ran into our first interview week so what's your name aged and where are you from my name is Ben I'm 28 I'm from Santa Barbara and what do you do for a living I do social media marketing so I run an agency how'd you get into that I worked for a bunch of YouTubers at first did a bunch of internships kind of like dug my trenches and then just started my own thing about four years later so how do you make money from your business through selling people things giving them a product that they like and they are happy with and then they'll pay me for it do you have any advice for newer entrepreneurs you just gotta put your head down and you'll look up eventually and you'll be there you know what I mean he's got to put like put the work in and just keep on trying you know winners never quit and quitters never win did you go to college I'm a College Dropout why'd you drop out of college because I was a film student and I didn't think that there was any need to I dropped out and I got a drop in film and that and then now I do marketing so I'm just I don't know I just wasn't a big fan of college what's the number one skill that all young people should learn persistence and desire for your goal I manifest so I write in a journal every day what my goal is and what age I want to hit it at how much you guys spend this weekend 15K if you could go back to your younger self what would you tell yourself drop out of college sooner and just start your own business sooner and how much do you pay for rent I was averaging about 20K a month on rent but not an apartment so I'm paying 5K how are you paying 20K a month I was living in a in a Hills mansion and an apartment at the same time and the Hills mansion was like 20K and then my apartment was 5K I did that for a full year so on that topic what do you Splurge your money on festivals having good times bringing friends out on the flip side what do you Frugal on probably like clothes to be honest yeah I'm not not really too that big into like designer Brands and stuff like that we're like same with like nice cars I don't have like a super nice car or anything so for someone in their 20s what do you think they should be doing in order to see success we should definitely be working on them like on their self bring self-help books I think that's really good watching YouTube videos meditating Think and Grow Rich that's a good book to read I read thinking real Rich 90 times before what and I really feel like that book is what kind of took me off into success because I was not doing too well listen to that book like 90 times and I started being successful they can grow Rich by Napoleon Hill any final advice you want to share with audience just have fun with your life guys love it thank you so much litter names uh how old are you and where do you guys live I'm Audrey I'm 20 I'm originally from Albuquerque New Mexico but I live in LA I'm Ella I'm also 20 and I'm from La too what do you guys do for a living we're both students majoring I'm an econ major but a society and genetics minor I am a public affairs major and I have a minor in film and TV so is this your first time at the Safari campgrounds yes yes how you guys enjoying it pretty good really good been like the win last night when last night was really horrible but other than that it's been it's been good breakfast was was good yeah do you guys think it's worth it I mean I think last night I was questioning it yeah like this morning they kind of redeemed themselves and I'm like kind of starting to see like why people do it a lot of the reason why I think it's worth it is that like you don't have to deal with like any of the traffic like before and after the event and like it's so close to the campgrounds too so yeah I agree it's just really convenient like being able to just like walk like there's a tent like right there like for the concert so it's like I feel like it's worth how are you guys paying for this birthday present for my mom birthday Professor from my dad I mean but we're working over the summer so yeah what are you guys gonna be doing I'm gonna be an internet American Express okay yeah um I'm gonna be an intern at like a smaller independent film company in L.A do you guys have any advice for college students just go out to as many like clubs and events as you can and try to meet as many people as you can because it'll just be really good for like your own network and like to have like more friends in the future yeah I I feel like it's now is the time to do whatever you want so do whatever you want what are you guys are most excited to see this weekend Frank Ocean probably black pink because I hope that they bring out like a really good guest or like Calvin Harris I'm also really excited for yeah also Bad Bunny so do you guys have any productivity tips try to organize like your to-do list and like your assignments as much as you can whether that's like a planner or just like putting it straight into like your calendar no yeah I also live religiously by Google Calendar also get headphones like once I got headphones it was like a studying Game Changer it was like as soon as I have them on I'm like locked in so what's your name age and where are you from I'm Ethan I'm 30 I'm from Santa Barbara and what do you do for a living technically it still produce music for a living but I also have a YouTube channel what made you spend so much money on this Safari camping experience well it's not always about you having a lot of money it's about knowing people who have a lot of money and leveraging them but on my friend who did buy it he does social media marketing and how much you guys pay for the thing he paid 15 grand how did you get into music production and do you have any advice for people I want to get into that stop making excuses and start making music so like use the resources that you have to make the music that you can at this point in time and go to my YouTube channel because I teach people from beginners to intermediate Advanced the whole thing what's your channel it's called complete producer just look up Ethan Davis and you'll find it so for people I want to get into music production where do you actually start the biggest thing is you need to learn how song structure like how to write a song and then learn the five basic elements of like production so like bass drums mids vocals and effects if you put those together then you can produce music basically can you break down some of your income sources producing right now I usually charge between two and ten Grand per song and then my YouTube channel is bringing in anywhere from like 2500 to 5 grand a month through like core sales and stuff and then also I make money from royalties for different music projects that I have I just got a payment for the last few months that was like seven or eight grand so it's not a ton but all those things spread out it does add up who's most excited to see Remy wolf she's just so free if you can go back 10 years what would you tell your younger self stop wearing is such a waste of time any final advice you want to leave the audience you're valuable act like it thanks so much yeah thank you nice to meet you so what's your name age and where are you from my name is graceful Kenny I'm from Calgary Alberta and I am a makeup artist how did you get into doing makeup I just really was getting tired of paying women to do my makeup for me because I'm a model and I was like I just want to do my own goddamn makeup and not pay someone a hundred dollars to do my face and do you run your own like business right now I do okay yes do you have advice for aspiring entrepreneurs whatever you want to do just go out there and do it you only have one life and why not do what you want to do what's the one piece of advice that you needed to hear when you were a younger entrepreneur that I can do anything if I put my mind to it do you have any habits that you do every single day that you think everyone should do I write down goals that I try to go through every day so you write a goal as long as you're achieving something every day it's going to make you feel a lot better okay and then last question who are you most excited to see this weekend Oh I have no idea my boyfriend just dragged me over here I told him I was gonna follow him like a lost puppy so what's your name agent where are you from I'm Vince I'm 38 I'm from Hong Kong so what do you do for a living I sell construction materials how much are you guys paying for this Safari experience 11 though okay yeah do you have advice for aspiring business owners just give it a few years you know like I think the first three years was rough as things move on you you probably have a sense whether this is going to work out or not but like give it a few years what do you like to splurge your money on essentially this you know I don't really spend money on cars maybe a little bit on food but like mainly abuse music and festivals what needs to be changed in the world people just need to be nicer in general and I think you know people are just like becoming more extreme you just gotta understand everyone's got something difficult in their lives so you know just try to take that into account what is the skill that everyone should be learning how to do learn another language has that helped you with business yes I guess it breaks the ice a little I don't think I'm good enough to the point where I could negotiate with it but you know like in terms of a networking and relationships that definitely helps what's something that you change about yourself if you could be a little more patient I think not everyone works at your pace so let's just say like I work quite fast and I'm quite competitive but if you have a large team you just always gotta accommodate for people who's not always working at your the speed you wanted to but of course you know I'm not asking them to be lazy and last question who are you most excited to see this weekend Bad Bunny on day one we only talk to people that were living in those tents and the cost of these range from nine to eleven thousand dollars for the first two people the price depends on when you actually book it and you can actually add additional people for three thousand dollars each so a tent of four people booked at the last minute would cost seventeen thousand dollars total all right guys it's day two here at Coachella and today we're gonna be asking some more people what they do for a living day one was a success today's gonna be awesome as well so let's go so on day two I was feeling a little bit more ballsy and so I decided to go straight to the Yurts these are located on the far side of the campgrounds and you guys these people are big Ballers seriously so obviously I was pretty nervous but actually the first two people I talked to they were both down to be in the video what's your name agent where are you from I'm Luke I'm 42. I'm from Scottsdale Arizona and uh what do you do for a living I do medulla okay I drank tequila all right and then sometimes I'll do some real estate work on the side we have a private Equity Firm okay that does senior housing real estate I have a construction company architectural firm management company a development company and then a marketing agency so we do it all all within real estate though that sounds like a lot to juggle how do you do that without her I can't handle any of it so it's because of her she keeps it balanced it's she's the reason for it all do you guys have any relationship advice oh just have a good time and go with the flow yeah happy pretty much no drama so where are you guys staying at the Safari Campground we're at the Yurts right here so how is that well let me let me explain it this way the service is like no other we landed and they came straight to the plane on the tarmac to pick us up drove us straight to their yurt here which is a fun place what would you tell a new aspiring entrepreneur you know I think you have to do something that your heart's in if your heart's not in it and it's not something you love then it's gonna feel like so much work it's gonna feel like a lot on your shoulders if you do something that you just love you're passionate about and you chase after that you're never working what's the number one skill that people should learn today you got to learn how to socialize people say you know you need to get certain education certain skill set yeah which I think is partially true but without being able to socialize and network and talk to people it won't take to the next level I'd rather take that ability to go Network and socialize over anything else do you have any tips for networking for people you just got to put yourself out there you know like everyone has certain fears that they need to overcome yeah and you just got to go and do it what trait do you have that you think how healthy become successful lack of fear of risk okay you can like you got to risk it all yeah if you're really going to be an entrepreneur because you got to believe in yourself you have to have confidence in yourself that's why when you risk everything it doesn't feel like Risk because there's so much belief in yourself and what you're about to do and what your dreams are and what you're about to accomplish how do you invest your money oh I invested in myself and my businesses okay you have to have faith and trust in yourself and I invested all back in my businesses which means I'm investing back in my teams because for me it's all about people the only reason I'm here is because of my team so I put all my money back into my team would you be willing to share like the most you've ever made in a year or something just Inspire the audience the reality is like I don't know how much money I make a year because that's not my focus yeah I know I didn't make enough to live and pay my bills but the focus is always just having fun and everything will fall in line with it don't ever Focus about how much money you make a year because that's that's not what you're there for your focus should be to do something that you're passionate about and have fun doing it and make sure everyone around you is having fun on your team love that and then who are you most excited to see this weekend Calvin Harris those okay yeah Calvin Harris tonight I'm so excited to see so what are your names uh what's your age and where are you guys from I'm Christian Samara I will be 50 in a few months what do you guys do for a living so how'd you get into that there's a lot of steps that need to go into place it's a very complex business as you well know right there's you're putting needles in people's faces so it's not like you just go hey I'm going to open up a place and get a lease and do all that stuff no a lot of people do that though a lot of people do that and unfortunately the work shows yeah but no she had to go to school she had to get a master's in nursing and then she had to study and train and study and train and train and train and then eventually she came to me and said hey I'm gonna open a business okay so now I'm going to do it it's going to be great and she did and it started blowing up and then we opened up a second location just recently so but it's all her she's the driving force between for the business and everything do you have any advice for aspiring business owners if there's something that you're really passionate about right people use that word very Loosely if there's something that you could eat sleep like dream breathe fight with and make up with and it's like a marriage right so if it's something that you really want to do you have to learn everything you can about it you have to be it you have to feel it you have to dream it um and then you really just need to go for it with the feeling that you can't fail there's just no option what was it like opening up your first location I wasn't about to just blow a bunch of money on a location and do a huge build out I had a methodic approach to it so I got my first place that was affordable and you know a good location I never took out business loans I didn't take out any financing I used all of my disposable income to to build my business so I worked you know in an urgent care and emergency for um 12 hours a day and then I would fund this with with my disposable income it was sensible I calculated how many clients I would need to like transition full-time you know all that so it wasn't just a huge luxurious you know expenditure this is not all glamorous being an entrepreneur is it worth it though one thousand percent worth it one thousand percent what's the best part about it being able to spend money on fun things because you you grind and you work every day and it's 24 7 and it's Non-Stop and people don't see you know the the guts and we'll see how hard it is what makes you happy Freedom just like the ability to do whatever you want whenever you're on which is why entrepreneurship is amazing if you can handle it but it's not for the meek who's it for well it's for everyone everyone has the ability to do it most of the time it's just fear-based conditioning and doubts that hold them back to be honest with you but everybody has the opportunity to do it what's the number one skill that you think all young people should learn I mean definitely Finance they don't teach it at all they really need to our kids for example if they go to Great school system but they struggle with knowing what saving even is what's the difference between savings and checking they don't know it's on the parents to teach them any final advice for aspiring young entrepreneurs nobody is thinking about you they're all thinking about themselves so get over any of that stuff get out there just be you and you'll track your tribe well that was super cool we didn't get a tour of the room because they said it was too messy I'll throw some pictures up on what the year it looks like and yeah it's pretty cool definitely got some really amazing advice from them and they were super kind they invited me to drink with them but trying to stay sober right now now on my walk back to my tents I actually ran into two more guests and they were super interesting to talk to so what's your name age and where are you from guess my age uh 31 I'm actually 42. wow how you look so young I cut out alcohol during the week and just drink on weekends I eat keto and I work out it's been actually three years that I've been working out steadily at least three times a week what do you do for a living I'm a hustler okay so I've always had multiple jobs doing different things and I own my own business what type of business do you have um design Consulting business so do you have any advice for young aspiring entrepreneurs have a network that will challenge you support you and tell you what you need to hear even if it's not what you want to hear so how can you surround yourself with people that you know sort of push you find people that you aspire to and reach out whether it's just kind of cold like on LinkedIn or there's a lot of entrepreneur networks that you can kind of find that I think people pay memberships too but there are groups out there that support each other and you just have to look whatever your Niche is how much you guys spend on this whole experience probably 15 grand total with flights outfits you know and then the tents and and all of that what would you tell your younger self if something fails don't beat yourself up like don't try to do it all on your own I've been fired I've lost jobs I've had businesses that have failed but I think I beat myself up too much on the failure instead of focusing on what will I do differently the next time and those learnings and then just being like let's just keep moving so I would tell myself experiment try new things but don't beat yourself up over when things go wrong or the unexpected because that's life you can't control everything and if things go the wrong way work your way through it that's the only way and get help because there's going to be someone who has crawled out of that hole that you're in and they'll give you that advice or push what's your best trait that help you become successful flexibility is something that just is built into the Brazilian culture of just going with the flow I think that some cultures are very rigid and it's black or white so if you fall in love with your own idea and it doesn't work out and you need to make adjustments do it because soon you do it the the sooner you'll be successful we're going to be in 10 20 years I'm just going to be happy yeah and go go where life takes me and I think that's just a little bit about my personality thank you so much what's your name and where are you from hey Shell and I'm from Denver and what do you do for a living thing we're real estate agents okay a lot of our audience are like aspiring entrepreneurs a lot of them want to get into real estate what advice would you give them I would say that a lot of people think it's easy and it's not easy we work 24 7. you know we're working now dealing with clients and stuff yeah and which is fun you know know that it's not just a side gig yeah it's a real thing so for a new agent how do you get your first deals well a lot of people you know have family and friends and a lot of people they know we they just worked hard and you know marketed did a lot of marketing would you be able to share like the most expensive home you've ever sold yeah it's in the millions I don't know how much our our average price ranges and super expensive okay so you're more like volume based I mean it kind of depends we've had people that their first house that we sold was 200 000 and then we sold their two and a half million dollar house Through The Years wow and are you in business with your husband I am in business with my husband and my sister yes okay how's it like doing family business um my sister's showing a house for us right now okay it's great yeah so yeah and I yeah it's fun did you go to college a little bit but no so you dropped out are you glad that you dropped out of college I don't think that it's something that everybody has to do like for example my daughter she's a corporate accountant you have to go to college for that you know not everybody does kind of depends on what you want to do right I think it's always good though if you can what's the most rewarding part about entrepreneurship really really helping people find the perfect place and you know sometimes it's not just helping people find a dream home it's helping them Rectify a situation that they're in that they don't want to be in you know selling their house when it's rough for so many reasons so what's your name agent where are you from I'm Niraj I am 28 and I'm from London but now I live in L.A so what do you do for a living I work in video games and I work for Minecraft well I run the game Studio basically everyone that develops and makes cool stuff goes through me and then we make some cool things how did you get into that hobby honestly okay I was studying exams and I was like you know what I'm playing games and Minecraft was the game and it's like wow this game's great and that was like 10 years ago do you have any advice for people I want to get into that do what you love honestly like do what you like I did what I really like to play games so how much you guys spend on the Safari experience great 4K 4 000 a person okay yeah it's not worth it I mean look we got golf buggies there's food yeah it's hot as hell but hey it's here we're head Coachella and like Ben's right here so I think it's worth it okay it's pretty good we played frisbee the other day it's great what's a popular piece of advice that you hear a lot that you actually disagree with I didn't go to college I dropped out after the first year the stuff I was learning at College was like redundant by the time I got out but this is if you're a doctor go to college if you're a lawyer go to college if you're like Tech or something like you don't have to like there's a lot of things that you can just do by yourself and Learn by yourself as well so you don't have to education are your kids going to go to uh College if they want to I'm not going to force them to though if they tell me like I want to do my own thing it's going to happen yeah so I'll let them decide as well what's been your biggest regret to date not leaving London sooner is it sunny it's like blue skies London's cold and wet but hey apparently the food's great as well so go there check it out and then last question who are you most excited to see today blackpink black pink I mean hell yeah I mean it's great it's iconic I realized I hadn't interviewed anyone from the residences so yeah I really wanted to find someone I'm making a YouTube video asking people what they do for a living at the Safari Campground would you want to be in it yeah sure after you get dressed yeah yeah do you know what a time that will be maybe maybe okay awesome thank you so much unfortunately I came back later and I just couldn't find them so that was a fail on my part and that wraps up day two of the Coachella interviews all right guys it's Day three Coachella uh we slept at 5am last night so didn't get to sleep that much but we're gonna do another round of interviews and yeah should be a good day so day three my main goal was to talk to someone in the residences these cost fifteen thousand dollars but they're super nice and they're brand new now if you guys don't know I get nervous doing these and so to warm up I first talked to someone that was staying at one of the regular tents and that was a super interesting interview so what's your name uh age and where are you from William I'm 42 from New Orleans and what do you do for a living I'm a dermatologist actually let's go in that school worth it yeah I think so so what what things do you do for your skin sunscreen retinol vitamin C so you guys booked a normal tent you're saying and then they gave you this a little bit more installation yeah what would you change about yourself if you could change one thing sometimes be less bitter when things don't go my way okay how do you invest your money combination mostly I'm in the stock market a little bit of just bonds and money market stuff as well okay so after that it was was time for me to actually go and find someone in the residences I'd failed before but I was set on finding someone today luckily there were a couple people outside lounging by their pool and so I decided to actually approach them hey guys I'm doing a Youtube video um we're asking people what they do for a living here at the Safari campgrounds would you guys be down to be in the video sure so what's your names and where you guys from Nikki from La John from LA and what do you guys do for a living I work at UH Beats by Dre okay yeah oh and I'm in healthcare I'm a nurse okay how much do I spend on this whole Safari experience so this was like fifteen thousand do you guys have any advice for people that want to one day be able to afford this and do this experience yeah get a really good job that pays all Vlog because I don't know how else you would be able for this and or you even like save your money yeah like honestly like if this is something you just want to do like anything you want to do you can just say for it and you guys think this is worth like the experience really worth everything like we've done Coachella in so many different like we've done like Coachella GA staying at a motel we've said Coachella car camping like right yeah we've done Coachella like doing the shuttle to the hotels and it is expensive but I feel like it's totally worth it for all the perks that you get like the guests pass the golf carts the experience in general is like next level I don't think we'll ever be able to go back to a regular Coachella experience after this what advice would you give your younger self like be a little bit smarter with my money and like investing when I was younger Okay it definitely funneled more towards like party just be a little bit smarter with your money but still have fun like when you die can't take that money with you it's true you can pass it on so like have fun now how much you guys spend on the merch yesterday combined it was like 1500 worth of merch guys have any advice for other couples actually we're really really good friends yes communication I think so yes number one yeah I think acceptance too like you have to accept the person for who they are yeah I think communication is just not being afraid to be who you are yeah yourself with the other person what needs to be changed in the world more kindness yes all the islands that needs to go I think how did you get your job by the way I'm like Drake I started from the bottom and now I'm here somehow like got into the tech industry at like Belkin and like started out as like an admin type level thing and then got the opportunity to move into product development and then just kind of work my way up from there I've been very blessed and lucky to be where I am today but I also feel like I've worked really hard in my job to kind of advance and like succeed whenever I saw an opportunity to move somewhere in advance I took it I would put my all into it and like work as hard as I could well thank you guys so much of course yeah yeah John and Nikki were so nice we even shared a couple tequila shots together it was just so fun meeting people like them and John also showed me the room which you guys blew me away it's so much better than the tents it smelled brand new so yeah if you want to feel like you're staying in the hotel room and not a tent this is going to be the way to go so there you have it asking Coachella VIPs what they do for a living we talked to so many amazing people overall this trip was just super fun we made a ton of friends we got to see amazing live performances and honestly I would definitely do this whole Safari experience again if you guys want to get some free stocks I'll leave links down below to Weeble and MooMoo they're giving you guys a ton of Free socks when you sign up and fund your account so I would definitely recommend checking that out and yeah hopefully you guys got some value out of this video I know I learned a lot you know I'm super tired sweaty and 100 dehydrated if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button and also subscribe for more content just like this I make a ton of videos about personal finance entrepreneurship and investing thank you so much for your time and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 2,196,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coachella vlog, coachella 2023, coachella advice, coachella camping tips, asking strangers, what do you do for a living, how much is coachella, coachella safari, coachella safari thent, safari campground, coachella artists pass, coachella guest pass, asking coachella, weekend one, weekend 1, entrepreneur advice, what is your job, how do you afford this, coachella yurt, safari experience coachella, coachella tips first time, coachella tips and tricks, coachella
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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