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we are going to have a sleepover on a real US aircraft car and I'm going to show you all over this place it's called the USS Hornet an S6 class aircraft carrier that's done more than you think but we'll get to that in a minute because I'm about to host a sleepover on it I'm Mike and welcome to Downey live but you can't have a sleepover without friends so let's go surprise some and see what they think these are my editors Andrew and Kyle and it's about time they finally come on one of these fun adventures but they have no idea where we're going or what we're doing I'm on the edge my seat I think I don't know what to expect I think it's going to be a pontoon boat I think that's what it's going to be well it looks like we're going into like a like a shipping yard or something a shipping yard yeah we're going on a super YW what is going on this is so weird I think this is it on the left yeah why no way are you serious yeah holy you're what under undershooting my estimation a little bit I think wow you boys ready for a sleepover hell yeah how did how did you hear about this even anyone can do it the public can do it you can do it that's so crazy we're going to sleep over on aircraft carrier we've got a few activities planned on board as well I'm I'm I'm excited nervous but I'm excited the USS Hornet is now a sea Air and Space Museum and is now open to the public here in Alam California it's like the biggest boat in the ocean man they're humongous cool does this like a dream come true for you yeah kind of I I've I just think they're like such cool boats they're so humongous they are super impressive and we're about to learn a lot more about it and a little about what it's like to live on one welcome aboard the USS Hornet hi hey wow wow but this isn't your average hotel lobby able to fit um I think they said 100 planes with folded Wings wow this one right here is one of the good ones because we fish this out of Lake Michigan no way so that they could restore it yeah first things first let's check into our room for the night we give you these fancy hotel Hornet keys this is yours cool oh wow look at this room got the bunk right out on the hall look at that I guess make the most space you can on the ship and just as if we were in the military we we yet to make our own beds we're going to make fun of our bed making I know we're not in the military clearly I can understand it works it's utilitarian gets the job done so we got our rooms the next thing we want to know washrooms I want to squish and it's down this hatch down on the right oh this is really nice this is also really spacious compared to what I've seen on some ships yeah these are technically the officers uh you you've given us the nice ones we giving you the nice on oh there you go oh c oh wow with the essentials out of the way it's time to explore a little bit the USS Hornet shot down 668 aircraft out of the air and destroyed 742 aircraft on the ground as I mentioned earlier this aircraft carrier the USS Hornet is now a museum this is Top Gun this is what you see but it has also been designated a National Historic Landmark wow wow I can see you gave us the nice room where we've got a little more space than piled in here we gave our Scouts these ones yeah the scouts get the full experience could have been you Andre you imagine yeah I mean I could still just pile you guys up and as a National Historic Landmark and a museum it has been restored to its original condition in order to Showcase life on board from that time it includes a whole Hospital wing with the original xray machine that was found on board it has an operating room doctor's office Dentistry Pharmacy and biochemical lab along of course with the Sick Bay for ill patients it is so impressive you have all of this equipment on board in period it looks it looks like it must have at that period yeah we were very lucky that we found most of the stuff in storage like I said already here the Navy didn't take any of that um and a lot of the stuff like these sheets and stuff were also donated to us by other ess6 club class carriers so this is the med Ward yes we have a a 40 bed sick Bay you wouldn't want to find yourself in here and if you were an officer that had to visit the Sick Bay you would get the secret quarters which is this green curtain right here much better much better and this way is more birthing space but this is specifically for torpedo birthing so there's a torpedo Workshop right down here oh yeah and the torpedo storage is right below us so this is where the people who would have been working on the torpedo in the workshop would be oh so they sleep here and if they get a call for a torpedo they can get out of bed and do it immediately see this is where these originate gotcha so you come in here and this is where they would end up okay so torpedo storage yeah so these would open up these right here and um they would come they would also come up from in here to go down this little FK head right here you would go down a shaft about one two decks and the Torpedoes are just stacked wow really okay let me get this straight these Torpedoes are stored down here below they get brought up then they essentially get hooked up to this crane and craned through the ship to get back [Applause] [Music] to that is so cool so simple but so cool yep and so there would be a couple of these mechanisms throughout so that they can change the direction of where it's going but yeah anywhere you see these that's what this is for right mhm to to carry these guys around on the Hoist this hoist so you could be coming out of the shower and walking and go oh excuse me and a torpedo is going through the hall now let's go see what this ship was maybe most famous for so Hornet did pick up the Apollo Astronauts really yes they picked up Apollo 11 this ship picked up Apollo 11 yes these are Neil Armstrong's Footprints wow right here the USS Hornet was used to recover the three astronauts from the Apollo 11 moonlanding Mission meaning Neil Armstrong Michael Collins and Buzz Aldren stepped out of the Command Module right here and walked across to the quarantine trailer right there where President Nixon later came and congratulated them and we're standing in the exact same spot so Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren would have been sitting right there there's a lot of history on this boat I didn't know there was space history the ship even has a replica helicopter of the one that was used to retrieve the capsule this helicopter was in the movie Apollo 11 yes this helicopter right here was in the movie cool look how much space SP is in here but also how much space isn't in here like it's quite tight yet it's still so big and then this is all Aviation equipment radar yes so it would have been um sonar they would have picked up and dropped sonars looking for submarines uh when this was active and now it's time for our first activity of the night which is spelunking so we are now heading down to the very bottom of the ship yeah sinos spunking is normally described as the exploration of caves just walking past the bomb room room don't mind that oh my gosh but the Hornet here has created a tour that is their version of spelunking is this the drive sh Sor this is a catapult oh the hydraulic accelerator this is what launches the planes off the deck no no alcohol in Navy ships so that's a little Navy humor there there would be air or possibly nitrogen in there different different uh eras but this is Bruce he's our Museum volunteer and guide for this this travels to 19 ft in less than 2 seconds accelerating the pilot for up to about 135 mph and that accelerates them 190 ft in that same two seconds and he's taking us to the bottom of the ship the Hornet here has 18 levels with seven of them being below water level the further we follow Bruce the further underwater we go the ship is huge but it's still tight they got to fit a lot into it and the more this actually feels like spelunking I don't know how you know where you are on I'm not first and hold lights how do you do with tight spaces I'm good I'll find out okay this is a long step to the first step here little scared you're a little scared scared there are actually Nets here because this does go down multi floor so they' offset the ladder so if you did fall you would land in a net so this ladder goes down and is offset differently from that that one so if you fell off this you'd land in the net that's a long fall all right let's not fall three points of contact here we go we're going to the depths of the ship now okay go ahead doing well Andrew I got to make sure you get a real Downy live Adventure you're only down one level we have a lot more down to go so we are at level five the water level is at level four so we're underwater and we are going down to level 9 so we four more levels down to go easy easy it's haunted down I know I saw if there's a g down there flicker the light three times oh it's snug woo doing great Andrew safety first one more step actually it's not a step it's the actual deck all right Kyle six now that is so creepy even the noise is creepy finally we reach the bottom one long one there one giant step for mankind and what do they keep at the bottom of the ship would have been um ammo storage and that's an ammo ho so that's the elevator that would have got it up this floor is uneven cuz this is the hall this is the very bottom of the ship so this was an ammunition storage room so they would they'd keep Munitions underwater so is that safer or is that I mean obviously it was the right choice I know heavy stuff they want to keep low oh yeah that makes sense and uh it's pretty pretty well protected here we're we're pretty close to the center of the ship sure uh torpedo has to go through a lot to get here yeah all right let's come back up the ladders a bit and explore a few more interesting spaces on board this is the brick jail if you will on on De ja this is where you're sleeping tonight I'm just kidding Andrew this doesn't look very comfortable I mean there are three beds in this one imagine being three people in here it could be the three of us in here this ship is so big I can't help but wonder how Bruce knows so much about the ship but I think I figured it out so what was your role your position on board it's a mouthful okay I was an interior Communications electrician ah any communication yes any Communications within the ship intercoms telephones and paging systems for the most part um nothing nothing radar or radio um we also took care of the steering cuz the it was the communicate the steering was communicated electrically from the helm to the rudder wow and we showed the movies too I don't know Show the movie which meant we got the first choice of movies when we got and by movies you mean reals right real yeah Motion Pictures I I went to one week of Motion Picture projection School wow I spent a week learning how to show the movies and you can see how attached he is to his time serving in the Navy and what this ship means to him I got my orders to the ranger which was here in alamina uh before right in the middle of De michig I don't know what stage but before the end and at the time I was excited I thought you know I'm getting out out of this noisy dusty place and finding my new adventure but in hindsight the decommissioning ceremony is really touching it's really cool all the sailors are in their dress white I get kind of weepy thinking about it and uh and so I in hindsight I'm I'm sorry I missed that but uh but anyway you you didn't get your real goodbye yeah right almost yeah so if you see this the ceremony it is pretty cool well maybe this is you're goodbye you're still here welcome back right yeah you're welcome back even better with the spelunking tour over I'm getting a little hungry so it's now dinner time we could go out for dinner but we've decided to order in dinner has arrived I mean it's not a sleepover without a pizza party thank you very much thanks for coming you found us so uh I think there's only one spot to eat this come with me oh yeah I don't know if I've ever eaten Pizza in a cooler place thank you again Mike thank you mik pleasure glad you guys come for the sleepover thanks for having us it's been such a cool experience so far oh good I think this is awesome this very cool Cheers Cheers Cheers a pizza party on an aircraft carrier all to ourself mhm and the best part is you can do this it's open to the public like you can book your sleep over here tell all your friends walking around on this thing you just realize how big this boat is I'm just walking around alone up here this is incredible yes I know it's technically a vessel or a ship but I say boat because I want to remind you that this is a floating city with an airport on the roof just incredible engineering left alone with non-operational missiles but this feels like I'm living my dream I you've seen Top Gun we've all seen Top Gun you can do it just for a night [Music] once the lights go out you got to use your phone as a flashlight now which way was my room again where are the guys Andrew I'm scared of the ghosts scared of the ghosts you're not going to like our next tour I don't want to go home finally we come out to a part of the ship called the tailfin to watch the sunset behind San Francisco across the bay oh wow Sunset behind the city I don't think those are mountains that's fog that's all fog well now that the sun is set I think we have one more tour a spooky one you be fine okay we're ready all right come on in are there not just ghosts just Spirits we call Spirits I don't know how to feel about that this is the ghost tour we're seeing if there are any Spirits about so there's no one else on the boat except for us so if we hear noises or encounter anyone it's a creepy place when you're all alone at night in the dark isn't it so there are a couple rooms that have had more action with with the spirits than others excess stor for a bunch of radio and oh cool oh what is that so this is the K2 meter and that's going to measure what does it measure it measures electricity nearby ghosts have electr magnetics Fields according to the lore if anyone is here with us we would like to let you guys know that we're we're friendly right on there it is you have a lovely home I've really enjoyed visiting it so far wow wow it's a bunch of old radio equipment so we can see if we're in tune with our spiritual side I think I think someone might be here us it went to Red for a second there they didn't like my joke we're glad you're here with us were you the one here that was visiting me when I was alone I'll take that as a note you're welcome whoa app I don't like the red it's yellow and orange I can deal with it but oh I don't like the red right little little blips of energy is all right feel free to grab a seat Kyle so you're not pacing you are welcome to sit then I'm I'm an easier Target for what for what possessed they're friendly oh no there's nothing like no I do got a story and it just flashed this is a big ship with a long history a lot of stories come along with that yeah that's night that's lights out well good night sleep well and we'll see you in the morning I'll see you guys tomorrow bye thank you time to brush our teeth and head to bed can I just say this is like this is a genuine experience this isn't like a madeup escape room or haunted man at Halloween this is an actual Navy vessel with stories definitely a genuine interesting experience a lot of history yeah yeah I've never done anything like this in my life before that's for sure this is the coolest thing ever you took his line it's my line Kyle's been saying that off camera this whole time whatever it's fine it's too late it's true though I do I do believe that lead the way we're going to go brush our teeth [Music] right it works just brushing our teeth on an aircraft carrier my bed is incredibly comfortable I can't lie it's like surprisingly comfortable it's a little concaved yeah yeah I think I got the good one I think I have like a mattress topper on mine or something it's very like a little cave B I'm going to have a good sleep look cozy I'm com this is like okay an ideal sleepover setup got one and then this stepped but not like a regular bunk bed above you the only problem is I have to get in and step over you okay going to hit the lights you guys ready ready ready all right good night man that is dark holy so in pure darkness and with no noisy neighbors we finally get to catch some sleep along with the planes and luckily no ghosts wake us up but this morning we still need to figure out our own breakfast and we all know there's only one right answer we got breakfast of champions t t I think I had the best bed so I slept pretty well I think I had like a mattress cover or something it was it was pretty comfortable actually people plan a lot of date nights but you don't don't plan cool sleepovers with your friends I think this is something that should be done more often I like this good pizza we good pizza better the next day always all I can say is what a unique experience and I highly recommend you get some friends together and surprise them with a unique sleepover and if you want to do it here at the USS Hornet well I'll link them in the description down below okay bye thank you bye guys bye thanks for having us well you don't get that every day sleepover complete I don't know where I'm going next next but I know I want these guys and you they're with me I'll see you next week now talking about the military as a topic can be divisive these days along with other topics like Politics the economy and heck even medical care and that's why it's important when you're reading the news to understand which perspective you're getting so I'd like to thank the sponsor of this segment ground news for creating a website and an app designed to help you pull back the curtain on media bias ground news also avoids algorithms so you can get a more honest representation of the news in the world every story comes with a quick visual breakdown of the political bias factuality and ownership of the sources reporting all back by ratings from three Independent News monitoring organizations okay let's take a look at an example here's a recent story about how climate change could be making air turbulence worse we can see there are 20 sources reporting on this with over half of them leaning left far outweighing the coverage on the r below that we can see the reliability of the reporting Outlets as well as their ownership I can also compare the headlines and read every article without leaving the app another great feature I like is blind spot which shows you news stories that are being under reported by one side of the political Spectrum so you don't get stuck in your own Echo chamber and can have a broader view on the news so ground news really gives 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Channel: DownieLive
Views: 141,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: downielive, downie live
Id: BGvrcIx8uSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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