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welcome to coachella coachella is the event of the year people travel far and wide but every vlog that we've seen makes it look so boring at tpd tv we know festivals and we do things the right way he's a bit drunk give me your keys [Applause] no glitch no glamour and no influences just boys beer banter burgers bev's big bellies and a bloody brilliant bunch of brothers showing you what festival life is really like it's our responsibility to show you the real side of coachella no clickbait no sponsors and no vip this is the real deal [Music] [Music] so we're here at the end of the festival we're waiting for the swedish house mafia and the weekend to close out the weekend the question that's on everyone's minds what is coachella really like did we have a good time and the answer is it is a very exciting day today day zero of coachella is four a.m we're about to jump in the whip and drive 30 minutes to the side probably getting about 5 a.m these are our wristbands let's put them on boys god they look [ __ ] zonked i'm dying for a piss so a car camping opens at 9am but they let you in a bit early the sun's coming up and we're some very sunburned boys as soon as we get out of this [ __ ] whip we need to plaster ourselves into [ __ ] sun cream so you're not allowed glass in this festival which is pretty pretty common but we've accidentally got six smirnoff ices in the fridge what i think we should do is when we get there we should go these are presents you want one no i don't know if you've been told but we've got a few glass bottles in the back there's a champagne smelling of ice touched away in my bag because i forgot to bring my prescription is nothing at all so let's hope they don't see that stuff incredibly nice all right really friendly british accent it works they love it man so a few smell of ice is down but we made it in no problem very good service everyone was friendly look at that sun for people asking it's really easy to get alcohol in and really easy to get sweets good news coachella the british have arrived take your sun cream oh that is very good if only it wasn't uh two days too late ah the glowing arms are the english and now here oh they're a bit sexy mate with that oil on typical jake valley blasting all over rob kelly's face so our first order of business at the world's most glamorous festival is to have a piss i think even on a bad day here the toilets are probably going to be all right i've been counting down the days to this like this has been my iphone wallpaper for the last four months and here we are and i've got a bulgy seven in the morning who wants to drink to the good life well done everyone we made it we made it one of the biggest kind of tips for coachella that we heard bring more water than you're ever gonna drink so we have done you also need ice because it's seven in the morning and this is what the weather's like we're going to get some ice now hopefully the ice will be reasonably priced what do you reckon jake right so ice was cheaper than we thought it was twelve dollars for a massive bag we were told it was like twenty dollars per bag oh god that's uncomfortable you got to coachella like an hour ago razzie's just said he's got an email why are you checking your emails at coachella i thought we said five i'm gonna show you my little peanut butter jelly sandwich shut up you you [ __ ] nuns beautiful and a bit of jam shoot your [ __ ] gob hi i just want to introduce myself sorry my hand smells like maybe so for this weekend we're staying in a van it's not quite an rv like you've seen us in before it's a smaller camper and it's meant to sleep five we're gonna sleep four in it just because some big lads what we're gonna do now we're gonna set up the roof bed so two people sleep on the roof and we're going to rotate each night as we often do so it stays fair and equal but this is from a place called escape campers and they gave us some [ __ ] excellent service so i just want to give them a big shout out not sponsored but very good service which you know i get hard for come join me won't you hey it's quite good this this [ __ ] hell it's warm here in it tell you what man coachella is a bit warm in it give me the cushion i can hear my skin burning you're a silly bastard good work trying to keep cool man a little bit nice in the old beverage so i've got a little bit of something you shouldn't have here nice little chocolatey treat why can't you have chocolatey treats it's from california they don't like it what does it taste like weed surfing guide where you chop it up and it gives you 10 individual servings from this one suite that's good in it 10 individual services oh danielle you know what um download festival yeah i do and you get like what do you get to look at there yeah not much and then at leeds festival you get to look at not much have a [ __ ] look at this look how nice that is man and it does look better on the wallpaper to be honest but it looks nice though like on camera that doesn't it doesn't cross over do you know what people should do people should just come and like have a look youtube brother so it's too sunny and the sun keeps moving i don't know if you know this it moves through the sky so bradley's bought this and we're gonna sort it out and build a little shelter i think i'm allergic to the sun yeah yeah maybe i can feel a bead of sweat running down the side of my face that's only ever happened once before i can see it as well and that was in a sauna were you sat on your ass then doing football man i'm trying to sweat in peace i'm so warm well i think we're in the wrong place here fellas i think we should be at antarctic festival does anyone look wise with a freezing cold no i'm good man i've only got one in the chamber dude [Laughter] coachella read it said one of the worst things they saw in weekend one was they saw someone having a piss god forbid i'm looking at my man razzy piece right now i'm just getting a beer out of a keg yeah yeah small keg that i didn't know they made nano kegs got my icy umbilical cord which cools down your entire beam put your ice in there it fills up your whole nervous system with ice i'll stop swirling it around just making a drink for my little princess what's happened with his arse just came on it guess what everyone jake's not [ __ ] perfect to either back a grill issue over here [Laughter] get my flannel pack it with a bit of ice like this fold it up stick it in the hard to reach i cannot believe how much we're pissing probably every 330 mil can that i have i have to have a pint was a piss it's mental look at ralph's doing it now i'm gonna have a nap this isn't what you'd usually see on one of our videos no you're still a [ __ ] nobody say that but are you gonna be at silent disco when it's half morning morning i'll couple hours maximum they're putting on songs about wake me up they think it's loud for us but it's not because the speakers are in the back all right good night i can't get no sleep how long was that nah two hours my head's pounding to be honest i feel all right i think that was two hours it was worth having for sure but we're obviously in the united states of america and there's different rights and rules here so you can't drink until you're 21. that's true you can drive a little bit younger than the uk you can have a gun and part of the second amendment is also having the free ability to nap when you choose they decided when they were at the constitution that um because it was so warm here every man has the right to nap at their own will without mockery whose will their own their own will without mockery and i think that that's an admirable thing and we want to respect the culture who's the admiral shut up we're lowering the gazebo because the wind's getting a bit too intense [ __ ] out sorry rash and you know what that's actually made it really nice and yeah ready in here so we're picking the beds and what we're gonna do is just pick a card lowest card loses our wins highest card wins and then it goes in order what are the beds brady you've got the tent which can sleep up to two you've got outside on the floor the peasant suite japan sleep two you've got the top bed which you might have seen earlier that sleeps two and inside the cab that suits three is that all right that's all good all right may the odds be in everyone's favor jake valley what card have you got four four round england what card have you got i've got an eight ron kellis what have you got i've got a 10 everybody oh very nice a jack danny white what you got oh choices top one cool i'll have one in the cab i'm gonna also be in the cab you've got [Music] all right you can't argue with the fairness that's how you solve arguments just go for a walk mate that smacks my head [ __ ] my ass called [ __ ] [ __ ] you right so she's finally like kicking off a little bit we're heading to this activities area now see what's going on here [Music] i i don't think it's best that we join in that i agree we'll start singing away since i'm all right could you imagine that at least that would not go down well at least man i think it's forty dollars to get in this pen why would you spend five dollars well because you can grab as much coachella merchandise as your little ants can all and just take it so it's pretty good value it's historic merch so it's like previous years but it's a good way to kind of recycle [ __ ] so i know what you're thinking why are we why are we leaving we know a bag in hand but it turns out it's cash only which is really [ __ ] annoying for a festival that was advertised as cashless negative points for coachella there we've been at two places so far that only took cash despite this being advertised as a cash-only event how much were that eleven dollars oh drop one yeah here's the thing that obviously we didn't even think about yeah the tipping culture still exists in a festival but it shouldn't be food it shouldn't what did you do i went twenty percent how is it it's [ __ ] lovely yeah you're gonna love this excellent cheers boys what's going on on this hill the one team like protecting the top and the other team trying to like take the top so the people at the top are gonna push you the guys down you know you had a [ __ ] child they're watching the [ __ ] sunset mate oh yeah [Music] there's it is and that's the first piece of rubbish i've seen on the [ __ ] festival site it's nice to see some greenery to be honest oh excellent [Music] [Applause] he's gone down i'm uh missing the sunset to have a piss i've never seen so many people be so happy that the sun's gone down but we're gonna stand standing with a heart collar we're gonna stand here wait for it to come up over there man he's come back guess what i found me what there's a piece of rubbish on floor down there oh no call the festival off so the bed setup for the two kings tonight we're just gonna get in hammered uh our pillows are somewhere and we've robbed the uh virgin atlantic blanket from the flight so we're just gonna use that because it could be really warm i reckon easy peasy yeah absolutely no [ __ ] about let's get a drink and let's go to sound this guy it's on in a couple of hours what are you doing down doing a little foot bath in rosie's nice little pouch i've prepared your foot spa wait wait do you know what the massage is activated would you like the vibration motor oh yes please oh my god look how dark it's gone what's all these [ __ ] people right here they all have to have proper showers and stuff so what we're doing is we're just having a normal wash a bit of soap on your flannel and you might need a bit more showers here if you want showers and we are going to use this but not on first day when it's our first evening at coachella it's finally a bit cool and it's not been as preppy and uptight as everyone said but it has been a little bit preppy and uptight now we're gonna go to the silent disco see if we can inject some of that yorkshire culture into these rich forks over here it's so [ __ ] nice i'm at a festival and i'm walking around in a shirt and yeah i might have beer jacket on but it's also not freezing at all it's a pleasant 23 degrees oh you'd love to see it guys just a reminder oh somebody in the crowd so we watched some dodgeball and now we're heading into the silent disco that turns silent in a couple of hours hopefully they play some good [ __ ] [Music] man we're having fun in there not too much that we know it's all good we're having fun [Music] the devil's piss what's the devil's piss just a lot of like bacardi and different bits of rum [Music] that's that [ __ ] i don't like [Music] [Applause] ma'am if you're having enough you've left your lights on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] so coachella is rife with dust lots to drink plus loads of dust in your system leads to one thing coachella does not want to see oh you go you go yeah you'll get me going yo this is bad welcome please it was time rounds this is my round there's three spicy pies good morning daniel morning how are you feeling i'm tired how about you just open the uh open the window and uh take a look well that's not a bad view is it joining us this is amazing i mean apart from all that [ __ ] down there morning slept pretty well feeling pretty good today jonathan says that his first time he's ever been this is a very nice bed because you wake up and you see a lovely view and also ready to piss what are we doing first today mb going to the shop now the barn bits somebody tells me that drinking cranberry juice wear it whilst wearing white trousers could be a bad idea that's the drinking water sir that's not continental cleaning water sir one thing you learn about mike bridey if you ever spend any time with him is he'll do anything he can to embarrass you in front of strangers whether you're in the shopping queue or whether you're cleaning your shoes at the drinking water station he'll always throw you in the [ __ ] bus with this lad just walking past the lemonade stand and the guys were like really friendly and stuff and they were telling us how like it's a local farm they picked the lemons themselves anyway they've made me this lavender lemonade on their recommendation and just look at that big block of ice in there man they were really nice and friendly and now we're gonna taste it jake and see what we think that's good you wanna try obviously we said earlier that there's kind of like heavy winds here at the minute and last night was no no difference it was mentally heavy winds now me and dan were in kind of like the god suite up on top of roof and obviously because we were high up we felt a lot more of it and it was just ridiculous but it was also worth mentioning that it was also freezing it was very cold and we were like we're in the middle of desert we don't need anything so we've just used the um virgin atlantic and i was trying to like stretch the virgin atlantic that's the thing that's the annoying thing there it is [Applause] um the one i got didn't have a tip to it so it was just a tap directly on top of my head but quite nice so coachella is really dusty and windy and you get loads of [ __ ] everywhere that's just happening that's one nostril oh my god proud of your work bit yeah it's my new flag have you got a poll so when you buy a coachella ticket you get a freebie and it's an nft but all you really need to know is that it's like a lucky dip and you redeem it using your wristband number and then it might be like a vip upgrade or some free merch or free tickets for life or something so the few of us have been able to kind of get our nfts kind of secured we're gonna now open them and see what we get all right this gang of pasty white boys is getting all uh lathered up so we're about to go into the arena and when i say about to go at the arena i probably meaning like half an hour by the size of the ginormous [ __ ] queue that we've just joined we basically thought is it even for the arena we just drawn the cube do you think you're gonna get your water in dan well i don't know why i wouldn't be able to get water in you can get it you just have to have the teeth you get it just put in your belly it's annoying like they take water off you and then make you buy it no there's filling points yeah but i want i'm not drinking tap water man i might coachella we made it in we made it in for all that travelling and all this planet here we are in the main arena of coachella 2022 and that wheel is [ __ ] massive and you better believe we're going on it even if it's hundred dollars i need a piss that's for sure oh there we go so i've come in and went to get my other 21's wristband so i can get [ __ ] up and i've brought brady's passport in by mistake which is [ __ ] annoying so that means jake valley's gonna have to buy all my drinks while we're in here in it jake i'll change things though that's very busy i do want a t-shirt but maybe maybe not with a line that's that [ __ ] big it's exactly yeah yeah that's that's what i'm that's what i mean and it's quite deep in there as well so we just bought a water after having to ditch our waters coming in there were two dollars a bottle which isn't too bad but then i accidentally tipped three dollars so it was seven dollars for these two bottles of water but partly on me how much was that razz and what is it it's a chicken kissed here he was fifteen dollars he didn't he didn't ask for it that was good big stage and it's like the smallest stage they've got is it pretty much hey boys yeah what's it like being an internet cafe really good just waiting yeah best wi-fi this is a festival man [ __ ] bellagio this festival is not built for people like us i wanna destroy it i wanna i wanna piss all over it and throw some rubbish on there wanna be a job i want the daily mail to be really upset this time [Music] first live music we've ever seen at coachella it's pretty [ __ ] excellent so now we're gonna go back to camp and get a little bit [ __ ] and then come back in to see me [Music] so the wristbands have a little chip in them and you use that to scan in and get into the arena which saves about a thousand jobs of people checking wristbands still not a single piece of rubbish on the floor we live down these rows of cars and obviously there's [ __ ] loads of cars and half of them will look like yours so the way they organize it is they have street names and numbers so this is 812th street 813th street i think that's ours what does the n stand for what's that this is what they are the locals nicknamed el blunter premium blunt that i can't get the end out of this glass tip there we go oh it's got glass tip yeah glass tip look at me and it's worth mentioning as well you're not wild them in here even though weeds legal in california yeah no you're not meant to bring them in i don't get that like if weeds legal but you're not why aren't you allowed to smoke but we said [ __ ] you right now obviously [Music] so right now we're in one of the beer gardens and it's like part of the festival arena but sectioned off and you can't take your drinks out this was a big thing that people like warned us about you know you're not allowed to drink and i guess we'll find out now really what that vibe is like it seems all right to be honest so i've been to many a festival but i'm have no problem paying over the odds for something supply and demand and all that you know what i mean we've been to festivals in london we've been at festivals in spain everywhere three beers have a guess in the comments pause it and have a guess in the comments and i'm gonna tell you now 52 for three [ __ ] beers that is the most expensive round i've ever bought which is one good thing it's having a beer we can also charge your uh phone if you want i think you have to charge me so that's pretty cool so see this massive massive line enormous line behind me i know what you're thinking that might be for some exclusive merch just for cocktails there's probably 200 people queuing for a cocktail how bad can anyone want a [ __ ] woo to queue for that long i don't know i just can't relate to that i'd rather drink nothing so two things to check in with like two days in now number one am i having a good time absolutely number two is this a good festival absolutely it is very very good in its own incredibly unique way there's also no toilets in the bar area which means that if you need a piss finish your drink leave and then queue to get back in as i walk back in and security guard could be stood there with a face like a slap task instead he's happy he's welcoming he's fist bumping everyone that's coming in uh just really nice vibes that's probably my favorite thing about this so far i've never felt like safer or more secure at a festival hey um kang what have i missed well we've just met bob burnham yeah james charles yeah david dobrik passed through yeah did you ask him to give us a shout out yeah yeah i told him all that valley's man with tatters out so after paying a horrendous amount for three beers we've now found a different bar that's inside fully air-calmed and a heineken's only 12. it must be annoying like being in this bar and missing the bands that you want to see yeah that is very annoying oh wait hang on a minute live feed so there is actually part of the beer garden where you can see that stage and drink your beer so you can technically drink a beer and watch a van pretty big stage right i love that stage must be main one it's so big how long does it take a man to finish a [ __ ] drink i can't believe that the first act that i'm about to see on the coachella main stage is [ __ ] mika this might be the biggest main stage arena i've ever [ __ ] seen and i've seen black sabbath download for better or worse this is like a stadium it's like a stadium in here there's not a bottle on the floor [Music] oh it's good to see it brother it's time for the hewlett packard presents the antarctic as you know don't know by now it's [ __ ] red out here like inhumanly hot so hp have got this dumb thing that he's sitting and it's called the summer i don't know oh nice [Music] felt like you're in a [ __ ] spaceship [Music] hey we had a good vibe in there this is the first time i felt drunk or at least somewhat intoxicated since we got here in the daytime at least the sun just stops you getting pissed because you piss everything out anyway this time and kylie right because i wear contact lenses the dust that gets my eyes is [ __ ] well annoying so i would certainly recommend getting some eye drops for anyone that wears contact lenses just [ __ ] me as soon as some [ __ ] gets in your eye it's [ __ ] well annoying and also if you're a [ __ ] get some tampons as well [Music] rob do a cartwheel wow [Music] just want to say we're the only people at coachella listening to blossoms how much how much was that one round just 94 ah no problem the boys are refreshed and it's my round out the way that design of almost like tent as we know it in the uk is so good because it's got so much like screen space and it's just so open so you're gonna get so many more people in there this is the place i mentioned earlier where you can see the stage while you're drinking a beer and this is the stage that big sean's on which means we can all come in here and get [ __ ] up while watching big shot i then go to harry styles [Music] that was absolutely [ __ ] excellent that's probably the best crowd we're going to see there's an actual pit but that was like a like a small like awesome academy club size venue at coachella contrast from what you've just seen me doing we're starting the beds out so all of this stuff needs to go up top because we're switching up tonight so we get beautiful viewing morning should do this when i'm pissed really should i add the tip on straight away do you have the tip on straight away i always put the tip on they love it what's with this camera angling it's cold this evening it's annoying that you can't bank all the heat that you've suffered for the weekend to like rewarm yourself when it's cold elon get on it we're off to see big sean or as i call him sean something good about this festival is it but only in the places where they want like people to post on instagram so like can i just have a minute please i'm trying to watch big sean ladies and gentlemen i'm about to buy the most expensive round i've ever bought please follow me on this journey as we just buy five people a drink and watch as we go through the trials and tribulations of the cancer that is the mummy and daddy's coachella money people that populate this area and why i now have to spend this much on five drinks thank you for listening hey he's a [Music] i've pedal more [ __ ] messages saying you better watch harry styles than i've had messages even asking anything else so good news i'm gonna but not because of that because i do what the [ __ ] i want ladies and gentlemen and coachella you're only allowed to piss in the toilets so as harry styles begins we are happy to proudly present coachella's first circle [Music] [Music] what are we doing [Music] it's time for me to get into my roof box to go to bed we'll see in the morning good night [Music] good morning coachella day two it's gonna be the hottest day yet today which is gonna be tough i'm out i haven't put any sun cream on last night i i didn't go out in fact none of the guys went out actually we were just so shattered but that's probably the best sleep i've had all holiday i'm feeling good feeling good this morning so i'm gonna go get sliced pizza attack this deer head on i think i've just made a critical [ __ ] mistake in a momentary lapse of judgment just standing in that queue for three minutes absolutely burnt to [ __ ] it's ridiculous man it is ridiculous we joke well i say we joked we said in the um shopping video should we get some like bug repellent or some like whatever a spray i said no right now won't need it top tip for any brits coming here get it i'm really struggling with the heat so i'm just laying on the wooden floor in this activity center where there's some air conditioning i'm really not doing a good job today i kind of speak properly it's that war how many men does it take to wash and not stoner i guess one to watch something to say no having a bit of time on the old psp that's got a camera on so we should we should get a group picture okay then we get a group picture let's go group three two one beautiful wow thanks gang jake hi uh who's a fellow vlogger as well you can subscribe to the channel down below here's my mate braz right smile foot vlog you're having fun this is great anyway we'll catch you in a bit i'm just gonna go and kill myself so today is our tourism day where we're going to kind of look at a few more of the actual attractions at coachella right man we're about to find out what our nft does time free pass we were meant to do this on day one but it was harder than we thought so here we are to find out in person i think it's just a free t-shirt that's pretty good if it's free so we're all winners that's great man did they have your size or did they have to get special ordering you supply vip charges the phone by being on a seesaw i don't know why we're waiting to do it are you excited where'd they get fresh lobster from in this desert it's a hard l for you sir spicy oh that looks very good what'd you think of the lobster slider done i don't think it's worth [ __ ] 22 dollars to start with even when you knock a fiber off because we've got that nft thing it's still not worth that it's [ __ ] tiny and not fresh rather time to go in the tower which is one of the landmark features at coachella i don't really know what it does or what's the point of it but you better believe we're going to suck it up because we paid [ __ ] over the odds to be here here we are at the top pretty nice [Music] this is a very influencer heavy festival and these guys have ever gone to the next level and they've actually got themselves a film director or some guy with a camera what happened to the rock and roller oh that's how we brought jake in to do that kind of stuff i know but he hasn't done it he's meant to be the full-time i didn't even bring his full-frame camera good job he's best dressed at weekend and that's right baby [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so coachella merch big thing because obviously while you're here you can tell everyone on your instagram that you're at coachella but how do you let people know you've been to coachella when you're not at the event what i'm gonna do is buy an entire new wardrobe that's coachella branded day 27 been in the merch queue we've lost one man we've still got these three soldiers day 102 in the merch line still all the others it's a tough one god this is annoying put that away good video 50 minutes good [ __ ] i mean good god that's mad how long we've been in this queue now at least an hour and a half 48 days how long at least an hour and a half i just don't want any [ __ ] t-shirt anymore well boys it's approaching two hours literally not worth it it's too too long you can buy all this [ __ ] online it's not even that good that was one way to just absolutely kill your day we were on a good trajectory i did buy a good amount of [ __ ] but we were on a good trajectory and that's just killed it dead so we need to find some more excitement somewhere that was a real i think i would have died in there horrible that's a good price very good price 10. i think it was going to be a tenor at all most exciting thing about this yeah the wheel was uh good value for money put it that way but it didn't blow me away so interesting with this festival something i've never seen anywhere before you have to scan your wristband to get out of the arena um which is good to know like we want to do glastonbury this year and we'll probably just buy like three tickets and just swap the wristbands through the day so that everyone can get in and you go in with two mates take your wristband off give it to another mate he leaves puts it on someone outside you get the picture um but this system stops you from doing that that was good i'm really good right there shut up so we've had a few beers with our mate jonathan who's uh literally a lovely lad there he is it's good if i didn't say something bad about jonathan and now we're gonna go down to the arena and i'm too warm in this hoodie [Music] the americans are loving the psp they respect a great portable console well i think it's about time we start our very first of 2022 festival toilet review we are on saturday so we've missed out a couple of days thought if we do it like that then it's the best way to get a bit more of a mix of like the worst it could possibly be what you can hear in that other [ __ ] bathroom is absolute [ __ ] nonsense let me talk you through just one of the toilets that is available here at coachella you'll notice that it's direct to the [ __ ] down there the blue liquid they're quite bad for the little backsplash that you sometimes get let me tell you something it doesn't matter what day we're doing on because every single day the toilets have been beautiful good little shelf there i suppose that's good for putting your coat or your jacket on your back one of the best portaloo i've ever used this one actually has a urinal which i probably should have used if you want to use a good vessel toilet just come to coachella [Music] right we saw this closure the rule is like it counts as being a band if you see them with your naked eye with your bare retina we heard white noise and then i caught a glance at one of them now we can go back to the bar and have a drink and up next it's brock hampton's final ever show are you upset about brockhampton i'm upset about them disbanding but they've had a good life and why are you lying you don't give a [ __ ] i do i do i know that really will it give me the authentic experience that i know really well american people structure the sentence is a bit weird let me i'll give you an example imagine ready is a customer and i'm checking him in at the wristband check all right come on man wristband here great thank you have a good one thank you i remember my first coachella many moons ago yeah have fun they didn't like they're like they just keep talking and saying that gta and it's great because it feels friendly like when you say like thank you to an american usually in britain you'll get like you're welcome or okay or some acknowledgement here it's just huh yep oh no i got like thank you thank you i got like i appreciate you earlier oh my god you must have got that birthday one he got dj [Music] he's not happy he's gonna have to be big around we'll take out the pot you guys always come here i'd like to file an expense claim who wants a shout out look at him giving away his drink everyone's just being like really friendly and tonight's the first night where people have clocked on to yorkshire accent and they [ __ ] love it so i can just talk about boring [ __ ] and people are listening to me just like all of you well i'm having a good time this evening this is stupid 20 minute round trip at full pace i'm a fast walker [ __ ] i wish i was on tinder i'm not extending my overdraft it feels like tonight is the first night where people are kind of over themselves and they're ready for a good [ __ ] time [Music] we're on our way to billy eilish headline act of saturday night she playing the main stage we saw her play the main stage at leeds festival back in 20 whenever you got to remember he's a headliner he's now performing watch out and we're in the busiest crowd ever heading away from the headliner to 21 savage that tells you everything you need [Music] why don't we just add half that vodka into here then russ that's my vodka yeah half of it that's it what did you buy from target and razz can drink a vodka cranberry what did you buy from target so when he's when he's done having his vodka pouring in his vodka and cranberry yeah we'll start putting it in the vodka orange so what did you buy from target oh lots of things what did you buy from target a lot i'm just finish fill up your vodka and cranberry no but this is my vodka yeah i know yeah what our vodka but you didn't pay for it no but it's ours now what did you buy from target a lot what spirits [Music] [Applause] [Music] back from billy allish incredible very [ __ ] good you can argue is she a [ __ ] headline slot yes no kinda who [ __ ] knows but you gotta admit for her age to do what she's done anything yes he's very [ __ ] impressive have a listen to the world's team is silent disco it's a bit boring but i'm sorry because my boy jonathan over there but i'm just so happy for jonathan look at my boy jonathan [Music] why did you take your dancing lessons oh come on what come on it's how you spell it is it with a name [Music] absolutely oh man it's so pretty it is so good thank you so much man you're welcome enjoy your evening tara well it's been a good night have you had a good night ross oh where's another one of them was it's under there you gotta like reach around right well as he'll do anything to get a reach around right far all right good evening thank you for watching for tonight we'll see you tomorrow bye my name is ryan eaglin and i'd just like to mention that i am absolutely [ __ ] i've woke up this morning and oh that's a lovely headache i literally just don't think i can do it anymore i've i've literally just been sat here like crying just because i am so [ __ ] i've got some water i'm dying for a piss but i can't move and my lungs are just filled with dust anyway well let's see what happens today what time is it jake i'm gonna have a beer yeah i'll open this one there you go there you go cheers the good life you know what's interesting the dr pepper's singing but the beers float there's something going on i feel like i'm in [ __ ] cold water jake stop that try to close it hi guys this is my morning routine just washed my hair just to make sure it's all tangled in tv you got to believe the cooler it's got four days worth of now warmish water look at that oh it's gone in oh that's nice bro dip your toes in there [ __ ] sunday weekend's almost over here if you wanted all those beers for you to not drink [Laughter] [Music] man i wish there was a way to [ __ ] cool down properly got me and you in there [Music] where's the projectiles [Music] that is excellent that is what a great [ __ ] vibe man what a great ride going off over there oh my god oh my god look at this [ __ ] me what has happened there russians oh man i'd hate to be under that i appreciate we didn't really get it on camera but that was crazy just one gust of enormous wind totally destroyed this camp [Music] this table was right over in the back corner oh my god let's just rag it forward here how'd they got that massive knife in more important mike should we take that down for headliners [Music] one night only everybody captain increase matthew brady goes to this nicest guy we've ever met we got he goes oh um a pedo that that means good guy so then he goes yeah i'm the pizza that'll be a nice cut from razda just the island i'll tell you what is incredibly normalized in the united states of america to an almost a concerning degree drink driving yeah everyone loves drink driving they'll brag about it it is a real drink driving epidemic raz is the only man i know that's actually driven through more than once have you just walked through all that horseshit i think i did you know the last three times that we've come into the arena we haven't been checked at all we could have brought a bottle of vodka in a lot of anything like literally it could have just been in pocket and there is a lot of security around this entrance area so if you did start drinking it straight away it'd get taken off you but it's very easy to get stuff in at coachella [Music] the american culture is so fantastic this hasn't happened to me but people will like run up to someone and say i love your outfit i love your shirt i feel like in the uk like if i walk over to someone i'll say i just wanna say i love your shirt they're gonna think there's some kind of ulterior motive there but here everyone's just up front and honest it's great did you see that guy then he was like just wanna say i love your shirt robert attenborough [ __ ] narration about the whole coachella thing this is like it's just so funny well the lord was looking down on us we just received our adsense payment from google for you watching these videos what that's going to do is probably get us all two drinks thank you very much these ones are on you it's disgusting unsubscribe we don't we don't appreciate you around this is the worst alcoholic drink i've ever had this ranch water ladies and gentlemen it is the final day of a major festival we've already been through this have a look at the ground behind me can you see a single piece of litter if you can then frame skip through the video and like find a piece of litter and send an email so no one [ __ ] cares all danny's talked about for the last like three or four months awful pink are you excited dan yeah face of an excited man right there she's a silver lining lone ranger riding [Music] after that like being in the tent watching allville the amount of dust in the air i am so [ __ ] dehydrated man i'm desperate for water so we're going to the bar for a beer i'm really just [ __ ] hilarious it's very very busy today very busy check this out [Music] it's the last night i had coachella yeah how was feeling like staying yeah typical quiet one are you feeling jake i'm all right i'm ready to get a bit yeah first time for everything there the camper on the left with the roof up well it's the last day of coachella might be the last time that we're ever here it might not and we're just about to go into the arena and watch the swedish house mafia and the weekend let's see the condition of the toilets bearing in mind you've seen a lot of festival toilets on our channel god damn not bad you know you cash out without on the last day i'm just having a [ __ ] and i really don't want to go on it's just been so good this has been wonderful truly truly wonderful and it's annoying because like you just got to go back to your normal normal life it's hard to um to balance that to be fair but we got to do it we've all got to do it and yes i just wanted to acknowledge that to have the good times you have to have the mediocre times as well and i'm ready for a mediocre few weeks but guess what [ __ ] i'm going to coachella and i'm having a [ __ ] and it's falling out of my ass right now no that would have been funny and the viewers will never know and we can drop it to them as well if they want a sad moment it's a sad day it's a sad time of events we're gonna go down to the arena for the last time of 2022. to everyone that thinks there's more wheels than doors in the world see exhibit here every one of those carriages has four doors but there's only one big wheel guess what [ __ ] your boy got the miniatures in i got a gin and i got a whiskey pasta security i thought i'd take the risk on the last night didn't even get searched no [ __ ] problems [Music] hey guys hop there just like covering the whole stage for me oh wow so we're here at the end of the festival we're waiting for the swedish house mafia and the weekend to close out the weekend and the question that's on everyone's minds what is coachella really like did we have a good time and the answer is yes absolutely it's been really good so let me see orville pep who i adore so it is gonna be i don't know where i'm going with that [ __ ] but i love it i've had an amazing time this has been brilliant for this to be the first festival of the year back you couldn't really ask for anything it's been all right it's been a little bit too warm at times maybe maybe 22 degrees rather than 32 degrees would be very nice but yeah it's been lovely it's been a bit cold not warm enough i'd say the yaks have been all right the drinks are expensive but the company's amazing it's been [ __ ] incredible everyone out there that says it's [ __ ] that says it's just for influencers that says it's just for like that's they're the words of people who have not been to coachella coachella is incredible and hopefully we'll be back if you buy a t-shirt let's get drunk and if you made it this far make sure to check out the podcast that we will be doing shortly so you can really hear our thoughts [Music] well it took a while but we found some rubbish would you believe it we found some rubbish on the floor [Music] well i spent two hours yesterday in a queue trying to get merch that was a good two hours compared to this [ __ ] the weekend's not really doing a very good job is it some of the credit for this whack performance goes to the crowd because this crowd is dead as [ __ ] it's like people are social distancing and i know american crowds aren't quite as hardcore as the uk crowd but this guy's literally one of the biggest aaa megastars on the planet and i'm blessed that kanye west pulled out because if i had to experience kanye west in this crowd i'd be really disappointed with it so i'm glad that my first time seeing kanye will hopefully be somewhere in the uk with an absolutely banging uk crowd if i don't get covered in a bottle of piss when i'm next to a gig i'm gonna be upset this is the only video you're gonna get of the coachella wheel and the windows task bar in the same frame we're leaving early to go back to campus you know and i think everybody else has had the idea as well because it looks like he's finished but he's actually got about 20 minutes left to do crazy i've never seen this before oh this is gonna be awful [Music] coachella valley you have been the highlight of my 20s i'm 30 next month chances are when you watch this i'll be 30. but believe me you have been the highlight now i'm about to go and do something that no one ever expects you to do you know i was accommodated to be sick but there's no lock on this and any coach helen could just come in and see that the supreme hoodie only buys me like fifty percent clout here so i'm not gonna be sick look at this [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right y'all let's get it put the headphones on let's go let's go right there you know the weekend he's the worst headliner i've seen since kingsley that was dreadful um we are out of there bye bye coachella yes i'll tell you what it feels nice to be showered i'm just being looking on the old playstation portable we've got some right photos this weekend boys should we ever look together now [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is it lord of lawdy jesse
Channel: TPD TV
Views: 1,707,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 34CkWT8yWNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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