Signs of the Coming Antichrist - Part 1

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it either looked at the screens or open your Bibles which I would like you to do both actually because if you have your Bibles open to Second Thessalonians chapter 2 it's always great to write in the margins of your Bible you say Jack can we do that without getting in trouble with God the answer is yes your Bible you should have you should have uh Bibles plural over the course of your Christian Life that are almost like Diaries uh when mine gets uh used up I put a rubber band around and it goes on the Shelf and uh and so go to this portion of second Thessalonians and write in it when you hear verses today mentioned and you're going to hear a lot of verses today so if you're taking notes write small uh there'll be many but uh before we read this we're looking at this message series titled signs of the coming Antichrist and I'm not usually a big teacher or preacher or eschatologist on the study of future things in the area of the Antichrist I've given a couple of messages over the course of the last 30 years because I just don't focus on them because I don't plan on meeting them ever and as as being part of the church we'll never see him and there's evidence in the Bible for that clearly but so you say Well Jack then why are we studying this that's the great question one of the reasons is because I've been a Christian for 46 years and the things that we're seeing right now I never thought I'd ever see there's things going on right now that if you would have said you'll be a Christian and you'll see this stuff happening then what listen then my conclusion to you would have been either a Christ isn't con gonna come back at all or boy is he close and that's the answer boy is he close if we are seen not only the stage set up for the tribulation period but as it were the stagehands are just moving now the set in like little inches not feet then how much closer is the imminent return of Christ Jesus for the church before those Jewish Hebrew focused seven-year tribulation period begins signs of the coming Antichrist we will use it to get ourselves ready we will use it as a witnessing tool we will use it to tell every man woman boy and girl about the love of God and the day and age in which we live in that Christ is coming and that his promise to us is eternal life I will read verse one if you'll pick it up loud and verse 2 together now Brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him we ask you let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the Fallen away comes first the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition you are do you not remember that when I was still with you this is Paul speaking to the Thessalonians I told you these things for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way that's awesome the coming of the Lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and line wonders and for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie and all God's people said amen you may be seated well as I mentioned in the introduction somebody might say why on Earth are we studying this portion or this doctrine of what is referred to as eschatology eschatology is the science of the study of the word of God regarding future events eschatology 30 percent or so some say 25 some say 33 percent of the Bible is what is known as eschatological it means that this book a quarter of this book or more is written regarding future events you'll you will not find that by the way in any other writing of any other religious group throughout human history in fact so important is this issue about the God of the Bible being a God that perfectly prophesies the future that he himself declares behold I am he there is none like me I am the one who has spoken to you and I have told you the future before it comes to pass that when it does come to pass you will know that I am he and uh all of the religions in the world either a are smart enough to not even have prophecy in their strange belief systems some are nuts enough to try to have their own prophecies but over time have been proven wrong in fact even in Islam which came much later of course uh in the 7th Century whatever so-called prophetic utterances are in the book of the Quran those were simply lifted from the Bible that was already in existence you need to know that but we we need to know what the Bible says about this many people don't want to know this uh and I believe personally and I hope you know by now that um we here at this church and I believe that we are to preach the message of Truth and let the truth land wherever it lands and we are not to sugarcoat anything but we are to give the truth of God as it's revealed in the Bible and so you'll find nothing around here regarding Church growth tactics a church growth tactic would be don't talk about prophetic issues why because it causes controversy of course it does the question is why does it and we have been admonished in the scriptures to not be ignorant concerning prophetic teachings of the Bible now you do know right I'm talking about Bible prophecy prophetic teachings I'm not talking about somebody saying I've got a prophecy for you brother I'm not talking about that stuff I'm talking about God's ability to look into the future and to reveal to us in the Bible what we need to know why would he do that because it is Bible prophecy that causes you to have an undeniable faith in the scriptures when you understand that the god that you worship is what is known as prescient prescient is that he sees things in the future but here's the beautiful part you and I cannot he does but in reality he's above it all he doesn't see what's coming where he resides this is tough well it's an impossible it's impossible for us to understand this where where he resides he sees the creation of the spiritual realm all the Angelic hosts Before Time was ever created before the earth and the universe was ever created and he sees the end of it all in eternity God his nature is that he views all of it in the exact same moment you see how that's how is that possible it's impossible for us to even fathom but look at it this way on one page as it were that's in front of you God sees it all this is a really lame example but if you fly over the Rose Bowl Parade the the the rose the Rose Bowl Parade if you fly over it in the Goodyear blimp and look down you can see the end from the beginning all at once now that's kind of goofy because God doesn't need a blimp to see it all it's his nature he's outside of time it's amazing he says so why do we study this this one called the Antichrist well because what's going on in our world around us demands that we look into this and it should translate into this wow if this is what's going on how close are we to the coming of Christ for his church a little bit of background as we look into this thessalonica you can go there today by the way it's one of the oldest cities in the world but Paul had written to them he had visited them and then written to them first Thessalonians he wrote two books to them first and second Thessalonians if you're a note taker and I hope all of you are first Thessalonians deals predominantly with the things of the church and of the Rapture and in fact in all five chapters there is a promise to deliver the church from the wrath of God by what is called The Rapture in all five chapters of first Thessalonians second Thessalonians starts out with a reminder at chapters one and a couple of verses in chapter two and then chapter then the rest of the book is dedicated to the events of the second coming so it's very easy to remember one deals with the first and two deals with the second everybody got that it's very very simple and um but he wrote to them why did he write to them because there were those after he had left and leaves them first Thessalonians and it's so full of comfort and joy and and anticipation after Paul left there were others who came behind and said that's not what Paul meant what he really meant to say was this and they they so to speak re-preached Paul's messages in Paul's name but they completely Twisted it are you hearing me this happens all the time in life then there are those who said we've got this letter that was written from the apostles and we need to read it to you and Paul changed his mind about what he had wrote to you a couple of years ago and then there's the warning that goes out that you know what we heard from the Lord and the Lord said this and all of it listen everybody should write this down because it's important all of those attacks coming from three different angles were an attack to try to confuse the people to get them to believe that because suffering had increased in the Roman Empire they were in the tribulation period Paul is a liar now you think that through for a moment you're in the Trib sorry suck it up it's going to get worse Paul made a big mistake and we're telling you what he should have said that's what countered what Paul wrote in this first letter are you with me he writes in response the second letter it's a rebuttal to false Doctrine or false teaching if you understand that it's very important because they were concerned they thought wow I guess Christ isn't coming for us I guess we look for the Antichrist instead I know a lot of good people who hold to that teaching that we don't need to be looking for Jesus Christ listen everybody I'm not going to mention names there are too many to mention but there's famous names famous TV personalities that are Christians and famous books that have been written in the Christian Community and they say waiting for Jesus Christ is a waste of time you're fanatical you need to be just getting ready and watch for the Antichrist uh because that you're going to go through it all you're going to and here's the reasons why and they have their arguments but to do that you've got to twist the scriptures and look uh don't hate me for what I'm about to say in fact you should love me more for it and and it's this it's this when I got saved at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa I was a pre-tribulationist meaning that I was taught and I believed that Christ would come before the rep before the tribulation period because I didn't know any better I I was listening to Pastor Chuck Smith in those days uh Chuck Missler was teaching there on campus everybody taught that and I was reading it and studying it and I thought that's fantastic and then um I really studied more and uh discovered that um that I'm uh quite a believer and um I don't think I believe in this pre-tribulation thing anymore I think if you're really going to be a man about your Christianity you need to suck it up and go through the tribulation and take it like a man and suffer because Jesus suffered then I'm going to suffer like him and I got onto that kick for about three years I was a very outspoken post-tribulationist and let me tell you it's a hard way to live because you've got to go about manipulating the scripture you've got to take the church and replace Israel with the church and you've got to do all kinds of biblical rule breaking to pull it off and it doesn't work and so when I came back as a pre-tribulationist I came back with fire because I understand both camps and um like our old friend Dr Ed heinson says he's so pre-tribulation that he doesn't even eat post Toasties and he buys his bananas yellow not green because he doesn't at the time for them to ripen I like that throughout the scripture we are told to be ready so all the while as we go through this series I want you to be thinking I need to be ready to meet Jesus today and uh look if we don't hear a trumpet blast today listen you could hear a hunk of a truck or you could hear a thump of your heart or something you better be ready to meet Jesus and so a background a lot of background today to what we're looking at and that is regarding this man called the Antichrist and he is a man you need to make note of that he's an actual human being he's not a supernatural manifestation he's not an alien that fell out of a spaceship he's not going to come walking out of Roswell he's a real man he's a real person that Satan will select he didn't come out of the womb with horns little Nubs on the top of his skull he didn't come out with a little tail he wasn't Rosemary's Baby you guys this is old group in here don't tell second or third but I relate to you guys way more than other people but he's a human and God knows from All Time and Eternity who he is Satan does not know who he is which is a very interesting thing again Satan will select him are you again write this down Satan doesn't know the end time scheme it's somehow blinded from his eyes and this is pretty fun every generation if you study it very closely there are some real high shelf players and some mid-level and some low-level players but in every generation since the Book of Genesis Satan who doesn't know eschatology he just doesn't get it and I like that by the way has had to have an antichrist type always waiting in the wings because when things start happening he's got to grab his man and possess him he's going to move inside of him and he's gonna use him for his deeds Satan every generation so you could P you could look at people like uh Nimrod was the first prototype of the Antichrist Nimrod was Satan's probably first attempt to create a globalization of Nations nimrod Nimrod Genesis 11 who built the Tower of Babel and announced really when you look at it in the English it seems to make no sense it says that Nimrod was a great hunter before the Lord nimran was a hunter before the Lord in the Hebrew the Hebrew implies that Nimrod scaled the Mount of Babel that they had built and that he was a great Archer the Bible says and that he was to shoot God down out of Heaven he was a hunter of The Souls of men is what ancient lore has said about Nimrod that's key the satanic realm is in a hunt for The Souls of men Satan knows or at least he's heard that he's been defeated he knows the cross at his thought first initially was a victory until Sunday morning we studied that last week did we not and the Bible tells us that when Christ rose again from the dead Satan was defeated he said what is it he give up then because there's one thing that he still has opportunity to do while Christ in the gospel goes to the ends of the Earth and Lord willing to your heart that you might receive the love of God and the Forgiveness of God even though Satan is a defeated enemy he's going after you because it's not personal Satan coming after you it's like the guy in the it's like the guy in the movie I'm sorry I gotta bump you off I've got to take you out it's not personal you know that Guido guy or whatever in the movie sorry to have to pump you off but Satan would say to you today it was most impersonal it's just that I hate your master so much he loves you so much that the only way I can inflict any pain on him is by killing you and taking your whole soul into hell so that's what I'm going to do [Applause] thanks dad didn't know that was didn't know I had that [Applause] Satan's plan he can't defeat God but he's not stupid so what he does is he has figured out how can I how can I do what what time I have left how can I inflict pain into the heart of my Arch loathsome enemy which is almighty God how do I hurt him listen from this moment on you should never sell for suffer self-esteem after this lack of self-esteem know this God loves you so much that Satan hates your guts and he he wants to he wants to steal your soul drag you down into the pit of Hell so God is hurt by that that's how valuable you are [Music] [Applause] there's only four portions in scripture where he's actually referred to as the Antichrist or the spirit of antichrist I'll explain write these down if you would first John chapter 2 verse 18 first John 2 18 says little children by the way first second and third John are written to Believers not to non-believers non-believers are not even recognized in first second and third John little children it is the last hour and as you have heard the Antichrist is coming that's who we're going to be learning about these next few weeks even now many antichrists have come by which we know that it is the last hour not only does every generation have to have an antichrist type in Satan's holster so to speak but those who deny the deity of Jesus Christ or deny the existence of God they are those who fall under the category of being Antichrist not the Antichrist but an antichrist a belief system that denies God what is rightfully who he is first John 2 verse 22. first John 2 verse 22 who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist who denies the father and the son first John 4 verse 3 first John 4 verse 3 every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard was coming that's the person and is now already in the world that is the spirit of him remarkable second John chapter 1 verse 7. for many deceivers have gone out into the world who does who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh or the Incarnation see what is that Christmas Day God came into the world born from a virgin exactly as the prophets foretold If you deny that then you are of the spirit of antichrist it's not it's nothing personal it's just true if you today say I don't believe Jesus Is God that's because you've been dued by the spirit of antichrist and your very position is Antichrist remarkable is it this is a deceiver and an antichrist so the signs of the coming Antichrist by way of introduction of who this person is Mark it down in your note-taking he is revealed in scripture as the Beast Mark that down by the way for those of you I don't know if you know this or not but you can print out all the notes before you come to church on Sunday and you can have them did you already know you already knew that okay uh he's known as the Beast Revelation chapter 11 verse 7. when they that is the two witnesses the two prophets that come from God during the tribulation period mind you finish their testimony their mission their work the Beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them and overcome them and kill them the Beast is the man the Antichrist but it is he Satan who empowers him from the inside out that's why it says he ascends out of the pits Revelation 13 verses one through four then I that is John stood on the sand of the sea Bible students if you know eschatology see in Old Testament almost always revert refers to humanity John says that I stood on the shores as it were of humanity Saul all time of humanity and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea this man is going to come up out of humanity having seven heads don't worry about that it's explained in the Bible he doesn't have seven heads he has seven authorities he has seven rules seven uh to call it degrees in our world he's got seven titles behind his name and ten horns the word horns is the Old Testament word for Kings horns Kings interchangeable and on his horns ten crowns and on his heads a Blasphemous name verse two now the Beast which I saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear this is how God sees this man and his mouth like the mouth of a lion the dragon that Satan gave him his power his throne and great Authority and I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed that's interesting you ought to mark that down I don't know if we'll yeah we will I'll get into what that means this is a absolutely amazing why does it point that out in scripture what is that all about whoever the Beast is that is to come this one called the Antichrist the Bible tells us that one of his heads will appear to be mortally wounded but the deadly wound was healed isn't that a weird statement you'll see how important it is to know your Old Testament here in a second and all the world marveled and followed the Beast and they worshiped the Dragon who would worship Satan uh yeah who gave authority to the Beast and they that is the earth dwellers worship the Beast saying who is like the Beast and who is able to make war with him Daniel calls him not only a horn but watch this so specific he's a little horn there's Big Horns but there's one little horn what does that mean in Hebrew it means that he's seemingly insignificant but he skyrockets out of nowhere onto the scene and takes authority over all the others but he starts out as a little insignificant politician a little insignificant one among the rulers of the world notice that you and I live in a time when things can happen overnight I'm not saying this to be funny I'm just asking you prior to 2004 you didn't even know who Barack Obama was you'd never even heard of him did you know that don't tell me you did because you didn't you did not know who he was you don't go around knowing Community organizers who knows that and then for about nine months he's a U.S senator and then he's president United States skywalking it up so don't say it can't happen it's already happened in the world people laughed at the rise of Adolf Hitler nobody laughs at that name anymore insignificant Daniel chapter 7 verse 8 Daniel says by the way Daniel and John are the two only two prophets in the Bible that are called beloved of God isn't that neat Daniel and John both of them by the way their books answer one another one ask a question the other one answers the question Daniel and John you'll never understand the Book of Revelation that John wrote without studying Daniel it's impossible Daniel 7 8. and I was considering the horns the Kings the leaders the rulers and there was another horn so this is a lesser King a lesser leader a lesser ruler a little one coming up among them before whom three of the first horns there's ten if you read the whole chapter there's ten horns out of the ten horns an insignificant one appears that's not of the ten but it is the 11th horn so he's so little he like works for one of these other guys and he comes up and subdues three of them in the scheme and in the realm of global politics we can say so Watch What Happens he comes up among them before whom three of the first horns or Kings were plucked out by the roots and there in his in this horn where eyes like the eyes of a man and A mouth-speaking pompous words there's an illusion there to this little one skyrockets into Fame because he's demonically manipulated he's a man but so to speak if you look deep into his eyes there's something else going on in there and by the way he speaks pompous words it means that this one comes onto the scene with an overcharged sense of confidence and over I'll put it to you this way everything the believer should have humbly in honor of our God the Antichrist comes arrogantly with an arrogance and pride that honors his Lord that is Satan Christians have a tendency and weakness to tiptoe about this one will come onto the world scene and for good reason the Bible tells us that he's going to win over the world by all kinds of various Acts from performing peace treaties miracles signs and wonders and their capacity to untie ancient Secrets the Bible says that the Antichrist is able to decipher enigmas difficult things which is very interesting to me will he explain what are some of the biggest questions that man has where do we come from how about that he's going to answer that stuff he's going to answer it probably I'm guessing now he's probably going to answer the UFO issue he'll have an answer for that most of us in first service don't really care but first listen third service they just got home about an hour ago they'll come to third service and they're all very very young and they'll really care because what listen this this guy the Antichrist he's going to have answers to people he's gonna well what about Hey listen notice how the world is trending more and more I just read this this morning by the way I didn't expect us to get this uh article but notice that the world is uh right now trending uh toward a younger Earth because science is breaking down do you know this new technologies has now shown us that the universe is much younger than what we thought it was but but these people who do not believe in God they're now believing in a younger Universe a younger Earth and so now they're calling for a quick evolution of things that's what happened it was a fast Evolution it didn't happen slow it went very very quick well guess what he's going to come on the scene he's going to answer them do you remember how Solomon was able to answer the questions of he's going to do the same thing but under satanic influence listen Satan is not listen he's not eternal Satan's Satan is a created being the Bible tells us and demons which come out from Fallen Angels they too have a start date okay now they may live on forever like you and I will live on forever everybody in this room or those that are watching right now or in the within the hearing of my voice Believe It or Not atheists or agnostic you will live forever the Bible says when you die you go to hell forever or you go to heaven forever and you're very very much alive one is a living life the other one is a living death you pick but he speaks pompous words arrogant think of people think of somebody I you for me you think of like a Richard Dawkins or a Bill Maher speaks pompous words Bill Maher can be so absolutely wrong about what he's talking about that he sounds correct did you hear what I just said those of you who are in college you should know that your professor sounds so correct but they're dead wrong in so many areas but they sound good they put on a good show this guy's going to come on he's perfect said why because Satan is inside of his body using him remarkable he's also known as the fierce King he has a fierce countenance the Bible tells us Daniel you guys okay Daniel chapter 8 verse 23. and in the latter time of their Kingdom that oh my goodness just in the latter time of their Kingdom what kingdom ten kingdoms Book of Daniel tells us there's going to be those ten horns that arise they're going to be ten kings that rule the world during the time of their Kingdom by the way their Kingdom the Bible says is a very short-lived Kingdom 10 leaders will dominate the world the world will be divided up under their watchful eye in the latter time of their Kingdom so that's near the end when the transgressors have reached their fullness that means sin has gotten to its level God says just another few minutes a king shall arise having a fierce countenance who understands Sinister schemes Fierce countenance means that he has an ability to look in a way very strong very right very intimidating he can look at you that word implies that he can look at you and you kind of just put your head down in cower away have you ever seen a bully you've seen animals do this have you not when there's especially Springtime like right now going on cat fights going on I live in Chino Hills so there's coyote Wars going on the the the the males are fighting against the males and it sounds like people are being murdered they scream horribly it's horror horrible sound but those coyotes are dueling for dominance for reproduction you've seen a male lion come up against another male lion and once the male the alpha establishes Authority what does the other one do the other one sculks away backwards defeated the Antichrist is going to come on the scene with incredible power satanically driven and none of us listen I don't care what you and I have ever experienced in the realm of satanic or demonic issues it's nothing compared to what this one does because it will be Satan personified in a human being and listen he's been around a long time and what's remarkable to me is that he's proved himself and his agents to be very patient which to me is an attribute but he's patient and he'll study you I'm convinced by the way if the Bible says and it does that The Heirs of salvation that's you and I if you trust Christ that there's an angel at least one that has been given to our dispatch Matthew's gospel talks about it so does the book of Hebrews have you ever talked about uh have you ever heard about um your guardian angel that's a cute term it's actually biblically true there is an angel assigned to you in this life to who to those who are The Heirs of Salvation we can't see we don't know who that is but the Heavenly realm knows this and by the way if you're if you are not and if you are not covered by the protection of the Lord Jesus Christ you are wide open to demonic influence and demonic schemes I wish I could go into detail I cannot I would not but just know this he's going to come on the scene intimidating you see Jack I thought you said at the beginning that we weren't going to see this guy we're not the church is not but you better make sure you're of the church my friend you better make sure that you're born again and when the trumpet blows that you go up I had a terrible thought she doesn't know this she's not here right now but I studying this this week I thought about laying out my clothes in the hallway as though the Rapture had happened before Lisa got home and you know you'd have the water running or the tea cup the tea pots you know and then I thought that's just that's not funny but it's going to happen it's going to happen someday he's also re referred to uh in scripture as not only uh the horn and the Beast the one having the fierce countenance he's also referred to as the willful King Daniel 11 verse 36 notice how many Daniel passages were in regarding the Antichrist then the king that is the horn shall do exceeding according to his own will he shall exalt and magnify himself above every God that and shall speak Blasphemous against the god that's the god of Heaven your God the willful King he's also known in the Bible as the idol Shepherd or the worthless Shepherd Idol Zachariah 11 verse 17. Zechariah 11 17 says woe to the worthless or idle Shepherd who leaves or abandons the flock this is regarding Israel as sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye his arms shall completely wither and his right eye shall be totally blinded this is referring to the Antichrist does that ring a bell did we read something a moment ago when the Bible tells us that in the Book of Revelation the world will wonder when they see that his mortal head wound is healed it appears from Zechariah 11 17 that there's some sort of residual from this attempt is it an assassination attempt I don't know what is it we don't know but the Bible is specific this is one of those things for that generation for those who do not go up in the Rapture they can then open up the Bible I guess in watch this happen I don't plan on uh caring about it one bit but uh it is interesting though it's probably a good time to Define what Antichrist means anti-anti is an interesting word anti can have one of two meanings and sometimes most often both at the same time anti you probably know this like anti-anti Anti-Venom it's against Venom or anti-whut anti antibacterial anti-mosquito anti-bug whatever that means it stops yes yes anti means to oppose he certainly does that does he not the anti the opposing Christ Christos in Hebrew Messiah mashiach he is the anti-messiah the one who fights against the true Messiah while at the same time plays the role as an imposter Messiah the Antichrist is to be the one who opposes the plan of God but dupes human beings into thinking that he is the plan of God the Messiah himself that's how everybody if you don't know that's how Israel is going to receive him as their Messiah oh by the way I I will break away from protocol here guys can you put the the scripture text back up second Thessalonians 2 watch this this is amazing second Thessalonians 2 follow along with me watch everyone watch this now Brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him sounds like John 14 huh we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind troubled either by Spirit or by word or by letter as if from us as though the day of Christ had come you guys haven't missed anything don't worry about it let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the Fallen away comes first there's two meanings to falling away I'm Gonna Give You them both you studied for yourself there's only two meanings to what that means number one that is a time of great apostasy where those that are the church stop being the church boy are we seeing that today could it mean that it certainly could maybe it does another translation is which is the word it can be argued that by very good Scholars it is that it means departure the word is used in other parts of the body a Bible where there is a departure some say that it refers to the Rapture great Scholars argue both back and forth I don't really care it doesn't matter to me all I know from this is that the Antichrist cannot be revealed until the church is out of the way and the church is out of the way by the Holy Spirit getting us into the hands of Jesus watch this the Fallen away comes first the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition that's interesting because only Judas is the other one found in the Bible known as the Son of Perdition why is Judas referred to as the Son of Perdition anybody good because Satan entered him on the night of the Betrayal who opposes there's the word and exalt himself above all that is called God and that is worshiped watch this so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is God and look Paul says don't you guys remember when I was with you I told you all these things you guys look at verse 4 is incredible verse 4 is amazing see Jack we got a big problem we don't have to really even talk about this stuff because there's got to be a temple in Jerusalem for the guy to sit in to declare himself to be God you are totally correct I would recommend you today spending the entire rest of your week reviewing the plans and looking at the data that Israel has and what the rabbis have declared that it's time for them to start rebuilding the temple did you hear me they have the gowns they've made them you can look at them online they fashioned the gowns they've got the ashes of the red heifer that's needed to sanctify the implements the implements have all been made out of silver and gold the menorah is on display you can see it they've got they've done DNA I don't know how they've done all this but they've done DNA testing of young Hebrew men to see if they're of a coethite or a levite they're dead serious but the Bible tells us in the book of Zechariah that when the Lord returns he will build his Temple so how do the Jews get over this Temple talk are you guys listening according to the Bible the only Temple God will recognize is the one that he bills Jesus for the Millennium will build his own Temple in Jerusalem Zechariah says so watch this second Thessalonians 2 says that this guy is going to stand in the temple and sit in the temple and declare himself to be good there's going to be a temple built that the god of the Bible has nothing to do with and the Jews have always taught Zechariah that the Messiah would come and build the temple I want you to write this down and prove me wrong go look at what the Messiahs have said over these last several years regarding the temple they've had a new revelation from God the new revelation is they must build the temple for God to come they've got to create it for him to come and live in it doesn't that fit second Thessalonians 2. next slide next exportion and no and now you know what is restraining what's holding this guy back that he Antichrist may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work in other words the gears are moving only he notice Capital H it's a reference of the Holy Spirit only the Holy Spirit who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way the holy spirit is holding back not only evil but the Antichrist from being revealed that's why you and I naturally supernaturally have to be Salt and Light to our life family community in the world because if the holy spirit's holding back evil and the holy spirit's living in me he uses you and I to hold back evil when he's taken out of the way notice this watch this watch everybody oh I don't have anything to throw watch this is the church I'm the holy spirit this is the church okay holding back Evil 2 000 years all this is going on and when it's time for the wicked one to be revealed the Holy Spirit steps aside and goes like this pitches us as it were up to the Lord Jesus in John 14 in the atmosphere where he receives his children in the Rapture and the Holy Spirit simply does what the LA Rams offensive line did to Stafford all year long nothing nothing [Applause] does that make sense he doesn't go anywhere well if the Holy Spirit leaves who's going to get saved who says he leaves he just steps aside and there goes evil think the world's bad now notice how the world's notice how Evil's ramping up Goods being cold evil Evil's being cold good oh that's part of God's plan he didn't plan it God wrote it down in advance called prophecy he told us about it so that we wouldn't lose heart don't worry about it God is saying don't worry yes it may escalate to the point where you're imprisoned or jailed for being a Christian preaching the gospel you may be burned at the stake this has gone on for 2 000 years God says don't worry about it you can only die for so long and then you go to heaven don't be like the Thessalonians who think oh my gosh it's getting so rough we must be in the tribulation period I had a woman in this church say to me I was just because I'd recognized her so I recognized her by thinking she must have gone here but she was listening to some online class and she said I need to ask you a question where are we where are we right now this is during the pandemic where are we in the tribulation period and what portion are we in and I said get out no I didn't I felt like it I no I said ma'am listen please sit down you got to hear this we're not in it yet this is not it Jesus said when you see these things begin to happen they're like birth pangs of a woman you know uh it's called the quickening and that Jesus's uh reference by the way was which leads to real birth so for those of you who've had a baby for those excuse me for all you women who have had babies you start to have contractions you start to have and they start to intensify the water breaks um and it gets stronger and stronger and stronger and then you know when you're pregnant for the first excuse me when women are pregnant for the first time they start heavy we didn't know back in those Stone Age when we had our kids it's like oh don't worry these are Braxton Hicks so who's that I'd never heard of that band before no these are Braxton Hicks contractions I said Lisa what's going on with you I'm having Braxton Hicks so what and the doctor told her it is your it's actually your uterus and your system exercising to get ready practicing see it's got a nurse correcting me in the front row practicing practicing strengthening for delivery you know what it is safe to say without exaggeration the world at this moment is going through Braxton Hicks because we know that the actual labor pains Jesus referred to as the opening of The Seven Year tribulation period the first three and a half years so if we're starting to feel spasms and contractions now then how close are we so anti-christ is the instead of Christ Great Imposter a friend of mine works in a secret place sent me some images regarding China and what I was looking at I thought I was looking at something that the U.S makes or in the U.S has said no that's Chinese I said no it's none we've had that for years yeah yeah I know but it's Chinese what about this and that's Chinese what about that it's Chinese and I looked at this stuff and all of it's a knockoff are you hearing me they wait for us to invent something and then they turn right around and make it in a few weeks think about that for a moment Satan's just like that he can't invent anything he's gonna pollute the church he's not going to make a church God makes sex what does Satan do with it God gives us fruit of the vine to celebrate and to be medicine for our tummy what does Satan do with it he gets people hooked on it and strung out and messed up he just ruins everything he touches so what he does I'm gonna have to end we have so much it's ridiculous no I can't I can't you know what I have 27 more verses it's never going to happen here's the thing here's here's the thing on this uni if the Bible gives such detail that we've just scratched the surface if the Bible gives so much detail to an invisible operative who can inhabit a human life and that you would agree with me that the world is darkening and getting more evil and Evil then we better as a church wake up to the Real Enemy that we have is not flesh and blood there's people that hate you or hate me for what we believe in and it's not personal no I mean it's not personal for me when they say I hate you and you better hope I never find you in a dark alley somewhere guess what I know for me me for me Jack it's not personal it's not them do you understand that it's not them it's the demon powers behind them and the same is true the power is going after your children when you see a scale when you see the ramp up of all of this transgender confusion stuff the Bible tells us that God's not the author of confusion Satan's the author of confusion and he always goes after kids he loves abortions and he loves getting your little ones early on right from the start if you can why because God loves innocence Satan hates it when you start when you decide like hundreds of people I think I heard 511 people last Sunday came to Christ in the Easter services Satan hates that you know how hard his team had to work just after that think about it every one of those people got in their car and drove away and there was a demonic attack being raged against their thoughts in their mind instead Believers it's time to wake up we're not playing games this is not some weirdness I can't believe he believes in that you know what if that's what you believe he's got you right where he wants you well I'm going to believe in any of that I'm an atheist you have drank his Kool-Aid there are invisible forces that seek to destroy I'll end with this Jesus was talking about a man who was demon-possessed and he was talking about how when someone is possessed by a demonic power that when the demon leaves that person looking for someone else they do that by the way fallen angels can appear and disappear demons have to have something to inhabit for those of you who have been in the occult or studied the occult or biblical demonology there's something called entries don't uh for example I've learned if somebody comes from Peru and offers me a little trinket of this doll I've learned no thanks uh you see that's so sill but it's superstitious that yeah there's entry points mind-altering drugs are entry points listen I kid you not let this I hope this listen if this hits you in the stomach it knocks the wind out of you may God bless that pornography you think it's pornography oh nobody knows he's just personal person a private pleasure you have no idea you're being you're such a fool you don't even know what's going on there are invisible powers that are locking you on to this fire on the inside that they're stoking to take over your home in your life and you will not get him out get them out easily oh man it's just porn why do you think it's Stormy in the world why does it leave people destroy Ed next week father we pray dear God in heaven I pray Lord by whatever Authority you have given me I claim none but Lord I know you've called me that I have no doubt so God I pray over this body of Believers in Jesus name that you would protect them Shield them guard them against unbelief against deception Lord that you'd protect them against a a apathetic walk in life a lazy walk God spare them from a lazy Christian existence that's dangerous dear God I pray that for every True Believer in this place the Holy Spirit would come upon them and Lord that it wouldn't be that we jump high or sing loud it would be that we walk straight and that the kingdom of hell would tremble even now as Intel is being gathered so to speak as the airwaves are being intercepted that in this congregation a challenge is going out the Holy Spirit has been called upon the name of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed and the Believers [Music] are going forth to glorify his name May hell tremble [Music] father for those who do not know you I pray almighty God that they would tremble that they would tremble at your name that they would tremble out your word and God that they would come and seek your indwelling power lest they be filled because that same warning Jesus gave when a demon leaves a man and cannot find another place he returns back to that man with seven other demons more wicked than himself oh God we pray for our children our grandchildren we ask you for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit upon our city our County our state and our nation in Jesus name and all God's people said amen we'll see you next Sunday God bless you
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 833,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anti christ, antichrist, calvary chapel chino hills, calvary chapel chino hills live, end times, jack hibbs, jack hibbs calvary chapel chino hills, jan markell, pastor jack hibbs latest sermon, rapture, real life with jack hibbs
Id: -koZIJhfVJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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