ASK ADAM #1: Does pineapple belong on pizza?

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This was great, it's interesting seeing Adam's off camera persona more. We appreciate all the work you're doing despite the pressure and stress and sleep deprivation, please if it gets to be unbearable (or if it already is) TAKE TIME OFF from YouTube. Your audience will still be here knowing you're not killing yourself!

Lauren is hilarious. More of her! If she doesn't wanna go on camera she plays the off camera role interacting with camera subject very well!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Oh_I_still_here πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy hell, it’s an hour long. Lookin forward to watching this later.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DoctorLeviathan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi my name is Adam Raghu Xia I cook on the internet and make other kinds of videos about food and this is my first audience Q&A video my beautiful wife Lauren is here just off camera and she will be asking some questions that you have put to me if she did not select to your question blame her there were over 700 so alright so the first question you may want to save for a video but I thought it was a good one is in this video well I mean like I'll turn a whole this question into a whole video of it so you can edit this out if you editing this this is supposed to be the easy video don't Adam don't do a bunch of editing on this okay no b-roll and this is really necessary the whole point of this is to give yourself a break okay I'm looking at you buddy okay what ingredients can I save on and what should I splurge on I think it's more a question of like what are you gonna buy not what caliber of it are you going to buy right like there's you know you could buy very very expensive beef tenderloin or you could buy really really cheap like Costco beef tenderloin but it's still going to be expensive either way so I think a better question to ask yourself is like what cut of cow am I going to eat right like do I need to make beef wellington because Gordon Ramsay scared me into thinking I have to do that or do I want to make a pot roast with a a chuck steak which by the way given that I just did that on a video it's been so funny because I guess so I got that that chuck roast at Publix and I don't know I wasn't really paying attention to the price I I guess suppose in retrospect for a chuck roast it was $7 a pound was like a little bit steep and you know Publix isn't always the cheapest loved Publix you know but like you know you pay for the service that you enjoy there right and anyway but it's just been so interesting to see people's reactions in the comments on that one because it was like all of the Americans are just like oh my god $7 for beef chuck and all of the europeans are like oh my $7.00 for beef Chuck right I wouldn't get really really nice ingredients like the one thing I don't know maybe a vanilla extract I splurge on sometimes because really that the expensive stuff really is better there but that's literally the only example that's coming in mind I think a better conversation to have with yourself is like what oh my god the medical students who've lived next to us are having a party yeah they warned us they were nice about it good for them I'm sure they worked very hard this semester anywho I think it's a better thing to ask yourself like what do I want to cook do I want to put cook and intrinsically expensive ingredient or not and generally I think the penetrant choice is like not right if you're going to spend money I think I would focus those funds more on buying products that are better for the planet and society right that are farmed are produced in a way that is consistent with your value system like that's a place where you really can absolutely spend a lot of money you mentioned that the lasagna with fresh pasta is the best thing you've ever made but what's the best thing you've personally ever eaten whoa I think I think the best most gratifying bites of food I've ever had have been when I was dieting you know and like you know you're eating real clean for like a few weeks and then you go like I mean I had like a like a like a like a like a blizzard from Dairy Queen thing and like that's you're just like that is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in my life it's such a it's such a it's such a bad thing about food is that like I don't I don't know if this is your relationship with food you know my relationship with food is not wholly healthy right like I I think that a lot of my my behavior is sort of addictive behavior like I don't I like to eat in the night by myself for heavily it's true you know in the morning and I'll be like we just bought this package of Oreos and a whole row of them is gone and so I think part of it is it's like you know like addicts say you're chasing the dragon right like your first hi is amazeballs and then you are doing what it's about dark oh okay that's real talk real talk so it addicts say like you're chasing the dragon right like your first tie is amazeballs and then you each one is successfully successively worse which causes you to kind of increase the dosage but every single that does nothing it really it does nothing and so I think so much of like trying to cook and make wonderful things is sort of like chasing the dragon like you're trying to kind of recreate that incredible uh-hum experience that you had when eating something when you're really really hungry which like most of us in the global first world have not been really hungry really hungry in quite some time right so yeah best thing ever eat when I'm breaking a diet which you know I'm reaching that point now in my like you know four to five year cycle of weight loss and weight gain where I like none of my stuff is fitting and so I have two choices I can buy all new clothes or I can go on a diet and frankly the easier thing is probably just to go on a diet which I shall probably do in January or when I'm not so stressed out of my mind all right what's a dish that you made that took a lot of effort for a mediocre dish at the end oh God what do you think I don't know but I just have this memory of that time you made fish pie and it was it just looked like something that had already been eaten I think that was one of the few things you've ever made that I refuse to even try why don't I have two water glasses I just realized that the other one is mine no it is mine hmm yeah that was uh oh man I was I was on a real British cooking show bender then oh I don't even think you ate that okay a little bit and then you made that one thing this is like when we very very first started dating and made that thing with the pork that was good the paprika and the noodles yeah and the what's the German spice that you hate caraway caraway seed yes she hates caraway seed and I like caraway seed and this was like one of our yes this is like second time maybe I ever cooked for you and I did it was good okay I did I did these like nice pounded out like kind of pork cutlets and then you know did him in a pan and then did a pan sauce that was like sour cream and stock and paprika and caraway seeds you know nice very very German very German I don't know I'm going along island to say German but it was really good and yeah she I think she liked you know it was discussed sorted in silence don't like egg noodles the whole meal is a fail you don't like egg noodles but you make that you make that tuna casserole that's so good it's so covered in stuff that you can't taste the egg yolk eggs but this was just like egg noodles on display and I did not like it well I really like that too that fish pie are the only two things you've ever made in our like 15 years of being together that I did not like yeah okay so not quite an answer the question but an answer to a question there we go that's that's that's a thing what's your go-to meal when you want something quick ish and homemade so I mean honestly it's like a lot of times it actually is has been pizza lately so cuz what I'll do is I mean everybody when I make my first piece of video everybody's just like oh my god this guy you know makes dough and then it can't actually like bake it until four days later and once he you know they just like imagine me sitting here waiting for the dough to be ready but for me like my way of making dough is actually tremendously convenient which is just that like sometimes some usually some evening when you're not hungry just make some dough and throw it in the refrigerator and then forget about it and then really at any time over the course of the next ten days you can make pizza and so that's you know been like a really really excellent you trying to get your water without getting in the shot that's been like a really really excellent weeknight meal around here frankly cuz like what you do is you come home and before you you know acknowledge anyone say hi to the kids just go over and you turn on the oven and get the pizza stone and the piece of steel preheating and then you go and you do all those things that you're supposed to do and then you just come over take the dough out of the fridge and throw it in there you got done so it's that I you know I'll I I really do like to make a quick steak at home a lot something I try not to do so much anymore so often at least anymore because it's not so good for me and it's certainly not good for the planet trying to tried to cut down on beef quite a bit yeah well on that note just pineapple belong on pizza you do you man like what see this is right there like the I mean I'm gonna I feel bad cuz I'm gonna beat up on that person there's a very earnest question but here's the thing it's like that entire concept where food is not about what you like and like what you can do with the things you have around you food is about like a rectitude right like there's there's there's a way there's a proper way to do it that dogmatic religious way of thinking about food that is just I would love to if I can do anything with my newfound celebrity such as it is is to just kind of try to eradicate that come that idea from the earth it's so so toxic right like I had this this guy I'm like well I don't want to like draw hate to him but like a person commenting on one of my recent recipes just saying oh my god that's like the wrong way to do it and it's not even a thing where I was like making something with a traditional name that has a whole kind of like you know rich cultural history associated with it was a very very generic kind of dish it was just like a cooking technique right and it was just this whole incredibly long laundry list of the ways is that like I was making his Irish grandmother sad and it's like dude like that pot roast that you wanted me to make sounds great I would like to have it really but I I gave away the whole thing I just had power arrest but like I feel like my pot roast and your pot roast can fully coexist like there's no they're not they don't threaten each other their existences should not negate each other in any way so like food should be about what is good what do you like what do you sincerely enjoy what makes you happy what makes the around you happy it should be about what can you do most effectively and efficiently with the ingredients that you have on hand it should be way more about frankly sustainability then I have been talking about in the channel or living all of that from pineapple on pizza hold it alright so it's possible I picked this question specifically to needle you yeah and it any advice on keeping a kitchen orchid when you've got ten bucks tons of spices and ingredients next question you've got to include a shot here no kitchen looks like no b-roll okay the whole point of this is to do an easy video because I'm killing myself alright we'll put it on a roll but because Adam is always moving things out of the way to get a nice shot and he's moving quickly a lot of the time um literally our kitchen table has just a pile of stuff underneath it because he moves things off the table and puts them under and then our counters are just like my mom came to visit and I thought she was gonna keel over dead just looking at it she literally was like I cannot I cannot and she walked out well you know none of you mind when the checks come yeah we don't that's why yeah the kitchen is your domain not mine I will get around to organizing the kitchen when I'm no longer working two jobs like I really will and part of it is also is like is because to do the video as I keep having to kind of I have to like buy a lot of stuff like ingredients to more use as props than to cook with a lot of the time and those things are just kind of piling up and I need to kind of figure out a way to organize all of that into sort of like yeah the the prop garage which is not a problem that you have you're just trying to like organize your spices and like dude I have no tips for you that I'm the last person you should ask I'm sorry we have a lazy susan that came with this house if in the spice cabinet and there's so much stuff piled on it that the top oh yeah it's buckling yep so the answer is we don't do that okay you can travel to one country for an all-you-can-eat tour where do you go Oh certainly Mexico would be up there Spain would really like to eat my way through Spain it would be amazing but probably Mexico would be my first choice is there a dish you've always wanted to make but it has intimidated you I don't know I don't let food boss me around I don't let food intimidate me like if it seems like it's gonna be hard like don't do it it defeats the entire point well no I don't mean to say that I don't know if you want to approach food like a project right like a you know a what's a looks like a needlessly difficult thing a person would do for javi you're like building like people who are like building Gothic cathedrals like using 11th century methods because right right if you want to do is the kind of person you are and that's how like how you relax more power to you that's just that ain't me like if I don't want to do it I don't do it I don't have things I have things that like I'm not good at making and we like to get better at top of the list would be burgers right okay so everyone is asking why you have no burger recipe burgers are kind of hard yeah burgers are a thing that like a lot of people think they're good at and they're not know and you can get them so good from so many rest really we're taking early says it's like yeah and I'm not sure exactly and and so on the one hand when I think about a burger recipe that I'd like to do I really like this sort of I really like you know very thin patty kind of Shake Shack style stuff and J Kenji Lopez salt has a really really great recipe for doing a Shake Shack style burger patty and the only thing that's kind of not so great about it is that it requires some special equipment from like of the hardware store like you need this kind of scraper thing you do and it's it's a whole thing right and it probably stinks up the house atmospheres because you have to get the the griddle extraordinarily hot right and so I thought about trying to come up with like a a more like a weeknight version of that recipe but I also think like what's the point yeah version of that recipe is to go to Shake Shack yeah like I don't get it or like whatever your favorite group of or burger joint is the thing honestly you know what I should spend some time on is just is like backyard BBQ burger type thing right because they're always so like hockey puck there that's the thing I mean maybe it's not possible to do right because you can't because the the mean will always bunch up on itself then no matter what you do I don't care what you say in the comments right now about how like oh no you need to like shape it out with like the divot in the middle that does not work okay if you're gonna try to cook it to like medium and above that patty is going to shrink up into itself and kind of make this kind of like flying saucer or a blank shape on a grill at least because you don't have the kind of like friction that's necessary to kind of hold it in place because it's I don't know I mean there might be just through smashing there might be a way to do it and that's something that I'd like to explore because that's something we're like you get a there's a reason to do that at home and not go out and get it like right like you fire up the charcoal grill all the like the smells and you're outside and it's fun and you know and whenever you get a grill really really hot like you I think you want to cook a bunch of stuff because otherwise you're just you know to you know burn all those trees for like one steak is just kind of a shame so that's there's a reason to try to make a good charcoal barbecue grilled burger I think I just convinced myself that that should be the goal that's your summer series yeah but that's everything right yeah not that we really have winter here okay yes all your pots and pans are destroyed except for one oh you so easy yes it's not even close look at all these people I shouldn't talk about my viewers that way like I love you you're so nice the comments section is extraordinary it's really nice but it's like it's like and I it's terrible that I focus so much of my energy on the people who aren't right but it's also it's kind of like when people say when you leave comments they're like oh we love you wonderful recipe like the reason I don't really heart them very often or respond to them is that I said that seems like egotistical right like I don't want to be one of these kind of you know Stalin s cult of personality bozos who like is just constantly rewarding his followers for praising him right I don't want to do that right but the the the the alternative that which is the what I'm living most of the time is that I then end up giving most of my attention and effort to total a-holes right like which is not right like I should be giving it to you nice person even if you like art you disagree with me you don't like the recipe that's fine but like you you're you know you were raised properly and you know that like it's talking to someone on the Internet is the same as talking to someone on the street because it's a real person either way right oh don't get me started anywhoo was questioned by Dutch oven yeah no no no so this is this was not like people being a-holes this was people being totally earnest and lovely but lots and lots of people asking could you do this pot roast in a slow cooker and and and I'm just hi I don't crock pots and slow cookers the only reason I can think that they have to exist is if you have a gas stove and you want to put things on to cook like all day long and you want to leave your house and you don't feel comfortable leaving an open flame on in your house while you're gone so really the only reason I can think of to have a slow cooker otherwise get yourself a big heavy Dutch oven you can put it on an electric stove it's I don't see how that's any more or less safe to have that big pot on on an electric stove on you know low very low heat you could totally leave that there all day long and yeah and you can do anything in it like you can you know you could use it even though it has steep sides you don't have to use it for things that have the need tall or steep sides right leave you totally just like fry your steak in there it'd probably be good because it would control splatter more you know it's just it can do everything it's a Swiss Army knife so if somebody is looking for one kitchen item to John me up so maybe that in a chefs Nana yes a heavy a heavy cast glazed or enameled cast iron Dutch oven probably six quarts I think is a good size although ours is between seven and eight which I appreciate that exercise oh my god and yeah a good knife and not even looking like a super expensive knife like I think like a mid-price knife like I okay so I'm actually people asked about the knife they asked about the knife all the time said so I'll tell you my knife that you see on camera all the time which can you just grab it it's in the dish drainer and I could really just like cut to some b-roll right now but Adam no b-roll okay that was threatening thank you yeah what yeah I know there'll be some jump cuts like here jump cut would you say I was fine alright alright so this is my knife that you got this for me for my birthday right there was a Christmas birthday or Christmas I don't remember um where'd you get it um our dearly departed local historic home yeah they did close the store so that now they're doing credible interior design yeah yeah okay will and Carrie love you loved your store but love that you're doing things now so this is the Calphalon katana series Jeff knife and I freaking love this this is a phenomenal knife and it's a hundred bucks right and no I try not to kind of talked about specific brands or products because I now make my living selling my endorsement of such things but like you know I can't I can't I can't keep my love a secret anymore okay Calphalon katana series hundred dollars I don't think that this is going to last a lifetime mostly just because I don't treat it very well which included dropping it in the street in front of the house the other day and which is why you will see in a future videos that it no longer has a pointy tip I know I went to go use it the other day and I came out and I said Adam what happened to the knife he goes oh you noticed well yeah it is broken aha do you use that for anything like I don't like stab stuff like you cut it right I I guess if you were gonna like cut a watermelon or something or a cantaloupe you oh yeah that's a good to get it started yet but like you know what I want is a mid priced item mid priced items are my jam right but if you do drop it in the street you don't have to go crying yeah exactly right but at the same time though it's like it's good enough to be good right and like this is the only knife you need like you don't it's nice to have a little paring knife but even that I would consider a bonus like this is the only knife you need in the kitchen as add even decent chef's knife and although I've I have mixed feelings increasingly mixed feelings about good eats as a series there was an early Good Eats episode where Alton Brown went and talked to some knife sharpening dude like a dude with a truck like the Santa Claus guy I talked to you and he asked that guy you know what should you look for in a chef's knife and I'm sure that Alton was expecting some kind of highly technical Oh like the the bevel and the facets and the degrees and 20s and 30s like you know whatever right and what the dude said back to him was like the knife get a knife that feels good in your hand with for the very very logical and very true reason that whichever knife you have that feels good in your hand is the one you're going to actually pick up and use so you can splurge on some incredibly expensive knife but if it doesn't feel as nice in your hand as the one that is the the cheap one the cheating replaced you bought the expensive one to replace like you're gonna keep going back to the old one every single time and for a long time like we had a knife that was like that it was the orange one but I think I also bought you that night yeah from inner chef and no and no comment on Rachael Ray like I mean that was a terrible knife because I had this like it had this like it was I mean I like the shape of it it was it was again sort of like sort of Asian style yeah like I mean I really like the basic kind of blade contour and all that and shape but what it had was this kind of like squishy robber or a grippy handle that did not stand up well to repeat it you saw that one in the dishwasher yeah like I'm sorry never dishwash that one that's a good point hand wash oh yes yeah so anywho the thing came off but the thing is like that that squishy like orange handle felt great and I kept like we got that really nice German one that I never use except for in that video which actually made it worth it yeah there was stuff nice you know because it's got this like really kind of angular sharp grip and I just don't I don't it doesn't feel good in my hand so like honestly like maybe this isn't the knife for you I mean I hate I think highly of this knife but it might be it might be a relationship that's purely between us right like it feels good in my hand and something else might feel good in your hand and it really reminds me of kind of like you know my students I teach journalism at a university for another three weeks and you know they'll ask me like what's the best camera what camera should I get and especially in a journalistic context I always you know the best camera is whichever one you happen to have on you when the thing happens right so although I teach my students how to use cameras like that one right I also make a great effort to teach them how to use cameras like this one because this is the one that they probably are gonna have on them when the thing happens right you can have the best camera in the world but if you don't have it on you when you need to take the picture it doesn't matter you're gonna have the most beautiful expensive Damascus steel blade ever but if it's not the one that you actually pick up and use it does you absolutely no good alright end of spiel okay okay this one is so that I can get some compliments okay are you always the one who cooks or does your wife sometimes cook too and if so what does she make that's really good Oh Lauren did not cook very much when we first met fair fair okay I suppose I got you going on I'm kind of on cooking pasta yeah and showing you a few basic kind of techniques you really kind of you invented party pasta which is your name for that if you just don't know why I don't I don't consented to that I called it that roll I do not cosign that and then it was a little more complicated and I just sort of like made it easier and easier and easier and now I have like a pasta dish that's my go-to nightly which we will shoot I think it's a problem yeah um so you know and now I like every now and then you know she'll be tired and she'll want pasta and she'll be like hey can you make me some pasta and like I'll do it and he used to be that like when I did it she's like oh my god this is wonderful but like now I do and she's just like because not because it's like she's gone I mean honestly this is such a it's so it's I view it as such a victory and it's like it's what I it's the moment I want to bring you to right if you're if you're not there yet which is too like for you to be able to like look at one of my recipes and know yourself enough to know oh I'm not gonna want to do it that way I'm gonna do want to do it this way all right where you can take maybe an idea the way that I take ideas from people all the time right but you know yourself enough to know what's gonna work for you and like in Lauren you've totally gotten there with pasta right where it's like you know what you want and it's such a thing because it's like you know I think I mean I touched on this is something I did talk about this in that markup here why video but I had this point that I wished I made so hey I'm gonna make it now which is it's kind of like when recipes say like salt and pepper to taste or like a vinegar to taste I mean my I do that and I feel bad about that because if you're a person who needs a recipe that some jackass like me might write cuz like they're just doing kitchen with the camera right if you're like in need of a recipe that I wrote you're probably not the kind of person who knows how much salt you like right like you don't know yet like I do like I can like you know I'm not you know I know I've done this enough old enough that I can like look at a piece of needs look at my salt pick it up and I can feel as it passes through my hands whether or not this is the amount of salt that I am going to want like I know myself purely through experimentation so it's like technique is one thing like you can learn technique but like the more important thing to learn is what you like and that's not an easy thing you have to know how much salt and pepper you actually like how much of vinegar you like and knowing that you know when you when you taste it over at the stove right that like maybe you know yourself enough to know that if it tastes a little too strong to you at the stove it's gonna taste just right to you at the table or vice versa which is a thing right and that's something you can only do through lived experience as the kids say these days even though there's literally no other kind of experience there's the reading experience you weren't alive when you read yeah but you can read about a thing that you have not actually you still live to the reading okay anyway jump cut what do you think of the memes the means the means to do what the means is I know I just o be an old man no Garcia oh that's awesome you know to be it's I was speaking of reading we're not really reading cuz here's an audiobook because I yeah I will die on this hill audiobooks count is reading oh really yes oh I hope you think blind people have never read a book well geez I feel really bad now well that's what I always say I was just trying to get points with you professional author yeah I know people buying my audiobooks right makes me money too so okay so I was listening to Paul Stanley's auto buy oh the guy from kiss the guy from kiss who's not gene Simmons right and he was standing in line at a store in the 70s in the late seventies and this little kid looked up at like some kiss merchandise that was being sold on the counter and said to his mom look mommy kiss and that was the moment when when Paul was like okay it's one thing to be like a popular band it's another thing to be a cultural phenomenon right this is good this is very good when like little kids know who you are when people even when people are making jokes about you and making fun of you like that that like you'd become a thing and and so in that sense like I'm very pleased because I want to try to make some kind of career out of this for some duration of time on the other hand like sometimes I mean sometimes I just think that they're kind of like not funny but like you know that's the thing about humor like it's humor is really hard and you know not 9900 I was about to try to do a baseball thing it's not gonna happen nice wings out of ten everybody now who's everybody does you get ten swings okay so that thing just then write out that I just did that's really really bad okay no no no no prideful ignorance is always bad okay you should never be proud to not know something in that whole like oh I'm too intellectual to know about baseball thing like don't do that this really reminds me of what a lot of you do that kind of gets under my the grease really greases my grill is that good thing no greasing the grill is a good thing right it's to the point is when I guess when is when like you you all of you in the metric world ie the world that's not here are just like huh these these imperial measurements I don't even know and it's one thing to like be confused and to wish that I did metric and I there'll be updates about that but what I dislike is the prideful ignorance but like I am too cool I am too European to know Google is what you're talking about Google is a free website and I have been using it to turn your your recipes into things that I can read for a very very long time and you can do the same bro what was the question what is a finding other than the mean the mean thing okay the meet so means is good the news is good means are good the means are often very very funny and I think that's awesome I'm thrilled it's it's to be a phenomenon even in a very small corner of the internet is fantastic it's absolutely like living the dream what is a vinegar legate that have in a girl egg it's like it yes see I don't even know so you know of all of the kind of memes that is to say I'm not even sure like the way we use meme days is really accurate and anything kind of okay we just she's giving me the wrap-up like not wrap up move it along the one that I liked the most was when people picked up on the whole vinegar leg is on the right thing which if you don't know that one it's from a fried chicken video that I did and and the reason that I like that one is just that I think I just I just that's just a phrase that amuses me like vinegar leg is on the right it's I it sounds like some kind of like CV radio code or I just think that it's like a really intriguing and an intrinsically funny set of words and so what's a so yeah so so so that's the one that I've chosen to embrace right that's could become my branding those three emojis at the end that's vinegar leg is on the right right I might have to reverse that shot in post anywho you're right or am i right that's another like thing like which do I do stage right or stage slang so I was trying to come up with like you know how do I address my fandom because that's the thing now which is awesome and I thought you know a Leggett is was a was a representative of the Pope the papal Leggett because back in the days before email you couldn't just like hey in France you could couldn't just be like hey let's like wire let's call the Pope and ask how he'd feel about this so there was a papal Leggett official representative the Pope who could function as the Pope in like every country in Christendom so that's that's what a leg is and so like you are my no no no you are my you are my represent you are my official representatives you are you know your go out and I feel like your viewers don't know enough about you in order to make that make sense which is that and some people have picked up on in the comments which is all your obsessive references to the way the Brits say things but you love medieval history like a big nerd sorts yeah when we started chairing a Netflix account you immediately broke it by watching every single every single thing they had on there that was about swords like that's so like Lauren's tastes are normative right like I broke it I made it no you broke it because it's in my name and all the things I watched disappeared well so there that was a strong argument thank you yes I have had the Netflix account since before I had you people are gonna wonder why you're not on camera right now because I don't we talk in a whole lot I have no interest all right I feel that neither do I you're the worst part of the job I have not thickened my skin to the comment section so I'm going to stay off camera okay what video was the most challenging or time-consuming to make there a couple of them have been real bears certainly the lasagna video was tough just because that that recipe is so so much work and I hadn't and I hadn't gotten it was pretty early and on in my my career and so I hadn't really figured out my process a lot at that point so I was I was struggling with the recipe while simultaneously struggling with my gear and my ankles and my lights and all of that so that one I was I was real wiped by the end of that has there been another one that comes to mind to you where I was swearing a lot I mean the the lasagna one just took a long time and then mostly the swearing comes when you're editing and usually the sciency ones because those have a lot of cuts and you have to you put like your people fix on the screens and stuff and so yeah you you've you in the other room and just swearing up a storm I mean really honestly you would think that it would be the really long and involved recipes that are kind of hard to shoot but the things that are hard to shoot are the ones that are really quick right because when something wins when a recipe when a cooking process moves slowly you have time to move the camera and the lights and bla bla bla bla adjust adjust adjust but when you're trying to like just like sear and sauce something yeah that's when like real hard and so with a couple of those not with full recipes but with a couple of specific procedures I have done what I kind of swore I wouldn't do which is to do like the TV thing where you like shoot it twice you do it twice at from different angles and then you you you you kind of cobble it together so we do like one more because I feel like this is should we bring this in for a landing there were okay should we do all three vote yes or no in the car okay what are the challenges of being a youtuber in a non major city as compared to LA or NYC there are challenges I think it's nothing but awesome it's nothing but awesome get out of expensive cities flea run there's no point if you can get out if your job does not require you to be there leave it is a big beautiful country there's so many nice places to live this whole winner-take-all city situation it's so bad escape it the second that you can there's no bad to it it's all good I started doing voice doing radio voiceover this year what can you tell me as a veteran veteran what advice do you have for somebody doing voice work in as much as you can sound like yourself right most people when they start are trying to put on a voice oh my gosh yeah when you first started I'm a station so but I went to pick you up after your first shift and I got there early so I flipped on the radio to hear you and I was like who's this guy I thought I don't was gonna be on the radio yeah but I obviously I really I have a memory like a very very specific memory of being in the booth at wfiu in Bloomington Indiana love you where I was tracking a story and I was just like you know can I really kind of really just say this like in like just as myself is that okay can I get away with that i'ma try it and and like I notice any even like like George Walker you know we said the next airs I know you send it really good on that one I was just like yeah I think so you stop trying to sound like Oh radio so certainly like tip number one is like is just try try to be yourself in as much as that's possible and that's that's kind of that's really simplistic advice right cuz you can't just sound like yourself a lot of people will say just selling yourself no you have to be like the best version of yourself the most honest the smartest the most with it the most concentrated the most prepared version of yourself and that's like a hard person to be right there's a reason you're not that person all the time the other thing is that it's just like when people say salt and pepper to taste and you have to learn how much you like you see when some people says sound like yourself you have to learn what you sound like that's not just knowledge that can be taken for granted especially when you are either a young person or a person who has not heard themselves on tape very often there's a process of learning yourself and who you are and what you sound like and you know no no I've never seen I've been around like really really really talented people in public radio and podcasting and such and and know like none of them sounded great their first year it there's a learning curve for everyone and just you know bash your way through it don't you know the worst mistake I think you can make in any creative endeavor is to wait until you feel like you're good enough right like if I had done that with this like I know all this never would have happened right because I was I you know like I've made my first cooking video because I I'm a radio guy and I don't I didn't know any of that cameras and I needed practice right so my videos have been terrible right from a production standpoint and you know steadily getting better with a few weird kind of flat back slides usually because I you know just lost a piece of equipment that I I come to count on or something like that and and if I if I had you know if I had been my younger way more like in his own head self the self of mine who really failed at being a ethical composure which is like the first thing I tried to be like many reasons why I failed that was that I would I I didn't let anything out into the world until I felt it was perfect and and so as a result I just didn't get enough reps right I just I needed to productively fail a lot more often and the only way to do that really I think is out in public I don't think you can really do that in your room so yeah just get out there and sound bad for a while until you don't alright last question before the lightning round a lightning round there is this very quick okay hence lightning round so you mentioned earlier in the video like three hours ago not much of a stretch but you're only going to be a professor for three more weeks yes soon you are going to be a full-time youtuber um can you just talk briefly about how you are able to do that and maybe answer it might include why you have in video sponsorships sure yeah so why am i doing that I absolutely love teaching I love my university I love Mercer University I love my students I love what I do there I wish that I could keep doing that forever I really can't do that and do this I am absolutely killing myself I am NOT well semester has been very I don't feel good okay I'm hanging by my fingernails here y'all and you know I cannot do both and this makes more money to be pretty frank about it you know and it's also awesome like it's great it's like it's it's it's a dream job right well you're a person for whom following curiosity is like your number one hobby yeah and so this allows you to follow your curiosity and then share that with the world yes like I've wanted to for ten years figure out if there's a way if you absolutely have to cook custard in a water bath right like all the cookbooks say it but do you really have to and I didn't didn't want to risk it you know like in any given night and now because like it's my job I just made custards I made like 20 custards in a weekend and until I you know landed on like a protein to fat ratio and a temperature where it totally works without the water bath right and I've always wondered that and now I get to go and I would totally do that experiment even if I didn't have you to do it for but the fact that you're there means that when I do that money comes out right which allows me to justify spending the time like I'm not like frankly a lot of youtubers where you're just like a 25 year old kid with like no real responsibilities other than to yourself right like we have a mortgage and we have small children and I have to like I have to be responsible so I can't do both things and this job is awesome and it pays better so it's kind of a no-brainer right so I hope to continue teaching in some respect I would love to continue to have a relationship with Mercer in one way or another for a long time or potentially you know if you if you'd like me to teach at your institution I would happy to have a conversation with you I would love to keep teaching as some but this needs to be my focus because I need to trim I can't keep going like this how does it make money honestly it's like be it's really it's pretty at this point it's pretty easy to make a living as a youtuber if you're the kind of person whose videos reliably get you know about a hundred thousand views each and you're publishing at least once a week right you could totally pay the bills with just YouTube Partner Program revenue like that assuming that you're not a person with a lot of bills right and I could eat that could mean like a person with a family and a mortgage or could also mean that you know you have really expensive medical bills or some kind of situation right but if you're kind of like a quote-unquote normal person which I could wish I hear my brother way of saying that like you could totally make a living with just YouTube Partner Program revenue that way and by that mean that means like when YouTube puts ads before or after my video not me delivering the ad but like the packaged ads that come YouTube sells those and you get I get half of the money they make from that that's the partner program right so you might ask why do I then subject you to a lot of in video sponsorship where I take two seconds and talk about how great Squarespace is because it is so a couple of reasons one is that I think that relying on YouTube as your sole source of money is really dangerous and if I again if I was 22 and like I had no obligations to anyone else I would totally just do that be fine right but because I need to you know be serious about this I really need to diversify my income right because YouTube can do things and has done things to that radically overnight and completely wrecked people's livelihoods right I know it's hold that against YouTube I think they have an incredibly hard job and they've had to make difficult decisions that anyone in their position would have to make okay I could certainly quibble with certain ones but you know I have the privilege of not being in their chair so they could like they can make one you know some you know there could be a policy change it could be a copyright thing it could literally just be like some nerd in California changing one line and an algorithm and like my entire like livelihood you could disappear overnight and that's not a risk that I'm willing to live with when we are when we have our kids right so especially because I also don't have a steady job yes yeah it's all my fault it's all her fault if you don't like the ads it's her phone yeah buy more books yeah Lauren moral so I do it to for stability that if the partner program revenue just fell off a cliff for some reason that I would have another revenue stream that's established and there it's also frankly that you know I'm making a lot more money right now than we and the reason that I'm doing is it's like I cannot imagine a less recession-proof business than the one that I am doing right now right no economy goes up forever right there's going to be a recession at some point and the first thing that companies cut is their marketing budgets because well they kept like the coffee and then they cut the marketing budget right so I totally expect business to even if I even if you keep watching and I remain very popular and the the algorithm gods continue to favor me right I totally expect revenue just fall off a cliff at some point in the next few years and so we're saving and when your other favorite youtubers are telling you about how awful things are and how they can't pay their rent and stuff I won't be doing that I'll be making cooking videos for you because I will have planned for that moment way to be a grown-up yeah okay accounting lightning round mmm excuse me so I'm gonna ask you these are like favorites and least favorite things yeah oh wait hit me bartender okay favorite TV show Oh Arrested Development really yeah I'm a jury to say Star Trek searching the next generation would would definitely be number two but I think Arrested Development is is like the best thing that's ever been on TV the original we used to fall asleep watching that yeah okay um favorite movie I don't want to say the real answer because it's so stereotypical it's The Godfather that's okay um favorite band or musician oh gosh if the first four Metallica albums were a band right and the Black Album and everything after had never happened then it would be Metallica okay by the way dude you're totally Jason Newsted I am with your saving of the money exactly I got plans for those sandwiches and no I got plans for those millions in a [ __ ] sandwiches Google that [ __ ] okay that is some of the best life advice yeah okay you make in the description assuming that that hasn't been taken down for copyright assuming that Lars has not gotten that taken down off of YouTube okay well I think I'm really really quick okay so like important piece of light of life advice actually this is not an important piece of life advice this is just something stupid thought that I had this is the exact opposite of that one of my students was like point it was like asking me if I'm a millennial or a gen Xer and I was like saying well I'm kind of on the edge it sort of depends on how you define it right and I kind of want to be considered a millennial because that would mean that I'm younger but I kind of want to be a gen Xer because the Gen Xers have way better music and are cooler right but yeah I totally realize you know what the dividing line is between the meaningful dividing line is between Gen Xers and Millennials is and I have to like do like Jeff Foxworthy for this right okay if Metallica ended the Black Album for you you might be a gen Xer if Metallica began at the Black Album for you you might be a millennial so wait what if Metallica began with that behind the music where they cut all their hair whatever you are I don't want to know yeah oh it's my first attack stupid jump jump cut um favorite food pizza and ice cream yeah ice cream probably least make milkshakes really Oh least favorite food that doesn't seem fair I mean every their beats but that's a tough one because it's like I I want to like beets don't you hate them yeah are so beautiful and they're so good for you and you can do all kinds of cool things with them and just the the the stuff the tiniest smell of them just really turns my stomach and I feel very sad for them about it and then honestly you know that's like the attitude that you should have when you don't like something don't get all freaking high and mighty like oh I would ever never eat that like you should be sad that you are not able to enjoy something that brings so much pleasure to other people favorite cooking related media I have very mixed feelings about Jamie Oliver but there's a series that he did called Jamie at home that's like I don't even like the real the recipe is very much I don't really like Jamie in it but it's the way it's shot is is so exquisite it is the most beautifully shot food show I've ever seen - the audio book of Kitchen Confidential read by Anthony brawl I've listened to that like 10 times come on but not since he died it makes me too sad yeah I'm so good not that any of you care what - um favorite chef take care favorite chef yeah yeah your favorite chef got cancels favorite YouTube channel so a lot of people like wonder if like I watch other youtubers food youtubers who whom the algorithm is also serving you probably at the moment and the oldest answer is like not very much not because I don't like them like they seem like lovely people and they do really amazing things it's just kind of not not what I got my jam I spend most of my time in in in music YouTube and bodybuilding YouTube if I'm really honest about it so in bodybuilding YouTube it would be Tom inator the he is the thinking man's bodybuilding commentator although I loved Louie Marco before he went totally insane in terms of his views on women in terms of music YouTube thing I mean there's so many people but I'll give a shout out to Rick Beato because he's great and I've taken a lot of pretty direct inspiration from how he approaches matters of Education on his channel and he's he's a local boy he's up in Atlanta and he's a good guy lots of people asked how we met we met on the Internet where everyone did that what site did we meet on oh you know where yeah that's gonna sound to them like we met on like a steam locomotive live journey this is now like geo city is just something I mean it might as well a bit should call it a day y'all okay so legit Adam don't looking at you don't edit this very much okay to the rest of you who are out there and not just me in my chair two hours from now I hope that you enjoyed this please let us know if you liked this if you want me to make this kind of a regular feature tell me what you want and we'll do it or not bye
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 747,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pineapple pizza, pineapple on pizza, does pineapple belong on pizza, pineapple pizza debate, pizza with pineapple, pineapples on pizza, pizza toppings, best chefs knives, best chefs knife, best cooking show in the world, Adam Ragusea, Metallica, jason newsted sandwiches, favorite food, q&a, vinegar legate, vinegar leg is on the right, worst cooking fails, favorite music, favorite chef, dutch oven
Id: eOpRDw90DwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 22sec (3322 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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