Asia Pacific war would be ‘far worse’ than World War I and II

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the end game here is the prospect of War China makes a move on Taiwan given the strength of China given what we've got given the Allies that we've got what would war look like in this region I think it'd be far worse than anything in the 20th century far worse would it be world war three would we be talking about world war three I think it would be which is why we've got to maintain the peace we've got to talk we've got to continue our dialogue with China but we also have to prepare for any sort of strategic contingency and that means we have to build up our military capacity [Music] I don't think we're going to see a 1944 D-Day style Invasion by China of Taiwan Chinese could win it but it would cost them dearly and and their military capability would be severely hit by the American forces that sit in South Korea Japan Guam Alaska and Diego Garcia the United States plays a major strategic role in the indo-pacific [Music] 375 000 Personnel there's a vast network of operations that extend from Hawaii all the way to India Jim Mullen believed China's first course of action would be to aim big so what is your code red warning my code red warning is a is a surprise attack by China on American facilities in the vicinity of Taiwan so you think they'll neutralize the enemy so to speak outside of Taiwan before going into Taiwan correct I believe they'll neutralize the Americans dominate The Western Pacific and say to Taiwan okay Taiwan okay Japan okay South Korea are you gonna you're really gonna fight us now that the Americans aren't behind you anymore and I've been saying that we should prepare for a war between China and the United States with us as collateral not the main aim we're collateral and fundamentally the Chinese now have the capability to take out all our Communications and space capabilities across the entire spectrum of space the use of the use of space and Communications in the military at the moment is absolutely critical when it comes to space China was late to the game but has very quickly caught up their ambitious Space Program now leads the world in annual rocket launches China now has more than 360 satellites orbiting the Earth the Chinese are rehearsing and practicing this all the time taking out the the worlds not just the Americans the world's satellites up there they're rehearsing this all the time if they took out the world satellite the undersea cables if they attacked American military bases which are not fortified in the in the American bases around Taiwan then there is nothing the Americans can do if Australia was to get involved in any potential War here in Taiwan would we then potentially get attacked from Chinese forces China wouldn't be able to attack Australia unless they have Taiwan that's for sure so but at once Taiwan is done the Australia could be the next Target [Music] from a military point of view then are we ready for war I don't think we are a case in point is our active Defense Force personnel combining its 1 million troops with other Personnel China has over 2 million America around 1.4 million Australia sixty thousand there's a plan to get us to 80 000. is that enough growing the Defense Force by twenty thousand people over the next two decades that's a that's a big Target and we definitely need the people to cruise submarines to conduct cyber capabilities and operations to do a number of the emerging jobs that probably don't exist yet but will in 10 years or so but I think recruitment and then retention is the biggest challenge we face in the Defense Force [Music] but how weakened have our Defense Forces become well it doesn't take long for a military organization to lose Readiness when it's not able to practice what it does [Music] a more immediate issue for the ADF is its current state of readiness recent years nearly one-third of our Defense Forces have been tied up with natural disasters and the covert pandemic when we respond to large-scale disasters here and overseas it takes away defense assets and when you have large amphibious ships and large parts of the army cleaning up after floods fighting bushfires or overseas they're not able to train for what is their principal role which is to be a deterrent against threats against Australia or to respond to those threats in a military way right whose fault's that well obviously it's the government I mean they're the ones who make these calls that probably was not the right thing to be doing because we now have a military that is a lower Readiness than it needs to be Ready or Not the ADF now faces major challenges we do need to be thinking about whether or not the Defense Force we have now is is fit in in terms of the Strategic landscape that we face and it is very different there is much greater threat we must have the ability to project to project your power we need to be able to hold any potential adversary at risk at greater distance from our Shores
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 88,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6320433913112, china, fb, msn, world, yt
Id: vwsFv-wIk5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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