BRINK OF WWIII: Are we at risk of another global war?

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the world is in turmoil the world is in tremendous danger we're in danger of possibly a World War II everywhere you look tensions are escalating and conflict is rising I think everybody has to be very worried right because if you weren't worried that's when disaster is going to strike and you can't help but Wonder are we now on the brink of World War II [Music] Sky News digital Originals presents the brink of World War 3 we're in a precarious place right now turmoil continues in the Middle East with the Israel war threatening to expand to other regions iran-backed militants attacking US forces met with swift retaliation and all of this on the backdrop of the threat of China the question is how worried should we be you know the likelihood is in the hands of many different people uh because it can be accelerated or decelerated uh think of the world is a as a big forest and there's a couple of big fires going on and so you know the wind can blow the fire in a certain direction you can put out some of the fires but but what you also have is in in the CA in this case is a lot of arsonists right so so there are people intent on trying to start more fires around around the world and that's what is the danger right now with so much fire burning I think everybody has to be very worried right because if you weren't worried that's when disaster is going to strike so in in some respects there there's a land war in Europe right land Wars in Europe never end well for the global you know for everybody in the world there's you know the potential for all of the Middle East to be at War what war in the Middle East will not stay in the Middle East East because right energy still for most of the world comes out of there so so you have two regions of the world where are they are at War the Africa you've had several coups right so the Russians the Chinese are overthrowing democratically elected government and now you have the Venezuelan Army moving on its neighbors in South America so it's hard to you know if you sat back and said nah don't worry about it right everything will work its way out I think you have to right the old saying right in order to deter War you have to prepare for war and so you know I'm I'm very worried right because again arsonists in this world who want the world to tip into chaos are out there and they can take advantage of this very easily and we're relying in some respects on them not doing that and that's not a good strategy when you rely on your adversaries to not do something bad the world is in a fragile position the US is close to being on the brink of war with Iran recently President Joe Biden launched an attack on the terrorist group that Iran supplies after a drone attack on a US base in Jordan killed three servicemen this dramatic escalation in Iran tensions has many people wondering what could Iran be planning to do next I would say that Iran has is not doing more they've been doing what they've been doing for the last 40 years right so so their desire is to create chaos and and benefit from the Middle East uh to use our to take our metaphor Burning uh so so their desire is to to keep all of these tensions up and to keep uh to to keep people uh you know shooting and shooting at each other and dying and so what the United States needs to do is to figure out how do you deter Iran uh and we've seen different strategies from different administrations over the past 45 years and frankly none of them have really worked well to date uh one of one of the strategies is to you know is to be with the uh you know align yourself with the Saudis and get everybody against Iran uh this Administration has chosen to try to uh you know do do a deal with Iran and so we we'll see what happens here uh but but it's hard to tell what Iran really thinks they're going to get out of this I don't believe Iran wants a hot war with the United States I believe that Iran wants to to use people to kill is Israelis to kill Americans and see how far it can go thus far it has been able to go pretty far and there was a Great Wall Street Journal editorial on this that there is a sense that the American president is much more interested in avoiding conflict with Iran than in fighting back against Iran so I I don't predict a a a violent war with Iran however it is accurate to say that there is a World War now and there has been for quite a while between the west and those who hate the West Iran hates the West the islamist world hates the West not every Muslim the islamist world as opposed to the Islamic world and the uh people like Hamas hate the West Israel is attacked for being an outpost of Western civilization in the Middle East it's fascinating that that is an attack one would think that that would be praise since Western Civilization has been the most decent civilization ever created in human history but it is used as an attack by those who hate the West the left not liberals the left and the islamists and they are in alliance against Israel and the United States the US's role is to keep the fires from connecting with each other to become bigger fires and to keep the arsonist from starting more little fires and so uh you know you talk about the right what's going on in Yemen right the goal there is to try to convince uh the the terrorists down there from from shooting their missiles out uh into the sea disrupting World shipping uh but more importantly also not opening up a a third front in the in the war up in Israel and in Palestine we did see a few katab Hezbollah which is another Iranian Shia proxy group in Iraq uh get some of its senior leaders killed that's always a good thing right happy to happy to kill terrorists any day but the question is the crucial question is did the administration attack anything of value anything of emot emotional strategic or sensitive value to the Iranian regime see the Iranian regime has Terror proxies throughout the Middle East because they are expendable so if you kill a few kab Hezbollah or a few Hamas or a few houthi uh leaders do the Iranians really care no not really that's why they're proxy groups they find those people utterly Expendable and so the question remains what similar to the solam money strike that Mike Pompeo and Trump pursued in the last Administration what are we taking off of the table that is again of strategic emotional sensitive important value to the Iranians that has not happened yet well I think the Biden Administration got themselves into a lot of trouble early on with the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan and so I think what that did uh and I wrote about it back then is it it allowed people uh to to think that they could take a a strategic opportunity uh and turn it against the administration and so the Russians took advantage of that the Iranians are taking advantage of that what it seems like the Administration has told the world is like we fear escalation more than they fear escalation and so that's a challenge when others uh believe that they can escalate and it won't be met uh but with the full force of the United States and so I think that's one of the challenges now is that people believe that the Biden Administration is looking looking to back down and find a way out that they can keep turning up the heat and and putting the pressure on them I think that there's so much that people look at uh with respect to our failed withdrawal from Afghanistan as a critical moment where the us and this particular Administration was judged saying if we can't do that right if we didn't handle that and the the way that we handled that spoke volumes to how we saw additional threats our policy and our posture going forward so much of what's happened a lot of academics here a lot of lawmakers have used that as the jumping off point and saying because that was such a failure uh that other countries other enemies and adversaries looked at that as a as an opportunity to say if they're that feckless in that manner what else won't they do and you can see the idea that the houthis uh obviously backed by Iran are willing to take these provocative measures literally put a drone over us interest and fire at us uh wondering whether or not we retaliate look the the world is on fire the world is in trouble we got a we got all kinds of conflict going on in the Middle East we got all kinds of conflict going on in Africa and on the Horn of Africa I mean we we are we need people who are completely focused so if your secretary of defense is ill and your president is having problems and I gotta tell you Pete when I I heard the special the independent council's conclusion his finding on on uh on President Biden's mishandling of of documents I I I almost fell off the chair what he said was you know guilty but asleep you know he's just not there he's just not there and and 86% of people uh surveyed today by America's ABC found out the president was too old and now we know why he's sort of been in hiding from the public look he's just he's just passed it and of course uh we all saw that miserable press conference he had and as Carl Roes says you know you can't unhear what you heard and that was just a terrible performance when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 it brought a significant shift in the global way of life after a prolonged peace time in Europe for the first time since World War II there was a war in Europe the war in Ukraine is having significant repercussions politically around the world with many countries throwing large amounts of funding to support Ukraine would make a difference for Ukraine it would allow them the resources in order to stay toe-to-toe with what the Russians are doing I'm I'm not sure the ukrainians should be going on any offensive operations but they need uh equipment and material to stay on the defense to keep Russia from invading further and to keep Russia from trying to take over and accomplish their objectives you know both sides in that conflict still cannot use the military to get what they want to do but they both think that they can but if unit if Ukraine had the kind of resources knowing full well that they would come from from the United States it's not it's not money going to Ukraine it's it's it's equipment and material being spent on us defense contractors so it's a big it's a big plus for the US economy to do this and I hope uh that NATO and and the United States continues to support Ukraine as they say they will I wish the American Congress would free up the $60 billion in Aid to the ukrainians um Biden has given Ukraine just enough Aid not to lose but never enough Aid to win uh I'm very disappointed that the Republicans are preventing that aid from going through Congress to Ukraine Ukraine isn't asking an Allied Nation to sacrifice a single soldier it's fighting for its own National Freedom has every right to do that and uh really if the West cannot support Ukraine in this circumstance they are short of ammunition they're short of helicopters God Alone Knows Why We buried our helicopters in the sand instead of giving them to Ukraine to use uh and mind you if America doesn't give this Aid the Europeans whose total economy is bigger than the Americas they should support they should Supply Ukraine with everything uh it needs they've had a big Naval success the ukrainians just lately with drones of course we don't have any armed drones ourselves but having said all that Russia's power to endure is still very strong this is going to grind on I think for a considerable tragic time yet well so the money that's actually going into Ukraine is going to our defense Bend and that's that's the one thing the message we we keep getting trying to get across which is the money being spent both in in Israel and the Ukraine is going into the industrial base in the United States uh there's some good work done by the American Enterprise Institute that lays out that like 60 or 70% of all the money actually is being spent to rebuild stocks in the United States so we're sending older weapons to Ukraine and then replacing them with more modern weapons the other thing we're doing is there's billions of dollars to increase the industrial capacity because it's clear we we can't make enough bullets and weapons and so what the Ukraine war has shown us and what the supplemental and the emergency funding has is money to improve the defense posture of the United States it just so happens to be that the Munitions are being used in Ukraine now but they could easily be used anywhere else when we talk about a broader global conflict China is often at the center of these discussions China has been positioning itself as a global super power in recent history with hopes of exerting that dominance the question continually asked is how far will China go I think China's in a strategic inflection point so if you would have asked this question maybe five years ago the conventional wisdom at the time was that China wanted to wait it wanted to weaken America but it was only getting stronger and that it could wait till 20 30 4050 and if you remember at the turn of the C of the Millennium back in 2000 this was was supposed to be China's Century the growth of China was inevitable but what we're seeing now is China's not growing right their population is projected to shrink uh they've got internal domestic problems and so I think the calculus is CH changing for the Chinese uh leadership right now whereas before it was you know create chaos around the world but wait it may be now that that in many ways uh you know they're not clear clearly they're not as weak as the Russians uh economy is but they may be learning lessons that that their strength if their strength is peing now then now may be the time for them to act uh rather than waiting and so that's why some people believe that 2027 28 29 is really when China could be at its uh most aggressive posture but it's a big game of global risk if you will right and so uh the Chinese were very aggressive with the balloons uh and and you know the world uh that they're trying to create as much uh chaos around the world right they're in the news now for wanting to put another naval base in Africa so so what they want to do is is put as many places in play to try to stretch the United States out uh and then because the United States has said really we only want to do one war at a time we're having trouble uh keeping our munition stocks uh loaded and so so I think what they're trying to do is stretch us out before they move it's a trying time for Global Security relationships between both traditional allies and emerging powers are truly being tested
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 476,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6346980622112, fb, msn, world, yt
Id: M37RkAE86Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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