Ashton Kutcher Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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I'm Ashton Kutcher and this is the wired auto complete interview [Music] something it's broken let's suck it out here we go people don't like capitalizing my name that's my first observation of this my name this should be capital a capital K I'm a little lazy with caps myself so I can appreciate that how did Ashton Kutcher get his start I was in a bar in Iowa and somebody asked me if I'd ever thought about being a model and I said no I've thought about being an actor before that I had acted in a bunch of junior high school and high school plays I then won a trip and won a contest in New York City while in New York I started modeling found an acting manager who I still have today my first professional acting gig was an NYU student film and then I did a Pizza Hut commercial old was Ashton Kutcher in That 70s Show the character Kelso was meant to be about 16 years old I was 19 when I started playing Kelso how did Ashton Kutcher he did well feel about friends with benefits I've never seen it but I kind of know what it's about because supposedly it's exactly like no strings attached and I did that movie so I loved it plus it had Mila Kunis in it isn't she the best how to contact Ashton Kutcher for investment if you go to sound Dash there's an info uh email or you someone could text me my number is pretty readily available you can find it on Instagram or Twitter currently I'm very proactively looking at generative AI companies is Ashton Kutcher this is the most I've used my name in the third person of all time is Ashton Kutcher a genius I don't know I don't think I've ever taken an IQ test to be completely honest with you in fact I know I've never taken an IQ test I think I might have taken one when I was a kid my mom always told me that my brother did better than I did in the IQ test which always kind of peeved me a little bit but I have seen things online that have claimed that I'm a genius and I have x y z IQ I don't know where they got that score because I've never taken the test he's Ashton Kutcher a biochemical engineer no I'm not I went to school for biochemical engineering but I I am far from being a biochemical engineer is Ashton Kutcher good at BJJ BJJ stands for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu just full clarification I think I'm okay I think I could always be better and I don't train enough I think to be like great is Ashton Kutcher an eagle scout I am not an eagle scout I am a life Scout I was very close to getting my Eagle but I needed to do a service project I think when I got my life Scout I was the youngest person in the country to be a life Scout so I had plenty of time to get my Eagle Scout but then my mom moved and I didn't have a troop and then I found high school and then I found other things to involve myself in so I did not get my Eagle Scout is Ashton Kutcher's phone number real yes I have a real phone number so I have two phone numbers I have one phone number that my wife can get a hold of me in case anything going on and then I have another phone number that is a phone number that I text with fans on and that number is 319-519-0576 that's 319-519-0576 and I use this tool called Community to manage all the inbound messages there's a lot so it's kind of hard to respond to all of these texts but I try to respond to as many as I can and I reply daily to some someone or a few people next up when Ashton Kutcher when did Ashton Kutcher punked Mila Kunis I think it was like season six of That 70s Show when I punked Mila but I don't recall exactly but I know exactly where it was it was outside of a restaurant called Bossa Nova on Sunset right next to the rock and roll Ralphs when did Ashton Kutcher join Two and a Half Men I don't remember the year I think it was 12 years ago so that would have been 2001 23 minus 12 2011. when did Ashton Kutcher invest in Uber we I would say our investment fund invested in Uber before Uber hit a billion dollar valuation it was right before they launched Uber X I got zero discounts or unlimited rides from the investment in Uber and this is not a solicitation for Uber and I'm not a registered investment advisor so do not take this investment advice I'm no longer invested in Uber when Ashton Kutcher entered the New York Marathon well technically I tried to enter the New York Marathon two and a half years ago and then covet hit most recently I ran it this just this last November I ran under an alias and then they reset it to my name after the race they had two undercover police officers that were running with me during the marathon I was like I don't think I need security to be like no you should just have these people here but halfway through they disappeared I think that they had not prepared to run a marathon why Ashton Kutcher why did Ashton Kutcher change his name Ashton Kutcher didn't change his name Ashton is my middle name my first name is Christopher and when I moved to New York when I was 19 years old the modeling agent that I was working with suggested that I go by the name Ashton because there was another Chris k at the modeling agency Chris Kramer who I'm still friends with to this day why is Ashton Kutcher on Shark Tank I shot one day on Shark Tank I think they shot three episodes Mark Cuban asked me to come do shark tank because he knows that I'm an investor and that I've been investing for almost two decades now I invested in slide hand boards that came out of Shark Tank there's a company called poppy that is like a Prebiotic soda that I drink quite frequently my favorite is actually doc pop because it tastes like Dr Pepper but it's not bad for you in the way that Dr Pepper might be um why did Ashton Kutcher not go to space well I had a ticket to space I bought the ticket to space when I was single and did not have kids and then uh when I was married and had kids I Revisited that idea I decided to do what Adam Grant calls think again given the fact that I'm responsible for more than just myself at that point it felt like it would be a more rational decision to not go to space doesn't mean I'm not going to go to space just means I haven't gone yet next up does Ashton Kutcher did Ashton Kutcher play Steve Jobs yes he did the film is called jobs directed by Josh Stern does Ashton Kutcher own Bitcoin yes Ashton Kutcher does own Bitcoin as to whether or not I have any other crypto yes I have other crypto does Ashton Kutcher say hello Wisconsin no Ashton Kutcher does not say hello Wisconsin does Ashton Kutcher like country music no Ashton Kutcher Loves Country Music top artists would include Kenny Chesney Thomas Rhett maybe my all-time favorite is Garth Brooks little known Garth garthy Garth we actually share the same birthday believe it or not and I shared burgers with him one year because I was like come on man we both came out of vaginas on February 7th isn't that crazy did Ashton Kutcher audition for the office no I didn't know audition for the office I think one of the characters in the office had a line of some sort that said that he's like Ashton Kutcher but but more handsome and BJ Novak who I cast on punked was also on the office and also BJ Novick and I worked together on Vengeance the film that he wrote and directed does Ashton Kutcher bathe daily I pretty much bathe daily not every day but for the most part yes where Ashton Kutcher Dude where's my car I don't think that's a query I think you're just looking for a movie where Ashton Kutcher is a coast guard it's called The Guardian starring Kevin Costner Ed Ashton Kutcher So Others May Live where did Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis meet we technically met for the very first time at the audition for That 70s Show she was walking out of the audition as I was walking in the fact that anybody would Google me anyway is flattering is it somebody's in the world has the time to think about me and and then takes the time to go and try to find out more makes you feel loved and appreciated so it's pretty cool
Channel: WIRED
Views: 604,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ashton kutcher autocomplete, ashton kutcher funny interview, ashton kutcher google interview, ashton kutcher interview, ashton kutcher number, ashton kutcher phone number, ashton kutcher shark tank, ashton kutcher wired interview, autocomplete interview, google interview, wired, wired autocomplete, wired autocomplete interview
Id: CzEruIck2tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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