Ashfur has MAGIC? | Warrior Cats Theory

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[Music] broken code book five the place i know stars with this book we finally had a lot revealed regarding ashford's powers his plans his secret base in the dark forest so with those reveals i can finally craft some more theories one thing is certain asper has some incredible power back when darkness within was released i referred to ask for his power as the secret power and my theory was that since ashford was not a special prophecy cat he must have gained his power from some secret some knowledge he gained during his time in starclan and if another cat had access to the same knowledge they could have asked for the same level of power however with this new book i have a major change to make to this theory knowledge is not the primary source of the secret power there is another far more likely source emotion light thoughts and dark thoughts are the source of the secret power these books are quickly falling into the light magic vs dark magic trope well if they weren't there already throughout the place i know stars the thoughts and emotions cats experience heavily determine how powerful they are and also whether that power is light or darkness love loyalty selflessness courage those are emotions that lead to light magic the most clear example of flight magic being used happens in chapter 19. there's this strange dark water in the dark forest that isn't really water more so just shadows that cats can drown in and root spring just falls in he has no chance of surviving but suddenly when he thinks of his love for bristle frost and how much he wants to return to her suddenly he can swim in it now distorted love that leads to unhealthy obsession hatred fear anguish and thirst for complete power and control those are the emotions that lead to dark magic the most clear example of dark magic in this book is the dark forest itself cats such as shadow site can only dream their way there by focusing on their darkest thoughts thoughts like shadow cites hatred of ashfur so whether a cat is using light magic or dark magic the fact stands the strength of their powers correlates with the strength of their emotions the more motivated shadow site is to fight ashfur the more solid his ability to stay in the dark forest is and the reason ashford became more powerful than maple shader snow tuft or any dark forest cat is because he sat in starclan with emotions festering for such a ridiculous amount of time and because he had enough hate for the clans and obsession with squirrel flight to make his dark magic strong enough to literally manipulate spirits another interesting thing to note is that while positive and negative emotions create light and dark magic the reverse is also true dark and light magic can create emotions one thing the book cannot shut up about is the following phrase the dark forest can turn a good cat bad the book literally says the sprays eight times i think they want to emphasize the importance of this because this one phrase explains a lot of plot points past and present one how dark forest cats could convince cats to train with them and omen of the stars so cats like breeze pelt and ivy pool were never inherently evil they were more so manipulated by darkness 2. ashford's control over zombies cats like berry nose and stem leaf are good cats but with dark magic created by ashford in the dark forest they can be forced to do bad things like laugh about root spring being shredded and finally our boy snow test he has no memory of his past life no memory of why he ended up in the dark forest so without the bitterness of his past life being able to affect him his actions back in omen of the stars must have been caused by his dark surroundings in the dark forest he was turned bad but with light magic from shadow sight he can be reminded that things don't have to be this way and he can turn good again yes i fully believe that snow tupped is in for a redemption arc he'll probably end up either sacrificing himself or crossing in a star clan by the time the book concludes so knowing that dark magic is a source of ash first power the most logical conclusion to make about the way he will be defeated in a light in the mist is well it's literally in the title of the book light light magic and the mist is actually very well documented in the place of no stars book ashford is a way of manipulating the terrain of the dark forest sometimes even making trees appear out of nowhere the mist sort of acts to swallow up sections of the place he doesn't want to exist anymore or at least set boundaries where he doesn't want cats to go whatever it is it's pure dark magic so lighten the mist given the depiction of bramble star in the dark forest on the front cover i think it's pretty safe to say that the title refers to bramblestar being the light who charges into the mist of the dark forest it doesn't take a genius to see that so my prediction is that the setting for the final battle will be the dark forest itself the living cats will find a way to enter the place using their light magic instead of the dark and then i guess they'll all join together and go crazy the clan loyalty and community bonds they have should be enough light magic to make them into a strong fighting force and very specifically bristle frost and root springs love for each other and squirrel flight and bramble stars love for each other should make a great impact on the strength of their light magic and since good always prevails in our lovely warrior cat's books we can expect the light to overpower asper's darkness as i predicted back in my theory in march the main conflict of this battle will be fighting asperger's zombie ghosts while not harming their former clan mates and the battle will most certainly end immediately the moment ashford is defeated similar to how the dark forest battle ended when tigerstar was finished off however there was another aspect of my theory from march that was completely wrong and that was my prediction that the barriers starclan would be broken into place in their stars i thought that since star clan is mentioned in the blurb to a light in the mist they would have been saved by now but that's not the case so saving star clan will probably be taking up the first half of the light in the mist with the final battle closing off the book so i guess the final thing i want to talk about is the ending to the place in our stars where brussels frost and shadow sight find ashfur and the cats under his control cheering on a battle between root spring and snow test i do think root spring will survive this i mean they faked us out on shadowsight's death at this point i highly doubt any of the main protagonists are dying what i do think is this is yet another fake out snotep puts so much effort already into helping out all the good cats he is most certainly still on their side things look bad right now but he will come through so root spring can escape and with that i think my initial theories regarding the new book are covered but i'll probably be back to discuss more soon enough until then bye everyone
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 21,256
Rating: 4.9877825 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, analysis, animation, theory, erin hunter, books
Id: wQtG8pCuQsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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