Asad Yaqub's Home-Made Tips for True False Not Given || IELTS Reading

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bismillahirrahmanirrahim assalamualaikum and  namaste sats recall hello to all the students   who watch my videos in various countries of the  world especially in Pakistan India Bangladesh   Nepal Sri Lanka Kuwait Saudi Arabia UAE America  Canada Africa and wherever you watch my videos   a great hello from Assad Jakub now we are going  to go on we have already started a chest it's a   general training reading chest and we are solving  it all this time we are on questions 8 to 14   section number 1 and the type of questions is your  favorite type of questions and this is called true   false not given now many of you often ask me this  question that what is the difference between false   and not given and many of you find it extremely  difficult to decide between false and not given   they think it is false it becomes not given and  they think it's not given it becomes false and all   that so we solve this test and I'm going to tell  you what's the difference between true false not   given and all that so let's go to the book now and  we start the tests ok now here we've got a passage   about paragliding in Australia from the title  you can understand they are going to talk about   paragliding then what is paragliding is it safe  where do I learn what do I need who can do it so   from here you can understand which question will  have the answer there but let me tell you all the   questions and answers they are going to be in the  same order so that's why you don't need to worry   about anything the type of Christians we have here  is true false not given so all the questions and   the answers they are going to be in the same  order that's why we're going to start with the   first one a paraglider is more comfortable then a  parachute in true false not given there is always   a comparative sentence or a comparative structure  paraglider is more comfortable now I told you   before whenever there is true false not given you  should divide it into true false or not given for   example if a paraglider is more comfortable than  a parachute then it is true if a parachute is more   comfortable than a paraglider then it is false  and if they don't tell us anything which one   is more comfortable then it is not given so we are  going to see where there is the link of paraglider   and parachute a paraglider the whole passage is  about paraglider that's why it's a good idea to   scan the world parachute because there we will be  able to find the but when you say the information   about paraglider so let's just go back here did  they say paragliding is a kind of this and that   I'm looking for a word parachute attached and  a report there are yes here I found the world   parachute now I need to read this sentence it is  starting from here the harnesses where the pilots   sit and they report that it it means actually  paraglider it outperforms it means a paraglider   outperforms our parachute in terms of comfort now  what happens a paraglider outperforms outperforms   means to be better in performance a parachute  in terms of comfort now what's the statement   a paraglider is more comfortable then a parachute  yes so the answer is true you can write true like   this or you can write T or you can write true  like this as well so there is no problem next   question number 9 most paragliding schools are  situated by the sea now most paragliding schools   the first thing is you most and then by the sea  again the same technique if most paragliding   schools are situated by the sea then it is true  if most paragliding schools are situated inland   then it can be false and if they don't tell us  where are they situated then it is not given so   we got to see more paragliding schools I mean  first you need to look for school paragliding   school institute coaching center and all that or  they can use the word school and whether they are   situated by the sea or not now we are done with  this let's just scan quickly like sailing and   deep-sea diving paragliding is safe and do school  school paragliding if you do know it's not here   where do I learn there are lots of schools see  that we reached here there are a lot of lots of   schools now it's understood that these are the  schools of paragliding so we found the world   schools here now what is next mainly based in  lands there are lots of lots off and there they   used most off mainly based inland inland means on  the ground not by the sea by appropriate hills or   mountains okay and then they say and there are  also schools on the coast there are schools on   the coast near spectacular cliffs but they are  saying there are lots of schools mainly based   inland now let's see what is our questions the  question is most paragliding schools are situated   by the sea they are not by the sea if you look  there are lots of schools mainly based in land   so this question number 9 is going to be false  you can write false you can write F and you can   also write like this ok now let's go on number 10  learners must pass a theory test in order to get   their license so three things learners must pass  a theory test in order to get their license now   same technique if learners must pass a theory  test in order to get their license then it is   true if learners don't need to pass a theory test  to get their license then it is false and if they   do not mention anything about theory test then it  is going to be not given so there is always one   thing if their thing is not there your sentence  or your statement becomes not given and you got to   find that one now first we need to scan the word  license because license must be there right then   the theory test we need to see if it is given or  not given because of this it can be false or not   given learners must pass a teeny test in order  to get their license let's read a hare I need to   look for the word license I found it here by the  way you know I'm very good at scanning okay now   I need to read it from here right because before  that they didn't say anything about that it takes   about seven days to get your basic license then  you are free to fly independently at sites across   Australia now see in this sentence from here to  here they have not mentioned anything about the   theory test they simply say it takes about seven  days to get your basic license then you are free   to fly independently at sites across Australia now  what's the statement the statement is learner's   are able to paraglide now learners must pass a  theory test theory test is not mentioned that's   why it's going to be not given you can write like  this or you can write capital ng not given or you   can write small not given always it is going to  be right next question number 11 learners are   able to paraglide unaccompanied most important  thing here now learners are able to paraglide   how unaccompanied after a weeks course now  if after a weeks course learners are able to   paraglide unaccompanied then it is true if they  need someone to be with them then it is false and   if they don't tell anything about unaccompanied  then it is going to be not given so again I tell   you in every sentence there is a word that makes  it not given so here this is the word if this is   not mentioned it can be not given learners are  able to paraglide unaccompanied after a weeks   course now let's come back here and we see where  are they talking about it all right it takes about   seven days to get your basic license then you are  free to fly independently now see independently   and unaccompanied right they are actually the same  words independently at sites across Australia now   what is their learners are able to paraglide  unaccompanied unaccompanied and independently   after a weeks course so they offer this week's  course and after that you can do that at sites   across Australia so the answer to question number  11 is going to be true you can write T ru e true   or you can write T or you can write like this  okay is it okay now let's go on it is advisable   to purchase some equipment okay this is the first  part of the sentence before you do your training   now this statement is going to be the same there  will not be any change it is advisable to purchase   some equipment now the thing that might change  is before right if it is advisable to purchase   some equipment before you do your training it's  true if it is after you do your training then   this is false and if they don't tell us before or  after then it is not given so in every sentence   there is us there is a word or a phrase we call it  the heart of the sentence in true false not given   now because of this one word only if they don't  tell anything about before after it's not given   if they say it before then it is true if they say  it after in the passage then it is false this is   how you have to read all the statements so it is  advisable to purchase some equipment before you do   your training let's just see what do I need what  do I need means equipment it means you'll find the   answer here pilots normally wear warm clothes in  case they get very high up and a helmet in case   they stumble on landing in terms of gear schools  fly basic training canopies harnesses etc but   we need to just see however you'll probably want  to buy yes here is the sentence however you will   probably want to buy your own more sophisticated  equipment until here we are clear that they are   saying you want to buy which you will be able to  choose much better once you have tried some out on   your course now they are saying you should do it  after you should not do it before they say you'll   be able to choose much better once you've tried  some out on your course try some equipment on   your course after that you need to buy that ok  so again I read however you will probably want   to buy your own more sophisticated equipment which  you will be able to choose much better once you've   tried some out on your course let's see what's  the statement the statement is it is advisable   to purchase some equipment here they are saying  before but they are they are saying after that's   why number 12 is false right and then you say  IELTS reading is very easy with asset Jakub ok why   it is easy because I just explained I tell you the  right direction I give you the right information   let's go on fit people of any age two things fit  people any age group fit people of any age can't   now any age means whatever the age is can take  up paragliding so if it fit people of any age can   take up paragliding if it is exactly fit people  any age it's true if there is any problem with   the people or age then it is false and if they  don't tell us about the type of people or if they   don't mention any age group then it is going to  be not given ok now let's try the clue word is fit   people any age we got to just see if there is any  mention of age group there is no upper age limit   yeah now some of you will misunderstand they will  say there is no upper age limit see actually they   are not saying there is no age limit they are only  saying there is no upper age limit provided your   instructor deems you capable capable means fit  right your instructor deems you capable but the   youngest anybody can paraglide is 14 see no upper  age limit and the youngest anybody can paraglide   is 14 now let's go back the question says fit  people okay that's right of any age now it's   not any age they have mentioned it's 14 14 does  not mean any age that's why because there they   say any age and there they say 14 so it's actually  conflicting if you just take a look over here it   says if the statement contradicts the information  if the statement contradicts the information if   there is no information now this statement any  age contradicts the information 14 years that's   why number 13 is going to be false F false or you  can write like this okay anyways you can write   now let's go on we've got the last question the  preliminary uphill walk all right there is a walk   uphill walk may strain some of your muscles now  preliminary uphill walk may strain some of your   muscles now again if preliminary uphill walk may  strain some of your muscles it's true if it does   not strain your muscles then it's false and if  they don't tell us anything about the strain of   muscle about uphill walk then it is not given so  let's see whether it is true false or not given   we'll have to see uphill walk ok good balance is  potential provides very relaxed for and you are   mostly sitting down you will probably experience  pain in some muscles okay be alert the answer is   here you will probably experience pain in some  muscles you didn't know you had various learning   but many of those will be due to the walk up the  training Hill to launch uphill walk and walk up   the training Hill to launch so from here to here  we've got the answer they say you will probably   experience in some muscles you didn't know you  had whilst learning but many of so that's why   I advise you to read all the sentence sometimes  you know what we do we read half part and then   we decide it's true or its false whereas it  is not given but anyways here you'll probably   experience pain in some muscles you didn't know  you had with learning but many of those will be   many of those is actually linked with actually  pain but many of those will be due to so you'll   probably experience pain in some muscles pain in  muscles now those is referring to pain in muscles   will be due to the walk up the training Hill to  launch was the statement the preliminary uphill   walk may strain for pain they are using the word  strain some of your muscles this is true or this   true or this true or disk room okay oh this  is alright there is no problem with this so   that's it welcome back once again okay now you  understand - Falls not given in real sense uh   okay don't worry I'll make more videos and true  false not given as well so this is how you have   to solve the chest in your actual IELTS exam if  you like this video hit on the like button and   don't forget to subscribe my channel I also teach  IELTS online if you want to join my online IELTS   classes you can contact me for there asaji aku  wishes you all the best and all the best with your   IELTS preparation and all the best with your IELTS  research take good care of yourselves Allah Hafiz
Channel: Asad Yaqub
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Keywords: ielts reading test, ielts reading liz, ielts reading academic, ielts reading tips and tricks in urdu, ielts reading with jay, ielts reading practice test, ielts reading strategies, ielts reading techniques, ielts reading academic test, ielts reading asad, ielts reading adam, ielts reading academic test 2018 with answers
Id: FBukic7P4ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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