ArtStream 07 - Chat and Sketching - Dr.Doom Part 01

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what's up guys what up all right we're back back at it again it is really sunny out here and i was trying to block some of the uh some of the sun so uh we'll see what happens thanks douglas peace what targe all right guys so uh today we're gonna i'm just gonna start something new and this is kind of like i mentioned on instagram a little bit what i was uh what was that all about because uh we've been starting some new models like every time we do a stream and uh honestly like when i do personal work this is more for me just to uh have some fun so if i'm not feeling something or if i don't want to work on something uh i just start something something new you know follow falafela a lot of people follow paula bona a lot of people coming in hey mike good to see you buddy yeah like i was saying like it's always just to start something new for me and um and uh usually to start something new like you know in an hour or two i can get a good feeling of the sculpt like how it's going so if i'm not if i don't like it i'll shelve it i'll put it in a put it in the shelf and start something else and then come back after a while like i said a lot of people ask like what kind of inspires me what keeps me inspired and that's mainly it you know i've always done that i've always just kind of started something and if i'm feeling i'll keep going if i don't feel like i'll um start something new thanks for the follow nacho and uh you know kind of keep it interesting and most likely i'll come back and and keep working on it but i have a huge backup of files that that i started but i've just never finished and that's kind of what keeps it interesting if i see something and i'm like oh man today i'll you know love to kind of work on some spider-man stuff and then i'll just go and i'll just start a spider-man sketch you know and then if i like it i'll just keep going uh el miedo how long have been working with 3d modeling there's been it's been uh maybe 4 15 years 14 15 years i started when i was 17 to learn 3d i'm i'm 32 now so you know it's been a while hey infinite zero gaming thanks man i'm glad you're glad you're here so i'm just gonna pop open the what we usually use just a human base mesh and today what i would like to start doing is a doctor doom i've been trying to do a doctor doom for a while and today i'm going to start and if i like it i'll keep working on it and if i don't like it then you'll see something else on the next stream thanks mars greetings guys i see a lot of familiar familiar faces here so appreciate you guys showing up this there's like 149 people and uh appreciate you guys it's a holiday here in la in in the us and it's a holiday in brazil as well so that's uh that's a fun fun day to just relax i just want to chill for a little bit and i'll try to keep up with uh with the uh question guys but at some point i'll just kind of focus here for a little bit thanks thanks for the follow everybody and yeah i was finishing up the uh the the bodybuilder the bodybuilding sculpt which is not here some it's on the other room uh one yeah mars one day i'll do a stream on the production ready workflow for sure that uh it's just a little it takes longer but i think if i if i grab a model talk about it also like i did a live with andrew andrew ariza if you guys go back on the episodes like we talk about game game production and uh game models and stuff and we so we actually you know talked about some of the kind of production ready stuff i mean kind of like a weird setup here because the uh the sun is like really bright so it might get less of my face but right so let me put some music here real quick i need i need some sort of a beat and this is the beat that we've been using just something thanks man thanks [Music] all right so yeah doom doctor doom i'm a big fan i'm a big fan of the design i'm not a big fan of what they've done with them on the movies uh hopefully we'll get a a good mcu version of this guy soon so i guess like starting here guys this is usually what we do here we go uh have like a base match and it's pretty it's pretty simple i could start from a cube or whatever but this this will save me time and now people ask me like you know for ask if you uh you save time if you've if you've never done a a human scope like anatomy you should you should not use base meshes but uh you know after a while just it's just more repetition so i'll kind of save time using a base mesh let me show and see if i can share the reference um let's see here there you go can you guys see this i bet you can't oh so yeah um we kind of talked about oh wait there you go i'm here if you guys can see this so yeah the we kind of talked about pure ref before and pref let me see if this is gonna work is it all black there you go it was just a updating the stream so yeah so we talked about kind of pure ref before and this is the the software that i use and usually i mean i just started putting this together so this is just a bunch of stuff i found online there's nothing like major on here that and i'm like oh this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna try to do my own take on it but i'll follow like some of these more classic um i think andy grenoff did did some some cool stuff with this i'll start just block now a classic version of what this this could be and usually you know for pure ref stuff i'll i'll have like materials references also on the side i'll have some uh more than just more than just uh you know drawings just because when i'm trying to finish i'll have like some some rendering references and these are pretty good so i'll kind of follow that but i'll do my own take on it i'll start just blocking out some of these classic ones and i'll i'll kind of do my own take on when i start kind of adding my own twists to to some of these things [Music] cobra for character modeling which would you recommend for characters max or maya uh whatever you feel more comfortable with they both do the same thing uh maya's a little more industry standard depending on if you go to games but uh you can you just choose i use max for personal work and i work i use maya so you can kind of just just pick one let me see if i can lower this [Music] there you go so again my setup i have like a a whack a cintiq here and i'm actually gonna try to be a little higher this time [Music] oh yeah man richard the conan i uh i haven't started on that yet but again it's just one more of like projects that that i i want to do it's never ending the never ending projects [Music] ah let me see here uh blender is not good for sculpting no i'll recommend you use something else [Music] okay guys foreign [Music] what's up dimitr why why do i ignore you i just i didn't see your question saying that again what's up jordan a blender is blender is okay don't don't don't get me wrong but it's just not like if you want to work in the industry you should be using zbrush or something uh you know blender maybe one day we'll get up to up to speed on the tools and brushes and speed and you know for i'm talking about more about you know digital sculpting don't get me wrong there's people who work with blender but uh it's not ready yet everyone's saying that the studio used beige mash for game characters then why is it that important to have big anatomy are you kidding me dude is this your question uh no they like you can use base meshes in the studio but that doesn't mean anything like you need to be able to sculpt some you need to be able to know anatomy that's pretty dumb it doesn't make sense uh choral media raph would you recommend a workshop like cg master academy to learn how to make video game ready uh for hit or hair for games yeah yeah yeah i mean at the end of the day like all the information is available online so you don't need to do like a workshop or a class or anything you just have to try it and do it to be honest but if you need the you know someone to kind of guide you through the the process then that's a good idea to you know get a get a course but you don't need it not like a must-have but you uh if you can't afford it and you like the the methodology of like you know teaching and stuff then yeah you could you could probably good for you i do use perspective button when i when i want to sculpt a perspective i turn it on when i want to use autographic i'll turn it off i don't know why the question but i do use perspective button you guys are funny uh i recently downloaded blender to just to try to introduce myself to 3d sculpting is there another program would you recom that i'll recommend blender zbrush uh you'll be good at that you'll be good at doing with blender and zbrush to be honest but if you want to grab another software like maya or 3ds max because these are more like base softwares like blender but a little more industry standard then uh then you should be pretty good yeah this the stream will be in english guys and i know like i i really appreciate you guys you know asking questions in english but even the usb just so we can keep it uh more you know looks uh accessible for everybody have you hired anyone without an art school formal degree yes uh everybody we never ask if people have a degree or not it is more about the portfolio everybody or it's not a requirement all right guys i'm going to start sculpting some stuff uh let's see how many people we have on the on the stream nice all right let me uh start by uh kind of messing with some of the shapes and i'll duplicate this head because i want to keep this head here accessible and i mean this is not so much i'm not gonna teach all the everything here guys because obviously it's a long long ass process and i can't really do everything on stream but i'll try to share as much as i can and then yeah q a i saw your question now q a with the chat yes i mean all these are kind of q a with the chat but it's just hard to keep up with uh with the questions you know so we'll try it we'll keep trying i need some uh i need some mods all right yes or maybe maybe we just do a q a you know it's just you know we just all right i'll just answer this one while sculpt because it's a good one why should i a beginner sculpt first so this is this is a good question because um we always talk about anatomy right and anatomy is definitely one of the main things but i'll recommend you guys try to replicate some stuff and if you go back in time when people are starting like old like 15 years ago you always try to kind of start uh starting small with something like uh easy to replicate so you do like a mouse like something like this you would do like a you know a microphone simple stuff because when you do like poly modeling you need to simplify it so even if you start with zbrush i'll still recommend you guys trying to replicate some simple props and stuff to then move up to like skulls and skulls are probably the best um the best thing that you should sculpt you should practice because like you learn it's almost like a prop but there's a little more anatomy involved but you're still trying to copy those hard edges and stuff like it is a very good uh exercise i actually like bought a bunch of skulls and i study them replicate them you can get like you can buy skulls online like from from animals and stuff they're pretty neat thank you guys i was going to grab my but my dog is sleeping right here let's see if i can get on camera but i have some like i've got some skulls like you know behind a behind the pup all right i'll grab it in a second so kind of same things that we uh that we've done before i'm using dynamesh and i'm using like simple brushes to kind of uh start to get the shape it's actually like a pretty easy project i think i think we can come up with some pretty dope and uh like i said before on some of some other projects uh yeah it's a golden it's a gold it's a she so like i said a lot other projects like usually for fan art stuff like this or kind of trying to do my own take on designs i'll kind of start with try to mimic the uh the same shape as some of the in the comics with the classic and then as i'm doing i'm like looking at things and identifying things that that i think it's cool that i'll kind of force it into one way or another and i start adding like my own twist to uh to some of these things you know yeah i mean sorry rap for you it's easy obviously i mean it's not you're not easy for me i mean i mean in a way of like design like it's a little more simple because this is more execution like if i'm trying to design something from scratch without a without reference without concept it's uh it's a little you know it's a little uh sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't it's the same thing in paper sometimes you're you know you have a successful design sometimes not as much but you've got to get used to uh trying and and failing and starting over so that's the thing that i wanted to talk about right you guys see me starting something and and just moving on to something else like sometimes you if you're successful on your design your choices sometimes not as much but the important the important thing here important lesson that you can get out of this is that you should always just be trying and and uh having fun and pushing and starting something new and you know learning something new like even if you're just not scoping a full character you can um maybe learn a new new uh new tool maybe learn something new and it's also uh you know a good use of your time okay so early early on i always kind of like to throw some colors for visualizing things thanks guys yeah thanks chris thanks for the help on the chat if people are asking questions that uh that we've talked about i know there's a lot of new people coming in i appreciate you guys supporting the chat and uh acting as like temp mods i'm gonna need to open up some some mods from to help me out because this is gonna be i think it's getting harder and harder i don't want you guys to be frustrated as well it's not that i'm not answering questions it's just uh i can't really okay tasks like that hopefully there's enough opportunities that we can that we can talking i'll keep doing pause pauses during the during the sculpt here and uh to talk to you guys savvy malu i mean so quickly you can get you know an idea of what we're doing and and where it's going with the shapes and of course like you know one of the major steps here is how we clean this up and we've talked about this before on the streams but hopefully we'll get to that part on this one let me save this because it brushes um all right i feel that i need to get my my scene tick on this this side so i can look at the chat a little easier it's a little harder hard to keep up uh let's see here quick pause so let's see there's some questions here how do you uh can you show us how to make hard surface pads like some of the other it's all um masking and extracting i'll show you guys there's some some pads on this some armors on these ones that i can show you all right so this is one cool really cool piece that i've loved since a really long time i'm not sure exactly who who made it but it's this one concept of doom like looking at the mirror that i've always thought it was really dope and has a little bit of like a medieval a little bit more of a medieval uh influence on the design but to me i was like it was always like you know that's dr doom for me and i think they tried to do a little bit of that on the movies and stuff but they kind of turned it turned into a little bit more of a little more sci-fi which is i understand why they did it but i really hope we see almost like a man in the mask um take on it if mcu ever does you know bring him to the big screen again i almost imagine this guy that that collects or or we like that style and then when he gets all messed up that's where he goes for to uh make his armor you know so you see one of the things that that i do is i always try to get like all the the main shapes in there let me turn the camera a little bit more there you go uh kind of try to throw all the shapes in there and then i'll come back and massage the proportions and stuff just to not waste a lot of time it's good for me to design like that because i can kind of get an idea of what the shapes are and then it's easy for me to change it make changes okay so push more of the browse now that we have the shape saudi arabia yeah guys just again just to remind you guys i'll do a stream in portuguese sometime soon but i want to be very clear when i do it in portuguese just so there's not a lot of people english speakers that are here when i do it so send the questions in english i'll try to focus more in english today i really want to do a an actual statue project of one of like these kind of superheroes like maybe this this will be the one probably say that but uh probably the next one i'm doing is a predator i collect predator statues i have uh two three four i have five five predator statues um and i've i've always wanted to do one myself and i think i'm ready to uh pull it let off see here chris appreciate it man man uh you know you demand so i will answer this one because what is what are we talking about here rendering and texturing can find the exact question by eric but uh based on chris was saying yeah texturing i do most of my textures in in zbrush poly paints and textures and alphas and all that and then i render in zbrush as well and i'll render in uh i'll render in 3ds max let me show you guys this real quick i don't think i've ever showed you guys uh wait a minute okay um so if you guys go in here character workshop dot com let me pause this this song real quick if you guys go in here if you don't know this yet uh character and there's a bunch of tutorials for uh anatomy female there's a full-on design class like sculpting zbrush and i go through my rendering in zbrush as well on this one this is uh 3d printing stuff you guys can can watch am i kind of talking about the process 3d printing this one i talked about doing hair and zbrush and rendering zbrush and all that this is like i'm pretty sure you guys have seen this one just anatomy design and anatomy uh going like step by step this one's a little outdated to be honest but i think it's still pretty complex uh complete so make sure you guys check kind of check that out too so yeah if you haven't if you haven't seen this yet i i recommend it there's it's pretty cheap there's some pretty cheap ones here especially the anatomy and design and you can get this separate i also show like rendering zbrush and and all that so you can kind of see like how i compose my materials and create the renders and all that so check that out check it out uh let me go back here to zbrush and i appreciate you guys all the the support on that i'm working on some new ones i want to do something that's a little more of a beginner uh that to show like kind of the the beginning or the kind of the beginner stage stages in zbrush and all that the brushes talking about you know first things that you should sculpt all the the things that questions i usually get asked so i'm working on that hopefully i will have that ready soon all right [Music] back to the or boy doom here let me get his nose [Music] come through this is kind of to me the fun part of the process here you know i appreciate you guys subscribing too or not subscribing i guess subscribe you know give it giving the follow here but yeah to me this is kind of the more fun part of the process just sketching out the shape getting something that feels right and just having fun with dynamesh and stuff because after that it's a lot of cleanup work and it's still fun because you kind of see it comes to life but this is where the the magic happens this is where you kind of define where the character is going to be or what you know what the character is going to be keep going here uh raph what would you say is it are your primary goals as an art director would you say that focus on trying to convey designs they're more cinematic uh not really i do i don't know exactly like how do you describe it because like i basically involved on all the process and there's the part of like approving designs and working with designs with a vizdev crew and there's you know they're amazing uh the entire group is amazing so it's just very uh good to work with those guys but then after the the design is it's done then you know i'm talking to the departments i'm executing on the vision division like giving feedback and stuff and so there's like both you know i work on the on the vista side of things with those guys but there's also the kind of beta day with the team and execution so it's a very broad question we're you know making beam there's a lot of things that used to be that needs to happen you guys can see like all this stuff is pretty loose pretty bad like even its face here it doesn't pretty much doesn't exist i just need the eyes and i'll sculpt like better eyes this is not not it's not important right now and that's another thing that i usually mention is that you know you can spend a lot of time just making the eyes look good but that's not the goal goal is to make it you know just look at the design and you can spend like a days day on the eyes and you probably i probably will at a at some point but right now just worrying about the design making sure it feels good all right so then i'm gonna get you know for the sake of the stream i will make him look more like dr doom uh because the mask is not ready yet and i can spend a lot of time on that but let me get for the base some of the rest of the costume here so i'm gonna extract a little hoodie now you guys gonna now you know who it is no mistaking we get the green hoodie on the on the on the person's head there's only a few options and then you give them a metal mask and you know exactly who it is okay so it's so iconic man i love it to your wrath beside games do you ever work in film i've done stuff for for movies before but uh but i didn't like it very much i never worked on like full time in a studio i've always done um like freelance work and it was it was fun but it was very kind of detached from the process you just kind of built the model and that's it it wasn't really like satisfying because i wasn't involved like maybe honestly i don't have interested of moving outside of games because i love working for games so i'm not really like you know plenty on a career change in any any point but uh i'm sure if you work for like a big studio and stuff it's a different different deal and i've done like a big part of my career i work for advertising in studios inside studios so i have a good idea of the process and whatnot but it's not my thing just start working for games honestly man like the people who actually experience working in you know in a game in our industry uh it's very hard for them to to uh go do something else you know because it's such a creative process honestly and you're just you're you're so like deeply involved in the in the project that uh that is a very satisfying experience as a creative person because you're kind of like creating on the spot different in the movie where it's more about execution and creating shots for for studios and directors and whatnot you're making a game it's like you feel that that you're making that you know yourself with uh with the rest of the team of course but that's pretty fun it's starting to look cool again this is you know only kind of primary shapes so you can kind of see like taking shape here let me get let's uh let's keep going down let's keep like rendering the stuff hey enrique how many characters did you make from the space mashy thanks dude it's good to see you here uh too many uh maybe like in the uh getting close to the hundreds maybe i've made a lot of characters and you guys see me do like a couple characters like even on my my uh kind of personal work i've been doing a lot more recently but i've been doing that non-stop like professionally for the past you know 15 years so i've made well over a hundred characters but with this base mesh this base match is probably five years old so maybe uh maybe close to a hundred a little bit of detail here what's up bella yo fool are you still home full you want to pop in here we can chat i'll send you a link or if you uh if you're in the in the road then never mind but let me know i got a link i've been doing uh ella's the lead concept audits at the studio and he's been doing lives on his uh his instagram if you guys don't follow that you know that's that was awesome so just kind of kind of knowledge and it's dropping some knowledge so you guys will check that out all right so this is the kind of stuff that i want to avoid like now i'm just like really polishing it up and uh i don't want to do that i want to move away from it and just get everything blocked out i can again i can spend i can spend a a long time just doing that so we're gonna move move forward and we're gonna do some of the a little bit of the body and yes we're going to talk about some clothing stuff too i know i saw the question about like oh can you kind of show how to make folds and stuff and yeah there's tons of folds and clothing on this guy so it's a it's definitely a good uh subject for us to talk about that yo shishi shut up dude i'm put your timeout don't dalla's not on the stream i'm trying to get down on the stream i know he's uh he's traveling on the holiday so i don't know if he uh if he's actually at home so let me check you ask him i don't know about this chords man i i don't use this chords uh i wish i you know had like a channel here for the for the group but i'm not really used to discords as you can see i'm very outdated in this interwebs so first i'll try to uh i'm gonna try to remove this guy even uh even like twitch i wish i had a like a twitch or being able to like stream this on twitch as well but really just too much like keep track of and i'll keep trying one step at a time but again it's just a uh i'm just trying to keep it interesting like even some people are saying like where's like the donate button and the super chat or whatever the kids are doing these days i'm not i'm really not interested about on that like if i ever do something like that it'll be just to you know kind of raise money to do giveaways and stuff like that i'm not interested on monetizing on any of this stuff this is just more for me to have some fun and like you know keep it interesting yeah honestly like i saw a question uh yeah z youtube z are you playing do a tutorial of where you use arnold to render your project thanks bud yeah honestly there's no real um secrets like you just have to pop it up and do it because arnold it is very simple to use and uh you can get it in there like i don't i don't have any like fancy setups or anything that's why i don't actually do it because it's first of all it's just very hard to do a video with rendering because the the computer just like really cries on on the with the power and stuff but uh there's not a lot of secret i think renders these days are getting so advanced so easy to use that honestly you can get it get it in there and just just hit render a lot of things honestly just you guys just have to like get your hands dirty and and do it because like you i can talk for you know for a long time and uh that's why i keep sharing more of these kind of creative steps because i think it's the the the hard part to to do because a lot of things you guys just have to get in there and try it yourself and spend the time you spend the time making mistakes and that's how you perfection the craft because the tool itself is so simple like even here you'll see like me using zbrushes it's not complicated it's the same thing with photoshop it's just not complicated but until you get it in there and just you start making start making stuff and start failing and you start understanding like where you should improve and it's more about the craft and how you get better at design sense and um that kind of stuff because the the tool itself is simple like you guys use photoshop right and you know how simple that you of course you can get very complicated with it but make like a concept art it's more about your knowledge on painting your knowledge on design and composition and all that and it's the same thing with 3d um the tool itself is definitely important but you guys have to get in there and and do it [Music] yes it is possible to customize i mean not this one is not possible all the other ones yes okay it's going to be a fun one i could see it this project it's gonna be cool i don't use substance for um personal projects cause i'm doing everything with poly paints and stuff i'm gonna get a cape here so the way i do that i'll just kind of mask it the shape of it something like that and then i'll kind of extract like that and then i'm gonna pull it pull down the rest of it look at that check it out check it out and uh there you go you got like a little cape i'm gonna keep using a very low resolution here because i don't want to start getting like a bunch of overlaps and i want to be able to just very simple uh move the cape around without creating a lot of penetrations and uh bad deal do something like that are any of your projects we apologize yes all of them i don't know why you guys get the idea that i don't apologize stuff um all right and then he's got two buttons here and then we'll get those here this is very much like we call it you know kind of a gray machine or just getting the simple shapes that represent the design and then from here we can start we can start uh detailing designing but just getting the main shapes is the more important alex it's topology overrated what are you guys doing what are you guys doing with me [Music] no topology is not overrated topology is like one of the most important things you know in uh in game development in any like cg development like you need good topology you need good topology to do uvs you need to get good topology to do to do uh textures you need good topology to do skinning so yes topology is not overrated it's one of the most important things that you need to learn when you're starting don't hurt my heart like that you know that's one of the problems with like you know internet is amazing but i'm i'm glad we're doing this i'm going to put my pen now i'm glad we're doing this because uh we need good bit you know a good foundation like if you guys are just trying to do z brushing and sculpting and all that and not worrying about the basics and the foundational stuff like topology is one of the key aspects of 3d so that will never go away that's why even when you see the unreal presentations with like crazy amount of topology that goes into the into games or whatever but uh that that doesn't really work for character art because you need good topology or even even environment art like you need but mostly for character that you're gonna be rigging stuff you need a very very good topology that you can do proper skinny on and have a good base so make sure you guys learn the foundation for you know poly by poly modeling if you go like learn how to model in like max maya or blender and then jump into zbrush zbrush is mostly for hi-res and sketching out and then quickly like sculpting stuff but everything else is built on these other softers what's up jeff good long time i know i used to have dreadlocks when i met jeff jeff simpson by the way is like amazing amazing concept guy i'm sure you guys know his work um and yes time for a comeback i don't think so dude i'm i'm getting too old for that dude it's good to see you buddy we tried to work together a long time ago it didn't work out but hopefully it will happen at some point again yes i am going to invite alvaro cheers buddy thanks jeff so i'm going to go back here and just kind of refine it a little bit more i'll kind of worry about the body at some other other time but basically we're going to be giving him like the armor kind of the classic armor you know some uh some kind of medieval armor jam even like the big uh armor stuff should be fun i'm definitely uh going to try to do more of a statue for this if it turns out the way i want it to be i always want to do a dr doom statue so i don't know how to draw yes i'm not i'm not the greatest though definitely not to the same level as as 3d but i did do a video on the channel about drawing because check it out [Music] and hit the hit the follow the subscription button guys i always appreciate it i never thought i would say that but uh i want to make sure you guys are i've been getting a lot of messages on instagram being like you know do uh you know give me a heads up ahead of time or whatever and i i it's just hard to keep track to know exactly when i'm going to be doing this so at least youtube will notify you there's like a new video and stuff new stream or the videos get saved so make sure you are following the channel or don't just don't harass me later all right here a little cloth piece something like that something like this also like my videos on youtube they're not like uh monetizing if you guys don't know if you've noticed but uh if you're seeing advertising on them then let me know because youtube is trying to make money on on on the videos because i am not monetizing any of the of this stuff again i'm not doing this because of the monetization that's why i don't want to have donations or super chat or whatever this is just more for have a space i want to have a space to share more stuff this is a it's a hard format to do like on instagram here on youtube is it works then maybe i'll kind of look into twitch as well alright so that's 3d resin printer for started ender 3 and uh photon you can get you know both of them goes from like 300 to 400. it's crazy just to think about like how cheap those those printers are they're very good i know it it will most likely be together be all together i'm really not looking to do like a removable but maybe that'll be cool i don't know i can try that do like a removable mask that could be pretty fun but i'm not thinking about that right now would you ever consider do a sculpt over on one of the viewers to the models that i actually thought about that i think that's a great idea we can actually learn a lot by doing that so i'll definitely look into it i'll open uh maybe a uh kind of a a way for for me to see some of my some models from from people who like that kind of feedback so yes expect something like that it'll be awesome what else you guys like to see on the on the channel that's a good i think that's a good uh subject for us to talk about that's a great idea and i yes i thought about that if there's any other things you guys would like to see beside you know rendering things that you already mentioned but i'll try to do it yo justin what's up buddy so the junior question like uh yes a lot of studios higher juniors we do have uh you know i wouldn't call them juniors but like maybe more young younger people like that we hire well you need to have a you need to have a good portfolio like even for a junior like the the junior like i don't know i wouldn't call them juniors but the juniors that we hire are already pretty pretty good just because the uh the kind of the culture of the studio like we don't have a lot of you know interns on the art side there's a lot of internships for other departments just because there's a there is a number of internships that we could get wait a second yep i never mind i thought the stream was frozen but yeah there's a number of internships that the studio can get and usually uh departments that uh that need more help we use those internships so you get more internships on the animation side on the coding side there's you know design sometimes but art doesn't get a lot of that your goal is to have a hundred two hundred pieces of my portfolio sorry so you will fail that's not you should have you should have two you should have two good ones the polycount doesn't matter i'm not gonna show it you shouldn't worry about that this is all very low rest look at that do not don't worry about poly counts so let's put this up get out of here oh safe it's hard to save one thing that i mentioned before on the streams i keep the hands separate you see here they're kind of they're a separate model because i want to be able to dynamesh things together or separate i mean without losing the hand of fingers and stuff that's one of the things i do on my base mesh we focus more on the face here have a lot of time we can kind of see how it kind of like quickly can sketch out the face and from here i'm going to start splitting meshes same thing with it on the body and the in the head and all that i can kind of split meshes go a little deeper into uh the amount of objects that i have on the scene then i can start refining it you know answer some questions today's been a pretty good stream honestly you guys are being pretty positive with the questions so appreciate it yes i do paint uh some of the models i use uh airbrushing with acrylics and it's pretty fun there's some videos on my uh instagram if you want to check it out uh we talked about the references on the beginning of the the stream so after we're done here go back and uh watch that yeah fold guys so i know we kind of asked some of the questions about uh folds so i usually try to call the tension points and how the how the uh the fabric will flow right so if you think about there's a tension point coming from the back and the folds are coming down um that kind of stuff and really think about like real life how things will behave and i'm using just a standard brush here and you can kind of see i can create some interesting folds d brush has a new uh kind of fold brush that is interesting but i'm not uh really into it at least right now this is kind of like thinking about tension points and i've done enough folds where i don't need a lot of reference at this point but references are always good i have come up with some pretty interesting kind of full and you have to like watch out for overlaps like folds don't usually overlap they just kind of push push each other so that's the kind of thing that you have to watch out like i see people were starting where you know the phone make a lot of sense we just got to watch out for that i'll probably have like a cape going over here like something like this you know this side of the cable come over from this side i'm not gonna worry too much about the folds i do like something like that something like that so should be fun so the final shot would be kind of like looking this way but then this right here probably wouldn't extract like an extra piece and all these uh all these pieces i'm i'm doing it separate but at the end i'll just kind of all um i'll combine all of them like even the escape with the back one because this is a simple geo and i'm using dynamesh i'll combine all of them together and do something like that in the chains let me take this so i'm not looking at the questions right now guys but i'll look in a second so i'm gonna grab a ring i'm just gonna pull this this ring that just rematched this guy and something like that you just kind of inflate just a little bit [Music] bring this over you uh this way this one let's come on real quickly just bend this a little bit and there's multiple different ways to do this um i've just been doing this for a long time and uh found my ways to doing this the way i feel more comfortable with but again there's there's other ways to do this kind of stuff let me increase the resolution of this a little bit yeah there's going to be a lot of a lot of folds a lot of clothes clothing in this which refund the main design is mostly the mask and the arm and then the the belt as well then on the uh on the legs and stuff we could do do more fabric to kind of cover it up it should be pretty fun too i really like sculpting folds and stuff we do like a nice um belt design should be good and then yeah of course the legs with the armor yeah i'm definitely i'm definitely printing this one i'll spend a little more time like making it perfect i to kind of add kind of like a new twist to the design and it should be pretty good like right now i'm not designing too much to be honest i'm just trying to get all the pieces in there you know but when this is in a good spot it's just a matter of adding adding some cool like design elements that we haven't seen before let me uh get to some questions because we're we're about to reach the it's almost 4 p.m here and i want to stop at like an hour and a half so let me talk to you guys that's like 600 people on the watching which is awesome it's awesome what's your tablet i have a cintiq 22 hd would wouldn't it be easier to simulate the cloak so that's a that's an interesting question because uh no yes or no i think this is more about like how comfortable you are with sculpting stuff because usually some you know and i've know i know a lot of artists that that like to simulate stuff and you usually get a good simulation but then you have to clean it up sculpt on top or whatever and to me i get in a lot i get into a lot quicker design when i'm just uh sculpting from scratch so so yeah yes and no i think it's just more about what you're comfortable with i don't i do not like marvelous so i prefer the sculpt stuff yeah any sculpting clothes is uh it's definitely practice so the yeah to print the cape uh i'll probably make it somewhat that's like following the arm so has a good support and then there's only like an extra piece that comes off like there's a you know there's a lot of statues that have printed capes and i've done a few of them so this should be good as long as you have enough supports and enough thickness and all that there is a uh part of the the 3d sketching tutorial that i did has a really good section of that at least i think it's really good section of that that i talk about sculpting folds uh that you guys should check it out if you haven't yet i'm gonna i'll go through like uh talking about um you know looking at reference like what brushes do i use what kind of things you should be looking for here let me uh pop it open so you guys can see looks like you guys see that so this uh the 3d sketching one there's a good section there though that i talk about sculpting clothes and stuff it is over here that i talk about like looking at looking at the reference like what am i looking for contact points and all that stuff that we just talked about how to kind of analyze the reference and then like how to sculpt like what brushes do i use to uh sculpt folds and like stuff like this like looking at the volume and and how things are you know how things should work and then yeah doing more of that you can kind of see like contact points and all that and then going into the brushes and how to mimic the folds so check it out if you guys haven't uh haven't watched it yet and yeah i do recommend you guys learning marvelous and other uh other softwares like that it's just not it's just not uh it shouldn't be your main tool like you need to know how to how to sculpt things if you want to work as a character artist like you need to learn how to sculpt things so you can you can save time by using marvelous but you won't um you won't use that in a in a production as like a one-off tool marvelous with zbrush is definitely kind of the way to go [Music] victor is asking do you think it's a problem have real-time characters and another ones for collectibles at the same time in my portfolio yeah yeah character being a character artist you can work on so many different um projects you know so yeah you should definitely try it out have both you know it's always good to learn i know all of them i work with all of them so it's definitely i definitely recommend thanks for the follow dude i definitely recommend you guys having you know different projects and then when you when you find something you really like then i think you just need to double down and houdini i think houdini is awesome and i think it's definitely part of the future for 3d in general but uh not as much for character artists like a lot of people talk about technology changing the character artist's role and uh like scans for example and like photogrammetry and whatever and all those things help but it's just like a that you know the quality also goes up when you have that so it never really replaces anything and if you have to learn new tools like houdini for example uh character is uh you you don't have to really double down on houdini but if you're an environment artist or an effects artist then houdini is like a game changer right a so this age question interest um you should never worry about age to be honest i think age could be an impact if people have you know a lot of responsibilities a family or whatever so there's always a question that comes to mind if it's like you know this guy have you can can he actually afford to be a junior you know can he make uh not make a you know the amount of money that that you would you would need so that that's the question that comes more to mine not so much age ages you know doesn't matter so do i render a marmor set instead of arnold i've used marmoset a lot i think marmor set is awesome but you need um a cleaner topology and you know proper textures and all that to use marmoset so yeah if you have that if you kind of working on a game model mama said is the way to go zbrush screensaver who had that idea what are some misconceptions people have about the game industry it was something you were surprised to learn once you start working um i guess the amount of oops dropped a pin i guess the amount of work let me grab this the amount of work that goes into making a game like a lot of people especially when you're starting and you see someone doing like this like what we're doing today uh people will get the impression that this is you know all that the job is and uh not really i mean there's a lot of things that you do in the game studio that nobody sees that even when people are kind of freelancing remotely to uh creating characters for a studio you don't have uh you don't have an idea of all the work that's being done uh inside the studio to uh make the game you know it's one thing just to do um the character and and be done it's another thing to actually make the game so that's a big misconception from the art side that people have that think it's just making characters but it's not you have to do you know have to collaborate with different departments you know talk to combat rigging be on top of like outsourcing you know play the game be go go on sinks and it's a big collaboration that people don't really don't realize so that's uh that's a good question thank you how much time is spent on the game character in the studio we've talked about this before because it is a question that i think people have and it definitely varies in studio to studio if you just think about a time to make a character in general you would need you know at least a month to two months to do a high res depending on the complexity of the character and then you would do like a you know re-apologize and textures and all that that's probably another you know two to three weeks so it's a good like from a month to three months and you know depending on if it's a boss or a main character and if the character has a face scan and and uh you know blend shapes and it could take up to a year to do to do a character [Music] do you think unreal will dominate all rendering markets including the advertising cinematography market uh maybe who knows they're definitely you know uh it's easier and easier to use that and the quality is is getting better there's some bigger studios that tried already and we didn't succeed but maybe have you ever changed something the design of a character due to some technical or programming issues uh yeah i mean that's a conversation that always happens but it happens on the early phases to make sure we can support and that's when experience comes to to play right because i know what works and what doesn't work and and it's a constant collaboration with the tech team and the tech lead to make sure things uh you know we have the tools and the technical directors and it's you know that we have the tools to execute on something and if when we don't have the tools then then we do some prototyping to to create the tools and make sure we can execute on something before we spend the time making it so then by the time that we are making the the final character we're pretty sure that um that the thing's going to work is a portfolio's i guess important genre important to uh the question important when you're looking at hiring for example sci-fi applying for a fantasy type game studio yes that is definitely important but more so just to know if the p if the artists like the subject you know because you can definitely look at the skills and kind of know that the the person have what it takes but in terms of like a fantasy project for example it's it's uh the artists need to have a good you know have to like that because you're going to be doing that for you know for years and whatnot and you need to have that kind of experience that comes with it so sci-fi is kind of a different set of skills than fantasy um you know there's people who do who do both pretty well there's people who only do one or another and it's more of a preference thing but it's a different a different set of skills you know organic sculpting is different than uh higher uh high so hard surface i don't know why you're thinking hard high surface hard surface well that was a cool model hard surface let me turn this thing off screen saver uh hard surface is a kind of a different set of skills so yes if you want to work on a fantasy game kind of you have to sculpt creatures and stuff and costuming as well costuming is a different thing that people know really uh realize that it's kind of uh uh kind of something you have to practice sculpting folds and looking at the details of a costume and all that yes i hired thiago but thiago is a contract artist he's not full-time with the studio so yeah but yeah thiago rios he just he's gonna he started working with us he's awesome i've been working with him for a while now he's a good friend let's see what's the best uh jackie was asking what's the best way and sorry if i uh pronounce your name wrong but what's the best way to understand what's required to you to get seen by a studio and how best could someone approach a studio and professional way to inquire about work that's a it's a great question um the best way for you to understand is just more looking at the artists that work on that studio and kind of uh try to break it down why they're working there and the type of work that they they have because then you can kind of try to understand for you like what what it takes to uh to get higher uh and now that you have to be at that level but you can kind of have a target and kind of aim towards that um in the sense of like how how to get seen i think it's just once you start doing that type of work you have to put yourself out there but mainly excuse me but mainly if you're doing the work right if you're making that making the making projects but you're putting yourself online trying to get people to see your work and you can tag people like tag those those artists that work there tell like you know that you're inspired by their work if you're at the level and if you're ready like people will um contact you and and hire you and all that so it's just more a matter of time and putting in the effort for you to like slowly build up to what's what's needed so it's you know it's a balance between looking at artists that work at certain studios the type of work they're producing inside of there like the type of games that they're making and try to replicate that and replicating i don't say like one to one copying what's in the game or whatever but maybe you'll find like a a concept that wasn't used for the game or a concept that kind of looks like the style that they're working on and then you try to execute on that and you tag these tag those people and be like you know talk about how you would like to work there because that's another question that you know it kind of comes up and came up today of of understanding you know what kind of work to or style to have on your portfolio like you should always kind of show off like the how much you appreciate the the type of work in and that you like to work on places like that because that's half halfway halfway there right if you want to work at sony or a blizzard if you want to work for whatever game like you need to be making the type of art that those games have oh yeah yeah portfolio review was fun i'll do another one for sure all right guys last last couple questions here it's already uh an hour and a half that was kind of what was shooting for today if you guys missed the beginning we talked about reference and uh and we kind of started sketching this guy out i'm gonna go hang out with the kids a little bit and then uh probably go go to the gym or something and and then come back to work more on this thanks steven thanks guys yeah victor how many how much time the an artist should study to be prepared for triple a studios that's uh impossible to answer honestly but as we all know like these things take time you know if you're starting if you're looking to a full-time course that's like at least two years but it really depends on the level of your uh art skills you may take longer it may take less time you know how many tattoos do i have i don't keep count of my tattoos anymore it's harder when you get like sleeves and stuff you can't really count them [Music] but i have both arms and uh both legs working on the uh working on another leg no skipping leg day there's leg day today check out my leg it's gonna get sexy on the stream wait i have i have both legs all right this one is almost done and uh the other one is it's going to be next and then maybe the chest and who knows maybe the back but i'm i'm getting too too old for this it's too painful all right i'm gonna answer this one but you may not like my answer what advice could you give someone to stop them getting into the mindset of that copying oh that copying from anatomy images is cheating i know i have to copy it just feels like i'm cheating why are you cheating dude cheating on what what is cheating you're studying trying to replicate this is the only fence so if you want to see the rest of the leg justin they'll be an only friend only fans but uh but yeah dude cheating just just stop stop that that doesn't make any sense everybody uses reference reference is part of the job like you never do any projects or work with a professional that did not use reference so that is a very very immature mindset you didn't answer any of my questions bro yo bro alpha alpha male 1 who are your questions dude i didn't see any of your questions send me one question i'll answer i'll answer one question of yours before we go what's up cmac how many hours a day do you work how many hours do you sleep i sleep like about six to seven sometimes eight hours and sometimes uh you know it kind of stacked up stacks up in a week that i have to take a nap or something when i'm too tired but i try to get you know at least six hours i don't need a lot of a lot of sleep to be honest but as i'm getting older um it's getting getting on me guys i i was he didn't answer any of my questions hopefully we have another option to do this uh you guys are going to have more more another opportunity not options but another opportunity to ask questions and uh don't be sad don't be sad you know don't be like this one guy that disliked the video be like the one the 563 ones i like so i appreciate you guys yeah dude let's uh let's chat for sure that'll be fun uh both would you say personality or portfolio is more deciding factor both both what's uh what's his question see alpha guy i'm gonna find your question because again i didn't see it jesus christ oh there is what are the prices for a 3d scoped like if you want to sell your model how much you aim to get paid was this your question price is for a 3d scope to like make a 3d scope or for selling your model now your question doesn't make sense dude if you want to know what how much i sell statues you can just look at how much people are selling these statues like it ranges from a very large uh range of prices but uh if you want to make it it also varies it goes from like 2 000 to uh you know 4 000 maybe but selling is just more up to the artist you know like my yoshimitsu for example i sell for uh 200 or something 200 220 so but you can you can go pretty expensive all right guys i think that's it we answer alpha mate question and uh subway uncle jesse yeah dude let's do it let's do a uh cosplay uh if this looks good enough maybe that's it you know let's print it print it out you can cosplay right well we answer his question we're good for the day uh we'll do this again i hope you guys liked it um i will i know it's probably a little group of uh artists that just dislike all the videos um and yes and then you get addicted to buying side shows yes yo you off all right guys i'm out of here i'm gonna hang out with the kids and then uh keep working on this guy a little bit more today's a day off so i'm just gonna have some fun and uh thank you guys for showing up we'll keep doing this in the future and maybe the quality of the work will get better like this little guy just comment on all right dudes see you later all right enjoy the rest of your day thanks for thanks for joining me
Channel: Raf Grassetti
Views: 24,095
Rating: 4.9667521 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 55sec (6055 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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