Ahsoka Tano - 3D Sculpting and Chatting (ArtStream09)

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you this there you go you guys hear me know all right i can hear myself which is weird so you guys hear it let me know if you guys hear all right you guys hear the music at all cool is the audio okay like music and me talking like how is it looking cool thanks oh yes not the music hmm i'm getting the hang of this thing i still don't know what i'm doing music slow what about now it's is [Music] you guys hear the music now yeah like the um all right awesome in second let me uh [Music] one second yeah but we're gonna i'm just gonna sculpt some stuff i just started to sculpt it sculpt some uh some uh star wars stuff again one second guys i need i need some mods you know let's start blocking some of these people some of the spam some of the spam people we're here to have fun i'm just here to relax so that's what we're gonna do this checking stuff is working first time we're doing this with music so hopefully uh hopefully we'll be all right you know you don't need a ton of ram you need you need a good size a good chunk of ram but not not a lot to be honest all right guys so all right before we start actually um but you guys are probably the first ones to know if i but i'll post this on my instagram probably uh tomorrow or this weekend i got i am doing it on twitch yeah i got this um i got this new tablet let me show you guys i got this new uh the new 24 pro from uh xp pen this thing's pretty awesome and i uh i'm gonna test it i'm gonna i'm going to uh do a little review i have a couple of xp pens that they sent me before to test it out and i've i'm i'm currently using um cintiq here i have two cintiqs but um this one is supposed to be like the equivalent of the um you know kind of the cintiq so i'm gonna test it out probably this weekend or next week but the cool part is that uh i'm gonna do a little a little challenge on instagram whether we're gonna give away a few of these so they they were able to give me a couple to give away so we're gonna run a little challenge as well i posted on my instagram last weekend about like uh doing a little contest so we're gonna do like a little uh bust contest uh this next month and we're gonna we're gonna have three uh three four three places and we're gonna give away some some tablets so look away look uh look forward to that i have a lot of suggestions for the t for the themes it's going to be it's going to be fun it'll be available worldwide for uh to shipping so that's gonna be awesome and i'm gonna do one i'm gonna pick the theme and do do a little a little art for it and then it's up to you guys i'm gonna give away some tablets you know so that's gonna be fun so look forward to that on my uh my instagram and probably on youtube as well uh probably i'll probably do like all the talking to people and and picking the artwork on youtube so subscribe to youtube or twitch or whatever you guys whatever you guys use probably be streaming like the results and giving feedback to people it's gonna be fun i'm gonna try to do something a little more open to uh people and give feedback and we're gonna have open voting so i'm not picking all the winners and stuff so thanks thanks danielle it's gonna be on both twitch and now now that i'm able to uh stream on both i'm gonna try to do both twitch and uh youtube can be fun got everything set up now with all this look at me i'm liking the future let me turn off this auto focus this is pissing me off cool so yeah guys what i'm gonna do today i was actually just uh just started this which is kind of the second part of some star wars fan art so let me switch it up what's up johnny what's up it's all gonna be in uh in english guys at least for now like i'll let you guys know when when we do this in portuguese i know for all the this is laid in brazil so what are you guys doing up this way you know i'm loving i'm loving mandalori i love season one season two is awesome so we're gonna be doing some of this i've seen pretty much everything james like if you've seen the entire star wars series i've seen pretty much everything i didn't watch everything on clone wars but uh i'm kind of up to speed just watching people talk about it cash if like how does that feel like can i put stuff on the on the screen like i don't know it'd be nice if i can put the questions on screen but how does it feel to work on a screen tablet versus a regular white wacom or wacom or wacom whatever you guys want to call it it feels it feels weird at first when you use a cintiq because you're like drawing on the screen and the stuff is like on the way but um once you get used to it it's harder how to go back to something else so yeah it feels good so for yeah so cruz like for the the theme for the contest for the tablet stuff like we're not gonna do any fan art because of just um just legal issues like i don't want to get into any legal issues of like people using fan art because i want to be able to use the images if we if we have if we if we're able to like post it online if xp pen wants to use the images for you know kind of uh to kind of display the winner or whatever it's better not to do a fan art so i'll probably do something like um like middle earth for example or uh you know like future or you know droids or you know something that's a little more generic that people you know could get inspiration from stuff but not so much like one-to-one fan art the twitch username is the same as this one uh just cressetti twitch you know slash garcetti i don't know something probably probably something like that let me see if it's actually streaming on twitch right now i think it is yeah i see people from twitch thank you guys thanks taban my pleasure so i just started this probably like uh like 40 minutes ago and i was i was just looking at some at this basically and just kind of trying to get trying to get the likeness let me see if i can get this on top try to get you know kind of somewhat the likeness correct and uh there's a lot of like you know kind of it's a little harder thanks man there you go raphael my boy twitch.tv thanks bro you just became a mod i just made you a mod appreciate it man so yeah i mean there's a lot of uh kind of like intricacies with likeness and stuff when i when i'm doing these kind of design kind of concept art uh pieces i'm not like spending too much time on the likeness i'm trying to get like ballpark correct just so i can have lighting information and then um and then i'm like trying to get the like the lighting right but because i can paint on photoshop later i could kind of correct some stuff like break the symmetry do little things that that i wouldn't do uh you know if i was just kind of sculpting it but usually just a kind of high level on the likeness stuff guys like i i usually get three photos like uh i try not not to use a lot of photos just so i don't get confused by it and this this little program here is called pure ref if you guys don't don't use it i recommend it but basically i try not to get a lot of images just three like a front view a side view and uh in a kind of a three-quarter because i can kind of it's kind of everything i need right and i try to find images that don't have a lot of perspective on and uh and then i try to kind of like block it out you can see like i'm working with perspective off because i've tried to find these images i have very little perspective so i don't get confused by it and then it's a lot of um looking at the the landmarks of the face and trying to match it so for example like on the eyes like if i just kind of look at just this eye i'm kind of like uh slowly getting in in a position and then when i kind of get close enough there's a little bit of liberties that i take to almost like to you know caricature i like enhance some of the some of the shapes and whatnot but this is kind of like a little bit of it takes a while it takes a while just because um it takes a while just because you're trying let me just see yeah the music is just going yeah so it takes a while just to get you know the face a hundred percent that's not what i'm trying to do here but i'm looking at kind of the nose and the shape of the nose guys let me know if the music's too loud or whatever you guys please just uh hit me up because i i don't know exactly how it sounds so it's good keep going so yeah i'm like kind of like looking at uh let me see if i can get it lower just a little bit all right cool better all right so i'm trying to look at like the landmarks even on the nose like she's got a little bit of that you know cartilage here and i'm trying to find like the shape of the lips how it kind of comes down like even here there's a little bit of a curve that i'm seeing on the side view that it's not so much in the front view but i'm trying to get there like now i got the main landmarks in there and now it's just a matter of like adjusting it like from here from the three-quarter i could see the lips are sometimes like her lips are forward like quite a lot so i'm kind of like pull it forward better now all right guys still loud let me see i'll get lower a little bit more let me know if that's that's better actually let me get some like a little more chill because you know i like to listen to stuff that's crazy well maybe that's better cool wait there you go now we're talking cool all right guys so after you got kind of like the landmarks on in in there no it's just a lot of like the faces is a lot of like fine tuning and sometimes i kind of like layer stuff on top to try to get you know it perfect just to really compare like uh you know i'll turn it on and off and if you guys haven't seen it like i have a i have a tutorial kind of like in like weed likeness on my gumroads gumroad courses so you guys can check it out hey padua uh add a category to the stream on twitch we'll be happy to cool i'll do that next time thanks man i'll look for it i'm i'm definitely just learning all this stuff so appreciate you guys all the tips so i'm not gonna spend too much time on this i think the eyes are throwing me off just a little bit um but what i want to do and we always talk about this on the stream right guys like i want to keep moving forward try to get all the design in place because we can spend days in on just the face and that's not really the goal of this like i'm not trying to get the her face you know kind of a perfect likeness like an ultra hyper realistic likeness what i want to do is just get a lot of the stuff represented so i'll show you guys kind of some of the reference that i have for her and it's very straightforward like i'm looking at kind of clone wars and rebels like some of this stuff and i've always loved this artwork i can't remember the artist who did it but i'm gonna try to get this kind of vibe to the final one and a lot of just random stuff she you know she was cast um for the role so we're gonna get her face in there and i'm gonna get kind of this costume going on which is i think is the beginning uh some of the first seasons of clone wars i kind of prefer this one than kind of the older uh slim costume so i'm going to get all this stuff locked in i'm going to start just with the hair and we can chat now because i'm gonna it's gonna be a little more a little easier to get things going because i'm just gonna start extracting some stuff let's see here thunder gaming hey rav you mentioned gumroad so i had to ask why aren't we allowed to download the female anatomy course it's online only so that's funny uh when i first started doing gumroad all my stuff was uh available to download what happened and you guys can probably guess which sucks is that people will start to post all my stuff on their own websites like uh like downloadable courses websites and my stuff is really cheap like some of those the courses that i'm selling they were like five bucks they're like 15 bucks and people were still like putting on uh you know free downloads on on the website and that kind of pissed me off so i was i was kind of upset about that and um gumroad has has this function that you can only watch it and i think still fair for the price of the course that you know they have to watch it online so i always apologize for that but this is kind of the reality of the situation it kind of sucks for for people who who does that kind of stuff so yeah yeah it's all on tour and stuff which is uh ridiculous anyways people do that whatever hey uh ranjit what time is it in india by the way because i know there's always people who are from india that kind of complain about the hours so what time is it right now so basically he's asking like for how long have been practicing zbrush so i started like uh i started like 15 years ago or something like that man this music is you guys are gonna sleep valenti if i like the last star wars movies that's uh that's an interesting question i i i didn't like them i was kind of upset there's some uh you know just to kind of talk about that more specific i i uh i love the designs artwork is is amazing you know art wise can't complain one of the best ever made incredible costuming design like uh set design everything amazing i was just you know like a lot of people i i didn't like the i didn't like the story arcs and some of the motivation some of the characters and it happens no i haven't heard of that and i need to i need to listen to the music can't do it it's all silent so no i'm not going to do a crazy pose with this probably do like a you know kind of arms back keep it simple that kind of sucks that i hear myself on this i've done yeah lamarck i i've done a portfolio review like on the beginning of the channel like a couple months ago that was fun now i'm planning to do another one actually maybe maybe i'll do one this weekend i think that'll be good if you guys are down for that maybe i'll bring some uh some friends and we can do a portfolio review and we can kind of pick they'll pick some of the stuff from the chat if you guys are into it so i'm actually going to extract this kind of hair piece from here i'm going to just give it a little inflate and why is this color is all messed up excited about for the new batman movie i am super hyped for the new batman movie i never doubt it or boy edward i think he's gonna be awesome there's a lot of good stuff in that already so i'm i'm hyped that first trailer was so good man actually yeah not the teaser just the real the real trailer they dropped on the dc uh dc universe thing that was so good i know it's gonna be good i'm doing great thank you thank you true real true real raph do you think polygonal modeling is necessary for character artists for accessories do you still use polygon modeling nowadays i think it's it's super important i don't think that would ever go away you need to know that stuff you need to really be good at that stuff because you're going to run into situations where you have to do it and you need to be the best that's so that's the job you know it's one of those things that goes without saying in terms of like job production yeah i'm curious if these characters have years i don't think so huh now that i'm just thinking about i don't remember let's see if i can find some reference because i don't have all the references i have i guess they don't you never see the ears so whatever but yeah i mean it kind of goes goes without saying on the job you have to uh really be good at polygon modeling and even though i do a lot of stuff in zbrush here at work i do a lot of a lot of a lot of political modeling if you can call it that way a lot of modeling inside maya or 3ds max is it really echoing or is just just for you yoshi let me know guys did you use uh rosario danson as reference for ahsoka yes i showed you i showed at the beginning yes i've been using reference for her wondering if you referenced ray park as well for darth maul yes i did that yep been trying to get kind of the uh ray you know kind of he played the original character so i try to match some of that i didn't go like one to one like i like i'm doing with this it's not one to one i'm just trying to get enough to get a visual but yeah see if i can bring the mic closer do you think the mic is capturing your voice and coming from desktop as well maybe is it better now turn the desktop audio off and let me know if you guys still hear the music is the music still playing we're getting through the bumps here guys but the desktop audio was turned on so it was a good call okay and no music because if the music was not playing wait a second [Music] mike's out mike's back these software is like i don't know if i'm just you know kind of an idiot but this thing it just doesn't work as i expected but we'll get the hang of it once it's once it's good i'm never going to touch it again the the weird part is and uh maybe you guys know what's going on because i can hear myself if i put them the you know the headphones and uh so i can't really hear the music but i think it's kind of what you were saying um maybe it's like echoing because of of like it's like doubling down so weird wait let's do this [Music] maybe the desktop let's go give me properties hanging there guys [Music] like i don't wanna i don't wanna mic on the desktop audio [Music] weird i mean whatever i'll just mute the music and and is it echoing now because then i'll just mute the music and you guys can just hear me talking whatever is it better i'll sing a song for you guys just like i did with my kids i've been playing with the audio so that's why it was probably uh messed up but let me know if this is better no alcohol no echo is it better are we done i might you know i'll stop messing with this stuff sound dreamy the last thing i want to sound is dreamy i'll get the a little louder dude i got two kids i'm not that young or maybe i have kids young yeah i'll mess with that uh a ref i'll call you ref just like me but i'll mess with that uh after we're done here just how we're gonna not not hear myself how do you speak your brother by selling your language all right do you guys know how old i am to say i'm that i'm this young you don't even know how old i am look at these square boobs let's fix that i am using obs yeah let's see whoever can guess my age will be the winner 34 close 28 thank you man man i wish i was 28 to be honest 15. how's this this rich but you know 15 will be in trouble this much knowledge 15 no no no still nothing i'm from uh so i'm from 88 so that makes me 32. you guys got it you got it i'm not not happy about that but still young enough man i wish i was what was it 25 or something how old is my soul exactly i like how you think i like how you think my soul is probably older than me my soul is definitely older than me your kids continue to sleep dude they probably they always you know sing me to sleep no matter what they're doing i can take a nap anywhere even if they're screaming you know like when people hate when like kids are screaming and stuff they'll put me to sleep i don't care i can sleep with anything i'll lay down i'll pass out if you give me five minutes i'll sleep five minutes and you'll be the best nap of my life you need kids man you can't sleep on your bed once you get once you have kids dude you can sleep anywhere whoever has kids who understand what i what i mean i take the best snaps of my life because i'm really i'm tired as hell i don't know if i can curse i am really tired and i sleep like a baby every time yeah i've been i've been working in the industry for kind of for 15 years i started i started like when i was you know 17. i was lucky enough to uh get a job in advertising when i was you know about 17. and it was rough man it was those days were uh was rough i definitely learned a lot just just uh you know in the job just like throw me in there the coach was like get in get in son do this project like i don't know what the i'm doing but you know i did it so that's how i learned that's kind of that was my real school just getting in there and doing crazy jobs really complex jobs and the one thing you you understand when you work in the area or in the industry is that you just gotta you just gotta do it man that's that's for for a lot of you guys you just have to go in and do it like if you feel that like you don't know something or you've never done it you just got to get in there and do it because there's so there's a lot of documentation and kind of a lot of things are step by step you just have to follow and then and you realize that um that's how most the is so i kind of i that's how i learned you know that's how i learned that i can basically do whatever i i put myself in the mindset of doing you know 3d wise i can get it done because it's a matter of finding the right finding the right people to talk to or finding the right tutorial the right place to uh get the information and you can do it and work your ass off exactly so that's kind of how i started so it was it was uh so i started with 17 i got got to work on a couple or a few projects in advertising for a while and i'll talk for a little bit guys you know i'll get back to the questions because if i'm looking at the screen here and i'm doing stuff it's hard to uh keep track of everything so keep keep uh keep talking between yourselves and i'll get back to you in a sec anyways so i uh started with 17 i did a couple like very interesting cool projects in like a advertising studio with some some amazing guys back in brazil uh luciano neves like he's a one of the you know one of my mentors when i was first starting uh learned a lot i actually started like doing more of animation stuff um just because you know it's kind of more of a you know you do it everything you do everything in those projects right kind of like you know like advertising stuff so but i got more into the animation stuff because that's what it was needed at that point so i did that but then zbrush came out and we had a couple jobs that needed a lot of modeling and i was doing modeling for like billboards and stuff and then uh i was like you know how you know i like this zbrush stuff like this is super interesting so i started to uh study that and that's that's when my career kind of shifted a little bit more into like the zebra stuff because i was just getting the hang of it i used to use mudbox more than zbrush but zbrush the the newest versions when they when they came out they kind of like changed the game you know like it was like you could probably paint you could do a bunch of stuff like a lot more artistic intuitive like you could do a lot of cool stuff with it and that's like i you know i started studying that i started get the hang of it and uh that's how then i start building my portfolio you know i start getting um i start getting jobs from at first i start getting and get getting jobs from from toys in cinematics like cinematics were a big thing back then with like uh you know kind of like trailers right like there's still a thing these days but not as much because of like there's a lot of in-game stuff now that that kind of like uh came in to kind of replace some of that but back then it was a high demand so i got i got um some freelance jobs with that and i was able to leave the uh the marketing industry to do cinematics and then toy i started working with hasbro i started working with hasbro you know more than like 10 years ago which is crazy to think that it's probably the company that i've been working with for the longest like not you know non-stop since then but just kind of on and off like i'll get a job from them and kind of uh do some stuff and then they'll come back with more stuff so i've been working with them for for a while and it's been amazing um so yeah then that's kind of how how i made that transition and then from there i from there let's see like three years later two three years later i started building my portfolio with like in-game stuff because i wanted to go uh leave brazil i wanted to go like uh work on a different country and i knew that game companies were the only studios that were actually hiring people and sp sponsoring their their visa doing all like that all the uh all that work to get people what they needed right so that's why i kind of like yeah i mean i love games i love to work with games you know they're hiring people like that so i just started building my portfolio and then i started getting like uh freelance jobs from brazil doing freelance jobs from brazil until i had the chance to move so that's kind of you know i've always talked about this and i thought i would talk to you guys again just because a lot of people probably didn't hear this story before but that's how i get i got into the game industry and this this has been uh maybe 10 years ago i would say something like that let me just save this okay do we need a degree to get a job in the industry no you don't you do not need a degree you need a portfolio your degree is important if you are applying for a visa that will make a difference but i don't have a degree and it didn't matter for me so but you need so when you when you apply for a visa you need a couple points and a degree is one of them but you can get more points like publications is you get a point with that you know how well known you are in the industry if you won challenges like anything like that you you know you win points for it but it's tricky man like i know padua like she insists that your mom insists that you need a degree to get a job that's it's interesting because it's you know different different uh it's a kind of an interesting industry right like it depends where you apply to i mean definitely if you want to work with games it doesn't really matter but it's kind of important to have one if you have the the opportunity to have one but i'll recommend like if you're if you know what you want and uh you know i'll probably recommend like taking like some courses and learning this stuff on the side you know but i'm not here to tell you like don't don't get a degree or anything because i think it is important a lot of people don't know exactly what they want until they're done with their degrees and you learn a lot of the basic stuff like not everybody has the self-drive to learn but you know by themselves so that works for some people get that support from somewhere else it's my dream so wellington yeah yeah for sure man the industry always behind people overseas that's what the industry does what's important to become an art director ideas or software knowledge man like i get this question a lot like what do people think our direction world is and how do you become an art director that it is not like you don't study to become one you have to be like an artist or you have to be you know some kind of a technical artist or whatever and your um your time in the industry the partnerships that you make you know the projects that you work on that would that will make you ready to work as an art director you can't really study for one to become one or just call yourself one you have to grow to that grow to the role you came to see your pika mermaid plans for anatomy 2.0 of course yes man yeah great yeah yes i've been planning to do that just update what i had i still really like what i what i did but yes i have plans to do a new one soon that'll be fun what else you guys what do you think so another one that i'm working on is just the basics to um like intro to zbrush and why not because i have a lot of people that ask me like hey where where do i start or where do i go and even though there's a lot of courses out there i don't like a lot of them so i'm working on i'm working on one what else you guys would like to see in terms of like courses and training and stuff what do you think you you don't really see out there hey raf well how was your study routine when you were getting your art shops uh kind of non-stop i mean it still is i just i just never stopped doing this stuff because i i really love it that's the thing like i honestly i i didn't need to be doing any of this like i don't i'm not looking for a job i'm not looking to uh move to where i am right now you know whatever my perform my my professional portfolio will be enough if i want to go somewhere else but i honestly love this stuff and i uh i really just you know try to get better like every project that i do i honestly think that i get a little bit better every time and i see it throughout the the years and the months or whatever until i'm happy with what i'm doing but then i'm not like the darth maul that i did yesterday i i really liked it when i when i was done yesterday i don't like it anymore um today so it's the process you know and i know a lot of you can probably relate to that for me you never you never change it so i'm constantly constantly trying to find the next thing to get that kick again i'm like kind of addicted to it because i really liked it i really like it so it's still like non-stop for me and it's not to say that i don't do uh you know this kind of stuff professionally like i do this stuff all day and i still kind of uh because i give you my look at this that i'm doing and be like you think that i only do this it's not that's not the case this is this is like 10 of what i do like whatever you see on instagram whatever you see here on youtube it's like 10 maybe less of what i do all day so i i really love it so in terms of like studying schedule and production schedule whatever it's been non-stop for you know good 15 years that's why when people ask like man i mean you're good or whatever yeah i've been doing this like non-stop and that's why i'm not scared to share with you guys anything like i'll share everything i know and i know it will still take you many many years to get to to the level that you you're trying to get to you know because i know it takes time so that's kind of how i see it you see those people like kind of scared or share knowledge or whatever dude i don't really give a i know how hard these things are and some people you know might make it look seem easy it is not easy it is not easy thanks michael i love to see content about composition photoshop and your tips rendering zbrush photoshop so i have a couple courses about that on gumroad and i know i keep saying that and i will do a more kind of composition uh in-depth stuff but i have a couple of those in my gum road for less than five bucks so grab that if you're really into that stuff do you like horror games or movies i am not into horror stuff to be honest i watched them like it i thought it was amazing with the clown why not i love that movie but i'm not the guy who's like yo let's go watch a horror movie like i'm not that type of guy i much rather watch like a sci-fi movie like i'll watch avatar any time of the week i watch lord of the rings or star wars you know kind of multiple times without complaining yeah so reveal the work and and get feedback i'll let's do that this weekend okay guys i promise you guys we'll do a portfolio review and i'll look at stuff from the chat you guys can drop and uh you know of course we're not gonna be able to get through everybody but we're gonna do a little bit more freestyle portfolio review this weekend all right so i'm gonna start just extracting some of the actually let me paint the hair what do you guys think here let me let me show this real quick she has like two hairstyles from the different uh seasons when she's a little older look at this so what do you guys think it's it's better is it like uh more of this stripy stuff going down which i kind of dig and this one is a lot cleaner with the the patterns what do you think like that's the clean one let me see if i can find the one with the stripes that's that one all right left one i'll go with what ralph said he's my boy how falzine all right let's do it that's the beauty so get a little bit of blue here there's two ways that you can kind of paint this just like that with the blue but to get like hard edge with this stuff it's kind of tricky so usually i'll get like a lasso and we'll kind of do some some of that stuff to get like a hard edge and then we can just kind of flood it with a collar you know and we'll get some cool shapes yeah buddy hey ralph when do you know they have to stop sculpting and coloring stuff to get results i honestly i see both of them as the same thing you know so i'm always coloring and sculpting at the same time i probably never done piece where um where i'm just kind of sculpting without without color just because i think color changes so much so see let me turn this off real quick and you see what i'm talking about like if you guys look at this it looks okay right like and then kind of i got the shapes right so i'm kind of always like turning it on and off but i'm doing both and then at the end if i feel that i'm kind of missed some detail um me some detail where there's just color and i'll come back and add i have detail you know i'll do like a final detail pass with uh final detail pass when without no call no color at all so that's kind of how it works how do i soften the mask with the brush so when i when i do the mask i could do uh if i control click i'll soften it you know if i do the mask and i control alt click i'll sharpen it see so i can like soften it and sharpen it that's kind of how you uh soften it sharpen it ctrl alt and just control little tricks that you only learn here i bet a lot of you guys knew this already yes i'm just kind of like free styling these uh these patterns and then if we have to we'll change them if we don't have to we don't change them but i'm usually like not thinking too much that's kind of the secret of it you just gotta kind of get detached from the from the result and just get get it done actually that was something that a friend told me that was cool which i'm i'm being like very mindful about that stuff is that too for you to design in 3d you need to like um you need to how do you say it kind of like not get attached to anything you just need to kind of get detached from the result because 3d is more technical than 2d drawing so you can get attached to [Music] you can get attached to you know details and not go anywhere so for you to like design in 3d you need to be mindful about just kind of letting it go that kind of you can use that even if you're not designing if you're sculpting you just need to let it go and then i'm just kind of fixing some of the shapes but this is fun man this is gonna look cool i think i don't know if you guys see the the mall that i did yesterday so this is gonna be almost like a like a little companion image maybe this one and you'll be kind of like a little companion piece that um would be kind of like a blue background and you kind of like go you know side by side with it so it's cool it might be you know like maybe i can do some some uh more after this one should be fun you do like a mandalorian armor that'll be awesome i saw some someone say like more sci-fi stuff uh that could be fun i did a baby yoda last year that i i don't like so probably like kind of do use it as a base but then kind of redo it kind of like a better job i'll probably do like a mando with baby yoda it'll be fun i'm just having fun guys like this to me is i'm not thinking it as a portfolio anymore to be honest is the fun stuff for me man being able to do these things it is so satisfying to me just the feeling that i could do it you know it's like you know i have a little bit of a part on on the whole thing that's kind of to me what kind of drives me um to just do these things i got like a satisfaction out of being able to do it you know that's the fun part and then you know of course i always add my my own twist to it and it's always fun to see you know where it goes but that's the that's kind of the thought behind it and it kind of changed all the years to be honest at first like you know of course i was a lot worried about my portfolio and a lot of the pieces that that i have on my website that i took it out and you can kind of see like some of these early pieces i was worrying a lot more about kind of showing the process showing like step by step how to how i did this these things and showing kind of the technical this sucks right now i look at it but kind of showing like oh i know how to do topology i know how to do uvs i kind of know how to texture it or not but as kind of the years went by it's a lot more about just having fun and doing the stuff that i like so there's times time for everything to be honest and i'm not going to worry about the back right now but there's times for everything guys it's time for you guys to worry about the technical aspects and showing that you can do certain things if you want to get a job some people need to know that you can do it but there's times that you just you know when you kind of don't have to do that anymore then it kind of changes at least for me changes the focus and she's gonna be awesome on mandalorian i cannot wait are you guys watching by the way i didn't ask that but i hope you guys are up to speed or up to date with the season two that came out today is harry osborne here what's up harry i miss your uh fill color by pressing g thanks buddy i'll make you a mod too you know you need to be here dropping your knowledge you're amazing yeah man you guys you guys need to check it out that first episode is amazing holy so i i need i want to get della here on this weekend you guys know della it works with me amazing 2d guy concept artist 3d as well he does 3d yes if you guys don't know and uh we'll get here on the weekend and maybe he'll he'll do a portfolio review with me and uh we've been watching the mandalorian and just geeking out for that so good that's the stuff that we leave for that's the fun stuff that's the stuff that i live for holy man i love characters in the chat the character development and that john favreau like that is just amazing so come on della let's do it get this ear out yeah guys i mean this is looking good so we've been doing this for an hour i am going to move to the body in the costume because i want to get some of these things blocked out so you guys can see how i do it so i'm going to save and uh a lot of the things like her costume like a lot of the star wars costumes are pretty simple which is you know usually the best ones are simple this like this uh so a lot of this she's got kind of like a body suit on the bottom here and even though this turns into a skirt as well we don't need to worry about that right now so i'm just gonna extract this just like that and we're gonna get like a tight bodysuit that's gonna flare up let me see here what are we gonna do from the clone wars stuff i'm gonna kind of flare up on the neck so i'm gonna do this real quick guys and then i'll get back to the chat okay and uh we can chat a little bit more because it's today's been fun you guys are uh have some great questions and not a lot of people spamming so those are the best days and that's why i need mods so if you guys want to be mods uh hit me up on like instagram probably and i'll look into like picking some people to help me out okay i would deeply appreciate it because i want to do do this more and the more we can keep this crazy town organized the better this will be for everybody we don't i don't not want people here talking about games or asking about like when is this gonna go come out blah blah blah and uh i will for sure appreciate the help time flies when you're having fun dude so that's a that's an interesting comment because i agree with that and you have to be mindful of time okay that's something i learned throughout the years because if you're trying to get stuff done fast no matter if it's for personal work or professional work time is you know the most important thing you have especially after you have kids or if you're working full time at a job and you just have a certain amount of time to personal work or whatever the case might be time is the most important thing you have so a couple of tips i have for you guys that helped me out time yourself uh not a lot of people do that sounds obvious but people don't do it time yourself get a little uh get one of these all right it's going get it get a uh you know iphone whatever you can do it on your phone but seriously guys time yourself like you know we're not doing i'm not trying i'm actually telling myself it's like an hour but like no take notice of how much time you spend on stuff and uh be mindful about it you know like be like man you know i spent two hours like man i've i haven't done like be honest with yourselves and uh so that would that will help you actually um be mindful about like some of the things that you're spending time or wasting time i guess or spending time on and uh that will help you not just with um now we're just getting done but will help you to just understand uh how you work understand like what where where do you spend your time um understand how you can be better and just maybe understand like how much time you spend on social media on on facebook or on google youtube whatever you know just just to be mindful and i'm not saying it's not okay if you're spending time on those things it's just just so you you know you say be mindful of where where is your time going because like like i said at the beginning of this like i have two kids i have a very hard full-time job very very hard full-time job like i wouldn't want my job to anybody that i i like to be honest so but i still do this stuff because just like with having kids just like with my full-time job i have to be aware of the time my time and why do i spend my time and a lot of people like i said will look at what i do and be like man you know this guy he just does that or like he doesn't do anything on this full-time job so he's just kind of you know he's got time to do this stuff like you know dude that's not nearly the case i wish to be honest like one day i'll be able to do that and just do this and i'll be happy but uh that's not the time to do that yet like i have a lot of things that i want to do professionally so the secret is like i time myself my schedule throughout the day and i have i have producers i have you know assistant i have managers to help me with my schedule throughout the day my schedule is like is is uh booked like every hour you know through the entire day even if i don't have anything i book myself because i want to be like i have one hour on my calendar that nobody can book on top of it that i'll just work on my stuff so i'll book it you know have that one hour and i have to make the best out of it so it's it's i guess things like that that people don't know that makes the difference okay and the reason that i want to do like you know just talk to you guys more is because i guess i don't have the opportunity to talk about those things and i know it will help a lot of people because i think it would help me when i was starting you know some of those things that i i learned with friends i learned with co-workers i learned by myself a lot of these things i i honestly developed because uh i had to so i want to share with you guys okay and that's kind of one of the main secrets it's make sure you time yourself or make sure you know sometimes like timing yourself is not the best way to go about it like make sure you understand where your time is going you know once you have kids man or once you get into like a more of a manager role or a director goal you're not going to have time anymore to do any of the stuff that you want to do so if you guys are not doing now if you have the time you're never going to do it once you get busy so make sure you guys do it use the time you know anyways a lot of uh i'll get on your i'm getting your back if you guys were my students she will be i'll wake you up yes i do a lot of our job interviews yes but mostly for senior roles uh i don't interview like every artist but i do for senior roles for producers for uh leads art of directors yes not as much as i used to when i was a lead i would interview a lot more people but now i just interview for more the kind of key role so yes so don't have kids hey man if you want to be that guy so be it man being kids is beautiful it's one of the most amazing things you can do in life it's better than work so i'll say you do have kids don't worry about work too much just just learn to have fun and go have some kids so guys here i'm like going almost like one to one to the costume that they have in the show but i think from here what i'm going to start doing to give like my own twist to it is kind of play with the materials play with the uh you know kind of someone like the the detail on the on the plates you know i can start kind of looping in more reference but the idea here is that i want to get at least a good base that looks accurate because i'm not thinking too much right now i'm just kind of executing on it uh would you say portfolio speaks for itself would you have to be good in an interview so the portfolio is definitely the foot of the door right once you call for an interview on studio or with more people like with the team not just like a for initial call but once you're like interviewing with the rest of the team uh the portfolio doesn't really matter anymore because people like your work so then it's all about the interview it's all about you as a person it's about how do you communicate with the rest of the team it's about you know unders or getting to know if the person is an or what's this perspective on on life in the industry so a few things to keep an eye for especially if you're like interviewing or if you're going to be interviewing places like you know try not to be negative try not to speak about past experiences in the negative tone like even if you had negative experiences try to look at it as a learning like i get so many people who come in and that's kind of like a little trap okay and you only get this here you want to get this here little tips but it's a trap like i'll ask people it's like hey man like i hear this place kind of sucks um and you work there like what what are your your thoughts on it so you almost like give them the you know you kind of start on the negative to see if they will buy into it right and you can do that with like close friends i can do this here and you see you know if the person like goes with the flow and start talking bad about places he worked on that's a red flag right there yeah like the video guys like the video subscribe do all the stuff that uh that these guys are saying okay so what i was saying it's almost like a trap right if the guy bites into that and just starts going negative and start talking about now yeah man like this thing sucks or that person sucked that's why i left it that's like a huge red flag right there what should i say in this scenario you should say i mean the place had problems you know all places have problems and that's true like every place you're going to work on or work with or work at you is gonna have problems so it is how you uh it's how you uh how you face them i guess so yeah you know i'll say be like you know this this and this kind of didn't work out i understand why because this isn't that like i understand where they were coming from like i just it was just wasn't for me okay um i respect them i work with them again uh that's kind of like okay this person has been through it hey what's up denny this person has been through it he knows what uh he knows you know he's not a negative person he's not out there in the internet on people or whatever he's not one of the type of like there's a there's so many uh artists that leave the studios they worked on and the first thing they go is just cheat on online they just go on facebook that's a huge red flag even if i agree with the person you should never do that that's so unprofessional you know you don't know why certain decisions were were made like most of the time these people weren't even part of the decisions and that's such an immature vision or view of the whole industry right like there's a lot a lot that goes on behind the scenes that people don't know so it just shows like how you know you just get like on the blacklist right there if the if whoever is is hiring you from this big studios know what they're doing that's like such a a huge red flag so don't be that guy you know like be respectful understand that things happen for a reason don't be on stuff you know so that's that's that's one tip i know you guys asked for more tips on the on interview stuff and we can do a whole day of just talking about interviews like that that'll be fun that's all there's a few a few things that i do to try to pick up on personality traits that you guys should be looking for you know i'll throw some another one like i'll throw some some curveball in in a way of like you know kind of like asking you know what what do you think about your own portfolio what is your what is what is lacking what do you want to focus on in the future and some people will say you know oh man yeah i need to focus a little bit more on texturing texturing is not as strong and most of the time texture doesn't really matter texture is just one of the easiest part of the process if someone is saying that to me that's a red flag because if you think texturing needs work you you're kind of like off the mark of of analyzing your own portfolio so sculpting is always the thing that should be improved right um if you want to be like you know a senior artist the sculpting is what drives everything if you have a good sculpt a texture or in a couple days you can get a good texture so of course there's always like oh maybe like the shader works not as good like maybe your sculpting is amazing but once you get to like presentation not as good but usually if i'm asking that question what i wanna what i wanna hear is like everything my work sucks on everything i'm trying to get good i i need to get better at everything that's why what i want to hear so that's like a little trap that i that i also want to just get like perspective like how do you how do you actually see your work like do you think you're actually good i don't think i'm good i think i'm solid i think i'm i'm better than most people but i don't think i'm amazing at what i do like i know so many people that are kick my ass so that's another little trap that i'll be that i'll throw the throw the you know throw the guy and just be like dude if you're here and i think i suck you should be thinking you're sucked too you know that's the mentality you're always trying to get better so that's another thing that i do i'm just giving all the secrets you know how do i you analyze your own portfolio objectively that's a great question i think we can talk more about that this weekend because we're gonna do like a portfolio thing like we said but basically like real quick i think you just have to look at check check marks of things that you wanna uh you wanna be doing professionally so be like oh man i want to work on the game industry so this is all the that i need to know poly modeling like in-game presentation you know zebra scope like just check mark and just kind of go through it and see like what's important do i need to be good at sculpting do i suck at that is that the first thing that people are going to look at do i need to do i rocket sculpting but i don't have any in-game finish character you know you can easily just go through it and be like man this stuff is missing let's just focus on that i don't have my stuff anymore on my portfolio available like my old works and stuff but that's what i did i just i just went through the the steps are you ready for a job interviewing you know it's funny like we do so some people ask about poly white poly modeling right is this important so um and this is kind of this change so i can talk about it but basically for interviews and uh maybe i'll bring glauco here too because we worked together for many years and and we did a lot of this together so what we do is we print out a couple uh puzzles for people on the interview so we'll be we'll give people like topology issues that we can ask them like how to solve it right um so we'll do things like that on interviews so like it's like we're saying you know we'll we'll print out like a normal problem uh but we won't tell them that it's a normal problem and this is like piece of paper right so we'll give the we'll give the artist during the interview and you'll be like what's the what's the problem here and they'll have to know how to answer it uh you know if they don't know then it shows like oh maybe this you know this guy doesn't know the basics this guy doesn't know you know he never had uh contact with certain things so we do like we do things like that we'll have like complete the departure you know fix the topology can you fix the can you fix this edge loop how would you do it draw on the on the paper so we'll have a lot of little uh uh tests i guess puzzles like more more like tests right you have a lot of little tests like that but guys work with me now they've been through that so they they know what i'm talking about and it goes from like easy easy solves to like difficult ones so i don't think you're ready my boy do you give our tests to applicants usually we don't our tests are very for very very specific cases where we have a doubt about something like maybe this guy has a strong portfolio but i don't know if he can do faces so we'll give him like an art test for a face like very specific like we don't just hand hand our hand out our tests to anybody who applies they're a little more specific okay try again next time a boy i respect you man you're my boy i like you maybe you got a chance i like your attitude maybe one day how about portfolio is great but can't draw on paper i don't nobody cares nobody draws on paper some people do but because they like it they still have to do it on the computer at the end of the day how long we should wait to create a portfolio i mean that's kind of a tricky question because what is a portfolio to begin with right isn't that just a journey so you're creating a portfolio since you start i guess now you have the you know kind of portfolio pieces as we call it but even like studies are still portfolio pieces so i would say if you know you have to do at least a couple pieces every year like even if you're starting maybe you start with like a piece every year for for you know kind of a portfolio piece but then you go up to like more pieces maybe but that's kind of a weird question because it varies from skill level i guess but i'm always like updating my portfolio every year so i think you shouldn't wait maybe you should wait like a year or two when you're learning the basics to start doing like a final portfolio piece but you should start small small like even uh even when you when you beginner should kind of start small and then and move up but it's still a portfolio piece if you interview your concept artists what do you look for in the concept of portfolio so i interview a lot of concept artists i mean not a lot of them but quite quite a few of them and we usually look for production experience how is this person can uh execute on a vision can he paint production type of artwork you know can he just do like call outs does he does he care about his own vision can he just execute on the vision of the project needs professional work and then creative aspects it's a little bit different to be honest than the than a character artist interview or a lot different where in the character artists we look a lot more about technical skills like how do you how do you you know if you if you're doing a concept from an artist what kind of stuff are you looking for are you changing the vision why are you changing it like why did you do certain things what's your technical skills skill level it's different when you're doing like a concept artist it's a lot more on the creative side like you know what kind of stuff are you into can you paint can you follow direction you know can you go out on your own to be to come up with ideas is your art style fits the i mean i guess if you're in the interview your art style probably fits the project anyways so it's more about like the person how creative are you like how kind of you know personality wise how how wild you are how much of an artist you are what are the specific things that someone should have in the portfolio is it based on their application job or if you're planning for a character then they're perfect uh that's kind of yeah i mean if you're applying for a character our job you need to have characters in there i don't care if you have an environment piece now if you apply for an environment artist and you have a bunch of environment art but one character or a couple characters that might be good for you i guess because it shows like you have some like zbrushing skills and whatnot so yeah you should have the stuff that you were applying for for sure kind of state the obvious do you hire concept artists that use zbrush in their workflow as well yes we for sure a lot of the concept artists honestly are using zbrush now just because it is becoming part of the production but that's that shouldn't be their main tool i mean there's there is space for it like the stuff that i do there's space for it because of kind of like my my skill level i guess but sometimes like certain tasks are hard to execute on 3d so you need to be able to have a very solid 2d skill all right guys we're one and a half here so i'm gonna we did a bunch this was fun this was fun look at that i think we got pretty far to be honest if i keep doing this for maybe like another hour i can get all the stuff blocked out and then it's all about then changing kind of changing the design uh actually let me just do this it's going to be about changing the design changing the adding details adding the pose so we'll pick this back up in the weekend we also do the portfolio thing on the weekend okay that'll be fun uh maybe just me but i thought rosario's neck was short and had wider shoulders i think it's just you my boy i think it's just you i'll keep tweaking maybe maybe you're right okay don't be sad so cheers harry man i appreciate you hanging out i love the stuff that you've been doing man so keep it up i hope some of my stuff inspires you because your stuff inspires me for sure you've been killing i appreciate it so the one thing we we talked about the beginning here i'll show you show it to you guys again i got this heavy box which is the the new xp pen that i'm going to be reviewing this week and i'm going to do a quick sketch with the theme that i a lot of you guys uh send me suggestions on instagram for themes for these little challenges and uh we're gonna give away a few of these tablets i'm gonna pick two winners it's gonna be three total i'm gonna pick two and one of them is gonna be voting and we're gonna do that on youtube and on twitch but i'm gonna give you guys all the uh information on instagram and i'll probably do a video here on youtube as well uh probably this weekend okay more with the information this is gonna be running down through the rest of the end of the year probably maybe till december and uh it's going to be fun it's going to be i'll probably look at some of the your guys's work and i'll give some feedback uh we're going to be doing more of this on youtube so i guess subscribe to youtube if you guys are not follow subscribe to that um it should be fun what i'm thinking now we'll probably do something like like middle earth inspired so like orcs dragons gollum or or uh gnomes dwarfs not it's not going to be like lord of the rings because we're not doing fan art but it's going to be middle earth inspired so fantasy you know inspired should be fun i have been wanting to do an orc for a while now so this is just an opportunity for me to do an orc i'm switching to this one i want to show you guys this because i was messing with this this uh this little softer here and i can get my uh let's see if this works is it working look at that look at that look at my tats so yeah this is gonna be fun i've been wanting to do like an org for a while sup leslie good to see you my boy and uh it's gonna be fun oryx i'll probably do a dragon as well because i've been wanting to do a dragon for a while and it's gonna be awesome and uh i'm actually looking forward to test this one i have a couple like uh xp pens like kind of laying around i'll probably maybe i'll give them away too but you have to be us someone from the us because i'm not shipping this thing you know to outside of the u.s too much work but yeah guys i mean a lot of stuff coming this is going to be fun there's going to be like another one of these challenges but the the the prices are cool like i want this this uh tablets like 900 bucks or something so it's gonna be fun all right guys i appreciate you guys hanging out i know it's friday night and uh we do another one this weekend yeah i'm gonna do another one 2012. dude how old are you gosh what's up tristan yeah i hope you guys you know i hope you guys all uh do something like even if you don't win it's just gonna be cool i'll look at all of them too all the the works i'm gonna look at it on this on the stream um it should be fun all right guys i really enjoyed today you guys have been killing i appreciate you guys joining we'll do more of these for sure you know i think the time this these times are better than afternoons to be honest but you guys let me know what you think what's the best time you guys prefer because she's so high and i'm sure i'll be repeating myself up andy still here you know shall be repeating myself i'm actually uh printing the uh the jack skeleton thing that i did you guys see that by the way 3d printing that stuff so tomorrow be ready you know probably paint with my son and uh share on instagram good night guys good night thank you and uh for the portuguese stuff like you know i've been saying we do a stream in portuguese so unless i'm i'm specifying it's gonna be in portuguese it's to be in english but i'll do a one in portuguese very soon all right guys thanks thanks appreciate you guys gavin if you're just getting here we're we're heading out yo except later all right guys thanks so much i'll see you guys on the weekend okay tomorrow all right peace out
Channel: Raf Grassetti
Views: 12,862
Rating: 4.9661837 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 21sec (5961 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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