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[Music] and money crossfire here reporting for the muffington post today i'm with francine frensky a soccer star who has overcome incredible odds having been born with bats feet what that's not true well I have to spice it up Muffy very few people have successfully done the pinwheel kick it's incredibly hard first the player has to kiss the ball then she turns around in mid air okay you win can you just do it my designer sneakers are getting saucy today we make history [Music] you were right that's amazing it's supposed to go number of views 202 203 204 I know that Creek gets worse and worse it's mainly due to the way people care for their lawns what do lawns have to do with it some fertilizers contain toxic chemicals when we use too much or let the water spill into the streets it ends up in the creek so someone's green lawn can wind up killing fish that's terrible I know but it's pretty hard to get people to change their habits [Music] hey it's flippity Francine you gonna do another flip is that why you're wearing the big coat the one in the video is better but that's still pretty funny oh you're hysterical thanks a lot Muffy Francine wait what so you can film me and put it online oh are you going to do something funny cuz I can go get my camera no you've made me the laughingstock of the entire school not just the school Francine the video was a hit all over the Internet flippity you're hysterical see oh great so I'm ruined in school and Elwood City ruined what are you talking about you're a star I mean yeah after school and I'll show you what I mean you see we have 574 hits that's more than tiny the xylophone playing cat and that's a classic so muffin how do my tail feathers look Oh mr. crosswire why are you dressed like a duck we were just shooting a commercial for crosswire motors and I'm the spoke stock our prices are so low we must be crackers it still makes me laugh we're late should after all you came up with it muffin this was your idea yep and since I've been doing these commercials business has tripled I told you daddy people love to laugh but of course you know all about that Francine you're an internet celebrity actually I was thinking we should take it down but you haven't even seen the comments people are leaving listen to this one my fish Finster recently swam away and this video really brighten my day Thank You flippity you should have your own show best we need from Winnipeg and there's hundreds of others we have to do more videos Francine I don't care how many hits it has I don't like having people laugh at me next up is Francine whose presentation is about Luxembourg mr. Ratburn may I introduce her just a little advanced press for your big speech some of you may know Francine will be speaking at the Earth Day rally next week to thousands of people we all know she's a great public speaker give her a little extra encouragement and support [Applause] um thanks okay Luxembourg whose motto might be we're not as small as Liechtenstein oh I should have said first that Luxembourg is really small and so is Liechtenstein that's why it's funny okay well the capital city is Luxembourg which is actually the same name as the country um potatoes they love potatoes in Luxembourg in fact there's a saying I found something with potatoes you're an internet celebrity you're such a goof I can see where everyone loves your video Thanks [Music] [Applause] she's gonna turn your world upside down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello did you take the video down yet no oh but I promise I'll do it in the morning well don't good night [Music] okay your presentation was a disaster it was just a silly report on an unremarkable nation yeah and I still got nervous if I can't even talk to my class how am I gonna talk to a big crowd you have lots of time to practice please test it out on me ladies and gentlemen I know I'm only a third grader you're losing me what boring I just started [Music] what I'm just being a tough crowd try again this time and see yourself if you want I can help you speaking at my old school I was pretty good at it thanks LaDonna but I think I know a little more about winning people over than you my dad sells cards why are you giving me this pen that's not just any pen Muffy I've been saving it for when I find the person who would do anything to help their friend even if it meant lettin that friend go today I think I found the person who deserves that pin am i right Muffy Alice crosswire is that person you so you let me help Francine okay let's start with breathing in from the diaphragm after the mouth what just happened hey there's my pen I knew I dropped it somewhere Thanks now who wants to try to solve this multiplication problem mr. Ratburn Francine did you hurt anything [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so in short if we take care of our planet it'll keep on taking care of us thank you that was great you're gonna be the hit of the really I am of course all you have to do is listen to me first thing I want that speech memorized you should be able to give it in your sleep let's hear it again ladies and gentlemen I know I'm dropping me you're talking to people not paper ladies and gentlemen this isn't a funeral ladies and gentlemen it was filled with dead fish so my friends and I decided to do something about it [Music] [Music] [Music] no that was real no that was real and if we take care of our planet it'll keep on taking care of us Thank You Francine I think you're ready there's just one little thing left to do get in front of an audience [Music] prepare to engage responsible lawn care speech captain the anxiety capacitors have been overloaded we've lost control of our voice functions put us on autopilot you can do this it was short but very powerful I can't do it sure you can it's just one little speech yeah one little speech in front of a huge crowd of strangers and the worst part is this is an issue I really care about if only someone else could do it Hey okay team gather round today we're facing Mikey Mountain we can climb that mountain knock it over and come down the other side if we play as a team now go out there and give it all you've got [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what if you weren't such an attention hog I didn't do it on purpose I just got distracted and taught you your 10,000 fans its 15,000 fans and Counting Muffy we've got to stop this why this may be your best fall yet your fans are gonna love it I don't care I don't want fans anymore I want this all to stop okay but it wasn't just me filming out there lots of people were flippity you're hysterical I know I'm only a third grader but I know a lot about the environment so as I was saying fascinating thing long see if you use too much nitrous fishface it's okay I got it if you get nervous just say the speech to me um I've discovered two things in the past week that our Creek is polluted and then I'm a terrible public speaker I play outside every day yes even when it's raining and this all started when I was having a picnic with my friends by this Creek so in short this is the only home we have let's take care of this yard as well as we take care of our own yards thank you that was even better than the speech you wrote it was I don't even remember what I said don't worry and I've already uploaded it on to YouTube you'll probably be flooded with invitations to speak [Music] francine frensky athlete popular girl then an accidental encounter with a soccer ball of video camera and the internet would rip all of that away gentlemen we can remake her failure [Music] hunted by the memory of the life she once had and francine frensky now the strips for small children [Music] [Applause] flippity frank great now I even have copycats hey buster yes I know we could have won the game if it wasn't for me oh I wasn't calling about that I had an idea have you thought about using a trampoline it could spice up your act no thanks I just want to be plain old Francine again I'd give anything for that yeah I know how you feel you do remember when I saved that cat from a tree I was a celebrity for well at least a week I hated it everyone thought I was really stuck-up how'd you get people to like you again hmm I don't remember hold on oh I saved my friends from a runaway piano do you see any runaway pianos ah no ah too bad the only way I know of not being famous for one thing is to be famous for something else hopefully something you're proud of Buster that's it you're a genius that's what I keep saying Francine the game doesn't start for an hour how long have you been here I've been putting in some extra practice practicing your flips maybe you should just be the team mascot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you were right Francine that pit mule kick would have been a great video for the muffington post I can't believe I didn't film it I can't believe the five o'clock news did my mom got the footage she tapes all our games can we watch it again okay just one more time [Music]
Channel: Arthur
Views: 226,688
Rating: 4.5736675 out of 5
Keywords: Arthur, PBS Arthur, Arthur episodes, cartoon Arthur, Arthur youtube, Arthur games, Arthur movie, Arthur TV show, Arthur TV, Arthur aardvark, DW, buster, Francine, muffy, brain, binky, fern, timmy, tommy, tibble twins, prunella, baxter, buster baxter, Arthur show, Arthur full episodes, Elwood City, soccer, flippity
Id: Lxw9xtZT7y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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