ArthurπŸ‘¨β€πŸ«βœπŸ“š Mr. Ratburn's Best Moments! πŸ“š

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[Music] through a new cloud computing based internet technology partnership Lakewood elementary is instituting IRP what's IRP the independent readers project it allows you to take computer quizzes on books you have read more tests these tests are strictly voluntary you choose to take them correct answers are new points and your point totals will be posted in the corridor after two weeks points can be used to purchase these exciting prizes prizes we get prizes what kind of prizes oh the usual knickknacks and googas colored erasers smelly pencils keychains yo-yos cloyingly vulnerable beanbags just for reading books another bit of precious childhood magic transformed into a crude Pavlovian system of behavioral reinforcements today we'll learn about the early history of our very own Buster who said that detective Travis Kilgore cyborg model XD 25 crime unit I need your help the alien spy from the arc - no system discovered dr. Koh's secret formula we need to stop him before he delivers it to the enemies of the Federation oh okay what should I do come with me there's a teleporter over here what sir what are you doing I'm helping detective Kilgore chase the alien spy who so oh it's a it's something that's happening in my book you're really into that book do you get a lot of IRP points for it I don't know let me ask mr. Ratburn how many points can I get for reading city of droids by Thomas greenberg let me see what did you say it was called city of droids don't know that one I'm sorry Buster the book is not listed there's no test what you mean I can't get any points not every book has a test in the IRP computer network in fact they've emitted many of the classics no Treasure Island no watership down see for yourself I've wasted the last three days reading a book that doesn't even have a computerized quiz I wouldn't call it a waste if you've enjoyed the reading experience but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if it got me a skateboard when is a block of wood an experiment in engineering oh when the mad scientist makes a flying robot out of it no I'm referring to the first annual Lakewood Derby each of you will shape a block of wood into a race car of your own design your parents will need to help you with the tools but most of the work should be your own then we'll race the cars to see which has the best aerodynamic design I can see it now Buster Baxter fastest car on the track no way you're gonna be eating my dust sorry but you're all going to lose my dad owns crosswire motors cars are in my blood alright class are you ready to race yes that doesn't look anything like the drawing it'd be a few minor adjustments we'll race three at a time and then race the winners against each other until we have a champion round one will be Barnes Baxter crosswire ready set muffy is the winner of round one next up we are now ready for our grand finale our three finalists are Lundgren frensky and crosswire good luck francine you too [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulations George you are the first Lakewood Derby champion nice job I guess your cross wires really do have cars in your blood that we gave the TV to the alligator sanctuary for good you had a carnivorous reptile in your house brain it was an alligator haven't you been listening did you keep you know alligator oil is a fabulous moisturizer um I believe history follows lunch not story time mr. ratburn's looking good but he's gonna have to bring his a-plus game tonight he hasn't faced this tough an opponent since lenny long division spits in last year's mass meal a capital vinnie porto-novo the moons of Mars Phobos and Deimos [Applause] I've never seen anything like it oh poor mr. rapper I checked look I want a good clean match okay shake hands [Music] the surah maidah corporation has chosen your class to test out its new smart board for two weeks the Hyuga 3.0 is the latest advancement and user based technology with a 14 terabyte terabyte ergo Neum cpu and I'll let you all figure it out turn it on mr. Ratburn I'm trying to Francine man be my guest [Music] hello my name is Hugo good morning Nigel how did you know my name I am equipped with both face and voice recognition technology does that sufficiently answer your question yes Hugo do you know what we're having for lunch today can we watch movies you have to art bunny versus dr. origami in 3d class before we start using the smartboard I must read the instruction manual which might take some time if you like I can save to class and help you go through it Thank You Alan but I think I can manage see you after class the equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are Arthur of equal length correct and just for fun can anyone tell me what Asian country has an equilateral triangle on its flag yes well it is a toughy how about you Hugo are you stumped as well the equilateral triangle is featured in the flag of the Philippines that's correct [Music] well that's it we've gone through the full manual it says hirsute emetic corp guarantees that Hugo is 100% accurate how is that possible I mean nothing is 100% accurate normally I'd agree with you Alan but I've never seen anything like Hugo he really is amazing Thank You Nigel you're welcome Hugo today we learn about the early history of our very own Elwood City does anybody know what it used to be in prehistoric times Oh a landing pad for aliens I'm sorry that is incorrect Elwood City was a swamp now it's a bustling town but what was it that spurred its growth anyone Hugo the growth of the logging industry was what drove the development of Elwood City that's right when the first steam-powered sawmill was built here Elwood City was catapulted into the Industrial Age and the man who had this sawmill built was none other than our founder Jacob Katzenellenbogen I'm sorry that is incorrect I beg your pardon you said that the man responsible for building the first steam-powered sawmill in Elwood City was Jacob Jackson Ellen bogan that is incorrect no it isn't I'm quite sure Hugo perhaps you do not know what the word incorrect means synonyms are mistaken faulty right yes I know what the word incorrect means the man who had the first steam-powered sawmill built in Elwood City was named Francis Wheaton known as wheat to his friends was born in 1866 that's enough Hugo I guess I'll just have to take your word for it that is an excellent choice Nigel given the fact that I'm 100% accurate mr. Ratburn wrong I can't believe it neither can i a bi L ity ability excellent Francine you might consider entering this year's spelling bee speaking of which Hugo what was the winning word in last year's National Spelling Bee Simon Turkish cy m OT r i CH o us it means having wavy hair shall I put it in a sentence no no that won't be necessary let's move on what is the largest painting in the world Mother Earth by Swedish artist David a bear what is the smallest fish by Jay Chou eldest the cave paintings in Chauvet France all right all right what about ah here we go what is the traditional stringed instrument of Mauritania the today's very good Hugo Thank You Nigel huh I'll bet you didn't know that did you Hugo I've got him where I want him [Laughter] good morning everyone today we will start with a pop quiz not to worry it's just for Hugo there's only one question and it concerns the subject of puppetry in the traditional Turkish shadow puppet plays of the Ottoman period there were two main puppets one was named karagΓΆz what was the name of the other one mr. Ratburn finally stopped him bought the name of the other puppet was a gbaud well Hugo I guess you win [Music] no.1 Elwood City was Jacob Katzenellenbogen but Hugo said I found a copy of the Elwood City Gazette from the day the sawmill opened here it clearly states that jacob Katzenellenbogen was the owner and man behind the project but in the caption to misidentifies Francis Wheaton the architect as the owner that's probably why hugo made the mistake that is incorrect alan i am not capable of making mistakes I thought you might say that that's why I look for Jacobs last living descendant Hugo 8 Alfred Katzenellenbogen there's a document that proves my great-uncle was the man who had that mill built that man must not be offered cats an oven Boca watch take it back flat face it's all right I can handle this Hugo I'm afraid it's time to admit that you are not 100% accurate let's discuss this calmly no Joseph but I can give you [Music] [Applause] [Music] as if it were a competition mr. Katz and Ellen bogan would you share some of your memories of early Elwood City with us I'd be delighted once my great-uncle took me on a tour of that song [Music]
Channel: Arthur
Views: 241,602
Rating: 4.6076698 out of 5
Keywords: Arthur, PBS Arthur, Arthur episodes, cartoon Arthur, Arthur youtube, Arthur games, Arthur movie, Arthur TV show, Arthur TV, Arthur aardvark, DW, buster, Francine, muffy, brain, binky, fern, timmy, tommy, tibble twins, prunella, baxter, buster baxter, Arthur show, Arthur full episodes, Elwood City, Mr. Ratburn, Mr Ratburn, Ratburn, mister ratburn
Id: 0-3Q2Cuzx3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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