Arthur 🎬 Movie Magic! πŸ“£

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[Music] [Music] well there's nothing like the first day on the set coffee sky ripped and cut line 1624 113 Bobby I need you to be angry or in this scene you have lost everything you're a man on the edge Mara you're doing great but say your lines faster and stop touching your hair a UNS film kid huh oh no sorry I just I'll come back later relax we're not filming just yet tough in Sinclair director I know you directed my favorite movie ever flight of dreams the tale of Pietro pigeon one of my best it tanked at the box office but it was honest and beautiful you've got good taste kid Thanks could you you want my autograph usually people just want the stars let me guess you're an aspiring director um I don't know maybe I love making up stories well if you're working on a project you love it's the best job in the entire world all right places everyone let's make a movie [Music] surrender the like that [Music] nice try guys no books it's what your cyber dynamos are no match for wardrobe-wise surrender the white mass Buster why didn't you like it well first of all how about some car mechanic build a thousand dry robots in his garage there's anything that you can count on it's that Buster and brain will never agree about a moodle's the other thing you can count on is that one of them is not gonna be happy about it excitement before the secret lab was invaded by Roger glasses man oh the ultra zooms old tracks SL 90 or a no kita 612 with a Magna chrome pixel later uh which is better beats me I haven't opened either of them uh that one I guess I'll get you a bag what do you need it for anyway I'm gonna make a movie really can I be in it um well I'm not sure there's a part okay I'll produce it did you see the film I made for Matt Damon it was a short and Matt Damon's lawyers assistant loved it but I don't need a producer it is just a small of course you do movies just don't make them sound silly besides I've already invested in the film you have [Music] this is going to be so much fun now you make me focus on all the details just make sure it's a great story there you are come on we're going to the movies we are cool our film critic called in sick today so I've got to write the review for the Friday paper what movie Wow I don't know what to say about that thing it was just a lot of explosions mom that's not true I've seen the movie twice now and the story makes perfect sense really oh that's great honey could you explain it to me then you mean you want to know what I think about a movie yes please and so while adults might find giant exploding robots loud and hard to follow on the evidence of my son's enthusiasm the film is clearly just the ticket for eight-year-old boys so what do you think of that and she's a grown-up yeah and she didn't like it either just like brain it stunk uh-huh well I'm not finished yet you know I've always wanted to try my hand at film criticism only you should brain you'd be really great at it the Kids Corner movie is from a kid's perspective hi everybody my name is Buster Baxter I'm 8 years old and this is what I think about giant exploding robots 3d wait a minute you bought something for the paper nobody understands this great movie it is not just a lot of explosions the inventor is not just a car mechanic his dad was a scientist who put a bionic brain in his head when he was a baby the bionic brain makes him insane when he grows up and so he builds armies of robots there are good and bad robots and they have amazing battles and tell you the end except that it's totally believable something 317 times as big as Earth can blow up after all what is a supernova can anybody tell me that huh is this for real uh-huh last night when I told my mom all about the movie she got this idea to have us both read reviews on the Buster scale giant exploding robots 3d rates at 10 10 plus not to rain on your parade buster but that analysis is riddled well in the Buster scale Wow you have a scale to think of it that inventor was insane yeah he was the movie makes a lot more sense now it was a temp wall-e cut it out this isn't a 3d film I'd like another tank here let me help I should get used to your camera anyway it's pretty different from mine your cameraman your actor your stuntman and your adorable little girl trust me every movie needs an adorable little girl but you haven't even heard my story yet and we're dying to okay Wow me well it's kind of a fairy tale there's this kid who lives in a village and he doesn't have any friends but he loves taking long walks in the woods one day he's walking along when he runs into this old woman who's actually a witch she says she'll make a friend for the boy but only if he promises to bring her a red rose on the exact same date next year the boy agrees the boy has an amazing time with his new friend it was just like a real kid except made out of wood but then the year is up and he's forgotten to get the which arose he tries everywhere but he can't find one so he and his friend go back to the witch to explain things but she doesn't want to hear it she takes her wand out and turns the boy into a statue and it's wood but the boy's friend isn't just wood now he's known what it's like to be a person he has feelings [Music] flincher and then and while she's hopping around in pain she drops her want the witch tips over the cauldron starts a fire and escapes the house goes up in flames the boy gets out just in time but he only manages to grab one stick and he carries that stick around for the rest of his life because he knows that somewhere locked inside that hard wood is his best friend [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that's it that's it here's your refill mr. Baxter thanks kid say can I maybe ask your opinion about something if you make it quick well my friend and I are going to the movies tonight and he wants to see robot aliens three but I kind of want to see alien robots for now I know you loved them both but which one to use [Music] this seat taken nope what you're doing just writing my review of attack of the monster superheroes ten plus we'll see it's not in 3d [Music] what are you doing oh just working on my blog blog huh that's nice what are you blogging about movies really you have a movie blog oh sorry sir that's cool sure are an awful lot of movie blogs out there though hope yours doesn't get lost in the shuffle here it is oh and it's about attack the monster super heroes that's the movie you're reviewing right now isn't it mr. Baxter guess he beat you to it that's the problem with newspapers it takes so long to get a review and print some critics will try to convince you that attack of the monster superheroes rate to ten plus but let's be serious okay this has gone far enough you're just trying to attack me well it's lazy reviewing every movie can't be ten plus and why don't you review some movies that don't have explosions and no movies don't have explosions in them true well at least I don't have every movie like you do that's not true okay name what movie you like simple uh oh [Music] negligent Marfa 1939 black and white really beautiful dark farce about listen I think the solution to this conflict is very clear only one of us can be right yes so let's prove it yes you don't mean a fight do you know we both review the same movie and see which review changes all her friends Minds sounds logical but what if you both agree about the movie [Music] he should seem small at first but then I'd like to see his face close-up [Music] boy sure wish I had a friend well yeah see it says enter ninja I had of that I just thought we should have a little action here I think it really works it's so surprising that looked great let's do it again just so we have it twice well okay so long as it doesn't take up too much time I should have sent the ninja I think it's pretty funny yeah but I didn't want to make a comedy mind if I join you - Oh mr. Sinclair of course I was just practicing uh uh talent show oh you don't have to explain I take Preston everywhere I go ah there's old tricks s l9t pretty fancy camera you're making a movie I was I borrowed it from a friend but I think I'll give it back to her tomorrow no one listens to me I know the feeling a director needs a lot of help but it's still your story you have to put your foot down sometimes well I'm not very good at that well have you tried it yet well and how do you know I'd like a chicken sandwich on toast with butter no mayo and hold the chicken he'll have a tea with lots of honey [Music] [Music] Emer marie DS silence with English subtitles can you handle it don't worry about me well well what who's right how can we tell we haven't seen the movie yet it doesn't matter yes it does you know we do have our own opinions huh that's debatable you said it brother I think you guys have watched too many bad movies your brains are mushy wait you haven't told us who's right it's me Arthur isn't it come on Arthur you know you agree with me we read your reviews because we respect both your opinions but you two have to learn to respect other people's opinions is he right I'm not sure maybe well at least we agree about that [Music] maybe we should just agree to disagree I can live with that you liked it you did it but it had subtitles it was so sad sad it was sappy I'd rather watch a robot explode let's see more foreign films now so long as they're more exciting than that one [Music]
Channel: Arthur
Views: 335,982
Rating: 4.6059852 out of 5
Keywords: Arthur, PBS Arthur, Arthur episodes, cartoon Arthur, Arthur youtube, Arthur games, Arthur movie, Arthur TV show, Arthur TV, Arthur aardvark, DW, buster, Francine, muffy, brain, binky, fern, timmy, tommy, tibble twins, prunella, baxter, buster baxter, Arthur show, Arthur full episodes, Elwood City, movies, movie, director, film, movie magic, film critic, blockbuster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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