Art Deco Townhouses // The Sims 4 Speed Build

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[Music] hey everyone it is tanya welcome back to the channel and welcome to another speed build today i have a little bit of a bigger build for you as you might know we've recently got a new expansion pack the sims 4 high school years which brought a lot of art deco inspired furniture and building pieces some new windows and just architectural pieces in general and also with the update that came out just before the release of that pack we got rounded walls they're very finicky they're very glitchy but they are in the game now and rounded walls and art deco go together beautifully so i thought today we would work on some art deco inspired townhouses so the idea of this was i wanted three townhouses right next to each other like connected uh to be sort of in that style and i actually only furnish one of them but i have the general layout in all three of them i figured that way you can either move in to the furnished one or decorate your own of the other two maybe even use the roommate system to go ahead and rent the other ones out to other sims i think it could be really fun to do it that way but you will notice throughout the course of this build especially at the beginning parts of it the exterior i'm very indecisive on what colors i want to go for what the vibe of this place is going to be you're going to see it just change quite a few times i also used a lot of the windows from my school years that are the ones that you can open i wasn't thinking you would use them in that way i just think they're a really nice window they're very simple shape and i think they're going to be super versatile in most builds so i really liked how those looked here and i like how full of the front of this build looks particularly with the round walls i just think it looks really pretty and i'm really proud of this build so i hope you will enjoy it as well this is going to be a long build so make sure you sit back relax get yourself a snack but before we get to the rest of the build thank you so much to factor for sponsoring today's video you can use my link or go to and use code pog griffy 130 for 130 off across six boxes factor delivers chef created ready-made meals right to your doorstep so there is no prep and no mess there are 27 meals and 34 add-on options with updated menus every single week plus factor has seafood veggie and meat options as well as keto calorie smart chef's favorites vegan and vegetarian i often struggle to find time to prep food with my busy schedule but factor saves so much time with quick two-minute options and so many foods to choose from it's such a time saver and stress relief factor is also flexible and can fit your lifestyle meal plans range from 4 to 18 meals per week and you can add or reduce that number based on your specific needs or even skip a week if needed so to get started use my link or go to and use code pog graffiti 130 for 130 off across six boxes thank you again to factor for sponsoring today's video now let's get back to it so here i am just playing around with the roof trying to figure out what height i want it to be because i wanted to have all of these different details at the top the trims around uh each level of this build and really kind of play around with that art deco style and make it as detailed as possible i also at this point decided to delete the rounded portion on the bottom floor to make that sort of a carport for each of these townhouses i thought that was really fun and made the shape feel a little bit more unique uh so i did that and at this point i still do not have a color scheme finalized here the windows are not going to stay different colors these are not the colors we're going to go with it's actually going to be a lot more pastel and bright you can see here i'm starting by just changing everything to white and playing around from there and this is where we get our final colors which i think are so much nicer we have a deeper blue in the middle we have like an aqua off to one side and a creamish orange over on the other and right now the windows are not all in the same spaces but this is generally what this build is going to look like and i really feel like it fits the style it looks a little bit brighter happier the insides of these builds do have a little bit more of a dark color scheme uh in the end i do you know change my mind too many times like usual that's something i do in a lot of these builds but i've gotten some feedback from y'all that you seem to enjoy when i keep at least some of that in to show the process of making those decisions and how i come to the end result so i did cut a ton out in this build because it was a very long one but a lot of that decision process is still in the final version so hopefully you enjoy that but right now i'm just trying to get some fencing between each of the properties so that it feels like they each have their separate space each one also has their own little backyard and then it connects in the back with a like pool area as well which was a lot of fun to create i haven't done a lot like this where there's a bunch of homes or like i guess townhouses is the thing that i haven't done in a while i've done some tiny houses that are like a bunch on a lot but i haven't done townhouses in a really long time so this was so fun and i would definitely be down to do some more or maybe make an apartment building or something let me know if that's something you'd be interested in seeing on the channel uh i am just feeling pretty inspired and hoping to do some more streaming this week over on twitch building a variety of things so if you have any ideas do let me know and speaking of twitch i uh used to stream a lot i disappeared for a while but i am planning to fully be back uh pretty much now i started streaming again back when high school years came out a couple of weeks ago and i'm planning to do a bunch of streams this week as well uh so if you're not already following me over there i am miss griffey on twitch so it's if you'd like to follow me there it's absolutely free and i would love to have you join us so we can uh kind of collaborate in real time building some things in the sims so right now i'm just working on the landscaping you might have noticed that i actually moved to the build from i believe willow creek is where i started it and moved it here into oasis springs i had tried to build something originally that i didn't even include here in the world of copperdale but the lots just weren't big enough for it especially because i wanted this to be a lot that connected to a street or at least a sidewalk or something so i decided to build it in one of the base game worlds and it works so nicely here in oasis springs i really like how that worked out especially with the landscaping of the palm trees and just like this more desert area i really think the colors pop here so in the back now i'm just trying to figure out the backyard space so each has a small fenced in area and then it's connected to a fenced in pool area that they can all share i thought this way they could have their private spaces but it would be nice to have a big pool in this hot environment for your sims to take advantage of and it'd probably be nice for gameplay as well although i feel like i never in my own personal games add a pool because i feel like every time i have i'm not paying attention to a sam and all of a sudden it's the camera zooms over to them because they're drowning and um i'm sure a lot of you have also had that experience i'd be curious to know if you don't put pools in your houses because your sims just die if that's a pool that's definitely what happens with me so uh sorry about that if that happens to your sims if you download this build uh but speaking of which that's a great way to say if you would like to download this build to uh drown your sims uh you can find it on the sims 4 gallery under my eard which is griffy g-r-y-p-h-i you can also find it under the hashtag missgraphy and that information will also be in the description down below uh and you don't have to drown your sims but that is where you can find it on the gallery uh all of my belts are always up under that uh ea ig i sometimes get questions about it because um it's not misgraphy it's just griffy so there it is that that's how you can find it i hope you enjoy this and if you actually do decorate one of the two that i didn't decorate i would love to see how you went about it i gave them all floor plans you can see that now but the one i actually decorate is the one over on the right which is the one that is teal on the outside and uh the outside ones have slightly different layouts because they have bump outs on either side so there is a little bit of a variation in the floor plan but for the most part it's the same across all three there are three rooms that could be bedrooms i only decorated in this one two of them to be bedrooms but you could definitely have three bedrooms in this space maybe even four if you decide to have the garage as a bedroom space as well so there's tons and tons of space for your sims if you want to have a large family here especially because you can decorate all of the townhouses and just have like whole families living here i feel like that would be so much fun uh for some like generational gameplay where maybe somebody owns the whole townhouse like block that sounds really fun anyway in the kitchen here i decided to go with these base game counters i changed my mind a bunch of different times and i actually ended up changing the color of them later on to the black swatch but the reason i did this was because i was trying to make this probably an art deco exterior some parts of the interior have been renovated over time some things that might be outdated plus the people living here might decorate their own taste so there are definitely aspects of this that are very much art deco inspired and then other parts that are just you know somebody lives here and it's been renovated somebody owns this place uh but i did look at a lot of reference pictures of interior design for art deco homes and apartments all sorts of buildings and i often did see countertops that were tiled so that's kind of why i decided to do this particular counter in here and i just thought it looked nice i didn't want it to be overly modern in this space uh i did use those little tile pieces that we got from high school years though above the stove is like a fun backsplash there i've definitely in some houses like fancier houses seeing a very elaborate backsplash behind the stove and so i wanted to include that here anyway over here in the window space in this little circular area the rounded walls i did put a circular table over here and uh some curtains on the windows there are a lot of curtains that don't quite fit because they look like they're floating but the single tile ones work pretty well but uh this is a base game table i'm pretty sure it's either base game or the holiday pack i can't remember which i think it's base game though and then the chairs are from the high school pack i will be changing the colors of the table and chairs and stuff as well i think the table might stay the color it is and the chairs change black when i change the counters and cabinets and stuff a little bit later and the reason i do that is because when i'm decorating the middle floor of this apartment which is where the living room is i end up using some darker couches and stuff and painting some of the walls so i just wanted to make sure that the style was going for in this area was cohesive through all three floors of this particular townhouse but anyway this is the garage space i just wanted it to kind of look like a garage maybe a little bit of a skill building item or not item a skill building area if you wanted it to be i think all i put in here though was laundry and a bike and like some storage uh so nothing too complicated in here i i did decorate this place fully but i wanted it to be open to interpretation on how you wanted to live here so it's not overly cluttered i just wanted it to be a space your sims could move right on into and they'd have everything they needed but you could definitely customize it to your particular needs so yeah that's pretty much it for the garage space and then we're heading to the entryway it's a long hallway here which isn't a great use of space but it felt very realistic to me when i've seen a lot of townhouses or condos there always is like this long entryway with the staircase and i just really liked it so i was pretty happy with how the floor plan for these came out and the whole thing in general there is some glitching here you can see by where the curved wall is connecting to the straight wall there's a little gap there's some weird lighting going on in here but i did the best i could and i was pretty happy with uh the i guess the amount of glitching i don't want any glitching but i was pretty happy that there wasn't more than there was if that makes sense but anyway here i am decorating the lounge room i am using the sectional sofas that came with dream home decorator and this little console table under the television which is from the decor to the max kit i think it's so pretty and i will actually be changing these couches to like the dark gray almost black swatch uh i think they pop a lot better in here and really lend themselves to a more interesting color scheme which is why i end up changing it downstairs as well or maybe not interesting i just think it works better in this space i prefer it and then here i was trying to play around with uh the rounded sofa pieces and seeing if they fit in these walls they might have been a smaller area potentially maybe uh but i put one part of it over there i thought it looks pretty cute uh and right now i'm trying the teal wallpaper which is on the exterior of the build but i think it was way too much on the interior so i do get rid of that in the end don't worry and then just trying to figure out some other things for this space because this is a really long narrow area so it was a little bit difficult to decorate i think we got there in the ends but i just kept having to add more and more and play around with it so please bear with me i feel like this is a process uh just moving things around constantly changing colors and uh it was really fun but it was frustrating i had to walk away from this build a couple of different times because of this floor i just couldn't figure out how to decorate it because it's such an awkward shape but i didn't want to cut it into more rooms i thought that this was a good amount of rooms so just playing around with that now trying to change everything's color here i am downstairs changing colors as well to make everything a little bit darker to incorporate the darker colors upstairs uh into that area and then playing around with some wallpapers here this is one from the decor to the max kit which i think looks so nice i also have some dark gray walls we're adding a chest board back here for your sims to go ahead and practice their logic skill uh i really like this new one i think just because it looks different than the ones we have in the game already but i would still really like a game table at some point that has like chess as an option but there's other options on it as well maybe like a board game or some sort of other game we don't already have i know we have essentially jenga in the game which i think is don't like the llama and we have cards and a couple of other things i like we have some sort of game with batu i think it's sort of gambling-esque uh but i think it would be really cool to actually not need a chess board or like a full-on chess table just be able to pull out a chess board on a table to play if that makes sense because i've only met one person ever that actually has a chess table like a stand-up one like they have in the sims in their house uh everyone else i've ever seen that has chess it's just like a board in a box they take out i know we have a couple of them we have like a regular one and then i believe we have a star wars one as well which is really fun anyway this is one of the rooms on the second floor other it's right next to the living space it could definitely be a bedroom but i decided to decorate this one as like an art studio for the sim living here i thought that was a bit of fun and i was able to use this new wallpaper from high school years that has like the paint drips all over it i was thinking they probably painted that mural in their space and also using some of the items from the werewolves pack that table in the middle that's like painted and worn and there's a book under it keeping the legs stable it matches perfectly with the flower pots that i put on the outside of the windows of this particular unit which are also from the werewolf's pack i was thinking the artist definitely made those out of some drawers you know a little diy moment and hung those outside i i really enjoyed that concept and then we're moving on into the bedroom space it's very neutral in here i wanted most of the space to be like black white and brown but there's a lot more color in their studio space they probably keep most of that to that area they really had the whole space decorated to their needs but they also get very creative in their studio space so yeah in here i'm just getting like a couch a dresser definitely heavily using high school years i feel like i'm going to be a lot i have a couple of builds that i'm excited to share that are using quite a bit of that pack because it's new so of course i want to use all of the furniture so be on the lookout for some more builds using this and of course if you have any suggestions let me know i definitely want to build some more family homes because you know that that pack is heavily focused on gameplay so that that would be really fun but anyway just trying to figure out what to put in the corner here i'm pretty sure i get this chair from city loving yeah i really like how it's like scalloped on the top it fits the style so beautifully i also really love the flooring i used throughout this house it's such a pretty color and i think it's one of the ones we got new swatches on sometime last year maybe i just think it's really pretty and i quite enjoyed that but this is going to be the second bedroom i'm using one of the beds from the vintage glamour kit or not kit vintage glamour stuff pack we haven't had a stuff pack in so long i'm messing up um but this one is like a deep blue and black color i think it's a really fun one and i decided to have the giraffe lamp right on the bedside table and of course this one has a little like nook as well with the rounded portion of the room so getting some more of those scalloped chairs and some plants and uh just like a dresser and stuff keeping it pretty simple in here i had mentioned that i really wanted these to be like move-in-ready areas not overly cluttered so i i didn't do that um but anyway that's it for this build i really hope you enjoyed this if you did make sure you give this video a big thumbs up that really does help me out you can also subscribe to the channel if you have not already and click that bell to be notified of every single time i upload a new video thank you so very much for watching enjoy the screenshots and i'll see you all next time bye everyone [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gryphi
Views: 58,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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