ART BOX Worth..$769?! Opening The WORLDS BIGGEST ART BOX

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- And I see a letter. Is that a letter? Is it a letter? *Gasp* I have a letter! He wrote me a letter! Hello there! How are you all doing? I hope you're all doing well. So I'm so excited for today's video because I have been anticipating this box for however long it's been since I first heard about it, could be two months, could be six years   for all I know, this year has just gone fast  and slow all at the same time and it's just - I don't - I hate this year.   I was very kindly sent the Jazza's  Ultimate Creativity Collection by Jazza, and I'm   so incredibly grateful for it because this is the  biggest, most expensive, incredibly jam-packed full,   huge art box that has ever existed in the history  of art boxes. This thing is honestly probably like   20 pounds, it is so heavy. It is valued at over  769 dollars, there's three boxes inside and it's   so cool! I feel like a kid again or I feel like me a  year ago when I was unboxing the Jazza's Jazzy Art   Box that I kept calling the Jazza's Arty Art Box,  which is also wrong. The Jazza's Arty Art Box! I was like a big child. I was so  excited, I got a note from Jazza inside.   And I just, I was so excited. It's not often you get a letter from your, your inspirations, is it? And the quality of that box was amazing, so the fact that he has released three boxes in one is just incredible. For the whole set, it costs $365 or you can buy them individually as well for - this one's $99, this one is $99 but this huge one in the middle is $199.   So it's up to you whether you buy them all  individually or if you buy them as a set like I've got.  Now, if I was to open each box and use every  single item in these boxes in one video, the video   would probably be over two hours long and I'm not  gonna subject all of you to two hours of me, don't worry. So there will be three videos this week:  today, Saturday and next Wednesday, all at 2 PM, EST.   Today I will be opening and using the Incredible  Inky Box. On Saturday I'll be opening and using   the Mega Minis Box and on Wednesday I'll be  opening the Super Sculpture Box. And because Jazza   was so kind to send this to me for free, I really  would like to give back to one of you while also   supporting Jazza as well. So what I'm gonna do is  I'm gonna hold a giveaway so if any of you would   like to win one of these boxes, all you need to  do to enter is make sure that you give the video   a thumbs up, make sure you subscribe to me and  also leave a comment down below telling me what,   which box that you want, why you would like it and  also leave your Twitter or Instagram handle so I   can get in contact with you if you win. Also, bonus  points if you do this with the video on Saturday and  Wednesday, but basically, yeah, just leave a comment  telling me which books you'd like and I'll buy   one for the winner. Now I'm gonna stop talking now  because I have some stuff to unbox! Okay, so we are gonna open up the Incredible Inky Box and - I see  a letter. Is that a letter? Is it a letter? *Gasp* I have a letter! He wrote me a letter! It says my name on it! *Gasp* That's so - *Gasp* What's this? What's this? Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. I have a letter from Jazza!  I feel like a kid again! "Dear Chloe Rose, you got another letter. I feel very privileged and honored, thank you so much, Jazza. It was so fun seeing your creativity with the Jazzy box, so this time there's  a lot more stuff. These three boxes represent   the mediums I found the most surprise, joy and  satisfaction in over the years and I hope they   bring as much joy to you. Keep being amazing, Jazza." *Gasp* I have a little such official much fancy little thing. This is so cool! I love it! Thank you so much,  Jazza, this is so awesome! I'm going to just put   this on my wall somewhere. Every time that I feel uncreative, I'll be like, "Hey! Jazza called me...amazing."   A message from SmartArtBox: "We would like  to inform you that with this early release edition,   Jazza's instructional booklets will not be included."  Jazza actually told me this yesterday, he just   told me that if I had trouble with anything  just to let him know, because these boxes   do not have the booklets in yet because he's  still working on them but when you receive them,   they will have the booklets inside. Okay, so inside  the Jazza's Incredible Inky Box, we have - wow, this is   so beautifully packed. We have the Cappuccino book.  So this is by Hahnemuhle, it is 120 GM, 55 pounds,   80 pages. The cover is so smooth as well. Okay,  inside the pages are literally like a cappuccino   color, I guess that's where the cappuccino thing comes from. That is really really nice. Next up, I'm just gonna, because my eyeballs were like, drawn to  this beautiful brush, I'm gonna pull this one out.   This is a - oh, it's so shiny! It's so pretty! This is  a Royal & Langnickel Crafters Choice Pro No. 4,   and it's in like, a gold, rose gold - well,  technically it's kind of the color of my lamp.   Don't fall. Don't fall. There we go. This is a  gorgeous paintbrush. I mean, I'm easily amused   but it's a very pretty paintbrush. Ooh, this is  like one of those math books you used to   have. Do you remember when math class used to have like,  graphing paper? This is essentially what this is.  It's for calligraphy! Okay, okay, this makes  me nervous because I'm crap at calligraphy! Next up, we have a Dura-bright white, opaque white  paper sheet set. Ooh, it's so smooth! I think   they use this for like, alcohol inks or am I  wrong? It says 90% isopropyl alcohol will clean   off virtually anything, giving you a clean surface.  So out of curiosity I'm gonna do a bit of research   in a minute to figure out what this is actually  for but it's very smooth, very film like because it is a film.  Next up in the Incredible Inky Box, we  have - okay, I'm gonna leave this one till last because   this actually is customized to be Jazza on it  but THIS one - metallic calligraphy set. A metallic   calligraphy set by Jacquard with Pearl Ex and Gum Arabic. I think I've had a couple of these in boxes before and they're really really nice because  you actually mix the pigments up. So we have... Oh wow, we have a lot here! I'm  just gonna chuck them on the table!   So we have 10 pearl pigments here. This is just  8 of them because I can't hold more than that.   Basically, these can be used as calligraphy ink so  you basically mix equal parts of the pigment with   the Gum Arabic and essentially you make your own  pigment and it's really really fun. The branding   on this box is amazing, like, there's so much  work gone into this. Next up, we have some   ElegantWriter Speedball calligraphy markers. These  are crisp chisel nibs containing a free-flowing   acid-free ink. These ElegantWriter markers are  the ideal tool for creating beautiful calligraphy   projects. So this is all about like, calligraphy  and inks in general and again, I'm not good with   calligraphy - well, I've never actually given it a go. I  gave like, hand lettering a go but calligraphy is   very different to that - at least I think it is! So  we basically have four different sizes, we have   3 millimeter, 2.5 millimeter, 2 millimeter and -  I'm guessing those two are the same. These look fun so   I'm excited to give them a go. Next up we have  a little paint brush here, this one is another   one of those beautiful gold, rose gold colors,  again by Royal & Langnickel and this is a size -  I actually don't know what size this is.  It's kind of rubbed off a little bit. Wait...   wait...can i see it? Nope. Can't find it. I really like these a lot, very very aesthetically pleasing.  Then we have some...these are definitely alcohol  inks, I recognize these from previous art boxes.   These ones are...let me see. Okay, these are  alcohol inks and we have four different   shades. We have Aqua Green, we have Amethyst, we  have Rainbow and we have Tangerine. And I've never   physically used alcohol inks before, I've received  them but I've just never used them so I'm very   excited to see what we can create. I do like the  colors that he's added together though, these are   very pretty together. Next up, we have some bubble  wrap! This is some high quality bubble wrap that we   can all definitely not use in this box because it  doesn't belong. We have some alcohol inks, I believe.   Watercolor inks! Okay, nice. These are by Graphics  Aqua Inks and we have red, blue and yellow. I'm not   sure what we're gonna make with this stuff yet  but I like that he's put in the primary colors   because you can make so many different colors with  primary colors. Got some more bubble wrap! Last but   not least, we have the Jazza's Deluxe Writing  Collection, and I'm very excited for this   because it feels kind of...weighty. I've just realized I  threw that box on the floor! And if we open it up... Oh my gosh, this is so cool! It's beautiful, it's  got his little avatar on the box which is really   cute and then we have all of the dip pen nibs  which I'm definitely going to stab myself with   and cut myself at some point. Then we have  some - oh, we have like a little pot of ink!   A little feather pen ink! And  then we have this beautiful,   beautiful glass dip pen. That is so pretty. Wow, that  is gorgeous. I really like that a lot. We have seven   dip pen nibs, do you call them nibs? I hope you do. You have the nibs! One is already inside the   glass dip pen and the rest are inside the set.  We have a little metal thing that we can like,   be all old-fashioned and fancy - oh, I like this. Hang on, I'm going to be fancy now. That's so cute!   Look at me! I feel like I should be in Harry  Potter or something! I love that, that is absolutely   awesome! Jazza, amazing job on the first box! I'm so  excited to see what I can do with this. So this is   everything that's inside the box, I'm really really  excited to try it all out so let's get started.   Okay, so inside our Inky Box we have all of our  lovely stuff here, as you can see. I think what   I'm going to start off by doing is I'm just gonna take this and I'm going to use this to swatch   everything. I'm gonna practice some calligraphy  words, I guess, on this paper. Still don't know what   these are for. I should probably research actually,  let me have a look. So it looks like you can   actually use these for inks and just spreading out  the inks onto it. Okay, so we're going to swatch out   the alcohol inks first of all and try not to make  a mess everywhere. Too late. So this doesn't soak in   and I think that's really neat. Oh, dammit! Crap!  This is the Amethyst, then we have Tangerine. They stink! They smell so bad! We have our  Rainbow and I feel like Rainbow needs   to just like, go over the top - ooh! *Gasp* Oh! *Gasp* That's so  pretty! What the heck? Oh, it's like a little   coral reef a little bit! *Gasp* That's so nice! I  can see the sparkle. Do you see the sparkle? I'm just gonna like, play around  with this because it looks so fun. I really love the way that this works.  Like, that is so nice. And it's so simple   too, that's what I'm amazed at. Like, to make  something really like, abstract and pretty. Let me try adding some more tangerine in. Damn, this is satisfying as heck! And  like, you can see the like, glittering.   Can you see the glittery kind of  look to that? That is so pretty. Honestly, the only thing I would say about  this is it really smells very strong.   So I would definitely recommend that you  have some sort of ventilation because   this is very strong! I feel like that would  make a really pretty tray or something.   Like, that is gorgeous. Okay, I'm gonna leave that  one there and I'm gonna make a second one now   because I'm having way too much fun with this! Okay,  we're gonna stick this one here. I'm gonna do some   purple dots and then I'm gonna add some little  green. I'm going to add a little bit of yellow.   Oh, it looks like a galaxy! It literally looks  like a gal- oh, this is so cool! These are my two   that I've made so far. I really wanna like, draw a  bear and have this like, surrounding him somehow.  Oh, he's got two little feet! It's like a blob man  with two little feet, look! That's cute. We'll give   it like, a little constellation effect. Cute! Look  at that! Okay, so these are our three alcohol ink   artworks, these look so neat! Like, a lot of you that  do this all the time probably think, wow that looks   bad, but you know what? This was so fun! The colors  and everything, just the way it blends is so pretty.   This is my favorite thing that I've made in a long  time and it only took me like five minutes. It   was very satisfying. Okay! Next up I'm going to  test out these markers - if I can get into them!   Great. Now it's on the floor. So  you have the 2 millimeter.   Oh, that's a straight line.  That's wonderful. That's great. Okay, that's definitely not it but there  we go! That's the two millimeter one.   Let's try the 2.5. Another non-straight line. Nope, it's not  gonna work. And last up, we're gonna use the   3 millimeter. I don't even know how  to hold this properly! Okay, straight down. See, a lot of modern calligraphy is kind  of like, hand lettering but it's still like,   old-fashioned calligraphy is so much neater and  more professional, strict, straight looking than   hand lettering. Tombow markers are pretty easy  because they're brush pens. I mean, I'm really bad   at it but that's what I would do with a Tombow  marker. But I really don't know how I would use   a calligraphy pen to achieve that. So I think  what I'm going to do is do some research! -The top of the pen slanted at a 45 degree angle. -Slanted. Okay. No, that's a slanted line! Okay, so this is very different to brush lettering. Brush lettering,  I can kind of wrap my head around; calligraphy, definitely not.   I feel like getting any half decent  at calligraphy would involve so many hours and   hours and hours and hours of practice so I think  what I'm going to do for now is just copy some   words and i know "minimum" is a word that people are  always, always going on about. So we're going to try... I've just...mim. That says mim! Let's try again. I  messed up. I buggered up. Oh, that's so wonky! No!   Oh, that's so bad! That is so bad! It  looks like a bunch of scribbled lines!   Okay, I'm gonna try the bigger nib because I  feel like maybe I'd have more success with that.   Okay, this is working a little bit better. Yeah, that looks...that looks great. I am not  good at this in one tiny little bit if I'm   being honest with you. I spelt mim again.  I spelt mim again! Why am I doing that?   "Minimi..." I spelt "minimi!" "Minimi!" That's not right either! One more try. I mean, kind of but not really. Maybe  I should...I'm going to try my name   and it's probably gonna be incorrect. C...H...L...O...I don't know how you do an E. Oh no, heck, that's not a fricking E,  that's a P! Now, I've never used one of these, but from the old oldie worldy films that I've  watched, they stick it in there - right? Is that what you do? -The little hole is a well that holds  the ink after dipping your pen in. -I'm confused.   Okay, if I put more on...ooh, okay! *Gasp* Oh, it's cute!  I buggered that up. These are neat, I've never   really known how to use these before  but apparently this little hole here   that you can't see right now is a reservoir  that kind of somewhat holds the ink. Okay, he is not perfect but I did him in like, five  minutes. We're just gonna do that as an experiment   to now try this ink pen because I feel  like this is what I'm most familiar   with and if I was to actually buy this box,  this is probably what I would actually use   it for versus, um, the calligraphy. Oh, you  know what? The dip pen is actually quite nice   because it has the two, like, the two little prongs. I'm still not very good at control with a dip  pen because I'm just getting it everywhere.   I think I've got the hang of the  flow, the ebb and flow of the ink.   It's mostly on my hands at this point  but still, I think I've got the hang of it.   Oh no! I went too heavy-handed! It's gone through  to the next page. Poo! I should have put paper there. And I really like the way that it works and if I  draw my name...oh, I feel like Harry Potter from the   Chamber of Secrets when he wrote "Tom Marvolo Riddle." Nice! I don't really know what i'm doing but it kind of works. This bear is terrible, let's ignore that. So something I want to try now is   swatching some of these pigments. So I needed  some cups the other day, like disposable ones   but I obviously didn't want to buy a bunch  of like, regular plastic ones so I found these   compostable ones on eBay - not eBay, on Amazon,  and I'm gonna basically use these to mix up   some of this Gum Arabic. Now, I'm just eyeballing  this because I like to live on the edge.   I like that a lot. Okay, so we have our blue.  Look how rich they are! Really nice copper. Okay, so these are the swatches from all of  the pigments. Very, very beautiful, very shiny,   very metallic and honestly very vibrant. I'm  amazed at those pigments. I think what I'll   do now is I will test out these watercolor  inks so you can see those swatches as well.   Wow! Okay, these are gorgeous! So we have our  pigments and we have our watercolor inks, these are   all the swatches. But yeah, on regular paper you  could definitely use all of these. I'm just not   sure how you get this beautiful blend on regular  paper because obviously this is like, a film. Okay,   so I, for the first time ever, used a bit of masking  fluid to create this polar bear with the inks and   it kinda worked, kinda didn't. The ink doesn't  work with water so when I tried to put pigment   on the polar bear, it just didn't blend well with  the inks so that was my mistake and I'm not even   gonna bother showing you because it was a fail  and this video is getting way too long anyway. Instead, I just decided to play around with the  alcohol inks again and use a hair dryer this   time and this worked really nicely. I used some  of the gold pigment over the top to create a more   cracked effect but the pigment doesn't really  like the alcohol inks on this paper very much   but I forced it to work and it came out  really nicely. Okay, so this is how it   turned out! It's got a bit of gold in there.  I wish it had been a little bit thinner but   this is kinda how it turned out. I really  really love playing with these alcohol inks,   I think they're really a lot of fun. As for the  calligraphy side of things, I could definitely   use more practice with and I definitely  will going forward because I know how much   Jazza enjoys it. As for the calligraphy side of  this box, that's something I definitely need   a lot of practice behind the scenes with but um,  I now have the supplies that I need to make it   as good as I can so I will definitely practice  with it going forward. So thank you so much for   watching this video, I really really hope that you  enjoyed it, please feel free to check out the next   two videos in the series and yes, for now, thank  you so much to Jazza for sending me this box, I'm   really excited to show you the next one, take care  of yourselves and I will see you in the next video.
Channel: Chloe Rose Art
Views: 368,801
Rating: 4.957211 out of 5
Keywords: opening the worlds biggest art box, worlds biggest art box, huge art box, jazza's ultimate creativity collection, jazzas jazzy art box, chloe rose, chloe rose art, artist box, heaviest art box, $769 art box, $365 art box, $1000 art box, 3 boxes, opening every jazza art box, opening every art box, jazza, josiah brooks, art subscription box, unboxing, best art box, art mystery box, daily jazza, mystery box, chloe rose subscription box
Id: _3cPU8wKOt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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