Arresting More ROBLOX Hackers in Criminality..

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back in the game Roblox Shooters everywhere but who could be cheating that's cocky G even him with no leg perhaps his weird fur thing tf2 engineer whatever that thing is hola senor hola Amino Spanish oh holy hell Mr Robin they're going to jail for a long time why are you defending Mr Robious Gotta Have ammo fans oh God you're shooting at an officer officer oh you're sure y'all you're all going to go you're all going to jail oh no I'm a little helpful I'm running I'm running this guy has to go his condo this guy yes time for justice like I was saying cheaters gonna be dead enough and I'm calling in to ban them all it's a weird fur get him it's time for some justice Bring It On old man yeah yeah yeah suck remember me XD get back over here just as I done with your ass get back over here shut them down we got a runner get back over here boy drop them jars and come take this pity I need you cheeseburger man really didn't want to do this we're calling this the ultimate Texas weapon of Justice your goddam cheating scum see your help all right got reports of this thing doing things son what kind of drugs did you dig this morning because this is not normal all right so I think I'm going to put you down like Old Yeller you're a bit weird that how's the power of God not work on this goddamn volume so all you do Sonny assaulting an officer not a fat chance in my goddamn books all right and I ain't working deploy Taser Taser boy what you doing cheating around these parts thinking of living me too and it's beating animals like you you can die here assaulted officer or something Roger good sir get down circuit down circuit dude a circuit down circus dude circuit dude circuit down circuit dude circuit down circuit dude officer needs back up sister's marks circuit down circuit down guys I'm talking to perfect VA right now you scare me oh my God the certification is so loud you know what else is loud me your mom [Music] I am 23 years old by the way what block [Music] Horatio um they just teleport what the hell you do you order man get me get out of here man I'm trying to report a person get out of here oh my God that's me oh what are they doing uh uh that's be hacks oh mystery oh whoa NASCAR just just hired a new racer hmm yeah anybody around that corner time to go teach this kid a lesson there they are it's time to take these drugs that conversations from criminals before yeah there we go my game Crash no no no my game crashed no why why all these times no no all right back in the server time to find that cheater there it is what did it do that what the hell is this door all right that thing's under control somebody go save the rest of the world from these goddamn red flags and goddamn cheaters destroying cheaters trying to check up on that young lady all right I put you in a better shell Grill [Music] officer officer I'm not letting this victim get away this time damn it all right just gonna drop her safely down this hole [Music] my ankles zip it Happy Meal oh oh she's escaping she's escaping what the hell why can't I get over this torps fatty can't get up stop body shaving shut up time for the maximum correctionals facility we're in that corner it's time to get bill in no chance of this participating anything to say well that was out of all things it was just Chicago are you are you guys see that jail cool check this out I'm just gonna put this big concrete barrier right here and now no one can really get to her mission accomplished what the hell is this guy looking at yeah brought you a friend anyways as you can see you got to contain over here is a concrete barrier as I was talking about let's see how thick that is there's no way anyone could get through this enjoy prison boys interesting piece hey in the air we've seen here this guy's speaking sign language J gty isn't good what does he mean by that oh interesting very interesting man what are you doing we gotta save that child oh my God I can't believe notif is doing it already get away from the minor get away from the minor get away from the butter oh oh what is wrong with you you're defending the wrong one blow you out boy get down get down we've got to finish that goddamn kind of what is wrong with you boy oh God yes back up woman woman oh oh no I'm getting beat up by the groomer oh no oh man alone no I'm gonna die from this cheater no I can't die I gotta get I gotta get my whole back only 30 Elvis sucks I'm running for backup I'm running for backup I'm ready for backup calls for a break man all right time to check up on that cheater whoa there we go ah still in jail dude [Music] [Music]
Views: 505,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AaHSgqGxndY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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