ROBLOX Hackers Begging For Unbans..

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hey guys i'm back on cram uh i'm playing normally i'm back at it reviewing cheaters uh ban appeals and for some of these bands we will be looking at the clips that got them banned in the first place just so you guys know a new update just dropped and there's a code you can use john roblox go ahead and use that code for free money stinks hi so a while back i was trying to explain criminality and uh i was banned but i would like a second chance here i was hoping i could get unbanned a little earlier the account i'm trying to appeal is rejected i have been wanting to play with my friends for a while and i still have 845 days before i get banned i mean unbanned i am i am a very sorry i am a very okay for what i have done no very sad story moment guy guys story time sad moment real cry i got banned a criminality for exploit but i was never explaining it had to be a mistake or something i don't explain on roblox i just like playing games normally for fun i had killed someone in criminal and that's how i got banned i don't know if you guys thought i was uh you signed aimbot or something it was a simple kill though with normal a pure skill no hacks about to get unbanned that's possible i honestly missed playing the game i haven't been back at it in like two months or more i didn't know i could appeal until now well i'm gonna search up this guy's name and what do you know there he is there's some weird speed hack type of thing uh but it looks like it only works for a split second because you can't get banned by the anti-chief you do it for too long so that's why you did it like in these short bursts it's not sped up by the way we could tell this guy's walking normal speeds and the mouse of his uh mouse is fine it's yeah it's it's all good um so this guy was banned correctly i'm gonna send him a video of me any mcdonald's i'm just gonna say yes hacks and then close boom that's how you properly respond to abandon people thank you guys for tuning in hello my username is la la la i uh regret cheating something like that that's cool bro i don't know this clip i'm about to show you guys is just a collapse this guy is just a walking out man he's just one of the biggest memes that i have made to be to be honest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now guys i'm not gonna lie to you this next guy is one of the dumbest cheers i have ever observed in my life he comes over pouring a bug seeing cash registers and pizza our gun was like why is that that's so weird we look at the top left corner and you guys see those green name green text things that is esp cheats not only did he use the cheats but he posted a screenshot himself any bug report section that everyone can look at and this dude got a god clown on now this one guys is pretty interesting because although i do believe the story um we're not gonna unban this person uh here let me read it for you guys hey i would like to appeal for my band i believe the ban isn't false because recently my account got hacked and the guy explained on all the recent game i played i can show you proof of roblox support email so i can prove that i did not exploit on my account as it is someone else i can also provide proof of me playing legal with some clips i have been playing this game for over 10 months and i am a higher rank with a decent amount of cash in my bank there is no reason for me to explain to rim in my process i really enjoy playing this game so please unban me if you do not believe what i said i also play with a lot of people that can clearly tell i don't exploit grammar isn't the best sorry so we're gonna take a look at the footage really analyze what's going on here now the first thing uh yes this account is the same i i blurred out the name but trust you guys it is the same name that we are talking about and he is going really fast that's those are not normal speeds you you can't do that while the gun is pulled out side strafing like that i'm gonna try to redo that in the game and it's just it's just not the same speed you got to be running and even then you can't aim while while you are uh on the move like that you can't this is a clip that they recorded before they got banned playing the game normally as you can see 1.2 million cash in the bank that's so much uh bull bucks in the ring i don't know that's probably about good 200 hours and yeah in this footage everything is pretty normal it doesn't seem like anything is hacky or none of these speeches use and it seems all good from here so i kind of buy that the account was hacked and then used to cheat on crimp but we're not gonna unban that just because uh well we're not gonna do that for every single person it starts with one and then the rest who wants to be unbanned like that i was falsely banned from crew another game i want a mod to pc check me so right now i want a mod or somewhere to pc check me and see for themselves i didn't explain so i could be unbanned i got banned for x-play but i never did so i want for a mod or admin or someone to pc check me thank you and what do you know guys we don't care if we pc chucky or not because that means absolutely nothing to us i'm sorry for exploiting i won't do it again i've learnt from my mistakes and i'll be a better person and play the game more fair this time just like the rest of the community are doing i instantly regretted it and i'm positive that i won't let my standards get the best of me thinking that explaining is good i won't exploit again i'll play like the community and respect the game more i won't do it again and you never will do it again boom why i get banned btw i just play and get banned the reason is i am exploit please unban me i didn't do nothing i just played my friend and then i got bad bliss explain uh okay guys i'm gonna show you how to farm this game uh so so this is the nice way to farm this game where you don't kill news or uh people so there's these saves these are the big boy safes you gotta crouch under this crap and i still get cut this is yeah nice game rv so you can either lock pick this stuff and you kind of need to match all these squares and then boom you get a bunch of money or you can uh get a crowbar this is if you're really garbage with the lock pick since a lot of players cried about this it is now made so you can uh pick open safe with your crowbar just like two three i think will work as i see four doing the crowbar process to crowbar farming five jabs to pop up a big safe uh lockpick is much faster and quieter as well but that's in case you know you guys are bad with the lockpick thing there's also these super annoying loud alarms you gotta shoot those in order to disable them but if you don't have a gun and wall okay i like 2 billion health and i still died this building right here is called the tower and this is a really good building to farm because not only is there two big safe cell up on here but there's a lot of these smaller ones that go within this building randomly right i'm going to pick this one it'll be nice and quiet and boom monies however the problem is that you have this cash it's not in the bank so you got to go to one of these uh atms and you can't be in combat and you gotta deposit all your money so when you die you'll lose zero money so that so that's a really good tip look here's a safe and i'm too lazy to pop up the crowbar and i suck with the lock pick so just blow it up with the c4 and boom monies let's observe these poor people uh killing each other so as you guys can see they are killing each other this guy just got some money let's go in and uh ask him how much money did you get uh m4c 851 nice bro see this guy got that much money off of killing people so you can either get money through these bounty things and kill players or do it the safe way and where you won't get into combat and do the safe routes all right that's about it for this video shout out to all my tech supporters really appreciate the support uh there's also this pay-to-play game pass i mean it's worth it but i wouldn't buy the super expensive stuff i would buy uh i don't know g18 or an up if i have friends but if you're playing this game solo please do not buy these guns you'll just lose them uh really fast because you don't know what you're doing in fact army or armory isn't really worth it if you have no friends uh just because you're you're gonna lose it very fast
Views: 1,147,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dP88ZeoDt5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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