I UNBANNED Roblox Hackers in Criminality..

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after hours of banning Roblox terminally cheated Cindy tons of them to the slamming there are some that think they are owed and unbanned for being banned falsely people try their luck all the time in the Roblox Community Support Discord server which is made to unbat players who have been falsely banned sodium took a line or two in hopes of being unbanned and some of the top paragraphs story in hopes of being unbanned well today we dive just into that and we have a special guest that I banned but was actually not cheating at all and said he did some really weird glitch I just look like uh straight up hacks for our first Contender he ain't been in Roblox criminal for using next place I wish that I could be unbanned cheeseburger [Music] Burger can I get one cheeseburger thanks man thank you cheeseburger thank you all right guys I got my cheeseburger cheeseburger where my cheeseburger go help me I got bad because of my mouse setting in my game there is a small aimba please reply holy small Amber The Audacity Of some of these idiots just so you only use a little hacks can you spare a brother a bad place I've been banned for no reason I have free Exciter he met executor that I downloaded and it automatically injects so it popped up and then I got banned can I get unbanned gets banned for no reason not even two since this later I injected a script hello two years ago I would like to return my favorite game I beg you to unbann me I will be very happy denied do not care if you are happy or not yeah I don't really get the the logic of people saying this is my favorite game and then you go cheat on it I was like then obviously it's not your favorite game dude hello guys I can I please get another bed I believe you guys I will never actually again I swear on my family please guys the only thing I want to do is play criminally please stuff please I will never explain again in criminally in my life please man please please and I'm bad I beg you Zella I know you only take false pass but please can I get it on bed please I swear on my life 511 explain criminal anymore please scene cheers big for mercies my source of dopamine I just love the smell of fear drag stays across the floor and no no not bad I think hello my calculator can someone help me because I gave my friend access and he hacked on pretty much thing and I'm very sorry what will happen again hello I am I say no you hackerman I hate cheaters destroy all cheaters thank you I'm Bambi Roblox hosting left 511 Roblox plus my five one one I buy it all Game Pass Plus on Bambi Roblox hust 9511 I'm Batman Roblox has 951 I buy it all Game Pass Plus I'm Batman Roblox husk nine five one I find all Game Pass Plus I'm Batman Roblox hush nine five one one I fight all game Game Pass Plus I'm Batman Roblox hush nine five one one I buy it all gamepl bite all Game Pass Plus Plus or baby husknife 511 or Batman or Batman Roblox host nine five one one I buy it all Game Pass plus plus I want to play it I need to create a ticket come on just unbab me I plant a gay pass and I wants to play it man come on come on just some family you try ping you someone or something they didn't try to do it like 3 000 in a row it was like 20 minutes apart I told you not to do it I still did it wow bro what a really convincing story I might just unmann him I did it being for excellent I want to appeal to get unbanned since I'm sorry for explain I won't do it again I start to exploit because I got killed over and over again and then I just wanted to kill the people with Xbox four revenge I also have two game passes weaponian Empire please don't bear me I'm very sorry I will never exploit again I swear D9 I got bad on crimp for hacking I've been playing for more than two years and I have never used hacks but today I got banned for hacking if there's clips of me of hacking I would like to see them to possibly defend myself hopefully this situation could resolve it I could play Crim again you mean a clip of you using ESP and recording it can I see it um give me a day or two okay good night and then I responded 12 hours later yeah this year damn my fault I guess my homie don't snitch on me I am pleased to hear you accepted it rather than lie like these other cheaters you have been correctly banned yeah his friend just recorded him using ESP in a Discord or live stream it's like wow you you you you you really try to learn about that huh you see what I mean the most conveniency store and like I never did anything wrong you guys and then two hours later oh I got banned on a 2020 or 2021 bandwave I don't remember I know the photo says I can't appeal but I got to end for no reason but I also don't have any proof of me not hacking is there some some way I could prove I thought I wasn't hacking and it says like cannot be appealed I have we're pretty Bots or I might be some prefer no it doesn't I mean it's nothing to me it literally says you cannot appeal why bother do not it is time for a special guest the guy who I thought was cheating but wasn't cheating and showed me a critical bug in Roblox criminality again this guy was not cheating I unbanned him because he was not cheating now he did his band appeal saying exponent though I believe I know why I was banned to begin with I have unboxed The Limited Old Glory skin which I discover how to bug the bug allow you to basically teleport kind of game breaking and I had too much fun with it messing about going places I was not supposed to go I reached level 42 or so and I just want my account back I had too much problem of a bug this this isn't goes not for my devious nor account but from my airplane account profiling some videos of me doing the teleport and and this was basically a tutorial he was showing me um of him doing it so how it works is that you basically aim down this with the 1911 that has the Old Glory scan and you do some weird movement right before you reload and it just works I really don't know how but you just fly through all all the bricks and things you just go wee and no problem that's just really weird to see now of course I like crushes with Extreme Caution what the f how did you do this book oh I can explain it in detail if you want me and third person pull out the pistol shoot it once and reload when you reloading you go into first person while the eagle screams it'll make the gun pull you to your top left of your screen which also pulls you through walls then when you're where you want to be go to third person again and you teleport here's how it looks for others I couldn't even show how it's done but kind of ban ATM LMAO typically I do not unban people for them to replicate bugs but this one looks super convincing plus I can just always re-ban again if he does lie to me there's not really a big deal and did I told him to join my game give me that gun and rejoin the same exact server and uh yeah he uh he was there and I did the thing right in front of him and I was like oh wow this this guy was actually telling the truth he wasn't lying at all this this dude was legit just flying around with some I don't know how the hell he figured us out but it's just a super obscure glitch that genuinely looks like hacks thankfully it wasn't that long he was banned for only a few days and this was the first time for me that I unbanned a player for that what appears to be obvious cheats because any normal player that uh looks like this would go like well this is just Cheech proof this is this is fly hacks but since he had that gun pull pulled out in with the skin it makes so much more sense of why he was doing it especially in uh directions and yeah I was just going to town with constantly and consistently pulling it off so so it's just not like a one-time rare bug no this is a bug you can pull off every single time so long as you own the skin anyways this video is pretty fun I just love doing moderation on this game [Music] done done [Music] done
Views: 311,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HyEdJw0hOj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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