Cops Get Owned By US Veteran

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I don't see a cop getting "owned". Guy made a bizarre issue out of a simple and lawful traffic stop.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Freedom-Unhappy 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies


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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/-purged 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

"99.9% of MY traffic stops don't require ME TO get out of my car."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dont_say_42 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

that kinda looks like pewdiepie

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Drumzset 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Whiny baby killer "owning" piggy. Boring.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dontbeacunt33 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
incoming priceless video please stand by priceless channel [Music] so right now we are pulled over on the corner of main street and west division um looks like at a church but a quarter of main street west division um stopped for an alleged tag violation so uh that's what's going on with that so um waiting on officer to come back with my license so he asked for my proof of insurance but he asked for my idea i'm sure he's gonna write me a ticket that's okay uh just got off work too never dealt with the mount juliet police department guys now joy tennessee i don't know what the officer's name is so far he's been respectful uh i just told him anyone said he just wants to ask whose car it is what's the part just told him i didn't want to answer any questions i don't i just so i've been there for five okay here comes another another officer so i got back up here back up surah i got some other woman cop here i guess backups okay uh you mind if i ask why okay i feel safer right here to be honest with you how do you feel unsafe for officer safety you feel unsafe okay what's your name or badge number no your name this is recording right here oh that's great which what is body camera right there awesome uh that's recording that's recording she's recording are you scared of my camera i'm sorry i'm not scared of you why are you acting like you got to call for this i wanted to make sure that you understood that we are recording so you didn't need to do that oh but i under i'm not like i have a personal right to record i'm not telling you to stop recording you got some militaries you need to get through okay like i said stop you for the experience you are ma'am name and badge number is that what you tell the judge officer david badge 28 thank you ma'am 48 thank you man i said 48. all right like i said it's not the expired tag okay fired back in october 2018. it's now june of 2019. okay i'm going to issue a citation for it you have 45 days to respond to the citation you need to pay the citation or you can ask for a court date up to you but make sure you do that before the 45 days okay do me a favor sign down here at the bottom for me my scientists you're not admitting guilt so what what is this saying it says right here so if i don't sign this are you going to carry me to jail yes sir for a tag violation is there glossier magistrate right away you will see no you won't you'll sit in jail for a little bit until you get a point well that's that's not a crime that's a traffic infraction i understand that service so what's someone refusing to sign the citation requires that you post a cash bond so that means you have to go down to wilson county jail and post them uh i don't answer any questions okay well here you go mr rhodes i'll be safe there's your copy can i get a business card from youtube please don't carry business cards um i need your contact information please this paper explains you what i told you this zone here sir her name is officer davis badge 48. you got what you needed here you go have a good day uh okay make sure you get the license plate oh i am getting the license plate brother i want to ask you a question does this bother you yes it does it's because 99.9 of traffic stops do not require this kind of attention but the only reason why why did it require their attention whenever uh i just had it on my dash in the in the thing and i gave you my license have a good day oh no i just like to know like why did it require attention to pull me out of the car because i asked you to step out of the car so you're just going to roll out i'm not i'm not sir what's your can i get a sergeant traffic stop is over do you have a sergeant available what's your name get on the sergeant ma'am can you call a supervisor please can you call a supervisor a supervisor yeah he's refusing me a i supervisor speak to a supervisor about why i was pulled out of the vehicle because i was just filming he's got a call right now oh wait we'll wait let's tie everybody up mike okay but he rolled the wind up and said no i got it on camera okay cool you're a corporal yes sir you're a corporal are you a supervisor oh okay that's for a supervisor so so what's the reason that i need to be out of the vehicle okay um all right you against the first amendment then you told me the reason why you pulled me back here is because i was recording i got it on film i said you don't need to be recording i said i've been recording here she's recording then why did you call for backup to pull me out of here over uh because i look intimidating so i'm intimidating looking guy do i look like the police i don't you have no idea how police work works i don't how would you know how do you know i don't have family in law enforcement a hunch okay well my uncle wears three stars at whatever that means in the sheriff's department in miami-dade county florida so i'm very well aware of how police work works he's been an undercover narcotics officer a good friend of mine's the bailiff in uh henderson county i don't have any issue with law enforcement you believe that tying out the law enforcement officer's time on something petty like this is worth it do you think it was worth your time to pull me over and steal money from my family who have i harmed who's the victim the complaint are you proud of yourself i mean i i served my country really honorably and and and took out the uphold and defend the constitution but i've never uh in my life experienced somebody asking me to step out a car to sign a citation that just seems like you might got a little butt hurt because i was filming but to win it was on the dash the whole time the camera's been on the dash ever since the blue lights come behind me brother so what's the reason because i refuse to answer questions because i might when i have my fifth amendment right to remain silent you know you didn't swear a note uphold and protect the constitution did you swear an oath uphold and protect the constitution no it's just for my my personal thing you might be you want me to put you on there i'll say i cannot join police if you like okay so so the reason why was for to have me step out of my vehicle is what i understand but you can give lawful orders you cannot just demand stuff on a win i understand but i'm asking what the reasoning was going on he has given you the reason why he asked you to buy the vehicle okay you have signed your citation this traffic stop has now been complete for a supervisor okay so you're being all still here you're not being no ma'am i don't i didn't realize the vehicle was unregistered are you driving the vehicle yeah so you're responsible for to know those types of things oh i'm sorry i didn't know it's okay so this is why we're here this is why you're pulled over i see that he told me that's why you signed your citation like do you make every citizen get out on a traffic stop so why me so what did i do from your police training that made you feel that i needed to get out i chose to actually step out of the car that's all you gotta do what i wanted to just because you want to you like telling people what to do i mean seriously like what was the reason they asked me to step out like the the traffic stop went just fine i was polite to you i didn't i didn't talk to you out of the way i gave you all the information that you requested and you still require me to step out of the vehicle i'm confused i'm sorry that you're confused can you tell explain it to me because i'm gonna foil you that that that and that anybody can footage i'm gonna foil i'm gonna afford the report sir i don't care about you for you cool you don't matter to me got nothing wrong yeah huh nothing of the car to sign a citation when everything was calm and courteous because we can't ask you to get out of here so you do that all the time or just i don't know all the time it just depends just depends on the situation so what i'm asking this officer i can't answer that i'm asking him to ask so why don't you go talk to the officer maybe he can give you clarification on why i was made to get out of my vehicle to sign a piece of paper i said i feel safer in my vehicle and i was required to get out of my vehicle i gave the man every everything polite to them get saw on video from from the lights on so i'm confused why i'm outside of the vehicle right now you're more likely to step back in your vehicle but i would like to know why i'm out that's why i've called a supervisor so maybe you can talk to him figure out because he won't send me just because he wants to he likes to is what he says but if i did something to make an officer feel unsafe i don't want to do that again on another traffic stop so if he could tell me what i did because i know the only reason why you would ask somebody to step out of a vehicle is an officer safety issue so if he can explain to me like what i did i don't want to do that again in the future um so i would love to know what i did to make him feel the need to get me out of the vehicle for an officer safety issue he tells me i don't know anything about his job or what law enforcement does but that's a big assumption on his part you can ask your uncle uh it's officer safety but what what did i do that made you feel unsafe i'm not an idiot let me talk with myself okay i put my license in my wallet is that okay it's in the car yeah i'm just making sure i can go in the car brother so if i can go i can stay right you can do whatever you want to but you're going to stand over there if that's what i tell you to do okay well can i stay in front of the camera one of the cameras on the police provider there okay so so i said it guys i got out of the car because i refuse i exercise my right to remain silent is why i was asked to step out of the vehicle actually roll up your window and start the back off i got it on video okay all right so i want to know what i did to warrant me getting out of the vehicle in the traffic i just got off work man like what obviously my shirt's untucked i just got off work then say exercising your right to remain silent in a traffic stop is a first amendment it's a protected right that that or fifth amendment right excuse me that we all have uh we've all ever i assume that y'all have all took uh are you gonna continue to talk again let me explain why you're right but if you're gonna continue to talk then i don't need to be here well can i finish what i'm saying and also i'm going to need a complaint for him too you need to go up to the police department okay and you can request to file a complaint i'll take your complaint for you yeah i don't have to to i don't want to give it right now because obviously on the scene but uh we'll we'll file a complaint that's fine against this officer um there's no reason that i'm outside this vehicle period um other he he just got his ass chat because i refused to answer his questions and that's that's exactly what i called him on video telling you is because he said that i don't want to answer any questions and i was polite it gave him my license how you doing today will this window roll down no sir but somebody exercising their constitutionally protected rights rights that you are sworn to uphold and protect should not scare you to the point of a citizen where you feel the need to make them get out of their vehicle this is why there's a disconnect between police and citizens i i don't i don't really see the disconnect obviously because you're on the other side of the badge because you it blew isis then blue line right you guys all back each other right yes sir okay your request to get out of the car because my officer asked you a question if you were the registered owner you decided like you said to exercise your right to us that's suspicious we don't get that but is it reported stolen so what was the reason i asked me to get out then because if it's not reported stolen i don't have to tell him by law whose vehicle this is who let me borrow it how long i've had it for him i have to answer any of those questions none so that's not a reason to make somebody get out of a vehicle that's a that's a bully tactic well i'm sure that that is your view of it what do you call it i certainly apologize if you're what do you call it i don't it doesn't matter what i call it what i call it is a constitutional it's already been decided that an officer has was it within their rights and their job to ask a driver request a driver to get out of the car under what circumstances any circumstance it doesn't it doesn't go specifically you know the place law behind it or not okay no but if but but here's my thing terry versus ohio says that he could you guys can pat me down this officer has not one time patted me down for his safety but yet he felt the need for his safety to have me step out of my vehicle when i could have any number of things on me he's still not patting me down so that that just because he wanted to isn't it was just because he was mad because i wasn't answering his questions that's all it boiled down to because if he was truly concerned about his safety as soon as i got out of the vehicle he would have done a terry stop am i wrong uh so if i had had a firearm on me and got out of the vehicle that could have been a dangerous situation for an officer correct look we're getting into the realm of going if you want to go to court on it go to court we can have this conversation but i'm not looking for it out here on the on the side of the road no i just shouldn't advise that you are free to do you have do you guys have um business cards you have a business card okay my name is corporal troutman mountain police department badge 69. that's 69 bags 48.50 okay so do you guys have complaint forms at the department or if you have one with you uh i don't have any complaint forms with me um but you can go up you you're formally filing a complaint which i will be forwarding i'll get your information from this officer and i will be forwarding to my supervisor which will then will ultimately go up to the chief you have the right to talk to our chief and he will gladly sit down with you and talk with you about it sure that'd be great uh now as internal like is it you know uh turn off because i'm gonna fully request all the the documents and the outcome from it so as well as the body cams here too so as well as i've got video footage here of showing i was very polite to this officer there's no reason why i should be standing out here right right now i should have my ticket and be on my way but instead he wanted to be no instead you're choosing not to be on your way no i am right you're free to go i am free to go and i'm free to stay right absolutely we're out of here have a good day you got to go north yeah i was trying to follow y'all back to the precinct how do i get to the precinct from here where's the sonic at i'm not familiar with mount juliet okay well you go north so you see a sonic restaurant then you make a right so this is north yes sir that's north okay and is is anybody is there a watch commander on duty who's who's the what you're the watch commander okay so you're the watch commander you're the one gonna take a file the complaint too you're the one that i'm going to file a complaint to you you've already filed your complaint oh so that's that's a verbal so are you going to feel the paperwork on that tonight okay i just asked her how to get to the police station straight that way you've already did it right at the sonic it's arrested okay last question uh corporal excuse me are you gonna fill out the paperwork on the complaint where i'll be able to come get a copy of that it'll be an email via email okay so it'll all be uh department email yeah so it won't be personal anything like that okay you officers be safe have a good day you
Channel: undefined
Views: 942,395
Rating: 4.6581469 out of 5
Keywords: police fail, cops getting owned, epic fail, trump 2020, CNN LIVE, USA VETERAN, Join the army, live pd, ma Rainey, mandalorian season 2, Eminem, Hayley Atwell, SolarWinds, combat veteran, us military
Id: LueBsHoa9mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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