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[Music] good morning good afternoon and good evening wherever you are in this world thank you for clicking this video in today's topic i want to talk about our make basic training packing list essentials that i think you should bring to basic training everybody knows that your recruiter will give you a list of things that you need to bring and i want to say and i want to give you a big tip you don't have to bring everything that is on there you the trick is to pack very very light i'm going to say this again the trick is to pack very very light you will make your life so much easier so so much easier because uh yeah let me put in a perspective where you can understand if you pack so many things you're gonna have to carry all that stuff and also during reception and once you get to your basic training unit after reception there's this thing a process called layouts where the basic between those sergeants are gonna have you drop everything that you have and they're going to inspect everything and they're going to make you put things that are only allowed in their barracks and some things a lot of private and specialists just because they come in in that rank they're privates too um they don't know things that they can or cannot bring because they're misinformed they watch the wrong videos on youtube and whatnot and get bad advice but in this video just your luck i will give you just the essentials that you will need and things extra things that will make your life so much easier and efficient so let's get to it oh and i'd like to say that i put it in a list in an order that i think is of most important and then as the list goes down not optional i still recommend it but it's not as important so let's get right to it so the first item that i think is an essential to basic training um of course the clothes on your back what you're wearing the first item will be a watch this is the g-shock i didn't even purchase this a good friend of mine of me and my wife uh gave me this as a farewell gift and this is 50 but you don't have to buy this watch i actually found a cheaper watch that uh my basic battle buddies would that they had that is so much cheaper does the same job and is um yeah just a watch you don't need a special watch you don't want to bring an expensive watch i'm telling you i had this buddy who had a 300 watch um made in japan of some sort and it got stolen so do not do that you want to keep have a cheap watch and i like to say they do offer everything that i'm gonna show you um most of these things they don't have at the px exchange where you can buy at basic training when the time allows but i think while you're in the civilian world that you should buy these things because um you can get better things in the civilian world and also you just come prepared with more efficient things that i think will help you tremendously so you want to buy a watch um i want to say that everything that i'm recommending i'm going to put a link below so you can buy it um i want to say two more things i pick things that are affordable and things that i believe will make your life easier so yeah efficient affordable and make your life easier so the first one's a watch um there's a watch uh on amazon there's like 14 that's on the link in the description link below i'll buy that one and it'll make you like so much easier the next thing is a plastic card holder this car holds credit cards and uh the most important thing that you will always have to carry during your military career is your cat it's the military card that they issue to you a reception is this i can't show you because um it's sensitive information but um have anything like this not only looks professional but it also protects all the contacts uh the card content inside your cag and also like a credit card there's a chip on it and if that chip gets damaged that car no longer works and it's no longer serviceable so you want to keep everything in this so it won't damage it uh this is a lifesaver i've had a lot of battle buddies who've had the uh cat cars chip cards damaged so they had to get a new one and it's a whole process you have to actually drill sergeants they're not happy with no one's happy so keep everything safe on scratch the next item ooh this one it's an all-weather proof uh this company is called right in the rain but it's a all-weather notebook so you can write on here through all kinds of weather through rain i remember using this on during my uh hammer anvil and the last event in basic training but i went to fort leonard wood by the way foreign missouri for atlanta lost in the woods but um that's for another video but um the weather was really bad there uh and it would constantly rain and uh a lot of folks had normal notebooks like these and uh they're not weatherproof so it would it would be pointless to write on it so if you have this oh man it will save you so much struggle as you can see [Music] i've had this for like months and everything works just perfect um then all weatherproof uh notebook and also all weatherproof uh pen uh these come in sets so uh go down the link below purchase it and um it will definitely help you um this one's a big one [Music] a master padlock you need two i will go into detail but um people are you say and say why don't you just get a combination lock i say no to that reason being is it takes time to open a combination lock and sometimes um once you get to basic training you will see that it's better to have one of these because it makes everything so much easier you just put a key look that took like one second and uh but a catalog would take at least a minimum of 15 seconds that's if you don't mess up and when you're rushed and in a hurry you will most likely mess up so it'll take you a couple minute so get one of these and it's also very important because i hate to admit it in the army there's a lot of five finger discounts um your battle buddies will steal your stuff if it means covering their butts and what i mean by that is um there's a lot of gear that is issued to you like cif gear like your military equipment and stuff like you're going to need for your training exercises but if they lose those things or if you lose those things you have to pay for it so what does your battle buddy next you do it takes your stuff and claims it as a zone and yeah it's gonna happen and you're gonna see there's gonna be so much drama so save yourself trouble get one of these especially this one with a key and you won't have to go through that it goes so far as to like they'll even steal your stuff while you're doing laundry oh man i know huh you're thinking in the laundry they'll take your stuff but trust me they'll take your stuff so um keep that in mind it's a tip uh just be mindful of all your stuff and don't forget to lock your locker make it a habit because if you don't two people are going to get to it your battle buddies and your dress audience and you don't want your dress once you get in there they will toss every single little thing and i mean every single little thing so yeah so that's one two you want to get this uh tsa approved lock uh the reason being for this one is because once you go to basic training through the plane um you want to keep your book back locked i'm not saying that like uh what you call it airport personnel are not to be trusted but it's good habits to keep everything secure because you're gonna have important things in your book bag like your social security card your passport and all these things and uh you just want to go above and beyond to keep everything safe so that's one thing that i've always done so get one of these um this one a lot of people are not organized and if you buy this little nifty uh divider folder it will help you and help you help you keep organized so um you have a lot of paperwork when you get to match when you get to reception when you get to basic believe me you will get a lot of paperwork so uh keep everything in here i actually went and bought this for like a dollar at a store called daiso in california d-a-i-s-o but i don't know if that's like nationwide but i'm sure if you go to 99-cent store or you like your cheap store in your state that they will have some form of this but good thing is everything's online and i recommend buying things online into corona uh you don't want to go outside and uh get corona so buy everything online it will make your life easier and it's also cheaper next thing you're going to need a mask if you're joining post covid these are one of the requirements these are the actual issue masks face masks from haines that they're going to make you wear the reason why i say to buy a couple of these is because they only issue one to you and these get nasty um fast and if you don't want to do laundry every day it's good to have a a pair of these and they're very cheap you could get like 10 for like six bucks so i would definitely invest in that um yeah you want this um now let's get into things that you're going to need for everyday use you're going to want to buy soap case i don't have soap keys right now i lost it i think someone took it but it's okay uh you're going to want to sell case because trust me you want to practice good hygiene you don't want to leave the soap on the available spot where you know where you where to put the soap because you don't know if they clean it and you don't know how many people are putting their stove you know they're washing themselves putting the soap in spots that you don't want yourself to be in and cross contamination do yourself a favor and get a soap case and um you're going to thank me for that the next thing while we are in toilet treats toothbrush obviously is one of the things you need um i didn't put a link in the toothbrush because everybody has a toothbrush i hope um but you're gonna need one of these or uh it's a toothbrush case uh they have toothbrush cases that cover the whole toothbrush i have one of those but i just so happen to have these in hand so buy one of these because you don't want to you want to practice good hygiene like i said especially with this whole corvette 19 corona um once you get to basic training you're going to see that it's very serious they take you very seriously and you should take it seriously um yeah i can't talk about that deeper but get uh [Music] uh next this is the golden nugget for all toiletries get yourself a toiletry bag this will make your life so much easier and you'll look freaking high speed high speed um this will make your life so much easier whenever you got to do your business in the la train in the bathroom of the train it's called the bathroom just carry this bag and it makes things so much easier rather than taking like your your shaving cream your razor and all these other things toilet paper buy a toiletry bag and um this goes without saying you're going to need a razor you're going to want to buy a good razor with multiple disposable heads and of course your shaving cream i didn't put that on the list or with a link but i did put a link of this uh razor you're gonna want that you're gonna need to the last thing that you're going to need for not toiletries but bathroom essentials are these they do issue these not these particular sandals oh all the shower shoes and basic training but they issue them but they're very cheap and they break and you don't want to go through that and uh you don't want to be on your feet in the shower that's disgusting you're going to get like athlete's foot next flashlight but i would buy a headlamp but it has to be with a red light and white light lens and i like to explain that because although this is good you have to hold it if you have a headlamp it makes everything easier gives your hands you know keeps them free and also you'll learn once you get to the army you can't put anything like on your uniform or make things hang from anywhere you always have to have in your hand you have to be professional and if you have headlamp it will definitely um help keep your hands free to do other things when you're pulling fire guard especially you will be issued a weapon and [Music] you get a picture you're holding a flashlight a flashlight and a weapon yeah three more things and we're almost done with three or four different bags jumbo ziploc bags you are definitely gonna need these are multi-purpose used during basic training but it keeps things organized and also the second reason when you go to your field training exercises like the hammer and anvil you're gonna have to pack you're gonna get a packing list of all the things that you need to put in your rucksack and um if you arrange your role i'll teach you how to do ranger roll on another video just leave a comment if you like me too and like and subscribe um but if you range a role and put everything into categories in your ziploc bag not only is it gonna make it organized but if you squeeze all the air out of closing and putting your rucksack it saves so much room it makes a huge difference and trust me when you're looking you don't want a big broke side you want to have the intact impact nice and tight small so you can have less pressure on your back and shoulders all right well that'll come later external battery charger uh this is kind of self-explanatory um i'm pretty sure majority people have this but uh while you're going through the faces like red face white blue face they have yellow face now that's for another video um you're going to want to have these because along as you progress through the faces you do get privileges and phone privileges to like talk to your family tell them what's up what's going on not only that but also to just use your phone if you like some people don't call their families everybody has different family relations and that's completely fine but you're gonna want this because your battery does die even though your phone is off and the reason being is because there's external programs that go all on even though your advice is off so when you turn it on when it comes time to using it you will not have battery so you would want to have this yes people will say you can just charge it but you only get like 5-10 minutes that's if they're lenient and if you just pop this in you can use your phones right away and it helps a lot of time so get one of these um last two items have a backpack um some recruiters i've heard they issue these as a like a little gift for joining some people didn't get that service so but if you don't just make sure to just click the link below and just purchase that it's like a cheap transport backpack it's the cheapest one that i could find and yeah it'll save you a lot of money in your wallet if you don't have one make sure you buy one but you're gonna need this [Music] where you drink all your water [Music] but since i'm done with basic and i'm almost done with the aic i have one week left and i'm out of here i'm going to alaska i'll post another video about that fort wayne white alaska but anyways you're gonna want a camel bag tablet cleanser all you do is put a tablet in there put some water it dissolves it cleans your camel bag and then you can just fill it up with water again after you rinse it a couple of times and you just want to be very careful with the water that you drink because a mold a lot of people in basic training had mold in the camel bags and that would correlate to them getting sick you do not want to get sick especially with this whole health crisis going on and um you'll know once you get to basic training you'll you'll see you'll see why it's important to practice good hygiene really so um i think i've gone over everything that is essential everything will fit in that small backpack of yours [Music] and you will be packing very light so you will be easier some people came with luggage of things and they had to carry that up the stairs and all that stuff that was funny but i'm sure they didn't explain so just pack lights and i promise you if you get all these things it will make your life easier yes you can buy things at the px once you get your ego card like uh you get like an advancement pay that the army gives you of 20 50 that you can use by stuff at the store the px exchange but um honestly this will save you money time and save you a lot of stress that's a big thing i wanted to have less stress as possible going in especially during red face so consider buying these things you don't have to but i put a lot of thought into it and this will definitely make your life easier once again i want to say thank you for watching this video and like comment subscribe and push that bell notification if you like my content if you have suggestions of other topics that you'd like to hear me talk about make sure to leave a comment down below i will answer you i will answer you i will go through every comment and answer you and um hope to see you in my next video
Channel: EWLEO
Views: 2,124
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ARMY BASIC COMBAT TRAINING | PACKING LIST | ESSENTIALS |, basic combat training, basic training, basic training packing list, ARMY, US, US ARMY, U.S.A, what to bring to basic training, BCT, ARMY BCT, essential, packing, backpack, acft, apft, preparing for basic training, shipping out to basic training
Id: zn16cVLohS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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