Every New Weapon, Structure & Item Genesis Part 2 - ARK Survival Evolved DLC

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so in this video we're going to be checking out every single weapon item and structure in this genesis part 2 dlc so guys go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you found yourself enjoying this one and let me know down below which of these weapons items or structures are you most excited for oh and one more thing wildcard sponsored this video so guys check out the genesis season pass there's a link down below and uh pick it up if you haven't already for whatever reason i mean i don't know why you wasn't considering all the awesome things in this dlc and genesis part one but anyway let's get into this video so the first thing we're going to be checking out is the net projectile you need to get to level 43 to unlock it it's going to cost 12 angry points and then those materials right there to craft it you're also going to need a harpoon launcher as well which isn't new but it basically also uses this as an ammo now so you're gonna need level 43 and then all those materials to craft that as well so now that you have yourself a net projectile and your harpoon gun you can go ahead and use this on a bunch of creatures so if you point it at something and it shows up red that means that if you shoot the net it just won't work it won't trap them but if they show up green like this it will go ahead and trap them for what i believe to be 30 seconds so basically think of this as a mid-tier bola we have the normal bola that we could throw out of our hand we have this in the middle and then we have the chain bola for like the large thing so this pretty much hits all the small things and then everything in the middle so it's not going to hit super big things but estego is a pretty big creature to actually be able to hit you can also obviously hit teams and everything like that but if your team is trapped in the net it's going to have a little thing asking you to use a sharp weapon to release them so here it is in action unfortunately it shows up red for some reason even though it's my creature and then if we want to go ahead and actually free it i think maybe we might actually have to hit it with it uh cut the net using your weapon okay i'm trying it's not it's not working not exactly sure how this works but yeah so the next thing is another ammo type except this one's for the catapult this is the jar of pitch and if you want to go ahead and get that you have to get to level 35 and then this is what it costs to craft so they're actually kind of expensive in terms of oil and clay everything else should be pretty straightforward to get so um you can pretty much just shoot these straight out of a catapult that was max like height there so you can't point the catapult any further up so they actually get some decent distance watch this it should land probably like right around there i would say yeah there we go and boom now when they actually hit an area they leave fire in that area for quite some time so i'll leave that there for the moment uh let's go down here and actually try and hit something with one okay so the bronto is a pretty big target this should be pretty easy oh we're gonna need to switch the ammo types there we go so boom and it does some decent damage but obviously you're gonna really enjoy that uh that fire tick damage look at that that is going to be really really handy so yeah you can set creatures and structures on fire using this thing it's gonna be really useful i would say and it's gonna be really interesting because it's like almost like a medieval weapon as well and i really like that stuff in art so i know a lot of other people do too that bronto is almost dead goodbye buddy so the next item is the minigun it's unlocked at level 94 and it's gonna cost a decent amount of materials to craft and then 35 ingram points to unlock so let me show you what this thing could do so first of all it uses the advanced rifle bullets as its ammo and uh you can hold down left click to start up the barrel and it's gonna slowly build up the speed and start shooting out a bunch of bullets or you could just hold down right click and it will just pretty much keep it at the exact speed that you needed to be at and you can make short bursts of uh bullets like this it actually does a decent amount of damage as well but the main thing is the speed at which it can actually shoot out all those bullets another really cool thing about the minigun is that if you hold down control you can place it down onto the ground now i could have sworn that when they were talking about genesis we were supposed to be able to have a remote and then stand somewhere else and use it remotely but we don't seem to be able to do that but what you can do is mount it and just basically shoot it the exact same way as before so let's go ahead and just shoot this may wing kill it real quick no it got away oh my god you can see my hand at the back there that's super creepy that kind of frightened me oh my god all right well anyway yeah that is the minigun super awesome i actually really like this oh and of course you can pick it back up straight after like that so this next weapon is the tech bow and it's unlocked at level 116. that's really crazy and also it's not locked behind a techrum although you do need the tech replicator to craft it so it's going to cost 53 angry points and then not that many materials to go ahead and craft it this thing is is way more op than i thought because like it's relatively cheap like that's pretty expensive but at level 116 that's going to be cheap for you let me show you what it could do so it's got a bunch of different arrow types i'll just kind of cycle through them first by hitting r so this is the metal arrow and it's obviously the blue color then we have the explosive arrow which is red and then we have a tranq arrow so that means that this is a tech tier tranq weapon which is awesome and then finally we have the flame arrow so there's a couple different modes that you can do so first of all here's just the normal like projectile arrow type so we can go ahead and just shoot those and it shoots really really fast and far as well let me shoot one way off into the distance like that you can actually see the whole track of where it's going as well uh let's switch to the explosive arrow and show this off boom so yeah that's gonna be awesome uh we've also got the tranq arrow if we want to knock things out this is going to be a game changer honestly i'm so excited for this and then finally we have the flame arrow this dodec's just taken all the abuse here today but then there's something else if you hit n you're going to go to the instant hit mode let me go back this is projectile and then this is instant hit so this is essentially turning it into a bullet and i believe it's also going to cost a little bit more element to go ahead and use this although it doesn't seem like it does actually bam look at that that is insane looking so let me switch to some other arrows here so you'll know that you're in instant hit mode if you have the little light above the uh like item in your hotbar like that and uh let me switch to another arrow this is crazy looking oh my god look at that so yeah and then we've also got the track arrow here as well so it pretty much turns the arrows into bullets instead of oh hello gali it shows the mid-two bullets instead of arrows which is awesome so definitely going to be a game changer and i cannot wait to actually get to use this properly in survival so the final weapon is the tech phase pistol this thing's unlocked at level 118 for 55 engram points you craft inside of the tech replicator for all of those materials right there and again that's really not that expensive it's a lot of different things but it's not that expensive considering what this thing could do so it burns through element which is gonna be its ammo type and it's got three different modes green is represented by the heal mode we've got red for kill and then we've got stun which is blue um interestingly enough uh the kill mode is orange on the pistol but red on the crosshair so that's kind of weird anyway so let's go back to heal mode let me show you this in action so this thing is just slightly above 12 000 health let's go ahead and heal it for like five seconds or so i'll just kind of like roughly try to get this uh that was probably like roughly five seconds let's see so sometimes it takes a little bit to update but it looks like we yeah there we go we basically got 500-ish health onto that thing so that's pretty amazing honestly you can have multiple people hitting the exact same target to go ahead and heal it a lot quicker as well so that's going to be great but it doesn't work on wild creatures it probably does work on enemy creatures but that's kind of hard for me to test out right now so yeah this is gonna be really great so let's hop down here let's test this thing out in some of its other modes so we've got kill mode which is insane and for this i'm actually gonna probably need a big target so i guess we'll check out stun mode first so let me show you stun mode if you want to stun something you have to build up the stun charge like that right up to 100 now in a big target you're probably gonna need multiple people actually hitting that thing so let me go ahead and trap this may wing right here and then i'll stun this thing and oh wow i completely missed i thought that would hit it wow okay i'm awful here come on look at it get into the net all right sweet uh here we go so stun mode on some creatures is a little bit slower as you can see it goes up relatively fast on this guy but not as fast as the obvious but i think if you hit them in the head uh some creatures that can actually take head shots they seem to actually get stunned a lot quicker so here let's go to kill mode i might be able to show this off properly on this dude so kill mode you build up like this damage meter oh what is happening right now okay yeah this thing wasn't powerful enough let me see is there something else i can hit with that so this is weird but you're not actually able to stun a bronto so i guess that there's a certain size of creature that you just can't stun with this thing but you can of course use the kill mode on it and as you can see that damage is building up and just watch how much we do towards the end here it's gonna get up to like six wow okay we didn't we didn't even get up to the backs right there it was doing 190 damage though towards the very end which is just ridiculous so you basically build up that damage meter and you're gonna pretty much destroy whatever you're hitting a lot quicker than so here let me let me try it on a stego maybe maybe we'll have like a better time using it on this dude here okay come on let me build it up fully now this thing's probably gonna die before we get there or will it oh yeah it's dead great so yeah i've actually seen this thing get up to like 280 damage uh just like hitting something like that so that is honestly insane if you just have a bunch of people using these on like an enemy team you'll probably take it down immediately i mean like they're kind of ridiculously opie uh they do burn through element like i said but yeah they're still really really opie so the last thing is the tech canteen yeah that's right we're actually finally getting a new tier of water holding vessel so the tech canteen can hold nine drinks inside of it but it also gives you this nice little iced water effect right here which will definitely come in handy on scorched and we also have stamina drain reduction as well so honestly this thing is going to be awesome so let me show you how to actually unlock that you need to get to level 101 to unlock it and it's again not that expensive you're probably going to want to invest in just one of these to be honest you're not really going to need two gone are the days of carrying around like four or five canteens just because you're going on like a long ass trip or something like that but yeah that's gonna be awesome one thing i haven't actually been able to test out is whether or not they drain on scorch but i i have a feeling that they don't but at the same time they probably do okay so next thing is the vehicles we're gonna start out with the canoe it's unlocked at level eight for ten angry points and it really does not cost that much to craft so you can place this directly into water just like a raft but you can actually pick it back up whenever you want as well three people can ride in this thing and the more people in it means the faster that you're gonna be able to get and the more control over the canoe that you're gonna have so as you can see five thousand health we have two thousand weight and it also reduces the spoil timer of uh items inside of it as well so that is awesome anyway here's uh here's the thing right it's it's kind of really difficult to control as a single person because like look at this freaking turn radius oh my god look at that we are going all the way around this whole river honestly i think this would be really interesting in the uh canyons area on ragnarok and speaking of why it might actually be extra interesting over there um we have we have some skins for the canoe this was a major surprise to me i have no clue how to get these right now um but if i find out i'll try and leave a comment down below so if anybody knows maybe let me know maybe i'll heart your comment um so we've got three different ones we've got the viking one which is just obviously everybody's favorite i don't even need to like we don't even need to take a poll this is obviously gonna be everyone's favorite look at this thing it's so beautiful looking so we've got a bunch of different shield patterns on the side there and just oh my god it looks so awesome are those dodos i feel like those might be dodos oh my god yeah that's the viking one we've also got the uh modern one right here which is nice i mean like it definitely will have its place it doesn't look as nice as some of the other ones but it's nice anyway um let's go ahead and hop onto the tech ones so this is an odd one but yeah we have a little tech canoe and obviously these are just skins it's not gonna change anything um but it does look pretty cool i do like this type of stuff okay so this next vehicle is the tech hover sale you unlock it at level 112 for 45 angry points and it cost a decent amount of materials to craft and uh you also have to craft it inside of the tech replicator so this is another vehicle you basically deployed from your hotbar and you can go ahead and actually pick it back up as well if you want to so this is going to be probably pretty difficult to explain how to use i feel like most people should probably just give it a go themselves but um it runs on element you keep that in your inventory and uh yeah i'll try and explain this as best as i can so forward and space and oh hang on we gotta do like double tap space there we go so when you see those kind of like rng jets right there that means that you're like basically engaging your thrusters to go upwards and when you're in the air like this you can actually perform tricks so if you hold down left click let's try and get those thrusters back on oh okay i think i ran out of them it's very confusing i'm gonna have to probably spend like a long ass time testing these things out to fully understand it but let me try and do that again so we have our thrusters on and we're gonna do some tricks so hold down left click and then if you hold forward you do that trick you hold back you do that trick left is that and then let's uh do right and then that is right right there so that one is apparently the superman um i don't know if there's any more tricks i from what i can tell you can't combine uh two buttons to do a different one so i think there's just four but basically the benefit of doing tricks is gonna basically give you more boost it's gonna speed you up make you go a little bit faster so let's do a couple of them here let's try and there we go i like this one actually it's like a grab my hand kind of situation so yeah here there's a superman for you and then let's do one of these back ones i love that one that one's awesome looking so yeah as you can see i have 50 boost which seems to be the max and we get like a little score as well and there we go i got 20 000 points for that i'm not really sure what that does i don't know if it translates to anything or gives you anything maybe there's some sort of scoreboard on each server or something like that but this is also a two-person um ride so let me show you that real quick you have somebody sitting on the front and the passenger seat and you can pull out weapons on the seat right here unfortunately oh wait i can go into k-mode awesome i didn't think i could so yeah we could go ahead and just shoot from the front while somebody drives me around and uh of course you can pick it up and everything and it has 1500 weight and 5000 health and uh yeah it is really cool and oh by the way if you leave them out for too long they self-destruct probably so you can have just tons of lag all over the server that's definitely a smart idea so there is another vehicle but we're not going to be covering it in this video because i've already covered it in another video there's going to be a link to that one in the end slate of this video so this is the exo mech it's unlocked as a tech rum and uh obviously that means you're going to need to fight rockwell at the very end of the dlc and those are the materials it cost to craft it's relatively expensive but it's really good for what you actually get okay so the next thing is the egg incubator it's unlocked at level 89 for 55 ingram points and it's gonna cost a decent amount of materials to craft but it's totally going to be worth it considering everything that it can do so first of all um you can only have three of them in an area at one time so let me try and place another one as you can see we so we need to go out of the radius to be able to place another one and the way that it works is let me start up fresh here so let's pop an egg in there and what we want to do is we want to look at the egg and figure out exactly where we need to be with the temperature so this is where we this is where we are and this is where we need to be so we're going to need to increase it by one degree to basically appeal to that egg right there so as you can see i did that by one degree brought it up to 26 degrees and that's going to add an incubation boost to it by 20 so obviously on this server i have the stats set up so these things happen really quick but on official this is going to mean that you're going to be able to hatch an egg 20 quicker than without using this i mean like that's going to be a definite game changer but also look at this so when we have an egg in here you can see all of these different uh like stats and stuff on the screen here so first of all we can see what the baby will be so we can see if it's got any mutations currently this one does not we can see all of its color regions and all the stats that it will have now if i want to hatch this creature i can go ahead and just quickly do that by here let me go inside and go ahead and hatch that boom so then the dodo is hatched up and it is right here in front of it but let's drop another egg in there and let me just show you a couple other different things that you can do so all three of these are perfect because it's perfectly suited for dodos so if you have like a bunch of different things breeding you're probably better off just doing one of them at a time in the single egg incubator unless they require the same temperature so uh obviously if i was to go ahead and change up the temperatures i could probably like decrease it by a bunch as you can see it's telling you that it's too cold and if you bring it up by a bunch it's going to tell you that it's too hot so obviously you just want it to be perfect for these dudes so let's just leave it on that for the moment and uh you know what these eggs are not great i don't really want any of them actually we should probably check and see if there's any mutations on them just to show that off no not right now so yeah none of these dodos are worth hatching so if i want i could just go ahead and destroy the egg so this is going to be an absolute game changer you don't have to hatch every single egg that you have you can go ahead and just see what they're going to be and then decide whether or not you want to even raise up that creature this is crazy this is so cool i love it so much and also just in general like this actual egg incubator looks really cool i love the little like dodo egg almost like the dvd screen like it's like it's flying all over the screen i'm kind of waiting for it to like hit the corner you know and bounce i know i know most people probably know what i'm talking about so um yeah you can run these things off of normal power but i obviously have a tech generator back there and uh yeah they're really awesome i love this so much it's such a great feature for vanilla because you like we definitely deserve something like this after all these years and it's just awesome so the next thing is the loadout mannequin something that i'm extremely excited about in this dlc so once you place it down you can just walk up to it and if you have all the stuff in your inventory whatever way you want it to all be you just hit swap all and it will all go into the loadout mannequin and the order that you have it in so then i can hit that again pull it all back or i can just go ahead and swap into a different set so it's gonna make swapping between different kits a lot quicker but also gearing up going into battle is gonna be a lot quicker as well so say if i wanna go out on a taming trip i'm probably gonna want this one but if i wanna go out and fight things i'm probably gonna want that and if we want to do tech stuff this is going to be the one for us so let's quickly switch to this and then destroy this dodo because it's really annoying me oh man so yeah this is awesome um you can actually also go up to it and then switch the poses on it as well so you have a couple different obviously with the shield it kind of messes it up but you got a couple different uh poses here and there we go i think yeah that's probably all of them you can also have it as a dps thing as well so it's kind of like the training dummy so i can go ahead and use my weapons on this so let's actually try that a little bit do i have ammo uh yeah i have ammo for this so let's test this out then and boom so i can go ahead and just test out my weapons and some other stuff like that and uh it's gonna show me the dps there we go awesome so um it's got a couple other little options as well you can enter the back inventory because there's two inventories there's one at the back which is the hot bar and then there's this one here which is the full inventory so you can add more items in here so i don't know say let's just have some of those so that's gonna be in there and then once i swap into it it's also gonna give me that as well as you can see so um yeah this is awesome i really love it a lot um you can also actually name them to have the name up above and there's i think there's a couple other options like there's a lot with this thing and it's awesome i really i think this is such a great idea we can now display armor sets and it's gonna look awesome i can't wait to actually just decorate my other bases on other series with all this stuff because like i've been waiting for it i've been so excited for it oh i forgot to mention the lowdown mannequin is unlocked at level 23 for eight ingram points and it doesn't actually cost that many materials to craft as well so this next thing is the ammo box it's unlocked at level 29 for 24 ingram points and it's not that expensive to make think of this thing as a feeding trough for turrets so here's the really cool part though once you add in these different types of ammos they start to appear on the actual stack so we've got boulders and cannonballs right now chain bowlers are down here rockets right here uh ballista bolts right there element shards and then we've got our salt rifle ammo now i think that's all the ones that actually can appear i would have thought jar of pitch could but it actually it doesn't appear on this for some reason so i definitely think this is a really nice look for it though i like the way that you can actually see from a distance what's going to be inside of it so you can kind of like judge whether or not you even want to rate it but also you can walk right up to it if it's in your tribe and it will show you everything that's inside of it and how much of each of those items is inside so you don't actually need to go ahead and count so this is awesome it also actually does not have like an inventory cap so you can put all of your ammo in here i would say i love that i really do anyway that is the ammo box so the next thing we're going to be checking out is the tech crop plot you unlock it at level 104 for 32 ingram points and you have to craft it inside of a tech replicator and power with a tech generator it costs those resources right there so uh it's pretty expensive and you basically can grow crops wherever you want you don't actually need to grow crops inside of like an area with light you can do this completely inside of a cave but you can also get greenhouse effect and everything on this you're still gonna need fertilizer and water to actually get the crops growing and uh speaking of crops growing there's uh five new types of seeds in this dlc that we're going to be going over these are the r seeds so there's r1 to r5 and they're represented by different colors and this is essentially what they are so they're pretty much weird rockwell tentacle seeds this one here produces uh raw meat that's r1 then r2 is fish meat r3 is spoiled meat r4 is prime and then r5 is uh prime fish so that one actually is pretty interesting so yeah this is uh this is crazy it honestly is this is so cool the tentacles that we'd seen before are weird plants that we can grow for meat it sounds horrifying but um everything in this dlc is horrifying so yeah they've got different colors and like health bars and everything on them and everything so you probably want to keep them alive i imagine that they could probably be hurt by weapons let's try this out all those might not work yeah because they're my tribe all right well anyway yeah so you can also grow all of the other different types of crops and everything inside of these crop plots that is a plant species ex planted oh by the way i might as well just mention this in here because like i'm sure people are probably wondering where to find the seeds right here there's tons of seeds in this area right here and it's uh it's this giant building right here hang on let me fly up a little bit so it's right beside the tech trench this giant building just head on in there and there's a ton of seeds for plant species x no other plant species in there though unfortunately so um yeah that is uh it's really cool like these crop plots are awesome um it's gonna definitely make it a little bit easier to make your crops because you don't actually have to worry about the light and everything but uh you still need the greenhouse effect which is very surprising i didn't think we'd need that but uh i don't know they're still pretty cool and uh yeah that is the tech croplot so this is the tech surveillance console and inside of this you can go ahead and craft a bunch of cameras that you can then place down around the map you can place them anywhere on the map as well so this is awesome i've already placed down a bunch of them so let's go ahead and check some of them out now in the trailer they made it look like you could actually fly around with these things but i don't think you're able to but you can actually oh it's a little bit laggy you can actually uh check out a couple different camera modes so you've got like the normal like tech helmet kind of mode here and then um here let me try and get to a different one where there's actually going to be like creatures so here's another one here um there's no creatures here let's switch to the next one it actually also shows the coordinates and everything i thought we'd be able to actually go ahead and fly them away so i figured all right i'll just place them in like areas of the top of mountains and stuff but it doesn't look like we can it definitely looked like we could uh when we were uh watching the trailer but you know what i don't think we're gonna actually be able to see any creatures at all here yeah i placed some of the worst spots i didn't realize okay here let me get out of here real quick it's a little bit laggy though when you're trying to like uh you're trying to um move around on everything by the way if you spawn them in you got to place them inside to actually get them all connected up and everything so i'll just place all those in there for the moment let's place one down just like over here or something near some creatures so yeah placing them down kind of just shows a beam back to where you have the actual console unit so let's go ahead and check this out then so i want to check out that new camera i think we're on it right now right yeah tech camera six so you can go ahead and also rename all these so you could have them as like base location in like highlands or whatever you know um so here we go are we able to see oh i didn't mean to do that so it doesn't look like we're able to actually check out the levels and stuff on this like they definitely made it sound like we'd be able to fly them around and look at levels on creatures and my god what is this thing doing why is it just staring at the camera can it see me that's so creepy i don't even know what's happening why can't i go into k-mode that's so weird anyway yeah um this is very odd but uh yeah the cameras oh there we go we can see them if they get right up to us okay i thought that we'd be able to fly them around i'm kind of disappointed that we can't but imagine that probably would have been super laggy so yeah that is the tech surveillance console um it's pretty cool looking as well um obviously we can also see all of the different cameras in here if we want to go to a particular one it shows coordinates and everything so i want to look at camera three and we're almost at camera three come on there we go nice so now we can do like a hidden camera reality show in ark this is gonna be amazing i can't wait oh completely forgot to mention 108 and 60 engram points and then that's how much it costs to craft and the cameras each cost these materials right here okay so we have two new resources we have mutagel and muted gin you can get muted gel by visiting the asteroid field in the very center of the map there's a couple other ways to get it as well i do believe but we're not going to go over that in this video we're going to go ahead and place a bunch of this into the chemistry bench right here because then we can go ahead and actually craft up some muted gins so if you put in 800 meter gel you get six mutagens so it's really not that much of a conversion so i already have a bunch of it here let me show you what this stuff actually does so if you feed this to creatures well first of all you got to put it into the creature and it's going to tell you how much it's going to cost to upgrade that creature so right here it's telling me it's going to cost 95 so let's pull out so as you can see it's going to require one more exactly 95 on the dot boom we have boosted up the creature we've got like a little dot beside the name now um and it's also like on the little picture there as well but it also boosted up the level this was a 150 now it's a 170 it boosts up the health the stamina the weight and then also the melee stats so this is kind of insane apparently you can't use it on bread creatures though i haven't tried but it does say it right there it can be used to improve the statistics of non-bred dinos but think of the possibilities of creatures that you cannot breed in ark rock drakes like golems we've got like so many creatures that cannot be bred griffins now you can boost them up by like 20 levels which is just honestly kind of insane so um yeah mutagen that is really cool i think a lot of people were pretty confused when we heard about this about a week or two ago a lot of people were saying like it's gonna it's gonna like transform the creatures and like it was kind of silly but yeah basically it just improves the stats guys it's not gonna like give them tentacles and stuff though that would be cool but it's not gonna give it to them okay so these are just the last few items that you get for defeating the boss fight so right here is the head trophy and it is so horrifying looking let me just gamble up so you can see some of the detail um there's like a bunch of weird like i don't even know there's like teeth all up the side like uh it's so horrifying looking so yeah there is rockwell and then here is the new flag right here and then the older flag from aberration for comparison so my god this this dude he uh he went through quite the transformation um i mean like he didn't really have a proper face there and now he somewhat kind of resembles a person but he's still a monster and then this is the last item this is a new costume that you get for the character completely replaces your chess piece so uh you can't actually wear a chess piece when you're wearing this but uh yeah it's um it's essentially the corrupted or not corrupted the mutated survivors from the boss fight and they're like 10 feet tall in there but obviously survivors can't be that tall but um yeah these these guys are really scary looking and i love the fact that we actually get the costume for it and it is diable by the way and i've already done that anyway guys that is it for today if you have enjoyed this video go ahead do me a favor hit the like button it took a lot of effort to figure out all this stuff and put it all together for this one video so hope you guys appreciate the effort and uh yeah check out the genesis season pass like i said at the start of the video and uh yeah catch you in the next one you
Channel: Syntac
Views: 459,535
Rating: 4.9415541 out of 5
Keywords: Syntac, Syntac Ark, Syntac Genesis, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark Genesis, Ark Genesis Part 2, Ark Gen2, Ark Genesis 2, Ark Ammo Box, Ark Egg Incubator, Ark Loadout Mannequin, Ark Federation Crop Plot, Ark Security Camera, Ark Canoe, Ark Hoversail, Ark Minigun, Ark Tek Bow, Ark Tek Pistol, Ark Federation Tek Armor, Ark Exo Mek, Ark Mutagel, Ark Mutagen, Ark Rockwell Plants, Ark Viking Canoe, Ark Tek Canoe, Ark Modern Canoe, Ark Jar of Pitch, Ark Net Gun
Id: Gz8vologUmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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