The Story of ARK Explained: The Island

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since its official release in 2017 wildcards Ark survival evolved to gained much attention from both the gaming elite and the average player this is due largely in part to the size and possibility held within the game itself when I first started playing Ark I was immediately curious to its story at first I assumed it was a game about cavemen in the Jurassic era but soon discovered things that simply wouldn't fit with this genre from unnatural dinos to straight-up robotic armor after learning about the explore notes I was immediately interested and fixed on learning the lore of Arc because there is no single player or story mode experiencing this lore is completely up to the player wild card doesn't forget about those who are willing to spend their time searching for this story though because they have provided the Ark community with an amazingly crafted and written account that answers nearly any survivors questions if you're interested in these notes and have not yet read them go watch my previous videos shameless promotion in this video we will be going over the entire story of the island from first spawn to the end boss following the four authors who have told it in personal accounts thanks so much for tuning in and a big thank you to those who have followed me up until now enjoy survivor after reading the first few notes it's easy to see that the diverse cast of authors face their impending survival with different attitudes our first author is Sir Edmund Rockwell a self-loving chemist from 19th century London Rockwell's opinion of both himself and the island are very obvious from the first note from his first days on the island Rockwell focuses his efforts on studying the plant life instead of actually surviving his questions are not about his family back home or how or why he is awoken in this strange world but about the properties of the world itself soon enough he accumulates a following of other survivors and builds a settlement which he dubs Rockwell Manor his newfound allies become assistance to his studies and other tribes that have begun to form here of his intelligence because of this Rockwell becomes a sort of neutral party and mediator to different disputes in the island the next author is Gaius Marcellus Nerva Nerva is a power-hungry warrior from around 100 BC Rome as he arrives on the island he is immediately disgusted at the disorder of the survivors fighting like dogs over scraps of meat he cultivates allies who he deems fit to be Legionnaires in his army and slowly grows more powerful with writing soldiers after a brief period of peace Nerva begins attacking surrounding tribes in hope of conquering and eventually ruling the island acting under the belief that his God's sent him to govern these people not every survivor intended to lead however as shown through our next author maeín Lee a young fighter from the Three Kingdoms era of China because of her history as she grew up defending her town from the crossfire of the Yellow Turban rebellion against the Han Dynasty around 100 AD in China Mei Yin has become quite the soldier after waking up in the shores of the island she expresses no desire to join a tribal war team with people as the first survivors she meets I her like meat and attempt to overtake her she massacres them with little effort however and ventures into the dense jungles alone in the absence of human contact Mei masters the technique of taming dinosaurs and soon forms a powerful pack of raptors to fight and defend her finally we are given the journal entries of helena walker the author of all of the dinosaur dossiers and a biologist from modern-day australia and even confirmed by wildcard to be the woman riding a raptor on the box for the game like rockwell helena was far more interested in studying the island than anything else most of her accounts illuminate different theories and oddities of the ecosystem on the land unlike rockwell however the awe and wonder at the island soon wears off as she realizes something bigger than just survival might drape these castaways before we dive into the real story however let's take a look about what we know about the island itself firstly the island has set spawn points near water sources and different materials in order to aid survivors early game looking beyond this you can see that these locations are strategically placed around green coastal areas as less dangerous beasts tend to spawn eaten this seems logical from a gaming standpoint but wild car went a step further their choice of spawn points and patterns of Dino appearance suggests not just a developers foresight but the work of some other intelligence on the island now topographically the default map for Ark is extremely diverse and versatile boasting six different geological regions including the tundra a mountain range forests jungles swamps and Plains as well as individual islands that branch off from these and lush ocean worlds beneath them three towering obelisk Sloat above different points on the island forming a triangle for so many different regions each having their own wildlife is ecologically impossible in of itself not to mention the state of their inhabitants as helena walker said in just her sixth note going through my notes i've realized that there are more predators than prey across this entire island by almost double that's the opposite of how any ecosystem is supposed to work so if this world is so logically impossible then how does it exist and how did people from different planes of existence end up here well let's get into the story after establishing his settlement rockwell begins experiments on as many humanoid subjects as he can eventually convincing members of nearby tribes to submit to his testing under the ruse of free food as tensions between nervous army the new legion and other tribes intensify rockwell meets Nerva with the intent to reason with him but finds he actually agrees with nervous efforts siding with his cause after this all subjects soon withdraw from Rockville's experiments upon discovering the dangers leaving his work completely frozen to break his intense boredom that soon sued rock wil decides to go spelunking a type of cave exploration and becomes the first survivor to uncover an artifact according to his writings he found the artifact in a remote northern ke meaning he either encountered the artifact of the sky Lord or the artifact with the devourer according to his tribe placement on the map it is more likely that he found the artifact of the devourer matching the style of the artifact with one of the obelisks rock while soon draws a connection between the two entities he is soon obsessed with the obelisks and focuses all of his efforts on researching them rock wall bargains with other tribes like the howling wolves to hunt down these artifacts for him to which they eventually comply Nerva hears about Rockville studies and offers his army to help research as well as test subjects in exchange for only Rockwell's counsel up until this point may Yan and Helena have been progressing on the island not beholden to a single tribe Mayim continues in her distrust for other survivors but expresses her compassion and humanity by giving aid to other tribes in need for herd grows steadily becoming more family than tames and her closest being a black Raptor named moose weed soon Helena walker arrives in her territory hoping to study Malians animals at first she did not trust this stranger but with time they grew to be friends discussing recipes and mysteries of the island helena had gained a public friendship with Bravo confiding in him often as a scientific equal viewing him as even a father figure because of this she eventually had to leave Mayon to her lonely land once more when enlisted by a tribe in need called the painted sharks maeín realized that little squabbles of her territory and food were no longer her largest concern the new legion had set its sights on the painted sharks promising their defeat as the war eventually arrived the new legions strode confidently to the walls of the painted sharks artillery at the ready as they began their seed maeín exploded from the treeline with her army of dinos and toppled the new legions forces earning her her largest victory yet though she saved the painted sharks her power frightened them and though they kept her near they closed their eyes to her attempts at conversation painted sharks and Mei Yin brought the war to the new Legion territory and hopes to end the terror once and for all however in the night the forces were attacked and set ablaze by new legion spies because of their fear the painted sharks banished Mei Yin from their tribe blaming her for the attack news of Mahon's victories had spread by this point causing people to give her the title of beast queen woman who controlled the beasts of the island but could not side with any man thrust into her seclusion once more maeín soon comes face to face with the terrifying to Ghent force whom she names the demon king his eyes burn with fury and no enemy can topple him after a great struggle she manages to tame him learning that his fury does not end even under her command forcing her to keep him away from the rest of her pack at this point Helena studies have pushed her to question the island and everything that happens on it she has come to a conclusion that it is being governed or curated by something else and refuses to fall victim to its wonder anymore after learning about the mystery of the obelisks from Rockwell's she enlists Mei Yin and travels to the nearest tower with artifacts in hand they enter and defeat the mega Pittacus one of the islands and game bosses returning to an awaiting new Legion army the demon king attacks immediately and loses control killing anything in its path in the chaos loose weed drags and injured Mei Yin to safety and dies soon after helena is nowhere in sight may he involuntary Nerva following them to the final terminal discovering that they had acquired all of the artifacts and defeated the mega Pittacus the brood mother and the dragon the army opens the portal and as they walk through Mei Yin Frieza caged Helena Helena became a prisoner of war because of her knowledge of the island and the anger Rockwell held for her so called betrayal of researching without him Helena contests Mei Yin going through the portal to kill Nerva receiving a clean knockout punch in return after awaking Helena enters the portal to search for her friend but is met instead with a battlefield when I came to I searched the whole station but the only signs of Mei Yin & nervo were a few ounces of dried blood no bodies and no victors bare floating outside the window and surrounded by machinery was the very island that I had been and it too was orbiting high above the earth along the countless other stations just like it the ecosystem on the island wasn't just curated it was completely artificial from the ground up after this Helena is the final author to ascend though we don't have any Explorer notes accounting the actual boss fight we have access to it in game upon entering Space Station three screens around the survivor each depicting one of the creature bosses as shown through small Holograms moving to the next room a hologram of Jurassic earth and Pangaea is displayed across from what seems to be a spawning chamber injecting different dinosaurs into the island the hologram highlights different land areas suggesting the regions that the matching dinos come from after progressing a similar room can be seen with a modern-day earth formation displaying human figures in the injection chamber this is the area that survivors are filtered into the Ark's next a third hologram of Earth is shown deserted and dry large red patches paint the outlines of the now dead planet the injection chamber shows the outline of what appears to be humans floating in front of the shape of an implant posing many new questions progressing the survivor comes across a bridge in the craft showing the island far below supply crates shoot down all around providing an answer to their origin after progressing to the final room a large outline of the island floats center stage highlighting different points in a foreign script before dissolving into a cloud of particles and animating a stationary implant shaped object the fight is long with many minions but once defeated something incredible happens the room bursts into light as a hologram of the solar system appears showing the earth surrounded by arcs flying high above the surface a single arc is outlined in red indicating a malfunction on the craft this malfunction being the murder of the overseer the survivor then begins ascension flying through space away from the craft a dead earth and dozens of other arks shoot pass [Music] the implant reverberates and activates with some kind of energy before the survivor dissolves into the same kind of cloud as the overseer before being injected into the next art theater of scorched earth wildcards second Canon DLC [Music] now that we've completed the progression of the story let's move on to some of my theories as little beyond the explore notes themselves are confirmed by wildcard as canon the first and more widely accepted theory is aliens an invasion would explain the strange hyper advanced technology and gigantic floating obelisks as well as the many floating spacecrafts and overseers aliens arrived on earth and engaged in an extinction worthy war with mankind rendering the planet uninhabitable after the war is won these beings raised giant chunks of engineered land into space harboring the last surviving humans from a dead planet however this theory does not explain the survivors origins on different points of the timeline or why dinosaurs were inexplicably reanimated and placed on these chunks of floating rock and wild card' even evaded the question of aliens stating why does it have to be aliens suggesting another culprit theory too depicts a deeper story the ark game is set hundreds maybe even millions of years into the future from war and greed to overpopulation and use of the land earth has died and man begins to die out with it because the scene is set so far in the future mankind has developed and perfected new types of technology and properties maybe even the ability to capture the human spirit my theory is that the final inhabitants of earth began project ark an effort put in place to fight the extinction of mankind the survivors on the island are genetically perfected human bodies implanted with the chosen consciousness perhaps dead humans who bought a place on the art before extinction in a spacecraft the human injection chamber acts exactly as the dinosaur one seeming extremely modified and predetermined yet be a thorough spirit chamber moves differently an ominous ghost perhaps not even a hologram floats beyond the glass before a giant implant perhaps the implant is human consciousness fused with some sort of futuristic technology this could explain the authors different origins this advanced man could have pluck'd worthy candidates from any point in history this theory however does not explain why the authors retain their memories from before the island but no current survivors there is no lore or story connected to any survivors past how long as ascension as well as this assuming the overseer is created by man why does it attack the survivors that enter the ship why is there even an entrance point to the ship in the first place and why is all of the writing in the craft in a different non-human hand why would a sentient being oversee the Ark's and not more humans beyond these questions it is clear to see that the islands and other masses are here to protect humanity in one form or another this is where the name Ark originates the arcs are arcs of life plucked and chosen to survive against all odds during this time of utter destruction thanks so much for watching the summary and wrap-up of the island make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on future content and stay tuned for the continuation of the Explorer note series - scorched earth [Music]
Channel: Kona Voice
Views: 2,283,140
Rating: 4.9158258 out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark: survival evolved, the story of ark, ark explorer notes, kona, how to play ark, how to survive in ark, how to tame in ark, theories of ark, ark boss fight, ark overseer, ark music, thickfreedom, syntac, nooblets, tagbacktv, ark extinction, ark aberration, ark ragnarok, scorched earth ending, scorched earth boss fight, next ark dlc, next ark game, how to download ark for free, ark storyline
Id: TLf2rCj5b2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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