Ark: Survival Ascended - Rhyniognatha Taming Giant Bug! ASA E33 Ark Ascended Gameplay

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oh I hope I can make it 7 6 5 4 3 oh come on dude oh crap all right well that sucked what's up guys it's king daddy dmac and welcome welcome back to another episode of Ark survival ascended that that's right oh my goodness I have the wrong emote on come on stop that stop it all right let's fix that real quick there we go there we go you know from doing thumbnails and silly stuff but anyway we return kind of licking our wounds from last episode we tried to tame up that crazy new bug thing and we were not very successful however we learned a lot and in combination with all the Epic and awesome tips and tricks that you guys gave me in the comments I think we're going to go for it again I think our problem was we didn't bring good chance was that we didn't bring the health down low enough um you know it's it's a problem that you have when you have super good uh weapons and everything so I went ahead I crafted up a whole bunch of ammo we've actually got a lot of ammo in drops so much of it that we don't like I didn't have to make that much but I made a bunch and um I made sure that we have a lot of the like primitive ones that aren't super overpowered so this way we can be a little bit more careful got super lucky got a metal tree platform in a drop so pretty cool there um also went out got a little bit of honey made myself a little bit of extraordinary kibble and a few cakes just in case we need it cuz peep said that we got to keep our health of our creature up so yeah check already transported it over to the Redwoods and we also got last episode an amazing quetzel oh it is so very cool I am really loving how things are coming together um unfortunately we still have not got a quz egg I've been on for a while and it it's just not happening so that is one of the things I did research the bug can request so unfortunately if it asks for it we're not going to have it yet I could wait longer but you know it's pretty late in the day as it is we also got another beaver I believe yeah which I think we're going to bring one of these beavers not right now but later on down to the Redwoods to live in there because it's kind of a hassle bringing a mammoth around over there although we could do it with the quest I do forget that but still I feel like a beaver would be a better pit so anyway all things being said I have already gone out I have already flown around 4 hours got tons of new phermones everything that we're going to need and there is there is a pretty good one on the map it's not as good as the one that we had yesterday but I think it will have to do so we're going to try our luck at this again now another possibility is that it just won't work in the tree platform it may have been either distracted by other stuff that was there or it may just not be able to do it in that small of a space so I don't know I'm going to hope that's not the case cuz we're going to be doing the uh tree platform again I feel like it was a nice little confined area so and you know it's real close to the fridge and everything that we're going to need for all the different feedings and everything like that so let's hope that we can get it done if this doesn't work I I I just don't even care about this stupid bug it looks l so easy when I looked up other people doing it online I swear so I don't know maybe we just had you know it just wasn't meant to be yesterday but anyway you know we're going to try it again so I will meet you on over at the Redwoods we also got to see how our babies are doing funny enough um we hatched out three baby bronos the one over at my base where I logged out fully grown fully grown when I came back in this morning the two over there they were still juvenile like tiny juvenile so it was kind of weird um it kind of tells me that time does uh not kind of go the same I think it's cuz I was a player wasn't over by it so interesting may have to look at some server settings but uh in any case you know good things to know anyway guys please wish me luck and show that support by slamming that thumbs up button and if you're new to the channel or you haven't yet seriously what are you waiting for it is the perfect time to subscribe also be sure to come check out the Discord all are welcome the link is in the description below and it is also if you're interested in joining the ASA member server is the place that you need to be at we do have crossplay now so yes if you play an Xbox and soon soon it's not out for PlayStation yet but once it does come out for PlayStation you'll be able to join it with that as well so well it's first first time ever been able to do that it's so cool I'm so excited about it but yes if you're interested just make sure to head on over to the Discord anyway let me just get my stamina back and I'll meet you over in the Redwoods all right just about back um our main Bronto is fully healed up I did use a couple of Veggie cakes on it um let's go ahead and snap this lower one in how how do we do this so that they're I want them to be like perfectly aligned I wonder if I have to do them at the same exact time you know what I mean cuz it does turn we don't want it to turn let me see is that let's zoom out a little bit how does one get it exactly perfect oh well let's just do it yolow no it moved all right let's hope that it moved in a good way it looks pretty good but anyway all right we have a second platform now so couple of different things I'm not entirely sure I've never built in a tree platform before so I'm not entirely sure what I want to do here um let's get this cleared out just so we can see better really oh hello ter Birds go away all right we cleared out so having two tree platforms I don't know if it's better to try and make a area down below with our guys up on top um the only thing is we don't have a Bronto there um and we could get a Bronto there but not today so we're probably going to want to do The Taming part on top but that being said we'll probably want to move as many of our creatures and stuff that could be distractions down below so what I'm going to do is I'm going to throw in some Behemoth Gates just for now just cuz you know we have them it's quick and this actually did like well it didn't trap the creature it did seem to work pretty well I also crafted my very first vault as you can see a lot of this stuff is about to like it's about to break that's why I brought over some smithies that's why I brought over um metal and all that sort of stuff what do I need to I don't have all that here all right so that's probably going to break soon the fridge funny enough did not get touched one of the bins got destroyed while the other bin is perfectly fine and still full full of berries our babies are here they're just flying so they'll probably end up Landing eventually yeah see they're right there I can't move all right some I yeah it's kind of a mess so I think we should move a couple of things down out of the way just so there's less distractions I should I can't pick everything up so I'm hoping the Vault cannot get destroyed by it and then I have I moved like all the important stuff down into the Vault and you know I'm assuming this other one's just going to break I'll replace it once it does whoever fabricator I picked it up cuz it never took damage so yes all all these things they're going on um and then I also should probably move beds to down below um the generator did not get hurt it probably can get hurt but yeah so let me work some of this stuff out and we can move a couple of our creatures down here just so they're out of the way oh man this sounds terrifying here I really feel like the um I didn't mean to hit you bro but but whatever it really feels like the tree at least this tree platform is a lot lower than it used to be which is kind of scary but at the same time we might be able to like build ramps or something to get future creatures up all right can I break this tree is this a breakable tree cuz this is the one that's really annoying I think it I think it can be broken but it's not working for me let's hop off real quick all right n none of this stuff really matters but anyway oh dude thla holy crap where did you come from yeah it is it is terrifying around here might as well whoa whoa whoa what's going after me now all right are are we clear enough uh-oh somebody's eating there's a bear over there all right let's finish chopping down this tree I might put a um whoa dude 300 caral oh I'm going to leave him there but yeah all right so anyway you see what I'm dealing with let me get set up I'll meet you back all right I got these all in they actually like while it doesn't it's not like perfect how I'd want it it's not bad um they're all snapped together and I wanted to make sure that they'd snap just so that it would go all the way around but yeah it's pretty perfect I mean I'll be honest the dino Gates you know it looks like it's so perfect but when you really go and look at them oh there's our bronos when you really go and look at them you know they they do have some issues so these babies may work out may not work out I don't know what their deal is going to be so we're just going to leave leave them let's move the Frog down here let's move Froggy's Argy I was hoping that we could get back and still be able to pick up the bronos but yeah once they're adolescence it's a nogo all right let's see froggy RG and my other RG for that matter all right let's get both of them moved down and I did bring saddles for the bronos let me see how close they are I don't think I'm going to want to wait for them all right come on come on all right did I happen to bring yes I have the doors let's start snapping the doors around you know I'm pretty sure it could fit through a behemoth gate but the only problem is I don't know if it would want to go well no the problem is that we don't have a Bronto in here I wish I had found this platform yesterday all right so anyway this will at least keep whatever we want safe safe or at least it should so let's go ahead I'm going to start moving um I guess it doesn't matter that much for moving that many resources but I am going to start moving some down here bada boom we can just start throwing those in all right cool now another thing I could do is split up the upper level cheesy peeds I could split up the upper level with Behemoth Gat so it kind of you know grids grids the guy off again I don't know if having you know if it prevents the guy from wanting to do his uh impregnate impregnating my guy I don't know if having structures around is going to distract him which is very possible very possible so anyway let me finish getting it set up we'll be right back all right I think I'm about as ready as I'm going to get um I went ahead I split off the babies with Behemoth Gates um I also went and made this little area here just for I didn't the feeding trough and the fridge are so heavy all the stuff in it I'm just going to leave it there and hope that that's enough plus I want to have access to it quick so all secret doors and I'm pretty sure I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure these guys can't hurt Stone could be wrong I've been wrong before um we've got everything else that we need hopefully cannot hurt the safe I think we're good to go now I'm I'm a little concerned again I have a lot of structures here May distract him don't know I have my best shoty that does way too much damage but just to help bring it down quickly I then have a primi a prim shotty I have a prim assault rifle I then have a prim one of these guys just cuz we had tons of ammo so um I don't know and then I also brought over everything that I'd need to repair my armor my tools and I I think we're good to go go let's just do a little passive whistle and I've got two pheromones in the Bronto and I actually have I think two more two or three more in the fridge so we should be golden now it's been a couple hours since I've seen this female I was prepping so we couldn't really do much let's see if we can find it wish me luck holy crap I got one on my tail I don't know if this is the one it looks like it's the one all right crap she was a little too aggressive and I wasn't recording right away oh my Lord all right come on come on get back you good you good all right we're good let's try and lure her over come on you stupid Punk so this one I think let's look at the level it said two something ooh look at the doic what level is this doic I I'm obsessed oh all right we're not taming doic right now so where'd she go I hear her come [Applause] on we also do have to be careful I don't think I haven't seen one die to other like things but I'm sure it's a possibility come on come up fly up I think this is our best bet get it as high as possible as soon as possible so it doesn't get distracted by other things all right come on all right that should be good except I'm kind of disoriented oh crap I'm really disoriented where the crap oh okay over here over here all right let's stay high dude it is a beautiful wand come on all right how we doing we can take o we can take the hits all day that's not a problem as long as it doesn't land us all right so far so good so far so good all right let's get it interested in the Bronto all right it's interested in the Bronto although I don't know if that's a good thing because of the damage it does all right let's get out our better shotty come on why is it being janky oh I think we I don't know I'm getting nervous now let use the all right let's see how we're doing come on this was the biggest problem a lot of people said it's a lot easier if you use a smaller creature that you can cuz it will it it it doesn't hover like above the Bronto if I was on a trike I'd be able to just pull out the magnifying glass easy but we should see a glowing tail once we to the right spot which I don't see yet don't see glowing tail oh man we really now we probably got to get it down to like two or 300 oh I saw it for a second I should have made a way to hop up on my little thing come on okay we still got a waste still got a little ways dude am I really almost out of ammo come on oh my goodness I feel like she's getting low all right out of ammo on that one let's switch to this guy all right that does a very nice 50 all right I'm going to use one of them just in case the glowing tail only happens oh God please game see the other problem is I really don't know if she Regens health all right let's see if we can get a look come on this magnifying glass is so frustrating oh she's still got quite a bit it does seem like she Regens all right I'm going to get more of the other ammo too all right you [Music] I feel like this is safer no oh dang it I did it again she never got a glowing tail all right we have to be better um I'm going to put in some ramps so I can get up onto here we'll figure it out all right it is quite sometime later like like quite some time later um it took a long time to get another good level one to come in but I think it will work out of course our main Bronto is fully healed and the babies are fully grown and fully healed so if we can get this to work we might actually be able to get more than one impregnated let's hope in my grind of going around I have gotten enough phermones to do on all of them plus two on here and then I also built this little Contraption um just to give me I don't know if it's going to end up being even worse but it allows me to run up to different levels to look with my magnifying glass so I don't know it's something this is the last one we are going to do in this tree area cuz it is so such a hassle but we're going to get it it's a little ways out but um it is on this side which is nice um let's just go ahead and get something to drink real quick cuz it is oh oh oh I almost land tried to land there it is a little warm all right come here come here oh crap come on give me water all right we good we good leave him alone all right right so here it goes I'm so sick of doing these things but I think in the end it will all pay off I just hope guys I just hope I think not enough people threw down a thumbs up I think that's what I what's going on we need more thumbs up if we're going to get this so yeah wish me luck all right we've got one just over here let's just see if this is the one I do have to be thankful for as long as I kill them off they really do spawn right back in all right what do we have what do we have come on and yep female 280 all right let's go little lady let's do this come on all right so fly super high and this time we are going to play it like super safe super duper safe I don't care if you know if one of our bronos goes we now have multiple bronos so we don't have to worry about the health as much all right let's go all right I don't want him getting interested in pteranodons so let stay high come on no no see they love pteranodons they love them oh there's a tho right there crap let's just see what level it is oh my God all right um we can't go in there you know that's interesting we might want to come back for that oh no all right I don't think tho can jump all the way across like this but I want to help him okay okay it's interested me no all right come on come on come out of there what's it going after now oh oh oh okay this is close this is close that's the one come on come on all right we got to get it away from the baby side all right come on oh oh oh oh oh oh all right all right we got this we got this all right it's in oh my Lord oh yes okay good we got plenty oh all right come on I think we can do it once more all right let's stop here I don't mind if it hits me cuz we can actually oh it's getting close can we see a number it's got a th000 all right that's got to be close what's the number okay it's got still a th all right that's got to be so close I wish I could pause it oh I feel like that's it 750 so 7 650 6 550 5 come on come on five 450 4 350 three one more that's got to be it that's got to be it it's got to be right I also don't know if the platform saddle could be an issue I'm might hidden it again till we see the hell come on oh man that is so that's it that if that's not 10% of the health then I don't know what is why does it not get a glowing tail all right I'm going to try moving my guy that's like how is that not I feel like it's bugged honestly I feel like it's bugged like this is so absurd all right let's see if I can see I'm opening those just to see if it can like give a [Music] better view to them where is it dude it's going to die if it gets involved with anything oh god oh I hear I hear it is it up here did it I'm so confused oh oh it's in all right let's just see if it has impregnated the Bronto I don't know how to tell no it definitely hasn't it's still low but I feel like it did heal up I mean all right I'm going to hit it again don't see glowing tail all right I think the pheromone ran up let me see if I can see it from above oh that's the Bronto oo he does not like to go by me oh dude that is below 10% I think we can hit it once more like this is where the part where I get [Applause] impatient every time as soon as I move it goes where I want to go should I take off the saddle let me do that real quick I just want to see what happens I know it's going to take a lot more damage but it is a variable oh God hits a lot harder once more this is it come on see the problem with it going out is that it could heal up it's also wasting our time with the phermones I didn't see it do the move I'm pretty sure just looking at it would say that something happened I have no idea where it went it's making no sound all right sometime later yet again um it should be out here somewhere but I just immediately stopped I went and I constructed an area that is completely enclosed in I put as much like junk as I could to prevent craziness from spawning oh and Dinos from spawning but we should be it's a little janky but you know I'm kind of in a hurry it should prevent anything from coming um all right I'm going to leave those down why these stupid trees keep I was trying to stop the trees from growing back in um as well as Dino spawning but anyway um it should be okay the only spot I couldn't get a behemoth gate and maybe I could have if I tried harder was right there but I think that should be good enough so next up we got to get these bronos down so what I'm going to do is I am going to just so that we can get uh that one's a male these two are female and um one of these is particularly high this one right here let's see if we can get these guys to come down so let's pick up pick up and pick up that should be good enough and you and you follow me we probably bring them all down but I want to leave one up here just in case but I mean this is like the last thing this is got to be what it is it didn't like doing it in the tree please pathfind to me please figure it out now hopefully the bug is not like in a retreat mode that's going to be indefinite all right we got one down now here's the other problem is they are not going to be linked up to the feeding bin so I'm going to have to probably put another but I'll deal with that later um the bronos should be able to harvest plenty themselves you know you want to do it why why is it okay okay okay all right I think we got it now I wonder if they'll ever introduce into the game where wild stuff you know or unmounted stuff takes damage I doubt they will cuz you know it's just too many people get angry they're like your dumb pathf finding killed my guy all right well we're certainly going to be able to harvest plenty so we've got a pheromone I've got some sweet veggie cakes and this guy should probably hold on to the well all right you finish healing up we got more probably about 30 more of them all right I think we're going to be okay oh let's now find this stinking thing and try and get him in here cuz I am running out of patience oh my lordy I cannot believe it I've been looking for this stupid thing for like 45 minutes and I just saw it pop up right near the base um I also went out I just got a crap ton of mutton which is kind of cool um let's get this saved cuz I might want it remember we had the uh the thila that we saw that two 50 I don't know if it's still around but it could be all right that's going to be all we can carry and I don't have a thing to cook all right whatever whatever let's get this stupid guy back in the base this would better work all right I just saw him it's so funny I was about to give up and then I noticed he was out here hopefully I mean honestly I kind of hope that he's healed he's chasing stuff though I tell you like you normally can see him from their little wing flickering but it's certain times of the day like everything over here just flickers like crazy all right where are you you dumb bug he was chasing somebody my goodness this has turning into a really really long day um I can't find it again we literally just saw it like right where I am now and it's just nowhere to be found I've been flying all around I don't know if it's I like it chases stuff but I don't know if it gets stuck like in walls or something we did see yesterday one of them was like stuck in a wall which was kind of weird but um this mutton is definitely going to spoil if we don't use it so while we're looking um we might as well try and get this thila I think it was let me see if we can find it in a tree it was on one of these outer trees now mind you this was oh I think that's it this was hours ago from like the time when we first saw it so we just have to hope it's the same one all right let's look I also know if I don't get it it's going to eventually yep it is eventually going to uh find its way to dismounting me so let's get it knocked out of the tree and then we should now be able to uh pick it up oh no hold on let's get you swapped for now where do I want to put you there's like no good spots all right we got to swap up two darts all right buddy bro I hope I can find you all right beautiful get reloaded he should find his way to me oh all right 250 not bad I think what was the one that we got before it was like a 160 something like that so this should be an improvement and I've been meaning to get more thas I just haven't seen good level ones kind of like the doic anyway I constructed a makeshift little taming pen oh come on okay he fell in PH that was really bad aiming on my part all right let's get this sucker out I wasn't sure if the two wide if he could fit through but here we go shouldn't be no problem we got our good long neck now last time we did this it was with a primitive and then we also have shocking darts and down awesome all right let's get loaded up now I do have exceptional kibble but but I don't have a lot and I want to reserve you know save that for in case in case in case we end up being able to get the uh you know in case the bug wants it this is its preferred food right other than uh other than kibble all right it'll have to do it'll have to do that should be enough if not we do have more ooo I'll see you back once it's ready all right with the next bite we should have it beautiful yeah all right um let's get you on passive you know this could be an interesting creature unfortunately don't have the uh I don't think I have a saddle like I have a saddle just not here and I'm kind of lazy well I I may end up I like I don't want to leave the area I am terrified that this bug is going to ultimately despawn all right come on buddy I'll bring them let's see if I can open this door without them all right Perfect Dude 371 not bad all right beautiful you just chill there bro all right well at least we got something today right let's go ahead clear the tames and untrack all you know I wonder if I could put a tracker on this guy that would make my life so I mean of course we'd have to find him first all right I'm going to keep on hunting whenever I see a running Pteranodon too I'm like immediately go towards that all right we got a new one um I could not find the other one for the life of me I don't know where the crap it went it's probably going to pop up at some point but this one will have to do it's a little lower level but it's still pretty good and oh my God it is been putting a hurten on me like a severe hurting come on oh my lordy oh I don't know how you doing Oh I thought that was my bird come here no no no no no no no no no no where you going where are you going come on down here all right let's see if we can get this gu fighting with dude he just does not pay attention wait wait wait was that it that can't be it it is it was oh all right um this one needs fairmon oh we did it guys I wonder I I don't know I don't know where it went to all right what does it want craving Lazarus chowder oh crap 30 seconds oh we got to hurry we got to hurry oh my God move move all right last all right there it is oh God oh God come on oh I hope I can make it 7 6 5 4 3 oh come on dude oh crap all right well that sucked oh oh man all right so um I didn't keep him alive that was the problem and I didn't give the Chowder all right well it is what it is we did it and a level 80 it's not the worst can I pick you up by chance all right it's still going to want um we can still imprint this guy once care in four minutes all right um I'm going to pull this guy over here for now oh I got to put food in him man I'm so bombed we absolutely could have done better I feel like we should have got it but it didn't count all right come here let's go get this guy hidden away and that mother should still be around here somewhere we might have a better chance all right um another oh oh oh oh she do it all right she didn't do it yet I'm going to go grab all of the uh sweet veggie cakes that we have because we got a bunch I'm just going to save back a few yes I hope it doesn't heal up all the way it kind of looks like it healed doesn't it I think it did I think it healed I think it healed itself whoa all right well we got the one baby when oh let's see if we can get it back over here oh my God all right that's a problem I can't believe it guys we actually did it though that is crazy O Come on come on all right I'm going to be a little sloppier here just cuz I want to get this done with oh oh oh she better not go in and get the baby all right first caregiving and hopefully the last being such a low level let's see here simple kibble 65% okay so it's going to take two caregiving in another 5 minutes we'll do the next one um in the meantime I can't find the mother again I'm looking I'm looking I'm still mad I still think we should have had that feed well just like the last one I cannot find for the life of me where the mother went it's around here somewhere but they honestly they can go far this one here I actually uh its mother I had to chase from like it almost made it to like the mountain behind the volcano chasing a stupid Pteranodon all right we got it we got it well we got a level 80 I think a level 80 is still awfully good look at the carry weight on it yeah almost 2,000 to boot so for most of the purposes that we're going to want this guy I think this one's going to work just fine so where should I put you I think we're going to trap him behind there um I'll load him up with as much food as I possibly can but I'm going to be honest guys it is way past my bedtime so I think we're going to call it here and come next time this beautiful bug will be fully grown so pretty exciting look forward to that but anyway guys thank you so very much for watching it's been a pleasure as you always do please remember to show that amazing support for the series by Smashing that Thumbs Up Button if you're new to the channel or you haven't yet please do not forget to subscribe for the daily Ark awesomeness and as always guys I'll see you tomorrow thanks again and peace out
Channel: KingDaddyDMAC
Views: 10,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark: Survival Ascended, Ark, ASA, Ark Ascended, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark ASA, Ark Survival Evolved ASA, ASA Gameplay, Ark Survival Ascended Gameplay, ASA Rhyniognatha, Ark Ascended Rhyniognatha, Rhyniognatha Taming, Rhyniognatha Tamed, Rhyniognatha Pheromone, Ark Rhyniognatha, Ark: Survival Evolved, KingDaddyDmac, Dmac, Ark New Game, Ark Survival Ascended E01, Ark Survival Ascended E1, ark survival Ascended episode 1, ark survival Ascended ep 1, Dinosaur, Ark New Update, Dino
Id: vMHCjMPoM04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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