Terrifying Deinosuchus Taming! E04 Ark Pooping Ascended Mods!

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oh oh oh my God you did it this is terrifying dude what's up guys it's king daddy dmac and welcome welcome back to another episode of Ark survival ascended that's right we're playing here on the pooping ended servers having so much fun doing flips my goodness how's everybody doing today hope you're doing well cuz me had a little bit of a setback yeah we had an update on the stacking mod I don't know what happened with it it's all fixed now however however anything not anything but almost anything that it affected in stack size was deleted yeah that's a a huge setback so like when I logged on today this is all I saw in my upgrade station that's it I've got all my armor my tools some of the mod stuff but anything like mostly vanilla resources uh all gone so I've been busy little bee haven't done that that much but I've been slowly trying to get all their stuff back cuz yeah all her ceny paste all her polymer it's pretty rough so good thing last episode we tamed our very first Theory and not just any Theory a lightning Theory so yeah going to be super powerful super cool and hopefully help us to gather a bunch of this the our you know resources back we also have our beautiful Ani which we tamed two days ago but colored up last time and oh is it getting beastly I'm hoping we can find an even better like Alpha One or something like that so we definitely need resource gatherers and the such but anyo let's get everybody packed up for the day cuz we are going to kick things off send a personal storage we are going to kick things off meeting yet another server member who has not been tried in yet and I wanted to catch they've already been on for the day did their thing but they have not been tried in yet so got to get them DED in and you know want to to say hello so let's go over and meet up with spoopy all right we should be arriving oo look it spoopy Hi how are you doing oh you're yeah how you doing I can't believe it hello look at you already got all the Dy and everything yeah well you know there is an item you can just set down it gives you like hundred of every D it's one of those cosmetic ones oh okay I haven't played with them too much to be honest to be yeah I've only um been taming literally everything that I yeah you got quite the Army holy crap got a I've got a pterodon but it doesn't want to come any further into the cave so you have passive I hope cuz let me get you tried in right now right here before anything bad happens I'm here I'm here do I need to make a tribe to merge the tribes I can't quite remember I don't think so you don't think so okay bam hey nice yeah this is this is my crown and Glory this is my my crown and Glory right now just because her level's so high oh oh you wait is that a shiny one or an alpha one I she's just a she's just a normal lightning pastel oh she's a lightning one no she is a shiny one I think is she a pastel goth lightning yeah yeah that is a shiny dyo Oh yay I I was was testing out those Tran arrows and I was like what yeah they're pretty good they're all right so boom oh where'd it go uhoh oh what happened did you have one of those one of those storage things here let me see pull and hey and it should have double check it has its inventory oh she didn't have anything oh she well she apparently had meat but yeah she still got it so sweet o I'm going to have to get me one of those yeah they're not bad and then we got one other one too which I can now I saw them I saw them I think all I'm missing is oh we get Crystal real quick but I know we'll wait we'll wait I want to show you another one um let's see teleport to tribe member and spoy oh there we go oh my gosh it is super handy but welome welcome spoy to the server thank you yay and you're going to have to make sure to say I you probably seen his Mansion but uh froggy man super close you definitely uh go say hi to him sometime I will I've been I've been I've been flying over and then flying low and just kind of seeing if I can notice like staying off the radar well you are you were rival tribes so it makes sense yeah I I realized how much he had built when I was trying to put down a campfire and it was like you're too close to an enemy tribe I'm like no I'm not they're all my friends well you are far enough that it won't you guys won't be pulling each other's inventory good good o I'm sorry am I spoiling things no literally no literally know this all was in a video today so no spoiling it's just cramped I know well you always do the very cozy houses I I I like that I try I try I have a chicken have you managed to catch a chicken no there's chickens get out of town I did not even know that I don't know what oh I'm I'm here know but I don't know what that does besides lay eggs supposedly that's I mean that's I guess what you use chickens for in real life yeah I it yeah they run around the beaches and you have to try to as the popup said steal it ooh steal the egg or the chicken the no the chicken you have to steal the chicken I don't know who you're stealing the chicken from it could have been someone else's chicken Spooby oh listen did you think about that listen in fact that was my chicken spoopy thanks for stealing my chicken well would you do you want the chicken back I'll let you hold on to it but you got to give me an egg every day okay let me actually I put down an egg thingy that's supposed to collect eggs I don't know if it'll collect that egg but nope apparently not Technic Forge okay so let me show you this let me show you this over here so this guy is was the thief that ninja had oh so on there if you hold down e and look there's a thing that says disable pulling otherwise it'll pull all the metal off your dinos disable ping ah there we go yeah no which you can leave it on but anyone that flies by that has metal on their no I would hate I would hate for it to accidentally steal and honestly I'm so bad at remembering that like they pulling things you know what I mean M in games that I ended up just walking it over anyway oh no you don't have a saddle on your guy have you rode it yet I don't have kitan or keratin for it so oh no that's next time that's next time oh that is awesome and then let me see this guy do you have a let me see you have a female I have a female yeah she's honestly not that great either yeah I was just looking I was like yeah I think I'll pass on on ask she's garbage you can say it let me see you know what she does she gets me around yep yeah that's the one that I got it's my second one now did you know there's a mod in here that has alpha everything so any Dino you see has the capability of being an alpha I saw that I saw that I'm excited I haven't seen one I crashed so let me load back in well this guy okay this guy right here this is an alpha I saw that when I got closer was Alpha poison pterodon I was like o so it should be well like your one being a shiny that's like just a special buff and it's same with the alpha but see how the alphas are a little bit bigger interesting I noticed that yours was a smidgen bigger than mine yeah I did notice that and then it's it's actually like any dyo it it will take a dyo that's currently on the map and very rare to see but you can sometimes actually see it convert interesting yeah it's pretty crazy obviously you can tame them so do you know if you can breed the alphas to normal ones so if you got like okay so I think I I don't know for fact but I think uh if you breed it will probably not be an alpha yeah but like but they should be able to breed they give each other mate boost yeah okay okay and then with the shinies you cannot pass the shiny with breeding but it will keep all the special colors that's what I thought cuz I played with shiny before and I couldn't remember because it's been a really long time since I've played with shiny yeah now they do have a shiny prod if you were to um battle something else that was shiny and use the prod on it and then kill it it'll give you something special that you can then use that to make any similar Dino shiny oh I'm gonna have to look into that because I've never explored that so don't yeah it's a lot of fun I'll figure it out I'll figure the rest out oo but exciting I will let let you be and I'll tell you what when you're on again I told the peeps you I was late today you already have done a video so I'll let you go and um hopefully we can run into each other in the future I'm sure now that I have an idea of what I want to build I'll probably be on a little bit more probably not recording all of the building but on just to you know yeah I don't record the I I suck at building so I don't I don't let the people see how much I suck at him and Han exactly I'm just like bam there it is and here it is yep that's pretty much what I plan to do like and we moved ooh draconic Shrine is there something I don't know about you are you part of some draconic cult that's kind of scary spoy I I I can't confirm or deny anything that was just said okay okay I'll have to find out I'll catch you one day all right well good luck with whatever your adventure is today because thank you I don't know honestly I'm just kind of like I'm fly in this direction and see what happens you know I I do the same thing I kind of just wing it I'm like I know I want to tame something go yeah that's literally how I got that pterodon I made those trink arrows I was like let's go find something to shoot I guess y it's the best way it's the best way but I'll catch you next time all right spoy it was great seeing you it's so nice to be in the same server again seriously seriously it was so it was so sad and dead and dull without you a for real though but we got to get we got to run into Willie Willie was on this morning too a minute trying I've been trying to like peek and I'm like is Will on dude he came on and his name was like one two three I banned him I didn't know it was him then he he got all he he was complaining he was like dude somebody banned me I was like no you're not one two three are you oh no he's playing Super stealth but yeah all right I'll see you later spoopy all right good luck bye man oh man that was so awesome to see spoopy can't believe she's actually here another one of the people that we played on with the haunted so you may know her already but epic and awesome person and yeah I talked a little bit about Willie he actually came on like super early this morning didn't know was him I already told you kind of what happens but you'll have to see it from his end when he uploads it in any case another thing that I have been neglecting quite a bit since we started Ark ascended and that's naming my dinos um normally I always ask you guys for name suggestions at the end of a video um of what I should name the dinos and yeah I don't know slipped my mind so I'm going to make up for it real quick let's go through and see what everyone's new names are and if you have for whatever we end up taming today a name suggestion for that please leave it in the comments and you just might get it anyway for now we have Bam Bam we have toxic twister throwback name that I always name my first trit on twister usually and yep toxic twister we have green bean also a throwback name that I love to use for Green dragons we have and I think it's most suiting for the welp too of any time I've ever used it we have this was actually a comment that was left soaring Beast it was the only comment I had like 10 people saying dmac why don't you uh name your dinos anymore and if they had just left the name suggestion they might have got it but the one person person that did soaring Beast there you go and then for our new Theory there was none in there yet so I just came up with the name shocker so hopefully you guys get your ax together and start leaving name suggestions again and you know again I'll use them as suggestions that all being said we have got to get busy with collecting all the shenanigans that we no longer have we have to get cementing uh cementing past again we have to get polymer again all these things but we may just have better collectors for getting them dude look at that welp hold on hold on I know welps aren't like you know crazy op but I just they're they're so cute I love them and I'm I've been looking out for either a shiny or an alpha welping once I see one oh man is it going to be ours all right so anyway um also added in the feature are shiny dinos we previously didn't have them at a boosted level they now go to level 400 if uh you know possible to be up to 400 that is their Max so pretty cool on that front and there's the potential I think we have it set to uh 200 possible potential shiny dinos amongst everything you got to remember we have thousands of dinos on the server but 200 potential ones could be a shiny and you see them up I got to start paying attention to him but anyway I'm going to head on over to the uh the Ice Area let's also hit up any beaver dams that we can find and let's see if sanx is on again since he's over by all the Penguins so I'll see you there all right arriving at penguin Island AKA San's base let's first get up as many of these cuckoo as we can and then we'll go see if uh SX is home I'm pretty sure I saw him online so we'll have to see what he's up to dude we hit these penguins so hard I love it all right I'm going to probably get a thousand to a few th000 polymer to make up for what we lost sanx you home hey oh you are there are what's up buddy bro how how you doing today hey uh good I'm good just been uh grinding some narcotics uh I found something really cool that I want to show you oh okay okay oh did you get the same you got probably the same thing I did you lost all your inventory or all your vanilla items huh oh yeah yeah I lost all my TRS I had to make some modded ones unfortunately oh it's brutal dude yeah that's why I was over here I was getting some new polymer from the Penguins uh I just BR how do I get to my my guy hold on hold on run into complications I think we have teleport dinos to your location and I reamed them there we go oh wow that's neat right all right so where we going uh so if we can just probably start off by teleporting to the green Obelisk I'd say that close green oh there we go a that so cool I love this that teleporter is awesome that is great yeah the pre-programmed ones you know on some maps that have uh cuz the teleporter it doesn't know where everything is you know per se on some maps like FJ where it has all the different boss things like this you can teleport to every single one of them it is so cool yeah all right so no boss fight few not yet uh kind of hard to see with all the trees we have one of them down here it's what we were looking at the last time we played oh the the big alligator the crocodile dude this is awesome did you figure out how to tame one uh yeah so it it is a passive tame and it's kind of scary because you have to go all the way up to his mouth and him up to his mouth dude are you are you sure are you're not just trolling me unfortunately that is how you tame them yeah oh no but that was just a 170 I'm pretty sure there's a higher level right oh you've been scouting so if you just follow me over here okay hold on I'm getting attacked by stuff all right there you are so just down this River okay uh in front of us here at level 260 oh that is so good are you really going to go try and plop in front of his mouth do you hear those Chompers you hear that oh man that is fight force dude so I think the smart thing to do would probably be to bring him out of the swamp first okay is that my job uh I mean we can just lure him to me dmac oh oh that does a lot of damage as well I can take it I can take it I get an upgraded saddle come here oh my goodness all right he's knocking down trees dude his mouth is wi that is so terrifying he's huge oh there's another okay that's a Saro oh my lordy I mean this this area probably works dude you see that giant dragonfly right there oh wow yeah you can ride that you can I might have to T one of those as well yeah I got my eye on it all right so I'm going to pop him some ghilly okay if you want to you might want to pick up your guy and I'll I'll be the distraction to try and lure him up to you yeah okay that that might be might be oh my Lord did he kill the parer yet yeah yeah all okay oh my God oh oh I know why I can't I'm not high enough level oh no what level do you have to be uh level 70 and I'm 67 so I'm going to have to grab a couple Explorer notes probably so do you want to meet the peeps back once we're a better level yeah I think that's a good idea all right sanx is out looking for ois but I came across while we're waiting look at this it is a shiny theur oh there might be two shiny Theos saurs oh but we need another one cuz remember our modded one what whoa it wasn't harvesting delicates like uh it didn't do the delicate harvesting so I definitely think we need this oh Ginger po that's not what I wanted I want so that's a poison one I that's good I'm going to tell SX about that but there was another one that was a normal one because the if it's going to be another one of the modded ones it's not going to get the delicate come on dude okay there it oh seriously bro you do not want him to aggro at us all right we want the vanilla one I might do this um this is probably really dumb actually I'm positive this is really dumb but uh let's go let's pick up our Dino send to personal storage oh crap crap crap and then pull from it and our new soaring Beast all right oh God soaring Beast oh crap go away all right chill soaring Beast go back into passive all right let's see if I can get on him come here soaring Beast all right perfect and we now have aerial shot not Ginger poison we want the shiny one is this the shiny one yes storm ice this is a designation I believe of chiny dyo oh my God I'm awful shot today are you serious game all right I'm going to Dismount I don't know why I can just not sh off that Griffin accurately all right we got him let's hurry the crap up I went back to the base grabb this and tame helper taming again not his preferred food but it will just have to do holy crap so let's wait until he's finished and I'll see you right back let's go let's go got him epic all right so we got our delicate taming now beautiful thing I'm definitely going to have to tell SX about the poison one though I'm sure he'll be interested nope send personal storage send a personal storage and pull toxic twister again who is our best Mount basically our best flyer anyway all right um let me go see where SX is see if he got his mutton yet dude oh he is going to want that too oh all right we'll be right back SX you high enough level yep let's try this again what do you have to be what level uh level 70 70 okay I was going to say I thought you said 80 or higher and I was like dude you're only 70 this is so terrifying are you really going to go up in his mouth his mouth isn't open by the way yeah I just need to wait for him to open his mouth without aring he's turning very close don't aggro just stand still and open your mouth that thing is a monster dude he's doing it oh all right oh I him him I fed him and he's 8% tamed so this might take a little while it depends on how long it is between each feed all right come on o mama oh there's a snake following too it looks like the snake's not hitting him though E I don't know if that's hurting is take that up there well I just need to be careful now because I don't want him to destroy this set of armor as well because then I won't I got two more sets on me so I can toss them over to you if it happens yeah all right I'm pulling run run run way deep I'm going to pull him way in we probably should have thrown some gates like on either side the Behemoth Gates oh yeah that probably would have been a better idea let's do that next time yes but what fun would that be yeah this is how real go yep yeah he's at 98.9 now oh last fight D oh man this is when a giga starts comes through and and just takes us all out oh parasaur watch out watch out he might aggro on that oh yeah yeah he's definitely going to aggro on that first uhoh he one shot it oh what a beast this thing can definitely rival a Rex at least I would hope so it definitely I think coolness Factor RI what Rivals just about anything oh yeah definitely oh man come on just do it it's always the last bite it like teases you yeah it's been very long come on just sit down and oh oh oh oh doing it you got it yes yeah baby good job dude oh look at this Beast okay look let's look at the stats 16,000 health no oh and 700 melee and that's the base stats this thing is crazy that's monstrous all right you going to be brave and look with the saddle cost it's level 70 course I can't make it yet no I can craft it for you let me see um I'll just get you the resources and stuff oh man oh this thing is so cool though dude it's not bad 200 fiber 380 hide 50 metal oh wow that's less than a Rex saddle I'm pretty sure or maybe a little bit more that's not not bad not bad yeah there's something else called the dino theum I wonder what that is I think I saw that it's like an elephant thing oh that's right yeah it's got a cool cool saddle send dinos to personal storage boom nice hey D now it's your turn a I maybe we go for like a level 20 where I can get it in one [Laughter] bite what is making that racket up here there's something scary up here man watch out oh SX I didn't mean to outdo you but um look at this bad boy level 300 yeah and it's shiny too man oh man I also made some gates so that we can hopefully once we get it into that Ravine keep it there it's fighting with a berry though oh there's a treasure chest right by it as well oh one of those okay I think it's on me I'm getting music oh God everything in the swamp is is biting me dude like everything yeah I can see that oh I'm just wait I hope I don't get dismounted oh God break the trees break the trees you're getting close though he's got a tail whip that did like 500 damage oh all right mistakes were made huh uh I I I just plopped into the water oh stupid oh okay I got I I grappled my guy oh my Lord that could have went really bad I just got to get him deep enough yeah to where I was when I Ed it that's that was a very good spot come on look at that Beast all right right around here all right let me sit down a behemoth gate and pray that he doesn't then attack it all right I got one down oh God oh my birdie Bird's starting to hurt all right got that down let's hope that he can't get out oh take it from the team bro take one for the team all right oh God hurry up hurry up hurry up all right got one oh God no I'm stuck inside of the gate oh okay oh I'm at half Health all right I think he's stuck oh my Lord that was how are you going to get down there though I I got a grapple hook oh okay okay I I need to chill for a second it doesn't look like he's attacking the gates he's just trying to run yeah he probably sees something all right you want to take take a second and let's just clear the area of of bad things and then I'll hop down there yeah all right oo all right area is clear Gilly armor is going on I'm scared SX I fine you can oh I hope so all right so I'm going to come down here quickly pick up guy and send a personal storage all right oh I didn't I don't have do you have leftover mutton cuz I totally forgot yeah this one I'm I'm not going to want to use bribe be all right thank you thank you oh God oh God oh God it's on it's on me it's on me it's fine all right do you have to do I I picked it up do you have to do it to the mouth or anywhere uh you have to do it to the mouth all right he's aggroing on you yeah I'll just fly away for a bit oh my Lord dude you have to get really close to the MTH to Fe it all right and then back up the second I do or it doesn't matter um I I don't know I just backed off because I don't want him to aggro but oh he opened his mouth on the other side of the oh dude all right I might find a way I think I can walk through no but yeah he post it now it's okay all right he's moving he's moving come here buddy all right oh oh oh my God you did it this is terrifying dude I didn't know 7.2 oh man I got to do it it says seven times but I feel like it's going to be more than that yeah that's like 15 times I think if my math is great that's a lot oh God I don't know if I can reach this oh God I to jump for that one oh I thought it hits you no no no oh my Lord oh God I think it'll go smoother though with the the gates hopefully all right his mouth is already open I'm not crouching this time oh I'm not sure if you even need to crouch when you feel oh that was a close one damn it did it go up that time yep yep fifth of the way there already you can do this now does it look slightly red colored kind of like I feel like it's kind of orangey as well yeah cuz well it's a rose type so normally Rose would be red oh all right crouching is kind of hard cuz you can't get out of the way quick yeah I don't I'm not sure if you even need to crouch I mean I don't know if these guys naturally get aggroed at players or if you even need the Ghillie but you're the you're the gator uh wrangling expert here so well I'm not sure either but I feel like it's yeah all right come on I don't want to risk it oh god oh no no okay it was harvesting berries when I pressed e oh over a third of the way there you can do this go come on buddy yeah this should absolutely they should have made this official it's so much cooler than a Saro oh yeah it feels way more like prehistoric too uh I got to probably have to walk up the rock for this one oh god oh every time it scares me 43 oh oh God I can't even I don't even see the feed I'm just pressing E when I get close oh I'll never be prepared for that all right halfway just do what I've already done again once more oh I don't like this spot oh stop harvesting berries oh God every time he bites down I think he like bites you it it definitely I feel like that too my health is not going down so but I jump every time I get afraid cuz when you're on a server sometimes there's a little bit of Laten so like you know you could be a little bit closer than you think you are oh yeah I got to get rid of these rocks dude oo so it seems like the trick definitely aim for the the upper jaw 99.7% taming Effectiveness that's good plus 149 levels going to be level 449 you know I think the spy glass updates to how many more you need instead of how many it was total it's still wrong but oh I don't know if it's less now than it was I'm not sure if he'll make this one I'm going to go for it oh wow I ain't got time to waste impressive dude shiny Griffin so many cool creatures I know it's hard to choose from right only two more feeds now right I think so yeah two more feed should do it and then we'll get the Saddles and go on a ride oh yeah oh this is a weird one I don't know if I'll get this one it's oh got it one more all right last one come on open your mouth you can do it Gator oh oh crap oh crap I'm lying down oh all right oh oh why on the last bite why oh I feel like if you die once while taming it it kind of makes it better it's kind of like it it was more of a challenge you know well it is this is I mean you got to realize this is like super pro skills that I haven't I only died once you know we saw this is a we saw you do it so you know yeah I died as well oh crap I just walked over his tail oh God just get it just get it don't har oh yes dude we are alligator pro wrestlers like seriously we we now are part of that club 449 that's an insane level personal storage sand still getting used to that all right dude let's go uh make some saddle yeah let's do it wow sanx look at these dudes they're so good looking I love them you ready go for a ride oh yeah I put some scuba for you buddy in uh inside your thing oh look at that dude they they like spin like a uh in place what the all right all right I'm going to bite somebody easy at first oh you have to like hold G let's here 5,000 damage that is nuts I guess yeah dude these are amazing yeah I just held in on the gigabyte thing oh gigabyte oh that's how you got the big damage yep that was crazy gigabyte dude that would be an epic name for how do I get all the stos always yeah try the C to do the the tail whip yeah try it does a nice knock back all right can I do my okay gigabyte oh dude oh look at these guys that is a beautiful thing did you try swimming yet oh no let's go see they are fast oh they're really they don't go under the water though or is yours going oh you press C and it Dives okay so it's like C and space bar then for to go up and down okay and it it seems like it Sprints yeah it does have a Sprint [Laughter] oh oh cool what' you do what you do that looks awesome um one more thing to test out dude that we probably should do immediately in case something happens let's find out if they breed oh yeah all right Behavior en able mating oh oh oh hold on I'll handle this one all right you got him you got him gigabyte oh crap it didn't kill him is he Elf or something no it just has crazy amount of Health 7,000 watch out there's a baby stego I think okay okay I should be a mating uh Behavior enable mating oh look at that is it working yes all right I'll make a deal with you if it's an egg you can have it if it's a gestation I'm keeping it we we can do more than one but that's all I got time for today the first one yeah I feel like I got the shiny one so you deserve it I would assume the egg would pop out in the back what do you think do I I do they lay eggs I don't know I would assume they do you know because it's it's it it's obviously a reptile like it's got to be yeah yeah yeah probably I don't know h oh yep egg definitely it's not just jading all right let me move oh no it says currently oh oh did I mess it up oh yeah there we go no it just said currently mating but the egg is here so epic look at that all right enjoy it bro I'm sure there's a mod that will help you hatch it out to earlier game yeah I'll let you I'll let you know if we um if we get twins oo okay if we get twins to I get one right yeah definitely and we also have to breed these guys again at some point yeah well I'll tell you what um if you want I can leave my guy out and you can just go ham with him yeah sure that works for me all right sweet well I will see you uh next time buddy bro yeah and thank you thank you for showing me about this I had no idea how to tame them does he open the mouth big when I do this for you oh oh yeah he does it's so scary all right I'll see you later buddy yep holy crap what a day it has been guys this is quite honestly Above All my expectations of what I thought we got to be hanging out with sanx more often is so incredibly cool we'll worry about leveling it up and all that sort of stuff in the future but I think we have to call it here help me out with name suggestions what should we call this guy I just do not know leave that name suggestion in the comments below anyway guys thank you all so very much for watching it's been a pleasure as you always do please remember to show that amazing support by slamming that Thumbs Up Button if you're new to the channel or you haven't yet please do not forget to subscribe for the daily Arc awesomeness and as always guys thanks for watching I'll see you tomorrow and peace out
Channel: KingDaddyDMAC
Views: 21,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark: Survival Ascended, Ark: Survival Ascended Mods, Ark: Survival Ascended Modded, Ark Ascended Mods, Pooping Ascended, Pooping Evolved, Ark Mod, Ark Mods, Ark Modded, Ark Deinosuchus, Ark Deinosuchus Taming, Dino Mods, Ark Dragon Mod, Ark Wyvern Mod, Ark QOL Mod, Ark, ASA, Ark Ascended, Ark ASA, ARK Episode 1, Ark: Survival Evolved, KingDaddyDmac, Dmac, Ark Survival Ascended E1, ark survival Ascended episode 1, ark survival Ascended ep 1, Dinosaur, New Dino, New Creature
Id: 1ZCtvKW7HeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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