ARK Survival Ascended on the RTX 4070 | 4K - 1440p - 1080p | Epic & Low | DLSS & FG

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hello everyone my name is yellow and today I'm testing Arc survival ascendance as you guys can see I will go first with the lowest settings everything is on the lowest as you guys can see um for now the LSS is off of course I will test with the LSS on frame generation on but yeah guys let's go into the game and see how and see how this game runs and guys by the way leave a like on the video already man I forgot to mention it but yeah let's go are tied about the Windows activation message scroll down to the description and click on the first link you can get the windows key for as low as 8.99 and use the code games up for 10% off and get activated in seconds so guys this is now 108p on the lowest settings and damn bro like the game looks a lot different uh the problem that I I can already see is the stutters let me try to restart the counter maybe it's because I started recording who knows oh okay we got another starter and damn look look at the fishes though I don't like the names I think the names I mean h I think it has like a different font though the the only thing is that it makes me remember Atlas with with the low set settings I know it looks better but you know with with the low settings it it reminds me of the game Atlas that they released but yeah I mean performance could be better honestly like uh this is a 4070 come on but yeah isn't there a cave here oh yeah there is a cave here I will not enter it now but yeah as you guys can see game uh doesn't run as well but it's okay I guess not not the worst too this is not ATP with LSS on quality we actually get a decent boost in frames a little bit like maybe 15 uh it depends now we are getting a little bit more I think it also depends on where we are I want to try to get up there see if I can find other dinos and stuff I know kind of in that zone there is like uh dangerous creatures though so I really want to check it how is the inventory though oh okay can I level up oh I cannot level up movement speed that's cool not going to lie that's cool everything is the same right yeah yeah so no movement speeds Man the game is going to be crazy I I can already tell they they removed the what there's a guy there they remov the Crouch um Crouch like the crouch on the caves you know like the ice cave doesn't have Crouch and stuff um but I think it's cool because and by the way they got a little bit nerfed almost all the caves got nerfed though like the CaRu cave and stuff like that um and it makes sense like with the speed like this it makes see it makes sense what is this this is now with dlss off but with um frame generation on let's right man I cannot hello can I at least uh it's a juvenile bro like how do I time the juveniles then am I able to time like juvenile dinos like do I have to raise them I actually have no idea but the game looks all right what is that down there this was not here back in the days though right H okay it's just maybe it was I just yeah it's it looks different so but yeah pretty nice Graphics look all right I really want to see honestly I'm probably not going to play the game already maybe when they release the center or something like that I don't really have time to play on the Iceland I like if I would play I will need to find like a rle though and play with my friends like bro like we have jobs like we are some of us are studying so not really a lot of time to put into this game maybe if I joined one of my old Mega tribes like but I don't know I don't want to have the that type of commitment though this is now dlss on quality and frame generation what the hell I'm going to be knocked out bro I forgot I need to eat what is this Sean Berry it's new though right yeah there's ver ver Berry okay that's cool the thing is is it's okay but like it looks a lot different from the old ones you know like it it's kind of like they they remade it but it's weird because the old ones still look kind of the same though I don't know it it doesn't fit a little what is this is this like the good like they added different colors though is it because of the Halloween or is it just normal now Aon with like yellow wings I don't know but yeah the stutters are the problem now they really need to to fix it oh that's a Caro bro the car looks exactly the same the track seems like I don't know I think it looks the same I think everything looks the same it's just like the graphics can look oh now there's OB here what the hell okay bro what the hell is happening to that allosaur over there I think it just disappeared now but what the hell something was happening here that was crazy but yeah guys this is now 2K uh as you guys can see we are actually not able to maintain 60 frames bro like the game game runs pretty damn bad not going to lie the game runs pretty bad I I was saying that maybe so it's all right but no bro it's not frame generation kind of Saves the Day a little bit here but still uh most people don't have like a 4,000 series bro like most people don't some people that play the old Arc maybe had like 1070s 1080s like TW 20 series like 30 series some of them but like yeah I don't know bro it's seems weird 40 frames now yeah like the game still needs a bunch of more optimizations though a lot more but even on the lowest settings the game looks good that's the thing at least that right but yeah look at the carbon these got to be like special colors though so guys this is now 2K with the LSS on quality runs a lot better like this to be honest um a lot n bro not a Raptor bro the Raptor is faster than me I'm pretty sure don't do this don't do this bro chill out Raptor can I use the K mode oh I can okay bro please just don't go after me is that a terzino it is a terzino okay the Raptor bro is it following me the a car now bro no no no no you cannot do that to me I'm going to I'm going to run out out of stamina bro nah man the car is right there n man come on don't do that to me bro what the hell is that in my left it's a raptor bro oh I'm so dead I am so dead here maybe not damn the forest looks amazing though look at this the terzino the forest looks really really nice I love it bro not going to lie so guys this is now 2K with only frame generation on no dlss and like bro I was thinking like what the hell man imagine PVP here bro are they following me yeah they are bro imagine PVP here like bro it's impossible and and that makes it amazing not going to lie bro because how are you going to like see people imagine like you are here with your friends with your bow and arrow or whatever you have maybe even okay let's play like shotguns or whatever pistols long next world doesn't matter bro imagine PVP in here it would be amazing bro I can see like bro this is going back to those days that when you start playing Arc you know and now it's even better because the scenario and the game is actually made for it though because you don't have movement speed you you have all these things I hope they cannot change it with inii files though to remove all of these things because of course it's going to be better for PVP but bro like just play the game how how it's how it's supposed to be right I used to have I I KN files but I don't know it's just remove some of the fun bro I prefer if everyone doesn't have it I only use it because other people could use it you know so so guys this is now dlss on quality frame generation 2K looks a lot better in terms of performance there's some Doos here wait a second I'm going I'm going to pass out again let me drop some of these things some of these I don't want I don't want these can I eat those things though I think I I I I can let me equip everything here I'm just going to be eating all the time now so these green strawberries bro that's crazy never seen that before let me eat everything at the same time water is going to go up really slowly though it's the same as before right yep it is when when the game launched like the normal Arc at the start your water actually went up like like your food went up with berries but yeah uh but I mean it makes sense it makes sense I don't I don't blame them because otherwise it will be too easy you know like you wouldn't need water I guess this is now 4K native and damn the game like this doesn't run good though doesn't really run well but yeah this is 4K as you guys can see I will try to go a little bit more to the other side I didn't even check that let's go see what we finder I'm not going to go like to Crazy places like ice and places that is like floated with like crazy dinos you know that's just going to one shot me so yeah I got another level uh I did okay let me place a little bit more weight weight is really important though but yeah I mean rum is fine as you guys can see the only problem is the demand like how it demands the GPU though and I'm pretty sure when you have like bases full of dinos it's going to happen the same thing as that it happened on the old Arc maybe I think it's it might happen again the thing is they are using Unreal Engine five right maybe I I think they real Engine 5 has like a technology that doesn't make it happen because the polygons or whatever because I think it's something like that I think it's like something like that but yeah I guess we have to find out I also believe that maybe we will need to use more CPU on the bases with full of dyos full of structures full of things this is now 4K with tlss on quality this video is actually going to be a little bit longer than normal videos because damn this gy has frame generation and stuff like that I have to make a lot of tests and I I'm also going to test the maximum settings so it's going to be a little bit big though it's all right today I think I will test I think today might drop like one no not one video like maybe two or three videos I'm going to test the 4070 right now of course the 4080 and then I'm going to test the 67 Androids XD to to see how it runs but yeah 4k dlss on quality now we can maintain 60 frames but I'm pretty sure in some areas it's going to drop though is that herb iseland and what are those things damn there's like pillars there now that should be a good place for our bases nowadays though what is that in the water do do you guys see that like over there like right there now if I hold right click I can open this okay that's cool but yeah let me try to climb on this rock look at that those pillars over there so guys The Game just crashed I had to to open it again but yeah this is 4K with frame generation but by the way it crashed because I was changing the settings okay I noticed that sometimes it can bug a little bit when I like out tab maybe if I play it like window at full screen it would be okay uh some one one thing that I also noticed is that uh bro what was I even going to say I don't even remember ah okay the Ping though I mean the servers have kind of a decent I mean okay here it says this but normally you know how how the game would go like it will be very why doesn't this disappear okay normally like you have a lot of like not stutters but like server legs you know on on Old Arc now it's not happening bro I used to play on a server bro back in the days like when we had like Asian servers and some stuff I think I was playing on a OC server oceaner though bro that server was crazy bro like always always always always lagging always it was crazy Asia servers 2 I Lost characters on Asia servers also this is now 4K with the frame generation and the LSS on quality and one thing uh also is that you join I don't know if if I said it before but you join games really fast bro I have the game on an on an SSD but I'm pretty sure even if you have it on HDD I'm pretty sure it's going to actually launch really fast too of course s is always faster bro but like you join almost instantly bro it's crazy I remember like it used to take not crazy amounts of time but it would it I mean a little bit especially if you add mods though I'm pretty sure you will have mods here too or if you maybe you already have mods though I'm not really sure but I'm pretty sure and look look at those rocks like I did we have this before I don't remember it there's the other iseland I think but yeah damn like I'm kind of impressed but the problem is the is the performance not going to lie especially I think when we when you have like an AMD card I didn't even test one yet but they need to release friend generation here actually they really do guys this is not the maximum settings everything is on the maximum though I just have like even these ones okay not just epic it's everything on the maximum guys keep that in mind I only have these three off because they don't really change frames and in my opinion it looks better okay in my opinion RTX now it's off but it will be on later but yeah let's go into the game and see how it runs so guys this is now 1080p with the maximum settings bro and what the hell is this I just I just joined the game and what is that in the water can you guys see those looks like it looks like artifacts when you have like problems in the GPU though okay they need to fix it for real wait is B the way to speak how do I speak like for other people I think it should or no okay is this I think it was B though it's okay I think I disabled it actually oh the leg there okay man frame generation and by the way I also tested the Epic preset instead of everything on a maximum and the frames were basically the same maybe like maybe a little like maybe five more frames three more frames but not not something crazy and look at that when you walk on the water that's cool okay damn that's all right okay oh but look look at the light iting B bro imagine like wait I got to go there I I just got to go there and what is this this manties bro I think here we could have sharks here I got to be care panus bro nah no no no no so guys this is not the game with TSS on quality there's a guy there I hope he doesn't just come after me bro uh I want to make a torch let me see if I can make one I need Flint bro yeah I need I need to make my things though what do I need for this though I think I need to grab rocks in the ground bro just don't fight me ah this is PVE though I forgot yeah I joined the PVE server like just so I don't have like annoying people trying to kill me is it times two the the game today no it's times one okay completely vanilla bro it's going to be night bro damn wait a second let me level up some more weight I think I need to level up Health too though but yeah let me can I make this I can dlss didn't change much though the frames a little bit we have a little bit more but nothing crazy yeah okay I need some Flint let's go this is not NP with frames generation on guys as you guys can see now we get a little bit of a boost actually maybe like 20 more frames I think bro can I get flint okay nice I already edit my bad what do I need nothing I can just craft it let's go I have things to repair it if I if I break it too all right thank you so much it's going to be nine time really soon let bro I want to get in in in the forest not going to lie look at this imagine bro you are in the night time you need to find your home and you are going like in the forest like this it's crazy though really really nice the scenarios are amazing though you cannot say otherwise bro look at this damn it's crazy man I I I like it I like it a lot I really like it a lot frames are the problem though for real this is a 4070 bro come on this is now 1080p 1080p frame generation on and D LSS on quality and as you guys can see um and I mean enabling D LSS doesn't change much at all honestly though uh the the thing that actually changed a little a little bit is frame generation maybe in in IR resolutions it will make a little bit more difference but yeah and bro like I'm going to test our resolutions but we we all know that maybe 2K with frame generation nah man not even that bro this is this already has frame generation it's so crazy let me write something in chat just to see okay it's basically the same but now it doesn't have like the things around the shat I like that but damn it's crazy I I wanted to get a good screenshot bro but it's getting to the night time maybe I can still get one for the video let me try it while it's still there you know let me see if if I can get one good one so guys this is now 2K and look at the frames bro 15 frames them it's crazy look look at this Bob here let's let's try to what is this guy doing oh Manu this guy is Portuguese or Spanish bro umu is basically human in Portuguese or Spanish I think you can say it in Spanish too uh I think you sp you spell it like that I understand Spanish bro I can say something in something in Spanish but yeah that's it but I understand basically almost everything I have like a colleague in my work that is also is Portuguese but he's he lived in Spain almost all all his all his life so he he sometimes uses like terms like stuff in in Spanish though but you can understand it even with clients it speaks a little bit and it's fine because people understand each other so guys this is now 2K with dlss on quality now dlss on quality actually improves our frames it's basically almost the same as we were running at 108p Native I think because like when you are at 2K and you use the LSS on quality you are basing down SC basically downscaling your image to 1080p I will recommend you guys if you have a 1080 uh 2K monitor but you cannot play at 2K some games I recommend you placing instead of down scaling like from the normal resolution to 1080p just go 2K with the LSS or on quality or or FSR on on quality or Ultra quality or whatever um it's just better is this guy coming to get the there was a guy there but I I don't think he's coming to get air drop I'm not even going to get the air drop I think I'm just just reasons I need to read something the icons down there still the same if I click H it opens the things too okay all right all right drink some water okay I've seen a video showing up the C the the the caves and stuff too so guys this is now frame generation on on 2K let's see how it goes we it's basically the same as we were getting with only dlss on quality so I guess we will have more frames now with um if I activate the LSS on quality also the vum O we are using a bunch of vum like frame generation actually uses uses a bunch of VM too though I'm going to test 4K probably on Epic but I already know it's going to run so bad I'm bro like if the game crashes or something or like it if it really is that bad I'm not going to test it though I'm going to leave it here though I know like I not like I could maybe not even record on the maximum settings but sorry but uh I want people to see how it goes with it you know uh normally in games I test I don't test like for example I don't test like the medium settings the highest the high settings no I test the maximum um isy Thumb in my opinion it's not I like to record it that way because people can know like can know like the limits of what you can get so yeah it makes sense for me I guess this is now 2K dlss on quality and frame generation on as you guys can see like and as I said we actually get a little bit more frames we are able to go to the 40s but still it's not playable in my I mean it's playable okay like it actually feels smooth I can say that but yeah it's it's not ideal I guess just go with like lower settings maybe you you go with the lowest maybe you go with medium probably even high but yeah there's a n bro don't do that again please Raptor just focus on the o or focus on the on the on the carbon amies come on yes the carbon amies go for the carbon amies bro yes sir he's fighting the carbon amies can I burn the the Raptor though I can I'm going to help it let's go going to help you carbon amies let's go let's get the Raptor get the Raptor one more one more one more let's go so guys this is now 4K look at look at the frame time bro look at the frame time 94 it's crazy man 10 frames like it's impossible to play like this bro I know with frame generation maybe with frame generation and the LSS maybe we can get to like 20 to 30 frames maybe though and I don't even think that is possible maybe like 20 I mean 20 maybe yeah 20 I think bro this is crazy not going to lie it's it's not getting tonight time can I open console do we have still do still do we still have console I I cannot open it though but I'm pretty sure we have though I just don't nowhere but I've seen console I mean n maybe it's only on single player bro I don't I don't think you are able to activate GMA bro if that's it I love it okay like people can still activate gamma like through like their their gpus you know on the control panel settings but still bro it's really good like this this is now 4K with LSS on quality and there's a ceroid is there so there might be uh Beaver thems around uh I don't see Beaver thems yeah I'm not even going to going to build a metal base now so we're fine I think building bases up there will be nice too now man it's crazy I I I still remember the old times when people used to build stuff like that I remember people with bases up on those things that it was amazing bro they didn't have turrets at the time when I played I think I raided some of them but damn man it brings back a lot of memories I'm really really looking forward for for their the the center release I'm going to be looking for rattles bro because I want to play this game more chill you know and I hope the servers will be closed for a bit though from transfers from iseland you know because people here are going to be a lot evolved compared to when the other one uh opens I I don't even know when it's going to open though actually Dam it's already night time so guys this is now 4K with frame generation what the hell is happening with the frame time Gra ref H low do you guys see that 0.4 huh what the hell is happening there damn it's crazy uh what the hell I'm not I'm not going that way because I'm pretty sure that way is full of dinos bro like frame generation I think it's worse than yeah and and I think it's because of the vrm though but yeah I think it's worse than than normal 4K I think we at least I don't know it it was 10 frames it was less frames but it felt more smooth you know it looks so weird like this what the hell is this the 480 I'm really looking forward for the 48 I'm going to test the 480 next um after I I record this one and uh yeah if bro I don't have a 490 but I will actually really like to see and the 490 TI when it releases though I really wanted to see how it runs in this game I'm probably going to see a video like I'm pretty sure someone is going to is going to record it with the 490 so guys this is now frame generation dlss sound quality and 4K and actually 25 frames and it feels smooth though the only thing I feel is that is is because of the frame time it's like it has delay though like I'm going to look right now no no no you see can you guys see see what I'm saying it has like delay though but it feels smooth but with delay that's the thing but damn what the hell yeah they still they still need to optimize this game by a lot by really really really really a lot but yeah I'm looking forward to to test the 480 to test the 67,000 6700 I mean I don't even know like if I should record maximum settings with the 67 maybe yeah I'm I'm not going to record 4K with it maybe only um 1080P and 2K and yeah I think I'm going to record the Epic like that some cards that I have only 1080p but yeah guys this is the end of the video really hope you guys enjoyed it stay tuned to see more content like this more videos of arant in my channel and other games whatever but yeah I'll see you on the next one thank you so much for watching [Music] guys yeah
Channel: Games Hub
Views: 14,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTX 4070, 4070 RTX, 4070, Ark, RTX 4070 Ark Survival Ascended, Ark Survival Ascended RTX 4070, Ryzen 7 5800x3d Ark Survival Ascended, Ark Survival Ascended 4070, 4070 Ark Survival Ascended, RTX 4070 Ark, Ark RTX 4070, New Ark RTX 4070, New Ark, RTX 4070 New Ark, RTX 4070 Ark Survival Ascended Benchmark, RTX 4070 Ark Survival Ascended fps test, RTX 4070 Ark Survival Ascended Performance, ASA, RTX 4070 ASA, ASA RTX 4070, RTX 4070 Ark Ascended, Ark Ascended, Ark Ascended RTX 4070
Id: WOxS36AvvYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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