ARK Survival Ascended: my Graphic Settings and bug fix

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all right everyone if you're on this video you most likely don't get the performance you want in Arc survival Ascender or maybe you are still considering buying this game but not sure if you can actually run it and I'm going to tell you a couple settings you can change to affect the performance without actually affecting how the game looks and hopefully this can help let's go into the settings unfortunately it isn't just German there currently is no option to change that to English not in game and also not on Steam usually you can do that on Steam but it's not there right now hopefully they're going to patch that in so let's go to settings video and um the setting names are all in English but the setting values are in uh German when you spawn in you most likely are on the medium settings um and the only setting that I changed is the max frame rate this is capped on 60 FPS usually all of these settings don't make much of a difference um at least from what I tested so far um what does make a difference without actually affecting the uh greater looks of the game are the advanced Graphics the global illumination quality and the effects quality so right now with a 4080 and a ryzen 9 7,950 I only get like 50 FPS 54 FPS on the high settings again I don't um think the high settings is uh recommended to use I would just set to medium if you can run it if not low it still looks better than ar1 um but just for this showcase I'm going to leave it on High um so let's go ahead change advanc Graphics to low then effects quality to low I'm going to leave Global illumination quality for now because this does make a actual difference in the game's overall looks continue and with just these settings turn down we get from the 50 FPS uh more so to a 60 FPS without changing pretty much anything or at least personally I don't see a difference between um effects quality and advanced graphics on low compared to high so uh personally I do leave that on low and the next setting is is the global illumination quality this is standard on Epic I believe even if you use the medium setting it still sets this to Epic if you go to low here save go back we now get like 70 75 FPS so this gives you a bigger increase in fps but also the quality drops you can see that especially on these um rocks here but um again we're getting like 100 FPS now because I directly stare at this rock um but you can see that it looks worse um although I'm going to say it still looks great so you you definitely uh can sacrifice this um these graphics for the performance if you do need it um I'm going to actually change that back to Epic the other two are unnecessary to leave on anything other than low in my opinion so go save that and now the next settings um I'm going to talk about why I can't change the resolution scale here uh in a bit but the next settings are under the RTX Tab and if you do have a Nvidia card that supports us Nvidia dlss will always be turned on no matter what preset you use even if you use the low preset if you use the Epic preset doesn't matter you will always get the dlss turned on by default frame generation off and super resolution to balance now what you can do is enable the frame generation which I highly recommend this will give you the most FPS without sacrificing performance so uh without sacrificing Graphics let's go save that go back continue and immediately we now get a 100 FPS just by changing this so from about 60 FPS again I turned the um quality back on um so this was where we only turned down the effects and the uh Advanced Graphics uh with about 60 FPS and now we are almost doubling this if we go back into settings we also can change the super resolution here to ultra performance this will also give us a couple FPS more but right now this setting is bucked and I'm going to show you uh in a bit why you can see now we get get 120 FPS 25 so again pretty decent increase in performance um but with ultra performance I feel like you can see a bit too much of a difference if you need it obviously use this it still looks great but especially if you look at some things uh like the leaves um especially if they're a little bit further away you can see that they don't look as great or the clouds you can clearly see on the clouds um but obviously you're not going to be running around like this to be honest so it shouldn't bother you too much and again use the performance over the graphics in my opinion uh or value performance over Graphics most L this um this just drop um so I'm going to go back to these things and now is really problem is with the um Ultra performance if I go to RTX again you can see there's nothing selected here it's not even say it doesn't even say off it just is turned to nothing basically um so if I go to video end I'm going to change the global illumination quality to low again previously this gave us a 10 to 15 FPS increase let's go save that go back continue and now we drop FPS before we had 120 125 FPS now we're at 95 FPS so it's still playable of course and again depending on where I look I do get more FPS but in general if I just look here where we previously got 125 FPS I only get like 90 95 and that is because it will simply not use super resolution and straight up use the resolution scale slider here um so you no matter what you change you will have to go in here and use uh or click on Ultra performance save that go back now we get 145 FPS again cuz I also have the um quality settings uh turned down which I haven't had previously um this is stupid especially since if I go into settings now and I just want to change the audio and I go to save go back we lose FPS we we change the audio and we lose FPS this this really stupid um but I'm just assuming it is just bucked right now now if you have it on balance it doesn't do that and personally I do uh think balance is enough for me so I'm going to leave it on that um which I also get 120 FPS here if I have the quality turned down which is enough for me um but yeah that's just a pretty stupid bug now there is one thing to note if you go into the settings if you don't have an Nvidia card you can manually change the resolution um so if you use super resolution this is locked you can actually change it um you can turn that off here um go to save and then under the video tab you can change it however this also bled I'm sorry to tell this already but this does not do anything if I change it it it should do something right I can change it to something ridiculous like five go to save then go back you you saw it already turned it back on continue and you see I do get more FPS than previously um but I don't get the insane FPS like 140 that I should get with these low resolution settings and that is because it will actually change this back to Auto no matter what you set it if you have it on off and then change this to anything it will always go back and change it to Auto so you cannot actually manually change this with an Nvidia card what you can do however is use the previous bug with the ultra performance so go to ultra performance go to save then go back continue now again you do have the um the the bad quality here but the um more FPS um then go back to settings and again we have nothing selected on a super resolution due to the buck with the uh Ultra phones and now we can actually change this to like 80 save go back and now we actually get this performance what which we should get now the game looks awful of course but we we do get the actual performance it it does automatically set it back to uh 25 but now we can change it this is really stupid but it works um so yeah if you have an Nvidia card that is uh a little bit older you can't use dlss super resolution then this should not bother you or if you have an AMD card you should also be able to change this here but basically this does affect your performance a lot but also the graphics a lot um I hope this has helped at least a little bit let me actually go ahead and uh change this back um Graphics presets medium then this slow and this low leave this on Epic frame generation on balance this my settings uh save this go back continue now again I hope this has helped um and I do hope that they're going to uh optimize the game a bit more also fix all the bugs that we currently have with the settings but other than that um bye
Channel: iKaio
Views: 3,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARK, ARK survival ascended, ASA, performance, fps, graphic, settings, nvidia, rtx, super resolution, frame generation, bug fix
Id: QuOkdpIvcHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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