ARK: Survival Ascended MAX Fps | More Commands!?!?!

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[Music] okay we're back so as of the most recent update the launch sequence commands no longer work the only way to execute them is by putting them in the console commands that's not just the only reason why I'm making this video I found some more and I got curious I want to know what is the absolute maximum frame rate I can reach using my RTX 3070 so let's start with the standard settings we're going to keep our 1080p resolution but we're going to remove Max frame rate limitations we're going to start on the right side everything to the absolute minimum foliage quality distance Footprints and apparently 3dg yes we'll go for that even as well lowest on app absolutely everything we will see how the game looks and how many frames we can get also going to go to RTX go for [Music] dll and save those changes and let us see how is the frame rate now I would say no difference from the settings that I had previously not much difference at all and Visually speaking I wouldn't say it looks worse either am I sure I saved the settings yes I did H adjust brightness HDR I don't think this going to make any difference all right anyways on to the new commands so streaming whole size zero this is going to enable full use of our GPU memory currently my RTX 370 is using 6.2 out of 8 GB of its memory so if we enter this command will that change anything oh it did we went up by at least 500 [Music] megabytes it's not really something that you guys can see here if I open up a performance window no you cannot see that either right well it works just to trust me on that one right next up nanite Max pixels per Edge reduces the number of polygons for nanite now I know what polygons are but I don't know what nanites are so we're just going to trust it and we're going to go with this and not seeing much of a frame difference there what if we go for one oh oh definitely saw a difference in the trees there so then if we go to zero not going to change anything okay so one is the minimum got it that is a beautiful sunset even on these settings next R Lumen screen probe gather Jesus this is a long one optimizes Lumen Radiance well let's see what that one does we're having it we're starting off with 16 so with that we okay oh well that actually made everything worse we can't see stuff and oh boy [Music] yeah I guess now you can see you could with this one you could literally deactivate the mesh okay well that's going to be kind of broken for PVP not going to [Music] lie so can we set it back to what it was somehow [Music] one uh-oh this is not good th000 oh okay maybe it's because of the max max pixels per Edge thing with the lumens working together ah it was okay okay so setting Max pixels per Edge and adjusting the Lumen screen probe GA gather that's that's going to basically disable the mesh for you okay PVP players take notes right I think it's best that we don't touch those then we're just going to leave the pixel gatherer for four and the res probe resolution at 16 currently running on a nice little 73 okay around there next we have Lumen diffuse indirect allow optimizes L Lumen diffusion so that did not really make much difference moving on Lumen reflection allow zero so zero means no so we're denying Lumin reflection and I'm not seeing much much of a FPS increase here either Dynamic Global illumination method 2 disables Global illumination let's see also not really that useful so I'm going to probably be ranking these commands on from usefulness to not usefulness or stuff but yeah okay right distance field shadowing zero we're familiar with this one from the previous video and since already we don't have any Shadows I don't think that's going to make any difference clown volume a personal favorite of mine oh would you look at that honestly just looks like a completely different game and my frames are happy running on a nice little 100 broke triple digits nice shadow quality zero I'm going to be going with that next I did see a slight difference over there by the trees I did notice something and when it looks of it we are hitting just a little bit higher water single layer Reflections disables water Reflections all right well let's have a look nothing really reflecting off the water because there is no clouds to reflect off of so yeah no difference there really okay show instant okay well that that's that's that's that's a different that's a different kind of one this has no dots in in the middle it's just show instance grass disables grass and small small rocks well can't say I did see any difference with that right keep trying to press tab still not used to actually pressing escape static meshes let's see wow okay that was a difference that is definitely a difference there but I'm not seeing a frame increase of just just gotten rid of the trees in the distance right okay volumetric FL F fog fog oh didn't copy all right let's see volumetric fog zero not seeing a difference mm foliage quality now this one I'm excited for let's see no difference at all I'm not seeing anything here H contact Shadows disables Shadows okay well let's let's let's see about that H I'm not seeing a difference at all next is Shadow CSM Max Cascade disable Shadow Cascade right how do you even go about finding these kind of commands I just went into a article read it and uh kind of found some interesting information about it next up reduces texture resolution this Command right here and the number on it as is is -2 so oh yeah definitely reduced it so does that mean we can go further with reduce but we've lost frames that's the thing some of these get rid of stuff that actually okay so if we go for instance like 10 that made a difference but FPS is actually decreasing because of it so if we go back to zero that's the normal one and we're back to 100 okay so that actually res reduces texture resolution that actually makes it worse got it and Shadow virtual enable zero oh didn't copy that also I don't know it did something did something but I don't know what and the final one that I have here on my little notepad enable grass zero this one should disable grass which it didn't oh wait no it did do something right so no not much I can do really with these commands to get something higher than 100 FPS that's that's that's just the maximum I can give unless I for instance disable dlss would that actually do anything oh wow that actually did a lot 125 I'm rocking right now so if we go about and start flying okay stable six okay we're reaching down to 40s and 7s and we're not seeing the beams of the lights for these drops there's a Barry onx over here I wonder what's the render distance for this guy it's not too bad honestly the redwood trees completely don't even load in if you're not even if you're not just dead close to them how does the volcano look if I go down here and get rid of all my colors what okay so one of those settings is responsible for all the colors disappearing when you're at the volcano here interesting now you got guess you can see how the mesh itself looks like without any foliage or anything anything in the distance close range you're definitely going to be loading it in but yeah I'd say a lot of these commands are useful absolutely especially for PVP players that the those two commands that I showed where you can just literally get rid of the mesh and potentially see the interior of some caves and seeing what kind of structures a base has you know you're ler you're K moding you're just K moding more advanced considering that our survival ascended has disabled the opportunity for you to actually look under the mesh using K mode see you cannot no longer look under the mesh just doesn't work but yeah I'd say that is all thank you guys so much for watching I believe we peaked around 120 FPS with my RTX 370 which is is cool but I wouldn't say mindblowing this right here is not visually appealing what I had before was quite visually appealing and still I was getting some decent frames so so experiment yourself see what works for you and I'll be seeing you in the next one [Music] he
Channel: Spy Classic
Views: 1,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival evolved, ark, Spy, Classic, Spy Classic, Gameplay, Dinosaurs, Dinosaur, Dinos, ark survival, Playthrough, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival ascended trailer, ark survival ascended release date, Early Access, Early, Release, WildCard, Singleplayer, Review, Is it worth it, Worth, Buying, Worth Buying, Graphics, RTX, Better FPS, FPS, Ryzen, Intel, ark ascended new, ark survival ascended new, Ark Ascended Requirements, ark ascended pc requirements, MAX FPS
Id: lHn35R1geAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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