ARK: Survival Ascended | Large Snow Base with Workshop | Build Tutorial

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[Music] w [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] hey everyone it's Dan and welcome back to another tutorial uh this time we're going to be working on the large snow Bas with Workshop thank you to everybody that uh liked and commented on the community post that I made with this and the Cozy uh snow cabin um it was super close actually but this one just won out by about three or four votes so here we go um you'll see on the screen now a list of items you'll need to make this and so without further Ado we'll begin um the location for this build so you don't need that one you need this one here um we are at 9.6 latitude 72.5 longitude in uh the snowy biome and it's Wilderness is the name of the area it's in just by this Lake here it's quite a nice location um it's got obviously plenty of resources around at this kind of stage in the game when you might be building this base um you got water nearby Woodstone metal mountain is not far away from here either the only sort of downside for this location is is going to be the the wild life I have it's been scaring the snow bi biome sorry for quite a bit trying to find somewhere uh that's not got anything nasty around it there's not actually many at all if any this is like the quietest spot that I've been able to find um there's not a lot of stuff around here that's going to be too much of an issue across the lake you get most of the nasty stuff it doesn't really cross over here it ends up staying over that way um you get some RGS but apart from that it's pretty nice so to begin with we're going to start by placing our Stone foundations um with this build if you're doing it in the same location up here you want to start up the shoreline um and just put the First Foundation down and lower it just to about that high I can't I wish I could tell you exactly how high that was but I can't um just so it's like a little step up want Place three of those actually I'm going to move this over one just so we're not too close to that rock like that that's going to be your the outside porch and then this is the inside then in the middle here it's going to be a 3X3 that's the center of the build and then come out this way four and then three across and we'll go ahead and get rid of this rock here so that's a 3x4 section here that's the workshop area and on this side the same exact layout 3x4 again should snap there you go and just to make sure there's nothing interfering with the B we'll get rid of this rock as well now depending on where you're building this if you're obviously on a very flat area you can use Foundation for the remaining part um because I assume perhaps you're going to build it in the same spot that I'm building it now um the the river bank here slopes away too much to use foundations so to save a mix and match foundations and ceilings we're just going to go straight for the ceilings so you want to come out two 2x six sorry 2x3 with the uh ceilings and then switch the quarter ceilings to the triangles and put them on the end here and that just rounds off that bit and this will be the bedroom area now we'll come underneath and you want to grab your stone walls and just place them around the edge you find they're going to want to snap to that top snap point just press Q to bring that down to the bottom have to do that most of the way around unless you get lucky and it snaps to the bottom for you and that blends it all in like one big foundation and that's the bottom of the uh that's the main foundation for the house done now next we'll come around the bottom with stone pillars I like to line these up so they're perpendicular with this uh this front edge here so they're not they're not angled down diagonally they're straight like that and then line that one up with this wall here same again on this side like that so you more or less got to St put it every every one every one wall around here except for the front we'll go ahead and do these Corner pillars here and he's going to go around the majority of the build for of course you don't have to put Stone pillars in in these sections where it's uh very close to the ground it's just I like to complete that look all the way down to the to the surface so if you feel like that's wasteful um of course go ahead and save those pillars for later on we can also go and put the rest on here as well so that's what you don't want at least for me again you can do whatever you like with the uh the shape of those if you want to so that's most of the that's all of the ground pillar done the lower levels of them at least we get started on the walls next so starting at the front if you grab your quarter Stone walls and just put those either side facing inwards and then go back and grab the stone the the full stone walls and you want to switch them to a stone doorway and sorry you want to flip that the other way around like that and that way you should have to S the wooden portion facing outwards and then go ahead and put the quarter walls on top like that and in the middle section it's going to be a stone double doorway it should be the usual orientation though for these middle ones like that now it's going to be stone walls the majority of the way around here and two high as well leave a gap here that's where these Stone dinosaur Gateway is going to go for the workshop and here on the front if you switch those to Stone doorways again and go ahead and flip them these will be the bedroom windows switch back to the normal wall that rock came back very fast didn't it I've got my uh resource respawn settings too low sorry about that and then back to the stone doorways and flip it again so the wooden bit is going to be showing on the outside and these will be the windows in the kitchen so that's the uh the stone walls done around the around the lower level then grab your wooden walls I'll get the snap point in a second there we go like that around the front just one layer of wooden walls around this part of the house up to there obviously don't do that like so and this is going to be the the the larger section of the house in terms of how vertical it goes the big the the higher roof will be over this part of the house where it's lower over the kitchen than the bedroom so we'll start with the roof ends and to do those on this lower portion here it's going to be a single wooden wall like that and then slope to roof pieces here cut okay so starting with the roof end pieces you're going to want to get up your quarter walls flip them so the darker wooden bit is showing on the outside and layer them up two times so it's like a normal wall would be there grab your sloped walls attach them to the sides and then you want to snap them so that they fill the middle layer there so you get that point over the middle wall like that then cter wooden ceilings here on the top you'll recognize this uh design from my other build builds where you get an overhang and a quarter wall in the middle like that coming around to the front of the house more or less exactly the same thing again just make sure you switch the variants on the quarter wall so that you you get the um alternating slots there like that and that way when you put the SLO wall in it'll fit together nicely like that and then just snap these slope TOS at the top they're snapping to the core tools we placed in the middle we'll come to the front here you want to grab Stone ceilings for this one they just come out 1x3 from the front that's going to form your porch section quter walls again just remember to switch back to the first variant when you start the lower level and then the second variant for the top like that slope towards either side and then in the middle as well it's going to be that same format the whole way around and then you want the cter seiling to snap to the top here like that and a quarter wall and bring that across uh all the way up to the edge on this one go ahead and finish that up here as well so two quarter ceilings and a quarter wall in the middle like that that so you should be having something looking a bit like that at this point and then the last end piece we'll do for now is this one here again same thing back to the first variant when you start this second variant for the top layer switch back to your sloped walls put them either side and then snap to the quarter walls for the middle bit which will complete the point off the roof like that quarter ceilings at the top and then a quarter wall in that middle section at the top there so that's your roof end piece is complete before we put the roof on we'll go ahead and put the dinosaur Gateway in you want to make sure this is flipped so it's going to be protruding out from the front like that and then just to complete that front look with the workshop entrance need to grab your stone foundations again and you put th along the front like that and now we'll go and put the roof on so like my other builds you're going to be snapping these to the corter wall at the top so that way you get the overhang on the front but unlike my other builds you're going to be attaching the roof to the bottom of the top one rather than overlapping so want to go ahead and extend this if we can get the snap point there we go across the front like that and then extend it one extra on the top layer cuz we're can to use the corner walls to line them up come to the other side and do the same thing and that snap point is the real challenge really with this don't forget Q is your friend with this kind of build just keep snapping through until you get the right one now come to the front of the house do the porch first like that and then the reason we put that other C water so we can snap it to that with the overlap and that way it doesn't intersect with the inside of the house come to the other side and do the same thing like that that's the porch finished go ahead and do the same thing with the front of the uh the top roof section at the front of the house here and then one extra on that top layer that's where we're going to have the corner pieces so grab them switch it to the uh the wood roof Corner [Music] variant go ahead and snap those into place fill in the gaps there nice and SA is fying there we go so with that finished we'll come to the smaller end over the kitchen grab your roof pieces again it's the same method again so just attaching it to that quter what we placed earlier grabbing the right snap Point not the wrong one want to keep that coming four across is what you want to aim for okay so with the kitchen roof finished we'll go ahead and finish the remainder of the top part of the roof here so you want to build the rest of the roof out using the corner pieces to start with like that snap those on like so then go back to your wooden roof pieces snap them on like that and then corner pieces again for the middle here like so and then we're going to come out this way once more so there's one more layer of roof coming out like that that's where you should be at now then we'll head inside and what we need to do next is bridge this Gap here with a mixture of sloped wooden wooden walls and the quarter walls so you grab those you want to snap them inverted go up two two layers like that and grab your quarter walls two across the top like that and go back to your sloped walls and go down the other side like that fill in the Gap with the same method we used on the roofs at the bottom roof end pieces like that and then snap the last of the slopes wall pieces to the bottom of the quter wall so they're go to the bottom of this quter wall here and they're filling in that last triangle that we had left there like that and then you get that nice arched piece like so and before we move on from that one you want to grab quarter walls and quarter ceilings again and insert them here reason being is you want to have the same look as we do over here cuz that'll come into place later on when we use the inverted slope to roof pieces to make the roof accents later on in the tutorial go ahead and get that quter wall snapped in there like that and then we can actually finish the kitchen roof with this now CU you can snap the last roof pieces to those sloped ones we just placed like that moving across this way on quter walls attach them to the top part of the sloped wall like that and then cter ceilings and then bridge the gap across the build like that and then you can then work your way down with quarter walls on the same side like so and then from here we can do the same thing as we've done here and that then allow us to build the rest of the roof out so go ahead and grab the inverted roof pieces place the first one like that another one like that now grab your quarter walls again again you want to go across the Gap like so and then the slop roof Pieces come back down the other side again fill in the top section with slope roof pieces same as the roof ends that we did earlier and then again snapping it to the quarter wall you can fill in that lower level like this like so and then you can see that's going to set us up nicely so that we can then go ahead and do the the roof over the bedroom so grab those roof pieces like so bring them down so it's a 2x4 and two layers just like every other bit of the roof we've done so far and then come up top here c a wall in the middle and then quar a ceiling either side again same as everything else with the roof end pieces like that and that will give you that final snap point just to give you that end overhang over the bedroom portion and then using the sloped roof pieces cut and then using quarter walls you want to build down make sure you're on the second variant for these bits and then switch back to the first variant for the bottom that'll give you a normal looking wall but made up of quarter walls then take your slight Roo pieces fill them in on the ends and then snapping to the cter cter walls you can then fill in that top that top Gap and again that's exactly the same format as the rest of the roof end pieces and that gives you that finish like that and that's the majority of the roof uh finished in terms of its main structural element that's now all in place so we can then work our way inside SES and go ahead and fill in some of these empty spaces and these are going to end up being windows so you want to grab your quarter walls switch to the railing want to snap to the top quarter walls like that and then to the bottom ones and flip it like that and then you get a similar window variant as what we're using on the Stables last time so again snap it to the quarter walls flip it snap it to the lower section here and flip it again you get a nice Diamond window like that now here you want to take out these roof pieces I apologize I've made the mistake with those they need to be cter walls and because they're going on the top you want to switch to that second variant and then to the railings and it's the same format as what we've just on those windows there so snap to the top quarter walls and flip so they're pointing downwards and the lower wall and flip it you get that nice Diamond window like that and then we'll head back outside and finish the pillars around the edge so there's going to be a lot of stone and wooden pillars now so we'll start off with the stone so on this edge of the workshop in the middle you want to go up two Stone pillars leave the rest leave the corners as one one high then on this back side of the workshop want to put them up two high in the middle again leaving the corner pieces one high we'll come on to the porch you want to snap to the corners of the porch ceiling and bring the pillars down on the ends there like that next switch it to a beam and we'll just work our way around the bottom layer here that's going to be beams all the way around the edge okay apologies for that rock being in the way I have to come inside for that bit that's the the lower perimeter there made up of uh Stone beams I'm just going to go ahead and try and get rid of that rock again that back to your stone beams and go around the top edge of the workshop with these so just splitting the the stone and the wood the stone beams there up to the roof one on this side there's nothing around the edge of the kitchen except for on this Edge like that so that's the uh the far end of the kitchen Stone beams along the top and then same again again on by the front door and that goes all the way around into the workshop then but these lower levels here primarily don't have them coming to the bedroom end it's going to be wooden beams along the front here make sure they snap through the diagonal like that and then grab your quarter walls sry quarter ceilings and if you come outside the build you want to snap them to the edge sorry the edge of the sloped wall piece and flip it so you get the plank showing on the outside like that and that way it sort of seals the house makes it airtight um and you don't get too much of the quarter ceiling showing on the inside either it still feels nice and open um but that hole is sealed up now so there's no no gaps so heading back to the outside I'll grab the remainder of the wooden pillars and they're going to snap to the tops of the stone pillars so again for my preference I want to make them line up with the bottom pillar again you can do that however you like and sorry these end pieces here on the kitchen there should be two Stone beams and then wood on the top like that and then just another step for the exterior uh using your wooden ladders just want to come and put them and snap them either side of these Stone pillars here and that goes on both sides then again here as well on these Peds that we placed on the the long side on the back going to aim for the uh the stone ped when you do that and hit Q just to get the snaps hide on both sides like so and that's all the pillow work around the edge of the house done the last few players we need to put on the porch and their wooden ones again just on the top and front of the roof end piece with the porch then you want to grab your quarter walls switch them to railings snap them to the stone pillar like that till you get the higher diagonal angle and then flip it up like so same again on this side then you want to snap another one to this edge here like that grab your stone quarter walls switch them to railings and they go either side of the porch like that and then they encompass the stone foundations here either side of the stone Gateway for the workshop like that come around to the back grab your stone ceiling that's going to come out like so this be where the water tanks are going to be stored we want to go and get get the wood and cter ceilings two like that grab your roof pieces switch them to a stair and that comes down the side like that stone quarter walls in the railing form snap them to the Bottom Stone P until you get it up like this it's the steepest angle you can have and then put railings around the edge leave this space open here coming to the water's edge want to grab a in this case I'm using a metal tap but really A Stone Tap works just as well place that down like so I like to get grab a stone pillar to snap it to the end of where the tap is and then grab a stone Cal wall with the railing and snap it down like that I just think it gives it it gives it some nice structural reinforcement just instead of having a little tap like this feels like it goes somewhere and that could be like the way that the plumbing starts and leads into the house and just to follow that theme I put a stone pillar there like that and then a beam like that as if maybe that's where the plumbing connects and leads into the house and if you go ahead in this case I'm using Stone sorry metal water tanks just put two like that you can use Stone of course that doesn't matter too much it's just a way of having sort of a reserve of water but I quite like how that looks then come on to the roof detail so to start with we're going to grab the wooden quarter walls with the railing snap those the top of the roof and flip them so you get the pointy side up sorry there's a lot of snap points on the roof unfortunately so it can be sometimes quite tricky to get the right one I do find aiming for the end of the you just placed does help line that up always work in your favor though that's just uh building an arc unfortunately when you get to these odd end roof Pieces Just aim for the very end and it should snap and overlap with the previous railing you've placed like that now around the edges of the roof snap to the end so they're in line with the angle of the roof and then flip it so you get the pointy side again sticking out you want to go around the edge of all the roofs and do that for and that's the edge of the roof done as well then on the ends of the roofs I'm going to grab your sloped wooden wall pieces and they're going to snap like that so inverted and pointing outwards and they're snapping to those cter walls that we placed on the inside at the start of the build at the top of this roof I want to snap the slope roof piece to the top pointing upwards it's the same same on the edges around here as well sometimes what doesn't always want to work for you and it could be because I haven't placed a stone sorry a quarter wall in there which I haven't so if you've been following following along correctly this whole time you'll have the same problem I apologize I'm going to go ahead and grab the quarter walls like that sorry the quarter ceilings apologies and then the quarter wall switch it to the wall and then get it to snap in the middle like that and that will fix the problem that I was just having uh sorry again about that one going snap it to the front inverted pointing upwards like that and snap the top ones to the roof pointing upwards like that so that's the sort of the roof accent pieces uh almost finished the last bit you want to do with these is grab wooden pillars and snap them to the uppermost sloped roof pieces and that's the roof accents finished and we'll come back in size I'll switch it to daytime again now we can start working on the interior I'm going to leave the windows till the very end just so we don't get it lose too much light in here cuz it will get a bit darker once we put the door and the the windows in so starting at the front you want to get course uh stone walls snap them around the foundations near the front door like that and then grab Stone ceilings snap those into the middle like so now on the edges of the sort of entrance hall portion we're in now go your quarter walls with the first variant place two down like that and then grab your wooden walls switch them to a double doorway and snap them to the foundation so that you get the blue blue Hollow gram type thing uh um and that way you get these sort of thin beams we'll be carrying that style all the way to the roof like so switch back to your quarter wall to the railing flip it upside down then snap to that other railing and flip it the right way up and then one more on top of that the right way up again like so grab the quarter walls the first variant flip it so you get in the darker wood showing and that's going to go all the way across like that like so grab a wooden wall switch it to the secret door and that way you can snap it on top of these quarter walls and it will actually go inside of the doorway like that and won't demolish it when you put it down okay so at the top you want to grab cter walls again bring them across from the top of the uh secret doorway put that around it's always the darker wood showing on the inside two more core tools on top of the Secret Door like that and then you can go ahead and fill the gap with sloped uh wooden roof pieces like that and then this bottom layer grab the quarter wall pieces switch into railings and same as the windows we did earlier just snap one the right way up to the top quarter walls and one upside down to the bottom quarter walls and you get that nice small window same as we did on the edges like that and that's your partition between the entrance way and the workshop area and it's more or less the same thing on the other side um just smaller so Place those first two quarter walls down go back to your wooden walls switch to the double doorway again snapping to the foundation so you get the the small beam showing bridge that up to the top like that cter walls switch to railing okay snap those one on top of another one upside down one the right way up and then one more the right way up on top like that grab your quter wall again flip it so the dark sh dark side is showing sorry I'll get that bit right in a second there we go keep it on that first variant all the way along and there's two more layers of quter walls on top here and grab your sloped wooden roof piece and again you just fill in the Gap like we did on the other side and that's the partition there into the kitchen area I like the way that fits inside the other triangle and it's dark and light it's creates quite a nice uh contrast there now for the bedroom stone walls in the stone doorway variant make sure it's snapped so that it's green and you get in the outside of the doorway showing like that then get a wooden wall switch it to the secret doorway and flip it so that it's going to be that lighter sh the lighter to side showing so the green like that grab cter walls and snap those to the second foundation in from those walls we just placed lay them up twice like that and then on top into railing like that and grab some sloped wooden roof pieces and they snap to the top like that but flip it so that you get the darker wood showing like so and that's all of the bedroom division done you don't want to go ahead and grab your wooden pillars attach them here at the edges of the the stone doorway and then here on this wall and then because we put the cbles down we can then snap a stone pillar like that so you're snapping it to the C wall that way they can intersect together and then a stone beam like that across the top and on the divisions between the entrance way and the workshop and kitchen it's just wooden pillows all the way to the top like that you want to extend these pillars here up to the top as well well and then here switch to a wooden beam and cycle through the snap points till you get the beam that attaches to the sloped roof over the bedroom area I just think that ties it in nicely with the uh that wooden quarter ceiling we had to put across at the start just add some nice support to the roof like it's being held up I think that's quite good and then in the center here Stone pillar and then grab your wooden ladders and they just go around the edge of it like that that's just sort of like a centerpiece there for the uh the entrance way and in the workshop quarter ceilings and they run along the back of the workshop wall like that just four across and then pop a ladder on the end like so I'll come to this side have a wooden ceiling attach it to the top of the quarter wall like that be a wooden ladder down from the top you going have to snap the lower ladder to the actual Foundation itself and that'll tie in like that and then grab a quarter wall with the railings put them around the edge like that now grab your wooden uh beams and you're going to go all the way from the back to the front to where the door is with those across the top like that and then also from the ends of the workshop going into to that beam we've just placed like so and then with the railings using the quarter wall pieces you want to flip those so they at the steeper angle and reaching up into the middle where the beams we just placed are again just s through the snap point so we get a steeper angle like that and that gives you a nice sort of supported kind of trust trust work look on the workshop which I think is nice it makes it look quite industrial and it looks like a like a working area which I like like the way that looks now coming through to the kitchen area grab your quarter ceilings the wooden ones and similar to the workshop but just two two wide there and then the ladder on the end and then it's Greenhouse pieces all the windows fill them in now then in here it's going to be the stone dinosaur Gateway like that and that's uh that's how it looks now the next step I'm going to show you is through the details so the interior design and sort of the accent pieces that I've done with the front so we'll get started with that so at the front here you'll notice in that screenshot I showed you guys uh yesterday that's using uh Stone triangle pieces which I don't think of no they're here sorry um they snap around the edges of the foundations here outside the door that kind of nice crossover formation see again here just go on the edge they should intersect together nicely and you can a a light source on there perhaps I used I used the standing torches in my screenshot that I showed you I'm coming inside here in the entrance hall uh we have these artifact pedestals either the side on these platforms we built earlier and then one on top of this pillar with the ladders there so you can display your artifacts inside the main entrance to the house we'll move next into the bedroom area so in here using the display mounts going to put them either side I disable the snapping like that and one more on the top like so and then go ahead and grab your beds that just goes either side like that and then on the very end of the bed I place a bench like so and then I've got a large storage chest on the side here a small storage box on this side and then here see we still got the absence of mirrors until we get the DLC where they were added so I just put a little little table here like that and the trophy mount which sort of resembles a mirror a little bit if you use your imagination and then you go ahead and flip that chair around uh change the alignment mode to free placing mode and I just have it an angle there like that so that's sort of like a bit of a dresser I guess you could say um you've got your large storage box there and the bed and a small storage box there sort of fills out the bedroom a bit nicely obviously you can add as much as you like in here really I me it's quite a big space and that's the reason I didn't put any doors in it's cuz I like the way that the build really feels connected without any doorways you know you can just walk through the whole thing without having to open or close any doors um but there's also still some privacy you know you can't see into the bedroom from the front door it's nicely cut off from the rest of the house too but it is still nice and open and easy to get around and so I'll just go back into ghost mode now in the workshop got be large storage chest again and place those just so they're close to the edge like that and you should be able to get three across the top like so and underneath again switch this to full alignment mode for placing this and it'll just snap nicely underneath the uh the storage chest there uh and those chests are still accessible from down here you can get things out nicely and they should um when you need to get a lot of things out at once you know a few heavy things perhaps you can just throw them out and they will be thrown backwards and onto the floor here behind you so they they still accessible you can get everything out of them ni and easily you grab your forges flip them around and just Place three along the side here on this side we have a Smithy like that here I place uh mortar and pels place a couple down there again can still walk in and out of this place nice and easy and then up top on this platform so I'll go back into ghost mode again so I'm not too quick I want to place a generator like that and you can snap that however you like doesn't matter too much um the main thing is that when you go up here you can then access it nice and easy and put some fuel in and that just sits up there nice and out the way again with the way that the power works now you can distribute the power around the house nice and easy and then lastly we can move into the kitchen area and we'll start this off with the fireplace that just snaps to this pillar here in between the Windows like that going grab your industrial Grill first and pop that in the corner like so and in here going to put two refrigerators side by side like that and then on top a beer barrel it's not always super easy to get it up there like that up against this wall here I put the industrial cooker like that and then through the middle and then through the middle you put table there two normally is okay again if you can get them to free place together that is of course ideal um or else just one table is is enough really just put four chairs around there like that put a little mot and pest on top just for a bit of detail and on this section here if you grab your TAP let put that on this pillar like that you can turn these off now which is nice have a table and get that in as close to the wall as you can get it like so and then a morar and pesel and just put that underneath and it I mean it's very basic but it looks a little bit like a sink if you get it over the pot like that and that's just nice water source you can get into the kitchen for drinking or whatever you need uh and that's uh the build pretty much finished the interior design and the building of it itself uh and for lighting obviously with the generator in place we can use the omnidirectional and then the normal sort of like street light I guess it's called in this game um you can use whatever you want um I get that's a that's kind of a personal preference of where you want the lighting to go um so you can really put that wherever you like I haven't included that in the build list for that reason just because you can you can you know I mean you can use torches if you wanted to uh um you know a couple of Lights here and there uh throughout the build that is always good nothing too crazy a few here in the bedroom and sorry for the Smithy not being there anymore I've crashed about three times after trying to put the tap down earlier uh so I had to rebuild the interior again but uh that's that's all done and then you can go ahead and switch all these on they are quite bright especially when everything inside here is covered in snow obviously you can dim those and then yeah you got a nicely illuminated uh base now proba don't need two in here just judging by how bright these are but yeah that's the uh that's the end of the build everyone thank you so much for watching um thank you all for your continued uh support as well I can't thank you all enough um apologies for the delay on on this one coming out um just as I've had making this tutorial just now I've been having so much trouble with crashes lately um just getting just getting some stuff done has been quite challenging uh but I do really appreciate all of your patience um and I really hope you enjoy this one um I hope you enjoy building it of course if you give it a go um I think it is a pretty good base um especially sort of that mid tier after you've worked your way up from the smaller houses it's quite a nice sort of interim build before you get into the really big fancy stuff later on in the end game uh and I'll see you all for the next one hopefully soon that'll be the uh the cozy snow cabin um which I sort of teased a couple of days ago so that'll be the next one coming out in the next few days um but yeah in the meantime hope you all have a great day thank you so much again for your for watching liking subscribing commenting um any feedbacks good feedback so please do leave it and I'll see you in the next one cheers
Channel: DAN Burtini
Views: 15,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T41Ztb-1w9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 13sec (4213 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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