Ark Survival Ascended Part 1 - New Computer Who Dis

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hello everyone how we doing new computer new server new everything got all sorts of fun going we good okay everything is different because I'm on a new PC which is very exciting though Everything Is Broken and none of my settings are the same so it's a fun time trying to figure that all out right now need to do is already forgotten stuff new computer who are you I'm a completely new person clearly finally updated my [Music] computer it's time to actually play hopefully everything doesn't explode you know this is going to be the stress test for the computer what are we doing we're playing some Arc and stress test in my computer Louisa how you doing Gundam um so this is this is our private little uh hush house trer that I'm running with uh crazy demonic wolf we're just kind of doing a small friendly server PVP settings for breeding only mostly PVE but we're going to do events and whatnot all the good stuff usual fun stuff and uh I've made my butt here to this Hidden Lake location which is here on the map I have a tiny baby Raptor that I tamed at level 15 to help me get here and that's that's about really all you've missed out we've got skids who is going to be our beautiful beautiful Builder um because I can't build for poop I can I can make boxes and that's not pretty boxes are not pretty to live in so skids is my Builder and my Builder has asked us to tame some carnos because a we need carnos B I seem to have missed out on the Raptor oh I'm sad um so yeah we got we we need to T A Carno for my lovely Builder to be protected by them cuz otherwise my my Builder going get eaten if thank you for the sticker yay happy stream time heck yeah you just north of us uh I don't think so I am I am very north of you now cuz uh y'all down here I'm way up here no there's that all right so I've got to go find caros where I don't even know caros are located oh hello Carno you're a whole level 15 no I'm looking for better than 15 that's what this one started out as ask for carnos and you shall receive I mean I guess there's technically caral Island I could just be an idiot and go to car Caro Island that that could be a fun time though so there's this lovely Island over there this just is full of carnivores but everything hurts I could just be an idiot and go to caral Island what if I just tempted fate that's a terror bird whoever are you 50 ah hey Raven how you doing I want I want something worth protecting my Builder with I want something worth protection oh that's a kudon that needs to die immediately get out of here true on not [Music] allowed fre how you doing that 20 dead clearing out the din on our way outon on oh I didn't kill it now it's going to be obnoxious to kill I've made a mistake cuz flying things are awful to try and [Music] kill die what if what if you just died I don't want to play this game with you if I have not had time to check my messages I've been moderately busy trying to uh oh my boots my shoes they're [Applause] broken okay out in the wild again we go there's plenty of dinos out here let's see if we can't find a Caro to tame I just need one good Caro none of these are [Music] carnos like how blue you are you're not a Caro y'all are running are you running from something no running from dumb Dums stoie thank you for becoming a member it's a monkey oh oh wait maybe I should tame you you're 145 we're going to tame it we're going to tame it I'm going to stop trying to murder it and it's going to spit in my face and it's going to hurt and it's going to be great switching from yeah we switching need to get up on a rocks are safe from spit maybe General I need to leave my Raptor behind you passive I have no idea you are okay stay there time to go get bit in the face AR thank you for becoming a stomp Welcome to The Stomping crew we stamp and we stamp and stomp it stomp me try and catch a Caro for you I'm hello oh you butthead did you go no wait that's a raptor where where the ohy boy I don't want to be away from my Raptor anymore Gundam thank you for becoming a stomp I don't want did stamp switch yes because I'm now a partner on YouTube very exciting news if thank you for becoming a stomp um so this was an unforeseen development I'm not going to lie I was not prepared for a Rex what level is this want to God so pretty level are you 95 I'll take it we're just going to have to keep an eye on that you know this is all fine this is all fine this was a mistake this was a mistake if anyone was wondering it was a mistake we don't even have a bed oh I didn't even think about the fact that we don't have a bed [Music] I lied get back here come here want to be on you actually is it running away did it run away I actually almost have it where' my carinal friend Go Raven thank you for becoming a tappy pleas stomp that's not who I'm looking for where' the car where my Raptor friend go is it all YouTubes now it's probably be going to become pretty primary YouTube we might still do the occasional twitch I have not decided yet um no really where did our where did that Raptor just Nope off to when I thought I was noping away okay well um I don't know what level friend is I want to leave you alive for now what level is our Rex friend I don't know how I feel just hanging out next to this Rex friend I really want was that Raptor oh that's an alpha Raptor nope that's not who I want to make friends with that's not who I want to make friends with oh it's death over here okay okay all right let's let's tame our 145 and go away oh now that I want to tame it didy friend oh there hello spitty friend let's come over here away from the Rex how do you feel about that you feel good I feel good about it you're going to be my friend over for a second didn't follow me like you were supposed to oh it's asleep that's why well shove some heat up its butt thank you for the tappy Stomp and Snake Eyes thank you for the stomp thank you everyone all right take this in here now we're going to protect it water and where's our Rex friend Rex friend has just casually awed that works for me who who needs to keep track of a Rex friend when they just go away yeah look at that look at that ask and you shall receive guard spitty yep that's his name stamp had to come over here and see what we're doing we're uh uh we're just kind of starting fresh over in a a little corner of the Hidden Lake because you know why not why not play on two servers because it's extra fun that way all right so now we're going to bring our guard dog home or it dies Louisa thank you for becoming a stomp thank you everyone for the over on YouTube I appreciate showing up for the switch I know it's a little different but uh you know I'm very excited to finally be a YouTube Partner I genuinely didn't think it was going to happen when I finally decided to be like okay yeah I'll start streaming I kind of just figured we'd just be a tiny little baby over on Twitch forever watching me be bad at video games and you guys just keep showing up I'm still bad at video games that hasn't changed you guys show up and I appreciate you all for uh hanging out every time I do it so we got a little friend we got a little friend kids I can protect you now have have your little guard dog friend have a friend T he spits also why am I stuck with like the poopy colored dinos the the the the baby diarrhea green I would like a pretty dyo we really got to get some pretty colored dinos this is a problem all right let's go back that was that was a successful little hunt let's see if we can't get another one that is my curse my curse is poopy colored dinos because I joined skids who named us the Poopers we pooping tribe you know it's fine I'm great so long as there isn't a cliff well about that there's a about a billion cliffs in this game right any more people want to be our friends what level are you only a 75 I'm going to murder you I don't even remember the gender the other one hi puton how you doing you're only level 35 you can die or you can fly away that's your choice based on how fast you can fly it's going to fly away okay chice been made really oh there's our Rex friend there's a raptor is that the the alpha should I be doing this there was an alpha somewhere might be a mistake what if I just commit if cuz you know what would be great having a spy glass do I have one no so many okay I see I think I see the alpha Raptor back there but that looks really bit no that is an alpha never mind never mind silly me the alpha Raptor wait is the Alpha and the T-Rex fighting the Alpha and the T-Rex are fighting look we're just going to natural geographic it now and we're just going to watch them fight I'm here for this who's going down probably the Rex all right who's going to win hello come be my friend you're 95 come over here you're going to come be my friend come over here yeah and we're going to cross over here you're the you're the friend that I wanted before we going to come over here where it's safer if I can [Music] just God running and trying to shoot on AES no not in the water get out of the water oh I don't know if this counts so low Health heal I'm dying hey skids actually no wait I know where bed why was I dying well death count go up I hope our friend is still there not again oh oh friend if you think that death is not going to happen again and again you are wrong you are so very wrong I just like being NY yes I mean to be fair I think I was already NY which might have been a bit of the issue I just hope our tame is still there we'll see kids if you want to make another bed I would not be opposed to that just throwing that out there as much as I love the nak and Afraid runs all right so our big hope is beavers can spawn here we're hoping some BS will spawn here and then we can tame up a beaver to make all the beds look ma'am I requested one bed I don't know if our tame still there we just left a poor unconscious Raptor free to the eating to be fair who doesn't like being NY you got it there and free oh wait no one wants to no one's here for you oh hello why are you here go away I wasn't prepared for tunnel Raptor he's so close help help me that's why I named you that please help help please please I beg of Thee ah wait oh okay somehow somehow alive dying maybe somehow alive though also somehow alive well I don't know how that one worked but uh I'll take it you go accidental starve tame oh we're done okay all right I might have upped The Taming multiplier a little faster than I thought I had all right well we got a second friend now and they M boosted I can mate with this absolute poop of a dino that started as a level 15 all right where's where's how do I get home I do like that you can just track your dinos now big fan of that okay it wasn't um a fantastic level to start with but it was way better than what we were already so I'll take it oh is that a drop I see is this a drop can I touch this drop D got fire ooh an ascending Stone crossbow yes please yes please secret tunnel through the kind of mountain through the valley that a be Dam that just some debris you Bey Dam no you're just a tree that got me excited for nothing we'll have to talk about payment for my Building Services ma'am I'm bringing you caros are caros is not enough are caros not not a building service aring tiger how you doing let me through tag stream there now you have two guard dogs look at that two whole guard dogs I'm going to go get more maybe die again really repair my stuff but we don't have a Smithy that's on the boat and I'm too lazy to go over there so we're just going to keep chancing it we're just going to keep chancing it until our luck runs out and then I'll have to grab the other Raptor and get my stuff because I do have some decent stuff there's one here well I've already left I've already left the Smithy is too far away now what are my PC specs and what resolution am I playing at my PC specs oh I got to kill that real quick um my PC specs are decent because I just bought a bunch of things things and I'm not a computer person so I'm going to answer this horribly but I have a 3070 in here but everything else is pretty first gen it's looking much better right right we got less poop my latency is better in general ARA is less of a potato now which is lovely very excited about it I have good but not best yes I am I am ye mid tier PC now looking pretty fly there Mama than bulist I got a m ma' now that we're using the tubes bethan so happy you have a better potato me too now it's a loaded potato we're no longer a potato dug out of the ground there's some more Raptors there's some more rapor oh no whistle whistle aggressive go save me save me from the micro Raptors am I safe are we good am I slowly dying yes all right we good we good oh we're less good we're at least aggressive now micro Raptor please just die oh God one more hit there it goes all right micro Raptors are terrifying resolution um I think I'm on 1080 I'm not on anything too crazy I'm not 4K in or anything Raptor looks very bloody you're probably a baby or these packis are just big now they're dead hey Raptor we level are you Raptor friend level are you you're level 15 you can die come here I saved your life now I get to claim it there a Caro whatever you 95 I'm not going to tame 95 car now got to be over 100 for me to get out of bed for you [Applause] num couch pot I don't think has been set up for my YouTube so the potato gods have gifted stamp frames to be fair I also upgraded the PC so the potato gods are now pleased they've given me the loaded potato got bacon bits and sour cream and cheese and I don't know what else you put on a loaded baked potato but we there we are perhaps double baked potato that's supposed to be a good kind of right look at all the blue gorgeous you're gorgeous you your baby the same oh your baby is the same oh your baby's missing the tummy no I was going to kill you for your baby but now I don't want to point hi stamp I'm getting a new pc soon hopefully what CRA graphics card did you go for um so I have a 3070 and it seems to be playing pretty nicely honestly from what my oh you're still you're still passive passive stop it oh you didn't need to do that you didn't need to do that yeah I have a 3070 um from what my friends say a lot of games are going to run fine on 3070 arc's just a a greedy greedy little hog so but honestly it's playing pretty great pretty happy with its performance so far yes I'm not on super ultra settings but I'm on way better than it used to be ar done being Angy at me I want to get this egg thank you I'm curious when first looking for a dino to start mutation breeding what am I looking for so ideally you want some high levels but you don't necessarily want max level because Arc is fun and likes to just randomly assign stats for everything so ideally you want to go out tame like four or five dinos maybe six get a whole bunch of different stats and then you start trying to breed all the good stats from those six dinos onto one dyo and then once you've got all the stats on the one dyo you want to try and get twins they're both the same and no matter what you're always going to get those good stats and then from there just start breeding them till you get the mutations and you hope for either stat mutations or you can be me and Stat mutation are nice but really I want color mutations of course you can't join what can't you join my dear my dear bunal list yeah breing breeding is a little crazy in Arc like it takes a minute to get it and understand it um tagback TV just put out a a mutation and breeding video he's very good at explaining that kind of stuff um but I just like to kind of go out get six highle dinos and then start trying to breed all the good stats onto one dyo and then try and get twins of that dyo that really helps am I going to set up mod on my YouTube yeah I'm going to get some mods have our usual Bunch from over on Twitch we're kind of just we're Brandy new to YouTube I usually just posted videos and we never streamed over here all that much but now that I'm partner we can we should probably get in a ovie ready don't be our friend don't be our friend you want to be my friend run so fast you run so fast no be my friend I'm just gonna hit you with a club fine I'm just gonna I'm just gonna tap you you are following me great ah where'd it go me I just I just wanted just wanted to be friends with a club all right I guess I'm not going to be friends what level is that rgy I am not at all prepared to be T an RG where did m help where are you there you are quickly appearing help oh no come back Dam all right GRE Silver Leaf has new job but as yet no monies I got to love that that two we I'm not paid for doing my job yet monies fun fact OB Raptors now collect eggs so do dung beetles for poo um give me 17 billion o Raptors at the house then but I don't have to be looking up butts all the time boy do I miss having the nanny mom if they're just going to be a mobile Nanny let's go pick up my eggs for me and then I will hatch them ow excuse me oh it's a stupid bird great that's lovely are you come here murder you I'm num num num come here no come be my friend through death you do tame I'm no I need to give the oviraptor eggs I don't have eggs oh no I'm an idiot I just put berries in its butt and that's not even What It Wants i' got two little eggs I'd picked up from the ground round maybe that'll be enough oh I think we're fighting an ARG I think I'm fighting an ARG all of a sudden see your level oh this is a mistake 20 kill you I can attack [Music] you oh it trying to use bow on a stupid Mount is the worst decision I've ever made I should just get off nope we're fine look at that all right I got two baby eggs in my inventory see if this will uh ismo how you [Music] doing these are wrong this is right okay good we're good I know this isn't a a carnivore skids but um Welcome to The Taming stream we're just taming things now bigger the egg the better for tames R yeah our uh our taming rights might be a little a little Speedy right now I got to go back and readjust those we're still playing with our settings over here trying to figure everything out how we want to feel it at least I'm not just eating all the babies kids do you mean I'm just eating all the babies and eating on their eggs you Miss May Wings best vanilla Arc Mount Tak care of babies May wings were pretty great do enjoy those I am going to be sad until dos can come back in the game because I also really love them all right there we go been playing evolved for a few days started off really good haven't died even on Max difficulty dang you honestly if you haven't died like damn that's good I die so much at the beginning normally I think the only reason I'm doing semi decent is because of this Raptor moment this Raptor dies I'm done no Bees yet your home is around the corner from the dragon's home you are just playing it dangerous then being near the trench is normally death struggle to understand the settings what part not that I understand the settings all to fantastically myself I tend to just listen to my computer when it says these are my Optimum settings and I'm like yeah okay I call it luck I'm not any good I promise when a face reveal I mean I don't want to stream my face I'm good I like my little PNG I'm too lazy to deal with face cam plus yall here for video game and not my face I promise all right let's see parur you're here for Carno friends that an alpha or Normie that looks like it's got white so I think it's the alpha I think that's the alpha I playing on a single player or on a server I'm playing on a fun little Community server not super big but it should be fun we're probably going to do some events do some breeding events and then we'll PVP the breed dinos at the end just for funsies just you know breed a beautiful you're gorgeous I want you what if we breed I don't know if you're the right colors a right gender but um what if you just go to sleep for a minute and what if you're the opposite gender of the other thing I tamed because look at you look at these colors gorgeous give me I won't bring gigas again are you sure you're not gonna bring gigas I won't kill the unicorn on This Server don't you worry also gross why am I why does this feel like it's not in um you need meat in your butt done are we taming things for colors at this point potentially look at it he so pretty besides you know maybe maybe just at the end of this stream we're going to spoop over to a certain other server and maybe we're going to have some more drawing time because um certain somebody is exactly too untattooed and we must reapply the Unicorn or the Unicorn curse will persist I'm prettyy sure by the time we're done streaming he's usually done streaming so his body should be ripe for the nonsense yes please heck yeah yeah we'll end the stream with some art time why not so long as he's not still streaming he's still streaming we'll have to do it a different time he just finished sweet all right he doesn't need to know do I mean tag I have absolutely mean tag he's already done perfect perfect all right so when I'm done streaming around we started a little late 9ish 9:30 we're going to we're going to do a little art time on tag oh uh feel free to start thinking about what we're going to do we got to bring the fishnets back we didn't get enough fishnet time he really liked his star nipples so we might bring those back back and uh we got to add the unicorn but everything else is free to do nonsense gorgeous coloration I love it would like one high Lev one of those cheesemonger I am having fun I like Ark I've missed it it's a male oh no my dreams have been crushed I got to go get a female I got to go get a female you come find his handcuffs cuff him and cage him with the tattoos I would cuff him but I'd feel bad if he logs in when I'm not playing but maybe we could at least make a little cage for him super excited for a stamp Ross stream don't forget the mom tattoo and a monacle if thank you for the the sticky Super Chat whatever they are ah level 20 oh wait no no no no no no no you you're dying you are weak and need to be cold unless you are high level you don't get to live that's how it is around here Professor Chaos how you doing oh it's guda hi gouda I don't know why you cheesemonger gouda it makes so much sense how you been GAA are you super pumped for Yakuza cuz I am now especially with silly animal crossing Island on it I'm so excited may I suggest that I love Petro tattoo I think you could I think you could all right we got pickle chicken feel like I don't want to go too crazy in my range of things we're taming we don't even have a real base buil yet over here I just saw something's Tail Going flippy flap hello hello I wanted on harsh jop Bella thank you for the Lemo Hazel tattoo tattoo best D on his [Laughter] forehead good just selling cheese to people on old school RuneScape hungering cheese in other words o um pel monab brow that would be he's an orphan to wait did he kill orphan 2.0 did he kill my sheep it was mine I demanded it did he because if so I'm putting a giant sheep on his chest and then doing a big old x on it I'm so upset no he killed it it's starved it's not that hard to keep that alive oh oh up oh no oh no since when do tickle chickens to torp I don't remember that oh um is it just going to let me live did it just leave unfortunately it says he says it's not his fault but it's totally his fault it's absolutely his fault I how just murdered my Raptor and left just left me I'll take the saddle thanks and all this hide I can't believe that just happened I'm not dead again yet my Raptor's dead poor little old 15y that was was a level five ah what level are you guys a level 75 I'll be back to tame you after you kill me bring everything over here look at that red turtle [Laughter] butt I don't remember where the exit is all right get all the these beds now I'm dead again you right now now we definitely dead right um I was told there was a Smithy did I just walk right by it like an idiot yes I did um I need Raptor lacking hide of course fiber wood hide I can totally go get from the boat that feels like I'm cheating so perhaps you will have good things on isid you have some hide probably not my body is ready for scorched Earth with actual Ascension ending now I'm so ready for scorched Earth scorched Earth is the one that I like started on the most I didn't really get to play the island for had just come out so I started playing on scorched Earth and I've never really gone back to the island um where's our boat over here through here I think our boat is this way all the pain of SE right you're ready for extinction I'm also ready for like I know aberration isn't like a lot of people's favorit but I'm very ready for all the oo all the pretty colors and lights of aberration way I should be going please leave me alone you're pretty I acknowledged you etal mod I don't know if I ever uh did that hello there's the boat so I'd like everyone to just admire skids is nonsense of making a little house boat that is entirely a house entirely A boat like jam-packed full of everything you could need including uh guard blots all all in one nice little raft got everything you could possibly need it's great it's absolute Overkill but I love it and that's why I am DED up with skids had a bad idea with all the tickle chickens around look tickle chickens just want to tickle me and have a good time it's fine it's fine 10 out of 10 would live there right is a cute little house boat we absolutely tooled around at late last night just trying to find a place where we wanted to to build up I hate that megal laseros are nocturnal me too I honestly love them they're super cute but then you try and use them during the day and they're just like no I'm sleepy but they do look super cute when they're all curled up for Sleepy Kids is making little popup properties all over the server oh you know what there's a little beep boop come here yeah Miss Walker impromptu visits are always an unexpected pleasure after that headache with the sharks and blackfoots a lively tea time discussion about the abnormalities of the ark's ecosystem was precisely what I needed thank goodness I managed to find an intellectual colleague that shares My Love For The Sciences it sens me to think that Miss Walker's Charming Colonial accent would keep her out of the more prestigious institutions and societies back home another of the arc's Wonders It is a true meritocracy unlike any in the modern world if Miss Walker and I could find and cultivate more Minds like ourselves we could create a true scientific Utopia one of these days I will learn the plot of Ark one of these days who always good to have a home away from home in Arc especially a mobile home right like it honestly came in a lot of Handy you were able to duck into the uh the cold area because it's all enclosed and count as like a little house all right um so they were over here let me grab my stuff real quick let me grab my stuff where' it go God did the last death marker just go away excuse me I need that back where' it go they're busy this this you just kill the Raptor did you just kill the Raptor that damn turtle just killed the Raptor all right I fear that Turtle I absolutely fear that Turtle absolutely almost this where did these come from my stone pillars there's a ble [ __ ] that but I want to go home and and chuck all this real quick he ain't even stamping right that's a terrifying Turtle okay good I saved you all from hearing me say sneeze obnoxiously loudly are the new berries any better I have no idea to be honest like I'm assuming they're just for die purposes but I don't know go my little Raptor go sneeze loud assert dominance I don't want to assert dominance on your ears that feels rude that's bad or YouTube that's making it bad ah yes where did you come from where did you come from there's no Raptors around here why is there just a baby Raptor that's level 40 excuse me where's your parent excuse me all right bye YouTube love to Auto to low Reds right like I've noticed that lately God forbid I click out of the damn menu and whatnot I'm just going to dump this all on the Smithy I don't know where it needs to go unorganized hot mess coming in hot great unorganized hot mess here you go I'll organize it later and you know I will repare this there that so I'll wear my very nearly broken shirt fine for me I don't need anything special parents maybe got extin extinct I don't remember killing a level 40 Raptor but maybe we did just there we'll let it grow up and then we'll murder it maybe Widow you're so Widow YouTube has spent the last eight months trying to convince me that the best resolution is 144p right okay we are all right we don't need to make abortion joke though that's all good did the turtle kill the parent no cuz they were way out here I genuinely have no idea where that baby came I'm still terrified of that killed the thing I wanted to tame I don't think it even looked very bloody while doing it or you deserve to live I'm not going to touch you all right um think that's still the alpha you a lady need a lady poies have babies because they're really they'd be really tiny poies can indeed be breed they are indeed almost impossible to uh see when you're breeding them their eggs are super tiny the babies are super tiny it's uh it's not great people who breed compies I like to think are just punishing themselves for some reason where are you coming in from you are not welcome weird bug seriously where' you even come from can I help you how do you take a copy genuinely don't remember it's been so long since I've done it and it's not something I ever felt the need to tame all that [Music] often I want to say I had to breed them for like breing competition once but your mate you m boosted that's another Alpha Raptor right time to leave ah time to leave time to leave I would like to [Music] leave I would like to leave I would like to leave oh I want that tapara I want it but we can't I don't even have now is not the time to poop now is not the time to poop there ever was a time to poop it was not then all right we're safe safe safe have bolos can you even can you bow tapara knock out and prime meat to tame copies thank you killjoy when you got to go you got to go maybe hold it just a teeny bit longer like the monkey the monkey all right so I think everything is slowly just being murdered by hello neutral hi I would love to not be underwater while this is happening be great there's so many I was not expecting so many micro Raptors here have have one have low torp you know what for funsies let's go shoot it in the butt I got an ascendant crossbow why not we'll see we'll see what happens P down a tapara so the alpha Raptor can immediately eat it sure sounds good game wait first level are you you're male you have to die I'm sorry I'm looking for a lady I'm looking for a [Music] lady crying a Avid the alpha speaking of crossed of breeding I just crossbreed tater tot hot dish and green bean casserole not something I would think of crossbreeding and there's a car have a heart too bad would have applied an arrow to its butt there's some R hello what level are you nope both of you can die I said you could die oh micro Raptor do not opportunity for mail to double check I have any imprints Billy we do not have any imprints because the this is still very beginning stages we don't even have a full house yet so we have not bred or imprinted quite yeton there's going to be an exp I don't actually know there it is [Music] think okay one doesn't get a voice over noted murder them before they feel brave enough to why' you go green yes I got poisoned and therefore it spat in my Face's going to die I can't even hit the Cy there we go kill it I don't know I just heard a get way out I don't know for anyone new here my sense of direction is I'd say Fant but really not I get lost very easily and I think I'm thinking the way out is not the way out I think the way out is over here because of these games so let me just prove my point immediately how do I get home where where have I gone there we go there we go this is right maybe did I even come down here how did I get over here what is happening all right I think this is where I want to be oh hello micro Raptors oh my Raptor all right good oh no I'm not playing with the tickle chicken you murdered me and left you murdered my Raptor and left me last time feel a little offended by that you're female but you're absolute poop level I'm trying to be a little more choosy I've already picked one good color one oh RoR about to get 55 just add on to the murder pile here oh that orphan that Turtle just made an orphan of that baby Raptor probably kill it going to feel bad leaving that on the beach goodbye question do you somehow boost blue dinos on the server there's so many so I think there's like beginning server uh special event dinos right now pretty sure blue is one of the colors like it's blue red and purple I think and maybe some green because that would make sense like all the obelisks and stuff so I'm absolutely trying to grab some of these dinos if I think the blue is pretty enough what are my FPS I think I hav locked at 60 I think I'm too lazy to turn my FPS counter on I honestly just don't care all that much as long as I'm enjoying the look of what I'm playing I don't focus on FPS and all that stuff long as I'm not getting screen tearing and whatnot I'm a Content being run from the pgo no we' murder them oh you got some cute blue stripes 95 think I want to tame you we should probably get one for berries did I leave you guys come here come here don't let me murder your butt I need levels oh parasaur why you so speedy right get stuck on the tree there's Carno Go off into the sunset in this direction we haven't investigated over here in a while hello any Raptors would you like to play oop oop oop okay we're fine oh bugs bugs you're not what I asked to play with exact opposite of what I asked to play with thank you m where am I on the map we are right by hidden like car is over there we're not playing there yet that is that is where I'm hanging out currently going to let skids build us a pretty pretty base I'm going to help by taming things and then we're going to go breed crazy and taming crazy most of my streams on Arc are probably going to going to be taming and probably won't make you guys watch breeding cuz uh that can be boring but I'll do plenty of breeding and then I can show off my pretty D dinos while we go g Stu seems like this way has way less aggressive thing so let's go back this way I'm looking for the carnos what's cidi going to do cidi is GNA do pretty much all the same stuff she's going to be breeding against us and then we'll put our our breeds to the competition and murder each other cuz why not what is the point in beds when you're where you can spawn wherever you want I mean you can't really spawn wherever you want you're pretty much stuck to the south end of the map and uh get all the way up here is giant painted I mean that's herbivore Island IDK is on herbivore Island that is 4,500 M away that takes a chunk of time to get back to I want to see the breeding the Care Bears killed me last time I mean we'll definitely show off our breed projects don't you worry we're just not going to make you watch us watch butts probably yay new computer why are you naked were you naked before and it was just dark um I was partially naked and then things attacked me so when things attack you they uh they'll break your stuff slowly like the durability will go down when the durability hits zero it gets broken and you're not wearing it anymore so now I'm just wearing gloves a hat and don't wear pants currently so the shirt broke and that's where we're at so I am naked now yes in potentially no but uh that's what we're living with and I've accepted my fate terrified of this I need to find out what level that Alpha is but I don't want to risk the only Raptor we have now really just want to tame another Raptor that is of decent level cuz this was what a 95 when we started now I have the crushing insomnia right now being in a VC with you and going wild breeding amazing I mean bungas you are always welcome to the breeding crazy parties the private Elite breeding parties and where we stare at butts and paint dinos so yes uh what we're referencing so that everybody can be a little on the loop back on one of the old servers we uh we bred a bunch of dire bears and then we maybe just maybe painted them to look like Care Bears that's what we do love are you 25 I had such I hopes damp it might be a good idea to get some sended level RI gear I honestly really like the ri gear so like goals for sure but um we're still in the beginning baby stages I can't see your levels hold still 35 and what 10 is there something high level in here I can't see 125 you're 125 all right come with me and you'll see a world of imagination don't murder me easy please going be difficult to not get my Raptor killed while I do this but we're going to try up up up running circles this is awful we're almost there be honest all right there's dickle chicken let's just keep going let's just keep going get off for a minute let me going this way keep going this way is where Bola would come in great handy but um prepare that friend is gone let me for Speed real quick Buton not that button horse feed real quick this is my own server it is a community server with crazy demonic wolf it's a small server but it's a good all right so if I can tame this then uh then we'll go do art time but I want to I definitely want to try and tame that'll at least get us started on some breeding to far h he doesn't look like it's being chased by [Music] anything Pi chicken friend here R fr are you a raptor friend oh nope nope wait yes damn it that our friend was I using TRS I definitely was I wasn't using the bow I was using the crossbow and the crossbow is currently TRS that was dead though was that the was that the dino no it was more green right or it did something murder it like that not having luck gosh pooping darn it there go got it I'm thinking in the sto got it damn it h it's how it be sometimes just kind of just just for giggles just for my own personal Giggles through here go check it was not through here remember how I mentioned my sense of direction is beautiful wait is it here are you hello 50 you're not Wii you were really thought for a second that was just going to be our friend boy hey St am I getting lost intentionally no no I'm thinking I know where I am and I am absolutely wrong that's what's happening I'm like ah yes I've definitely learned where I am and then my dumb butt is lost all right I think we're going to go do some painting perhaps we go do some paintings you'll never know it was coming clearly I've waited like 3 days before I do it again we got to space out the Franks he doesn't know have to hope be able to find did he log out at base didn't pooped Magi thank you for becoming a tappy stomp I have a water cooler in my PC I do hello goodbye I don't know if it's going to follow me back this might not be great dreams NOP the music came back I was like I think we're good nope pickle jens's coming to tickle com to tickle no no you're supposed to come across here come for me had an idea be fair this map is a lot harder well that's good to know feel a little better about that I also just have never played on this map God you're Crossing so much faster than than I thought you would here we go running away how many dimorphodons are there that's too many actual level is level are you oh what level are you I feel like maybe I should be taming it like for real instead of the silly nonsense I was going to do now it's trapped in the water get him out of the water to be fair Carol I was not a trying to D it I was just going to leave it to drown but now based on how how strong it was maybe it's a highle tickle chicken that I should be taming hi kids I know you're trying to help goes all right we are accidentally taming the tickle chickening it what level is it oh it's only a 60 I mean I guess it's not bad you Aries right been so long I think you guys just kill for the fun of it I want to say they're Berry I know I sound very sure it is berries yeah they just murder for funsies I was going to say I don't think they're actually meat eaters just aggressive murder chicken there you know is its real name but I we got to just it's a little too easy right now that's better actually a little too easy you have a beaver a nest but no beaver thank you oh we have a tickle chicken now there there was a beaver Nest but no beavers there I mean at least we've got the nest spawning that was built a little bit too close so we backed everything up we don't want to stop the beaver spawn here we would also like some AR damn she wasn't kidding many many 87 was no Beaver attack rude s wake the hell up pretty sure we narcotic in case what is a better wood gatherer either a corny dragon or ath want to say technically maybe the mammoth is the best but I hate using them I love thorny dragons but though those don't exist here and so beaver beaver don't forget to stomp on that like button think we're going to have to go grab some lady I don't an absolute acent oh boy a Packy Shadle a toilet skid will be so excited it's going to be most excited about the fact that we just got two we do have the tribe Poopers be pooping get out of 100 and you're not entertained for 111 I can I can use my words amazing great at it there any you talk the best worder that ever done worded do we are they all in the boat are they all in the boat o use the crop I did just get crops ah have this corn right you're right I was just like hm I just got corn take the corn corn I'm going to madly pick some berries ah more Narco Berry you actually really like how the's will mutate cool pretty color combos going on with them I want the that there is in thank you very eorn up yeah I should definitely uh focus on getting some narcotics going and then once we have this tamed it's time to go paint wait for the perfect little backpack lader looking forward to dbas for uh shoulder pets CU I love them they're adorable yeah for now we're going to have to go find otter at some point because if I can't have derbas I will have otter because I love otter thank you he'll ask you also very ni your favorite too to the S macrops came out there there I can give you that I'm just glad they added a lot of variety to shoulder pets and it's not like here are three options I mean heck aberration alone was just like here have four new ones run around picking ber is com and flying in with Naros B what she doing all right it's almost tamed up be fine realistically be fine 73% shoulder pets made the game much more enjoyable hope they come out with new armor sets or something for the characters me too I love some more fashion cuz like honestly once you're high-end game sure if you're PVP you want like riot gear and all that nonsense but I like comboing just for fashion you got to Fashion it up and I like comboing various sets of armor together and seeing what looks coolest I always love seeing the ways that people paint stuff which ark has so many new colors and I'm so excited to start playing with them so glad like that was one of my b big hopes when this was out I like let there be more colors cuz the armor colors were not great Atlas came out and they were like here we gave all the colors to Atlas I'm like can we not can we not just add those to Ark no now we got so many you can't fit them all in one chest many a female be Beaver gem got a beaver oh you're almost there a little faster with your little broken neck we're about did all the hard work we just provided words of encouragement you know that's that's what you need from a tribe words of encouragement to to tame dinosaurs wish there as many clothing options as there are in Conan I've honestly never played Conan is there like a bunch of fashion in that game because I don't need to know that it will make me want to go play Conan isn't that the game where you just got your dangly bits free free flying if you want them to be that that one just you just let it all hang out if you so desire did well with the armor sets and yes it is where you just got your dangles hanging out hang out with your wayang out is almost there heck [Music] yeah welcome I didn't intend to tame you but here you are forget how like how much they just hurt they just hurt because that was no okay um we're going to bring this back and I guess it's not a carnivore skids but it will will protect you so my goal of protecting my Builder I feel I feel I've done a decent job no idea what she's building but I'm very excited to see it he's a good Builder I am not look at it in the daylight oo 3D want to a better thing um so let's we have feeding trough yet not my bed my bed of a a feeding trough doesn't exist fine right here all right let's go over to the other server and go do painting time real quick we got we got the fun of being on two different servers dang look at that 73 people doing good I'm proud for him very happy let's go have tattoos lots of armor and fashion and whatnot just not as fun to play fa like I love Ark purely for the why are rocks spawning what the hell what um okay anyways anyways let's go find his body are you promise to me lady uh ah send it to me again because um well I want to remember my promise to you here he back is he recording think he might be recording our plans might have to wait our plans have to wait y'all he's recording boo all right we tried we tried I'm not going to I'm not going to go with him while he's recording that's Gro back for shenanigans later you how dare you record and stare at butts damn he's just staring up them butts sitting there and staring he doesn't even know doesn't even know how much he lucked out goodbye how dare he develop content right gives me time to think of something worse oh yeah so go ahead leave a comment after uh the stream's done let me know what we should be doing to him and uh we'll definitely we'll get him we'll get him he can't be on all the time I can't be on all the time we're just going to do tribemate Shenanigans back and forth constantly but yeah I hope everyone enjoyed our stream thank you for joining in on the YouTube for the the first membership possible thingy and being partner I appreciate you all for showing up I love it I hope you guys keep showing up I'm going to stop trying to sign off now because it's just going [Music] badly I'm just rambling now anyways bye professional streamer over here have a good night
Channel: Stampeding Turtle
Views: 2,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uZ2o3ffTqew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 15sec (5955 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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