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oh my um hello hello hello hello hi chat are we on are we live I think we're live mm-hmm think so how are we all doing hopefully everyone's okay I need to get my match our best chat squid y'all there I'm not late I one time you're about I'm super on time 100% on time I has everybody telling me there I'm literally on time chat what do you what do you mean I'm just gonna make sure everything's okay okay yeah we're all on it's fine anyway chat welcome to Genesis 40 star rare you get it you gotta love this star right can you guys hear me alright at least turn this down a bit uh there we go so I go up this morning pretty early I was saying that I went to bed quite late last night I was at a bit about it like 3 a.m. last night because I was gonna do it like an AK v do last night they delayed it got off this morning at house 7 maintained it was playing up took Fred just download it ended up finally recording a video and I didn't like it I did another one and I loaded that one so I thought I'd start today is well I thought that Genesis series off on stream because there's a few things wrong not wrong with Genesis but there's a lot of things different compared to others are DLC so this is kind of what we're gonna go through today yeah normally when you spot it always get a bunch of regions you guys have probably seen if you watch the early video there's a bunch of different regions they're all pretty awesome they all have different creatures so we're gonna start off on the bog but I don't really want her and you're gonna see why now I've already got myself a survivor because as I've mentioned I've played a little bit squid I beg you finish the series I've just started at first it is quite late here so sorry if I'm not really height but oh my goodness again this is okay so this is a problem with what of what what I kind of recorded today so I recorded for about an hour and a half I didn't get anywhere I kept getting killed in the easy zone so yeah let's try again okay I'm hoping that we're gonna spawn in somewhere nice and quiet so yeah welcome back I said welcome back welcome to Genesis guys this is it basically you have a friendly little companion where's she gone she's here this is hitch I think she's like hitch NLA or it hit L and yeah I'm gonna call it hill-hill hill-hill that what should we call her we need to call that she would just call the hell in or something yo lunatics a donation and it's a state your stream off a little something oh we have an amazing day we love dude yo thank you so much appreciate it preciate lumina so this is Helen so you can basically get hexagons on the map and then you can go to Helen and you can buy stuff which is like something that we've never had before a night you can get loot boxes loot crate's or just a bunch of other random gear which is kind of crazy kinda crazy but I like it so the main problem I had today was I'll show you the coming I could hear him you've seen these little buggers these insects worms absolutely paid in the buzz they just they just covered me like poison yeah and you just have to run away and they just keep following you like this there was a naive concept I've ever had Helena it's called the Helena all right now I like the word like the word like the name Helena I need to get away from these stupid insects because they're so annoying be a powerful map this map is kind of Awesome I really like it so you can teleport between different maps using Helena you just gotta go up to her and then you gotta kind of say like biome substation you can teleport to kind of like anywhere on the map which is pretty crazy I do like it it's just going to take a little bit of getting used to because normally on a cure on one big map and on this you're like in squares which is weird I'll look the back they're gonna they're gonna attack me you leave me alone if I stand still with the girl we're okay let's stand still and help you cover where does she keep making that noise oof so what you can do oh my goodness if I just come up with a new with a new metal have I just come up with a new thing if you stand still believe you would learn I think I just solved it so with Helena if you just get a little bit to a 9-year you can tell us a shot you can let legislator that yo push your lips love pushin I think you can you put it away get it back out with a whistle okay I'm gonna move oh my goodness yeah I think you if you stand still you're actually saved but these things are everywhere these are these are one of the things on the map which are oh my god is everything just wants to kill you in the easy zone I often thought that I might actually start in a hard desert just because I think it might be easier so yeah what we're drinking edge some cook so yeah let's start this adventure so this is on my server it's gonna be released as soon as I've finished streaming I kind of want to do the first episode myself so if you are a member of the channel or a patron you can come and join the server and play with me if you have Genesis which is pretty awesome I'm so gonna be doing videos on vivanco area we need to do the boss levels not the boss levels the bosses always that Spiner okay epic so I'm already like level 17 I've been playing a little bit but I've literally made zero progress a lot of the mods on now I'm not sure if it's gonna work or not but hopefully we can get like on the mid Spears or not because they're just really awesome like that these kind of mods there's one of my favourite mods in AK so I really like it so he's each Prime separate worlds or can you get to it from place to place on far I should be honest well I think is literally you can only get to it via traveling you know through different worlds I don't think you can I thought that you can traverse like if I go this way this should take me back take me to the other part of the map but it would I think you got to go through Helena to get to the older pile amount which is oh my god they would leave me alone which is weird that's what I'm saying like a lot of people might not like this DLC because it is completely different and those being humans we're a creature of habit you know we don't like change when something's different oh my goodness do you leave me alone leave me alone oh my goodness Dude leave me alone please please thank you everything wants to kill me it's horrible I'm gonna keep running this way just to prove it hmm but yeah unfortunately I think we're all in different squares I don't really know how how that mechanics gonna play out but a squid going to a person with the torch to kill the swamp are you jerking are you serious I did say that I recorded earlier and I did say in my commentary you were ever like literally see it because I'm not gonna plot it it was trash but I did I didn't say to myself like I wish you could get rid of them with torches but if that's the thing that'll be amazing where was the torch that there we go again we get every useable one LeBron thanks for the five dudes remember me I do remember you and YouTube win tricks that's the tradition - dude you do know serveral Genesis yes I am if you guys are in the discard I'll give you the IP after a finished treatment okay alright let's go create some basic malarkey and let's try and make some progress because we need to this is start of a new let's play we need to at least get one team before the end of the stream I love all they added the new bars for all the new dinosaurs like the powers and stuff I like that too I think this series is gonna be different it's completely different to any other act DLC that they've done but that's fine you know I think instead of like a lot of people have already started to hear on it but I reckon you just gotta play it as it is and then you know make your mind up once you've got hours into it but definitely after playing for an hour and a half today I could tell you this is one of the hardest DLCs that the dawn I dare pick up a raptor egg that means that this raps is nearby okay there's a raptor over there if I might make a bow and arrow and try and kill this Raptor but yeah over there is literally at the end of the world so you could only teleport through the thingamabob through Helena that's how you can tell apart so yeah my first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make some bow and arrows and I guess we're gonna try and make a base I think go from there squids version of naked and afraid yeah pretty much dude pretty much if I promise you know a lot better cuz it's me that's naked and afraid I'm jerky chat and joking alright let's go and what should we do first should we just try and get ourselves a dinosaur or do you guys want to see some of the new biomes what do you guys will see I'll leave it up to you this is the good thing about like streaming we can kind of have a joint decision what I might do is I might show you guys some of the new biomes if you want to name your first fly egg bit what does the discard it should be in the description below alright it's going to lock some stuff we do have a thousand hexagons to spend so I need to remember that because we could actually make some some good stuff I'm gonna unlock a bar an era and we need to definitely get ourselves a pet because we get a die a lot narcotics okay we're gonna make ourselves a simple thatch base first Ellie thanks for donation move the streams over yet a good ear I have had a good day I'm just really tired because I got up super early and I don't know why I've decided to stream at this time but hey it's fine it should be fine watch me fall asleep okay let's create ourselves a thatch Foundation a lot of people beam earning as well because Helena we don't need commentary alright I am the common tear we don't need a backseat Charlie today just pipe down and fly about where can we build the pier they'll be pretty cool but have a height advantage boys yeah a lot of people are learning because on arc now you have missions and you can I believe where are the missions and these emissions here this is a mission this so here we go so you get loads of stuff to do when you get rewards so yeah the problem is if you're in a mission like area you can't build so a lot of the map is mission areas and yeah it's kind of annoying because they'd be like what challenges for stream get it down and each biome yeah I'll try to do that all right I will try yeah a lot of the nice areas are actually in the mission zone so it's kind of a nine but oh well you have to work around it I guess let's make a far we need to put ten of arrows if I'm gonna get myself any sort of dinosaurs are we gonna need a pestle and mortar and we're gonna need to start killing stuff now that the problem I had earlier was I I found it really hard to kill things because there's a lot of predators on the on this easy zone which makes me feel like it isn't an easy zone this is like a medium zone all right let's get ourselves some more arrows need some more Flynn but it I'm kind of worried because I'm putting this on a server can you imagine if you get like I don't know like 50 people like teleporting around the map like surely the server's not gonna be able to hack it you know what I mean I don't know how it's gonna be it's gonna be interesting how it goes on but anyway let's go get ourselves some fiber I'm already too fat this is not great what is this a black X Raptor Oh shoes oh my god I love shoes errors can we diminish the berries I can't actually reach the berries and he's from five alloys squid the actual East East biome is ocean no jerk what do you mean the easiest buy of in here to reissue ask Helena Helena can you take me somewhere else so I wanna go here so one in chat says that the East aspire if you're all you get in band I'm joking you're not really but we'll see how it goes though go to the Arctic it's easy that you freeze that you freeze to death oh my goodness if I love something to kill me then shoes a lot of love for the shoes chat lotta love to shoot in the Raptor so I'm going to get myself some electron carriers and stuff like that okay where's it gonna take me so you've teleported me to a Conner chat why okay there's two parasols so maybe you're right but there is a car no their ex Raptors that I play on words with x-factor probably not no I don't think it is I think it's just the variants that they've chosen all right F in chat I'm gonna put myself another fetch fetch place oh dear get another storage boxes about I can't wait to pop it here like why not this is home sweet home okay there's still a lot of things that want to kill me so I'm kind of scared I need to make a spear next and start stabbing some diners I think I'm gonna do look it in the well evil there's so many evil things okay next thing I need is to get myself some height so we can make a bed go to the volcano inside the lava is easy that your Birds death do you I help these staggers or not ooh what are the good things as well chat is I've sorted out the levels so like dinosaurs can go up to 150 now because I know a lot of people were like moaning at me saying like my dinosaur levels are absolutely crap hey stop hey stop don't we take it out on me I'll help I particularly I'll be four I'm just gonna throw let's just throw a ball come on it boys he's really dead dog harvesting don't obviously want to hide come on we can we can live together well I'm friendly I just want to avoid all the hide oh we still coming after me oh oh my goodness for that whoa okay these put my my crap back in here wait I need to make a bed that's like the most important thing right now we need a bed what do I need thatch we've got this boys would dimorphodon I do we one of them could do with any dinosaur right now okay let's make a cozy little home chat let's give a place to arm we're in the bog what should we call it let's call it crap crap evil I don't know what's call it what should we call it like let's call it mmm bogs all the harm of bogs all I don't know I was never good with names I'll let you guys decide almost Rifkin all right it's not going great is it this so far I'm gonna put what little I have away and go stub some odd dinosaurs yeah okay we need to make a campfire but I'll do that in a bit oh great look the neighbors are here I'm gonna save you piggy piggy I'm gonna say good he's stuck Oh God I'm sorry hog POG boggsville boggsville bog intern ah yes bog intern one of them Oh easy hey hey stop Helena get out of a fair skill let's get away from this car card oh can I just get my stuff back but I'm gonna lead him away he leaked orbs right just get away from my house and kill me and then I don't even care just get away that's it come on follow the pretty squid Nagi well there's a lot of their family to bully over here a couple of wraps as I'm sure you get along fine I'm just getting rid of way oh god there's a rat trap to meet-- causes of rapture of a brook well let's talk about this hey back toboggan turn boys wait what my cat respawn oh it's got a cool that isn't it oh my goodness bear thanks for the tend to call it nilbog call it I'm gonna call it deaths Ville at this rate oh just the swabs back this is literally what I did earlier you know what I said I recorded my first episode I literally did this for an hour and a half easy create easy count on screen even though its life how is this an easy I could right after I love the volcanic and I'm gonna absolutely sail through we're not gonna have a patch on his lads bet you watch this I'm gonna stroll right in make some friends well I've already survived longer this it's wonderful around here absolutely fabulous get this place there's nothing to kill you it's friendly and he's a bit hot like nice weather so you see them purple things over there that's how you get there's like Brook and fragments of this reality why don't keep doing this like the quotation likes anyway if you get them you get like a thousand oh there's some magma saw you get like a thousand hexagons I mean not that one's kind of high up so I don't think we'd be able to get one of them there's another one up here we basically just killing time until I can kind of get my bed back well the miners will give you guys a tour but you see how crazy this is I'm literally like walking about nothing's bothering me everything's chill ignore the t-rex up there okay let's just what if I can creat round these guys don't mind me just passing through nothing to see you boys just no no no no leave that here this is a tasty tasty try career come on annoy him did we bear him with beard him okay quick quick quick quick quick quick you see what I mean it's so much easier than the easy zone you don't understand it this game makes no sense okay I'm gonna get gonna get an egg how is the parasols here what his life can he's give us stand back until it rains fire of do yeah but fire of doom versus like literally ten deaths um I take I take fire of doom any day give me fire room right now we can actually go in and steal an egg at this point I wish I had some water that's the only thing well that looks like a dangerous spot doesn't it I really if we can get there before we get knocked out that'll be a win that'll be a big fat dub can I eat my way over here you easy money Oh Helena bugger off I don't want your encyclopedia knowledge come on d1 can I walk on this stuff out I'm stuck waste oh shut up Helena I would indeed have any friends oh we made it back off the floor is lava okay that's the Skokie okf in chat we've we've we've we've done more progress here that we have in boggsville okay let's just go thanks Helena you're constantly first there yeah we have to take some like some sippy sips if we want to go steal an egg I reckon get hits of guns and buy drop some Cairo pods yes your stuff still here maybe I should put hell anyway she's getting on my nerves sorry Helena actually Helena let me see what you've got open up your star we can get so much crap we get like melon that we get wood for 25 who's gonna buy berries like what the heck we need to save up 10 can we can buy a Supply Drop this is quite good I like this especially since you can buy like metal and stuff okay like a proper shopkeeper come again soon when could we buy rotten flesh I didn't really I wasn't paying attention okay let's split all because we need some rotten flesh we combine [ __ ] Berry's office that's fine all right let's build the pestle mall let's go ahead and get some stuff it's got teams and some crap where's pestle mah nothing we've unlocked it yet but soon but soon there we go how we do a chat anywhere helena is good helena is God she is God I kind of like it you know at first I was like what's this robot but I'm warming to her the reason why I like it is because I think that a lot of new players on arc struggle because they literally don't know what to do and the thing what you can do with Helena like if you see a dinosaur you can like hold hit hitch and it like scans stuff unlike and it's good like I wish I'd Helena when I first are lack there's a lot of there's a lot to learn in AK and if you don't like spend your life on the wiki and then you know it's kind of hard to do anything I'm too fat it's not rotten flesh and I think I'm in mind grab that uh it's get some rotten flesh where it's cold but get some of that oh my god Foley was about to head that pitter-patter oh jeez so no Oviraptor okay to steal some of the eggs I don't have any food me I'm broke I'm broke I'm hella broke right now can you I ain't got any shoes on that must be shoes try to put shoes on my legs for some reason come in there you know you mean to be cheeky well I'll only the resources come here oh come on doorbell is hard it needs to be don't make this hard it needs to be I come back I need to me please have a pool just give me some stuff come here come on come on it hurts me more than it hurts you buddy trust me just let me ride a of the dinosaur it's this guy's like a ton okay I need you scum oh is that oh of course Oh getting beat you're not by fish now oh this is degrading stop me hello dirt you are not helping Helen uh not helping okay bit out a dragon Vesta - hey squid I was bored I'm so happy us feeling it's all good come on watch come on watch the Deaf similair hi boys lovely weather we're having isn't it that was another fragment down there so go see we're gonna steal it before we die Helen I should be able to shoot lasers all right I mean she should be able to do something just then you know give me like little information oh can we grab them hexagons please that'll be great thank you whatever to go all of course there's there's some evilness blocking me from it what is out in here then we got a magma saw and to staggers I need to get there before this guy finishes with the stagers don't mind me coming through you keep doing what you did I need to get the glitch yeah baby guys she's talking again stop talking woman get mod so you can reuse beds without cooldowns yeah that sounds sounds great there des heard steel ml should stop talking thank goodness for that they're like I'm being a bit rude [ __ ] she's a bit annoying right I get it you've been stuck inside of a simulation for a hundred years and I'm the first person you talk to Helen are very fun love but honestly I don't I don't I don't I don't care yeah you can be got seconds free you can like set her on compact bird set how often she talks she's on level three at the minute whoa level one love level one additional frequency disabled hello lines disabled mo tricks we could just disable you shut up this video is gonna be called like squid kills Helenus yeah yeah everybody's like getting out of you unless I can find some more than hexagon things before yeah before I die again you see how there was like a boundary there we're not even like at the edge of the map if I forget the map out you can see that this is cutting off this area and the bog do you think the devs were just like all that we copy evolve it to transition the two biomes let's just make a simulation out of it yeah amazing I like this better than the bog I do too I feel like I'm just gonna get like a few pieces of not a few pieces what are they called like them glass balls where you can put liquid in because you can see how quickly a liquid goes down so you need to fill up a few of them I reckon any more hexagons let's see any this place feels like it's about to blow up alright I need to go back to my bed in a sec guys we just make some more progress this is what happened today I just couldn't get any way so hard but we're gonna get we get a tear we need to come up with like it oh my goodness like a attain for today I don't know what its gonna be it can't be like a parasol I want a Paris are ain't got a carnival and I'll be happen look at this dude listen absolutely amazing anymore hexagon so this is one of here okay if I can get to this I was like for care I'll be super happy and then we could at least like we don't have to get any berries because we can buy them off halendar and stuff maybe we should just save up for a care package hello dude you know that stand boys is anyone else sir played this yet let me know anyone else finding it as hard as I am oh god the ball care doesn't RuPt in is it gonna shoot fire Oh God it is who are such things it's a loot box they found a loo box next to a t-rex paka paka paka what Sakana can I get in this before I get eaten then let me up my submission fight off an assemble of fiery predators or it's curtains for you No what do you mean I won't Lu thank you saw hot enough I've played a custom I for a minute yeah I'll go then feels I know them feels it's fine will will try to survive together this one say this is definitely the hardest DLC that they've done holy crap there's fire everywhere oh god I want that hexagon there I want that hexagon like you won't believe I'm a fire oh god it's a thorny dragon Childre it's firing craftsmen my god he just it's just one shot back okay we're off back to boggsville Boggs Villa is boy he's boggsville it is I'm gonna have to edit this down tomorrow if I can make like a first episode like summer-rae and it'll just be a death montage oh I kind of miss Helena saying sarcastic things to me anywhere let's get our crap back where do we die we died to them fish over here it's always easy with friends yeah I think tomorrow I'm definitely gonna do try new with some people on the server tonight here's swamp Oh God hey yo booger come on then he's a tough huh he's so tough you know so tough I yeah yeah run you yeah we're going in oh god there's a swallow come in so somebody said fight them off with a torch is that true chat it all seemed to be by look at that you can see where the fish is this isn't coming out all right come on me bro I want to test something bugger off ah yeah yeah yes sir talk now ia is stupid swab each fire oh my goodness I got like level did I get for that two levels Oh will do fortitude because probably gonna need it in this how do you know is that easy yes boys dig it all right where's I'm stupid piranhas oh I don't know wait can we get anything from him we've poke it with a stick here's something no Megan anything for him that was not worth it however MIT you will be worth it yeah buddy wait why did I thought you I don't think you'd get a hide from this such an idiot oh yeah I can't right I think we should try to a rap sir I think that's probably gonna be the best thing to do let's get some more arrows let's start doing this cuz I don't want to be able to like midnight trying to tame one Raptor I don't even care about levels at this point I just want to tick oh my god no dude come on please no come on I mean you know I need any McGraw Hill class where things started to go wrong we didn't have a grappling hook when we get grapples it's 25 dude no come on please I've just spawned in we got fire just a fish go to spoiled me hopefully does alright there's a soccer blocking me and my bears I've set the long way around oh my god do please easy easy easy easy easy oh I have no words Carmack Fitzgerald welcome to the squiggle a channel thanks become a member dude on the channel hopefully you enjoyed your little squid doodle a man next to your name alright let's just carry on with this until we can get back again unique bug repellent to survive here the only bug repellent you need light no carnivores to be around you I've never seen as many carnivores in an easy zone I think I think they very wrong wrong way around hey what's that noise ok round here boys I should have done that might as well get ourselves some more hexagons while we're on to the death montage this looks difficult I don't have a it's pretty difficult I mean it's just the fact that there's a lot of kind of ours in the EZ area like normally you spawn on a beach you eat your hand a bit you punch a couple door does it's all good no dough doesn't this okay while she's talking my level of something moving speed what have we got grappling bar sorry I was a bit loud doesn't it where do we need a grapple parashu yes she's still talking chat she's still going okay cool anywhere else we can go before we die I think that should be a bit should be it I can't see any of a purpleness let's go let's go Mikkel Watson very true very true okay the bed's back in town boys right we should be able to make some tools now hopefully okay where's that psycho girl I don't believe have we duped it surely can't jump up here Helena give me some give me some tools or someone love give you some Stewie some tools we could buy male author so we come at the grapple we come we can do some stuff I just need these these buggers to bugger off okay we need my stuff back as well did I die over there is that like one about old old bodies okay I think we got away from the Raptor this is an old old body all right Chuck we're off somewhere else I'm gonna go craft some stuff and then come back I like to shut up where should we go - lets go somewhere different take me up in there yet school holiday go to the ocean I'll go to the ocean next death count 10 is that what we're on I was quite impressed it to be honest I'm bloody freezing here boys please piranha oh my welcome back to AK will kill you evolves well there it more friendlier than the puranas go to the moon yeah at least again like free money here Oh God why ocean then yeah catch up with ocean just for you how many time we got like a death counter of a chat can somebody is everyone keeping up Oh shouldn't imitate are they passive Tim hi love nice ting remove it okay hi this is this just reminds me see if these I don't know why probably just reminds me of it huh okay I'm just here for a holiday we need to go back to boggsville eventually there's just pigeons iya nice place it's a cooler as soon as I get the grapple I'm gonna be unstoppable 11:15 I don't think it's 15 I think you tell them you tell me Park is all right so we go check out the ocean while we while we where let's go die to some ocean creatures pencil dive oh this is sick this is pretty epic what is this over here oh my god this is a whirlpool let's go in it why not I die to a world pool before this is great turn up game sounds do you really want the game something I don't see what this does what are we doing what is it fighting that this is stabbed into a washing machine oops why are you swimming like a lump tear Brad this is not how you swim I don't know who told you taught you how to swim this is the wrong way to swim you would essentially be going up if you swimming like this No oh god there's electric eels everything it was a please e Assad I mean there's a squid squid booty come on man I want to you know what do you made hey you're doing breath come on breath maybe your honor there we go all right let's go back to boggsville get the grapple as fast you can I'm literally gonna spawn back and I'm gonna get my stuff and I'm gonna get the grapple to be honest I might just make it now like if we can make it now Oh cha-cha what do we do this is rough this is rough this is honestly honestly the hardest DLC I've ever played this is ridiculous which idiot has called this easy they need slapping I'm gonna fly to America I'm gonna fly to like straight into the studios and I'm gonna slap whoever set this up as easy they need some there's something wrong with the mental and mentally unstable honestly it's not easy how is this easy they played a different game am i playing am i playing the wrong dlc here I think I think it's April Fool's boys oh okay can you just I want to take me back to the land of the Derr Derr where you can sit on the beach and watch derp does poop and pet a trike on the head it's easy though how is it easy it's not easy try to tell me I'm trash chat okay all right we need some stones I want to start again I'm gonna get myself a grapple how do we do it we need seven metal lingers alright it's your time to shine I need some stuff from you I need give me give me that is that it did we just get I love that that's a great system AK you do me proud that was good tell us tells us the decent I was smoothie work well go to bungle island years do it oh my god they belied can you put the gravel mod in the description I mean not right now a little bit busy but yeah okay boys I just need to wreck these guys first one so you to get this out wanted boys come on them that's it come on there we go we got one is there to the any of those want a fight be good all right let's get ourselves this grapple I really kind of want my hide back cuz I had a few bits of hide I had a bow and arrow but a dark fantasy going back there cuz there's so many so much bad stuff alright whatever we unlocked anything decent chat crossbow water jar that's gonna be pretty pretty good alright I'm gonna do I'm gonna get myself a nice to kill kill some stuff I reckon let's get ourselves a good old-fashioned spear out again um where is it now bit more Flint Oh a trusty grapple the what a time to be alive we fine now spider squids back he can't be stopped can't be stopped boys apart from a don't have a parachute but apart from that so we should make a base appear where no one can get me how do I get up here Oh let me up I mean oh my goodness oh it's not let me up chat game says duh oh god oh god back off right now boys oh you know what let's go down why is it not I'm grappling look at it is set right mmm crouch yeah that's why what was it burn hello oh here we go it's fine okay we'll get now we need to get ourselves I'm hide but at least we can start team stuff now I reckon I'm gonna make a base appear this seems like a good place it's my first time watching squid bucket live oh I'm glad you've enjoyed all the deaths mayor honestly all right a lot of people don't like the deaths but I'm glad you enjoyed them yeah you've had no choice really to be honest foundation ok this will do this is our second home you need a bit more wood I'm hoping once people get on the server there's gonna be like you know people that can be used as bit so I don't have to get killed over and over again all right let's goes down we need a bed probably I'll like I probably kills Bronto you ain't killing no bra no squid were you talking about four I need to pick on a little diner okay okay okay we need a little time I'm just doing one the books don't really give up I don't be slit oh great probably died today I would just quit there's no how're you doin bro thanks addition hey do MIT what MIT attacked it make any noise it just dropped out of there why is it Terry bird how are you doing bro do you know what the reusable mod is it's what I could like just be above you and for us stuff at you squiddy's on top now boys grappling hook this is what I need is this dudes looking like a straight-up Sega come on Kevin Kevin come on stick in a while how can there we go my safe like a porcupine sorry man silent chopping apparently I'm like chopping on the trampoline right on here we go we got enough to make a bed tear me up oh look at the neighbors they always say one more I think it was this is gonna be a hard place to find but oh well hard carry by the grapple or let's be honest I need a little bit of luck on my side I need a little bit of fair this five levels for that while we were I think I've got the levels run on the server all right but if it knew well I never they know all the news of his two minutes that really looks at it okay we need a bed I kind of want to get Helen about here come on you could talk a little bit yeah level to some person are they not level three I'm not I'm not ready for level three beasts tribute for an hour now I don't know but it just made him but he's just making a bet what is life Kenny Thatcher would imagine streaming for nearly an hour and this is all the progress you've made it's embarrassing but I feel like this is gonna be the you know theme of the series the trophies the Beddoes then thatch let's go down some ariane europe europe and derp Alma likes we should be good now boys are we good now boys yeah finally geez can you not Mac come on the map I don't have the markers on another thing absolutely do one there grapple I love you what there's flying Raptors around he's going on do you see that everything is out to kill me okay bed home sweet home alright let's start again that's Lamar any more stud we're gonna be alright as I'm gonna get mugged by anymore flying dinos you know what I mean it was an entertaining hour good I'm glad you're into Ted if you are attend please drop us a light guys I pretty much appreciate it that would be very awesome if you could do that and I don't have to go down again I'm losing so much hell what is going on I feel like just getting storms or a danger at this point you know what I mean I've never felt this one easy on a nine-game I do feel like I should make a backup grapple at home as well okay we good I sound like a dog my dog's gonna start back and if we keep doing that can we buy berries I'm hope hopefully we come buy berries from the help Helena because if we come in after bother like going out picking berries rapture tigey apparently they come flying out which is great new up there new rock a bit Raptors can fly okay so progress we need to get ourselves under the bar so we need to go here we're gonna have to go pick some fiber okay Noor what is press care for free camera I think our boys have a free camera Oh scroll the wheel if you didn't know I'm going down gently cuz I think to be taking a lot of fall damage recently all right let's pick berries surely nothing can go wrong with me picking berries just a friendly neighborhood squid trying to get some fiber out here boys please leave me alone just out for a stroll Gabe are done what he for arrows okay we'll pick some more made fiber we need Flint ahead headwraps has a head wraps - head wraps is Oh game please make it stop who would buy berries squid 30 minutes ago yeah this guy can i buy thatch Helena Helena can i buy that right I could buy a fat job my fault I see you later I ain't sticking around with that Raptor nope how about buying your whole shot you're gonna be stocked up okay where is she alright let's let's buy some stuff yeah these are buy Lettuce stuff and I want sober that I want some of that I want this is cray like shopping - shopping oh this is great ah should give me some little ass Helen is cheeky hey give me some discounts look please I wish you could give me some discounts have a good custom I'm loyal get arrows 41 that is good you can buy berries from Helen yeah I just did it timber moss chops I need to tame Karnas let's be honest be some kind of Oz opinion okay we got spoiled meat we've got the berries the drugs 20 I need some more berries from her Helen up where did she star them berries give me 11 this is probably such a waste of my hexagons but I don't care I need them hopefully the respawn in I bet they don't all right now we sit back relax we're gonna get ourselves a raptor I've got myself a bar let's put ourselves a metal away this is where we actually make a little bit of progress guys I think we should be alright with 40 maybe 40 we discovered this junk I hate this stuff I wish there was up some option to disable it baby boo boo that's good how are you playing Genesis right now what do you mean it's out its out rare was a raptor there okay let's see we can let's see if we get some shots on it Oh taking forever get a heavy ball to make my trunks with it I've got a shot I don't need a herbivore I've got a Helena Helena is my herbivore thank you sweetheart okay what is that down there I don't know what's again I need to get something that's out on its own I don't think I'm going to do anything this side hmm I've never really played it we've this about a level so I don't know how many trunks we're gonna need Peggy your diners up to your best oh crap Oh shucks trunk oh yeah I don't know how many about dinosaurs of you hello nerds got a Pokeball I think you'll love you sell you'll sell me a paw come on wait yeah yeah look 500 is it worth it uh yeah whatever yeah whatever is fine I'll take a Pokeball okay some more drag these on level 35 what is going on first episode level 35 we get a climbing peak as well oh it's gonna be amazing okay we need to look out I don't want to Tim that guy he's probably gonna take forever I need to tape some of this on its own because otherwise if I get it down then it's just gonna get an eyelid Ryan I thought the 5 can you make a toilet and they lit also can you play overwatch with stamps maybe I'm like I'm not a hump don't mind overwatch but I'm not a great I'm not great fan of it alright I've got like 40 I'm gonna go could you just left that at the bottom I use find on it I've got a parka ball maybe I can put Helen or in the pocket ball okay we need to be carefully a chat we need to be careful if I can get like something on this Ridge if I can like lead something back here this is my like survival line you know I finally to survive alone there's a stager we gonna stagger all over you excuse me sir what level be you 20 operate crap don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything but you're pretty crap level but maybe we'd have a choice chat do we go for the Sega Warner jellybeans I do bruh I'm good I'm just trying to like survive whoever's gonna stay go on up we leave something that can take on Raptors I'm trying to consult chat no Chad says no stager okay I'm just trying to find something else I do want to rap to the catch out I'm gonna rap too and we try bit the one that was it aside I reckon that's good idea well where was it now it's like a horror movie this but oh yeah hey Jay you little bugger my god like I like teleports should we try to get him he's probably gonna be to high levels in it oh I'll do that the Baryonyx he was about it there's a rapture over there so what says bring [Music] hey well you didn't wacky me for I looks like we got some free Heidi oh my god are you serious brother what is your problem there how do you do anything wrong where's your shoes I lost them I lost them I got killed many times and it's going from is Bronte spanking all about a soccer chat which we have a soccer might go for the soccer we got 40 trunks probably all gonna be enough but I won't go for it I'm so scared it's gonna even [Music] I can't be missing [Music] come on you little whippersnapper pick up being a bit too ambitious here come on please go down dude go down oh we're out hello I'm gonna come down and punch him what is he doing cha he's not gone down I don't know what he's doing he's become a snail I must have been weak is running oh no oh that sucks we have to make more I'm going to spend more money on berries okay there was a Bronner that must have killed something around here maybe I went too ambitious and then go into ambitious chat okay let's find out where I know you begin a peak of my miss you have any more in here put one yeah berries get more meat how dare do you supply meat by any chance oops she does huh all right I've spent Lich they're all my hexagons on the most crap ever [Music] I'm pretty sure this is the I you supposed to do all the hexagons but whatever is fight that I would care i would even get spoiled me from her we've spent like two thousand as well that's so bad isn't it chat i saw about it feels so bad oh well whatever whatever where's that wrapped it was a wrapped around here anyway we could saw work on our bears while we wait into term something we got like two minutes till this this meat goes off let's go and make I should probably some other foundations it's a little bit cramped in here right now what do we need more firewood now could buy it but I'm not gonna I have spent all my money on so much crap right now ballers are you ready ballers bola bola bola bola bola for the Raptor good good call chat stern a hide fiber yeah we're gonna do it I think we got there we got a hide in the chest we got every vid in the chest apart from fiber can we go pick some I can't believe that we must leave it like ten more or something cuz it was like it was running away another one there anywhere they get obviously you know they're ready to go down oops you'd stop doing that ok we should get to like a baller and we know they're only some more water cats go do that do you think she's going to Gladys probably all they're probably all produced in the same Factory the cake is a lie squid I'm gonna tender Sakura I tried I tried my best it's kids I'm not used to the diners being like 150 okay let's go back up I think I'm meats gone off Neela it's got like 15 seconds we're gonna try bother a raptor and go for that I think that's like fall damage no I think that's the most sensible option right now pretty shooters that around here somewhere okay let's I'm gonna go put my narcotics on and we're gonna go and track this Raptor down and lead it back here we go 29 no I'm not picking my berries chat and I'm not buying any more berries good all right stay stay there hmm okay right let's lead it round this side because then I know it's gonna be safe we first spear announcement come come on yeah come on Cheers the pretty squid nugget that's it go and follow the pretty squid go get that's it round this side oh god its course that's it it was a pretty boy I'll go now you stay there looking there why are you rooted what why are you alone eat [ __ ] off okay I'll chance it chat don't worry let's put up movement speed up because we're gonna need it seventeen well happy enough I don't think it's gonna be in a visit tomorrow these bad boys as well of course it's more fiber it skills George V 2 thanks to the 5 player seek with you back at the reef days new my child at out you enjoy your evening Oh cheers dude hope you enjoy you didn't sue fascination pal thanks for the kind message ah preciate people come into the chat and leave in kind messages very nice fills my heart full of goodness ok we're going back up a little happens that Raptor just knocked out of here maybe he could hear what I was all about leave tracks to settle before you fire another every two three hours you big noob sorry cap I'm sorry but I will I'll take your advice okay there we go how long do I leave it for by a second or two okay hope today is gonna be difficult as all I've got okay we got the ball up let's get it out we got the but let's put the foundation down sorta accidentally press it put this crap away and I think we should be good eat some berries for good look why not you know you gotta get your fire burn now it is movement speed on point god I'm gonna say Gladys it's not classic right let's go where did that rap to go I think he went down there somewhere all right wish me luck chap Helen I wish me luck please keep taking fall damage where did that rap to go run off down here somewhere there it is there it is there it is why is it rooted ie what door over and over small predators you absolute idiot no you do in why is it written chat its proper pegging it socco's there I'm leaving it a couple seconds I'm [ __ ] him from you [Music] ah you serious I haven't the worst look today I don't care what anyone says where's he gone now [Music] I'm not dummy man just keeps routine stop dude I want to be your friend alright you just chill I'm gonna be friends we're gonna go on picnics together we're gonna go on like bike rides and go feed the ducks come on come on I just want a friend that's all of them yes get in there please be fine why does that need me woman give me me yeah baby no thanks love Oh cha I'm so scared it was gonna kill me as well just because I mean like that I've read outward I mean this is what it's about because I wanted something easy I'm gonna be super annoying we're gonna rage quit hard boys all the carnivores please do what how we got it boys what a poor cabal I'm gonna take you to my house we've got a friend I'm just gonna protect this guy who's gonna stay and make sure nothing eats him you'll be fine buddy trust me you did it me I know I did it not sure where you got any of that lay in the top our cell is the best top our stacks will be effective costly applied those haven't matters but it's cured so what in chat told me to space it out I've always shot it immediately after you work here if you telling me porcupines then I'll go back to my old ways have you made the saddle no I have not what do I need to make the saddle Bahai slaving that much which leads kill we see some more some more fiber reena's there's a dial area that I can smash up yeah buddy I need a couple more of them and they can make a saddle eat my pretty finally getting peace and quiet I can't believe it it's better to space them out it's bed space the mouth I don't know chat I won't listen to it your same well difficult I'm on I'm on like official server difficulty for the first time ever I've always played on like weather while down is kind of got to say but I'll go up to 150 so it's kind of cool I like it I kind of get why people like playing it like this makes the game a lot harder but you get bad dinos for it spacetimes benefit rancors it let's talk boston kids to use less arrows fair enough chat starting up a bit family maybe we should i know what to call this guy and we're called Charles so happy I'm so happy we have a dinosaur finally yeah I need some more hide is any easy diners to kill can't see any I think we think we're all out of these diners we had one dial and that was it Cassie any more joy come watch my bears dude should we take him out I might have shown the ropes show him around high school colors the variation is pretty epic let's get a course it's good at the killer thumbnail there we go you know I don't wanna be click mating people 75 years decent level as well Charles let's get yourself getting your saddle and then at least we've accomplished something in today's stream it has been one hell of a stream guys one hell of a stream I'm sorry that I've streamed Saleh as well I really should start streaming early but I just wanted to kind of get an episode one out for today's stream there's a Baryonyx there don't fancy it dinner thanks for the donation dude hey my new and my child is so glad to see you still the youtuber and wish you could do some our original stops you never know what the future holds I know what they want to miss for that what's this stats like what's your status Lake Charles not that great where's this swamp I really don't want to lose this guy before like you know in the first episode I want to keep it for a little bit I'm sweating so much in the stream oh great yeah we didn't make me reusable one movie for that Stern pick some starlet quick the coming yeah we're good come on Charles we need to kill something easy I don't know what that easy thing is definitely not run maybe we had like another wrapped around the could kill there's nothing this way sir hmm we're gonna have to go all out a little bit further Oh God die stupid swamp kind of Charles I stood up Charles on fire oh my god they go to half health did I say I'm on fire folks I did yeah no child sorry yeah I cannot be trusted with Charles yet so he's going in the park at all tomorrow all right let's put let's put him in here nice Chuck you be near strict some stuff in I don't think we got enough yeah we got 74 we need a little bit more for the saddle I think and rapture sad oh yeah we need like 110 anywhere Chuck I'm gonna enter this stream there so I'll hopefully you have enjoyed I'm sorry it's been a bit of a shot well but it is like nearly halfway 11 p.m. but yeah join me tomorrow I'm gonna do it episode 2 so make sure you follow along for the series I'm also gonna be doing like a compressed edited episode of this stream so for the people that want to watch it they don't have to sit through an hour and a half of me dine but I appreciate you guys sticking around and watching me die for so long members and patrons of the channel this server is now available I'm gonna be posting a community post on YouTube and on patreon after the end of the stream giving the IP out a few guys so you can come and join me as always please don't like red or you know be annoying yet wait so like we have a week periods until everybody gets you know nicely nestled in otherwise it just sucks for everyone but yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow for episode 2 if you guys want to leave some comments let me know what you want me to do we need six possible biomes get a lot more dinosaurs for the people that are gonna be joining the server for the people that are gonna be joining the ph1 and joining channel I'll see you tomorrow in-game but thanks chat love you all it's been a good night hope you have enjoyed appreciate you sticking around and I see you tomorrow
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 229,077
Rating: 4.9354272 out of 5
Id: 7QTrehsrI7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 31sec (5491 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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