Ark Ascended Top 5 NEW Ratholes & Hidden Base Locations!!

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oh hey y'all how's it going fatty here hope you're having a wonderful day I know I am and today I'm going to bring you the top five rat holes in Hidden bases an arc survival ascended suck at Yono I said it right on the first time and today's video is going to be brought to you by Yono Arc it is going to be a 15x 6man Windows 10 XBox server it is going to be wiping this Friday November 10th has custom caves custom drops CA prizes and a great admin team so definitely go check them out this wipe and without any more interruptions let's just get into the video coming in at number five this one's going to be located at 56.9 79.4 it's going to be really close to Green OB now when you're kind of looking around from Green OB you're going to see these two pillars one has an opening inside of it that's not going to be the one you want you're going to want the other one so underneath this one's going to be a really nice spot it is so vertical that it just provides a lot of early game defense especially one you're going to have to have a grapple or a flyer to kind of get up here and get started so do be aware of that one you know all rat holes have a little bit of a caveat that's kind of the one for this one but it is actually pretty decently sized up here and you're going to be able to kind of do those like stacking foundations which I think is really nice on ASC or ASA you can just kind of really I don't know build a little bit easier especially in Rat holes where they kind of push up there's no raising and lowering foundations or having to use stairs and ramps it just makes it a lot easier so you're going to be able to build pretty decent not only that though our turrets are going to be amazing for this Rat Hole you can really put them in kind of unique and interesting places especially with it kind of being vertical in this odd opening it you really want to make sure your turrets are kind of facing downwards also you're going to get players who are kind of Scouting For like you know just different things in the area and you might be able to get a couple free kits that way but with the generator it has such a large range one generator should reach anyone in this area as well as you can put turrets a little further back so if they do get past that one but it's going to be a really nice big open area so this one's makes it a really good spot for you coming in at number four this one's going to be located at 51.5 84.1 so this one's not going to be to located too far from the last one I do really like this one uh for a couple spots one it's just really easy to kind of get a hold of early game it's not too far off from the beaches you're near where a lot of bugs are um in this little cave right here there's going to be a couple metal nodes in here as well and it's just kind of tucked back it's easy to have turrets it's not easy to hop up here so people can't just run it with rockets um it just kind of makes it a little bit more defendable and once you start to get tames if you're trying to like get to a better spot you have this other cave right here again it's littered with metal so early game you know if you don't build in here you're just going to be able to farm metal right here makes it pretty nice not having to go too far and having a spot as well to put your dyo so it's overall just a pretty decent spot to get started all resources are not generally too far minus uh you know going to the snow biome to get poly you're kind of on the opposite side of that but other than that it's a really good spot coming in at number three this one's going to be located at 14.9 53.1 now this one's probably be the smallest one on the list it's pretty hidden though and it's really near a lot of good resources which makes it pretty nice AC is kind of a pain to or ASA is kind of a pain to float around God damn I can never get those right uh you know it's harder to get a resources so when you're a little closer to a lot of resources you're going to need especially early game it's just going to help you progress a ton but as you can see there's a lot of verticality in this one as well so it's just going to make it nice if you build really low and you keep your turrets kind of a little bit lower as well it just makes it harder for people to actually get all the way down to you and again kind of like that other rat hole it is kind of nice because you do get these stacking kind of type um foundations and you can kind of almost um what I'm going to say stare it up a little bit where you just have like different elevations makes it not super super accessible but it still does make everything you know able to get there but again if you're looking for a rat hole and you clicked on this video you know what kind of Lifestyle you're living so let's move on to the next one coming in at number two this one's going to be located at 28.3 94 now this is probably going to be the most easily accessible early game cuz you can just kind of Spawn up not too terribly far from here as well as you know boat PT a ton of different ways to get in here now this one's definitely going to be the smallest this one's probably one of my least favorite on the list but I do like how hidden it is you know it's tucked out of sight if you have forges running back here no one's going to see it but to get everything to clip the way you want to is definitely harder in here I might recommend using triangle foundations instead of like um fullsize foundations like I'm doing but if you around with it enough you're going to be able to get to a spot where you're going to be able to put you know enough stuff to really get going it's not one that you're going to want to live in or even necessarily progress to turrets but it is enough to get going uh also one nice thing about this Rat Hole is you can kind of create like a little air lock down here which is always a nice thing to kind of keep people away because you're not going to build like a full like 2 by two or anything like that in this location um but it's definitely one nice thing about this area as well coming in at number one this one's going to be located at 67.7 48.8 now if you come over here near the Redwoods you're going to see this kind of um Bridge almost type structure that's broken in the middle so if you go underneath and tucked up in the corner here you're going to be able to see this tiny little opening now this is one of the best ones in the game just because you see you can't really just like run up here so you're going to need grapples or at least a way to get out if you're able to build in this Rat Hole um because you're not going to be able just to walk out but you see there is this really nice Crouch point and there's going to be a lot of advantages to that and once you do open up you know there is plenty of room to actually you know put a decent amount of stuff you're not going to be throwing down an indie Forge probably in here unless you have a lot of clipping allowed on your map um but you should be able to get quite a bit of stuff in here now the best part about it is kind of like that other rat hole with turrets you can place turrets upside down on the sides and different things so if you get in this Crouch hole you know I would Place turds kind of like I'm placing here right now where you're looking inside the Rat Hole from the Crouch that way you can kind of see what these Vantage points are and the further away you have them the better because it's going to reach no matter what on high but you really want to mess around with the angles now I've been playing PVP but I haven't really built a ton a ton with turrets turned up so I don't know exactly like which angle for turrets are like not working great and which ones work well so you're going to have to fill around with that just a little bit but as long as I would say they can kind of generally look into the opening of the r hole you are going to be really set in this one it's going to make it really difficult but like I said huge reminder you need to either have grapples or building stuff so you can get out cu it is a difficult one to get in and out of thank you guys as always so much for watching if you haven't already don't forget to like comment and subscribe we are only a couple Subs away from from 10K just broke 5 million views also don't forget to check out Yono Arc wiping this Friday and I will catch you beautiful bastards in the next video peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: The FattStuff
Views: 22,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thefattstuff, ark survival ascended, ark ascended ratholes, Ark Ascended hidden base locations, ark ascended base spots, ark ascended where to build, ark ascended solo base spots, ark ascended starting base locations, asa ratholes, asa base locations, asa base spots, asa solo base, asa where to build, asa best base locations, ark ascended best base locations
Id: ltdIusrBQQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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