Arguing on Twitter is Useless

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there's nothing more useless nor more pathetic than people who spend their days arguing on Twitter you can get trapped in a [ __ ] elevator for 24 hours and that'd be a more productive day than someone who spent it arguing on Twitter if you sat in a puddle of your own vomit with your fingers up your ass eyes rolled in the back of your skull for 24 hours that is still a more productive day than the people who argue on twitter twitter arguments are like the mosh pit at a Green Day concert yeah it's fun to look at and laugh at but no one ever wants to really be in it because it's just sad there's no point when arguing on Twitter and especially the people that literally are warriors there that never leave constantly arguing with people you're never gonna change anyone's mind that's the biggest takeaway when you're arguing or debating typically the goal is at least to have someone's perspective change or have someone see another side you don't have that on Twitter it's impossible it never happens look at this tweet because I think this tweet really puts it all in a nutshell a nice little tight nutsack this is a representative attitude for the majority of the people that actively use Twitter and fight on it I blacked out the names here because I don't want anyone to go harass anyone involved here but let the Serb is a beautiful scientific case study and quick look into the mind of an active Twitter champion so the opening dialog comes from our protagonist a check mark a verified Twitter user verified on Twitter basically means that the Twitter Illuminati verification group decided to give you the check mark they give it out seemingly at random there's no rhyme or reason for half the people they verify or don't verify really it seems like they give a check mark out to anyone who's even farted on a website that can even be misconstrued for journalism it makes no sense but anyway the check mark comes in with a bit of a hot take in movies I think it's deeply ironic that Scorsese thinks Marvel films are the same movie over and over when in fact this guy really only makes one movie let's be honest some of them are truly fantastic don't get me wrong but come on definitely a hot tick but that's not a strange occurrence on Twitter Twitter's comprised of 50% hot takes and 50% kpop stands spamming their [ __ ] everywhere so in response a Scorsese fan comes to defend his owner and makes a good point he's made like four or five mob films but how our age of innocence Hugo kundan Last Temptation of Christ Alice doesn't live here anymore after hours King of Comedy silence the same movies that is a very level-headed very reasonable spots especially considering a majority the other replies were very aggressive and very rude this is very level-headed calm and opens up a dialogue where she could defend her point and but how does someone respond to valid criticism or even just a valid attempt to get dialogue going yeah sorry I'm not engaging with disingenuous fanboys who just want to fight by I mean well you see what's the point what why have these arguments on Twitter nothing gets solved this is the exact kind of [ __ ] that goes on so it makes a good point well [ __ ] you you're blocked by I'm better and you know you didn't have to respond he could have just ignored it you didn't have to just give this whole big speech as if you're so holier-than-thou like I will not engage in this I am so far above and beyond it I am on Mount Olympus you are on in the sewers with Master Splinter in those turtles this is not worth my time whatsoever it's that same kind of [ __ ] attitude that happens on twitch streams also speaking of which by the time this video goes up I'll be live on twitch at slash Moyes critical there's no link in the description just don't be so [ __ ] lazy go on Twitch type in Moyes critical or type in the hole you hole URL I'm gonna make you [ __ ] work for it but it'll be worth it when you get here I might even be naked bent over you never know what to expect stream almost daily what I'm saying her attitude is like those goddamn virgins on Twitch that'll come into a twitch stream on a game they don't like just to tell you they don't like that game [ __ ] happens all the time Charlie you know I don't like Counter Strike this game [ __ ] sucks and I [ __ ] hate that you're on it you know I'm never coming over here anymore you know I don't like this game and you're playing it you're streaming it I'm [ __ ] leaving Charlie you know I [ __ ] hate Counter Strike I'm out of here like okay you didn't have to be an [ __ ] I was gonna make you take an exit survey on why you're leaving you could have just came in and left you know get yourself some of mommy's breast milk and calm the [ __ ] down I was playing a game I wanted to play and you came in here and just told me you don't like the game why not just leave why'd he have to be such a douche bag about it it's the same thing she does here you could have just not replied to his comment even though it made great points he weren't obligated to make it something aggressive could have just let it sit his comment wasn't aggressive he made a point to her point and she couldn't defend it and I guess she got hurt on like an existential level and came back with a rebuttal that was just so needlessly aggressive and shows that she's not open to changing that is also the same attitude mirrored from flat-earthers that everyone likes to make fun of and use as a punching bag in right so they're very goofy they're very easy to make fun of but if you watch the flat earthers documentary they literally proved themselves wrong they proved the earth is round in their own documentary and they disregard it they say oh we must have [ __ ] up because they refuse to take in something new no matter what is proven that's Twitter why are you gonna spend your days arguing on Twitter trying to change minds of people who are never going to accept it and they tell you outright they will not accept that kpop stands another one people always saying and you know get rid of fancams kpop stands are over fancams [ __ ] suck stop it should be illegal they're still gonna do it they're telling you they're still gonna do it so why the [ __ ] you to spend your days fighting the kpop stand army is if you're some type of frontline barricade protecting us from kpop stands going on all their [ __ ] telling them to stop it's not gonna work you're wasting your time it's just so pathetic the people that constantly argue on Twitter I I really can't help but feel bad for some of them because I really think they're convinced they're doing a good thing and making a change but on Twitter no one changes very very rarely will anyone change a position or even stop to think about another perspective no matter what people in the comments are saying and at tweet I showed you is the perfect example of that attitude and again you can find that same attitude mirrored in other communities like flat earthers and anti-vaxxers it's just a [ __ ] waste of time and I think Twitter arguments are genuinely pathetic if you find yourself constantly angry on Twitter and arguing with people find a different hobby take a step back and realize you're not [ __ ] doing anything with your days when you're spending hours upon hours as a [ __ ] full-time job arguing you're just wasting your time and that's the point I want to make that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,665,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BqMfe7nTO20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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