Argon kits for Oct 2021

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[Music] hey guys welcome to bar z my name is stan and today we're gonna go through the installation of an argon kit on an american rotary hotshot um i it dawned on me that i never did it so i i thought it's high time i showed you how to install it you know i i showed you one that was already installed after i did some prototyping and some messing around but i've streamlined it and made it as easy as possible to put in so let's get to it uh before i do i do want to mention that i still have some 360s not many but i still have some 360s at the introductory price of 8.49 so 850 bucks plus shipping gets you a 360 cubic inch uh 2000 degree fahrenheit oven for your shop so send me an email bar z industrial and uh same for these argon kits i'm just kind of playing stop gap until american rotary catches up and starts producing them so i'm gonna fulfill orders until uh they're ready to start making them themselves all right enjoy hey guys welcome to bar z my name is stan and as promised last week i'm uh getting uh some argon kits ready and i thought i'd show you what they're all about and it occurred to me that i've never shown how to install an argon kit on a american rotary hotshot so we're going to do that today but i'm going to show you the kits and show you how they differ i was unable to make the kits universal where they fit the bar z ovens and the american rotary ovens i stayed as universal as i could but uh they did end up being different all right this is everything that i've manufactured and uh some of them were just plain old buyouts those are just uh push to connect fittings these are for bar z ovens these are for american rotary ovens bar z ovens american rotary ovens varsity ovens well let's uh let's start with the with the old uh the old school we're going to go with the bars the ovens i'm going to show you what those are about this is a 625 in canal injector it's got four ports on the end and then the end of it has an inconel uh grub screw just to block it off it's got a high temp o-ring and then uh on the exterior the oven it uses a stainless steel 90 degree fitting uh that's where your and that's eight inch pipe that's where your push to connect fitting fits in there and then you run off with a piece of plastic tubing now for this is for the bar z oven and these are the bushings that you get for the varsity oven these are just eighth inch pipe plugs but i uh drill them bore them and put a counter bore in there for the uh o-ring okay so you've got a bushing you have to install in your oven and then that slides down and that that dude just plugs in there all right and on the bar z ovens if you don't flow any gas if you're not flowing gas through this needle i tell you the instructions to pull it out and install this ceramic plug this is a high temperature ceramic plug again with the o-ring and the o-rings just to keep it from falling down inside so you just you're going to slide that into your bushing and plug up the hole if you're not using any gas okay that's all that ceramic rods for all right so you do get a cert you get a ceramic rod you get a in-canal injector and the rest of its stainless so that one bushing is all you have to install in the oven so let's move on to the um american rotary hotshot take a look at that so i built 10 of those so i had some people that said hey stan i've got one of your older ovens and before you die and fall off the face of the planet i want to get my argon for my old old school hot shot i'm not planning on dying anytime soon so um i'll make your uh your your kits for you now this is for an american rotary you'll notice this injector is quite a bit longer because remember now our um we've got the air gap in there so you've got a two inch air gap plus you've got two inches of insulation to get through so so this argon tube is much longer and again see if you can see that on the end we've got a four ports on the end and drilled with a 172 plug in the end which is no fun in inconel i've broken my share of taps tapping that tubing on the end so uh again 625 in canal and the bushing that goes in is a little different this is a it's the same type of bushing it's a it's a 304 stainless steel bushing and i drill and ream it and i drop and but this one has a tube pressed in it now this is a stainless steel tube this isn't this just sits uh this is to take up the air gap this goes from the inner or the outer skin to the inner skin and kind of bridges that air gap there so when you drop your argon in you don't have any uh alignment problems so you can just you know because you know you can drop that in uh with no not trying to line up that inner hole and poking at the insulation and stuff and blowing out your insulation and the reason is you need to be able to pull this out um if you do burn off in your oven you know burn off is when you put up something painted in there and maybe run it up to six or seven hundred to destroy the paint or maybe you're putting oily parts in there and burning off oil or grease um this will build up so this will get real and real nasty and eventually if you let it go too long you ended up plugging up these little holes so uh this this this argon tube does need to be maintained just pull it out and you just wipe it down with scotch scotch bright and the end of it will get a little it'll get a little discolored but it won't uh scale up on you or anything the ink can help no way will it scale um but you you want to maintain it maybe blow it out with an air hose or something but you need to keep this tube clean so that's why it can't be permanently installed you know but uh we did give you a sleeve to to drop it in now the the big trick uh on the american rotary oven is getting this in square you know you have to drill two holes and if you drill them off center this thing is going to be cocked one way or the other um outside of it looking dumb it's not going to affect anything but we like to get stuff in nice and square so i'm going to show you how to do that i'm going to install one of these on my personal oven serial number one's getting an argon kit so uh so that's what you get with the american rotary injection setup and same with the same fittings you know we kept everything as universal as possible uh uses quarter inch tubing and eighth inch pipe thread on everything so i made uh 10 american rotary kits so there's uh 10 injectors there and there's 10 bushings there and then these are going to be universal these are your flow meters i finally got flow meters in after much delay these came from dwyer instruments and these are the flow meters we use that's 10 cubic feet an hour cf cfh cubic feet an hour everything is expressed by the hour not the minutes it's not cfm but eight inch pipe threads in the back and two mounting screws there all right and these will be universal between the bars the ovens and the uh american rotary oven so these are gonna be the same no matter what and it should be uh noted that these are not made to take tank pressure you have to you still have to run a regulator you can run dual flow meters if you want you can run your flow meter off of your uh you know off your welding rig i just set it slightly higher you know this is this goes to 10 so maybe set your flow meter on your uh on your welder to maybe 15 and then trim the trim the remainder off here right at the oven okay and then you get a bracket i'll show you the bracket now this is still got the laser film on it this is a 304 stainless laser cut and you'll see it's got uh the two uh notched holes here and an arc uh that is for the bar z hot shot so if you're going to install this on a bar z hot shot you just undo the two top fan screws loosen only slip it in and let the fan pinch this in between the control cabinet and and the fan now on the american rotary oven it uses these two exterior holes here and here and that slips in between the heat sink uh same location right behind the control panel and it slips in between the heat sink uh and the control cabinet uh so i did make these universal so these are uh these these brackets are universal between the bars the ovens and the american rotary ovens so these will work on either one and this all this does is mount your uh flow meter all right if you're ready to get started i'm ready to get started i've shown you everything in the kit well there's tubing i give you 10 feet of tubing to connect your flow meter but you only need about a 8 or 10 inches to go between the actual injector and the flow meter and then from the flow meter to the to the tank that's gonna leave you with like nine feet uh to get to your uh to get to your argon tank um i have no way of knowing what type of fittings you need at your tank i do give you one extra fitting here that fits the tubing so whatever you do at your regulator you need to adapt it down to eighth inch pipe thread put a little valve on there or a t or something like that but make sure it's regulated pressure not tank pressure okay um if you're ready i'm ready let's get started on putting a uh uh argon kit on uh on an american rotary hotshot and see what it takes okay the first thing you're gonna want to check is uh you know your distance between the outer skin and the inner chamber and you got your argon injector and your sleeve and i want you to put them together and then just set them here right against the skin about halfway up that thread and make sure that we've got our ports sticking down into the chamber so that'll give you an idea of your length so you can see here we're good our ports are just below the surface there and you can actually adjust that with how far in you you put install that bushing so we know we're good on length and now we're going to give us some layout there and this is all done with the door closed we need to align those inner and outer skins and i don't want to take a chance of the oven shell going out of square when we drill our hole so keep your uh keep your oven closed uh when you when you're making your holes so let's get that top laid out okay so we've laid out here center of the working chamber not center of this entire lid not center including the door center of the working chamber working chambers 10 inches deep so off of this face right here you measure back 5 inches which is half of the chamber make a mark and then from the side to side you go center by center make a mark and that's where your uh your argon tube is going to go through uh dead center of the oven i've already scribed a couple lines and now i've got a snap mark right there in the middle so i'm going to start off with just a pilot hole and get that in there and then we have to use a a drill guide and go through and make sure we're nice and straight going through to the inner skin and getting that inner skin very straight with this upper hole and again i'll say make sure the door is closed when you drill the hole so your shell can't get out of out of square okay eighth inch eighth inch pilot uh we're gonna get a longer bit with a drill guide and get ready to go through to the inner skin okay next up we're just gonna use an eighth inch an aircraft drill so make sure you get an extra length and we're going to use a drill guide hold this nice and square and you see i've got it chucked up so i've only i'm only going to go down about another quarter inch after i go through that inner skin all right so now we've got a hole through both of those um now we can open this one up safely because we've already got a hole on the other side so uh that's pretty much the only special tool you're going to need is some kind of a long drill bit that's less than 3 16. okay next up we're going to go through both of our pilot holes with 3 16 because this inner guide is 3 16 that's what size it is so we need a hole in the inner skin smaller than the hole in the outer skin so we're going to go through this outer with a 3 16 my drill bits not running straight [Applause] gotta love milwaukee chucks huh still wiggly not great but better that's a quality drill bit so i don't know what the uh what the deal is okay i'm to the inner skin already we don't have the block in our way uh not i'm not saying that we couldn't use the block we probably could um with a larger bit yeah i think i think we could and now we're through the inner skin and now all we need to do is open this up here so we can tap it and then our our little tube is going to go through this outer hole and the inner hole uh and that's uh that's another trick into itself but let's uh let's get that drilled out for eight inch npt okay well we're piloted all the way through with our uh 3 16 for the for the actual uh tube and now we just need to open up the outer hole for uh 8 inch pipe and i'm going to use a step drill now step drills are notorious for not maintaining concentricity with each step they can get off center they can wander unless you use a two fluted this is a double fluted step drill so it's got flutes on two sides if you use a single sided step drill uh they have a bad tendency to wander so we're just gonna start slowly opening opening it up you could use a drill bit but the odds of it grabbing and sucking you down into that in your chamber are very good if you are going to use a standard drill bit use a drill stop i think that might be it pipe taps are so forgiving because of the taper and especially especially since it's sheet metal all right that's going to start good yep that's our size i just brought that out as a guide and to warn you guys about uh how grabby sheet metal can be it's very grabby and i'm gonna use a another guide block here gonna keep this sucker straight okay uh let me go get a tap handle for that and we'll uh run around okay i'm gonna put a little bit of lube on the cap and this is this is pretty easy because i mean like i say it's just it's just sheet metal so there's no pressure on this fitting at all but i just don't want that turkey binding up on me so and she's grabbing already i can feel it all right that is about it come on there we go and you should be able to kind of feel your way down into that second hole and it's not going to hurt you at all open the door and peek in make sure you're hitting that secondary hole which we are and then you can just tighten your fitting up as so and i believe we are in there now i probably need to figure out a way to get in there and get some uh some of these shavings out uh we got metal shavings down in between the inner and outer skin i think if we just tip the the whole oven forward they'll all just fall out but uh that should be a pretty easy fix now you can't put your argon tube in yet what you're what you're going to hit right now is when you go down you're going to hit your insulation and i can feel it hitting that insulation right now so we still need to poke through the insulation you can use almost anything if you've got a welding tungsten with a nice sharp point it'll pierce right through it or drill bit use an eighth inch drill the proper length make sure you use an aircraft drill because you're not going to make it through that with a standard drill but uh let me get these shavings out and i'll bring you back when we're ready to uh uh poke that insulation through okay well i tipped the oven forward and and uh actually i blew it out with an air hose while it was tipped and got all the metal shavings out of there you do have electrics in the outer in between the inner skin and the outer skin so make sure you get all the metal shavings out of there um now all that's left is to poke through the insulation and i'm just going to use a piece of welding wire here at first i can feel that soft insulation there and i'm just going to kind of twist and poke through and i'm going to follow it up with a tungsten i've got an eighth inch tungsten here with a nice sharp point on the end and i'm going to poke that through and kind of twist and turn my way through there everything's lined up and feels like we're through and then i'm going to reach inside the chamber and just pull it the rest of the way through and it's out of there and now we now we can finally install our argon injector and that just you'll feel the pressure on it all the way through but uh what you want to make sure of is inside that your ports are down in the chamber which uh they are and i'll i'll move the camera and show you what what you need to see this is the hardest part of the installation is getting this in after this is in we're all downhill from here so we've got our uh tube in nice and square everything looks real nice and we didn't force the uh you know the oven shell out of square when we were drilling one with the other because we kept the oven door closed when we did it all right but uh we've got an injector on uh let me show you that inner and then we'll move on to the flow meter okay well i had to put a flashlight in there so you can see it but there's the argon tube i'm gonna pull it in and out so you can see what it's doing and uh you probably can't see it from here i don't know whether the light's good enough but uh the four ports on the tube are facing towards the corners of the chamber and i feel that's important to get good coverage so you can always clock your uh tube just by releasing the nut on the 90 degree fitting out on the outside you can clock your tube to make sure all four ports face towards the corners all right so i'm turning it right now i don't know if you can see that or not it's pretty dark in there and and put a little flashlight in there so you can see what it's doing but the ports are well below the ceiling so we've got uh we're real happy with the way that argon tube laid out okay so again from inside the oven i wanted to get a close-up of this um over there on the left that is your sleeve that goes from the inner skin to the outer skin and you want to make sure that's in place and that's engaged in the inner skin that gives you a guide to move that argon tube in and out but you can barely see the fan in the background back there and then there's a high limit switch over there on the right hand side so uh that's the innards of your oven but you want to make sure those are cleaned out because there is uh electrics in there so make sure you get your metal shavings out of there and our light today is courtesy of mr craig campbell that's the flashlight he gave me at the bash so it's a cool little bar led you can slip into some pretty tight spots and light it up for camera work or just for working all right uh now we can go get the flow meter on okay next up is your flow meter bracket and i want you to peel your laser film off and remove these two top screws on the heat sink and basically this piece is just gonna slip right between the two and you're going to put those two screws right back in and it's going to pinch this piece of sheet metal in between the heat sink and the control cabinet and your kit comes with the 10 feet of quarter inch poly tubing it's a pretty much a high temperature high grade material that i buy and all you want to do is come out of here and just make a very short loop over to the flow meter and use nice sharp cutters and cut your tubing very square you could use a razor knife too and from the injector you go to the top port of the uh flow meter and it's just push to connect and if you need to disconnect it those little collars you just push in the collar and you can release the tube any time you want so these are not super high pressure connections these connections are good for 125 psi but we're nowhere near that and then the rest of your tubing here whatever is left we've maybe used a foot so that gives you nine feet to get out of here out of your flow meter and you know head over to your argon bottle and we give you one extra fitting for this other end here so you put that fitting in and as long as you adapt out to eight inch uh pipe thread uh you're good to go put yourself a little valve or a little t or something over by your uh or over by your uh welder uh your welder's bottle or your flow meter or your regulator or whatever but i'm gonna warn you again maximum pressure in there is 100 psi you will explode that flow meter beyond 100 psi so don't connect it to tank pressure make sure you're regulated all right uh welding fittings vary so much we don't include anything over by your uh by your welding bottle but that is a complete installation on a hotshot 360 argon kit by american rotary all right let's we'll talk about the availability of the argon kits here real quick and then we're gonna close this video down okay well that's it for the argon it's a it's slightly more complicated than putting one on a bar z hotshot uh but completely worth it you know i i i use argon here in the shop personally even if my parts are getting around i don't like cleaning scale and argon you really don't use that much argon everything is expressed in cubic feet an hour your bottle this flow meter and if you take your 360 cubic inch and convert it to cubic feet you'd be surprised how little you're going to use we use about four cubic feet an hour on the 360 and if you do your math on your bottle you can run for like 49 hours on a tank of gas so it's it's not as bad as you think it is all right i've got uh i'm gathering lists for the bar z hotshots and for the american rotary hotshot so far on the american rotary side i've only got four david nekodam robert kundig joseph shepard and john ferguson over on the bars east side we've got a few uh william gray brent meyer andy walker stephen brown bobby lett michael fruche and robert madden so uh if you if you're looking for an argon kit for either a bar z oven or an american rotary oven you need to specify which one you have because they are not interchangeable i could not make them interchangeable as hard as i tried all right so uh i think this is a good kit i think we've covered all our bases and i've already tested it uh you guys can look back on the channel and see where i actually i did i prototyped it i installed it all and i never showed you how to put it in so i thought i'd do that all right guys thanks for watching enjoy the rest of your weekend and send an email if you're interested in argon kid [Music]
Channel: Shadon HKW
Views: 742
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: iWN7NbCaOlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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